Mansor the new Penang Deputy Chief Minister

The Penanti by-election in Penang is no contest.

PKR Mansor Othman winning with a historic majority, unofficially 5559 votes, in a historic low turnout of 46.15 per cent or 7,100 people out of 15,384 voters.

All three Independent candidates lose their deposits.

Mansor is the new Penang Deputy Chief Minister. He will be sworn in on Wednesday.

Don’t tell Najib the truth or risk charge of sedition/criminal defamation!

I believe the overwhelming majority of the people, in Perak and Malaysia, agree with what I said at the Guar Perahu ceramah – that Najib must bear the greatest responsibility for the protracted Perak political and constitutional crisis, set off by Najib’s unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak, which has now broadened into a larger national crisis of confidence of key national institutions, like police, election commission, MACC, civil service, judiciary, whose credibility, legitimacy and integrity have been compromised in serving Najib’s political agenda.

Are there enough court houses for the police to prosecute the overwhelming majority of Malaysians who think alike with me and are there enough prisons for them if they are convicted of the serious offences of sedition and criminal defamation of the Prime Minister?

What really surprised me is not that the police are investigating a police report lodged against me for sedition and criminal defamation, but that the police report was lodged by the police itself.

Chief Inspector Pang Meng Tuck lodged the police report against me because, as the police recording officer for the PKR Penanti by-election ceramah in Guar Perahu, Kubang Semang on Sunday, 24th May 2009, he was of the view that my speech defamed the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and was seditious. Continue reading “Don’t tell Najib the truth or risk charge of sedition/criminal defamation!”

PKFZ “mother of all scandals” – 2nd set of 3 questions for OTK: agree to RCI to nab all culprits?

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced on Friday that he had directed Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat to “provide answers on every question raised by any party” involving the PricewaterhouseCooper audit report on the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ).

I am still waiting for Ong’s full response to my first three questions on Malaysia’s “Mother of All Scandals” – the RM12.5 billion PKFZ Rip-Off.

Ong should end his linguistic games and boldly admit that he had failed the public pledge he made in his first month as Transport Minister to “tell all” about the PKFZ scandal, that he would not condone or protect wrongdoers responsible for the PKFZ “Mother of All Scandals” , even though they were former top leaders, whether MC A or Barisan Nasional. Continue reading “PKFZ “mother of all scandals” – 2nd set of 3 questions for OTK: agree to RCI to nab all culprits?”

Are there enough courts and prisons?

This has never happened before. I could not finish the blog “Speaking the truth is sedition and criminal defamation in Najib’s Malaysia” as I was just too tired to continue.

Had a series of very hectic days recently, not only with multiple issues but having to regularly triangulate three places, Petaling Jaya, Ipoh and Penang – not to mention having to cover Malacca and Bangkok as well.

Thought I would get a short nap before completing the blog. Instead I slept like a log of wood for nearly four hours.

There are already 24 comments on the unfinished blog. Instead of finishing it, I am writing a new blog.

What really surprised me is not that the police are investigating a police report lodged against me for sedition and criminal defamation, but that the police report was lodged by the police itself. Continue reading “Are there enough courts and prisons?”

Speaking the truth is sedition and criminal defamation in Najib’s Malaysia

ASP Norazizi bin Saad took a statement from me following a police report lodged by Chief Inspector Pang Meng Tuck, CID, Seberang Perai Tengah Police, on 25th May 2009 that my Penanti ceramah speech at Guar Perahu, Kubang Semang on Sunday night (24th May) was sedition and criminal defamation against the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

In my speech, I had blamed Najib as being responsible for Perak political and constitutional crisis because of an unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab, resulting in the expansion of the crisis of confidence, with one national institution after another, such as the Police, Election Commission, MACC, civil service, judiciary compromising their credibility and legitimacy as they just serve Najib’s political agenda.

In Najib’s Malaysia, speaking the truth has become sedition and criminal defamation. Darkness is descending on Malaysia. Malaysians must not be cowed.

What is shocking is that this police report against me for sedition and criminal defamation did not come from some members of the public, but by the Police itself. Insp. Pang’s report was on the directive of senior police officers, ASP Subramaniam Sanaassy and ACP Nasir Salleh.

(continue at Are there enough courts and prisons?)

PKFZ Rip-off – first 3 questions to OTK

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak has directed Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat to respond to queries involving the audit report on the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ).

