Lim Kit Siang

“1Malaysia” means “Arise Malaysians” or “Arise Malays”, “Arise Chinese”, “Arise Indians”,”Arise Kadazans”, “Arise Ibans”?

Although the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced that “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” is the overarching philosophy of his premiership, the two following headlines of two newspapers today illustrate the two extremes of interpretation of his “1Malaysia”:

1. “Najib – I am Prime Minister of all communities. Urges people to break race barriers to foster unity.” Sin Chew Daily headline (p 3) of Najib’s Vasakhi speech at Tait Khalsa Diwan in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.

2. “Bangkitlah Melayu – Bersatu hadapi tuntuan kaum lain yang semakin terlaluan”Utusan Malaysia front-page headline which carried the following three quotes on the front-page:

• “Dalam keadaan sekarang ini, orang Melayu berhadapan banyak cabaran semasa dan kita perlu mencari cara untuk memastikan kaum itu tidak berpecah-belah” – Syed Anuar Syed Mohamad, Timbalan Presiden Gabungan Pelajar Melayu

• “Penyatuan UMNO dan Pas perlu menjadi batu loncatan untuk mengeratkan semua rakyat berbilang kaum di negara ini” – Osman Abu Bakar, Ketua Umum Badan Bertindak Perpaduan Melayu

• “Kita tidak boleh biar sebelah pihak sahaja menang. Kalau kita nak penuhi apa yang mereka nak, jangan pula kita lepaskan apa yang jadi hak kita” – Datuk Seri Dr. Mohamad Khir Toyo

What would be the reaction of Utusan Malaysia and those quoted in the Utusan Malaysia report if the Chinese and Tamil newspapers have published similar headlines and reports of “Chinese Arise” and “Indians Arise” respectively?

In fact, these developments highlight the utter failure of the 52-year nation-building programme of the Umno-dominated Barisan Nasional/Alliance coalition.

Najib said yesterday that he would explain his 1Malaysia concept to his Ministers at the first meeting of his Cabinet today.

Does 1Malaysia mean “Arise Malaysians” or “Arise Malays”, “Arise Chinese”, “Arise Indians”, “Arise Kadazans”, “Arise Ibans”?

He has a lot to explain not only to his Ministers but to the 27 million Malaysian people!