MACC: Chucking Out The Wine And The Bottle

by Tunku Aziz

It is not for want of trying but, for the life of me, I find it difficult to take the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s self-trumpeted independence seriously. Since its much hyped up launch just weeks ago, its chief commissioner, Datuk Seri Ahmad Said Hamdan, has managed to put his mouth into overdrive while shifting his brains into reverse on at least two occasions. The F1 television advertisement has obviously got through to me at last.

The first was when he claimed that there was “good and strong evidence” against the Pakatan Rakyat menteri besar of Selangor, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim even before the MACC investigation into the “car and cows” saga had got into first gear.

More recently, he was again at his favourite game of shooting his mouth and, not content with that, he succeeded in shooting himself in the foot as well when he declared, to the chagrin and utter disbelief of us all, that there were “elements of misuse of power” in the case involving the Perak assembly speaker, V.Sivakumar. This was over the suspension of the “other” menteri besar Datuk Dr. Zambry Abdul Kadir and his six assembly men.

What are we to make of the MACC, Malaysia’s last great stab at corruption, when its chief commissioner is obviously intent, by his behaviour, on destroying any residual trace of public confidence in an organisation whose very creation has only been accepted tentatively and with a large dose of scepticism?

I am by nature, so I am told, a charitable man. However, I must admit to an irresistible temptation to go the whole hog and describe him as either a knave or a fool; or perhaps a bit of both for committing one gaffe after another in double quick succession. He will be remembered as the chief commissioner with a special talent for hastening, without even trying, the demise of the unloved MACC. Perhaps Ahmad Said is doing the country a great favour, and we should, on reflection, just say nothing and let him carry on regardless.

I am told that when I referred to the rebranding of the much reviled Anti-Corruption Agency as akin to decanting old wine into a new bottle in my first column in the Sin Chew Daily a few weeks ago, I had trodden on a few sensitive toes of folks who work in the cloistered world of Putrajaya. I am rather glad to know that even though the commissioners are generally thought to be disdainful of public opinion, they at least have sensitive toes. How useful sensitive toes are in the fight against corruption I am not able to say.

My point about the old wine seems to have been borne out by recent events involving our new-look commissioners. These self-same functionaries who developed “second guessing” into a fine art form under Mahathir’s special guidance on integrity cannot, in all seriousness, be expected to change their work practices which have become almost second nature to them.

The MACC will not be effective until all of Mahathir’s former hatchet men in the ACA of unhappy memory, and that effectively includes all the senior men and women, have been turfed out of that organisation and replaced with carefully selected officers from other law enforcement agencies as well as other professionally qualified men and women who have the right aptitude and attitude to the mission of fighting corruption. Remember, we are not talking about rocket science, just basic honesty and high ethical standards of behaviour.

Otherwise, the same corked wine will be served again and again to us, the unsuspecting public. These officers-turned-commissioners overnight have in one way or another blotted their copy book and they jolly well know it. They should be put out to grass where they can do no serious damage. In all fairness, the MACC should be given a chance to develop a life of its own minus of all the skeletons in the closet and the influence of those who operated under a regime with vastly different value systems as compared to today’s.

The current flurry of anti-corruption activity appears to be motivated solely by publicity seeking rather than by a clear practical strategy of identifying and isolating the disease rather than trying to treat the symptoms. I should like to suggest to the MACC that they start by looking into the corridors of power. Get all cabinet ministers and their deputies to account for their assets, including those of their spouses.

To be rich is not a crime as long as you can account for your wealth. A person elected or appointed to high public office must be prepared to subject himself to the closest public scrutiny. It would be helpful for the MACC commissioners to possess the uncanny intuitive powers of Sherlock Holmes to solve the mystery behind the wealth of individual ministers and other elected officials, but even without those abilities, it would be quite easy to conclude with a reasonable degree of certainty where all the wealth has come from. As Mr. Holmes would have said in a case as plainly as this, “It is elementary, my dear Watson.”

Our elected leaders generally enter politics with shallow pockets, but in next to no time, they become the nation’s glitterati, the nouveau riche determined to flaunt their high net worth for the entire world to see, with more than the occasional shopping trips to Milan, Rome and London for the little woman behind every great man.

