Najib’s 1Malaysia – does it mean “Ketuanan Melayu”?

The interview given by Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin in Mingguan Malaysia yesterday “Kuasa penentu Melayu hilang jika terus berpecah” may be appropriate coming from the Umno Deputy President but clearly unsuitable, most shocking and even offensive coming from the Deputy Prime Minister of a plural Malaysia after more than half-a-century of nation-building and national unity efforts.

The following Q & A is one good example:

Q. Tetapi bukankah setiap kali pilihan raya kecil, permintaan kaum bukan Melayu dipenuhi, malah di Bukit Gantang walaupun peruntukan RM1juta diberikan tetapi kaum Cina tidak juga menyokong BN?

MUHYIDDIN: Ya, kadang-kadang kita berasa terpedaya juga kerana zahirnya nampak macam ‘ok’, sambutan dengan tepukan gemuruh tetapi mungkin sudah ada tertanam dalam hati iaitu sesuatu tidak mudah hendak berubah, pokoknya masalah isu Perak terutamanya di kalangan masyarakat Cina yang mungkin telah dipengaruhi dengan sentimen simpati kepada Datuk Seri Ir.Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin, kononnya dia ‘dijatuhkan’, lepas itu kononnya dasar memberi pegangan tanah selama 99 tahun dilihat dasar yang menguntungkan.

Ini yang mungkin menyebabkan sukar BN mendapat sokongan walaupun kita fikir bila mereka hendak sekolah Cina dibantu, kita bantu, sepatutnya mereka membalas budi. Pada waktu itu, kita pun tidak berharap sokongan kaum Cina akan meningkat 40 peratus dan sebagainya cuma kita berharap ada peningkatan sedikit tetapi apa yang berlaku ia mencatatkan penurunan, macam tidak ada penghargaan terhadap apa yang kita lakukan.

Oleh itu kita kena kaji psikologi apa yang menyebabkan masyarakat Cina tidak bersedia untuk berubah, pada zaman dahulu tidak begitu.

Persoalannya apakah mereka melihat dalam konteks senario politik baru ini, selepas kerajaan BN tumbang di lima buah negeri, mereka sudah menjadi kuasa penentu? Orang Cina rasa sekarang, walaupun mereka kumpulan minoriti, merekalah menentukan kerana kelompok masyarakat Melayu sudah berpecah tiga kumpulan. Masyarakat Cina tidak berpecah mereka bersatu, setidak-tidaknya dari segi semangat apabila bersama-sama membuat sesuatu keputusan.

Dalam keadaan ini, mereka boleh menentukan keputusan sesuatu pilihan raya dan apabila kesan itu dapat dilihat dalam pilihan raya umum lalu dan beberapa pilihan raya kecil, mereka fikir sekarang mereka lebih ada kuasa penentu, bukan sahaja Cina malah masyarakat India pun begitu, apa tah lagi apabila mendapat kedudukan dalam kerajaan yang ditubuhkan pakatan pembangkang dengan menjadi Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Speaker dan exco kerajaan negeri, jadi ini bagi mereka seolah-olah tawaran yang diberikan oleh pihak sana lebih baik daripada kita pernah tawarkan dalam konteks BN, jadi ini kita harus teliti.

Muhyiddin’s interview has been carried in the Chinese newspapers today, with headlines like “Muhyiddin – Chinese ungrateful to BN” (Sin Chew); “Chinese fooled Barisan Nasional. Muhyiddin – Get benefits but do not vote in support” (Nanyang); “BN feels tricked. Muhyiddin – Satisfy Chinese demands still no support” (China Press)

It is most shocking that 52 years after national independence, the No. 2 in the federal government of a multi-racial nation could come out with such retrogressive and most unacceptable views about Malaysian democracy and nation building.

Firstly, Muhyiddin has confirmed that the Barisan Nasional is guilty of money politics in elections, using public funds especially in the form of development projects as baits to get support from the voters.

This explains Muhyiddin’s complaint about the Chinese being “ungrateful” and the BN being “duped” by the Chinese in getting various “benefits” without reciprocating by giving votes to the Barisan Nasional in the Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau by-elections.

The simple response to such a reactionary view is that the voters are only getting what belong to them as of right as Malaysian citizens when Barisan Nasional went around to distribute “instant noodle” development projects, and there is no question of the voters having to feel “grateful” to the Barisan Nasional as the monies do not come from the private pockets of the Barisan Nasional leaders but the public coffers of the government.

The voters of Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau did not “dupe” the Barisan Nasional; if any, it is the Umno and Barisan Nasional which had duped the voters for 52 years!

Secondly, Muhyiddin was being very mischievous in claiming that the Chinese and even Indians in Malaysia want to be “kingmakers” in Malaysia at the expense of the Malays in the new political landscape.

Is this what Najib meant by his “1Malaysia” slogan?

Are the views propounded by Muhyiddin represent the position of Senator Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon, who has been appointed the Minister not only for KPIs (key performance index) for Ministers but also for Najib’s slogan of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now”? What are the position of the MCA,MIC and non-Umno Ministers in the new Najib Cabinet?

The Chinese and Indians are not and do not want to be the political kingmakers in Malaysia. Such a concept is most irresponsible and even dangerous and should not be encouraged.

What we want to see is the full, free and fair functioning of the system of parliamentary democracy in Malaysia where the kingmakers will be the Malaysian voters – Malays, Chinese, Indians, Ibans, Kadazans, Orang Asli and all other Malaysians.

Thirdly, it is clear from Muhyiddin’s interview that he is still propounding the concept of Ketuanan Melayu (a camouflage for Ketuanan Umnoputras) when after 52 years since Merdeka, the time has come for Ketuanan rakyat Malaysia!

It is also clear that the Umno leadership has not learnt the lessons from the March 8 political tsunami last year as well as the four by-elections of Permatang Pauh, Kuala Terengganu, Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau by-elections in the past eight months that Umno and Barisan Nasional have become politically irrelevant and that Malaysians, regardless of race or religion want to be kingmakers to effect a major political change in the next general elections.

Muhyiddin’s retrogressive interview has raised the question as to what is the real meaning of Najib’s “1Malaysia”.

If it rejects DAP’s Malaysian Malaysia, Gerakan’s Malaysian Malaysia, even the Bangsa Malysia concept of Vision 2020, what does Najib’s “1Malaysia” really mean?

