Tsu Koon – Super Minister or Superfluous Minister in Najib Cabinet?

Gerakan Youth leader Lim Si Ping yesterday hailed the Gerakan President, Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon as the “Super Minister” in the Najib Cabinet who is tasked with monitoring the performance of the other 28 Ministers.

Is Tsu Koon a Super Minister or Superfluous Minister in the Najib Cabinet?

If one is to strike out the most superfluous Minister in the 29-member Najib Cabinet without causing any ripples of having to find a replacement, it will be difficult to find another candidate than Tsu Koon and his portfolio.

How pathetic – to end up as a Superfluous Minister when he should be a Super Minister after 18 years as Penang Chief Minister, especially as he is the most senior Barisan Nasional government leader in the Najib Cabinet after the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyideen Yassin and Information, Communication, Arts and Culture Minister Datuk Rais Yatim.

He is even more senior as Barisan Nasional government leader than the other Umno leaders including Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein, Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Rural Development and Territories Minister Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal, International Trade and Industry Minister, Datuk Seri Mustapha Mohamad and Minister in PM’s Department (Law and Parliament) Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, not to mention the MCA President and Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat, the MIC Minister for Human Resources, Dr. S. Subramaniam or the Minister for Agricultural Development and Commodities, Tan Sri Bernard Dompok.

As a flyweight in the Najib Cabinet, who will believe Tsu Koon can wield the powers and influence to monitor the performance particularly of Umno heavyweights like Muhyiddin, Hishammuddin, Zahid or Shafie Apdal – when as Penang Chief Minister, he could not exercise authority or influence over Penang Umno divisions or branches, as illustrated by the “Chinese are squatters” political scandal precipitated by the Umno Bukit Bendera division chairman, Ahmad Ismail during the Permatang Pauh by-election last August?

However Gerakan national leaders are not so naive like the Gerakan Youth chief as to believe that Tsu Koon has become a Super Minister, which is why the Gerakan Central Working Committee in its statement on April 10 welcoming the Gerakan President’s appointment into the Cabinet through the “backdoor” of Parliament was careful to touch only on Tsu Koon’s role to monitor the performance of the 40 Deputy Ministers, omitting all reference to Ministers.

Clearly even the Gerakan CWC knows that it is ludicrous to expect a flyweight like Tsu Koon to monitor the ministerial performance of Umno heavyweights like Muhyiddin, Hishammuddin, Zahid or Shafie Apdal.

Never mind about being the “monitor” for the other Ministers on their Key Performance Indicators to gauge their respective ministerial performance and achievements.

Is Tsu Koon prepared to set a KPI example for the rest of the Cabinet by being the first to make public the framework and structure of the KPI to evaluate the success or otherwise of his carrying out of the Ministerial portfolio to promote national unity?

Najib had said when announcing his new Cabinet that he has created a separate portfolio in the PM’s Department to oversee national unity which will “adopt creative approaches towards promoting national unity, in line with the concept of One Malaysia. People First. Performance Now.”

In other words, whether Najib’s slogan of “One Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” succeed or fail as miserably as those of his predecessors, like Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s “Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang” and Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s “Amanah, Berseh, Cekap” , will be on Tsu Koon’s shoulders.

Is this what Gerakan Youth leader meant when he said Tsu Koon is the Super Minister in the Najib Cabinet?

How can the Malaysian public evaluate Tsu Koon’s KPI to assess the success or failure in ensuring that Najib’s “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” is instantly the overarching philosophy of the Najib government in all fields and not just empty rhetoric?

Is Tsu Koon able to come out with a website without any delay so that Malaysians who have complaints about the failures of the government in measuring up to Najib’s “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” slogan can lodge their complaints and seek immediate redress?

83 Replies to “Tsu Koon – Super Minister or Superfluous Minister in Najib Cabinet?”

  1. I have submitted a layout plan and building plan also infra structure plan for just a small coffee shop in Tanjong Bungah.
    It takes me almost 7 months but bear no results yet. Penang Government should take note of this. Uncle Lim, could you do me a favour for this?

  2. Tsu Koon will probably end up a lame duck superfluous minister. He won’t stand a ghost of a chance against the Umno heavyweights. Come to think of it, Najib picked the right person….hmm!

  3. Even lowly UMNO fellows bravely tore his picture and stepped on it.
    Now what kind of respect will be get from non-pendatang Ministers.
    At the most he might comment on MIC or MCA Ministers performance. But he will never step on any UMNO Minister’s toe.

  4. Does any believe this lambet fellow can perform this task. If you are kow tow fellow you will keep kow tow. Please also remind that the reason he was the one who monitor the KPI because he come from back door and he is weak politically, and therefore other minister will not subject to his judgment. You tell me if you ask somebody who has been rejected and fail in the GE and you ask him to monitor my performance, I will say you fellow is not qualify to do so and no body will subject to his monitoring. So practically this post was created for show and for him to warming sitting and please the theory of share share and every one was equal in BN.