Once they have dealt with our elected leaders, the MACC should move down to the next level comprising both the incumbents as well as the retired senior members of all law enforcement agencies, judges and the attorney(s)-general. Do this in a systematic way, without fear or favour, and we will soon put the fear of the Almighty in the country’s corrupt elites. This is how it is done in Hong Kong and Singapore. If we can confront corruption decisively on this level, we could even consider some form of conditional amnesty, on a case by case, for those not involved in “grand” corruption and who are willing to come clean and tell all, a full confession, no less.

They must be prepared to implicate those who have been involved in corrupt practices. In return, they will be treated and given protection as whistle blowers. Depending on the degree of their cooperation, they will be allowed to keep a percentage of their ill-gotten gains and given immunity from prosecution. This will have to be a conscious political decision with the sole object of undermining corruption to an extent that it will be regarded for all time as “a high risk, low return enterprise” and, therefore, simply not worth the effort.

The MACC can learn a great deal about corruption and how to get to the bottom of it all from this exercise. It is worth a try; it can open the way forward in the fight against systemic corruption that at present seems to be in favour of the opponent in the opposite corner with deep pockets. Let us start all over again, with a clean slate and show no mercy to the corrupt thereafter. This prescription is perhaps what the doctor recommends for that morally debilitating UMNO disease euphemistically referred to as “Money Politics.”


57 Replies to “MACC: Chucking Out The Wine And The Bottle”

  1. I often wonder how a PR government will set about the crucial job of ‘turfing and selecting’. Turfing is going to be difficult enough, isn’t it? Aren’t you faced with the real possibility of civil suits for unfair dismissal? That is, unless you create a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Baru? Then the MACCB will have to do what the MACC should be doing, while the MACC tries (strings pulled by the usual suspects) to stop it.

    And when you start the MACCB, where are you going to find an honest man in Malaysia? Forgetting the cultural issue for a moment, there’s no remaining mechanism for tracking a person’s honesty is there? I understand the mechanisms for tracking a person’s existence aren’t terribly reliable.

    I think the job could be eased by repealing the media licensing laws and encouraging newspapers to carry ‘name and shame’ columns. There must be a few Malaysians itching to test their skills as investigative journalists. Perhaps even have TV game shows where teams of University students have to sort through boxes of records to see who can find corruption the quickest. Like “It’s a knockout” or “Jeux sans frontieres” or whatever it was. Yeah yeah, you could even invite teams of students from Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand. It would be great!

    I don’t actually relish your task of ‘starting over’. I sometimes wonder if you shouldn’t find a quiet spot near parliament to plant a rain tree now, so you’ll have somewhere to stand in 4 years’ time.

  2. There is a saying in Chinese \Rotten vase bear rotten grass\ and also\ Metal oil jars are meant to keep metal oil only\ only a new party is at helm we might able to witness the required changes. No matter how hard a new leader coming from the same old party the changes shall \Change of medicine but the soup remain the same\ At the end of the day only politician speak and understand political moves.

  3. Hamdan was signaling to his boss.. Najib…everything is understood and will perform as instructed …put out two idiotic charges against PR guys….to get Najib’s full confidence.
    Certain police actions are also signaling to Najib..IGP’s loyalty.
    This is nothing new.
    It started by Mahathir..making “UMNO is corrupted to the core”…making powerful high ranking personalities.. forever loyal to UMNO.
    I simply cannot stop laughing….whenever Mahathir keep accusing UMNO ….still so corrupted…and see all those jokers look and keep quiet..dare not get angry or confront Mahathir on this subject.
    We all know why..don’t we. All have taken so much under his 22 years…how to defend?
    And notice…every speaker in the UMNO Assembly….dare not talk about corruptions.

  4. Mahathir is again respected by present UMNO crooks. He is admired by present team….under Najib…how to get billions commission..without being caught and the art of talking dirty it’s best.
    Mahathir appearing at the UMNO Assembly after absence so long…..signals…UMNO will continue race and religion politics…corruptions on going…no change.
    Pak Lah gone…back to good old days.

