The start of the Najib crackdown?

Are Malaysians seeing the start of the Najib crackdown from events of the past week?

These developments include:

16.3.09: DAP MP for Puchong Gobind Singh Deo suspended for one year in “kangaroo court” proceeding in Parliament without parliamentary pay and privileges for asking the Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak whether he was involved in the murder case of Mongolian Altantuya Shariibuu.

17.3.09: DAP National Chairman and MP for Bukit Gelugor Karpal Singh charged under the Sedition Act 1948 for stating that a State Ruler can be brought to court in their official and personal capacities under the Constitution.

18.3.09: Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency (MACC) showed utter contempt for the doctrine of separation of powers and continued harassment of the Perak State Assembly Committee of Privileges chaired by Perak State Assembly Speaker V. Sivakumar for suspending usurper Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Zambry Abdul Kadir and his illegitimate six exco members from the assembly, by subjecting the committee members to questioning for the offence of corruption in misusing their powers.

23.3.09: Unreasonable and undemocratic three-month suspension of PAS’ Harakah and PKR’s Suara Keadilan;

23.3.09: Indiscriminate police firing of tear gas and chemical-lacked water on 5,000-people ceramah at Bukit Selambau, Kedah minutes after Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim took the podium.

Since the unethical, undemocratic, illegal and constitutional power grab in Perak on 5th February 2009, personally orchestrated by Najib, the PM-in-waiting has confirmed the worst fears that his ascension as the sixth Prime Minister would see a return of Mahathirism and a Najib crackdown.

Media reports of the parliamentary debate on the Witness Protection Bill yesterday have been sanitized to remove all reference to questions about Najib’s suitability, integrity and legitimacy to become the new Prime Minister, so long as he is not prepared to take the necessary actions to clear all doubts haunting and hounding him, whether about mega defence deal commissions, the Altantuya Shariibuu murder case or the undemocratic, unethical, illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak.

During the debate, I referred to the spate of adverse international media reports about Najib’s coming ascension – in London Sunday Times on Sunday, Paris Liberation last week, as well as in Thailand and Australia – questioned the seriousness and the political will in the purported reform to root out corruption (of which the Protection of Witness Bill is part of the package), the disappearance of private investigator Bala Subramaniam after two statutory declarations highly detrimental to Najib’s reputation and integrity, and the urgent need for Najib to respond frontally to the many swirling allegations dogging him by establishing a Royal Commission of Inquiry to vindicate his innocence, as he had claimed.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz avoided all these burning issues with the stance that they were totally irrelevant to the Bill.

Who is really being protected – Najib?

82 Replies to “The start of the Najib crackdown?”

  1. What totally irrelevant to the Witness Protection Bill?? They try to escape with all the above issues? Let the people decide….The people must stay united to bring changes to the country or else this topic will never be an ending!

  2. My gut feeling is that Najib is very insecure and he knows and feels it intensely.

    So all these crackdowns are deliberate and are aimed at removing all potential challenges, threats and obstacles in his path so that he can be more “comfortable”. Fortunately for him he has the means and authority to do so.

    All the actions taken as listed and more are aimed to bolster his image and consolidate his power, nothing more. Whether these are having the right impact in the eyes of the public is another matter.

    Generally, do dictators care about public opinion if they control everything? Hello, Mugabe!!

  3. Trully a Mugabe in waiting.
    I am not sure if Malaysian will see a repeat of Ops Lallang.
    Most Malaysians do not believe NTR will make a good PM anyway.
    Just writing about him now gives me the shivers …..

  4. Tun Dr. Mahathir a charismatic leader and great statesman, is a truly Malaysian Hero….DS Najib has inherited TDM’s intellect and is seen as a safe pair of hands to take over as Malaysia’s sixth prime minister…..The present leadership has indeed strengthened Pakatan Rakyat …..That’s why opposition is trying very hand to stop DS Najib from becoming the next Prime Minister …… As for the Puchong voters…… … clearly shows that nepotism is a problematic……… Incapable person is chosen not through hard work and accumulation of experience…..

  5. YB + Friends

    Quote Azly Rahman:

    “In this coming Merdeka, 40 years after May 13 1969, the rakyat armed with wisdom of a new era must speak softly but carry a big stick.

    Our struggle for a renewed Merdeka has only just begun. Malaysians have no choice. We are multi-culturalists now. We must abandon race-based politics.”

    Quote Khalid Samad :

    “I estimate that nothing less than a clear 60 per cent voter support will be able to see us through this time around.

    The BN will have at least a 10 per cent advantage from the word go.

    An advantage due to the phantom voters or ‘pengundi hantu’ who will be registered as legitimate voters, compliments of the SPR.

    A fitting strategy for a dying political entity.”

