Parliament becomes kangaroo court

Parliament convened as a court of justice this morning to decide the fate of DAP MP for Puchong, Gobind Singh Deo, over what transpired in Parliament last Thursday but it operated as a kangaroo court as Gobind was not even allowed the floor to defend himself.

For the first hour, Pakatan Rakyat MPs raised one objection after another against the motion to suspend Gobind for one year as MP without pay and privileges, from the propriety of the motion whether from the standpoint of the Parliamentary Standing Orders, the Houses of Parliament (Privileges and Powers) Act 1952 or the Federal Constitution, to questions including double jeopardy and sub judice but they were all brushed aside by the Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin.

The Speaker also rejected the amendment by the DAP MP for Ipoh Barat, M. Kulasegaran to the motion by the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz so as to refer Gobind to the Committee of Privileges over the charges cited in the motion: that Gobind had breached parliamentary privileges in alleging the involvement of the Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak in the Altantuya Shariibuu murder case.

I told the House that questions about Najib’s involvement in the murder case are public interest issues, which have been raised not only in the House, but in the country and internationally.

These questions are not parliamentary contempts or parliamentary privileges, in view of the many circumstances giving legitimacy to these queries which Najib had failed to avail himself of the right to reply in the House to dismiss or clarify, including:

  • Testimony by the investigating officer of the murder case that Najib was an important witness but he had not been questioned;
  • Court testimony of a photograph showing three persons, including Najib and Altantuya;
  • Statutory declaration by a private investigator on Najib’s relationship with Altantuya;
  • The involvement of members of the police elite unit guarding the deputy prime minister in the murder case.

Pakatan Rakyat MPs staged a protest walk-out when Gobind and other PK MPs, apart from Anwar and myself, were not allowed speak in the debate – and the motion suspending Gobind for one year without pay and privileges was passed by the Umno/Barisan Nasional in Parliament.

55 Replies to “Parliament becomes kangaroo court”

  1. What kangaroo? The Speaker acted more like a joey. Joeys sit tight in the paunch and see the world float by, quite oblivious of the realities, and in this case the merits of justice that must be done.

    The least of ‘kangaroo’ behavior would have allowed some form of debate, some formality, some motion, some kangaroos hopping around as it were.

    Well, we now know the Malaysian Parliament has made history with its first Speaker ‘joey’.

  2. Hey, you can also say that the Malaysian Parliament is more like a ‘katak dibawah tempurong’ – choosing to ignore the sensibilities and public interest issues related to the accusation/allegation that the DPM, and not some small peashot, may have a finger,as it were in the murder of the beautiful Mongolian mistress.

  3. How about calling the Malaysian Parliament the proverbial ostrich that buried its head beneath the sands.

    Joey, toad, ostrich – phew! flattering names for Malaysian Parliament indeed.

  4. Why don’t you people proceed with the submission of a memorandum signed by all PR MPs on the issue of Najis’ involvement in the Altantuya case ? Then sit back and watch if these clowns will bar all of you for one year without pay and privileges.

    Let them “meraja”. It’s the only way to wake up the section of the rakyat that is still asleep.

  5. Take the dewan speaker to court for suspending Gobind Singh

    The Dewan Speaker does not have the power and immunity to suspend MPs from any motion raised. I would not agree if we are still living in the seventies but now the constitution and the law are no longer in existence and shred to pieces by umno/bn. If the Perak speaker can be taken to court for whatever reasons, I see no reason why the Dewan Speaker cannot be taken to court.

    Pakatan Rakyat must take the Speaker to court and we will see the reaction from umno/bn, what they will say about the judiciary and the constitution. Can they justify what they did to the Perak Speaker and now their speaker in turn is taken to court.

    Pakatan Rakyat Act Now.

    Malaysia For All

    GE 13 – No matter what, we must ensure that racist umno bn do not regain the power like they had for the past fifty one years.