  5. Tungku, TDM had successfully brainwashed the population that there would be 2 sets of law applicable in this country: one for UMNO and the other for the rest. One may be removed from UMNO election for corruption or money politics but not in their positions as MBs or MPs of the country!
    To me, they may enjoy the gravy knowing the dirty tactics they had employed: but remember their next generation would never remember this. They think this is their birth right just to enjoy!!
    Anyway, it will last only 3 generations or even two. I once attended a meeting where someone pleaded on behalf of his friend who happened to be the son of a past leader. The plead was rejected on the reason, his family had their chances and time!!
    See, their philosophy is simple, grab what you could when you are in power !!There was no sense of dignity, fairness or remorse that this father didnot behaved like him!! otherwise,he would not need any help!
    So Tunku, they have created a society that if there is no change forthcoming to this country, we can only roll down the same path as our best of friend: Zimbabwe!!

  6. When the chief commissioner is fed with all the pedophile movies his brain is clouded with filth and dirt…thus, allowing politicians drunk with power and money to further erode the country…same mentality.
    Humanly, it is almost impossible to dismantle this corrupted structure and rebuilding it with integrity… we need Divine Power to do the task…
    Is there an honest man in UMNO, put up your hand!

  7. Obviously OrangRojak have no experiences in good corrupt free management.
    First they have their “Commandments”…such as no corruptions ..accepting bribery….stealing…lying…and many more. This is non negotiable. Break one…out you go.
    Secondly…rules and regulations…two warnings given. Third time…out you go.
    Managing a country is far more simpler than managing a huge corporation..with 120 branches all over the world.
    CEO corrupted…it’s a disease…to the core. Profits are sucked up by vampires..big and small.
    CEO is an idiot….so will employ idiots.
    CEO is a racialist…Corporation have no future employing ….based on race and not qualifications.No racialist ever succeed in good management… it politics or business.
    CEO is a hypocrite….all staffs will learn to be so.
    CEO is a suspected killer…staffs will keep quiet….ignore mind their own business and keep being employed. That matters most to employees.
    Shareholders finds out…sack CEO first.
    We know UMNO is not qualified.
    Is OrangRojak saying…no one out of UMNO are much smarter and more qualified?
    Malaysians are the shareholders…UMNO’s boss.
    You mean UMNO buggers are smartest Malaysians?
    Is your Malaysian family qualified voters?
    I guess not…except your Malaysian wife…who may never ever voted at all.
    If my assumption is right…then you are not qualified to talk about Malaysian affairs….after all….because you talk with no seriousness at all……can run back to Canada.
    People with options are not sincere.

  8. monsterball Says:
    Today at 09: 05.10 (29 minutes ago)

    Obviously OrangRojak have no experiences in good corrupt free management.

    White man wipes brown backside mah…rare but, what greed can do!

  9. “If my assumption is right…then you are not qualified to talk about Malaysian affairs….after all….because you talk with no seriousness at all……can run back to Canada.
    People with options are not sincere.” (monsterball)

    A blind loyalty to Pakatan Rakyat doesn’t make you look good to many people. In fact, PR doesn’t need solely blind loyalty. What is much more important to PR is sensible loyalty with certain degree of tolerance towards the dissident or dissenting opinion – the so-called open-mindedness. It is the open-mindedness that will make PR look distinctively different from the tyrannical BN.

    The Malaysian Rakyat will not agree with you if you keep insisting on requiring the blind loyalty from each and every supporter of PR as the prerequisite for qualification as a good guy.

    Even though OrangRojak is not a citizen of Malaysia, he is a son-in-law of Malaysia. I believe if you have a brother-in-law in your family, you will also welcome him to your own house without first requiring him to cast a vote for the candidate of the Member of Parliament in accordance with the choice of your personal liking. Please try to be much more open-minded if you want to comment in favour of the PR since open-mindedness is the minimum thing I expect from a PR political activist.

  10. To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted.

    They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.

    (Titus 1:15-16 from the New Testament)

  11. Onlooker Politics Says:

    It is the open-mindedness that will make PR look distinctively different from the tyrannical BN.

