Is UMNO power crazy?

For saying that I was suspended in Parliament today.

But Hishammuddin Hussein the out-going Umno Youth Leader called Anwar Ibrahim power crazy. And he became a hero.


Kit Siang ejected for calling Umno ‘power-crazy’

Malaysiakini | S Pathmawathy | Mar 25, 09 11:13am

DAP Ipoh Timor parliamentarian Lim Kit Siang was suspended from Parliament proceedings this morning up to 1pm for saying that Umno is “power-crazy”.

Deputy Speaker Ronald Kiandee issued the suspension order after Lim (left) questioned the hasty manner in which the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Amendment) 2009 Bill was being debated.

“We were not given proper notice and there was no consultation. We should have been given a day’s notice to review the amendments… this is totally against the Standing Orders of the House,” Lim had said.

Kiandee pointed out that Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz had made an announcement yesterday after the first reading, that the Bill would be tabled for the second and third reading today.

“The government has the power to prioritise which Bills are to be brought forward. Sufficient time was given to members of parliament to be prepared for the debate,” said Kiandee.

Fong Po Kuan (DAP-Batu Gajah) then interjected to ask: “Does the Executive control Parliament? The amendments were only given to us yesterday. We can’t just amend the Bill at short notice.”

Mohd Nazri said the second reading had been brought forward to give the MPs the opportunity to debate the Bill at this session, which ends today.

However, as he was reading the Bill, opposition MPs began raising objections under the Standing Orders. He ignore the interjections.

When the debate was opened to the floor, Lim once more said that parliamentarians should have been given more time to study the Bill.

“I know that all Umno members of parliament are crazy about the general assembly and elections,” he said, following it up with the remark that “Umno is power-crazy”.

Reason for amendments

This ignited a war of words between Barisan Nasional (BN) and Pakatan Rakyat parliamentarians.

BN lawmakers told Lim to withdraw his remark. Refusing to do so, he said that he was just stating the obvious and that there was no offence in his words.

BN MPs called Lim “a dog” and “bastard”. One not just shouted “Anjing!” but even went “Woof! Woof!”

Mohamad Aziz (BN-Sri Gading) warned Lim to not insult Umno, saying: “You are trying our patience… take back what you said.”

Lim shouted back: “I will not take back what I said, Umno is power-crazy.”

Kiandee repeatedly told Lim to sit, but he refused to heed the order. This led to his suspension until the lunch break.

After Lim left the House, the deputy speaker ordered Bung Mokhtar Radin (BN-Kinabatangan, right) to retracted his remark that the DAP parliamentarian was “biadap” (insolent).

Amendments to the Human Rights Commission Act have been necessitated by requirements set by the International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (ICC).

The ICC has given the government up to tomorrow to incorporate changes on the appointment of commissioners, failing which the commission’s ranking will be lowered.

The current session of the Dewan Rakyat was extended up to today from March 19.


‘Beware of that power-crazy traitor’
Malaysiakini | Mar 25, 09 11:01am

Outgoing Umno Youth chief Hishammuddin Hussein today warned party members to be wary of the ONE who is “using all means to topple the Barisan Nasional government.”

umno youth 2009 agm 250309 hishammuddinAlthough the education minister did not mention names, there is no doubt that his remarks were targetted at opposition leader and former Umno deputy president Anwar Ibrahim.

According to Hishammuddin, this “traitor is power-crazy and would stop at nothing (to achieve his goals).”

Turning the clock back to Sept 16 last year, he said the ‘traitor’ had vowed that a change of government would happen on this date and planted the seeds of doubt amongst the people.

“But God decided that the reverse happens, with a transition of power taking place in Perak,” he said, adding that it was God’s response to the claims made by those who were arrogant.

“This traitor would sow the seeds of hatred, would work with the enemy, would turn against his own race and insult his own country in various international arenas.

“The traitor would also ridicule the institution of the royalty and anyone else for the sake of his unbridled lust.

“But whatever he does, he would be judged by history as a man who wears a mask, practises the culture of hypocrisy and false pretences, (and) as someone who manipulated others – he says one thing in front and does another at the back.”

