UMNO or MIC General Assembly?

Crowd turns rowdy, cops called in
Star Online
Published: Thursday March 26, 2009 MYT 3:02:00 PM

UMNO secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor has asked for police help in maintaining calm at the general assembly at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) in Kuala Lumpur.

He said that he had made the request to Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar as the crowds along the hallways had grown excited and difficult to control.

“I am saddened by what is happening and if they are doing anything wrong they should be picked up,” he told reporters when asked about the conduct of candidates’ supporters.

Delegates, VIP guests and media were hindered by campaigners and the scene at times turned ugly, with some resorting to aggressive shoving and pushing. As a result, some people almost fell or were nearly trampled upon. Continue reading “UMNO or MIC General Assembly?”

UMNO power-crazy? Yes, says Pak Lah…

Is Umno power-crazy?

I had said in Parliament (video) that if Umno is not power-crazy (gila kuasa), it would not have suffered the shattering defeat in the political tsunami in the last general election of March 8, 2008.

For speaking truth to power, I was suspended from Parliament yesterday.

Now, outgoing UMNO President and Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has admitted as much that Umno is power-crazy.

In fact, he even gave five illustrations of Umno being so power-crazed as to create a crisis of credibility and erosion of public trust in Umno.

According to Abdullah, the five factors resulting in Umno becoming power-crazy are as follows: Continue reading “UMNO power-crazy? Yes, says Pak Lah…”

Abdullah’s warning against return of Mahathirism – Will Najib scotch talk of imminent ISA arrest of Anwar?

In his farewell Umno Presidential speech today, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi confirms his image as a basically decent and humble person who unfortunately could not translate his good instincts into government policy, measures and actions resulting in his being prematurely and ignominiously forced out by his own party and becoming the shortest-serving Prime Minister of the country.

Why is this so?

The fault cannot be borne by Abdullah alone, but must be on the shoulders of the rest of Umno and Barisan Nasional leaderships, for failing to give Abdullah the necessary support, and in many cases, for actively sabotaging him in the past five years to frustrate Abdullah from walking the talk of long overdue national reforms.

As a result, Abdullah could not even salvage and accomplish the minimalist legacy of reform he had hoped to leave behind before stepping down as Prime Minister – when the last of the trio of his final reform legislative programme, the Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission (EAIC) Bill, had to be again deferred although it was meant to be the “crown jewel” of Abdullah’s last parliamentary meeting lasting 22 days from Feb. 16 which ended yesterday.

Even the first two of the trio of his minimalist reform legislation – the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency (MACC) Act and the Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC) Act – have proved to be great disappointments and letdowns, but Abdullah seemed to have abandoned whatever is left of his reformist zeal in his last three months in office. Continue reading “Abdullah’s warning against return of Mahathirism – Will Najib scotch talk of imminent ISA arrest of Anwar?”

M vs Pak Lah (Round One) – M triumphalism checked

Mahathir triumphalism was checked with Abdullah Ahmad Badawi winning Round One of the “M vs Pak Lah” battle with the following Umno Youth Chief election results yesterday:

Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar 304

Datuk Seri Dr. Mohd Khir Toyo 254

Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir 232

But incoming Prime Minister, Najib Razak has not emerged as the clear winner, especially with the Umno Wanita chief results:

Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil 507

Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz 280

Today is Round 2 of the UMNO elections stakes.

Who will emerge the real winner – Najib, Mahathir, Abdullah or none?