    Even though OrangRojak is not a citizen of Malaysia, he is a son-in-law of Malaysia.

    You maybe be quite right in your first statement, it is good to show the distinction.
    As for your latter statement, I say bulls!
    As an outsider, don’t you think a neutral view is more appropriate?
    Dissent with honesty…open-mindedness is practical only in a fair and just society. Malaysia is definitely lacking in these two virtues.

  12. Ahmad Said should always remember that when he sworn in as the Chief Commissioner of MACC, he pledged loyalty to the Yang Dipertuan Agong and not to the Prime Minister.

    In order to show his professionalism in carrying out his official duty without fear or favour, Ahmad Said should prove himself to all Malaysians that he would not be the mere apple polisher of the new UMNO president, Najib and all corruption cases involving with the BN leaders should be given proper and thorough investigation with due diligence. Ahmad Said should lead by a good example of showing no favouratism.

  13. “As an outsider, don’t you think a neutral view is more appropriate?” (wanderer)

    When an outsider voices out a dissenting opinion, this voice will serve as a reminded to we Malaysians for seeking better improvement. Nobody is infallible. DAP may be right but DAP may also be wrong. OrangRojak may be right but OrangRojak may also be wrong. We should allow him a chance to speak first. If he is right, we should take his advice. If he is wrong, then all will be given free choice on whether to rebute him or to teach him right with good mannerism.

    This is called open-mindedness!

  14. one of the MT contestants noraini sitting on a wheel chair said:jangan jual maruah UMNO,jangan jual maruah bangsa!!!

    you tak rasuah,sebab itulah yu kalah,bodoh!

    Rafidah said:important positions in UMNO are opened for “tenders!you can sell it off and quit the competitions!”

    are these news?i think it happens long long time ago ever since you became wanita head right?who was the champion for wanita corruptions?who was the richest woman in your party?

    kalau ada maruah noraini,bubarkan NEP,tongkat inilah yang menyebabkan orang melayu ketagih bantuan tak kehabisan!!!
    beri betis nak peha,betul?

    Rafi,the APs infact enable you to become not only richest in UMNO wanita,but richest wanita in ASIAN!

  15. ahmad said hamdan,

    1000+ corruption complaints in UMNO,you didnt catch anyone,you are displaying some “wayang kulit” to sue a couple of ppl,later,you will say:tak ada saksi,bukti di syaki,mereka di bebaskan!

  16. After calling a game over in UMNO party election, UMNO out-of-a-sudden becomes a very pure and clean political party with noone has been evidently found and proven guilty of corruption or practising money politics. This is a typical model example of “Malaysia Boleh!”

  17. ‘Open-mindedness’ also telling it as it is! A basic decent man must also has an opinion of his own.Can he, say for example sees massive corruption plus torture or bully carried out, close one eye and say nothing?Is this what you mean ‘wanderer ‘ by adopting a neutral stance?

  18. “Malaysia is definitely lacking in these two virtues.”

    AhPek says:
    Open-mindedness’ also telling it as it is! A basic decent man must also has an opinion of his own.Can he, say for example see

    The above statement of mine justified my point…..

    Onlooker Politics Says:

    If he is right, we should take his advice. If he is wrong, then all will be given free choice on whether to rebute him or to teach him right with good mannerism.

    There are enough of righteous Malaysians to offer intelligent views. Outsider, I still feel should butt off…waste of time to teach this sort of uninvited guest good manners.
    If we were to do the same like him in a whiteman’s land, we will be told straight on the face to piss off and mind our own business!

  19. “If we were to do the same like him in a whiteman’s land, we will be told straight on the face to piss off and mind our own business!” (wanderer)

    I don’t buy your biased view here.

    Many colleges and universities in the Western countries do allow foreign students to take part in the student leaders election. In Malaysia, the government-operated universities don’t even give full freedom to the students to run their academic societies or student government. You may be a typical product of the tight government control on people’s freedom therefore you tend to lock yourself up in a self-created serfdom with no tolerance about a foreigner’s displeasing opinion about your system!

    Please wake up now, slave!

  20. “If we were to do the same like him in a whiteman’s land,we will be told straight on the face to piss off and mind our own business!”. wanderer.