‘Trap does not forget the mousedeer’

Hishammuddin also quoted a Malay proverb to illustrate his point, which hinted that a ‘trap’ could be in place for the opposition leader.

“Wahai Petualang bangsa, pelanduk mungkin lupakan jerat, tetapi jerat janganlah sama sekali melupakan pelanduk.” (To the one who has betrayed his race, the mousedeer might forget the trap, but the trap would never forget the mousedeer).

The Umno Youth wing, he pledged, would fight the “traitor’s dirty and revolting politics till the very end”.

“The country is now struck by the uncivilised practice of street politics. Of late, we have seen premeditated efforts by the opposition to demolish the foundations of the nation.

“The people are sown with hatred for the security forces, with the police being targeted. The good name of the police force is tarnished and their sacrifices no longer appreciated,” he said.

“Certain quarters have become arrogant and high-headed to the point of questioning the social contract and status of the Malays and bumiputera. The social contract is deliberately misinterpreted to fan racial sentiments,” he added.

The Umno Youth chief also expressed concern that some have become emboldened enough to insult the royal institution and the status of Islam.

“Irrespective of the circumstances, without caring for the consequences, they hurl baseless allegations and ridicule all those who do not share their views,” he said.

In an obvious reference to DAP supremo Karpal Singh (right) and his son Gobind, Hishammuddin said these irresponsible people must not hide behind parliamentary immunity to showcase their courage and shoot off their mouths.

No unsheathing of the keris

This was Hishammuddin’s last speech as Umno Youth chief as he is contesting a vice-president’s post in this party polls.

He continued with the controversial Umno Youth tradition of arriving at the meeting hall with a keris.

But in what appeared to be a concession to past criticism, Hishammuddin pointedly avoided raising the keris and stopped at just kissing the traditional Malay weapon.

He then raised his right hand and shouted the customary clarion call of ‘Hidup Melayu’ (Long Live the Malays) three times.

In the past, Hishamuddin’s act of raising the keris had drawn much flak from various quarters who viewed it as a threat to other races.

Today’s change in protocol seems to indicate that Hishammuddin was avoiding causing discontent among non-Malays, particulary in light of the three impending by-elections on April 7.

However, this decision could have a bearing on his bid for vice-presidency, as many hardcore Umno members could see Hishammuddin as being weak.

39 Replies to “Is UMNO power crazy?”

  1. The rakyat knows very well who is the power crazy one, especially after the unlawful power grab of UMNO without giving obtaining mandate from the people.
    YB Kit, can you keep us updated on series of event of the Pakatan Rakyat? Me , my family and friends are wanting to attend the PR ceramah at Bukit Gantang, but we missed them because we don’t know the venue and time.

  2. That’s UMNO trademarks.
    They can say or do anything……you cannot.
    Yes…they are power crazy with no substances and qualifications.
    A bunch of hypocrites they are.
    Watch out….race and religion….divide to rule are so clear.
    Malaysians want unity.
    UMNO is trying to break this formula….dividing the Malays again….but first they must succeed to convince all unite as one race…to be forever powerful above all others.
    Does Allah or the Islamic religion teaches his true believers to be like that?

  3. The ICC has given the government up to tomorrow to incorporate changes on the appointment of commissioners, failing which the commission’s ranking will be lowered.

    What? Nice use of the passive voice. Who will be lowering the ICC’s ranking? And why is the government jumping when the ICC shouts?

  4. ‘Beware of that power-crazy traitor???’

    Who else can be the true power-crazy traitor beside Hishammuddin Hussein?

    He shouted ‘long live the Malays’ and he only showed his concern about the Malays’ interest by his talk but no walk. He insisted that all Malaysians should learn Science and Mathematics in English. However, he purportedly ignored the fact that those Kampung Malays in Kampung T6, Kahang Barat, Kahang Timur, Ulu Dengar Felda Project, Kampung Sri Lukut, Paloh (all under his parliamentary constituency of Sembrong) were having difficulties in learning English in the primary schools due to lack of English-speaking environment in their family and in their respective village.