The first task of the Najib Cabinet at its first meeting on Wednesday is to define clearly the meaning of the Najib’s “1Malaysia” slogan to ensure that it is a motto of unity and not of division.

The first task of Tsu Koon as the Minister for “1Malaysia” is to ask Muhyiddin to make a public apology for a most divisive interview which has given “1Malaysia” a bad name!

86 Replies to “Najib’s 1Malaysia – does it mean “Ketuanan Melayu”?”

  1. From Mingguan Malaysia (Utusan Malaysia on Sunday)
    ARKIB : 12/04/2009
    Satu Malaysia versi sebenar

    Awang boleh faham gagasan Satu Malaysia. Rakyat Didahulukan. Pencapaian Diutamakan semasa ia diumumkan oleh Najib sebaik sahaja dilantik sebagai Perdana Menteri.

    Gagasan tersebut merangkumi elemen yang jelas bagi pembinaan negara dengan berpaksikan kepada perpaduan dan integrasi; kepentingan rakyat dan kecemerlangan bagi melonjakkan kemajuan negara.

    Anehnya gagasan tersebut terutama aspek Satu Malaysia disalahertikan atau dimanipulasi mengikut selera politik.

    Ada pemimpin pembangkang mendakwa ia menyamai konsep Malaysian Malaysia yang diperjuangkan oleh DAP. Bagaimanapun dalam satu pertemuan dengan Najib baru-baru ini, Awang lega apabila mendengar sendiri daripada beliau bahawa Satu Malaysia tidak sama dan tiada kaitan dengan Malaysian Malaysia.

    Beliau menjelaskan Satu Malaysia akan memastikan tiada golongan atau kaum yang terpinggir di negara ini tetapi pada masa yang sama tidak menolak dasar afirmatif. Yang penting kata Najib, kerajaan akan berlaku adil kepada semua kaum dalam usaha menggerakkan transformasi besar.

    Awang harap versi sebenar Satu Malaysia ini difahami dengan jelas. Dasar afirmatif bagi membantu orang Melayu yang paling ramai miskin dan ketinggalan (berbanding kaum lain), akan diteruskan. Sememangnya ada keperluan untuk meneruskan dasar afirmatif atas realiti sejarah dan kontrak sosial sambil kerajaan memperhebatkan pencapaian dalam meningkatkan taraf hidup semua kaum.

    Awang turut terganggu dengan diskusi Satu Malaysia yang turut mengheret kepada sejarah negara. Sudah ada desakan mahu sejarah termasuk subjek di sekolah ditulis semula dengan mengambil kira versi bukan Melayu.

    Apakah sejarah mahu dipolitikkan dan wajarkah kita memadamkan sebahagian sejarah hanya untuk memenuhi tekanan kaum? Nampaknya sejarah negara mahu ditulis semula mengikut apa yang dimahukan dan bukannya berdasarkan fakta. Maka makin jelas bahawa bukan sahaja sisa kekuatan politik Melayu yang ada ini mahu dikuburkan malah sejarahnya juga mahu dinafikan. Awang termenung panjang.



    1Malaysia – ketuanan UMNO in sheep skin.

  2. It is not surprising that these came out from the mouth of the new DPM as he is from the Nazi party who thinks that they own the whole Malaysia and all resources are at their disposal and to give few millions here and there to the Chinese and Indian Schools are great deals. In actual fact, these money and resources belong to all Rakyat and meant to be used for all Rakyat regardless of race, religions etc. .
    Another Nazi showing his true colours!!!

  3. Chinese not grateful?! Is the government grateful for the >90% taxes paid by the taxpayers? Bull…

    Cina tidak berpecah?! Siapa kata. Semua sudah buang harap sama mca/gelakan undi PKR, DAP dan PAS. Ada yang tak kesah buang undi ke tong sampah. Ada salah ke?!

    Undi bn BETOL! Undi PKR/DAP/PAS SALAH?!

    Memang kotak tiga suku!

  4. TSMY stirs up the race issue, Kerismudin to use ISA to arrest 130 to make up for the loss of the 13 (released by Najis). Hamidi to standby the Army. Satu Malaysia will become Satu Malaysia for Satu Bangsa Nazi Only if BN continues to be in power!!!

  5. Deliver or you’re history, ministers warned.

    KUALA LUMPUR, April 13 – Some Cabinet ministers could be looking for new jobs in six months – if they fail to meet the key targets set for them by the government and international auditors.

    The KPI regime is the perfect ingredients when the performance of ministers and civil servants are discussed. Maybe Pakatan could also introduce similar measures to stem graft and propel performance :^)

  6. It’s all about hypocrisy and bad faith that the Malaysian electorates/rakyat detest, not Chinese voters alone!
    Looks like UMNO/BN has not learnt their lessons since March 2008 GE-12 political tsunami when they lost 5 states that swept Pakatan Rakyat to office.

    For 52 years and they have taken the Malaysian rakyat for granted, insensitive and have history of playing up the racial card to divide and rule each time they feel politically threatened, aided by their running dogs – MCA, Gerakan, PPP, MIC etc which have since been rejected by the Malaysian public.

    Muhyiddin and UMNO/BN must be idiots not to realise that their hypocrisy has been exposed, does not work anymore lah. They are dealing with much wiser and more matured electorates today. Unfortunately it still works for them in the ulu of Batang Ai in Sarawak!

    The recent Perak State political crisis/impasse(still on-going, still unsettled!) is one good example. It has gone beyond one’s imagination and most unacceptable that it has to happen in State of Perak whose Sultan was a former Lord President of the country! It was like a ‘highway robbery’ alright! See the bad faith and hypocricy colloborated by all concerned?

    And suddenly UMNO had the cheek to display themselves as ‘loyal and respectful’ subjects of King and Sultans, since when search me?! I don’t remember they have had any good ‘track record’ as far as ‘respect and loyalty’ for King and Sultans is concerned, no?

  7. “If it rejects DAP’s Malaysian Malaysia, Gerakan’s Malaysian Malaysia, even the Bangsa Malysia concept of Vision 2020, what does Najib’s “1Malaysia” really mean?”

    First in murder and corruption, proud to be a Malaysian.