    Value our votes. Vote them out the next GE !!!

  6. So sad , Malaysia is set to doom . we all should pray for Malaysia & najib. I have no confidence in Malaysia any more , it is getting worst, just like becoming a communist regime.Malaysia is not a democratic nation anymore. Every malaysian should the right to choose their PM instead of select by Umno.

  7. Najib is the most frightened person in the country today. He is fighting for dear life so that he may not be demonized, humiliated and sent to prison if the Opposition comes to power. He is the modern day Nero.

  8. cintanegara Says:

    .DS Najib has inherited TDM’s intellect and is seen as a safe pair of hands to take over as Malaysia’s sixth prime minister…..

    When allegations on Najib’s involvement in the Altantuya murder is so rife nowadays? Why has Najib not even commented or replied to such accusations if indeed they were fabrications & that he was all that innocent?
    Do you call this man an intellect?

    In your mind TDM is an intellect because of so lacking of talents in a snake hole. In my mind, he is a sly old fart who knew how to twist the minds of gullible UMNO troopers.

  9. The downright unjust and unfair rough ways of controlling oppositions…applied now….shows Najib is hero worshiping Cambodia type of Military rule.
    He is still a small boy….love wars.
    I will not be surprise…he loves to dress himself up as Commander in Chief of Military and Police…more than anything else.
    It’s no more People’s PM….or for the he knows..majority Malaysians are against him.
    It’s tear gas..water cannons…wherever opportunities allows them to use that….to stamp their authorities.
    Let it be so.
    13th GE must come….and lets see how powerful is UMNO’s PM after that.

  10. there is not a single doubt, the crackdown has begun,

    opposition newspapers confiscated, banned 3 months, publishing licence in limbo, ceramah permit rejected, tear gassing of ordinary malaysians attending ceramah, spraying chem-laced water on them, opposition leaders all barred from visiting school, only 73 people allowed to visit school, all BN people, Gobind suspended….


  12. Najis will pay a price for cracking down on both the Opposition and Abdullah’s supporters in UMNO. It won’t be long before Abdullah’s supporters hit back. A split UMNO could well emerge after the UMNO elections.

    UMNO politicians, who are victims of Najis crackdown, should seriously consider joining PR. What is the point of working for a political party whose President is undemocratic and oppressive?

  13. At last the stability coming back peoples can feel it ,the market is bullish today
    Way to go Najib ,the LKY of Malaysia , no nonsense approach
    rakyat want stability…not PR , perosak rakyat…

  14. DAP is trying to divert the public’s attention away from their own incompetence and the controversies surrounding Penang Deputy Chief Minister Fairus Khairuddin……..The present CM is undisputedly a weak leader …. We don’t need such weak leader who is totally unfit to run the state………….Without NEPOTISM…..someone else would be Penang Chief Minister today…

  15. Hey hey your guys,why worried so much about NR’s crackdown on his political opponents ?. You know guys,the more NR put undemoncratic pressures on others,the more people will dislike him.It’s in fact a plus for opposition .Three by elections are on the way,just you guys wait and see.Let’s NR continues his crackdown on opposition’s activitives as these will be seen by the rakyat as undemoncratic,injustice,bais,unfair and inhuman. You guys can relax and enjoy your cup of coffee or tea as I can assure you that all three umno/bn candidates will be crushed. Let NR N GANG take whatever they want from us/country except our votes. Comes general election, we will show NR N GANG who’s the BOSS. Through the power of the rakyat in a general election poll,we will put all these badies to permanent sleep for good. In another word,ultimately,we the rakyat will terminate them and return true demoncracy to our beloved country,MALAYSIA FOR MALAYSIAN.

  16. Eunuch chengho;
    At last the stability coming back peoples can feel it ,the market is bullish today
    Good try balless man, just because wall street went up by 7% it reflected on our market…not because of your grand master.
    Good try. When you ate a stolen food, learn to wipe your mouth!

  17. My dear chengho and cintanegara,use your brains not your emotions. TDM ruled with an ironfist,he created a GLOOM,BOOM AND DOME malaysia. In the beginning he created gloom using ketuanan malayu and religion to create boom for himself and family and all his cronnies. For two decades,he and his cronnies squeezed the rakyat and country to the bleak of dome.,then he delightfully retired and handed over to AAB. Go guys,ask AAB and he will confirm my research. My goodness,you two are still in BOLEHLAND. Look IMF chief said the current global economic recession was like WW11 (world war 11 ) depression time .US president Barack Obama has admitted that the US is in recession,needed over one US trillion dollars to buy toxic assets to save the banks in order to boost the economy to create a boom for the country again. The world bank now talks about economic recoverery only after 2nd half of 2010 and that will happen when all workable steps are taken right now. So there’s still some uncertainty. How can you two guys said malaysia’s economy is stable . Basing on NEW YORK stock exchange record and applied it here is irrelevence as the NWSE currently remains very volatile.President Obama’s billions of stimulate package still can not assured the US economy return to normal. And now in Malaysia,you 2 guys may see that the economy is stable but don’t be fooled by NR and GANG as what the government said n done were not transparence.You 2 guys want to show that you are patriotic and loyal to king and country ,yes by all means but not using your emotion but your BRAINS. Don’t be like the three blind men and the elephant. Do be like the hawk seeing what’s happening beneath.