    For any one who has principle should reject the appointment and just go to retirement rather than still shaking the tail and ask for favor.

    He has also have to remind the fact his photo was torn and stepped on the face by his BN share share kawan!

  5. 1. I must congratulate Koh Tsu Koon on his appointment. After saying publicly he do not want the minister job through backdoor, four times, he did accept the post via backd door. This shows his skill as a politician. His words mean nothing.

    2. Some how the idea as a minister of unity and KPI do not get to me as a super minister. In the corporate world, this is called a staff position. Trying putting his finger into ministry and he probably find it missing. And no one will be sorry.

    Super minister he is not.

    3. What kind he contribute? Very little, I am afraid. No one will listen to a minister without power. He will be largely ignored.

  6. While Penang was under him but the actual fact was it was under UMNO. He has do nothing for PENANG. he is weak in all senses.

    This is the strategic for the PM to appoint a weak fellow from Gerakan. Gerakan will never make a come back. It will be for their own good to resolve it.

  7. One day after three months upon Tsu Koon’s taking the responsibility of KPI Minister, Najib tells Tsu Koon:

    “Tsu Koon, please give me all KPI results by tomorrow. I want to see Hishamuddin’s score as around 8 or 9 out of 10, with 1 represents ‘the poorest performance’ and 10 represents ‘the best performance’. For the KPI of these three persons, Muhyideen, Ahmad Zahid, Shafie Abdal, please try to keep the score as low as around 5 or 6. I want these three persons to work much harder and I want Hishamuddin to spend more time to socialize with the big 4-D tycoons, casino tycoon, loanshark tycoons, and giant foreign worker employment agents.”

    One day after six months upon Tsu Koon’s taking the responsibility of KPI Minister, Najib tells Tsu Koon:

    “Tsu Koon, tomorrow is the performance evaluation day again. Please make sure Hishamuddin’s KPI score is around 8 or 9 since he works very hard. Remember to give those three fellas a score of around 4 or 5 this time. I want to promote you and you can’t give those three fellas too high a score until I can’t justify your promotion.”

    After the performance evaluation done for a period of six months’ service in Najib cabinet, Najib announces a cabinet reshuffle:
    PM – Najib
    TDM – Hishamuddin
    Finance Minister – Najib
    Defence Minister – Mukhriz
    Home Minister – Hishamuddin
    Education Minister – Muhyideen
    Agriculture Minister – Ahmad Zahid
    Tourism Minister – Shafie Abdal
    Dr. Koh Tzu Koon – salary increment by RM5,000 per month.
    Noh Omar – out!
    Dr. Ng Yen Yen – out!

    Novel by Onlooker

  8. I cannot imagine him going to his office everyday and everyone laughs at him behind his back. His “Ministry” is a joke ministry not to be taken seriously. Their KPIs maybe include organising “masak-masak” and jumble sales and the like every now and then. I kinda think most Ministers will ignore him. Minister of “Unity”? I think Siti Nurhaliza or Jaclyn Victor can do a much better job.

    This appointment to a post without any bite or significance is really an insult to Dr Koh and Gerakan but they are too dumb to realise it but to see it as an enormous “achievement”. That’s why Dr Koh is said to resemble Homer Simpson, that cartoon character, that dumbo.

    Without this “Ministry” of whatchamacallit, the government will still function so this should be a good indication of its “importance” or lack of it. Or maybe they have just too much surplus office space and civil servants in Putrajaya. Or maybe it is a BN “retirement plan” for rejects like Koh, Shahrizat, Mei Fun etc etc. Or maybe Najib needs errant boys and coffee ladies.

  9. Najib must be kidding – how can little brother in the UMNO coalition expect the big brother listen to him, let alone monitoring and disciplining the big brother’s performance.

    Najib should stop wasting tax-payers money.

  10. Everyone have said everything that needed to be said.
    It’s mainly..keeping Gerakan alive for 13th GE.
    Do not forget..Koh Tsu Khoon was a puppet appointed by Mahathir as CM Penang. He is the biggest UMNO BARU balls carrier.. you can ever find.
    Yes…Mahathir is Naif Ton Rasa’s master again.

  11. As expected, “1 Malaysia” will mean different things to different people. What the PM may have in mind could be very different from that of UMNO supporters’. Today’s Mingguan Malaysia has begun saying so.