    Is that right? I am learning things everyday.

  21. Onlooker Politics Says:

    Many colleges and universities in the Western countries do allow foreign students to take part…
    Those are university students and debates are done within the university campuses….and rightly so, a healthy debate, to encourage participation for academic political awareness is common.
    This blog is a public arena…not confine to just students.

  22. Onlooker Politics…Accusing me blindly support Pakatan Rakyat shows how shallow you are a man with pea brain.
    Firstly…are you convinced UMNO and BN are racialists and corrupt parties. If not..why.
    Secondly…do you think by promoting each race takes care of themselves…will unite all as Malaysians?
    Do you support Malaysian Malaysia.
    What class of citizen do you belonging to …..under UMNO….tell me.
    Thirdly… you support UMNO using ISA to protect themselves?
    Fourthly….do you support UMNO taking Petronas and EPF funds belong to Malaysians to bail out companies owned by UMNO.
    Do you support massive corruptions and brainwashing dirty politics… UMNO?
    These just few of the many many more reasons…why I support PR.
    How old are you? Are you another…academic scholars..talking cock and bull with no practical experiences?
    A man like me…near 70 support blindly?
    That sums up how smart you are.

  23. Onlooker Politics…Accusing me blindly support Pakatan Rakyat shows how shallow you have a pea brain.
    A man like me…near 70 supports blindly?
    That sums up how smart you are.

  24. “If my assumption is right…then you are not qualified to talk about Malaysian affairs….after all….because you talk with no seriousness at all……can run back to Canada.
    People with options are not sincere.” (monsterball)

    i agree with monsterball here.
    and i disagree with onlooker politics.
    onlooker politics have you ever studies in
    europe or the us?
    do you really believe that if you criticize
    the “whites” they will really appreciate it?
    get real. don’t be so enamoured of them.
    by the way no one has the guts to tell
    the whites, americans and europeans their
    sheer bloody greed and laziness has resulted in
    a collapse in their countries. why even the uk
    is “printing” bloody money as we speak.
    i think you better realize that what the whites
    can do we can do just as well if not better.
    the point is this have you really been over in europe
    or the us to see with your own eyes what is happenning?

  25. Have you ever heard wanderer that it is politically incorrect to term end of the year season as ‘Christmas Season’,the political correct term is ‘Holiday Season’.

    Also it is also not politically correct action to lit up brightly the shopping areas and Christmas trees at the end of the year for fear of hurting the sentiments of the other people (and you know who they are).

    All these in white christian land! So what are you talking about?Have you also be so cocooned as to be oblivious of what is happenning?

  26. LKY is fond of telling the sanctimonious
    whites who give destructive criticisim of
    the way singapore is run to take their
    objections and shove it up their stinking white
    backsides. the reason is simple. the singaporean
    government has the responsibility for
    4 over million singaporeans. these
    white advisors who criticize and moan and weep
    about injustices perpetuated in singapore
    against its sad and helpless citizens are responsible
    for non. who would you believe?

  27. AhPek says: “Is that right? I am learning things everyday.”

    I am living in Australia for the last 30 years, I consider myself quite qualified to comment on the mentality of whitemen.
    Even the previous PM of Australia, who made a comment in support of Bush was told to piss off by the Americans…so who is this white Canadian!?
    Asians are generally very polite and apologists. No, dealing with westerners, there are no two ways, just tell them straight in their faces what you think.

  28. Some Malaysians treat Westerners like God reincarnated sons and daughters landing in Malaysia.
    Some Malaysians have inferiority complexes…behaving polite…..acting and sound so hypocritical with their false politeness.
    UMNO top politicians have so much guilt and inferiority complexes..that they must have hundreds of in palaces…drive Merz..BMW most expensive models…dressed with false titles..then they feel comfortable.
    All my Westerners friends respect me for being direct…sincere…making them immediately Asian like me…can be smarter than them.
    I have never treated any Westerner…with disrespect…unless the want to think and show….Asians are not equal to them.
    Yes..Computation those who never travel and mix with Westerners…do not know…how arrogant and bullies some can be to Asians. Once you sense it….tell them straight to the face…no mincing of words. That’s the only way…they will learn.