  18. The ruling coalition has got no balls to walk into the next 3 boxing rings fighting a fair fight. These are all measures to blind the competitor, tie one or both arms behind their backs, removing the safety head-gear, or otherwise breaking their legs so that they can’t float around like a butterfly.

    All I can say is, even if the current DPM goes on to become an effective PM, if these are his means to justify the ends, he’s no better, in fact he’s worse off than TDM.

  19. Repressive measures will not stem the rakyat’s hunger for change, it just increase their disgust at the govt. The ruthless police action at Bukit Selambau may have helped PR win the by-election. When I first heard the news, I said “Yahoo! PR is going to win! Samy Vellu can can go home with his tail between his legs”.

  20. Hereby we, anak Malaysia will like to make the following DECLARATION again:-

    We reject a leader that asking you to adjust your lifestyle when the government failed to control inflation by allowing 60% increase in fuel surcharge.

    We reject a leader that ‘overlooked’ the Eurocopter deal and taxpayers nearly overpaid billions of ringgit. (Reported by PR youth to ACA alleged evidence which showed that Malaysia was reported to have signed a letter of intent to acquire 12 Eurocopter EC 727 Cougar helicopters for a sum of RM2.3 billion while Brazil paid US$1.2 billion for 50 units of the same model which was found to be of a much lower specifications)

    We reject a leader who contributed nothing when he was an Education Minister.

    We reject a leader who told the crowd to soak kris with Chinese blood in 1987.

    We reject a leader who told us country was in good shape no such thing as economy crisis 3 months ago and now making u-turn says GDP +0.1. Still +ve everything should be ok.

    We reject a leader who neglected the overdue Nuri copters that have exceeded the operational lifespan when he was a Defense Minister.

    We reject a leader who remained silence and denial $500 million commission paid to a local agent for arm dealings for many months before declaring it was true after being pressured in the Parliament.

    We reject a leader who failed to explain why $500 million commission to local agent. What was the breakdown cost to the local agent that Ministry of Defense (or the taxpayers) has to fork out $500 millions? Hey, that’s taxpayers money you know!

    We reject a leader with police report by Sekretariat Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) alleged him for corruption and the trial of his closest adviser Razak Baginda of the murder of Altantuya, who was one of the alleged beneficiaries of the large commissions

    We reject a leader whose name was mentioned by witnesses in court from the cousin of the victim to the accused PI.

    We reject a leader who consistently giving contradictory statements eg his involvement with Saifun Bukhari ie DSAI accuser over the past months. How can the rakyat put our trust and future of the country with a person of such character to be the next PM? Imaging the PM-to-be giving statement in court, twisting and turning, the judge would have thrown him out from the next session onward!

    We reject a leader who has been accused with Statutory Declaration that an offer of RM50 million to initiate cross over after 308. (Hey, the accuser dares to put his head on the chopping board if he was lying, what more should we add?)

    We reject a leader who headed the biggest robbery in the state of Perak from the voters not thru fresh election but thru frogs ejection!

    We reject a leader who started National Service purportedly to cultivate friendship between races but at the same time wasting taxpayers money funding Biro Tata Negara to breakup the nation.

    We, anak Malaysia out right REJECT no one else but Najib Tun Razak to be the next Prime Minister. Such controversial personality not suit even an office boy post!

  21. “You know guys,the more NR put undemocratic pressures on others,the more people will dislike him. It’s in fact a plus for opposition.” (Frankyapp)

    Frankyapp’s above comment may be true. However, no matter how true it may be, I still find that I am in a sad mood by hearing that Najib has already adopted more and more tyrannical measures in order to crackdown the democratic political movement of the Opposition Parties. Najib’s ruthless crackdown on Pakatan Rakyat with abuse of official powers and government instrument such as legal enforcement units will only make Malaysia retreat further to the backwardness in relation to the democratic political development by a peaceful way.

    To say that Najib’s crackdown will help Pakatan Rakyat to gain more votes in the by-election just indicates that Pakatan Rakyat leaders are too helpless as a victim in such an undemocratic crackdown situation. Such an irony as taking Najib’s crackdown as a good help to the Opposition Parties will only make me recall of the story of “Don Quixote”, a ironic novel written by the Spanish author, Miguel de Cervantes.