He said Ong would provide the necessary information on the report by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) released on Thursday, adding:

“I have asked Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat to provide answers on every question raised by any party on the audit report.”

Speaking to reporters after the Umno supreme council meeting in Kuala Lumpur yesterday, Najib said Ong will provide the explanation to all questions about the PwC report on the PKFZ.

Acting on Najib’s invitation, I am asking my first three questions about Malaysia’s latest “Scandal of Scandals” – the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) rip-off. Continue reading “PKFZ Rip-off – first 3 questions to OTK”

PDRM’s 3 minutes to disperse….. 1,2,3 Catch, Catch, Catch!

by Augustine Anthony

It is now clear that the assurance given by Justice Syed Ahmad Idid to Anthony Clement Skinner (who is now the Kota Kinabalu High Court Judge) in the case of Datuk Yong Teck Lee v PP & Anor 1993 1mlj 295 has travelled through the intestinal passages of abuses of constitutional protection of citizens and now awaits it’s final moment. To be flushed down in the toilet bowl.

Skinner’s (as he then was and whom I know as a judge blessed with enviable judicial temperament) fears were well founded as he provided an illustration of the extensive powers of the police under the Police Act 1967 and the likely abuses by the police.

“‘If three school boys decide to go to the cinema for a film show, they cannot do so. It is illegal to do so unless they have a licence from the OCPD to do so. Any steps taken in furtherance of the intention (without a licence) would render the meeting or assembly illegal and any person taking part thereto shall be guilty of an offence.”

Continue reading “PDRM’s 3 minutes to disperse….. 1,2,3 Catch, Catch, Catch!”

I am wanted by police


1. Lim Kit Sianglimkitsiang New Najib modus operandi 2″fix” Opposition/dissent using sedition & criminal defamation charges instead of ISA? Will meet police 1130 am 2 minutes ago from web

3. Lim Kit Sianglimkitsiang Apparently I’m wanted by police 4sedition & criminal defamation of najib + malaysia about 5 hours ago from mobile web

4. Lim Kit Sianglimkitsiang Police officer came 2Penanti ceramah I was speaking that I am wanted by police 4defamation in last sunday speech lets see what happens tmr about 6 hours ago from mobile web

Kit Siang: Probe the puppet masters

Andrew Ong | May 29, 09 2:11pm | Malaysiakini

Veteran opposition lawmaker Lim Kit Siang has urged the government to form a commission of inquiry to probe the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal.

“The inquiry must investigate by going beyond the Port Klang Authority (PKA) and probe the Treasury and the previous transport ministers,” Lim said.

The two transport ministers singled out by Lim was Ling Liong Sik (1986 – 2003) and Chan Kong Choy (2003 – 2008).

“The PKA chairperson is only a puppet. The masters were Ling and Chan,” said Lim.

Lim was speaking to reporters after leading a seven-member delegation to the PKA headquarters in Port Klang to study the three-inch thick appendix to the PKFZ audit report for four hours. The appendix was released today.

Lim also lashed out at current Transport Minister Ong Tee Keat for defining a narrow terms-of-reference for the audit by Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) and not granting firm investigative powers.
Continue reading “Kit Siang: Probe the puppet masters”

DAP wants PKFZ to close shop

By Shannon Teoh | The Malaysian Insider

PORT KLANG, May 29 — The DAP wants the government to cut its losses in Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) that faces at least RM8.6 billion in future losses and have asked it to close shop, even if it means declaring the Port Klang Authority (PKA) bankrupt.

After a team led by its parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang had spent four hours at the PKA headquarters perusing the full report on the RM7.5 billion already spent, they concluded that the government should “bite the bullet and end the project, even if it means declaring PKA bankrupt.”

Party information chief Tony Pua explained that if the statutory body liquidated its assets, it could reduce losses to around RM3 billion from the RM4.6 billion already sunk in by the Treasury.

According to the report by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), PKA is already servicing a government loan but operating losses will see it unable to meet payments by 2012.

It will only turn around in 2042. By then, it would have racked up a cumulative loss of RM3.6 billion.

PKA will need to refinance the loan and lose RM5 billion in interest payments, resulting in a total RM8.6 billion bailout by the government.

“Even this is a best case scenario because the calculations are based on projections that PKA provided,” Pua said.
Continue reading “DAP wants PKFZ to close shop”

PwC report on PKFZ Scandal – has it answers to five questions I posed to Ong Tee Keat on 9th April 2009?

