UMNO or MIC General Assembly?

Crowd turns rowdy, cops called in
Star Online
Published: Thursday March 26, 2009 MYT 3:02:00 PM

UMNO secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor has asked for police help in maintaining calm at the general assembly at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) in Kuala Lumpur.

He said that he had made the request to Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar as the crowds along the hallways had grown excited and difficult to control.

“I am saddened by what is happening and if they are doing anything wrong they should be picked up,” he told reporters when asked about the conduct of candidates’ supporters.

Delegates, VIP guests and media were hindered by campaigners and the scene at times turned ugly, with some resorting to aggressive shoving and pushing. As a result, some people almost fell or were nearly trampled upon.

The media also had trouble trying to get reactions from various leaders as PWTC security rudely handled pressmen by blocking access to the leaders, instead of moving the crowd.

At one point, police had to set up a police line on both sides of the walkway to allow guests and delegates to move freely.

Hundreds of Umno delegates were prevented from entering the main hall as security personnel kept the doors locked, saying that more time was needed to prepare the hall for balloting.

Those who found themselves in this predicament included veteran Umno leader Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, Kelantan delegate Datuk Abdul Rahim Rahman and Penang delegate Datuk Musa Sheikh Kadir Fadzir, who were forced to use an alternative route to enter the hall.

At one point, some delegates knocked on the doors seeking entry, while others resorted to kicking the walls leading into the hall.

Umno updates: Cops called in to maintain calm
Updated: Thursday March 26, 2009 MYT 3:33:53 PM

2:30pm: Umno secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor says he has asked for police help in maintaining calm at the PWTC because the crowd was turning rowdy.

12.45pm: Polling for the posts of Umno deputy president, vice-presidents (3)and supreme council (25) seats begins. A total of 2,519 delegates will be voting and results are expected only after midnight.

12.40pm: Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has been officially declared the new Umno president. The announcement was made by Umno permanent chairman Tan Sri Onn Ismail at PWTC Thursday. Najib won the post uncontested on Nov 2 when he was the only one to get enough nominations to qualify to contest.


25 Replies to “UMNO or MIC General Assembly?”

  1. racist title?

    Its perceive as racist because of the racial politics of BN all this years.

    The fact is such that UMNO and MIC are political party.

    And MIC have a history of “riot” conduct during their AGM as well as Maika Holdings AGMs.

  2. The way the leaders talk, act and behave will inevitably be followed by the youngsters. So they are only following the footsteps and styles of their leaders, eg. Hisham during the last Umno do. Loud, aggressive and boisterous!!

    Typical behavious of young immature people. How come these characters are allowed to participate in such important gathering??

    Everthing seem to be out of control including in the parliament, Perak state assembly, political ralies, etc, etc. Maybe the world is a stage and each must play a part ?

  3. Well what do you expect from a party that consists of non-intellectuals as members? Rowdy, ugly, loud, brash and let’s not forget dirty-minded as well. All so busy jockeying for power and uttering the right words of comfort only to appease the elders while simultaneously doing the opposite. That is and always will be UMNO for you.
    Mark my words: That party will NEVER change for the better. UMNO is like a stroke patient – comatose and depending on the respirator for survival. Eventually the angel of death will come and take away its soul. And for that we thank you.
    “Be patient my young ‘uns – it’s just a matter of time for a new dawn in Malaysia…”

  4. Walk into any UMNO function and you will see the naked arrogance displayed by its members. They drive flashy cars and park them right in the middle of the road. They walk with the nose pointed upwards and speak with stiff lips. In short they act like some superior being from outer space.
    Oh yes, Iam referring to UMNO Baru. The old UMNO was not like this.

  5. Umno has completed their leadership transformation for younger generation to run it.With Najib and Muhyiddin at the helm, the BN will be vibrant again…OTK will be there to strengthen the team..

    PR have to match this transformation, LGE , Jeff Ooi , Deo Singh , Azmin ,etc have to take over from Kit , Karpal ,Anwar and Tok Guru….