    A reminder to all politicians of substance in this country: please don’t resort to sloganeering. Please tell the truth and work toward the truth. Please don’t say things to galvanise the support of the rakyat but the intention was something else. To all Malay dominated political parties – UMNO, PAS, and PKR I just want to say this: the rakyat of Malaysia want an inclusive Malaysia. We want a Malaysia where everyone is treated equal – no dominance of culture, language or religion. All these fights for privileges or religion are mere conduit to divide, to gain power, to dominate and to obtain comfort and privileges for themselves. Malaysia is rich enough for everyone. If we have more competent people managing this country, most Malaysians by now (Malays, Chinese, Indians and others) would have been comfortable and rich. If we govern the country poorly, then no matter how we fight, divide and distribute, the ruling elites would live like royalty while the rest are left with sharing poverty. I think the people are slowly wising up, and that is why UMNO policy can no longer work. I urge PAS and PKR not to do the same. Right now people are supporting you because they are disillusioned with UMNO. Please don’t think your religious or race centric policies are alright.

  12. KTK and his party were widely rejected in the last GE. But, in ‘who you know’ Malaysia, he is back on the gravy train. I don’t doubt his capability but doubt if he will be able to do the following:
    1. empowered do an honest job
    2. agree and set meaningful KPIs and publicise
    3. set KPIs for himself
    4. do the honourable thing and resign when he finds himself in an ineffective position – boss and peers ignores his recommendations and take him for granted
    Mean business, otherwise you are wasting public’s money.

  13. Dear All,

    To be fair, we should allow Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon to first carry out his tasks and gauge how effective is he on his newly found assignments later. It is rather unfair to him if we are to say that he is uneffective without even allowing him to carry out his many tasks. However, having said that, many of us, who had had experiences dealing with him, may have views on the opposite. For example, Anwar Ibrahim, when he was the Finance Minister, found Tsu Koon to be extremely lack of aptitude on his task as Chief Minister of Penang. The former Finance Minister and now Opposition Leader will definitely think that Tsu Koon would doom to fail in his new job.

    But then again, he might have changed after the rude wake up call suffered in the March, 08 General Election.

    Will he beable to change is yet to be seen, but I certainly believe Gerakan is trying very hard to make his appointment as Minister in Najib’s cabinet as a recognition of their role in Malaysian politics and as a new platform to win back lost support in Penang. Therefore, Guan Eng has to work doubly hard to ensure Pakatan’s position in Penang is well fortified.

  14. Let’s face it, “1 Malaysia” means Malaysia for UMNO (the only one)!
    As for Tsu Koon, even the most junior MP in UMNO can tell the most senior MCA, MIC, Gerakan or PPP Minister to shut up & get away with it!
    We have seen time & time again that these non-BN members are just “lap dogs” of UMNO (they have yet to prove otherwise).
    As for the new cabinet, well, just look at all those Ministers & Deputy Ministers who were rejected by the people & yet chosen by Najib!

  15. To be fair to KTk, he has done a lot for Malaysians in general and Penangites in particular. His services and contributions are greatly needed whenever TDM, AAB or International Trade and Industry Minister Rafidah went overseas on official visits, especially to the US and China to promote FDIs from these countries. He speaks good Mandarin, English and BM. PM Najib ants to have close relationship ith China, and KTK is the best person to help him, just like he helped TDM and AAB in th past. All of us should not make KTK the laughing stock. He joined Najib’s Cabinet ceratinly not for the good money since he himself is a millionaire coming from a ealthy family in Penang. He my not be a formidable politician like LKS or LGE. He didn’t take advantage of his position as Penang CM and secured his son a scholarship to study in the US., and instead used his own money to fund his son’s overseas education. Tell me, LKS, which UMNO MB can compare favourably with him? KTK’s ‘fault’ lies in his personable image, which is a liability in Malaysian politics. LKS’s world-weary face is more suitable to attract supporters.

  16. ctc537, in a way I agree with you. But the issue here is if he is good, why appoint him to a staff function job. Give him Ministry of International Trade and Industry and let him perform and bring more investment and glory to Malaysia.

    I think we Malaysians after more than 50 years of dominance and subservient culture can no longer think of ourselves as equal. Why non Malays can’t hold important ministries like education, trade, finance and home affairs. Seriously I am not being a racist for saying this. Like most, I accept Malay leadership but the Malay leaders must be realistic and allow more competent people to work. This is what reform is all about. Competent people will create more value and generate more wealth for all. Any other way would only result in sharing poverty, Malays and non Malays. Honestly, I feel that the same dominance and subservient culture would probably prevail if and when PAS and PKR take over the reign, for this is who we are! I can’t wait to see the shadow cabinet of PR.

  17. To monitor those ultra umno performance, kho tsu koon must have day dream. Even tun abdullah can’t manitor them who is koh tsu koon.
    Given some time he will find himself in deep shit. umno will never never chage unless the rakyat chage them. Let them lose power than it will change by itself.