    I am prepared to go to the ISA detention camp again if Najib is to be enthroned as the Prime Minister of Malaysia by April 2009.

  22. Najib’s crackdown is akin to a dead cat’s bounce. It’s only a matter of time before UMNO is wiped off from the face of the earth…and Najib swept into oblivion with it.

  23. I am no lawyer .But i would like to know . Can i make a police report againts the French news Paper who wrote the Article on Altantuya murder.
    firstly if the report is made,The police have to investigate to see if the report is true or not.
    Secondly Can i take a civil suit againts the French news Paper for writing false news. If that can be done, then the news paper have to prove that what it wrote is the truth.
    The News paper have to come to Malaysia defend itself.

  24. Isn’t what’s happenning today, the blatant use of power, a case of chickens coming home to roost? We’ve continuously kept voting in these goons in and with such huge majority that it has gotten into UMNOPYTRAs’ head that it is their right to rule that they would not tolerate the prospect of losing.

  25. Be afraid, be very afraid”, when Najib takes over as PM
    Muhyiddin says “one party must dominate the government…”
    We have a bunch of megalomaniacs out to do the nation in.
    Where else can we seek help if not ourselves?

  26. At the end of everything….it is the voters that gave Najib the opportunity to be PM.
    Right is UMNO taking full advantage..making him…UMNO’s PM.
    Bottom line is….will voters endorse the appointment in the 13th GE.
    From these few weeks …..Najib have shown no mercy…no nonsense…acting with fists of fury.
    Such is one out to revenge or protect his reputation.
    Tons and tons of accusations hurled at Najib….foremost of all…Atlantuya’s murder case.
    It takes Najib to swear by the Koran….he is proven not guilty… need to go to court and answer so many valid accusations. Police is showing loyalty to a political party….no matter how bad UMNO is..and not there to protect King… Malaysians and the country. UMNO ministers seems to stand by him….especially from Abdullah saying.. he believes Najib is innocent….so does Mahathir….but who are these two PMs?
    One said so…to have Najib supports as PM.
    The other needs to prove how smart he is…recommending Najib as DPM to Abdullah. Both have so clear selfish ulterior motives.
    Najib inherited the most divided UMNO party…..that..UMNO have ever gone through. We can never see this publicly………but can see more and more are speaking out against UMNO members……being greedy ad downright corrupted.
    Najib is like a wounded Cat…trying to act like a Tiger.
    When one keep uses the facilities of power under him…to arrest…bully and shut people’s mouths….so many times….under so short period….these are clear signs….Najib is feeling guilty and needs to survive by doing his utmost destroy the oppositions leaders….excluding Hadi Awang and Nik Aziz of PAS.
    I have never experience such slow non active business atmosphere….not since when M quarreled with Razaleigh.
    If our country is well managed….the bad world economic situations should have little effect to Malaysia….but great to the less fortunate countries.
    Malaysia is blessed with so much fortunes….all taken…raped ….stolen and cheated by UMNO…….which the clear mismanagement and unproductive work from UMNO… have eaten up more…every month…public funds….that anyone can ever imagine. Billions upon billions every year.
    That is the main reason…why we are suffering.
    Smart Tunnel costing millions…turned to Stupid Tunnel. .right now. Today…KL is flooded again. UMNO feel no shame at all…..nor dare to talk of failures by them openly.
    Employ 100 to do the job of 10…encouraging slow and unproductive work….as long as all are die hard UMNO voters…not based on qualifications at all.
    Need more facts…..why we are suffering?

  27. I really doubt there’ll be a 13th GE. Should the political climate be still unfavorable to UNMO/BN just before the 13th GE, Malaysians can expect to see another major crackdown on the opposition, culminating in the detention of quite a number of PR top leaders. Najib will then declare Emergency Rule.

    With TDM supporting Najib and working behind the scene, the possibility of such taking place is indeed high. And, off course, it has become common knowledge that TDM harbours one ultimate aim – that his good-for-nothing son, Muhkriz can be assured of becoming UNMO president in the not too distant future. Najib, whose reputation is not unknown to all, will be easy meat for TDM to swallow.

    Henceforth, PR leaders need to be very,very cautious in what they say or do. Even then this is no guarantee that they will be safe to participate in the next GE, based on my assumption earlier.

    In the event that I’m proven wrong and which I hope it to be so, I would strongly advise that PR train to prepare back-up leaders in case our worse fear comes true-Kemuting you all go.

  28. Domocracy will be dead with the advent of Najib.Will the people rise to vote out the UMNO/BN in the next election?Even Samy Velloo was voted in thus proving that the 21st century will not see much changes.Will the nation sink or rise; only time will tell.

