Death for Azilah/Sirul – intensify demand for RCI into allegations of Najib’s involvement in Altantuya C4 murder case

The end of the murder trial of the century in the Shah Alam High Court this morning, with policemen Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri and Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar found guilty and sentenced to death for murdering Mongolian woman Altantuya Shaariibuu, and then blowing up her body in a jungle clearing on Oct 19, 2006, is not going to end public fixation with any Altantuya-Najib nexus in national and international circles.

The question that is inevitably asked is who could be behind the two Bukit Aman Special Action Squad (UTK) cops’ C4 murder of Altantuya.

Those who had thought that the end of the Altantuya murder trial, with the conviction and death sentence pronounced on Azila and Sirul, would end national and international fixation with any connection of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak with the Altantuya murder case cannot be more wrong.

While Azilah and Sirul would appeal against the mandatory death sentence upon conviction under Section 149 of the Penal Code, their conviction and death sentence have not lessened but intensified public demands and necessity for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into swirling allegations of Najib’s involvement in the Altantuya’s C4 murder case.

At 3 pm today, Najib is announcing his new Cabinet – but this important event in his six-day premiership, which is already marred by the two Umno/Barisan Nasional defeats in the Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau by-elections, is totally overshadowed by the Altantuya murder case conviction and death sentences.

As Najib has repeatedly declared his innocence of any involvement in the Altantuya C4 murder case, he must act decisively to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry to lay all the swirling allegations about his involvement in the murder case which are haunting and hounding him, his administration and the nation’s good name, to rest once and for all – whether about the accessibility of C4 explosives, the disappearance of Altantuya immigration records, the exchange of SMS messages or the disappearance of private investigator Bala Subramaniam after making public a very damaging statutory declaration about Najib.

102 Replies to “Death for Azilah/Sirul – intensify demand for RCI into allegations of Najib’s involvement in Altantuya C4 murder case”

  1. “The question that is inevitably asked is who could be behind the two Bukit Aman Special Action Squad (UTK) cops’ C4 murder of Altantuya.”

    If you ask me I would say it was Najib Tun Razak, the current Prime Minister of Malaysia.

  2. If Azilah And Sirul are murdrer, Why do they wanted to murder her?
    Who are behind the two murderers ? how could a murderer kill someone without reasons.
    The severe point is the C4 explosive in which the process of discharge of the C4 from the storage was so simple!
    Really unbelievable! unbelievable!

  3. Blind loyalty have brought these two mongrels to a death sentence…a death without a cause.
    The public demands for true justice…who were the evil culprits behind the murder of Altantayu…still roaming in our streets. It was obvious, these two murderers who did the actual killing have no purpose for her death…except being naive.

  4. there is no established personal motives for the 2 cops to kill altantuya. there’s no prior relationship, no connection, no affair, no business between the 2 cops and altantuya.

    it gives the impression that the cops went there to finish a job on orders.

  5. What is the motive? Where motive cannot be established, how can the court find them guilty BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT! These Special forces guys don’t take matters into their own hands…they listen only to higher authority.

    Too many questions still remain unanswered:
    1) who gave them orders
    2) where is Bala
    3) who authorised C4
    4) why was Aminah’s cousin’s testimony expunged
    5) how on earth could the prosecutor and defence be on the same side.
    6) etc etc etc

  6. Why these two poor and stupid police did not reveal the person who instructed them to kill? Who actually instructed them? The fact is they seem willing to die in covering up the truth. Let’s blow them up as well.

  7. 1) Had the motives of the policemen in the murder been testified and evidenced? Quote from the Wall Street Journal today “Although Abdul Razak has been acquitted, the prosecution has not said what motive the two policemen could have for killing her.”
    2) What about the famous dinner photo taken in Paris?
    3) PI Bala? still missing?
    4) Will the family of the policemen have a more ‘quality living’ thereafter?
    5) Who deleted (or direct to delete) the immigration record of Altantuya?

  8. And why not…..two for the death of one…is he message given to the poor girl father. Are you not satisfied?
    Those two will be heroes and family forever looked after.
    They sacrificed to protect their gang leader.
    Baginda is the unreliable one…and can tell all……if no choice. So he must be freed at all cost.

  9. Nobody in this world can refute the fact that the two policemen acted on instructions. The question is: Whose instructions? Furthermore, they were asked to assist by Razak Baginda to ‘handle’ the Mongolian girl. That being so, the logical reasoning is that the two policemen could not be so daring or stupid as to kill the girl. Again, the indication is that they received instructions from somebody of immense influence and power.

    That Razak Baginda received assuarance that things would turn out fine via sms from the other Razak is the biggest telling factor that he was made a scapegoat. Why would someone who then was about to become the prime minister be so foolish as to want to help and ,in the process, be linked to a murder case??????


  10. In the Malaysian Insider article it reports that Manoj ‘notes’ the defendants had a motive and preplanned the killing. I can see no mention of a plausible motive. Going equipped to kill is not the same as pre-planning a killing, particularly in the defendants’ line of work. When did they ‘plan’ to kill that specific person?

  11. why they (Azl & Srl) rather choose to be hung than spilling the’s does not worth at all. just 2 person involved? where are the rest..r they above the law? it’s time to sack the judge. The *&@$#%&*#^* is right before your eyes lah, Judge. Really geram aaahhh…

  12. Azilah and Sirul will not die. They will just fade away with new identities together with Millions of Ringgit to last them and their families a lifetime.

    Remember, they did not expose anything to defend themselves. In this world who would want to die just like that?

    Who is Azilah? Who is Sirul? I have never seen their faces. Have you?? Take this from me: Very soon we will get the news of their executions. Sure, they will show you the dead bodies.

