Najib’s countdown – shows again his “iron fist”

“Harakah, Suara Keadilan banned 3 months” – latest news from Malaysiakini, viz:

“The Home Ministry has suspended the organs of two opposition parties – PAS’ Harakah and PKR’s Suara Keadilan – for three months, effective immediately.

“With the suspension, both newspapers will not be able to publish until the end of June, missing out on a number of crucial political events including the three by-elections on April 7.”

Another example of Najib Razak showing his “iron fist” – with the countdown to his anointment as UMNO President reduced to less than two days and ever closer to his political prize as the sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia.

44 Replies to “Najib’s countdown – shows again his “iron fist””

  1. Uncle Kit,
    No worry about that, I was waiting for JPN to open at 2 pm today. With some time to kill I went to the cyber cafe next door, its heartening to see local folks watching the alternative media, one was listening to Anwar’s speech (youtube), the other on malaysia-today. These are common people who wanted to know the truth in M’sia.

  2. This was just a cowardice act. There is no real reform. It is the same old hat tactic. They will use all oppressive acts to achieve their means. But the question is how long this will be prove effective?

    we must also ask how effective this cowardice act will be effective during this open media age where many young fellow has turn to electronic media?

    This again only enhance the people believe that BN has never intend to make the changes needed. This simply show that they are afraid and find themselves threaten than never before.

    This is only shown they will abuse all power given to them by the people to oppress democracy.

    They are simply bunch of coward.

  3. Dear All,

    Najib will be steering UMNO out from its doldrums and the only way to do this fast is by chooping off the ears and hands of the opposition, particularly Anwar Ibrahim. He is the major mouth-piece of the opposition and putting him out of action would make life very much easier for Najib and gang. UMNO is its weakest point as they have repeatedly claim and taking harsh and swift action particularly against the Chinese and Indian politicians would harness solidarity among the Malays. If one is a little bit more resourceful, you will note that at this point in time even Dr. Mahathir is coming out to issue racially laced speeches. He is trying to paint a picture to the Malays that the non-Malays are now trying to snatch away their rights and kick them out of power. He had done that 40 years ago and still doing the same thing today. It is the only way to galvanize the support from the Malays.

    It is a sad development for Malaysia going forward.

  4. najib, do you still remember what you said not too long ago and should you forget let me remind you again. This is what you said:

    “If any individual at any organisation is found to have abused his or her powers, we will take appropriate action.”

    Today your home minister had again abuse his power, while his earlier abuse of power, arresting journalist Tan Hoon Cheng under the ISA with the pretext of protecting her, have yet to see you take any appropriate action.

    Your home ministry has suspended the organs of two opposition parties – PAS’ Harakah and PKR’s Suara Keadilan – for three months, effective immediately with no resons given to the suspension. You and your home minister are quick to defend yourselves whenever actions are taken, by using this famous quote: “THE LAW IS THE LAW”.

    Can we see that the law is properly applied in ordering the suspension of PAS’ Harakah and PKR’s Suara Keadilan without any valid reasons? If they are guilty of any wrong doing, you have to identify it before the suspension.

    There are tonnes of “abusing of power” ongoing right now but to date you cannot practice what you preach and yet you keep on talking about the “big change” when you become the pm. With all the baggage that you are carrying with you into your premiership, can we just take your word for it that you sincerely will make that “big change” of yours.

    Less than 24 hours of your home minister suspending the PAS’ Harakah and PKR’s Suara Keadilan, people on the ground already knew what is the motive for doing so. People on the street are saying that umno/bn is shivering with fear of losing the three by elections, Batang Ai, Bukit Selambau and Bukit Gantang. This is evidence that umno/bn will be applying all the dirty tricks to win these three by elections by hook or by crook.

    Malaysia For All

    GE 13 – No matter what, we must ensure that racist umno bn do not regain the power like they had for the past fifty one years.

  5. Hey, be kind to him.

    His missus says it is Allah’s wish that he be the next PM, warts and all. It is his destiny, she said.

    And so we must accept him with an “open heart”, this man of destiny. Yecch!!!

  6. My friend says Najib is nothing but a bully. He uses his powers to oppress, just like the Dewan Speaker who turned down the DAP’s motion today in Parliament with regards to Gobind’s case.

    No debate, no arguements, no reasons given, no natural justice, no fairplay. Their words are law.

    Did I hear somebody say we have kangaroos in court?

    Welcome to the dawn of the “New” Malaysia.

  7. In this days and age you think they will be smart enough. Banning the media will not stop them from doing any damages. Internet media is still there to spread the news. Maybe, those in the rural area will have issues but if Malaysian cares we start to send out flyer from the reporters from these news paper or website to the rural areas. Donation can be made to these people for postage. Wage war using a new way if the typical ways are stopped by the tyrant.

  8. The WILL of Heaven shall not be denied!! The begining of an ending dynasty!! To all thinking people such acts are self-destructive, buit to those whose minds are blinded by fear of being drowned; these are acts of power!!