  6. Would like to ask you Parliament Speaker decision is final and cannot be challenged in court but Ipoh Speaker decision can be challenge. If they can challenge Ipoh Speaker, YB Lim i suppose you can also file a court case on it right?

  7. With all due respect Uncle Kit, you can shout till the cows come home, but that doesn’t change the fact that Gobind acted like a gung-ho moron.

    What did he expect Najib to do – sit down and cry and ask for forgiveness from Gobind for killiing Altantuya? This is Najib. I’m surprised he only got off with just one year’s suspension. I saw the video of his confrontation with the UMNO morons after they blocked his father. I could understand his reaction that time because I would be seething with anger too if morons had done the same thing to my father… but at the back of my mind, I was wondering whether he was getting his kicks (and mebbe trying to turn on the ladies?) with his machoness. The first time, I said “no… it was his emotions getting the better of him”. After the Najib incident, I realize the truth is – he is thinking with his testosterone and not his brain.

    So what becomes of his constituents now for one year? Uncle Kit, tell all PR MPs to guard themselves. We are up against the Devil and his demons themselves. They have infiltrated the very heart of UMNO, BN and all it’s leaders. The last thing we need is MPs losing their cool and giving the main stream media opportunity to brainwash the rakyat.

    Worse still, in this case, I feel the main stream media don’t even need to twist the facts – Gobind acted like an idiot, NOT the learned and respected lawyer that he is.

    Apologies if I’ve riled die-hard PR fans, but let’s get real. We are out-numbered. We cannot fight fire with fire. We need to use our smarts.

  8. One by one, PR MPs will be suspended and fined.
    This is another form of disappearance act.
    This is how political dominance is propagated.
    This is the pressure to encourage some PR MPs to jump, jump, jump.

  9. We are barking at the wrong tree. Karpal must now sue the franch News Paper for tarnishing our future PM,s name. The news paper must defend it,s self. let the truth be told and shame the devil.

  10. I have heard of deer in the compound of Parliament House.


    Now we know we are worse off even compared to Zimbabwe. Welcome to the 4th World Parliament.

    Minister of Law? Hahahaha!!!! What a joke!!!

    May we know the names of those who voted in favour of the motion?

  11. For a parliament to become a ‘kangaroo court’, it needs clowns and kangaroos. Karpal and his son have shown they more than fit this description. You simply can not allow such MPs to hide under the cover of immunity to slander and make unsubstantiated comments without taking responsiblity for them.

  12. If I’m not mistaken, so far nobody from the UMNO-BN federal govt, especially the foreign ministry, has given an official statement on how the Malaysian govt will respond to those allegations against ‘Mr. & Mrs. Stimulus’ which were published in that French daily.
    The UMNO-BN federal govt should realise that the longer it stays silent over what that French daily had published, the less doubt the international community will have over those allegations.
    Strangely, the UMNO-BN federal govt, through diplomatic channels, was able to request a Singaporean newspaper to stop over-sensationalizing the same allegations last year.

  13. Before it could degenerate into something else, it must have been something i.e. the highest legislative body filled by duly elected representatives of the people all working towards making laws which benefit the country and its people. [deleted]

  14. badak says…..
    I agree with badak, PKR should intiate legal action with Karpal and Lim K S to lead the law suit to sue the French Newspaper for tarnishing the image of Malaysia upcoming PM………………The plain truth will be revealed for the whole world to see. PKR should start the ball rolling to collect fund for legal suit. The French opposition party is ever willing to cooperate to help gather all the facts for the legal suit.

  15. I agree with ekans. An intenational newspaper has published an incredible slew of damning information and allegations that suggests links of a top leader in our country in a high profile murder case.

    And yet, not a squeek from our government. No official statements or explanations. This is bad for our image of our country overall. It will have effects on our country’s attractiveness to investors and tourists.

    Raising such a question in parliament is pertinent. Of course, we don’t expect UMNOputra’s to understand this.