  6. UMNO party election on 26.03.2009 had called it a day for the no winner ending of political conflict between Tun Dr. Mahathir and Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

    26.03.2009 UMNO party election was also the hallmark for the commencement of a new around of political power struggle between Dato Seri Najib as the New Umno President and Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin as the New Umno Deputy President.

    Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin will only be considered a transient seat warmer for the post of Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia. The next commonly asked question to be raised about Malaysia’s Federal cabinet will be:

    How long can Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin be allowed to stay in the position of Deputy Prime Minister in the midst of facing the hursh proclamation of Dato Seri Hishammuddin Hussein making Hishammuddin himself as the UMNO Keris keeper, whereby uttering Hishammuddin’s greedy ambition to replace Tan Sri Muhyiddin as the heir-apparent of Dato Seri Najib for the post of Prime Minister?

  7. Najib’s next important political steps after the UMNO party election will be to succeed Pak Lah as the new Prime Minister of Malaysia and to initiate a cabinet reshuffling. I guess Najib will appoint himself as the Prime Minister cum the Defence Minister in the cabinet reshuffling because he will be too keen to give up the tough post of the Finance Minister. Anyway, there is another much more suitable candidate for the post of Finance Minister than Najib himself. This candidate will be Najib’s younger brother, Nasir Razak.

    Who will take over Syed Hamid Albar as the next Home Minister in Najib’s cabinet? Temporarily, Noh Omar may be the right candidate for the post of the Home Minister. Why? It is because Najib is going to invoke the ISA for a massive arrest on the political opponents and Noh Omar will be the best obedient person to be given the instruction in order to implement such a grand plan through Najib’s remote control operation.

    What about Hishammuddin Hussein? I guess Hishammuddin Hussein will still be the Education Minister because he is an expert in the knowhow of robbing through short delivery in the construction project of Chinese Primary Schools. Moreover, Hishammuddin shall continue his critical political task of strengthening the grassroot support through working closely with the school teachers, for the school teachers still play the important role as the traditional backbone of UMNO party membership.

  8. He has to pick a cabinet to know how to spend the RM60billion.
    Please recall…who is Mydin.
    …Mydin can speak better English… got elected….no?..or money cannot come out to buy votes?
    That’s all. It is not who is better candidate. ..Najib signaled..’OK….continue corruption’…Ali Rustam…still CM Melaka…
    RM60 billion to start need transparency….open tenders..that kind of stuffs.
    He is going to try out beat Mamak’s 22 years……or is he a desperate man doing desperate things…using billions to make Malaysians forget Mongolia.

  9. Yes..UMNO is hoping against hope….Malaysians can easily forget.
    They are trying so hard to unite….as so obvious…UMNO is split into two.
    Najib sounded off ..RM60billion to make Malaysians happy….and so much to make commission…at least RM10 billion..or 10% .if not ..much much more…so why UMNO men quarrel…unite la..his message.
    Then make sure all opposition leaders mouths shut….especially tough guys like Anwar..LKS…Karpal…Gobind..LEG
    That will make Malaysians mad…quickly throw in some more good news…maybe petrol price and ….toll fee reduction???
    Malaysians benefited…all forgotten…life is better…team of UMNO govt. stuffs..make sure daily essentials are reduced further.
    Will it work again for UMNO to get re-elected?
    It is an age old con job…..hoping everyone are greedy and selfish.

  10. If KJ does not hold back on his ambitions and opinions, he is going to throw a wrench in Najib’s plan..As is, Mukhriz and Toyo factions are going to be agitating and need to be placated or neutralized…

  11. police force used against non-BN politicians, non-BN members of parliament, non-BN supporters, the seated speaker Sivakumar, and those wearing black.

    it is a one-sided privilege BN enjoys to the fullest.

    why has the police become a tool which favors one side of the democracy, and the other side of the democracy is arrested at will although they are the people’s rep?

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