  8. It is sad that after the amount of public relations done to promote the Pekan MP’s ‘1Malaysia’ concept, his deputy went and did a twist & turn on the PR’s recent Bukit Gantang & Bukit Selambau by-election victories into an ethnic issue in an attempt to gain political mileage for UMNO’s BN.
    Now, he is trying to put dangerous ideas into the Malay community that PR’s victory in those by-elections was because of only non-Malay voters, ignoring the fact that there were also Malays who had voted for PR.
    What about PR’s election victories in a Malay majority state like Kelantan?
    It can’t be due to only non-Malay voters, can it?
    If one checks the constitution, there is no such word as ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ or ‘Malay Supremacy’.
    This word is actually UMNO’s distorted version of ‘Kedaulatan Raja-raja Melayu’ or ‘The Sovereignity Of Malay Rulers’, to promote the idea or ideology that UMNO must always be in power, just like the constitutional powers of the Malay rulers.
    So, in short, it’s actually more like ‘Ketuanan UMNO’ or ‘UMNO supremacy’.
    The Pekan MP’s deputy should start waking to the fact that PR’s re-election to the seats at those two ‘bukits’ are not because of votes from this or that ‘ungrateful’ ethnic group, but because of Malaysians who want change.

  9. I think UMNO is still hypocritical and corrupt.

    They gave monetary aids to the Chinese and they expected that the Chinese to give them support (their votes) in return. This shows the insincerety of BN. Actually this is a kind of corruption. If they are sincere they should just care for the welfare of the people regardless of race or religion or whether they are pro BN or pro PK or whether is a BN state or PK state.

    Today Star paper on DPM on the support of bumiputras traders as priority rather support of all Malaysian traders whether they are big or small, whether they are Malay or Chinese or Indian or Iban or other races, reflects that the BN propaganda of 1Malaysia is of UMNO’s hypocritical agenda and is not the definition and aspiration of the Malaysian in general.

  10. Now that Mahathir does not have a script writer or adviser…just read all his speeches…after he retired…his actions and reactions.
    We all know..he is not that smart afterall…..but a real smart man…in performing…dirty politics.
    Muhyddin…..have only his big mouth..even less gray matters than Najib.
    He has to perform… he uses his big mouth…promote UMNO BARU and try to scare MCA. But we can safely say..anything Muhyddin wish to say bad about Malaysian Chinese…..Gerakan and MCA dare not disagree.
    More so now…that UMNO BARU have sort of saved them …making their faces printed in newspapers so active… program Malaysians….all is well and strong in the so call…BN.
    MCA and Gerakan are real thick skinned UMNO BARU balls carriers.
    These are scums of the Earth……allowing UMNO BARU to disunite Malaysians. Loosing elections did not teach them to wak up and be good.
    They are all devil’s deciples.

  11. All that the article by Awang Selamat (Mingguan Malaysia 12/04/2009) was saying, seems to be suggesting:

    The real PM is having a fake version of “1Malaysia”,


    A fake PM is having the real version of “1Malaysia”.

    Hmm.. seems like someone needs some Statutory Declaration to declare which version is the real version.. the hack! SDs also got fake ones!

  12. we hope Yb could debate this in parliament.Is it not a tradition that if you are elected as Umno head you are PM and if Youth Head you are a Minister.We are surprise that Khairy is excluded in the cabinet,We expected him to be our next Minister of Education who can be more relevant and dynamic in this cyber era to improve our edu system before the next GE.Why is Mukris in the show when he lost.If Mukris is NOT son of Tun M, would he be in the Cabinet.So, it is obvious that this Najib cabinet is Tun M cabinet.No change only juggle with different faces for different post.All the old defunct farts are still there.Pls voice this out in parliament and ask Najip for a valid reason.We are talking about facts & figures not on their sentiments and favoritism or nepotism.We are unhappy Khairy is out.No use be a Youth chief if there is no portfolio in the govt.Who is going to support him in his reform, only his youth boys but the old farts in the cabinet + Tun M (stabbing behind) would reject everything Khairy would propose.Tun M is afraid of Khairy and this time he did that (Najid only comply to ensure his seat is secured before Tun lobby for him to step down)to ridicule Khairy and soon would boot him out of Umno like his father-in-law who is minimised by Tun M to nobody but an “ahmad” Badawi (driver to wife).Khairy is seen as a threat to Tun M so “stab him from the back” just like before what he did to Anwar who was seen as a threat to Tun M so Tun M “sodomised” Anwar out of Umno and no mercy, jailed him!Pls. ask Najip to explain to the people & public why this new rule?Those who lost got into cabinet.Favoritism prevails.Umno rules ALL!

  13. Now the DPM shooting his cannon at the what he call ungrateful Chinese. Let me tell him straight away I am not ungrateful, i am paying my taxes every year and am willing to pay in next one or two months as it fall due. I have been voting in BN for the past decade, it is you BN must really to understand or you understand but refuse to acknowledged what Chinese do not support BN any more.

    We do not want instant cure on chinese school, we want a constructive nad long term sincerity shown by BN in assisting the chinese school.

    We have no problem with NEP but we condemn corruption where NEP was basically for BN only and not for assisting Malay if general.

    We do not want arrogant BN fellow just shouting at as as pendatang when they like, we want them treat us as Malaysian citizen as provide by the constitution.

    It fact there are many many other things that affect all Malaysian not only Chinese, it was nonsense to say Chinese are ungrateful.

    The way you UMNO treated MCA and Gerakan also must most of the Chinese nit trusted these two parties will able to fight for all Malaysian especially Chinese that they claimed to represent. We want a party who represent justice, fairness to all regardless of race. Race based politic is out now.

  14. Let the DPM or any other politician say what they want about the Chinese. Obviously they fail to see that the Chinese have directly or indirectly contributed to the wealth of this nation (and the wealth of politicians). Never mind, they forget easily. We take note, we record their statements. When the time is right, we “retaliate” through the ballot box. We have to teach the big-mouths-pea-brains a big lesson which they’ll not forget in a few years’ time.

    For now, it’s wise to let life go on for all of us.