I welcome the public release of the PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC) audit report into the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal, which I had been pressuring the Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat in the past year, which had been intensified in the past two months, not only on Ong, but also on the Cabinet and the new Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

I commend the Prime Minister and Ong for the publication of the PwC report on the PKFZ scandal. In fact, there should have been no foot-dragging and procrastination in withholding the PwC report from MPs and public if the Cabinet is serious about accountability, transparency, integrity and good governance.

I would not say anything until I have the opportunity to study the PwC report, except to say that the first thing I would look for is whether the PwC report furnish answers to five questions on the PKFZ scandal which I posed to Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat, on 9th April last year, viz:

Continue reading “PwC report on PKFZ Scandal – has it answers to five questions I posed to Ong Tee Keat on 9th April 2009?”

Najib should put speculation to rest – Is Hamid Albar Petronas Chairman and Omar Ong Petronas non-executive Board director?

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak at his 3 pm media conference today to announce the revised figures of the countrty’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) should put to rest the heated and contentious speculation in the blogosphere on new and important appointments in Petronas.

The Petronas Board of Directors met yesterday.

Najib should clarify once and for all whether former Home Minister, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar has been appointed Petronas Chairman and if so, explain why a person deemed unfit to continue as Cabinet Minister as to be dropped in the recent reshuffle should be considered proper material as Petronas Chairman. Continue reading “Najib should put speculation to rest – Is Hamid Albar Petronas Chairman and Omar Ong Petronas non-executive Board director?”

Why JJ not suitable to be the Malaysian voice in Washington

by Patriot

Re your blog entitled “Malaysian Ambassador to US – why Ghazzali and JJ on the short-list?”, some additional information that may be handy:

JJ was sent to DC by the Prime Minister to join Anifah during the visit. This is tantamount to Anifah being shadowed by a trusted crony.

However, Anifah did NOT include JJ among those attending the meeting with Hilary Clinton – this suggests that Anifah did not wish to be overshadowed.
While Anifah’s attack on Anwar at the Press Conference was puzzling, it is likely that he was egged on by JJ.

JJ ‘s actions are consistent with his previous track record and lends support to the view that JJ’s primary task as Ambassador in Washington will be to smear Anwar in Washington as the show trial moves forward. Continue reading “Why JJ not suitable to be the Malaysian voice in Washington”

Indictment of IGP Musa Hassan’s failure – Ah Longs beating and chaining victims like dogs in illegal prisons for months on end

Malaysians are shocked today by more evidence that Malaysia is taking on the characteristics of a failed state, when they read reports and see photos of “Loan shark’s hellhole torture for defaulters”, with men chained like dogs, beaten and forced to survive on water and bread for months on end, the horrific treatment inflicted by loan sharks on their debtors.

Ah Long cell

The discovery of such hell-hole came to light when police rescued three men who were held in an unoccupied shoplot in Seri Kembangan, near Kuala Lumpur, for two months as they could not pay their loans which ranged from RM1,500 to RM4,000.

A police party raided the shoplot yesterday afternoon and found the three men tied to the wall with heavy chains.

The victims, aged 25, 34 and 49, were abducted from Segambut, Semenyih and Gombak.

As Gombak police chief Assistant Commissioner Abdul Rahim Abdullah described it:

“The victims were very weak. They were wearing the same clothes they had on for the past two months and had been beaten regularly with sticks.

“The loan sharks contacted the victims’ families and demanded they settle the loans if they wanted to see their loved ones again.”

The families could not raise the money but did not seek police help.

Rahim said the victims were imprisoned in two makeshift six-by-seven metre cells, each with an open toilet. They were chained at their necks and feet to a wall.

Firemen used an electric chainsaw to cut through the 6kg chains.

The captives sobbed uncontrollably when they saw the rescue party.

He said they were only given five slices of bread every few days and water from a small tap connected to their cells.

“If we made noise, we would be kicked and beaten.”

Continue reading “Indictment of IGP Musa Hassan’s failure – Ah Longs beating and chaining victims like dogs in illegal prisons for months on end”

1 Terbalik country

by Lingam

Anything that is likely to offend the BN Warlords is an offence.
Fasting could be an offence.
Wearing black could be an offence.
Lighting candles could be an offence.
Baking birthday cakes could be an offence.
Lawyers seeing their client could be an offence.
Putting up campaign materials in an election could be an offence.