    To the UMNOputras, questioning them is equivalent to treason, for after all, they are the rightful King’s of these country and their authority and righteousness and sanctity of their holy names cannot be questioned.

  16. From the UMNOputras, the kangaroo court is to be expected.
    But, Gobind, being a lawyer ought to be more circumspect in his choice of words.
    Now that he has struck the gong for Altantuya, I hope the other PR MPs will take the cue.
    At every opportunity, pointed questions must be asked in Parliament of the lapses in duty of the relevant bodies:who erased Altantuya’s last immigration record: why is Balasubraniam still missing?
    No, I supposed there’ll be no answers but at least let the UMNOputras fret about it.

  17. DAP man Says:

    Today at 21: 45.22 (36 minutes ago)
    Internationalize the stupidity of the Speaker. Let the world laugh at the Malaysian Parliament”

    Why would the world laugh at itself? Do you think democracy just took off just like that in countries like the U.S.??

    It was not too long ago that they had fist fights in the U.S. Congress and the State Congress. We haven’t had fist fights among our Members of Parliament. Not yet. But what we had so far was a Member of Parliament, Gobind challenging people to fist fights. That’s a step.

  18. This farce is very much like a bunch of red-neck (and red bum) baboons protecting their territory of ill-gotten spoils. The sentinel baboon guards his chief by shooting at anyone deemed encroaching on his chief’s safe space.

    So let’s not insult the kangaroos please! Kangaroos do box (as in pugilistic boxing) and if their court is the boxing ring, anyone who stakes a claim has a FAIR GO in the ring to prove his worth.

  19. Mr. K. S. Lim,

    Why not use reversed psychology and table in the parliament to condemn the French reporter and the Thai news paper for publishing this article and demand them to come out with the evidence of their publication. Challenge any bn mp if they will vote to support Najib to clear his name or against him?

  20. It’s the Jungle court where might is king.The speaker is a tool used by the umno/bn king of the jungle to catch and crucify all rebellious opponents. You guys now need Tazan,jane and a chimpanzee to find the ruthless king and his evil men.God willing,I pray and hope a modernday Tazan will come out to defend our rules of laws and human dignity .

  21. This is political violence. Its not physical but its violence nevertheless. Gobind Singh, the system and Malaysian are being politically violated, abused. It all adds up to a runaway political train wreck whose next stop is actual physical violence likely on the streets and all fingers points to BN.

  22. Najib in the first place should clearify himself regarding the arm deals and if he was innocent that will be very easy for him to clearify himself and close the case rather than continual denial mode without further single word from formal Minister of Defense.

    The Rakyat are not dumb you know.

    Zero transparency and integrity shown by the DPM.

    Ya you can suspend Gobind and may be sent the whole lot to ISA trying to silent the voices. So what, the garbage remains with Najib and the police force.

    Suspending Gobind or even close down the whole Parliament wouldnt wash away the garbage.

    How can such person be allowed to be the next PM of the country?! Future generation will be doomed if allow the rot to continue!

  23. If I’m not mistaken, the MP for Machang had earlier brought up the subject, during a parliamentary session, of an article published by that French daily which contains allegations implicating ‘Mr. & Mrs. Stimulus’ in a crime, and had asked the foreign minister what steps the federal govt will take to protect the good name of ‘Mr. & Mrs. Stimulus’ and the country if those allegations are really not true. However, the Machang MP’s question was never got a satisfactory reply.

    In 1987, the Far Eastern Economic Review magazine in Hong Kong had published an article which claimed that Dr.M was at that time, as the Malaysian PM, considering selling Limbang to Brunei for USD6 billion. Dr.M then responded by filing a libel suit against this magazine. 4 years later, the suit was settled out of court.
    Thus, how is it that the soon-to-be successor of Dr.M’s successor is now just keeping mum over that French daily’s article?