  9. If some want to play silly buggers:

    The Will of Heaven or Heaven’s Will (Vietnamese: Thu?n Thiên, Hán T?: ??) was the mythical sword of the Vietnamese King Lê L?i, who liberated Vietnam from Ming occupation after ten years of fighting from 1418 until 1428.

  10. You know, I’m just wondering if Syed Hamid is on Abdullah’s side, and he’s really screwing up on national security issues just so that it paints Najib in a really bad light. Wishful thinking perhaps, but oh well..

  11. What they are showing is FEAR – fear that they will lose big, and give their new President a black eye worse than that given to Anwar by a former IGP.

    They can ban the Harakah, or the Suara Keadilan or the Rocket, but they can’t silence us. They can fiddle with the cyber-attacks on this blog, on RPK’s blog, but we can always find a way around these. Know why ? Because we are right, and we are smarter. We don’t live in fear like they do.

  12. Kit:

    I suggest we pay them in kind – by starting a legal action against Dassault in France for bowing to the demands of certain politicians in paying commissions to nominated cronies. I’d like to see what we can find in the discovery process.

  13. They can disrupt our ceramahs with teargas, or with high-handed police actions, but we will not be cowed. We just have to record these and post them on Youtube. Let the rakyat see for themselves the iron-fisted regime that is running this country. Even the kampung folks can smell the stench of FEAR from UMNO.

  14. Many months ago, I told you guys that NR is merciless and would use whatever it takes to win and hold on to power. It’s happening now right in front of you guys’s faces.After april fool’s day,he’s going to use the internal security act against any one who dares raise the mongolian murder case especially during the three by election campaign trail.So guys just watch out okay !. NR is using fear and terror to surpress and to rid or eliminate all his political foes.The sky will be cloudy but the silver lining is that He will lose all three by elections.Hopefully this’s a great lesson for him to learn.

  15. be surprised , might have even attempted to close down the internet… – lopez

    can u do internet blogging in singapore?…Najib will do better than LKY.. – chengho

    In the case of closing down the internet, perhaps chengho may know how the answer, if indeed it is true that you cannot do internet blogging in Singapore.

    Wow, that would be a neat trick.

    by the way, I heard that malaysia-today is hosted by servers in Singapore, is that true?

  16. Don’t you know that not everybody believes in heaven and hell? The Jews for one do not believe in heaven and hell. – undergrad2

    Does any know the answer to this question:
    Does the Jews believe in God then?

    This is a follow-up question from undergrad2’s statement.

    Just curious.

  17. It’s only days after Najis promised massive reforms when he helms the country.

    Following the ban on PAS’ Harakah and PKR’s Suara Keadilan, I just can’t see how Najis promise can come true.

    Najis should stop fooling the rakyat.

  18. Thank you very much, najis and shiit hermit. God bless Malaysia with you two dumb and dumber.

    thanks for your dumb acts that showed your cowardice, nowadays people got alternative media/internet, you still wan to use obsolete old hat’s method.

    So, prepare for your farewell bid in 2012/2013.

  19. The dawn of the DARK Najib era for Malaysia

    Tear gas fired at Anwar ceramah
    UPDATED 11.58PM
    By Shannon Teoh

    SUNGAI PETANI, March 23 — Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) forces fired tear gas and used water cannons tonight on thousands gathered at a ceramah in Bukit Selambau just as Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was beginning his speech.

  20. Najib is no LKY. Neither in terms of intelligence nor in terms of capability nor credibility nor integrity nor international standing are they the same. If a comparison is needed Najib is more like crumbs under LKY’s feet. LKY could point out publicly that he is better than a certain british senior minister (cant recall who that poor fellow was). Arrogant that was but can you fault him? He is good. Maggie Thatcher said once that she reads all LKY’s speaches. Najib hardly opens his mouth when he speaks (so that he could claim misunderstanding or mis-hearing when necessary?). Yes LKY has a shinning record to show. Pls dont get me wrong. I dont particularly like LKY for his authoritarian style. But look at najib. Is he LKY in the making – like what chengho believes?

    What najib lacks of course he makes up with brute force. This we will quite definately see. I mean look. More lallangs will grow alright. And they will be taller than those the mamak grew twenty yrs ago. Use of brute force is inevitably resorted to by one who is uncivilised or one who is unable to handle situations or one who is desperate or one who is power crazy. One good example – the recently ex(ed)-president Bush. If a nearer comparison is asked for then I say Najib is really the power crazy, greedy and boo-boos-ful Bush in the making.

    No thank you I say. No thank you malaysia would say. Yes its no thank you malaysians will say to najib. No Bush in malaysia pls. Even China and vietnam are also leaving the iron fist style of governance behind. So thanks but no. Wrong decade and wrong century. Razak style – old form or new form – is out of date.

    BTW. When badawi steps down as pm would he also give up his Fin Def post?

  21. I repeat it until it settles into those slow minds: There will be no GE 13 in which the rakyat can throw out BN. Everything will be done at curtailing the opposition. Can an election be won out of a jail cell? Not in Malaysia. With opposition papers not printed, ceramahs not conducted, voters not registered or intimidated, your dreams won’t come true.
    Just imagine if PAS was to join the coalition! Opposition will dry out to some Chinese and a small Malay minority. Then GE 13 can go through, and even without cheating BN will regain their 2/3 majority.