  13. dawsheng Says:
    If you ask me I would say it was Najib Tun Razak, the current Prime Minister of Malaysia.

    i second that.

    i also think is Najib Razak is trying to wrap up this case as fast as possible so that his premiership would not be jeopardized. Two death row inmates will take the place of Azilah & Sirul later…

  14. We expect this judgement from Day 1. Who won’t? Even Kugan’s case’s final judgement is expected. This is Malaysia – the land of no accountability and transparency. We don’t even know how these two look like. Even if it is a death sentence, you and I won’t even know if they use dummies to be sealed in black suits to be hanged. Who knows? They could use any unlucky illegal immigrants in the street to replace these 2 people. All are just acting. As if you expect the tainted Malaysian courts to fight for justice? Hahaha!

    Of course, we hope the true murderer/s be punished somehow for the sake of justice. With the current situation in Malaysia, we can only hope a higher supernatural being can do something. Don’t expect the authorities to do something.

    Don’t waste time with Royal Commission. Investigations will be done by their own people while they declare to the public that these people are fair individuals. The outcome is NFA because not enough evidences. Why bother? You already know deep down in your heart the answer before anything is even conducted. Don’t waste time. You are asking the criminal lords to investigate the crime of their gang members. What do you expect the results to be?

    By the way, a word of advice to all the oppositions. What’s the point of making any police report against BN people? Any of them have a good conclusion? They all ended up as NFA because there are not enough evidences. Same with the courts, the police are their own people. Therefore, why waste time making police reports? It is a waste of time because before you even make the report, you already know the outcome.

    The only solution is to end BN’s rule. There is no other way to work in the current system. Everything is under their power. Whatever you do, there is no justice.

  15. taxidriver and anti corruption,

    I have the same thought too tat they wil have some one to die in their place..kiasi. first thing, they will go to s.korea for plastic surgery coz they hv a lot of money then joint baginda at the oxford for further study. hell.

  16. I see the phrase ‘unsubstantiated rumours’ is being flogged like Coca Cola on the Malaysian Internet at the moment. It wasn’t the unsubstantiated rumours that lost BN those votes. Nobody in their right mind believes a word they say any more. Public servants are killing visitors and locals. The courts are doing whatever they are told, no matter how unjust the outcome. What is more substantial than murder and injustice? I don’t think any sensible person really intends to accuse any person or persons of killing Altantuya, but neither do any of us wish to witness a blatant cover-up.

    Since one of the defendants has made a statement to the effect that they expected to be well paid for their work, isn’t the death sentence tantamount to destroying evidence? Are death sentences ever commuted to life sentences ‘in the public interest’?

  17. Hai, Taxidriver
    Are you sure somebody else is going to sacrify in order to save these two murderers. Is our bolen land can stretch to that extend?

    Wow! if that is correct than i cant imagine what will happen next to this boleh land.

    Any comments are welcome on this replacement murderer with someone.

  18. Now that the court case has ended, people can once again mention Altantuya Shaariibuu freely and liberally.
    Poor cops, do they really have to die for their C4 act?
    But do we know their faces?
    Since day 1, their faces have been covered. They can hang anyone and show us the dead bodies of two unknown faces and tell us they are them. Really?
    Or are they given a great escape and new identities to enjoy the loot of Razak Baginda in Oxford as well?
    Remember this is the Bolehland. Semua boleh as NR once said: Don’t worry, everything kowtim.

  19. Famous Hollywood movie producer and movie director, George Lucas and Steven Speilberg, might be interested in this case which has all the ingredients for a suspenseful and intriguing Hollywood blockbuster movie. A good title for this movie would be ‘The Malaysian PM Connection’

    If ever such a movie is made, my view is that it sould’nt have an open-ended ending. Instead, the movie should end with a scene of two men with their faces covered and their wives and children being surrounded by plain-clothed police agents, ushered into a Malaysian fighter plane which finally gave a thunderous and ear-bursting roar as it took to the clear blue sky. The song ‘Born Free’ by Matt Monroe………THE END

  20. There is nothing much we can do beyond speculating endlessly on what might have been. The accused have never said that were acting on orders to kill, and both the prosecution and defence lawyers have objected to that line of questioning. Both the prosecution and defence lawyers have agreed that the case is only about proof of murder, and not about motive or about acting in concert with other people.

    If the two UTK personnel wish to remain tight-lipped, and are willing to die for a cover-up of unimaginable proportions, then the puppeteers will continue to roam free.

  21. The question that is inevitably asked is who could be behind the two Bukit Aman Special Action Squad (UTK) cops’ C4 murder of Altantuya.

    At first, it was made to look like that Razak Baginda had hired those two cops to do it in order to cover up his affair with the victim, but then Razak was acquitted.

    So, what other motive would two cops from an elite squad have for murdering a foreign private citizen to the extent that they had attempted to dispose the victim’s remains by blowing it up with a supposedly controlled military grade plastic explosive?

    Think about it…

    If a cop wants to commit premeditated murder and of course, get away with it, wouldn’t this cop know that it has to be done in such away that any possible forensic evidence that would lead back to him/her has to be avoided or eliminated?

    Wouldn’t a cop be in the best position to know how his/her colleagues investigate a homicide, and thus, be able to avoid the common mistakes made by a murderer that would eventually lead to his/her capture?

    In this case, it would appear that the victim might have died by accident, and there was a hasty attempt to cover it up.

    So, it’s possible that the two UTK cops were instructed by somebody high up in the hierarchy to scare or intimidate the victim, but it got out of hand, leading to the victim’s death.