  29. Let Najib lead and prove himself until the next election for political stability and to confront the global challenges affecting our country – maintaining and creating jobs are important.

    BN will sink…..but let it sink without creating waves!

  30. Hail Najib for his superb speech. it was solid ,concise and crystal clear and timely. It is not for Umno Wings only but for the entire nation in general.

    His speech set the mood of the entire nation to move forward united for Malaysia not only for the malays. No more lethargic like the weak AAB. Sadly on a different planet Anwar still his usual self…creating trouble and not respecting law, leading the demo in the northern state, continue what he likes to do from his younger days and he never knows how to stop.

    Najib emphasis on English will silence the malay bigot lead by the old man of Pas Hadi Awang and his Pas cabinet.
    The market is very bullish responding to the transition

  31. “I really doubt there’ll be a 13th GE. Should the political climate be still unfavorable to UNMO/BN just before the 13th GE, Malaysians can expect to see another major crackdown on the opposition, culminating in the detention of quite a number of PR top leaders. Najib will then declare Emergency Rule.” – Taxidriver.

    Taxidriver, don’t be so pessimistic. The sort of crackdown and emergency rule you envision will destroy the country economically and the govt becomes a pariah regime like Myanmar or Zimbabwe.

    We assume that the leaders still have enough sense not to destroy the country to hold on to power just like what Mugabe did to Zimbabwe.

    Emergency rule require the consent of the Agung who acts as a check and balance. If this fails, the ultimate check and balance will be the people who will rise up to reclaim the country from the oppressors.

  32. “And if the tone and tenor of his speech is adopted by UMNO leaders and delegates throughout the the party’s annual assembly then there will be fewer non Malays standing in queue for migration forms at the Australian High Commission and the American Embassy next week.”. The MalaysianInsider.

    Since when has UMNOPUTRA walk the talk.Since when has UMNOPUTRA see the nation as a nation of Malaysians.Since when has ‘bikin serupa chakap’.And since when UMNOPUTRA has stopped talking in terms of ‘negara,agama dan bangsa’.

    So eunuch ChengHo but more fittingly Eunuch Ar.e.o.e stop jumping up and down to herald the good news of Najis’s speech for it is designed to pull wool over non Malay citizens’ eyes.A LEOPARD CAN NEVER CHANGE ITS SPOT.That I am sure.

  33. Hail the Almighty….showing Malaysians.. the son of 666 is taking over.
    Then there are more signs…3rd April……3 and 4…..meaning 666 is alive{3..sung} and gone fast..{4…saie}
    Put them together…666-3-4…..\gui sung saie\
    Hail chengho the balls licking…balls carrier the devil.
    If we can stand the devil reincarnated for 22 years..the adopted son is a piece of cake ..till 13th GE.

  34. Those idiots have obviously forgotten about the backlash they faced in 308 when they thought up the brilliant idea to use people against the people. Hindraf was protesting on the street and inevitably they would put up road blocks all over the city. They hoped to cause maximum inconvenience to the people so that the people’s unhappiness could be used as a reason to counter Hindraf. The result, they lost all but one MP constituencies in FT KL.

    Suspending harakah and suara keadilian, blasting anwar’s ceramah with water cannon and tear gas, grabbing power illegally in perak, suspending MP from parliament without reason, setting up kangaroo macc and any such like actions would backfire on umno for sure.

    Three by-elections are coming-up. All will be won by pakatan. Batang Ai voters will sway in favour of pakatan. And Nizar will win big time. He could command upto 80% of votes cast.

  35. What PR have to remember is that Najib is basically a cheater. The man cheats on his family, he cheats the govt i.e. people’s money, he cheats in politics (i.e., Perak, UMNO elections) and chances are he cheated in school too. The pattern is consistent and I have seen people like these in many organisation. They ultimately fall apart.

    The thing with cheaters is that ultimately when pushed to the wall or/and tempted, they break and do careless and stupid things. So when Najib clamps down, its a good sign and reason to push him to go further. When he does that he will do the most stupid thing because he basically lack the leadership skills to avoid it.