Deleting immigration records is not an offence.
Physical obstructing MP in parliamentary ground is not an offence.
Having detainees beaten to death while in their custody is not an offence.
Spending public money for family visits and Disneyland fun is not an offence.
Engaging in corrupt money politics is not an offence.

This is 1 Terbalik Country.

Najib – stop current police madness, end debilitating Perak crisis and unite Malaysians to face world’s worst economic crisis with Malaysia in recession

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak should stop the current police madness, end the debilitating Perak crisis and unite Malaysians to face the world’s worst economic crisis in a century with Malaysia in official recession this year as the country’s GDP is expected to be in contraction of between one and 2 per cent.

The almost daily reports of current police madness, with the arrest of 21 persons in Ipoh yesterday for involvement in a peaceful hunger strike in protest against the unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak has taken gross abuses of police power to a new height.

At a time when the police should be going all-out to combat the endemic crime wave in the country to make Malaysians, tourists and investors safe, a fundamental prerequisite of the nation’s international competitiveness, the police are shocking Malaysians with one outrage after another in launching indiscriminate arrests against peaceful non-violent protestors for wearing black, singing birthday song, taking part in candlelight vigils and trespass of DAP hqrs by conducting a police raid without a search warrant, first time in DAP’s 43-year history and never allowed to be done by the first five Prime Ministers in the country. Continue reading “Najib – stop current police madness, end debilitating Perak crisis and unite Malaysians to face world’s worst economic crisis with Malaysia in recession”

Do take the trouble to understand before you find fault with the judges of the Court of Appeal

by N H Chan

Before you go about judging the judges of the Court of Appeal on their five minute oral decision which they handed down on Friday, May 22, 2009, please bear in mind the wise words of the most liberal of American judges, judge Learned Hand who once wrote – The Spirit of Liberty, p 110:

… while it is proper that the people should find fault when the judges fail, it is only reasonable that they should recognise the difficulties. … Let them be severely brought to book, when they go wrong, but by those who will take the trouble to understand.

I shall now try to help you take the trouble to understand the oral findings of the Court of Appeal. First of all we will look at what the New Straits Times, Saturday. May 23, 2009 has to say:

PUTRAJAYA. … In allowing the appeal by Datuk Seri Zambry Abdul Kadir that he was constitutionally appointed as menteri besar by the sultan on Feb 6, Court of Appeal judge Datuk Md Raus Sharif said there was no clear provision in the state Constitution that a vote of no confidence against Nizar must be taken in the assembly.

Continue reading “Do take the trouble to understand before you find fault with the judges of the Court of Appeal”

PDRM: A tale of the tail wagging the dog

By Tunku Abdul Aziz | The Malaysian Insider

MAY 25 — The only reasonable conclusion I can draw as a reasonable man from the PDRM raid on the DAP headquarters last Saturday evening is that the police leadership need their heads examined for signs of mental degeneration.

It was Euripides (480–406 BC) the Greek playwright who said, “Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad.” Police behaviour in recent times has convinced me more than ever that there is something rotten in the state of our country, with apologies to William Shakespeare.

The beleaguered police, as far as we are concerned, are in moral retreat. It beggars the imagination that with all the relentless assault on their reputation, they do not seem to care one iota about public opinion.

This is frightening self-indulgence. To be deaf to public strictures is really a symptom of a deep malaise associated with a diseased culture of impunity that has brutalised the police psyche.
Continue reading “PDRM: A tale of the tail wagging the dog”

New police crackdown in Ipoh?

From http://

26/05/09 16:19
Have to run from Thai Parliament and the twitter of the disgraceful police episode today from Bangkok ends here as well

26/05/09 16:18
All 14 heroes and heroines walking out now to the Ipoh police hqrs gate – to close another Day of Infamy in the Perak capital.

26/05/09 16:17
Yes, Kula the 14th and last to be released, on personal bond of RM1,000 and to report back to the police station on 26/6/09

26/05/09 16:16
MP Ipoh Barat Kulasegaran – where are you?

26/05/09 16:15
Assemblywoman Lim Pek Har 13th to be released

26/05/09 16:14
Most famous Speaker in the Commonweath V. Sivakumar signed and released
Continue reading “New police crackdown in Ipoh?”