  22. Consider this….
    In the gangster world….it is an honour to die for the gang leader. Whole family is assured to be take care off for die in peace.
    However…if one is unreliable and is well educate rich and famous like Baginda…the gang leader must get him out free at all cost…..or he may expose all..without fear.
    In the world of gangsterism….and warlords….look at the pattern of our country governed by UMNO BARU.
    Not one big corrupted crook ever got caught and go to jail. It’s always the small fishes.
    The leaders are so well protected…you can never get real proofs…for once near the truths..someone will step out and confess..sacrificing his life to protect the gang leader…..or that person…simply disappear…alive or dead..depends on the negotiations.
    Almost all important Govt. Depts have gang leaders….be it Police .Judicial….Immigration…and few others.
    These were encouraged and started when Mahathir killed UMNO …steal billions…to enrich UMNO BARU…personal and friends….establishing himself… as the Warlord…..much more powerful than gang leaders. All are so happy…especially the Police and Judicial Dept. In cultured language…we identify him as a Dictator.
    Millions who love Tunku Abdul Rahman…cried in silence…..feeling helpless….no way to bring justice to our Bapak Malaysia….until now….focusing to bury UMNO BARU with People’s Power they now realise…they make the Warlords…they will sack them in elections.
    Everybody make mistakes…and voters realising they made great mistakes to trust UMNO BARU gives hope for great future and unity..
    Before Mahathir…there were corruptions…as corruptions …we all know..cannot be completely eradicated anywhere in the world.
    And those past UMNO leaders before Mahathir…do love the country and people more…thus steal only enough to enjoy life…not buy properties…expensive cars and houses…NEVER!!
    They do feel guilty…and one…who stole RM1 million…a Mentri Besar of Selangor..Harun Idris..had to go to jail for 3 years…on corruption.
    Now hundreds of millions…no proofs…no charges….all masterminded by Mahathir….with laws and by laws..amended to protect themselevs.
    Now look at present scenario starting from Mahathir’s 22 years as PM. Raids conducted DVDs shops..yet where are the factories…not known…..prostitute dens..gambling houses….non stop raiding…yet not one big fish is caught…..the financier….the real Big Boss…not one is caught….while w can see so many hundreds of Police Officers are living like multi millionaires.
    Yes….Big Boss in gangsterism world….steal from EPF and Petronas…our money…never get caught….because it is for Malays and UMNO….so those half pass sixes are thinking like so. Also they earn small need to pay income tax…not realising….the EPF and Oil money are theirs too…which UMNO are…actually steal from them too.
    Now on Altantuya case…any idiot in the whole wide world knows…she cannot be C4ed for nothing!
    Those two so call terrible killers sentenced to death….are just machais…gang leader foot soldiers…taking the rap to protect the leader.
    If you believe those two take orders from someone and that someone is feeling completely harm will come to him….then UMNO BARU is a racialist… gangster party…and somehow….Justice must be seen and done….sooner or later.

  23. As Najib has repeatedly declared his innocence of any involvement in the Altantuya C4 murder case, he must act decisively to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry to lay all the swirling allegations about his involvement in the murder case which are haunting and hounding him, his administration and the nation’s good name, to rest once and for all –

    We’ve seen the disappointing outcome of the Lingam Video RCI.
    Will a RCI on this case be any better, especially when UMNO’s BN still runs the federal government?

    And so far, neither the Pekan MP himself nor our nation’s foreign ministry has taken any form of action against those foreign publications who had already printed out articles which made allegations that the said MP & his spouse are involved in this murder case.

    Thus, it can be said that all lingering doubts about this man’s self-declared innocence has not been removed…

  24. Godfather Says: The accused have never said that were acting on orders to kill
    So the images I see on the Internet (google for ‘sirul caution statment’ – a few examples on that first page of results) which purport to be caution statements, where Sirul says:

    Dalam perjalanan ke Hotel Malaya Tuan Azilah ada bercakap berkenaan ganjaran sebanyak RM50 hingga RM100 ribu jika berjaya selesaikan kes, tetapi saya dan Yuan Azilah gagl mencari hotel tersebut walau pun sudah berpusing-pusing beberapa kali.

    Are they genuine? I had to ask someone to translate for me, so my understanding is second-hand.

    the case is only about proof of murder
    This reminds me of the Lina Joy case – didn’t that end up as a case to deal with some finer point of law which ultimately avoided the issue altogether? Is it actually possible to have a (what is it here?) Federation of Malaysia versus accused murder case which is not about serving justice in the case of the murder? Why are they tackling some finer point? Is this only one in a series of cases in respect of Altantuya’s death, or is this it? This is like prosecuting the 9/11 terrorists for smoking after the ‘No smoking’ light came on in the airplane cabin!

  25. What cautioned statement ? I believe that the “cautioned statement” was never tendered because the AG said that experience has shown that a majority of accused had reneged on their (earlier) cautioned statements.

  26. UTK cops Azila and Sirul willingness to sacrifice their young lives for their boss/bossses was indeed amazing ,but for what guys ?.Did it worth it,say for a few million ringgits in exchange for precious God given life ? Most if not all,would say no way,right,guys ?.But why then,these two cops did what we all rejected out right?.What have their parents to say about their sons being made a scrapgoats by some invisible hand or hands ?.Like most of you guys,two things are bothering me most (1) How was it that both guys could remain silence steadfastly ,never ever mentioning they were order to do the job.
    (2)These two cops did say,they didn’t know her (murdered victim).Question is why then murdered some one whom they didn’t know ?.Does not make any sense,right guys ?.Pray and hope that Azila and Sirul will appeal their death sentence and in the appeal arena,with Allah’s grace and guidance will reveal the whole truth nothing but the truth as to who are the culprit or culprits .No one should ever be relieved until the real evil person or persons are reveal and charge according to the severity of the crime.