  18. Gerakan Youth leader Lim Si Ping yesterday hailed the Gerakan President, Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon as the “Super Minister” in the Najib Cabinet who is tasked with monitoring the performance of the other 28 Ministers.

    I think PGRM youth leader is just sucking up to his boss.
    If he wants to compare his boss to ‘Superman’, he should not forget to compare his boss’ defeat in GE12 to ‘kryptonite’…

  19. Senator KTK is a joke. 1st he said he won’t be a minister via senatorship and now he takes it. malulah and his other minister will remind him that every time he tries to talk to them about their failures in their KPIs.

    and 2 he is unable to stand against Ahmad Ismail and also Kerismudin also hentam him with various statements although Kerismudin was only a UMNO Youth chief. so how is KTK going to do his job? Joke la.

    The man needs help and please just say you are sorry and had to eat your words instead of saying PR should do their job. well it is their job to remind rakyat of what senior politicians say and if they will honour their word!!!

  20. On 12-4-2009 at 18:05.26, ctc537 said:
    To be fair to KTk, he has done a lot for Malaysians in general and Penangites in particular. His services and contributions are greatly needed whenever TDM, AAB or International Trade and Industry Minister Rafidah went overseas on official visits, especially to the US and China to promote FDIs from these countries. He speaks good Mandarin, English and BM. PM Najib ants to have close relationship ith China, and KTK is the best person to help him, just like he helped TDM and AAB in th past. All of us should not make KTK the laughing stock. He joined Najib’s Cabinet ceratinly not for the good money since he himself is a millionaire coming from a ealthy family in Penang. He my not be a formidable politician like LKS or LGE. He didn’t take advantage of his position as Penang CM and secured his son a scholarship to study in the US., and instead used his own money to fund his son’s overseas education. Tell me, LKS, which UMNO MB can compare favourably with him? KTK’s ‘fault’ lies in his personable image, which is a liability in Malaysian politics. LKS’s world-weary face is more suitable to attract supporters.

    You may have a point there.
    In the face of the GE12 defeat, the boss of PGRM did behave gentlemanly in making way for his victorious political opponents, unlike certain sore losers from UMNO.
    And who would imagine that his photos would even get torn up by the very people who are supposed to be his political allies from UMNO.
    However, it’s disappointing that he finally chose to accept a position in the Pekan MP’s cabinet via the backdoor method of senatorship, although he had earlier said he would not do so.
    But then, this is the nature of politics within UMNO’s BN, and he is still caught in it…

  21. Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera to all abang-abang

    Dr Koh has been put in charge of unity and monitoring
    the performance of ministers… He said the Gerakan had
    not demanded a post in the new Cabinet… It sounds
    stupid because, the unity actually can be achieved by
    education and massive integration of social activities
    while the performance of the ministers, surely during the
    Parliamentary session, audition report or physical
    infrastructure development can be monitored and
    evaluated… Its better if they are working sincerely and
    look at themselves the qualitative and quantitative
    aspects on what they have brought to Malaysia
    development… Some ministry existence can make the
    orang utans or monkeys laughing at us due to the
    importance of other people to ensure ourselves are
    actually doing our job… It is an insult actually to our
    sincerity during working right..?? If we are performing
    our best and finishing our job handsomely, guaranteed
    the people can see it and recognize us as a man of

    Sekian dari saya, from University of Malaya.
    Selamat malam.

  22. If ktk can do anything at all, it would be done under coercion

    remember i safe your butt kept ringing in his tiny head, he was in penang because he is penangnite , what else…
    and now coming from a small village and wants tells others what do do….would only take hi to mare trouble

    be smart with the doctrate , go join DAP

    maybe the penang folks may consider him again.

  23. I also expect the “one malaysia” slogan from najib is not the same as we what we know, it is just “nobody will be sidelined while the policy of umno will still be maintained”.
    This is what the legendary “empty talk” about.

  24. Gerakan Youth Leader Lim Si Ping described his boss – this spineless reject as “Super Minister” in the Najib Cabinet? LOL!!!, and I agree with limkamput if that’s the case why wasn’t he given the MITI job, then we’ll see what ‘super’ foreign investment he’s able to bring home! Why not huh, then we’ll see how super he can be.

  25. Sounds to me he’s a ready “orderly cum official interpreter” for the Prime Minister of Malaysia! And we Malaysian tax-payers will have to pay the salary of someone we reject in General Election-12?

  26. Ungrateful Muhyiddin now talks too much!

    He and his UMNO/BN have messed up this nation; 52 years and this is where we are, as far as we get? With so much land and natural resources and we lose out to the little red dot – a barren rock south of our border? Comeon Deputy PM, talk sense and show what you can do with the mandate in your hands!

