Lim Kit Siang

Disgraceful 45-hr police “cat-and-mouse game” on Ganabatirau and Kengadharan’s ISA release

As of now, Sunday, 5th April 2009 at 5.10 pm, the two Hindraf leaders V. Ganabatirau and R. Kenghadharan,have still not regained their freedom 45 hours after the new Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had announced in his maiden speech to the nation over television on Friday night at 8 pm that both of them, together with 11 other Internal Security Act detainees, would be “immediately released”.

Also despite the belated assurance by the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan yesterday that the ISA detainees will be allowed to leave Kamunting Detention Centre today, saying

“They cannot be released immediately. The documentation process has to be completed first. We will release all of them tomorrow after the documentation process has been completed.”

The families of Ganabatirau and Kengadharan were made to wait for hours under the hot sun yesterday and today and have not been allowed contact to see them.

Ganabatirau and Kengadharan were taken out of Kamunting Detention Centre at 1.30 pm under strict police escort, without being allowed to meet with their families, and as at 4.30 p.m. the two police cars transporting the two in custody were sighted at Sungei Buloh, believed to be on the way to the Shah Alam IPD.

The families of Ganabatirau and Kengadharan, who had waited for two days outside Kamunting Detention Centre, had at first been told this morning that both of them would not be released from Kamunting, but would be escorted to their homes.

Now, Ganabatirau and Kengadharan are not being sent directly to their homes, but continue to be in police custody while being transported to police headquarters.

This is a most shameful way in releasing the two and most outrageous way in treating their families, which included young children!

Can the new Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak explain the reason for the police “cat-and-mouse game” with Ganabatirau and Kengadharan and their families when Najib had announced their “immediate release” under the ISA?

This is a violation of the three Najib thematic themes of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now.”