  27. Of course we know that the cautioned statement will drag more issues into the line of questioning, like who is Musa Safri, and his relationship to Razak Baginda; who was the Indian guy mentioned and why wasn’t he brought as a witness; why was C4 kept in Sirul’s house; etc etc.

  28. DAP is trying hard to divert public attention from the corruption case involving ex Penang deputy chief. If incompetence is the cause, will DAP demand the CM to resign??? I doubt so…….Their so called fight against corruption is only rhetoric and double standard….This is what we called “Cakap tak serupa bikin”

    Did anyone notice that each topic in this blog is classified based on categorises (right bottom side of this page)? There are more than 70 categories defined…….but couldn’t find the word NEPOTISM……maybe DAP is too scared to discuss about this topic…. This is what we called “Menepuk air di dulang, terpercik muka sendiri”

    On the other, It has always been obvious to us that Godfather is more open to talk about the ‘Senior’ posts in the cabinet….. Keep It Up!

  29. I absolutely love to talk about “senior” posts in the cabinet, because the most senior post is already taken by a person tainted with corruption in the scorpene submarine and Eurocopter scandals. Faham tak, cintanegara ?

  30. In the BKF case, there a crime was committed, but there was no criminals.

    In this case, though there are two fall guys, they are just pawns who carried out the order. Who was the mastermind who gave the order?

  31. Why the agencies such as CIA and KGB (what is the new name?) do not get involved. They must have the information. With huge money floating around, there must be records. Why no one went to investigate the bank records in France, boleh, etc?

    ‘They’ really wanted the two policemen been hang soonest, before given a chance to talk

  32. Cintanegara is right! Nepotism is a scourge and should be eradicated with every joule of energy left in our bodies!

    Put it on the list! Right down there, after extra judicial killing, perversion of justice, detention without trial, racism, suppression of dissent and free speech, you guys think of some others.

    Personally, I can’t wait to get round to tackling nepotism. If we get that far down the list, Malaysia will already be like heaven on Earth! I might even be able to ‘close one eye’ and get some flippin’ work done!

    Nice try cintanegara, come back when you’ve found the skeleton under Lim Kit Siang’s patio.

  33. these two cop will never tell who instructed them to kill this lady.
    tell or don tell, the result also the same. because they really kill that lady.
    if they keep quiet to accept death sentence. they family may get millions ringgit for compensate.
    such ranking of cop, do we think their life can earn millions ringgit base on current salary ?

  34. who think that these guys will go to the gallow will be the biggest clown in town. they think the public is so naive and stupid !
    anyway nowadays $$$$ can do wonders and our police nowadays are like official mafia gang to BN.they act like mafia Godfather !
    law and order is for the rich as what my father use to tell me true in every sense.

    God when can all this stop ???? Are you up there ???

  35. ‘what makes them trade in their lives with someone else?’. -ec-

    Hmm…. are you sure or not they are trading their lives with someone else?Way things are played out in BolehLand anything goes! Can’t they be packed off under a new identity to live a comfortable life somewhere in Indonesia as a reward for faithfully carrying out the big man’s instruction.Your guess is as good as mine.

  36. why every layman knows that the 2 guys were on instructions except the highly intelligent high court? My, my, my. A country that has been turned upside down by those sophisticated leaders. What to talk about clean cabinet when the submarine deal is still bothering every rakyat except the anticorruption agency???

  37. “Fair and Just” to all…. The New cabinet line-up reflects the diversity of the National Front coalition, which is made up of parties representing the various races of Malaysia…Unlike the other country……

    AhPek, where’s the statistical information to substantiate your argument? We all know that you are good at compiling data…..

  38. On 9 April 2009 at 14:58.26, cintanegara said:

    DAP is trying hard to divert public attention from the corruption case involving ex Penang deputy chief. If incompetence is the cause, will DAP demand the CM to resign??? I doubt so. Their so called fight against corruption is only rhetoric and double standard. This is what we called ‘Cakap tak serupa bikin’

    Hasn’t the Penang CM cooperated with the MACC, even at the risk of being a victim of political bias like what had happened to the current Selangor MB?
    When the UMNO disciplinary board said that it had found the Malacca CM to be guilty of corruption in the form of money politics, why didn’t it demand the Malacca CM to resign instead of just giving a mere slap on the wrist?
    Could it be due to incompetence on the part of the UMNO disciplinary board?
    Or is its so-called fight against corruption just rhetoric and double standard in the mould of ‘Cakap tak serupa bikin’?

    On 9 April 2009 at 14:58.26, cintanegara said:

    Did anyone notice that each topic in this blog is classified based on categorises (right bottom side of this page)? There are more than 70 categories defined. but couldn’t find the word NEPOTISM. maybe DAP is too scared to discuss about this topic. This is what we called ‘Menepuk air di dulang, terpercik muka sendiri’

    According to the dictionary, ‘nepotism’ is defined as favouritism shown to relatives in appointing them to jobs.
    If nepotism is considered bad for politics and political parties, every politician & every member of a political party should not have family members or relatives in the same party as a safeguard, right?
    Thus, since the new UMNO president is the cousin of the new UMNO vice-president, shouldn’t UMNO do something about this first and set the precedent against nepotism?
    If not, wouldn’t the Pekan MP & his party also ‘Menepuk air di dulang, terpercik muka sendiri’?

  39. Why are these 2 UTK cops when taken to and fro to court and back to prision their faces are covered?? What so secreat for murders like these. They should be in full view of the public. Reporters please take note of their identies. You need to know if they are the one who are sent to the gallows.