  27. Be grateful….. we are not chased out from the country yet.

    I will definitely do my part to sweep those goons out with my vote in next GE and I urge all sensible Malaysians to do the same.

    In the meantime I shall watch closely how they destroy their reputation day by day… its laughable

  28. If Najis is sincere, he should step forward and tell the public what kind of support he’ll be given to KTK and what kind of actions to be taken on low performer after KPI results is revealed. It is indeed a shit job no one would cooperate to provide you the data reqd. KTK lost in last GE but when his photograph was torn, Penangites felt sorry for him for not getting the due respect from his allies. Penangites protested in their own quiet and peaceful ways by not frequenting certain petrol kiosk and eateries stalls. Penangites have a space in their hearts for him but KTK cannot let them down again and again. He has to be more aggresive and assertive. He should know with his character, he hardly can make any changes to BN!

  29. Seniority has nothing to do with trust and trust cannot be trusted all the time because everyone knows the real from the false. At times it is not about trust even or seniority. It is about manipulation and what she can do for her and vice versa and covering each other’s dirty backs. Everyone can see the actual situation. The Chinese community in Malaysia know very well that the position given is to merely make them believe that they are equally important. So how many stars are Malaysians going to give for the past 50 years’ of performance ? May be according to the KPI, there were 5 stars when the nation first started out. Now it is what ? 3 stars ? Just average ? So if one cannot perform, then one should kamikasikan, no ? Non performance is not just one person’s doing. It is the whole team. If one is at fault, the rest is too. Just like the political tsunami in Malaysia. The pressure of dissatisfiction grew little by little until boom ! the waves swept over.

  30. Prof Limkamput will start off saying nice things for us to read….and end up accusing PAS and PRK what UMNO and BN are.
    He has learn an art to twist and turn…with no class.
    Usually this shows one with a big mouth with no experiences…no wisdom…simply hot air uttered the mouth…of no values.

  31. We are all wrong. May be Koh’s role is the deputy prime minister no. 2.
    MCA shouted so loud of wanting a deputy prime minister position, but where is it? and why do they keep quiet after being refused? can they say something like Mr. Samy, who threatened to pullout?

  32. UMNO/BN defeat in the recent Bkt Selambau & Bkt Gantang by-elections is a bitter pill for Muhyidin to swallow. What can be more embarrassing for the new DPM/UMNO deputy president is the fact that he was the BN director of election campaigne. Being very confident of victory, he went to the battle ground early to lead a big BN army to lay seige on the 2 Hills, giving FIVE GOOD REASONS why victory was as good as in their hands.But the voters thought otherwise. They gave him FIFTY REASONS TO GET LOST!

    Haji Muhyidin bin Hj Yassin, jangan susah hati ‘standard’ kau jatuh. lain kali boleh cuba lagi tetapi kena ingat jangan terlalu yakin dan angkuh.

  33. The Malaysian Insider says Muhyddin and Mahathir wonder why the Chinese and Indians have disdain for the BN. Why are MCA, Gerakan and MIC doing? Can’t they do a correct analysis and provide an answer or is UMNO not listening?

    There is no hope for peace in Malaysia when the people ruling the nation are ‘confused, perplexed and puzzled’ why part of the populace show disdain towards it. They think tossing millions of ringgit to build Chinese lanaguage schools should do the trick for them. This as what they did and it worked for them in past. The Chinese now realise they have been taken for a ride but it looks like BN is still ‘FantasyLand’.

    Chiinese language schools are just that, schools! They are lifeless structures but here we are talking about human beings, emotional issues concerning the Chinese should be properly addressed.

    I think Muhyddin is faking ignorance because in his very next breath, he issues a veiled threat by asking if the Chinese and the Indians are beginning to think they are now the kingmakers. With this type of arrogance how can you win the hearts of the non-Malays.

  34. Why the hoo-ha over this ‘backdoor’ business? It is not something new as using backdoors is ‘protocol’ to UMNO/BN govt. We know contracts are awarded via the backdoor. Judges and Lord Presidents also prefer to use backboors. So, where is the wrong if KTK choses to enter using the backdoor????

    Do you know what is ‘backdoor’ diplomacy? It got Muhkriz a deputy minister’s post. Thanks to the top ‘Backdoor’ Diplomat in the country, Tun Dr Mahatir Bin Mohammad.

  35. Muhyidin & Mahatir memang ‘adik-beradik’, very racist and very quick to use threats and scare tactics. When the former was Menteri Besar Johor, and once after one GE he said he would find out not why but “who are the Chinese who did not vote for BN”,

  36. ekans says:

    “to be fair to KTK, he has done a lot for Malaysians in general and Penangites in particulrar”


    While I concur with you on that, I don’t think the people who critisize KTK are being unfair to him. On the contrary, it is precisely pepole see that little ‘something’ in this man that they wish he not accept this post as it is all too obvious that UMNO is making use of him, knowing he is ‘reliable’ and will obedient to them.