  15. One more, you want us to pay taxes and let you BN to use the money for Disney trip the whole family? Do you have a brain? Do you mean we should grateful to let you waste my money for your own enjoyment?? Please give me the answer so that my vote is yours next GE

  16. Muhyddin (MY) indeed showed his frustration especially at the chinese and indian when he first tasted defeat as DPM and director of operation in the recently concluded by election.He was embarrassed,hence expressed uncalled for remarks against the chinese and indian in general.At the same time he showed himself a racist by making such remark like malay will lose power when divided.Again here,Muhyddin revealed his weak leadership in not able to control himself. Good quality leadership denotes grace in defeat.So guys,what’s hope would you expect to achieve from onemalaysia under these so-called dynamic leaders. Like others said one malaysia ended ketuanan malayu,people first ended malay first and performance now ended performance now for malay who support umno only.Thus NR’s slogan is now promoting nepotism,cronism,favouritism and those who ” angkat dua kaki ” or those who knows how to carry the umno top leaders’ two legs will be benefited only.On the surface NR’s slogan looks pretty good but in the inside it’s full of worms.

  17. When will UMNO and BN ever grow up and accept the fact that money for development is not UMNO’s money but the rakyat’s. There is nothing to be grateful for any “goodies” given. Services and development projects dished out by government is the peoples RIGHT not privilege.
    The new generation of voters do not cast their vote based on “development” and “goodies”; they have higher ideals.

  18. The Chinese votes has always been described as ‘practical’. To the dimwits in UMNO, which Muhiyiddin seems to be one of them, that meant basically ‘unprincpled and can be bought’ and hence also include not standing up for larger liberal principles such as fairness, rule of law, transparency etc.

    What he don’t get is the Chinese ‘practicality’ did not debate such principles because it was affordable and now the same ‘practicaility’ is saying its unaffordable anymore.

    Its not the Chinese who are ungrateful but UMNO prodigal sons who are ungrateful for the Chinese indulging their excesses for a long time and now decides enough is enough..

  19. Wow. Wot a way to go. Najib + muhideen + mahathir. You goon ought to be smarter than that. You are a seasoned politician. You allowed yourself to be fooled by circumstances and not by people.

    Although the prevailing circumstances happened to be set against the backgound of the chinese in perak, pls do not blame them for your failure and dissapointment. Ask yourself this question. Whose hand was it who decidedly set the circumstances up using perak chinese as background huh? Umno. Yes its umno.

    Umno married election campaign with discharge of government responsibility. Here the government’s responsibility was the allocation funds to schools. The responsibility was purposely discharge during the run-up to the by-election in favour of some chinese schools in perak. Wot the heck for? Campaigning of course – designed to sway to sentiments of the perak chinese. Everyone knows. Muhideen himself admitted it in the press statement quoted above.

    Its against election laws isnt it? Has Umno committed any offence? That press statement would stand as good admission by him of criminal acts by umno, if there are laws against such acts.

    And indeed against such background dont you dare to blame it on the chinese. The small number of chinese support you get now would dwindle further. That will surely be the respond by the chinese. Kingmaker. No. We are mad. Mad at people like you and your gang.

  20. Imagine US vice pres Dick Cheney from the Republican Party lashing out at the American voters for casting their lot with the Democrats, calling them “ungrateful” and “duping him”. He would be sued at once

  21. It is time for Muhyddin and MCA to move beyond allocations for Chinese schools. Chinese schools are national schools which should be supported by the govt all along, not left to fend for themselves and be given some grants when election comes around.

    It’s sad that the needs of a community are held ransom to electoral obedience. MCA thinks this is alright and hoot like monkeys when the govt approves a new Chinese school when this should be an administrative matter with increasing population.

    Saying that Malays will lose power if they are not united is playing the racist card in a situation which is no longer relevant. Lose power to who? Don’t Malays form the bulk of the of the opposition now?

  22. To paraphrase the Malay saying-..”MAHATHIR kencing berdiri,MUKHRIZ kencing berlari…sekejap nanti UMNO banjir & Tenggelam!!!” The Grand Old Man of Malaysia must be having a good laugh after all his righteous statements about corruption in UMNO and anti-Pak lah statements…all he REALLY wanted was a Cabinet post for his son via the back-door!!! After making the Deal, he shamelessly re-enters UMNO and helped them in their LOSING election campaign in the 2 Bukits!!! This only proves that NO SCUMBAG POLITICIAN or EX-POLITICIAN can be trusted!!!

  23. I’m a chinese. Many2 years back, we knew about rocket and dacing and others. But it was the dacing that was so much talked about in the family, in the town, something we all looked up too. Today, I’m no more a supporter for the Big Brother. The Big Brother has abandoned the Chinese in the first place. The national and the national type schools do not get the same treatment from the relevant authorities. When money is given to these schools, big news, Chinese has to be grateful for that. If we are one – 1 Malaysia- why brag about it? Shouldn’t it be the responsibility of the authority to ensure conducive environment and approriate upgrading of facilities in all schools? It shouldn’t be deemed as something out of your mercy, it’s rakyat’s money!

  24. – How does Muhyiddin expect us to be grateful to BN when they have, time and time again, bullied, threatened and forced their Ketuanan Melayu dominance on us?

    – I find his words an outright insult to the Chinese and Indians!

  25. RM1mil to the school, sure we need to “balas budi” by improving the quality and outcome result of education in the country, that is for the good of the country, but not by voting the corrupt umno to control the country, that is just for the good of umno’s corruption.

  26. I guess who right-minded and voted for PAS during the by-election in Bukit Gantang will never ever vote for umno again, unless, a leader like tengku razaleigh rule and change the party to the root.

  27. Like the old saying “old dogs cannot do new tricts”. It’s not they don’t understand why they were losing out all except one by-elections since March 8 last year. In reality, they don’t want to accept the real fact. The reason is simple and clear. Anyway, this is a good sign of BN is going down the hill and it is almost reaching the point of no turning back.

  28. For the record, the Chinese schools did not ask for funding after independence but they were not regulated by govt also. So if they want to stop funding it. Then let the Chinese schools be independent and give back the taxes back to the Chinese! See if they can build that many national type schools if they can’t collect taxes from the Chinese.