    My strong suspicion, when time to go to the gallows some other guineapigs-prisioners are replaced and these two UTK cops are given new identies and lots of money and will be enjoying in sunside beach resort in Thailand with Thai beauties for a change!

    Otherwise do you all think these two cops are really that bodoh!! Anyway I have not a bit of sympathy for these two.
    By all means let them all go to hell if they still trust the real culprit and try to cover for him. It not worth.
    They will also be C4ed in the end. Hahahaha.
    In Bolehland and in C4 land anything is possible.

  40. The two policemen will not die. They will live on with under a changed identity elsewhere with millions and millions in their pockets. But who will be hanged as sentenced? God knows who! But it will not be them. Some poor souls would stand in for them at the gallows. They will die. But not the two policemen.

  41. On 9th April 2009 at 16:24.26, cintanegara said:

    “Fair and Just” to all…. The New cabinet line-up reflects the diversity of the National Front coalition, which is made up of parties representing the various races of Malaysia…Unlike the other country……

    Yes, it may look and sound diversely fair & just, but it’s still UMNO’s BN, dominated by UMNO.

    And, is there a murder case haunting and hounding the head of government in this ‘other country’?

  42. /// cintanegara Says:
    Today at 16: 24.26 (22 minutes ago)
    “Fair and Just” to all…. The New cabinet line-up reflects the diversity of the National Front coalition, ///

    How come the loser in umno youth is made a deputy minister, and the winner is not made a minister?

    What, money politics you said? Don’t all of them indulge in that?

  43. Whenever did a RCI make any difference in Malaysia? Look at the RCI for the “Police” a few years ago & the RCI fo rthe Lingam Tapes! Any changes? Look at the Kugan Case. They beat a man to death in a Police Lock-up & what happens (they conficate all the evidence from the UMMC!)?
    It’s ok, give UMNO enough rope, it will hang itself!
    And don’t waste time arguing with retards like Cintanegara…it makes no difference to these Mentally Challenged UMNO supporters!

  44. These two stupid guys thought that they will not die and get new identity, but too bad that they will be hanged so that they have no chance to tell anyone after that because they know too much!!! Dont play play with Najis, you know what is Najis’s smell!!!

    BTW, Kerismudin is holding the home minister post now, instead of using keris, he will hold up submachine gun and launch missile from submarine to shot back Malaysian of other races other than the Supreme Race!!!

  45. Dear Ekans…..I beg to differ…A father-son relationship is far closer than relationship between cousins…How sure are we that the father wont interfere in the decision making process of the state government led by his son??


    Prime Minister
    Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak

    Deputy Prime Minister
    Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin

    Ministers in the Prime Minister’s Department
    Tan Sri Datuk Dr Koh Tsu Koon (Unity Affairs and Performance Management)
    Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz (Justice and & Parliament)
    Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop (Economic Planning Unit)
    Maj. Gen (R) Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom (Islamic Religious Affairs)

    Deputy Ministers
    Datuk Liew Vui Keong
    Senator Datuk Dr Mashitah Ibrahim
    Datuk S. K. Devamany
    Ahmad Maslan
    Senator T. Murugiah

    Minister: Datuk Seri Najib Razak
    Minister II: Datuk Ahmad Husni Mohamad Hanadzlan
    Deputy: Datuk Chor Chee Heung
    Deputy: Senator Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussein

    Minister: Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin
    Deputy: Datuk Dr. Wee Ka Siong
    Deputy: Datuk Dr Puad Zakarshi

    Minister: Datuk Ong Tee Keat
    Deputy: Datuk Abdul Rahim Bakri
    Deputy: Datuk Robert Lau Hoi Chew

    Entrepreneurship, Agriculture and Commodities
    Minister: Tan Sri Bernard Dompok
    Deputy: Datuk Hamzah Zainuddin

    Minister: Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein
    Deputy: Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop
    Deputy: Encik Jelaing Mersat

    Information, Communication, Arts and Culture
    Minister: Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim
    Deputy: Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum
    Deputy: Senator Heng Seai Kie

    Energy, Green Technology and Water
    Minister: Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui
    Deputy: Noriah Kasnon

    Rural and Regional Development
    Minister: Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal
    Deputy: Datuk Hassan Malek
    Deputy: Datuk Joseph Entulu Belaun

    Higher Education
    Minister: Datuk Seri Mohd Khaled Nordin
    Deputy: Datuk Dr Hou Kok Chung
    Deputy: Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah

    International Trade and Industry
    Minister: Datuk Mustapa Mohamad
    Deputy: Datuk Mukhriz bin Tun Dr Mahathir
    Deputy: Datuk Jacob Dungau Sagan

    Science, Technology and Innovation
    Minister: Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili
    Deputy: Encik Fadillah Yusof

    Natural resources and Environment
    Minister: Datuk Douglas Unggah Embas
    Deputy: Tan Sri Joseph Kurup

    Minister: Datuk Ng Yen Yen
    Deputy: Datuk Sulaiman Abdul Rahman Abdul Taib

    Agriculture and Agro-Based Industries
    Minister: Datuk Noh Omar
    Deputy: Datuk Johari Baharum
    Deputy: Datuk Rohani Abdul Karim

    Minister: Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
    Deputy: Datuk Dr Abdul Latiff Ahmad

    Minister: Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor
    Deputy: Datuk Yong Khoon Seng

    Minister: Datuk Liow Tiong Lai
    Deputy: Datuk Rosnah Rashid Shilin

    Youth and Sports
    Minister: Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek
    Deputy: Datuk Razali Ibrahim
    Deputy: Encik Wee Jeck Seng

