Lim Kit Siang

New “MAHATHIR” prophecy on the next line of Malaysian Prime Ministers?

Making the rounds of the grapevine of Umno delegates and observers at the current Umno General Assembly is talk of a new political prophecy to replace the “RAHMAN” political prophecy on the first six Prime Ministers of the country – the “MAHATHIR” prophecy on the next line of Malaysian Prime Ministers.

Umno delegates and observers expect the RAHMAN prophecy to be fulfilled completely when Abdullah Ahmad Badawi relinquishes the premiership and Najib Razak is sworn in as the new Prime Minister.

But for the first time in Malaysian history, the popularity of the incoming Prime Minister is so dismal that even those who had earlier demanded the early departure of Abdullah from Putrajaya because of his failure to deliver on his host of reform pledges will find it a relief if Abdullah remains to block Najib’s ascension.

I do not see this scenario being played out but it is a most significant political phenomenon that many Malaysians, transcending the political divide, are wondering whether there is any way to stop Najib from becoming Prime Minister until he comes clean on the many serious swirling allegations haunting and hounding him affecting his suitability, integrity and legitimacy as Prime Minister and the honour of the highest political office in the land and that of the nation.

Those succumbing to the new MAHATHIR prophecy have no doubt that the RAHMAN prophecy will be vindicated with Najib as the sixth Prime Minister, after Tunku Abdul Rahman, Abdul Razak, Hussein Onn, Mahathir Mohamad and Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

According to the MAHATHIR prophecy, the new line of Prime Ministers after Najib will be led off by the newly elected Umno Deputy President Muhyiddin Yassin (M), followed by the two Vice Presidents with the highest votes, Ahmad Zahid (A) and Hishammuddin Hussein (H).

A second’s thought will show that the new-fangled MAHATHIR prophecy is just bunkum.

Many expect the RAHMAN prophecy to signify the end of the line of Umno Prime Ministers marking the end of Umno hegemony and government – with Najib as the last and even shortest-serving Umno Prime Minister.

Even if Najib can prove this wrong, age will rule out the possibility that Muhyiddin or even Ahmad Zahid succeeding Najib as Prime Minister.

Tunku Abdul Rahman deserves a prophecy in his name – but not Mahathir!