    PR had voiced how unconstitutional the legal/court action against the Perak state assembly speaker is. If PR is also to do the same thing againt the Dewan Rakyat speaker, then PR will also be acting in an unconstitutional manner, and that could be a trap set tup by UMNO-BN.
    Note how the court cases against the Perak state assembly speaker are being conducted. They appear to be orchestrated to wear the speaker down with biased rulings, one after another…

  24. The Member from Puchong deserves to be suspended for his inflammatory remarks made against the Member from Pekan but only after giving him the right to be heard. The law of natural justice requires that the accused be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard. Here he was denied the opportunity altogether and that is an infringement of the law of natural justice.

    Parliament, the legislative arm and law making body is not the forum for the Member from Puchong to be making those remarks. We talk about separation of powers all the time but do we understand what the doctrine means? The courts would be the place.

  25. MP Gobind was suspended for a year for accusing Najib of involvement in the murder of a Mongolian beauty, Atlantuja and the statement was made in the parliament. The speaker could have asked Najib to respond since Najib was in the meeting hall at that time. It would have been easy for Najib to deny his involvement, just like other MPs denying their involvement when accused of corruption. The crime accused of might be different, but the person had the opportunity to deny. In fact Najib was presented with the opportunity to clear himself. He could have said more about his non-involvement than he had made sworn statement in the mosque that he did not know the victim. Yes swearing in the mosque has effect on the Muslims, but there are also non-Muslim Malaysians and they wanted to know whether Najib was in fact involved. Najib could have challenged MP Gobind to repeat the statement outside the parliament, and then he can sue Gobind for defamation. In that case there was no need to acquire the services of the Speaker resulting in undermining the dignity of the parliament.

    If accusing another MP of having acted against the law would land one suspension from parliament, how can one expect MP to raise any issues for example of corruption being perpetrated? Clearly only the court can decide whether what has been accused of was the truth. So MP Gonind should not be suspended because there was no way to prove that what he said in the parliament was incorrect.

    Has the parliament now laid the rule for double standard; that a person going to become the PM of the country cannot be questioned at all? Has the PM-to-be acquired the status of the royalty where statement made such as by MP Gobind was taken as lese majestie, and he should be punished through all foul means based on number of BN seats in the parliament rather than justice and righteousness?

    Nazri Abdul Aziz has succeeded in silencing people from questioning whether Najib was actually involved in the murder, but his action in the parliament has heightened people’s doubts about Najib’s non-involvement.

    Back in the 1960s, MP Seenivasagam from Ipoh (?) Perak said in parliament that Minister Rahman Talib was involved incorruption. Rahman Talib challenged Seenivasagam to repeat it outside the parliament and a court case ensued. Senivasagam was not suspended for a year for making statement that needed outside confirmation. Why cannot Najib challenge MP Gobind Singh Deo to repeat that statement and have a court case to decide whether Gobind should pay for his comment? There is no need to deprive the people of Puchong, 100,000 of them the right to be represented by the MP for one year in the parliament. Gobind is ready to be responsible for what he said. Surely the Deputy Prime Minister does not need to resort to the services of the Speaker and BN MPs to silence Gobind Singh Deo and at the same time causing collateral damage to the people of Puchong when he could have proved to the world that he was clean by challenging Gobind Singh to repeat his statement and then take him to court. If he has not thought about it, he can very well do it now, and prevent this matter becoming a laughing stock elsewhere. How should Najib answer when he is asked how he proved that he was not involved in the murder when he represents Malaysia overseas? Will Nazri Abdul Aziz be there to screen the questions first?

    Silencing people for questioning Najib’s involvement in the murder along the way handled by Nasri Abdul Aziz is like quenching thirst with poison, the problem is postponed temporarily but death eventuates.

  26. Parliament, the legislative arm and law making body is not the forum for the Member from Puchong to be making those remarks. 101 undergrad2

    Wrong again, how many times do I have to correct you? MPs can make any remark provided they can substantiate them. That is the difference. I think you don’t understand what separation of power is about, not us.

