Fairuz resigns, another by-election in Penanti

Another by-election within 60 days, a second one in Penang, following the resignation of former Penang Deputy Chief Minister Fairuz Khairuddin from his Penanti seat.

A Star reporter was just on the line asking for my comments on Fairuz’ position and was surprised when I told him that MalaysianInsider and Malaysiankini have reported Fairuz’ resignation as state assemblyman.

45 Replies to “Fairuz resigns, another by-election in Penanti”

  1. Fairus is honourable to resign instead of clinging to his seat to barter with BN like the 2 scums from Perak.

    For sure the 2 scums will be found not guilty or their cases will drag on till 2013 when they can safely be found guilty.

  2. glad that fairus is not a frog. perhaps it is time for the opposition to sort out their problems and be ready for GE13. Older generation dislike this politicking, quite a number of older folks said they regret voting for a stronger opposition, what they want is stability.

    It would be nice is Pakatan can stop talking for a moment and implement some good policies, such as:

    – a few Mini library in the city center. (reading is important)
    – Clean up penang
    – Install Bicycle Stand

    and perhaps it is time to drag in SNAP and SAPP for both sarawak and sabah, remember globalization and localization. Malaysia is big enough for PAS, PKR and DAP. Leave sabah and sarawak to the locals.

    How about a common symbol/logo? and a registered coalition like BN instead of a loose coalition.

    I don’t get it, what seems to be stopping PR from implementing these simple task?

  3. Yes Fairus should resign and do not give UMNO the pleasure to confuse issues.
    On the good news side…so glad Elizabeth Wong withdrew her resignation letter. She will be real asset to PR…like Teresa Kok.
    Toyo can go to hell and use whatever twisted words he wished to on no issues ….made into false issues.
    Apart from UMNO members…….Selangor Malaysians are actually very sick of Toyo…….including many many UMNO law makers.
    If he is that good….Najib would have made him a Senator.
    But UMNO itself have cliques….as these crooks are fighting for their lives ad their corrupted futures.

  4. According to Malaysiakini no confirmation from Fairus on his resignation which means it COULD also be taking shape like the Perak cross over case. The question is, are the other State Assembly man in Penang firmly behind Pakatan. I would gladly apologise if I am wrong.

  5. Uncle Kit, Just saw the news that the ban imposed on the illegitimate Perak MB Zambry and his excos has been lifted by the federal court. I was wondering, if the courts have power over the speaker….whether YB Gobind who has been suspended can appeal to the courts to overthrow his 1 year suspension. The reason for this is that he has already been penalized by the speaker on the day itself (half day suspension) and this can be seen as a double jeopardy….no? Even if he is not successful in this, at least he can show the world that our judicial system is not consistent.

    Power to the people….Vote PR come GE13!!!!

  6. “Older generation dislike this politicking, quite a number of older folks said they regret voting for a stronger opposition, what they want is stability.” – Gomen

    How selfish of these older folks. They may not reap much benefits from a less corrupt and more just government in their old age but they should think of their children and grandchildren.

  7. Slightly off topic.

    To quote Gomen, “How about a common symbol/logo? and a registered coalition like BN instead of a loose coalition.”

    May I propose that PR uses the silhouette of the rain tree as their symbol/logo? I am sure you graphic designer can come up with a modern design of a raintree with meaningful representation of DAP, PKR and PAS.

    The raintree is already a symbol many can relate to, as it stands majestically to protect those who comes under it.

  8. I say. Enough by-elections already. Aren’t you fellows tired of it?

    Anyone who wants to pass away, resign, retire, jump ship, do so now so we don’t have to go through all these over and over again.

    Maybe those fellows in Terengganu can all resign en masse so we can have all the elections together.

  9. dawsheng Says:

    Today at 14: 04.16 (2 hours ago)
    Better put up the best candidate, I am losing patience cause there’s little improvement in Penang.

    I hope u are not killing many birds with one stone. To generalize things as little improvement is not helping the situation or anyone involed. May be u can be more specific in which area(s) that should have been further improved.

  10. Does that apply to State as well? If not Wan Azizah, how about Nurul Izzah?

    However, I believe an MP should just concentrate on being an MP, an Assemblyman as an Assemblyman. If you want to be both like Guan Eng et al, then where got time man?

    Is PKR so lack of talent? Doesn’t it want to inject new blood? Or do the old ones want to monopolise everything? Too many PR people are doing double duty.

  11. Another buy election, wow.
    Fatigue already.
    BN may nominate their ultimate secret weapon as the candidate – MMK!
    To win the seat in Permatang Pauh will definitely make MMK banyak syiok oh!

  12. Another by-election! Yahoooo! Another opportunity to land further thumping blows on Born Nincompoops. And a brand new opportunity for all ‘pendatangs’ to deliver lethal body blows to Unequalled Moronic Nincompoop Organisation and Ahmad Immegren. Yet more opportunity and unfettered stageshows to repeat the account of the Mongolian model whose body was blown to bits, the unborn baby which would have provided the DNA, Liberation accusations, the sub deal, the jet deal, the unlawful seizing of the state government, the Lingam case, the Kugan case…all occasions and opportunities to keep these alive and in the top-of-mind of the Rakyat. I am hoping for some resignations in Johore! Wow! Then the people of Johore can get the truth on all these issues.

  13. You fellows are real nincompoops. So what if PKR win the Penanti by election again. May I know what new inroads have they got? Be careful, I think people may get tired and annoyed by all these nonsense that is going on within PKR. What is so great about Eli Wong, Arumugam and Fairuz? Only nincompoop like mosterball will continue to vomit moronic cock here.