    Nobody will expect the present ministers and deputy ministers to perform to the people’s expection, given their questionable integrity, intelligence ( the PM and Deputy PM came from “half-past-six” cabinet under Badawi ) and lo! their past failed track records. That being so, how the hell is poor KTK going to write and submit his KPI reports?

    If KTK were to offer a truthful assessment of their performance, which nobody thinks he dares anyway, he will be damned by them. Is KTK mentally prepared to work without fear or favour? If the answer is ‘NO’, then he will be damned by the people. ( Damned if I do and damned if I don’t )

    KTK is still young, politically. He can have the consolation that his defeat in the 12th GE is not wholly the voters rejection of him. Protest votes against the arrogant and corrupt UMNO leaders contributed largely to the result.

    KTK’s resignation from his post now may be the first step to salvage his fast-dwindling political career. And I believe many out there, like me, do have a soft-spot for this gentle doctor. Having to feel sorry to see his political demise later on is the last thing we want happened.

    He cannot be considered to be bad. Just that he happens to be aligned to the wrong Camp.

  37. Lousy Ball says: Prof Limkamput will start off saying nice things for us to read….and end up accusing PAS and PRK what UMNO and BN are.
    He has learn an art to twist and turn…with no class.
    Usually this shows one with a big mouth with no experiences…no wisdom…simply hot air uttered the mouth…of no values.
    I am merely stating the DNA of this country today. Unless this is changed, there will be no reform come what may – UMNO, PAS or PKR. The domineering culture is already in them. It is their birth right to govern, to plunder and to mismanage. Any other way is to challenge their supremacy. Therefore reform must inevitably start with dismantling the ketuanan culture. Of course I don’t expect someone who only has attap school education to see beyond his nose. Talking about big mouth, I wonder who among us here has the biggest mouth (with no tooth) of all.

  38. Novice says: I think Muhyddin is faking ignorance because in his very next breath, he issues a veiled threat by asking if the Chinese and the Indians are beginning to think they are now the kingmakers. With this type of arrogance how can you win the hearts of the non-Malays.

    Why are Chinese so apologetic when accused of being kingmakers? What is wrong of voting for our enduring interests when we see the system we are supporting is no longer working? There is nothing wrong being kingmakers. At least we were not abusive kings the last 50 years. As I said earlier, their arrogance is due to their ill-conceived culture – their right to govern, plunder and mismanage come what may.

  39. Limkamput:

    There’s no need to hit out at PR at this stage. Wait till the next GE to remind them of what we want, what we expect. PR is fighting on too many fronts at the moment with the BN thieves trying to undermine them at every opportunity.

    when PR comes to power and should it prove that it is another version of BN, then Limkamput, monsterball and Godfather will come together to form the next alternative front. We will walk the talk.

  40. KTK,how are you going to handle UMNO warlords like tajudin,bung mokhtar,hamidi,ali rostam,nazri,tengku adnan,hishamudin,they will ask you to fly kite!

    i know,some of them are not ministers,but you will get ppl like ahmad ismail to … you like hell!

    muhyidiin,i think KTK is more accurate to describe as shadow minister,right?

  41. “Ta Chap” “Ta Chap” “Ta Chap” that is what he was entrusted to do. Its official “Ta Chap”. Its “Ta Chap” with a portfolio. Its “Ta Chap” performed in style – in suit and tie.

    What is “Ta Chap”? “Pa Chap” is the hokkien version of that cantonese word. They are those little insignificant chores about the place where no one else bothers to do or wants to do.

    Before umno party election najib asked umno party members to “GIVE ME A GOOD TEAM”. After umno party election najib said: “Nah na na na na” and ignored party members’ wishes.

  42. godfather,

    you all must learn the lesson from bkt. selambau by-election,where suddenly 13 ‘bebas’ surfaced,even you are miliionaire,so what?

    politic is just like agriculturing,you put the seeds into soil,add fertilizers,make sure enuff water and no insects!and you still have to wait,wait and wait,if along the harvest process,you dont have bad climate,then only you get the crops!

    what i mean is all of the frequent n famous ”dependent”(bcos u dun have your own blog) bloggers like limkamput,ah-pek,mandela,monsterball,blablabla……………you all must come out from the box and meet the ppl,dun quarrel among yourself,have a strong shadow line-up of cabinet(i dun mind),tell us your solid agenda,jeffry can be the ‘chairman’,i will support you!

    will it happen?

    haha,god knows!