  29. Does seeking refuge to the fact that you have lived in Australia for the last 30 years make your point about the mentality of the whiteman any more valid than anybody else?Yours sound more like a personal vendatta arising out of a bad experience.
    You haven’t said anything about political correctness that I’ve mentioned.Also google “muslims demonstrating in the streets of london” and you would wonder how that could be tolerated.See if you can do these in other countries without any repercussions.
    The fact is most white countries have long been practising democracy and that the demoncratic traditions have undergone centuries of evolving that you find today that these countries are more liberal and tolerant of opposing ideas than most.

  30. AhPek Says:

    oes seeking refuge to the fact that you have lived in Australia for the last 30 years make your point about the mentality of the whiteman….

    Obviously, your shallow knowledge of the west have exposed your naivety.
    Did’nt I give you an example (ex Australian PM’s remarks), how westerners will not give you the luxury of expressing your unwelcome views …they will tell you stick it up between your hind legs. Grow up and have a life!
    If you have not lived or been to western countries like UK and Us, don’t display your ignorance and be apologist to your colonial master.

  31. Can the Great Finance Minister of Malaysia please explain this?

    USA GNP per capita US$35,400.

    UK GNP per capita US$25,510.

    Australia GNP per capita US$19,530.

    Singapore GNP per capita US $20,690.

    Malaysia’s GNP per capita US$3,540.

  32. Do not mix political minded Westerners with ordinary wage earner Westerners.
    Again a Westerner from Italy is totally different from Holland and those two are definitely different from Germans. Infact..if you travel Europe…only the skin look similar. If you have mix long enough with can immediately identify a German from an Italian.
    Ordinary humans all over the world…working class or doing business..are basically looking for sincere true friends.
    However…few wanting favours from UMNO..maybe prepared to carry balls too..for money sake.
    Comparing Malaysians ruled more than 53 years by a racist government…like others…is idiotic. It is not that majority Malaysians can easily be influenced by UMNO…dirty politics..but it is a fact…weak minds submit tothem…..behaving like jarkuns…ready to defend themselves from imaginary enemies.. out to conquer Malaysia and take away their so call Malay rights and freedom.
    Mind control and propaganda works by UMNO….so successful…so cruel to their own race.
    So you see…we should stop talking about Westerners..except the ones in our country…that may infact think they are better homosapians than us.
    Tarok them…if they step out of line.
    Hospitality have their limits…so are we now for UMNO.

  33. All my Westerners friends respect me for being direct…sincere…making them immediately Asian like me…can be smarter than them. monsterball

    Ahem, really ar? You smarter than them meh?

  34. 1. MACC boss is having a ‘horse’ mouth; he is there not because of his caliber but connection.
    2. In the Sin Chew today: Krismudin said his ministry is undertaking to amend the history book to highlight UMNO as the one who should be credited with the success in fighting for the independence of Malaya. What say you? MCA and MIC?
    3. In view of the above, Krismudin should also highlight who were the one who had contributed to the success of Malaysian economy! Who were the one who had made the sacrifice to help our fellow Malay countrymen with the NEP!
    4. Ahmad Zaid Hamidi should keep his mouth shut on the ‘Allah’ issue until the court makes the judgment. He will be the BN vote spoiler in any election! He is the real extremist! He is the thief who shouted to catch a thief!

  35. Oh. You think I’m saying something you should defend PR against. Well, I suppose I’m not a master of clarity. I’ll work at it shall I?

    I know I shouldn’t pick bits out of comments here and there but:
    do you really believe that if you criticize
    the “whites” they will really appreciate it?

    I sometimes wonder why BN don’t take some wind out of PR’s sails by doing something superficially reform-y like conferring awards on Malaysians who have done something internationally respectable (besides winning medals by buying overpriced military hardware). So you could see Malaysia’s Datuk Irene Fernandez invite the UK’s Shami Chakrabarti CBE (honoured by the Queen for exactly ‘criticising’ – often HM government) for something public. Ms Fernandez’ only award (I can find) is from Sweden, isn’t it? They’re whiter than snow up there – and that was an award for her criticism of globalisation, wasn’t it?