    So when the suspend Gobind Singh, the challenge is get a few more MPs to take up the batton and raise Altantuya again in Parliament and dig even further and ask about his other affairs during his younger days. He paid for his VP post in UMNO (which led him to his current position) and reportedly paid his ex-wife RM40mil as divorce settlement – a record) and so there must have been more submarine-like deals before that…

    The man is act tough but he is not. He is, as with all cheaters, full of crap in reality

  36. Bigjoe,Taiking,Monstelball,AhPek,

    hi guys i am your fan ,all of you beginning to sound like Najib will deliver what LKY do in Singapore no nonsense approach… only for the country and for the rakyat irrespective of skin color ( if u play golf every one will have the same skin color)….
    The news on Jeff Ooi and Faris quite unpleasant from Penang…



  38. There is a saying: ” to make a mistake is natural; to make the same mistake is character. People should not expect the same man who behaved himself into the messy personal life and help the country to get out of the messy situation. LKY is a different man as far as the personal behaviour/life is concerned. So be realistic!! We only can hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

  39. Raja petra’s blog had this quotation of what najib said during the ongoing umno GA. It is about the other constitutional crisis of the 80’s (the first was the one involving dismissal of federal court judges) in the hands of umno – the one involving umno’s campaign to dominate over the Monarchy. Concerning that campaign najib said:

    “It was never done in bad faith, but rather with the noble intention of preserving the royal institution and upholding the doctrine of the separation of powers which is the basis of any democratic government.”

    I wonder if members of the royal institution feel safe today. They ought to be after what umno did to them back then. So what are they talking about when they or some of them said something about wanting to restore the monarchy’s immunity and dignity etc etc. If they dont feel safe enough I suppose syed botak can isa them for further protection.

  40. PUTRAJAYA: Two Umno members yesterday asked the Registrar of Societies to de-register Umno.
    Datuk Mazlan Harun, son of former Selangor menteri besar Datuk Harun Idris, and Datuk Kadar Shah Sulaiman, son of former party permanent chairman Tan Sri Sulaiman Ninam Shah, also wanted the registrar to suspend all Umno activities, including the general assembly until a decision was made on whether to de-register the party.

    They said in a letter to the registrar that Umno’s quota system for party polls violated the Societies Act, claiming it did not allow for a free and fair election.

  41. k1980 you are sure of the event? Oh dear. Another court case involving umno’s legality? If so then this time which unfortunate judge would sit and hear? He could be removed if he decides wrongly. Reply of the judicial crisis in the making?

  42. I am sure you are here long enough to know that whoever presides over The House would have no qualms in choosing ‘pleasing the boss’ over ‘doing the job of The Chair’.That goes for the current Speaker and Deputy Speaker for both are overzealous in their enthusiasm in pleasing the incoming boss.Thus it is of no surprise that Uncle Kit is given ‘the morning off’ since he has ‘misbehaved’.

  43. As Umno veers more and more to the right, component parties like MCA, MIC and Gerakan will lose even more support until they have to depend on the Malay vote to survive. Imagine MCA cannot win in a Chinese majority area and MIC cannot win in an area with high concentration of Indians. In BN these parties will become beggars at the Umno feast.

    Will these parties keeping hanging on to Umno? Do they have any sense of shame?

  44. //Will these parties keeping hanging on to Umno? Do they have any sense of shame?//

    Imagine OTK, Koh TK, Kayves and Samy Vel being out of BN. OTK would be out working as a shoe-shine boy, Koh TK would be selling curry puffs on his bicycle, Kayves begging for coins as a jaga kereta bum and Samy banging away on his old typewriter as a petition writer

  45. cintanegara Says:
    Yesterday at 12: 40.35
    Tun Dr. Mahathir a charismatic leader and great statesman, is a truly Malaysian Hero….DS Najib has inherited TDM’s intellect and is seen as a safe pair of hands to take over as Malaysia’s sixth prime minister…..The present leadership has indeed strengthened Pakatan Rakyat …..That’s why opposition is trying very hand to stop DS Najib from becoming the next Prime Minister …… As for the Puchong voters…… … clearly shows that nepotism is a problematic……… Incapable person is chosen not through hard work and accumulation of experience…..

    cintanegara Says:
    Yesterday at 14: 42.39
    DAP is trying to divert the public’s attention away from their own incompetence and the controversies surrounding Penang Deputy Chief Minister Fairus Khairuddin……..The present CM is undisputedly a weak leader …. We don’t need such weak leader who is totally unfit to run the state………….Without NEPOTISM…..someone else would be Penang Chief Minister today…


    Let’s not forget that Dr.M as PM had four different deputies under him at different periods of time; two had resigned, one was sacked & one became his successor.

    The present Penang CM has two deputies under him at the same time. So, if the resignation of one of the DCMs is due to the present CM being an unfit & weak leader, that should also apply two-fold to Dr.M, who already had two depuities resign under him.


  46. Yes, Malaysia is heading for doomsday. Its all because of too much politicking and political spinners, media spinners, so much so that everybody is basing their sense of truth on stories unfolded by these irresponsible hoodwinks. So the voters are all being duped and fooled by these irresponsible and heartless people…

    But of course if Malaysians re assessed their stance, to adopt professionalism and not being emotionals or illogical beings.