    Its not the Chinese who are ungrateful. Its that they have long memories and it gets longer still with the internet. The one who are forgetful and ungrateful is the UMNOputras including Muhiyiddin who the Chinese have indulged for too long…

  29. This is a democracy. Malaysians have the right to vote whomever pleases them to guide them to a better future. Obviously, BN/UMNO is not Malaysians choice, so sour grapes lah…like crying over split milk! Try to pin the blame on Chinese and Indians pulak!!! Typical of a clueless regime.

    What makes DPM think that just because they throw some instant noodles around, the Chinese will vote for them. Don’t forget who is paying the #$@%!^%@ taxes? And besides, doesn’t the Constitution provide equality for ALL, irrespective of color and race? What crap is he then talking about the Chinese being ungrateful when these ‘benefits’ are already provided for under the Constitution?

  30. Wot’s soaking man? This is a classic case of penipu kena tipu. But how on earth did it happen? A penipu outwitted by his victim? Yes. That is possible. A stupid penipu who somehow convinced himself that his victim sudah kena tipu. That is also possible.

  31. Muhyiddin,

    Please don’t assume that Chinese and other non-Malays voters are same as UMNO members (‘Tak bagi rasuah kalah’).

    Najib have pmomised that there will be no ‘Maggie Mee-instant noodles” projects — but UMNO and BN still practicing ‘suddenly very generous tactic’ during the three elections – 2 Bukits and 1 ‘Batang’ by-elections. The managed to hook the ‘Batang’s people with 70 million maggie mee project’…

    Chinese and Indian at the two Bukits came to watch the UMNO’s ‘sandiwara’ , but remain wise. One of the UMNO’s veteran Actor was ‘M’….. amused the people but did not increase the votes for BN.

    From Muyhidin’s speech, we can assess ‘his quality’ and what the BN is actually trying to camouflage under 1 Malaysia concept….

    One Malaysia? But ketuanan UMNO? Poorah! The voters are not so gullible to believe his kind of political rhetorics anymore……UMNO is still living in the past…

    UMNO….. Tak bagi kalah, bagi salah…….. But in the 2 bukits….


    Stop bribing the voters, UMNO…. Rasuah itu Dosa!

  32. Dont be fooled by slogan of KPIs etc. Just ask some management guys and you will know that KPIs dont guarantee performance!!! It is still up to BN to tell and fool the Rakyat that they are meeting KPI 100%when they move the target to suit themselves!!!
    BN Education Minister can say that he is meeting KPI 100% if he sets 30 marks as Excellence!!! Who to say that he is wrong???

  33. I wish our DPM can view the by-election result without any mind-set.

    Find out who did not pay tax.
    Paid someone for a return is a business and what is the business?
    Any Malaysian who has different view is considered betrayer?

  34. I’m a Malay, and I found out that even Malays are running away from UMNO-BN.

    I think there are some truths in whatever transpired in this blog. In fact, I even think that ‘bangsa Malaysia’ has already born out of 50 years of independence. It’s high time for Malaysian citizens, including those who wish to refer themselve as ‘bangsa Malaysia’, to really come together and resolve their differences, in terms of being one nation.

    I also think that if there are Muslim Malays, who do not wish to be in any democratic form of lives, must be heard. This is because Islam has already put forward their way of lives to adhere to, and it is not democratic as some Malay professionals think. Or even being socialistic, or communistic as some think.

    In other words Muslim Malays could live together side by side with other races or religions, if they agree to the formula of living in one nation called Malaysia. The formula, or the so called social contract, should be reviewed for the sake of Malaysia.

    I believe there are so many people out there who are really honest in their wish to live in a nation that have myriads of races and cultures. They should come out and not being lead by those who are thinking more of their philosophy, their desire to lead the nation, or whatever.

    Honest and trustworthy citizens of Malaysia should make their voice more vocal, and asked for realities of lives be the basis of their so called social contract.

  35. Well as some had said, the right to vote belongs to the individual. We can only hope it is done wisely.

    I like Ipoh, because the buildings in old town and new town had not changed much for the last 40 years. That speaks a lot on the preservation efforts of the BN government.

    Voting for BN is good. Its helps with conservation effort unlike the change we can see in a particular neighboring island. Things changed too fast there.

    Conclusion: for the sake of conservation and preservation, it is BN forever. Uncle Lim should know, just ask him how much Chin Woo hall had changed.

    Question: Is preservation and conservation of paramount priority?

    Answer: To each his own.

  36. I’m curious about this social contract.
    Is it a piece of paper signed by our community leaders during our independence?
    Is it found in our nation’s constitution?
    Or is it some intangible & unwritten agreement within UMNO’s BN?

  37. Muhiddin Yasin,
    you r joking ? the Chinese Paid 80% Of the total taxes to feed your Corrupted Government and u say the Chinese are not grateful and play out BN AFTER LOSING THE LAST TWO BY ELECTIONS.
    Wake up man, Umno has been threatening the Chinese for many years and why you did not mentioned while interview by Sin Chew Press about Chinese are not grateful to BN and how dirty u are Muhiddin as a DPM you said the Chinese are not grateful to BN in THE Racist Malay press……Muhiddin …I shall pray that the new Malay Generation are smart enough to analyse what you had said. You hv to learn from YB Nizar ok. please do not follow Mahathir footsteps by using racial issues to fish votes…. u will lose out soon.

  38. “Deliver or you’re history, ministers warned.

    KUALA LUMPUR, April 13 – Some Cabinet ministers could be looking for new jobs in six months – if they fail to meet the key targets set for them by the government and international auditors.” Zak Hammaad the Mamakthir ass-licker.

    Tell you what, Zak Hammaad (the pendatang who got in because of Mamakthir’s immigration policy that favours a particular religion). I will bet with you that 6 months from now, October 14, 2009, no KPIs will be released by Koh Tsu Koon on the ministers. If he does, I will stop my political commentary on this and other blogs. If he doesn’t, you Zak Hammaad just stop posting your BS on this blog. Deal ? I don’t need you to put your resident-status on the line – just for you to stop spewing nonsense like your hero Mamakthir.

  39. For too long we have been kicked around by the UMNOputras. For too long we have had “representatives” like MCA and Gerakan who have apologised on our behalf, and have taken crumbs thrown to them by UMNO.