    Speaking as a “white” (! I can hardly stand it!), we love a bit of criticism (although I believe it varies from white man land to white man land) – we give awards for it. It’s part of the ‘checks and balances’ the MACC is supposed to contribute to. If someone was to “really believe” that was true, well, maybe it’s because a solitary fact appears to support it.

  36. “A man like me…near 70 supports blindly?” (monsterball)


    Age is not the crucial factor for determining whether a person is wise enough to support rationally or not wise enough to support blindly.

    Dr. Mahathir, who is in his 83 now, said recently that Najib had already cleared his controversy and cleansed up his name by swearing with a hand being laid on Al-Quran. Do you think the age will make Dr. Mahathir a wiser man than ever before?

    By saying that “People with options are not sincere,” you are indeed directing your “not sincere” accusation towards several millions of ordinary Malaysians who have no any fixed or no particular party affiliation and who only make their choice of vote during the General Election by evaluating the quality of the candidate and by evaluating the performance of the incumbent ruling party.

    Please do bear in mind that Malaysia’s political ecosystem does not consist of only one DAP party. There are many other alternative parties plus the independent candidate who can be an option in place of DAP candidate during the General Election. There is no point for you to make a “not sincere” accusation on others who don’t see eye to eye with you if you love DAP. Love can never be forced on anyone who has independent thinking capability. Love can only be secured by winning the heart of the prospective soulmate!

  37. “I am living in Australia for the last 30 years, I consider myself quite qualified to comment on the mentality of whitemen.” (wanderer)


    What makes you feel so proud about your personal experience of living in Australia for the last 30 years? Perhaps you should stop showing off your ‘bigger than the universe” egoism in this blog now!

    In my personal opinion, OrangRojak, who got married to a Malaysian wife and who now chooses to live in Malaysia and be ready to get himself involved in Malaysia’s politics, will deserve much better respect from me if I have to choose between you and him as a valued friend. This is because his heart is with Malaysia while your heart is with Australia. You are much better qualified to be a traitor by Umno’s Hikayat Hang Tuah standard! But I still accept that you are part of Malaysia because you have your childhood experience in Malaysia. About my personal experience with the westerners, I am sorry that I can’t disclose too much to you since I am a wanted man by UMNO tyrant and my name will most likely be included in Najib’s namelist for Op Lallang Part II.

  38. those were the days . …
    when they compare every reason that they made and claimed them unique together with a reference to either one or two of US conglomerate practice and management logic either suceesful one or failed ones…and particularly in HR management….but how liberal are you to compare and relate to US cultures and value system

    So now what do the cows and cars measure to….surely there must be some benchmarking ..shouldnt it be???…everything esle done so far quotes them so.
    By any worldly and spiritual or moral standards,the so called unbias man is sick…very sick and making everyone else….damn sick of him

    If you are a civil servant stay out of politics…or else go get yourself elected …at your own time.

  39. The mentality of branding others as “outsiders”, in my humble opinion, has obviously proven what a person you are.

    This is exactly same as how UMNO call non-malays as outsiders and that they shouldn’t interfere with how they run the party and country.

    Any opposing ideas against their ideology/political tactics/political leadership is then branded as “traitor”. Such mentality without any tolerance is surprisingly equivalent to someone who has declared himself smart, wise and old.

    Why not we embrace the idea of openess as stated by Onlooker Politics and cease personal attacks once we encounter voices which are different from that of us?

  40. monsterball

    All my Westerners friends respect me for being direct…sincere… making them immediately Asian like me…can be smarter than them.


    I have never treated any Westerner…with disrespect…unless the want to think and show….Asians are not equal to them.



  41. involved in Malaysia’s politics
    Thanks OnPol, I’m touched by your kind words. The Jabatan Imigresen doesn’t appear to have very clear guidance on my obligations / restrictions while I’m in Malaysia, so I think I’m ‘typing stuff on a lively blog’ rather than ‘involved in politics’. Much as I’d appreciate a free ride to KLIA, I have no immediate desire to leave Malaysia.

    lets not get sidetracked about whites/non whites.
    Indeed – it’s a discussion for the laundry.