    Human Resources
    Minister: Datuk Dr. S. Subramaniam
    Deputy: Datuk Maznah Mazlan (Senator)

    Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs
    Minister: Datuk Ismail Sabri Yaakob
    Deputy: Datuk Tan Lian Hoe

    Housing and Local Government
    Minister: Datuk Kong Cho Ha
    Deputy: Datuk Lajim Ukin

    Women’s Development, Family and Community
    Minister: Senator Datuk Shahrizat Jalil
    Deputy: Datuk Paduka Chew Mei Fun

    Minister: Datuk Anifah Aman
    Deputy: Senator A. Kohilan Pillay
    Deputy: Datuk Lee Chee Leong

    Federal Territories
    Minister: Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin
    Deputy: Datuk M. Saravanan

  47. # cintanegara :

    Aih cintan, i think you are the one who’s trying your stupid best to divert the attention of the readers here from the significance of today’s court ruling. You failed miserably of course. This IS what we called “Menepuk air di dulang, terpercik muka sendiri”.

    At least ex Penang deputy had the guts to resign compared to some Rusted UMNO CM in Malacca. And this IS what we called “Cakap tak serupa bikin”.

    Aih cintan pi bercintalah puas2 dengan hang punya UMNO/BN. Unless you can backup your arguments,please do not waste your time observing the 70 (wow I didn’t know that) categories/arrangements searching for the word nepotism on YB Lim’s blog. It’s rather sad. Are you married or don’t you have a girlfriend or something??

    Death for Azilah/Sirul- as pulau sibu pointed out, the actual/VIP fugitive(s) who are still at large / unpunished, will want them to be hanged before they can ‘clean out the closet’. But they are very mistaken. It won’t go away. The dead will come back to haunt them. Absolute truth will prevail as NO man is above the law.

    We the rakyat must play our part by voting in Pakatan in the next election and allow the remaining few good men to uphold the sanctity of the law in this country. For now, VIP fugitives, “sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite”.

  48. After stirring and stirring trying to confuse the general public, finally they, the High Court has made the decision to sentence 2 to death. So on the scoreboard 3 deaths because of military deal gone haywire.

    Unfortunately there are still so MANY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS!

    i. How about Bala declaration? Not considered by High Court?
    ii. Who is incharged of C4 in the Military Camp? So far nobody accountable for stolen C4 from the Military Camp. Formal Defence Minister ie Najib tun Razak shall be answerable to the nation since no one from the camp claimed responsible.
    iii. Immigration records of Altantuya and cousin all lost. Immigration Department is answerable to the public what happen to their computer system, failure which formal Home Minister ie Sai Hamid shall be answerable.
    iv. Rakyat Malaysia have NOT HEAR a single word from Azilah and Sirul why they want to kill or who instruct them to kill. The only word they left us is they are the SCAPEGOATS! So who is/are the mastermind/s???

    BIG QUESTION MARK still hanging in the COURT when Shah Alam High Court decided on death sentence.

    MANA ADA JUSTICE IN THIS NATION?! Mastermind never get caught.

    JUDICIARY CRISIS getting more and more insane! ABSURD! No words to decribe judiciary of the nation. Tons of RUBBISH!

  49. ggggggrrrrrrr Koh Tsu Khoon minister again and Mamak son….deputy minister.
    Signs of desperado needing advices from Mamak.
    UMNO can never survive without being a hypocrite and racialist party.
    So…come on in..Gerakan…MCA and MIC.
    It is not for Malaysians. It is for race and religion……to divide and rule…on going …no change.

  50. I would think that the 2 murders will not die, in the end. the Mat Mongol could:

    1st, pass the DNA Identification bill, use it to reject the earlier DNA evidence or fabricate new DNA ‘evidence’.

    2nd, pass the Witness Protection Bill, turn the 2 cops into witnesses and erase and replace new identities for them.

    3rd, sack some judges to scapegoat the decisions.

    4th, delete the immigration records of them and their families, and send them overseas.

    5th, to reward them and in order the paid $ not detected by overseas immigration (apparently Australia will not be a ‘good’ destination to go hiding), the newly purchased submarine will be deployed to send them off to Panama.

    then, they live happily ever after…

  51. i_love_malaysia says”
    “These two stupid guys thought that they will not die and get new identity, but too bad that they will be hanged …”

    This ending is definitely more likely and realistic. Those dummies must have been given false hope by allowing their face to be covered. In the end, all those that become a liability must be executed so the big boss can sleep better at night. The story is getting more interesting by the day.

  52. As sheriff singh pointed out, until today even when found guilty, those 2 continue to hide their faces outside the court.

    Anything also boleh lah in this boleh land.

    Pretend to get hanged and ‘die’ then come out alive as free men with cash in bank. No one going to recongnise you. Migrate and disappear like what Bala did and happily ever after.

    Can lah, Bala can do that, so does Eli boy friend, so did C4 from military camp, so did lost records from immigration dept.

    Everything boleh in this boleh lah! Pui.

  53. “As sheriff singh pointed out, until today even when found guilty, those 2 continue to hide their faces outside the court. ”

    but their families can be seen in court.
    trace the families and you get can get a good
    idea of the ones being charged. use your
    brains lah.

  54. because the secret cannot be exposed and the ‘witnesses’ must die, TV series provide that:

    1) Employ a bomoh to cast a spell so that the 2 cops vanish in their prison cells
    2) Employ a prison ‘tai khor’ to beat them in the prison.
    3) Employ the officer that ‘did’ Kugan, copy the same procedures.