    Changes will come, but it will depend on how the changes are being started.

  47. In this blog entry, YB Lim had written:

    Media reports of the parliamentary debate on the Witness Protection Bill yesterday have been sanitized to remove all reference to questions about Najib’s suitability, integrity and legitimacy to become the new Prime Minister, so long as he is not prepared to take the necessary actions to clear all doubts haunting and hounding him, whether about mega defence deal commissions, the Altantuya Shariibuu murder case or the undemocratic, unethical, illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak.

    Not too long ago, there were comments which ask & wonder why there was no response by the DPM or the Malaysian government against a French daily which had published damaging allegations about the involvement of the DPM & his spouse in the above-mentioned murder case.

    Recently, a local Malay daily had published allegations that accused the Singaporean police for trying to cover up actual circumstances resulting in the death of one of two Malaysian fishermen who were caught in Singaporean waters. To counter those allegations, the Singaporean government had issued a statement through diplomatic channels as reported in the following NST article:


    KUALA LUMPUR: The Singapore High Commission yesterday claimed that the two Malaysians who were injured, one of them fatally, in a collision with a Singapore Police Coast Guard (PCG) boat on March 14 were involved in human smuggling.

    The high commission, in a statement, claimed Ramlee Salam, 28, and Khamis Mohammad, 50, were not out fishing as reported in a Bahasa Malaysia daily here, but were trying to escape from two PCG boats after dropping off illegal immigrants off Punggol Barat.

    According to the high commission’s press officer Walter Chia, two PCG boats spotted the speedboat operated by the suspects about 1.40am on March 14, after they had dropped off the immigrants.

    “Despite repeated warnings to stop, including the shooting of flares into the air and the use of loud hailers, the boatmen ignored them and sped away.

    “They executed a series of reckless manoeuvres to evade capture, causing their boat to collide with one of the PCG boats.

    “After the collision, Ramlee was found unconscious in the boat and he was immediately brought to shore and an ambulance was called. He was subsequently pronounced dead,” said Chia.

    He added the seven illegals, whom Ramlee and Khamis had allegedly smuggled in, were later picked up and charged with Immigration offences. All were jailed.

    Chia claimed Khamis, who survived the collision, had upon interrogation implicated Ramlee in the smuggling.

    “He (Khamis) was sentenced to two years and six months in jail and 15 strokes of the cane on March 19, after he pleaded guilty to nine counts of Immigration offences.”

    So, when will the Malaysian government take a similar action through its embassy in France to counter those allegations published by that French daily?


  48. Dear Bro. Lim Kit Siang,
    I received a complaint that your blog is visited by a foreigner with a nick….name..”Tickler” who should be warned or put under moderation by you…for all his messages….until you find them..not offensive.
    The one who complaint…is with the nick….”witso” and is a respected ..intelligent commentator that frequent Susan Loone’s blog. He is discouraged to post in your blog….saying you allow all sorts of commentators in your blog.
    I have taken the liberty to explain…..that a political blogger and an elected legendary parliamentarian blogger like you…..leader of DAP.. values freedom of speeches and rights……more than anything else. But he still thinks…”Tickler” commentator should be moderated. Just as we were talking……”Tickler” and 2 others went to Susan’s blog…. and did put out nonsensical messages.
    Yes he is writing…out to disunite Malaysians and “witso” said he is not a Malaysian…and live elsewhere. I try to convince “witso” to part his knowledge here.
    Many thanks…..I remain,


  49. Say what you want to say and write what you want to write before the mother of all crackdown start to be carried out!!! It is not just another operasi lalang, it will be an operasi lalang with the root being pulled up and burnt to ensure zero tolerance towards the voice of truth and true democracy!!! Dont call out to Allah as we are forbid to do so by the Supreme race party AKA Nazi Party!!!
    The Supreme race party is going to carry out its Nazi’s policies even more than before!!!
    Just listen to Najis telling the Nazi party’s delegates to vote for candidates with integrity will make those who know that his best friend who get RM500 millions commission looked like idiots!!!
    I’m afraid that whole Malaysia is going down the drain together with the evil Nazi party when it failed!!!

  50. Kit Siang,

    Could you supply a link for the claim that Najib is behind the seizure of Perak? Your case is very strong for a crackdown, but that makes it even more important to back up strong statements with evidence.


  51. Yes, Najib’s new government will be a formidable one. It is still not too late to know that our BN government is still strong. PR has no chance at all in the coming by elections. If you wish to establish a successful political career, you should think seriously about joining our BN family. Let’s wake up and move. This is my last advice.