    For a race that contributes over 90 pct of tax revenues, and have helped build Bolehland to the status that it has today from the economic viewpoint, we have been given the short end of the straw. We have learnt to work around the system. We know how to engage in Ali Baba ventures. We save to send our children overseas so that they won’t share our fate. And we tell our children not to come back because the environments are fairer elsewhere. And at every election, we show up at BN ceremahs to eat the free food and drinks, take their free gifts, clap at their pathetic speakers, AND THEN VOTE THE OPPOSITION.

    That’s not ungrateful. That’s being smart. Luckily the Indians and the Malays who are being marginalised by the UMNOputras are also getting smart – as evidenced by 308.

  40. Looks like Lim has learn’t well from his sentationalism-seeking messiah Anwar… by taking statements out of context and sweeping the bigger picture under the carpet, DAP like the other cosmetically super-glued coalition parties are making it a habit to cling onto anything which they can paint in a negative light.

    Knowing that Pakatan has some serious internal problems and lagging behind in properly governing the states which they control, they would be better advised to concentrate on the job of ruling rather than wasting rakyat’s time and money. Where BN left off, Pakatan seems to have lunged onto dirty politics.

    Let me remind Lim that the fact DAP is mainly a Chinese based party is sufficient proof that Chinese do, albeit in a covert fashion want to become ‘kingmakers’ within Pakatan generally and within a federal capacity most specifically.

    With a psycho for a “messiah” (i.e. Anwar) and a geriatric for a component leader, Pakatan is writing its orbituary already.

  41. ungrateful for voting against BN?
    what a medieval thing to say,

    welcome to the modern world,
    where people vote policies,
    not blind loyalty.

    what do you expect from
    it’s a democracy.

  42. Dear All,

    I think it is about time for Malaysians to wake up and be reconciled with the fact that UMNO has no intention to modify the concept of Ketuanan Melayu. This concept has been well propagated to the Malays, particularly those in the interior part of Malaysia. The concept was well entrenching into the sub-conscious of the Malays as it reaches to most Malay heartlands and votes were increasing to UMNO-Bn as a result. This is particularly demonstrated in the General Elections of 1990, 1994, 1999 and 2004, as UMNO crushed Semangat 46, Pas and Keadilan by propagating the concept that a split Malay voice would mean a weak UMNO and a weak UMNO would eventually bring about the dreaded stinger whereby Malays will politically lose out to the Chinese. As demonstrated then, the Malays, although their votes took a split but the majority of them headed back to UMNO. Except for Kelantan, none of other states were generous to the newly formed Malays based political parties. Things changed when Pakatan Rakyat under Anwar Ibrahim propagated the concept of Ketuanan Rakyat and attracted considerable amount of support from all Malaysians from all walks of life. Unbelievable sites were appearing, like Chinese and Indians waving and holding PAS slogans and flags, as they felt a much united voice under Pakatan umbrella.

    This concept of Ketuanan Rakyat has jolted UMNO and they were surprised that even younger and urban Malays are beginning to feel a closer belonging living with the rest of the Malaysians. UMNO has no choice but to play along with Pakatan Rakyat so as to win back the votes from the non-Malays. However, the Malays, through UMNO warlords will never let this to take root.

    They will fight till their last breath in order to ensure status-quo is enjoyed.

  43. It is very obvious that the political maturity of the voters have surpassed that of the so-called DPM.

    What about the BN loss in Terengganu by-election?
    Blame the Malay?

    Wake up, DPM, BN’s old tricks do not work anymore!!!

  44. To understand Muhyiddin better, let’s begin where we should begin:

    Firstly, Muhyiddin has a third-rate mind,
    a fourth-rate integrity,
    a fifth-rate sense of fairness,
    a sixth-rate performance
    and is every bit a unrated DPM.

    So, like RPK, I wouldn’t care two hoots about what he says, much less dignify his nonsense by analysing his speech.

  45. Utusan represents Umno. We can see that there is not a single Umno leader that is multi-racial in outlook !

    It is despicable that they are trying to frighten the malays that we are the king-maker. This is potentially dangerous. How can a No. 2 man in government has such a thinking ?

    We are not and we do not want to.

    We just want fair treatment, no more and no less.

  46. The only conclusion I can draw from Moyudin’s interview with Utusan is that He and Umno are now concentrating to get more support from the Malays by racial sentiments.

    This is dangerous and they appear to not care.

    We have Khir Toyo, Ibrahim Ali, Mukriz and now Moyudin. There are many other during the Umno elections.

    One Malaysia ? My foot

  47. There are still many advocates of Ketuanan Melayu, mostly in Umno.

    However, there are some in Pas as well, especially in Pas Selangor – the Hasan Ali clique who kicked out people like Khalid Samad and Dzukifli

    We shall watch them as well

  48. Go to The Nutgragh at this link and you’ll read some very frank and realistic reason why Chinese are turning away from BN from MCA’s Information and Communication Bureau head Lee Wei Kiat.

    Note that not once did he blame Chinese voters or opposition parties.

    Coming from MCA, this is a little astonishing. Has this subservient party found its backbone at last?

    But will the MSM print his statement? Will his bosses support him from an Umno (how dare the pendatang ask for equality, remember the social contract) backlash?

    Interesting…don’t miss this piece.

  49. Talk about gratitude? Ask these BN goons who are the ones paying the most taxes! It’s the Chinese and this money is used by these goons against the Chinese! You call that GRATITUDE!!!!!

  50. Najib’s 1Malaysia – does it mean “Ketuanan Melayu”?


    You are absolutely right. Tonight’s China Press (page A10) reported that Khairy J and Puteri leader claimed ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ was different from ‘One Malaysia’. Khairy said the concept of ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ went against the law that granted special privileges to the Malays. Puteri leader said the use of the term ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ conveyed the meaning that the government had ignored the welfare of the Malays. She added that the Opposition used the term as a ploy to destroy racial unity.

    The chairman of the PROWARIS society said the concept of ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ was dangerous as it challenged the the Malay ruler, Islam and the status of Bahasa Malaysia.

    The BBPM chairman advised the people not to be frustrated by DAP and some irresponsible bloggers interpretation of ‘Malaysian Malaysia’.

  51. It use to say first class hon degree do business, only third class degree involve in politic. I think it is true, sometime politic full of lower class educated unwised people play around with their own interest…

  52. The relevance of MCA, MIC & Gerakan have taken a big bash following the press statements made by the new DPM and published in Mingguan Malaysia.

