Lim Kit Siang

Rise of Parang Culture and fall of Rule of Law

by Bong AP

I am appalled and disgusted to witness and read the dailies of such happenings every day and the problems seem to be endless.

In spite of so much that have been written, highlighted and discussed its’ always remained forgotten.The country and cities’ public safety have declined to a very low level where lawlessness prevails to an extent where hardcore criminals can have a free hand to commit vicious crime freely anywhere .

This has come to a boiling point where the general public perceptions are criminals rule by Night and the government Rule partially by Day. Very soon we will end up like Somalia where anarchy prevails and there is no day and night creating warlords all over the country.

The public are being tyrannized by such deteriorating situations in their daily life. Even simple folks are affected like small time traders, news vendors, hawkers and delivery boys are being robbed.

We will soon become a Nation of rot and decay if nothing is being done to arrest this complacency and inaction.

The government must have ZERO tolerance on all criminal activities and come up with a policy to deal with hardcore criminals. It’s not rational to keep on treating the problems which the police also failed miserably and leaving no time to treat the root cause.

One good example is the Mat Rempit social menace issue which remains unresolved year after year and the sickness has spread nation-wide without any long term solutions to the “Two Wheels of Death” problem. They have turned to robberies and assaults . Daring robberies are even staged by these MAT REMPITS on PENANG BRIDGE. Indeed they bring shame to us in the eyes of the tourists.

THESE SOCIAL MISFITS ARE NO DIFFERENT COMPARED WITH THE SOMALIA SEA PIRATES. Someone in the Government has even come up with an idea to glorify them and the work he has done remained half-cock and forgotten Serious research must be done in this respect to preempt such lawlessness in this country.

The government has failed to administer strict social order and lacks the political will to maintain law and order. The situation has been exacerbated to such an extent is primarily also due to the free and uncontrolled flow of illegal and legal immigrants in large numbers into the country. To the extent of building illegal settlements scattered all over the countryside which have taken root here a long time ago.

To make matters worse illegal immigrants while holding jobs are adding to the crime statistics by moonlighting as hired killers, armed robbers, kidnappers, rapists etc ,etc.

The present system begets inefficiency from police shoddy investigations, arrests, detentions, right up to the judicial system. Our enforcement officers should be firm and fair in exercising their duties to instill in the public that the laws in this country are sacrosanct.

Generally the public have lost trust in the institution of Justice where punishment meted out does NOT reflect the seriousness of the crime committed.

Given the rampant crime rate in the country it is justified to change the laws with the times to give harsher sentences to transgressors as a deterrent especially recurring cases .

The vicious recalcitrant criminals obviously cannot be reformed.Their lack of remorse and thinking clearly place no value on the sanctity of human life. How many robberies, killings, rapes, assassinations etc must it take to make Malaysians realise the weight of the current problems and situations we have at hand?

Malaysians naturally are peaceful and forgetful lots and history will repeat again and again . We must not let down our guard and stay alert always. There will be no future for all Malaysians if we cannot enjoy simple thing like Peace and Public Security which is the constitutional rights of all MALAYSIANS.

Can we afford to be indifferent about it, ignore it and let the number of crimes to escalate?


Wake UP Malaysia !

[The language in this letter is not the most exemplary (with minimal editing) but the cry of desperation shared by Malaysians at the breakdown of law and order and rampat crime rate must be heard by the authorities. – Admin]