    His grandfather, the respectable Dato Onn Jaafar, withdrew from UMNO in order to encourage all Malaysians to stay away from racism and also in order to promote the noble political ideology of One Malaysian Race to the mutiple ethnic groups of Malaysia. However, he despised his grandfather’s idealism by saying that he was not able to pull himself together everytime when he recalled his grandfather’s death in poverty with only RM5 left in the pocket during the great statesman’s last bereavement.

    How could Hishammuddin truly prove his sincerity by showing that he would always have the Malays’ interest at heart when he did not even give his honourable grandfather a right place in history? Hishammuddin is just a hypocrite who wears a tuxedo to cover his dirty greediness from the eyes of the public. Even MCA’s former president, Dato Seri Ong Ka Ting, would confirm that Hishammuddin short delivered 4 classrooms in the constructed building of the Kulai Chinese primary school project which completed recently.

    Hishammuddin is a big shame to all Malaysians since he is proven to be the most greedy Education Minister in Malaysia’s history.

  5. The ICC

    OK, I read all these (and others), and while interesting, I’m no wiser. I get the feeling that the rush might be to organise a farewell party:

    The list goes on…

    A Q&A, allegedly with suhakam, but no names…

    Ah, it’s an International downgrade:

    I would really like an explanation – I’ve been looking froward to the result of the February UN assessment.

  6. What do the rakyat expect from a BN … Dep Sp__ker. This type of suspension make us a laughing stock to the whole world. If not for BN he is probably making a fool of himself in London Hyde Park now as a “speaker”. Seems that he has the same mentality of that cartoon character Donald the Duck. Yack yack yack only!!Again only can happen in Bolehland.

  7. Empty vessels make the most noises. Silent achievers act and take their successes with humility. This bunch of ‘All Mighty’ politicians only know how to bising. bising macam anjing.
    Filling their already bloated wallets and wanting more…power crazy is too polite a statement.

  8. Another proof of Hishammuddin Hussein’s hypocrisy is that he sent his daughter and son to the International School for education in Malaysia, yet he keeps telling all the Chinese parents and the Indians parents to send their children to a Malay medium primary school or a Malay medium secondary school. What a thick-skinned politician who accused other as power-crazy traitor while he himself is the most notorious traitor to the Malays!!!

  9. “What? Nice use of the passive voice. Who will be lowering the ICC’s ranking? And why is the government jumping when the ICC shouts?” (OrangRojak)


    I personally admire you for having a pair of sharp eyes and a set of sharp mind in finding the grammatical ambiguity of the Malaysian English.

    However, please try to give some bonus points to Kit for grading his English standard since English is not his first language (not mine either). Kit’s first language is a kind of dialect from Fujian Province and Kit speaks fluent mandarin even though he never learned the Chinese Language in a formal school because he went to the English medium school during the British Colonial Rule of Malaya.

    Anyway, thanks for teaching the Malaysians the proper English.

  10. Uncle Kit,

    Sorry for interruption.

    The mother of a politically highly respected Ketua Kampung of Yong Peng New Village just passed away. Even though the Ketua Kampung is an MCA member, there is no harm for DAP leaders to send the family of the Ketua Kampung a compassionate condolence message.

    There is no permanent foe in politics!

  11. “……Although the education minister did not mention names…..”.

    Hishamuddin a “hero”? He dare not even name the “traitor” that he’s running down.

    He’s just a plain cow-ard. How to be a leader?

    As Najib’s cousin, will he win one of the Vice Presidencies?

  12. As I’ve said before OnPol, I mostly visit here because I like what LKS says and the way he says it. Since I still occasionally proof read abysmally dull PhD theses in computing, it is by no means a bad sign that I spot two errors a year in LKS’ articles.

    Isn’t the section (I referred to) a quote from malaysiakini? I could check if I had access! I’m sorry I asked so aggressively, I had almost forgotten the UN report and was anxious for some news about it.

    OK, I’ve found the report at Suhakam’s site. A summary: Malaysia’s friends congratulated it. ASEAN countries were supine. Lots of countries asked questions and noted problems.