  43. i agree with uncle KIT that KTK could not even handle AHMAD ISMAIL’s case well what to say managing the whole country?…ridiculous..can anyone let me know what has been done by him after being appointed as the cabinet minister??

  44. On 13/4/2009 at 04:52.39, Taxidriver said:

    ekans says:

    “to be fair to KTK, he has done a lot for Malaysians in general and Penangites in particulrar”


    Actually, that comment was posted by ctc537, not me.

    Anyway, I also do concur with your opinion.
    If Dr.KTK wishes to find ways of salvaging PGRM’s political standing within the majority of this nation’s constituents, he should first have a real serious look at the party’s actual current position/status within UMNO’s BN.
    Maybe, he should consider having PGRM return to its origins, which is as an opposition party…

  45. Najib’s cabinet has the most number of political failures (i.e. senators) appointed as ministers. What is the use of democracy if those lowlifes rejected by the people can end up in the highest echelons of power? Waiting for the day when Lim Guan Eng’s “good” friend Rahim Thambi Kecik will be appointed Justice Minister

  46. Actually, KTK doesn’t really want the Unity Minister post but he too ‘pai say’ or embarrassed to turn Najis down. Since when does the spineless one known to be decisive?
    Now he is cornered once more and shall have to take the blame if Malaysians fail to unite. If I were KTK, God forbid!, I would do a BALA so fast that even RPK would be impressed!

  47. Najib’s objective (superficial objective) is to remove those who are apparently unpopular or are tainted by corruption investigations like syed botak, azalina etc etc. He has no (absolutely none) suitable half-decent alternatives to pick from. So he has to recycle some old ones and some already expired ones and some political deadlogs. That is why his objective is only a superficial objective. If he is really serious about ridding his team of unworthy people, then what about kerismuddin. He is really unpopular amongst the chinese for reasons to well known to mention here. He is also very unpopular amongst the malays for his uncertain stand on english for maths and science policy – of course he is now relieved of this duty. And what about himself? He cant get rid of himself. He may resign. That is still possible. But the alternative to clear his name. That he surely can do cant he?

    BTW KTK really ought lead Gerakan out of the BN fold and join pakatan. That is where the future of the country is.

  48. The syllabus in our primary and secondary school curriculum has long instilled the mindset that malays are the master of this piece of land (just flip the history, BM and pengajian am textbooks). It illustrated that non-malays were granted citizenship under the so-called “prinsip jus soli”, and thus non-malays owe coalition at that time a big favour. Anything more than the citizenship is considered a gift from BN, and non-malays shall not ask more. That is the mindset of our BN political elites.

    As for KTK’s case, I would say that he is subjected to criticisms regardless of what he chose. If he rejected the offer, he will be lambasted by Gerakan members for putting the party interest below his personal reputation. The opportunity to enter the cabinet serves as a platform for him to revive the party. I am not saying that I am a supporter of him. My simple point is that – if you were him as a leader of a party, what will you choose?

    *i am amazed on some1 keep harping on personal attacks in order gain personal gratification. wise? nah~

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  50. Limkamput is a chow kar commentator.
    A twister he is..carrying the balls of MCA.
    Why don’t he put out his opinions on so many loosers appointed as ministers and deputies?
    hi idiot…degrees and studying more does not make you smarter than fifth grade student. Heard that before?
    You have acquired more knowledge like Mahathir…able to twist and turn…treating Malaysians like h is the King and less smarter than him.
    You are so cunning..but your childish and shallow minded personality betrays you.
    What other knowledge that matters in life that you know…besides bragging how smart you are in politics?
    World history..geography…religions…cultures?
    Maybe good in maths and science…..to teach?
    What about the birds and bees.
    Each time..he must say..he is smarter than a fifth grader.
    No one believe in your so call logic….all dressed up to carry UMNO balls.
    But it is good…the more you talk…the more votes BN will loose.
    Keep it up.

  51. Monsterball, limkamput et all,
    Please guys, let’s not get personal. Say something constructive, whether others agree with you is immaterial, that’s freedom of speech and expression.

    Do give some respect to our host YB Kit who has been so patient all these years. OK? Thanks.

  52. yea, i sincerely hope that all of us can refrain from launching personal attacks in the present of opposig views.

    The holier-than-thou attitude has really driven many readers away.


  53. The Geek is asked to be the monitor his classroom called the Cabinet. Unfortunately the class is full of misfits and unruly students and will give him the wedgie if he is too earnest in his job. So The Geek will have to go back to his ‘teacher’ (i.e., Najib) to do his job. Unfortunately the teacher is a bad teacher and really all he is hoping the Geek do is spy on the students for him, don’t do much and be convenient to take the blame if anything goes wrong.