  55. still waiting for anwars big announcement.
    come on man wtf alsways talking no action.
    PR are you sure you want anwar to lead.
    what is so fantastic about him man.
    monsterball perhaps you can share about
    anwars fantastic achievements.
    what the hell did he do for the people
    whilst he was riding high in umno??
    i am extremely skecptical about anwar.
    frankly i just don’t trust his face.

  56. On 9/4/09 at 16:59.56, cintanegara said:

    Dear Ekans…..I beg to differ…A father-son relationship is far closer than relationship between cousins…

    Dear cintanegara,
    Of course, a father & a son should be closer than two cousins, but the definition of ‘nepotism’ also covers relatives, which is of course still relevant to cousins, and sometimes cousins can also be as close as siblings…

    On 9/4/09 at 16:59.56, cintanegara said:
    How sure are we that the father wont interfere in the decision making process of the state government led by his son??

    Dear cintanegara,
    I think you should direct this question to your hero, the doctor, because you may have noticed that his son has just been appointed to what you had described as that “fair and just to all” cabinet, not that long after the doctor has returned to that dominant party…

  57. Look I dont get it. A police officer would have investigated hundreds if not thousands of cases. Its his job for god’s sake. And by the n th case he would have acquired the professional attitude to deal with every case on the facts in a clinical and impersonal manner. The mongolian woman’s case is no different and I am sure the two officers ought to be able to handle it in the exact same way. There are absolutely no reasons for them to get entangled – to go beyond the scope of their duties – with the case by killing the woman and then disintegrating her body. There are simply no reasons for doing such a thing. It just does not make sense. And can they blame the public for letting unsubstantiated rumours float and swirl about. No. Look Baginda Razak is now a free man. He was let loose by the court without being called to give evidence in defence at all. This can only happen if the prosecution could not produce enough prima facie evidence in court against him. And yet, in the same case, the prosecution could satisfy the court beyond all reasonable doubt with available evidence that the two officers are guilty as charged. Yes of course the charge against Baginda is not the same as that against the two officers. But arent their respective charge closely related in that they are about the murder of a woman? And if they are related how is it possible that the police could do a wonderful job of nailing two and somehow another accused could get away. It wold be different if Baginda was called to give evidence in defence and the judge ruled on his evidence that the prosecution had not proven their case against him. Here baginda was not even required to give evidence.

  58. On 9 April 2009 at 17:11.13, Bobster said:
    ii. Who is incharged of C4 in the Military Camp? So far nobody accountable for stolen C4 from the Military Camp. Formal Defence Minister ie Najib tun Razak shall be answerable to the nation since no one from the camp claimed responsible.

    Given the supposedly strict control over the supply & distribution of C4 plastic explosives, it’s no surprise that the party that was responsible for its illegal use in this crime could be the same as the party responsible for sending Karpal live ammunition together with those death threat letters, furthermore under the very noses of supposedly vigilant Pos Malaysia staff.

  59. When the verdict was read, one of them showed emotion while the other smiled (based on the newspaper report). A smile is not a sign of guilt – it could well be a facade of something more horrifying. The whole judgement could’ve been staged – dramatised to make it look convincing. Come on, the public is not stupid. Look at all the unanswered questions. Even a kid would ask, “Why did the soldiers kill a foreigner?” – how r u gonna answer that? And they blew her to PIECES!!

    Yup, I believe it’s a drama, and the two cops and the real killers will have a happy ending with their families.

    Sigh, hope God would punish those soon.

  60. On 9/4/09 at 18:31.22, taiking said:

    There are absolutely no reasons for them to get entangled – to go beyond the scope of their duties – with the case by killing the woman and then disintegrating her body. There are simply no reasons for doing such a thing. It just does not make sense. And can they blame the public for letting unsubstantiated rumours float and swirl about.

    The thing about this case is that the less sense it makes, the existence of a conspiracy behind it becomes more & more plausible…

  61. “The question that is inevitably asked is who could be behind the two Bukit Aman Special Action Squad (UTK) cops’ C4 murder of Altantuya.”

    Normally when a person murder another person, his/her act is driven by either a motive or incentive.

    A murderer with a motive normally done by a person who know and the victim.

    A murder committed by someone who do not know the victim or do not have motive to murder the victim, is normally driven by incentive.

    Talking about incentive -it can be robbery or ‘hired to kill’ .

    In Altantunya case, both policemen do not know the victim -thus a motive is ruled out.

    Robbery, is too ruled out because Altantunya do not bring much cash or valuables.

    And , murdering someone is definitely not in a policeman’s job description!

    So , it is narrowed down to murdering driven by incentive….

    So what was the incentive that is big enough to lure the murderer to commit the crime? And who is the incentive-giver?

    Or who give order to the low-rank policemen to perform a duty outside the normal duties? Were they warned that they have to carry out that order at their own risk?

    These mysteries remain unanswered …

    Sorry.. no Sherlock Homes in the police department in Malaysia….


    ‘Sherlock Homes’ can be made ‘disappeared’ if he do the investigation on this case..?

  62. The 2 cops should be guilty committed manslaughter.

    To compared with criminal murder, the offense of manslaughter is considered as lesser criminal culpability, with the absence of malice aforethought.

    So, where is the murderer (killing with malice/intent)?

  63. Aiyah you people really too much lah.

    The Hon. PM already sworn on the Koran that he is innocent. Still want to accuse him ah. Come on give him chance lah. Now he can have untold riches and absolute power let him enjoy. You poor guys feel jealous then join BN and gang sure can make money one.

  64. If we were to interpret the motive of the killing of Altantuya by the the two policemen, it seems to suggest that Altantuya must have provoked the two policemen about something with so much explosive anger and unforgivable hatred that it is NOT NORMAL for a reasonable person NOT TO USED the highly lethal C4 explosives to destroy her into pieces.