    In would appear that the admission by Muhyiddin that the Chinese are being ‘ungrateful’ for not supporting the BN win the recently concluded by-elections despite the big allocation of money for Chinese and Tamil schools serves to prove that MCA, MIC & Gerakan have been rejected by the communities they shameless claim to represent.

    To add insult to injury, a report carried in the Stars said that in future UMNO will not depend on MCA & MIC to woo Chinese and Indian voters. They can do it themselves. Wow! what a way to insult your brothers!! This is UMNO’s way of telling MCA, MIC & Gerakan that they have out-lived their usefulness, stopping short of telling them to ‘KOON KHAI’ or ‘POPOPO’ ( GET LOST )

    OTK, Sami Vellu and KTK, if they have any pride at all, should confront Najib and Muhyiddin for clarification failing which, they should lead their Parties out of the Barisan National.

  53. Hey Taxidriver,did DPM also tell the press,in future he and umno would not depend on TDM to woo the malay votes ?. Forget about it . OTK,Sami and KTK would not bother about it as they have imbeded in their minds whatever PM or DPM said is their prerogative .You expect them to pull out of the BN ?. Well I think even if they are in fantasy island,they still would not badge.

  54. This new DPM has lost so much face in the recent Perak by-elections. Now he’s taking it out on the Chinese for being “ungrateful.” He’s only showing his true colour. He’s talking big nowadays since becoming the No. 2 man. Let’s pray he will never become No. 1. After Najib, this Muhyiddin and that keris fella and some others bigots in the party are very good reasons for the rest of the true rakyat to vote Umno out in the next GE. They are out of sync with the times, still trying to survive on past misdeeds and mischiefs. They are still living day to day on self-denial.

    MIC, Gerakan and MCA, if they have eyes that open wide, should consider walking out of Umno. There’s no real sense of brotherhood in that coven of bigotry except to continue their diminishing grip on power.

  55. After more than a year, with all their think tanks, intelligence services, and other apparatus, they still can’t understand, appreciate and figure out why the people are unhappy, frustrated and angry?

    Somebody should just tell them to each buy a mirror.

  56. Let me give Muhyiddin, Najib and them other blockheads and blackheads some hints:

    liberty, fraternity, equality, integrity, accountability, responsibility, dignity, fair play, respectability and many, many more such words.

    But some people can only understand these words – corruption, money politics, bully, oppress, bribery, dominance, 1st class, 2nd class, pendatangs, keris, crony and much, much, more.

  57. Wake up BNclowns! I think the raykat betul-betul kaji u all BN goons last pilihanraya….. For the most idoit word the NO.2 said “terperdaya” …..ur bahasa malaysia subject must be F9…….I got a C3 in my bahasa malaysia subject….. Hello joker, dun make urself so foolish. Ur BN ” Timbang” is balance one sided. Even modern malays nowadays voted the opposition. Use ur brain to think twice b4 u vommit again.

  58. 1Malaysia is meaningless until issues like social contract, constitution, special rights and etc.. are properly understood by all citizens in the spirit of independent.

    Our ” leaders”/”politicians” had been playing with these issues for decades to divide the people for narrow and short term gain at the great expense of our country.

  59. Putting the blame for their losses on the others is a convenient mechanism when they cannot face the simple facts.
    More Malays also realise that UMNO cannot reform itself while it rules.
    UMNO in its present form cannot win the support of most ordinary folks and now appear to be becoming more extremist and the clever slogans are just an expensive PR makeover.
    So what has happened to the Lingam tapes scandal and Kugan’s autopsies scandal?
    The Ministers have changed but the files are still gathering dust.

  60. Wait a minute. Fund allocation to chinese schools for support in by-election. Is dat wot he said? Dat’s money politics. Dat’s corruption isnt it? Dat’s a crime. Oi najib. He is not suitable to be in your cabinet. And Kerismudin too. He is way too unpopular. Get rid of them. Oops. Then again Kerismudin is your cousin isnt he? Sorry. Well spare him then. Just get rid of muhideen.

    And one more thing. You must quickly fill your 1malaysia book title with some content. If not others will do so for you and hijack your title. Remember we all chinese, archenese, sumantran, javanese, thai, indians, pakistani, arab, filipino, iban, kadazan etc etc etc and all the same. No nep, no special privilege, no bumi only thingy, etc etc etc. OK.

  61. Didn’t Najib promise no ‘instant noodle’ projects before the by-election. Najib promises are worth crap. Its why we all know he is guilty in Altantuya-Scorpene thingy.

    Badawi may have failed to fufill his promises but he never actually broke them in that he tried even in the end to get something done. Najib breaks promises the minute he makes them. Its why he cheats on his family, he cheats his employer, his assassins, his mistress, and he will keep cheating…