  14. Beware of Penang voters. They have never had much reputation for loyalty when it comes to voting. In 1969 the Alliance government was kicked out and replaced by Gerakan. In 1990, the Penangites voted against Gerakan and almost handed the government over to DAP due to dissatisfaction with the way the state was being run.

    Don’t expect to bank on rhetorics such as the Perak takeover or the Mongolian murder mystery to win many votes.

  15. And yeah. People are starting to get tired of all these by-elections. These by-elections are only worth it if PR is grabbing new seats from BN. Else it’s a waste of resources.

    As i have said before, PR needs take a step back and work on building up credible competent leaders. Not just for the next elections but also to help craft good policies for the states they are currently governing.

    For example, who was the joker that suggested to build a Tiger Park in Penang? Whoever proposed that idea should be fired.

  16. Pakatan Rakyat sources said that Anwar was pressured by Fairus as the 33-year-old had been threatening to go public with party scandals unless PKR cleared his name within two weeks. [The Malaysian Insider]

    I am surprised that Fairus could do this kind of thing to PR. Anwar please select the right person for the job.

    Fairus intention of doing damage to PR was also published in tonight’s China Press (page A4). Lim Guan Eng said he was not afraid of Fairus threat as PR had done nothing wrong.

  17. Ok, hand Penanti to BN then if limkamput and katdog feel it will shake PR out of its slumber. The fact is, if the by-election is going to happen, there’s got to be a winner. And it is pointless accusing PKR of incompetence when it was Dap’s Hee that handed Perak to BN. So, how competent are DAP people? Penanti is not the whole of Penang but Jelapang totally tilted the balance in Perak. And who would have thought a 20yr stalwart of the party would sell out! The bottom line is any slightest inroad made by BN will shake the fledgling Penang state government. But yet another win for PR will drive the message that much deeper that BN is rejected by the Rakyat and that the people of Penang are willing to stick it out with PR, at least for the immediate future. Who’s the nincompoops now?

  18. Dear Monsterball,

    Do not be so quick in blaming UMNO for ill fortunes in PKR. The charge is by PKR member , not UMNO. Let law takes its due course.

    Frankly, rakyat is getting irritated by nonsense politics. They are angry over lies by Anwar Ibrahim that inevitably makes him a fool.

  19. kerishamuddinitis, you have perverted logic. Why don’t you ask Guan Eng to resign to force another by election and ask Kit Siang to stand in his place? It will be a “good” test to show how supportive the people of Penang have for DAP and at the same time giving Kit Siang the opportunity to become CM.

    You conveniently mentioned that hee hee hee from Jelapang. Yes I take note of that. But who precipitated the whole event? How convenient is for you to forget the two PKR ADUN from Perak who started the whole episode. Let’s face it; PKR has the DNA of UMNO.
    Question: Who’s the nincompoop now?
    Answer: kerishamuddinitis

  20. “PKR has the DNA of UMNO…” says Limkamput.

    So in your definition, we should not be supporting PKR, and by extension, we should also not support PR ?

    Yeah, we are all nincompoops, except Limkamput !

  21. Godfather,
    i said many things, but i did not say i am not supportive of PR or even PKR. Supporting the party’s ideal and the individuals within the party are very different things. Come on i expect you to be smarter than that. Don’t tell me after numerous reading of mosteraball’s postings, you have become stupid like him

  22. Does anyone know what actually happened to Fairuz (or is it Fairus?) from the time he was detained by the MACC, to the time the news of his purported resignation from the his Penang ADUN post broke out?
    Suspect that somebody is coercing him into threatening PR…

  23. Fairuz resigned,yeap it’s best for both PKR and PR,especially the PR penang state government.PR should be careful who to select and appoint and try to avoid any skepticism from any party especially from the BN. More over PR must also make sure ,others will not call them ” kettle calling the pot black “. This kind of remark for PR is not going to help you to retain your seats. Hence always look before you leap.To win big and to form the next federal government,you should say and act sincerely,honestly and wholeheartedly to win the mind and heart of the rakyat.Remember start now,no dumb mistakes .

  24. See, you have a problem when you start ‘importing’ rejects from UMNO. Looks like Anwar Ibrahim still has not learnt anything from past bad experiences?

    What I can not understand is why should PKR insist on holding on to the DCM1 post when we all know they(Anwar/PKR) don’t have suitable candidates for the post, so why not in the best interest of the State, the country and the rakyat, offer it to the best man(elected Adun) within Pakatan Rakyat to do the job rather than reserving it specially for PKR?

    If at all one from PKR is given the job, he definitely cannot be any better than Fairus otherwise Fairus would not have got the job in the first place.

  25. PR also have the same mentality as that of Umno and BN. Both groups are not color blind and race blind.

    They don’t trust the person up there, regardless of race and religion, to be honest and fair to all Malaysians, and to look after the interests of all Malaysians.

    Hence they must have representatives from all parties to be in the Exco or Cabinet, bloating the Exco or Cabinet with excessive number of people, many of whom are deadwoods/crooks and are there as decorative entities (to be seen as fair).

    At the end, the voters are caught between the devil and the deep blue sea!

  26. It’s indeed saddening to see the Umno/bn devil at work again.Good and fair guy like the former DCM1 Fairuz becoming a fallen guy and now starting to attack his former colleagues and party.I think he got into the devil’s trap as he couldn’t resist the devil’s temptation such as 50 million ringgit and scot-free of any charges against him.Strong faith for freedom and democracy and intentional good deeds for the rakyat are the only weapon to resist the devil.Presently the devil works pretty smart and if not beware of it’s evil forces,many PR’s guys will fall like autumn leaves.

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