    But this is not the case here.

  65. How can you just sentence two accomplices to death when the mastermind is still at large? These two guys are obviously pawns carrying out the dirty work, so what happened to the true culprit? By hanging these two accomplices, the matter is deemed close because all leads to the mastermind would then be broken!

  66. Sometimes the PDRM and all its’ branches, special branch, CID, whatever you call it, have to be pitied especially those officers carrying out orders are not allowed to question these orders. So faithful is their call of duty until they have to pay for other’s crimes. Tegas but not tegas enough. Adil but not adil enough. In times like this, it will be good if Genghiz Khan were to appear and take down the real culprit himself. Only God knows who the real culprit is and only God knows when He will deal with this real culprit.

  67. Home
    Minister: Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein
    Deputy: Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop
    Deputy: Encik Jelaing Mersat

    Do you notice that Hishammuddin has been appointed by Najib as the Minister of Home Affairs, who not only oversees the Police Force and Immigration Department but more importantly who also manages Jabatan Penjara Malaysia (Jail Office of Malaysia).

    The next critical step after the two convicted murderers have exploited all legal appeal channel but failed will be to ensure that the two murderers be handled properly by a trustworthy minister.

    As a close cousin to Najib, Hishammuddin is of course the best trustworthy minister to assume the final secret duty in Sungai Buloh Jail.

    Do you also notice that this time there is no one deputy home minister coming from MCA? Surprised? This was already expected by many well informed people right even before Najib had announced his new list of cabinet members. Why should Najib allow an MCA man to hold a key post in the Ministry of Home Affairs in consideration of some MCA leaders were having a big mouth to disclose some secrets to the public about Altantuya case during the criminal investigation stage before the murderers were being charged in court?

  68. As far as the public is concerned, the actual killer or killers are still not punished. We know who the suspects are and as long as they are not fully investigated by independent authorities, the people will never let this murder case closed.

    Azilah Hadri and Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar are just some pawns under instructions to kill and dispose of the body. They don’t know Altantuya and since they have no dealing with her, they have no reason to kill her unless they are being instructed to.

    Let keep this issue alive until the true killer(s) are duly punished.

  69. Some one must have told the two that they will not die toward the end. They will be freed.

    The fact is the person mastermind this killing hoped that the two will be hagded quickly before they will reveal anything about the truth.

  70. Still too many Portfolios & Ministers. Here’s my suggestion:

    Ministers in the Prime Minister’s Department
    (Economic Planning Unit)
    – 1 minister, 2 deputies

    – 1 minister, 1 deputy

    Education (incl. Higher Education)
    – 1 minister, 1 deputy

    – 1 minister, 1 deputy

    Entrepreneurship, Agriculture and Commodities
    – 1 minister, 1 deputy

    Internal & Foreign Affairs
    – 1 minister, 2 deputies

    Information, Tourism & Culture
    – 1 minister, 2 deputies

    Energy, Utility & Environment
    – 1 minister, 1 deputy

    Science, Technology and Innovation
    – 1 minister, 1 deputy

    – 1 minister, 1 deputy

    – 1 minister, 1 deputy

    Health, Youth Development and Sports
    – 1 minister, 2 deputy

    Human Resources
    – 1 minister, 2 deputies

    Global Trade and Consumer Affairs
    – 1 minister, 2 deputies

    Housing and Local Government
    – 1 minister, 1 deputy

    Women’s Development, Family and Community
    – 1 minister, 1 deputy

    Total: 16 portfolios, 38 ministers & deputies :) – this would be cool. Saves money on salaries and allowances.

  71. Obviously the reason why the two convicted murderers did not tell who gave them the instruction to carry out the murder was that they believe they will not be the ones dying at the gallows despite being convicted. They have worked it all out haven’t they. If not why would they bother to cover their faces. They were obviously promised by higher authorities that they will be substituted by some death rows prisoners during their execution. Whether or not that becomes a reality for them is not important as long as they believe this is so and lots of money has been promised to them and their families on their ‘escape’. The only way to make them tell all is to make them aware that exchange of prisoner for execution is not possible as there will be independent public and opposition witnesses during their execution and that they will be close scrutiny of their relatives bank accounts after their execution. As a last ditch attempt to save their neck or soul they may just tell us who gave them the orders. But as far as the public is concern we already know who the culprits are.

  72. Those who lie for personal gain do not stick together very long especially hardship decreases the benefit.Hence you guys can expect the truth pretty soon.Reference to the Altantunya case.

  73. What are Senators from the Dewan Negara (second and separate House of Malaysian Parliament) doing inside the UMNO/BN Executive Government Cabinet?

    Isn’t the Dewan Negara meant to be separate in powers and duties and so to remain independent of the Dewan Rakyat in order to function as a check and balance of the Dewan Rakyat’s (which includes the Executive and Opposition members MPs) legislative activities?

    So, aren’t these appointments of Senators into the Executive’s Cabinet overriding one of the democratic governance system’s fundamental checks and balances which was originally designed into the system as a protective control mechanism?

    And as Tun Mohamed Suffian Mohamed Hashim, the Lord President of the Supreme Court from 1974-1982 himself stated, aren’t such highly questionable amendments by UMNO/BN “contrary to the spirit of the original constitution which established the Senate specially as a body to protect in the federal Parliament, state interests against federal encroachments”?

    “Imagine Power To The People” John Lennon.

  74. 1. In any murder case, the main point need to be established is MOTIVE. Any motive in this case?

    2. YB Lim, please get the DNA of these two so called murderer for verification after execution was held.

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