  22. This is nothing really compared to what will come.. The man loves these ‘cloak and dagger’ stuff, He think it shows he is smart when its really just says he cannot be trusted. Its typically of UMNO Machiavelli worshiping after decades of Mahathirism when they don’t and have never really got it. To be really Machiavellian, you have to surprise i.e. really be talented still and seriously none of the top leaders in UMNO qualify i.e., have the talent for it.

    Najib is a screw-up because he is really not very talented just lucky and luck runs out eventually and always..

  23. Many within UMNO who are reactionaries (as the term is understood to refer to elements against reform and change) have blamed Pak Lah’s comparatively liberal approach for 308 electoral losses. There is a nostalgia for TDM’s old style of communal appeal/card, Machiavellian and iron fisted approach. They think that 308 might not have happened if TDM was at the helm. The incoming leader(s) are expected to return to this Mahathirist style as a panacea to UMNO’s problems. TDM is rejuvenanted in having a significant role to play in ushering Pak Lah out and now helping as kingmaker to bring Najib Tun Rakak and Muhyiddin Yassin as No. 1 & 2 slots to carry out TDM’s “solutions” of UMNO’s ills. So what’s the surprise?

  24. Let us not forget. Why mahathir resigned? At that time the anti-umno sentiments were already so very strong that mahathir cannot not step aside. 308 could well have happened then. Maybe worse then now. So step aside he did to avoid that from happening. Did that change anything? Yes. The very bad GE performance and lost of several statement government to pakatan was postponed for a term to 308. The fact that 308 still happened one term later is proof that (1) mahathir’s iron fist style does not work even then let alone now; (2) umno has done nothing at all to improve its position in the eyes of the people; and (3) one cannot stop a downhill tumble which incidentally will come to stop on its own only at the foot of the hill.

    Iron fist techniques – ahhh tu kan sudah out of date. Now reality tv shows punya era. Buka mata. Tengok betul betul. It wont work now. If forced upon the people it will only backfire on najib and umno.

  25. a-malaysian Says:
    Yesterday at 21: 18.53
    “najib, do you still remember what you said not too long ago and should you forget let me remind you again. This is what you said:
    “If any individual at any organisation is found to have abused his or her powers, we will take appropriate action.” Today your home minister had again abuse his power, while his earlier abuse of power …”

    Najib’s reply:

    “Here’s the deal bro. Power belongs to me, man. You moderfarkers just got to deal with it, man! Stop dat power belongs to the people sh*it. It belongs to me man. You ain’t see nothin” yet man! Wait till I get to be PM.”

  26. If iron fist rule could be the panacea, then probably Altantuya’s ancestor, Kublai Khan, would still be able to see Yuan Dynasty be passed down to the descendants and continue to rule China until this day. Najib should spend some time to read the History before he got addicted to the adoption of Machiavellianism or Mahathirism.

    Both Machiavellianism and Mahathirism would only help to speed up the process of downfall of a severely decadent UMNO political empire, which had been paralysed by UMNO members’ anger due to the unequal distribution of the loots that were being robbed through piracy of the national wealth.

  27. What is all this talk about Najib being LKY in the making; and how can we compare these two? LKY cannot even handle a gun but Najib is an expert on C4s. Najib is a lady-killer. A Mongolian beauty was mesmerise by him, remember? LKY does’nt possess his charm.

    But I would readily agree if you say Matir is LKY in the making. Latest news is that the former is w-r-i-g-g-l-i-n-g his way back into UNMO on the pretext of ‘helping’ Najib reform the party. So, like LKY who is a Senior Minister, Matir will become a Sinner Minister in Najib’s govt. He will scheme from then to HASTEN Najib,s downfall.

    Najib better beware.

  28. “He will scheme from then to HASTEN Najib,s downfall.” (Taxidriver)

    At least there is still one thing which we find that Dr. Mahathir has already regretted about, i.e. his outright promise not too long before his retirement from the premiership that he would not take a cabinet post offer from the new Prime Minister working as a senior minister like LKY.

    By his active involvement in Umno politics soliciting for a personal comeback to the mainstream power holding structure in Malaysia, at least the arrogant iron fist tyrant now admits that he as a human is not infallible!

    Anyway, I don’t think Najib will allow this cunning old man to overshadow Najib after Najib has become the new Prime Minister of Malaysia. Najib will most likely give the old man some candies in order to keep him busy in swallowing and chewing but to give him no time to open his big mouth again in order to prevent him from making intimidation to shoot Najib down from the premiership. This is the basic lesson to be learnt in Machiavellianism.

  29. “Onlooker,

    What shlt are ya talkin’ bout man?? Wat is Kublai Kan to ya – your great, great, great grandfader???” (undergrad2)

    Kublai Khan is the great, great, great grandfather of Altantuya, the great, great, great grandfather of most iron fist governors, and the great, great, great grandfather-in-law of N.j.b!

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