    So the question is, has The Geek forgot he was and still a geek and expected to be one? If he forgot who he is, watch what happens when he gets hammered. Otherwise, we can pick on him when we are done with the reat of the bullies and misfits in his class….

  54. Guess the Geek tries to impress knowing Najib has his men all well positioned with cousin waiting nearby at the Home Ministry. If he’s not careful he’ll be shown the exit door.

    I’m surprised that Krisman got the Home Ministry portfolio, not the deputy PM, should he(MY) not afterall he’s more senior in politics and government? Why upset and remove his cousin from Education Ministry?

    It’s like a chess game, Najib has his men all well positioned to his needs.

  55. KTK like , all the rest of the non umno ministers could not do much as both his hands are been tied to his back. I think all these guys are umno’s superfluous and also it’s a great waste of rakyat’s money.

  56. The Star – “Khaled: KPI may be misinterpreted if made public”.

    Already a false start? Transparency should be the order of the day. We must admit that our administrations are not the most efficient by international standards. Year in year out still harping on the same old things.

    OTK confirmed this in The Star -““When I go to the ground, I see with my own eyes that there are long-standing issues that have been ignored and left unresolved.”

  57. I am only reminding PAS and PKR that they must never waver from their cosmopolitan outlook. May I know what is wrong with that? Check my posting records before condemning. I can’t expect much anyway because I doubt this odd ball can understand what others are saying.

    YOU want me to condemn the backdoor cabinet members? It is too simple for me. Besides, we can reliably depend on this simpleton to do the job.

    Didn’t you fellows see that I am already looking beyond the 13th GE. But be careful, it may well be a pyrrhic victory.

  58. I don’t think Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon can walk with his head up or talk straight into anyone’s eyes as he has lost credibility in accepting the backdoor way to become a minister.

    Koh has during the 12th general election campaign last year stated that he would not accept a senatorship to qualify to be a cabinet member. What happened to that pledge?

    Any little respect we have for him is gone, now that he has shown himself to be one who lacks integrity and credibility.

    And the irony of it is that his job as minister now is to monitor the credibility and performance of other ministers. How can he do it when his own credibility is in doubt, having accepted the post through becoming a senator when, during the election campaign, he had said that he would not accept a senatorship?

    Even Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu kept to his word not to take up a senatorship to join the cabinet. Or, was he not offered a ministership?

  59. Let us stop criticizing KTK for a brief moment and look at the brighter side of things. It could be that PM Najib really wants to emulate his late father Tun Razak. In the early 70s, the May 13 incident was still fresh in the minds of Malaysians and he badly wanted to mend race relations and win back the Chinese support for his government Tun Razak broke the ice in Malaysia-Singapore relations by taking the initiative to visit Singapore. There he told his mainly Singaporen audience that “Malaysia and Singapore are willy-nilly bound together by the facts of our geography, history, language and culture. Which path shall we take; the path of confrontation or the path of cooperation?’ In 1974, he made Malaysia the first country in ASEAN to establish diplomatic relations with China. He shook hands with Mao Zedong, and the ubiquitous posters of the two shaking hands became the newly-formed BN’s most effective campaign posters in the 1974 GE. Tun Razak and the then CM Dr Lim Chong Eu became close friends. He was so impressed ith Penang’s development plans drawn up by Dr Lim Chong Eu that he reportedly said somethig like this: If every MB were as able as Dr Lim he would take a rest” Chong Eu is grateful to his friend to this day. He renamed his pet project in Pg Complex Tun Abdul Razak, or popularly known as KOMTAR, so that Penangites can remember our 2nd PM for generations to come. That’s how PM Najid’s father Tun Razak won the confidence of Chinese voters by playing the China card well and by being friendly towards Chinese-majority-Singapore. Needless to say, the 1974 GE was a BN landslide. I was then too young to understand all this but later found out by reading old newspapers.
    Coming back to PM Najib. The situation in the country today is so much more complicated. Unlike his father’ time, there is no more China card to play. Chinese have become much more Malaysianized compared to the 1970s. Malays are now much friendly towards non-Malays. Much more rampant corruption today than 30-40 years ago. PM Najib probably wants the help of KTK to further strengthen relations and cooperation with China, which means killing two birds with one stone in the long run – improving economic situation and with it improving political climate for BN. He could be also trying to renew his father’s role by giving the green lights to the various big development projects in Penang. Or is CM LGE in for a (pleasant) surprise? To most of us, PR is still and will always be the better choice for Penang and Malaysia simply because race-based policy itself is irrational.

  60. Now Limkamput call me oddball!!
    Why can’t you make up your mind…say a spade is spade?
    Why all the merry go round…analyse…give your worthless advises. No balls to come to the good side …clean and simple?

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