    The conclusions are split into 2 sections. The first section is stuff that Malaysia agrees to, basically everything starts “We will continue … ” or “We will share our success in …”. The second section is all the practical changes that would make Malaysia a better country and a more highly regarded member of the international community:

    Malaysia notes those recommendations and will provide the response in due time. The response of Malaysia will be included in the outcome report to be adopted by the Human Rights Council at its eleventh session.

    I hope the (albeit from a funny foreign viewpoint) summary is useful. Now what is going to happen to the ICC?

  13. One great news coming out from the UMNO YOUTH election…..Mamak’s son came in third wiping out Mamak’s dream of carving MaMAK’s Dynasty.Also that big cheat and ba…..Toyol is also out.’Semuanya’ is not OK for him from now onwards with Khalid digging more and more shit he perpetrated during his stewardship of Selangor.

  14. BN MPs called Lim “a dog” and “bastard”. One not just shouted “Anjing!” but even went “Woof! Woof!”
    Mohamad Aziz (BN-Sri Gading) warned Lim to not insult Umno, saying: “You are trying our patience… take back what you said.”
    Lim shouted back: “I will not take back what I said, Umno is power-crazy.”
    Kiandee repeatedly told Lim to sit, but he refused to heed the order. This led to his suspension until the lunch break.


    YB Lim had only said that UMNO is power crazy. In return, the BN MPs called him ‘a dog’, ‘bastard!’, ‘anjing!’ & even barked ‘woof! woof!’ at him, and eventually YB Lim got suspended until afternoon.
    But it does reduce a lot of doubt that YB Karpal isn’t far from being right by putting ‘UMNO Youth’ & ‘celaka’ in a single phrase…


  15. KUALA LUMPUR, 25 March 2009: The first sitting of the second session of the 12th Dewan Rakyat in Parliament, that began on 16 Feb, adjourned ‘sine die’ today. – Bernama

    All MPs are on holiday from now till further notice. Do we even need the Parliament with Najib as PM? Not good, not good. Take care of yourself Uncle Kit.

  16. Uncle Kit,
    with Najib becoming the PM , OTK and KSK lead MCA and Gerakan
    you are too old like Sammy Velu and Karpal , time to make a move to LGE and Jeff Ooi …Malaysia need a new generation of leader ,the 4G generation..

  17. Onlooker Politics Says:
    Today at 19: 33.17

    …How could Hishammuddin truly prove his sincerity by showing that he would always have the Malays’ interest at heart when he did not even give his honourable grandfather a right place in history? Hishammuddin is just a hypocrite who wears a tuxedo to cover his dirty greediness from the eyes of the public. Even MCA’s former president, Dato Seri Ong Ka Ting, would confirm that Hishammuddin short delivered 4 classrooms in the constructed building of the Kulai Chinese primary school project which completed recently.
    Hishammuddin is a big shame to all Malaysians since he is proven to be the most greedy Education Minister in Malaysia’s history.

    sheriff singh Says:
    Today at 22: 50.55

    “……Although the education minister did not mention names…..”.

    Hishamuddin a “hero”? He dare not even name the “traitor” that he’s running down.

    He’s just a plain cow-ard. How to be a leader?…


    When this education minister said that the Malacca CM can keep his post despite of being found guilty of being involved in the corrupt act of money politics, he has demonstrated his lack of scruples.
    Even, school classrooms are not spared…


  18. I was watching the direct telecast of TV3 on the speech given by the runner-up of UMNO Youth Chief, Khairy Jamaludin at about 11:45pm 25.03.3009. Out of a sudden the screen showing Khairy on speech was turned off by TV3. Before TV3 switched its TV videocamera shot to the newscaster, I heard Khairy said something about somebody would not be the Prime Minister…

    Those folks in KL had better get ready for Thursday 26.03.2009 because this day is a voting day for electing the UMNO Central Committee Members. I can smell that Najib is very scared of losing the control in the party central committee, which has the rights not to nominate Najib as the candidate for the Prime Minister.

    I guess that Najib must be very worry about the possibility of his being prosecuted in court for alleged criminal offence if he has lost the control in the UMNO Central Committee. Will Najib follow the path of his late father? KL folks must be careful!