  62. The moment you read…”1 Malaysia” uttered by Najib….you know how cunning he can be.
    But his cunning quality is so shallow.. Mahathir would expand and use all his dirty skills to explain in details..with all his usual twists and turns trademarks..making everyone even more confused…but all go back smiling…like smart intelligent guys…understanding what it mean…which actually non understand thattoo.
    Idiots like OKT and KSK do not know what it mean too….but both said….”Great news!”….making sure Malaysians are less smarter and all the idiots in UMNO and BN ministers are smarter than us.
    Now lets all of us idiots put on our thinking caps and really come out with the real meaning. Mind you….even papers are printing this slogan!!.
    Can it mean…….
    1.There were 2 Malaysia all the time…in Malaysia?
    2. Can it mean someone out in the world calling their country “Malaysia” to copy us?
    3.Can it mean 1 Malaysia….but not with..1 Malaysians. It must always be different races identified……living together in peace?
    4.Can it mean Sabah and Sarawak was not part of Malaysia and Najib is confirming..”Yes your are. We have 1 Malaysia”
    5. Can it mean Malaysian Malaysia…not possible…but 1 Malaysia.. each race take care of himself…such as.. UMNO..MCA..and MIC?
    6.Can it finally mean….UMNO BARU intends to continue fooling Malaysians to confuse us…to win votes?
    I sincerely do not know what “1 Malaysia” mean.
    But if I think like any UMNO hypocritical politician….it is to please Sabah and Sarawak…for 13th GE..and keep denying unity with a Malaysian Malaysia.
    Lee Kuan Yew was sacked from Malaysia demanding Malaysian Malaysia. He had to suffer being too impatient and far far more sincere and decades ahead in thoughts.
    But after more than 45 years…what Lee Kuan Yew said….should be timely and appropriate now….especially under Mahathir’s 22 years.
    No that devil reincarnated make sure UMNO Malays are all hypnotized ….to be the Landlords and others are just guests from the kind landlords. He cemented 22 years divide to rule…making Malaysian Malaysian is impossible.
    12th election is all about him. Let no one be fooled by his blames on Dollah.
    He is back in the good books of UMNO.
    Najib will never dare to tell Malaysians….be one Malaysian race. Call yourself proudly…..Malaysians.
    But he is forced to say something similar to win hearts of Malaysians.
    So out one’ “! MALAYSIA”..using their famous double headed snakes twisting meanings…never clear…always protect themselves….never admitting how wrong they have been.
    Then they must balance their cunning act.
    Newly appointed DPM… must keep asking all Malaysians to trust UMNO. He will use the word “Malaysians”…sound so nice from UMNO guy….is it not?
    Go and trace UMNO BARU new strategy…with Mahathir as their adviser again.
    Thank God…where Mahathir spoke on the by-elections…both lost to PR…which confirms…Malaysians will never forgive him as the greatest racialist crooks of all time.
    Why then….UMNO BARU members call him the Messiah?
    He is!! UMNO BARU belongs to him. He buried UMNO created our freedom by our beloved.. Tunku Abdul Rahman.
    How cruel…how ungrateful …how arrogant…can one be…given freedom…kill him…and stealing without fear.
    The only logical reasonable conclusion….UMNO BARU thinks they will rule forever and Malaysia belongs to them…and they have chosen only UMNO members to share with them..only Malays..not other races permitted.
    Are they smart or idiots?

  63. A very good reason not to vote BN is because they were easily “terpedaya” by the voters!!! They lack the capacity to analyse and descern!!!
    Since they were easily “terpedaya”, why should they be in power to manage our beloved country and spend our hard earned money!!!
    No wonder they spent RM18 million just to buy few taxis to help our country in tourism!!! The RM18 million could be used to help many many poor children of Malay, Chinese, Indians, Kadazan, Iban, Bajau, you name them, we have them to have proper meal!!!

  64. Please dont teach BN what to do, else they are getting smarter to “perdaya” the voters and continue to be in power!!! Let them cooked like the frog, where they dont even know why they “die” when all the voters rejected them!!! I will be laughing all the way to the mamak store to have my best nasi berani and my best teh tarik!!!

  65. Dear Mr Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, opps. mistake! of Umno,
    I will be MOST GRATEFUL if I get a little commission the next time Umno buys a helicopter or submarine. After all what belongs to the Rakyat or the government belongs to Umno. That excludes responsibilities or other “liabilities.
    Really I am not asking much. Just one percent will do. I am also willing to be the long term supplier of anything to the Ministry of Education or the DPM’s office. My mark-up price shall be very fair. Just 200% to 500% higher than the Market rate.
    As a token of my appreciation, I shall provide you with
    free “Apple Polishing” services anytime of the day, year round.

  66. Time for PR to let all the Batang Ai & Sarawak & Sabah people know how they and their children could be better off if the BN govt didnt spend the Rakyat money wastfully!!! Instead of getting a can of milk free per family, they can actually get 100 cans or more for free per family if the money is not being wasted!!!
    People of Sabah & Sarawak Rise Up & show that you dont want just roll royce for the CM, but a toyota Camry for every family!!! If Camry is too small, Avanza or other MPV will be fine!!!

  67. Once a corruptor always a corruptor. What Muhyideen implied is, if BN give “gula-gula” to the Chinese & Indians, they must be faithful by voting BN (hello, those are public funds not BN funds & what is wrong to give some basic stuff (cheap only) now to rakyat regardless of race when the BN had squandered and wasted all the public funds by enriching themselves & cronies- pay back time).Is this not Corruption? U give expecting a reward in return.Why Mydeen didnt mention the Malays who didn’t vote for BN in the 2bye-elections.Some of the Malays are also against them but Mydeen assumed only the Chinese & Indians.What kind of mentality is this new cabinet.Only harp on racial issues and corruptions and elections and power crazy and rub shoulders!Back to square One!Old habits die hard.Corrupt is in their blood.Instead of talking sense and talking about how they could revive the ailing ICU economy, they straight hit at the Chinese & Indians and straight get into racial issues again to win the Malays back?Their whole job is only focus on ELECTION & racial issues (tak ada kerja lain dan tak bolih pakai). Siapa bolih percaya BN lagi? apa ini 1Malaysia = 1Race 1BN= 1 Umno = Tun M = No democracy No Justice.

  68. Should we simply just believe that any coalition of diverse political parties does not have its own share of internal problems or sticky (superglue sticky?) situations?
    Sometimes, it would seem that there are little or no cracks within the coalition because of the lack of publicity given by the media, which has to follow certain guidelines in return of being issued operating licences/permits by the administration/government of the day.
    Or sometimes, it would seem that there are little or no differences because they’ll just have lots of closed-door meetings, keeping most of it to themselves.

  69. A check in MS Word US English Thesaurus for \Unappreciative\ or in your words \macam tidak ada penghargaan\ shows:

    1. Ungrateful;
    2. Showing no gratitude;
    3. Unthankful.

    Which US/UK/Queen’s English dictionary are you using?; DPM don’t insult Rakyat command of English!

  70. Isn’t it clear to all that “1 Malaysia” = Malaysia belongs to ONE group of people, Umnoputras. “1 Malaysia” = ketuanan Umnoputras.

    Anyone against Umnoputras monopolising the wealth of Malaysia is ungrateful to Umno.

  71. i think UMNO (and BN) may still be too arrogant to understand or ignorant to the fact that the people (voters) are more well-informed than they expected especially in this internet age.

    non-malays especially the younger generation have moved on from receiving titbits in return for their votes/support, rejecting the notion that they are living in the country to serve the majority-race.

    many Malaysians are looking to long term development of the country, giving a fair opportunity for everyone to be successful.

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