  52. Where are you cintanegara? We need you urgently to urge your UMNOPutra government to protest to Singapore for cruelly colliding with our fishermens’ boat killing Ramli whilst Khamis was sentenced for 2 years jail and 15 strokes of the cane.This is utmost cruelty and Malaysia in no uncertain terms would stomach this.Cintanegara go tell krishamuddin our outgoing UMNO YOUth to go wave his kris in front of Singapore embassy.No use asking Kit cos Kit has no standing in government.

  53. “Could you supply a link for the claim that Najib is behind the seizure of Perak?” (tshiunghan)

    Najib’s seeing Sultan Azlan Shah of Perak before Pak Lah had been given a chance to meet the Sultan was the strong proof that Najib was the engineer of the whole event.

    However, Najib later on chose to distant himself from Zambry simply because Zambry was a choice made by Pak Lah as the president of UMNO when the Sultan decided that the recommendation of the candidate for MB post could only be made by the paramount party chief of the party who commanded the majority of the State Legislation Assembly.

    Zambry would not be an MB of Perak for too long because Najib never trusted him. This is because Zambry is deemed as Pak Lah’s right hand man! What a disgusting party feud which has become an eye sore to the public!

  54. Dear AhPek,

    The last thing we need is useless sarcastic remark from people like you. There is a better, more refined way, though. How about suggesting Dr Rais, Minister of Foreign affair to contact his Singaporean counterpart over the alleged mistreatment.

    As for Onlooker, perhaps you are unaware that Najib is Perak UMNO Chief and also BN Perak chairman. In that capacity, Najib requested audience with the Sultan of perak and the latter agreed to.

    As the choice of Dr Zambry, of course the final decision is with Abdullah as he is the UMNO President and also BN Chief. It is that simple. I ( and in fact everybody) fails to see your rationale on Najib’s liking or disliking Dr Zambry. Not that I notice you rational so far.

    As for Chengho, you are spot on. Now, the much said \Buku bertemu ruas\ , a Malay saying which means taking your match is on.

    The talk among Malay comunity is when Anwar is going to swear on Kuran, a hallmark on saying the truth accepted by Muslim comunity worldwide. He accused Najib on Altantuya. Najib swore but surprisingly Anwar is silent on the allegation against him by Saiful. When is Anwar going to swear . As goes the saying \Berani kerana benar\.

  55. When the same 52 cards are being shuffled, what do you expect to get??? Najis himself is one of the old cards that is stained with all the dirts!!! How to clean the cards then??? It would be much much easier for the Rakyat to change the cards altogether and burn them off!!! There’s no obligations on the Rakyat side to wait for the Nazi party to change for the better!!! There are alternative PR to choose!!! Dont play play with Rakyat!!! They are the real Master of the Land!!!

  56. Najis is proposing to change the Nazi Party’s constitution so that the members will be able to vote for the President directly, I dont understand why he does not propose to change the Federal Constitution to allow the Rakyat to vote for the PM directly!!! Why double standards???

  57. “I ( and in fact everybody) fails to see your rationale on Najib’s liking or disliking Dr Zambry. Not that I notice you rational so far.” (shamshul anuar)

    shamshul anuar,

    Assume that Pak Lah is in Team A and Najib is in Team B. Zambry pledged loyalty to Team A. Pak Lah and Najib are competitive forces in Umno.

    Since Zambry pledged loyalty to Team A, he would assist Team A to curb the power of Najib, who is in Team B. Najib dislikes Zambry because Najib dislikes anyone who will curb his power, except for his wife, Rosmah. The logic is that simple. You don’t need strong evidences to prove that Najib dislikes Zambry because Najib will not tell in the public that he dislikes Zambry. Circumstantial evidences is enough to prove that because this is not a criminal prosecution case.

  58. Shamshul,
    The last thing I need is for you to speak for cintanegara when you do not know what comments cintanegara made earlier in previous postings.I am waiting for his reply!I wrote this just for him using the exact line of his thinking.
    You may be happy to say Najib is innocent by swearing on the Quran,maybe also many Muslims but for the rest of the world people are more convinced if he can sue his accusers and win.Why? It is simple for if to be exonerated of any accusation one is only required to swear on any holy book,many accused would prefer this route.And by this route it is not difficult, for you do not need to stretch your imagination,to arrive at the conclusion one will find all accused of anything be cleared of the accusation.To wipe of the reputation of his name or to wipe off the lies spun by The Australian Financial Review,The Liberation,New York Times,Far Eastern Economic Review,UK’s Sunday Times and The International Herald Tribune.We as ordinary malaysians would not want our PM who is tainted with such accusations and would wish that he should it by charging them of spreading lies about himand winning so that we can also be proud to have our PM with no such taint.
    In the case of Anwar he prefers to choose the route of defending his name in the court of Law.Nothing wrong with that!Maybe to you there is!

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