  19. Umno power crazy,yes indeed it is. Umnoputras and warlords,most of them would go bankrupt or be put to jail or both within one to three years once umno lose power. You guys should know pretty well,most umno leaders starting from branch, division,supreme council level and those being ybs and holding ministerial position are all depending on government incomes as such salaries, allowances, business/contracts/projects,special bank loans,import and export of all kind of permits. Come on you guys,imagine these umno guys lose all these money making machines, what you think would happen to them ? That’s why I dare say again, umno is power crazy particularly umnoputras and warlords. Like I said before,now saying again,umno will resist from anybody taking over their power by using whatever tactic it takes.Some of these tactics were demonstrated recently as you guys are pretty well aware. Talking about religion and morality,strictly and frankly speaking most of the umnoputras and warlords who profess love and adherent to their religion are all #one hypocrites.

  20. Hey guys, I wish to add just this one particular question. Kris hishammuddin shouted loud and clear ” long live the malays “. Similarly can other malaysian namely chinese, indian,kadazan and iban do the same kind of slogan shouting ” long live the chinese,long live the indian,long live the kadazan and love live the iban respectively during their political meeting ? You guys comments would be appreciated.

  21. You shout “long live the chinese”…..or f any other races… any busy K.L street…Khairy the newly elected UMNO Youth Chief …who is year mark to be appointed as Min. Of Home Affairs..will make sure you go to Balai Police and makan stale nasik with curry… meat for 3 nights under the hospitality of UMNO….sleeping at cement floor…no pillow…..making sure your bones aches and you catch a bad cold.
    Kuluar tak takot…masok lagi satu kali.
    However…millions tak takot…so they dare not act….as not enough prison rooms nor police stations to hold the mighty defiance of millions….never ending….never repenting…..simply get stronger and stronger.
    What can they do?

  22. Sorry to sidetrack.

    Judging from the upheaval (the shouting and fighting among UMNO members) that took place after Khairy J. was elected UMNO Youth Chief, it seems that a split UMNO is unavoidable. Difficult days lie ahead for Malaysia.

    Najis’ urgent task is to bring peace to UMNO and to the country.

  23. Power is an ability to control others and and manipulate events, and no matter how much power is vested in a person or group we don’t call it power crazy if it were exercised for a benevolent cause of doing right to deserving others and common good but if exercised selfishly for predominant purpose of one’s own or group’s benefit at the expense of deserving others, it is called power crazy. Necessarily more often than not, the prime eligibility to being power crazy is first having power, and one gets crazier when having it one sees the imminent and fears the prospect of losing it !
    As UMNO fits that bill, your remark that “Umno members of parliament are crazy about the general assembly and elections” and from there “UMNO is power crazy” is not that off the mark.

    Of course those on the opposite benches will object, oblivous (as usual) to the double standards of Umno Youth Leader equally calling Anwar Ibrahim power crazy and hailed as a hero.

    But it is Ok : double standards have always been the order of the day! Besides, there is nothing that out of parliamentray propriety to call one another power crazy in context of parliamentary proceedings. It may be justified upon the principles of Freedom of Speech in Parliament under the cover of which worser things have been said in the past about whole community being “Pendatang” and one MP ever talked about “bochor” in taunting reference to women’s menstruation. Isn’t that worse? As Malaysiakini reported “BN MPs called Lim “a dog” and “bastard”. One not just shouted “Anjing!” but even went “Woof! Woof!”. Isn’t that worse?

    The fact is that you were not suspended for one morning parliamentary session for calling UMNO crazy. Obviously Speaker was on the side of BN MPs’ who objected to your calling UMNO power crazy.

    However as Malaysiakini reported: Deputy Speaker Ronald Kiandee “repeatedly told Lim to sit, but he refused to heed the order. This led to his suspension until the lunch break.”

    Had you sat down there would be no suspension even after having accused UMNO as power crazy.

    You were therefore suspended – not for accusing UMNO power crazy, which is not the worst we have heard in Parliament and is, in any case, probably fair comment – but for your act of defying the Speaker’s directive to sit down.

    As I understand it, Ronald Kiandee would justify his decision on your suspension on grounds that if his directive were allowed to be defied by you, his overall authority to manage orderly conduct of proceedings in the Lower House would be undermined!