  42. OnLooker Politics….Age with practical experiences do separate a young punk like you…from me..whose abilities to talk is with reading knowledge all the time.
    It depends what kind of an old man…a farmer..a man of all seasons or a crook like Mahathir.
    I guarantee you….I am a man of all seasons…far smarter.. far more experiences of all things in life…far wiser than you.
    You love to focus on pro politics.
    I am focusing on freedom of rights and speeches and not let idiots like you influence readers to keep voting for same parties to manage Malaysians.
    If you are as smart as me…start thinking far far ahead…like how to succeed in life and being a father of 5 children?

  43. TDDI-KL….I did not say I am smarter than ALL Westerners.
    No one is smartest of all..except Mahathir…the smartest politician ever produced in Malaysia. Unfortunately he is trying to fool Malaysians and the whole world.
    Please read carefully.

  44. One commentator said face to face discussions with body language being observed will yield different opinions….talking to each other.
    OnLooker Politics admits he is wanted by the government..for details…just say wanted ….. targeted by Najib…those bullshits.
    All of us..are here are at the mercy of the govt….to do as they want with us…without fear.
    Ryan…loves catching one word or one sentence ….not really understand the whole context…just love to start prove he is smarter. OK la….anything else?

  45. TDM and LKY are 2 great politicians came out from Asean & recognised by the world and history. Eat your words uncle. monsterball….

    You are too prejudice and color blinded against TDM, nothing good to you , even if lightening strike you, you will blame TDM. Majority of people love & considered him great, even American acknowledge TDM,

    Open your mind & heart.. do some horse riding and gardening…

  46. In the next 4 years, Najib has no choice but to at least make it appear that he is against corruption. The same way he put a check on Mohd Ali Rustam with UMNO’s disciplinary committee, he will use the MACC to put a check on corruption too. So the point is MACC job is to make it look like they are against corruption and not going after the opposition one-sided.

    Where MACC goofed is that they jumped too early in going after Khalid Ibrahim. Now, even if they go after BN people, they will always compare the difference in treatment. It has become a flacid tool for Najib to burnish his image. Unless Najib sent a huge sacrificial lamb to jail for a long long time, its not going to make much track in his image.

    The argument over the MACC and anti-corruption will be contentious leading all the way to the next GE not really working to anyone advantage but really making tiresome for the voters. If PR is to gain milleage on corruption, they needs more fodder and its best to dig deeper, much deeper and it may not be where its always been. Time to look and cast further afield to look for fodder…

  47. The MACC started well. This fact was actually endorsed by Daniel Li of the HK ICAC even before MACC commenced work. With all the current developments I proudly annouce that our MACC is now better than ICAC. Next target, to be better than GOD himself. Well done boys. You guys doing real good.

  48. It has been to many comments and condemn on MACC and also many writes of which all are negative and some was positive so that hoping MACC win changed one day. But I am getting bored and feel wasting time to read all those articles and comment because I am very sure by now, MACC was and going to be for a long time to come a political tool. So it will only change if BN make the change of BN collapse and the government change. Other iwse it is mere wasting time to talk about MACC.

    Any one wish to know better about ACA or MACC please do not go further just read Citizen Nades column in the Sun paper.

  49. The powerful leaders in UMNO are using MACC as a watch dog to scare those in UMNO as well as other components party members in BN.
    Its ok to be corrupted in UMNO and BN. As long as you tow party lines. The minute you go againts UMNO and BN ,You better watch out .MACC will be knocking at your door. MACC will bring along a bunch of reporters just to shame. MACC don,t care if you are clean or not. As long as the press report that so and so are being investigated by MACC,They are happy.
    Why is MACC not investigating Khairy,Ali rustam, for corruption. Money politics is the same as corruption.
    Why no delegates was caught for taking money ? Answer.. 95 PERCENT of the delegates are corrupted. MACC had become a toothless tiger.
    Najib can shout … As far as i am concern UMNO is most corrupted party in Malaysia.
    If BN wins any of the 3 BY Election ..May god help us all.

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