    That then is the true issue, and not accusation of UMNO being power crazy or freedom of speech in Parliament by itself! :)

    (No, Jeff, the suspension was for refusing to withdraw the term “UMNO is power crazy” – Kit)

  24. If they are just power crazy, they will do silly things and the end would come quickly. I fear worst. They are power addicted even rabid basically. They are going to hold on to power with whatever means possible without any real principle.

    Take the case of the unfolding result of UMNO election. Pretty much Najib is getting the team he wants. But the problem with his team is that its strategically flawed like all his plans. Take a good look at the unfolding line up and you will see that PR can be in good shape going into the next GE. Unless Taib become the next DPM, there is no strong representation from Penang and Selangor. Khir Toyo influence will be much diminished without a senior position. Dr. M wil not put his weight behind Najib.

    Its will be evident very soon that they will try and lock up Khalid Ibrahim with whatever excuse they can dig up. This is a danger PR have to be prepare for and they need Zaid Ibrahim as a back up MB should they manage to lock up Khalid Ibrahim.

    If Penang, Perak and Selangor remain in PR hands in the next GE, chances are PR will also make inroads in rural areas in Sabah and Sarawak especially and also especially if Dr. M is still alive, Najib will be back in trouble again and will not last either.

  25. 8) Altogether now please: YAH BOO SUCKS TO YUKKY UMNO!

    UMNO is Power Crazy!
    UMNO IS Power Crazy!
    Umno is POWER CRAZY!
    UMNO is POWER Crazy!
    UMNO IS Power CRAZY!



    2009 Resolution: Seek out all garbage and recycle or dispose post haste for a healthier life and planet!

  26. UMNO people just cannot accept being called Power Crazy because if they accepted it, this means that they have a problem, a big problem in fact, which requires them to change, which is painful especially talking about Power Crazy!!! It is something like addicted to heroin or drug. So it is much easier to deny it than to accept it and go through the process of change!!!
    It is always very easy to say but difficult to practice!!! UMNO and BN can talk about change for another thousand years but the corrupted and power crazy habits are very very hard if not impossible to kick!!!

  27. They are still using the bully tactic, opposition needs to win 2/3 majority in the next election to change Malaysia, by the way, I really hate the Kinabatangan MP, why is he always putting his nose in the peninsular issue, he should only put his nose on the orang asli issues.

  28. DEar Onllooker,

    Call a spade a spade. Hishamuddin is referring to Anwar’s greed. Plain and simple. In his political life, Anwar had stabbed( politically) Ghaffar, Abdullah and of course Dr Mahathir, in his mind boggling quest to achieve life long ambition of becoming Prime Minister.

    He forgot( or conveniently in denial) how Abdullah help him in his early years . If not for Abdullah’s influence, UMNO would have rejected his candidacy in Permatang Pauh way back in 1982.

    He slandered the govt of Tun razak about nonexistent death of a farmer in Baling in 1974. Back then farmers were poor lot but surely living in kampung will not result in starvation.

    He used mountain of money to win Deputy UMNO President Post in 1993. As the incumbent then, Tun Ghaffar Baba refused to sacrifice his dignity by bribing , he lost. He challenged Ghaffar Baba after telling the whole world repeatedly that he considered Ghaffar a father figure.

    He betrayed Dr Mahathir by trying to undermine the latter’s authority during Sanusi’s appointment as Menteri Besar of Kedah. He was all willing to receive IMF’s advice, a move that would have spelt disaster to Malaysia. Thank God, Dr Mahathir stopped him.

    He slandered Malaysia in Indonesia among other countries. He purposely used wheel chair in public but a video clip showed that he can actually walk.

    He consistently refuses to swear in God’s name, a move recognised by Muslim worldwide as telling the ultimate truth.

    He of course is the darling for PAS and DAP. PAS Vice President way back in 1998, chastised him “Aljuburi” and challenged DR Mahathir to sack Anwar. Karpal in DAP convention on June 1998 said the same thing.

    But of course he is the darling to these 2 unprincipled parties as Anwar help them to dismantle the right of the Malays.THat is his only “achievement” besides suspicious character.

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