  27. After thinking… (sorry, my brain is old and slower than you younger fellas), I wonder if Gobind had planned it. I mean, from what I hear (and surely he must have inherited his father’s smarts), he is smarter than he looks. He couldn’t have been so bodoh to do something like that and NOT know the consequences.

    Maybe PR MPs should bring up “THE” issue one by one and get suspended for one year. Then the rakyat will see that this is truly a “sensitive” issue that MUST BE COVERED UP. So in the end, what we have is a lopsided Parliament cause by BN’s fear that suspicions may indeed be truth. Surely this will forever place “THE QUESTION” on every rakyat’s mind.

  28. Zak H, Why don,t you and KJ make a police report againts the French reporter and the News paper.Sue the papers for tarnishing our beloved future PM.
    You guys can sue them for Millions. For what they wrote was surely false. Or was it the truth. That is why no UMNO youth dare have a DEMO at the french Embasy.

  29. Loh says,

    “Najib could have challenged MP Gobind to repeat the statement outside the parliament, and then he can sue Gobind for defamation.”

    That would have been the right thing to do and the matter would have ended there. But then when you have the Speaker of the House and the majority of the House to do the fighting for you, why bother to do it yourself??

    But of course even in that case, it is not going to work for him because his enemies would want him to do just that i.e. take somebody to court where he would have to speak in his defense – and be X-examined on the facts!

    Gobind was smart in laying the trap and Najib was smart enough not to fall into it. But what Gobind failed to give enough thought to is what a 1-year suspension could do to his work as the people’s representative that his constituents had elected him to do. He tested the waters and got scalded for it. He got torched. Now his constituents are without their representative.

  30. “I wonder if Gobind had planned it. I mean, from what I hear (and surely he must have inherited his father’s smarts), he is smarter than he looks. He couldn’t have been so bodoh to do something like that and NOT know the consequences …”

    I thought he looked smarter than he really is?? Naaah …! It could happen to anyone who underestimates his adversaries. Or to put it in another way, it could happen to anyone who underestimates the desperation of his political adversaries and the extent they would go to get to where they want. Apparently what happened is without precedent. But then who would have expected a 1-year suspension without so much as a hearing?

  31. Why nobody make any noise on that French paper article on that Mon… woman murder case.
    Thought someone may ask for the following:-
    a) Severe diplomatic tie with France? Recall Msia High Comm’r to France?
    b) Ban all French citizens from visit Malaysia for 6 months?
    C) Bar Malaysian to visit France for 6 months ?
    d) Boycott all France goods for 6 months?
    e) Boycott Carrefour, Airbus, etc for 6 months?
    f) Recall all Malaysian students studying in France? etc etc

  32. “Why cannot Najib challenge MP Gobind Singh Deo to repeat that statement and have a court case to decide whether Gobind should pay for his comment? There is no need to deprive the people of Puchong …”

    Because that’s what Gobind wanted him to do! Duh …!!

  33. Dear Ekans,

    There is no need to get overboard with ridiculous report in French daily. Not all dailes have credibility. However, we have an ambassador there in Paris. That is the duty of an ambassador. He should strongly protest.

    As for Cheng Onn, remember that the daily does not represent the official French Govt position. So, it is premature to sever ties with France. And why on earth we have to recall our students in France or ban Carrefour?

    As for Bobstar, the problem is that people choose to believe what they want to believe. Ministry of Defence had already given a lengthy facts on submarine purchase.

    And with Altantuya case, who initially linked Najib to that Mongolian. RPK and Anwar. A million dollar question to them: How they can prove the allegation. None are able to substantiate the claim.

    As for Chengho, wow you are spot on. Karpal and son will actually land in iSA if they are in Singapore. LKY would not tolerate rubbish from these ill mannered politicians.

    On Anwar’s alleged sodomy case, why Anwar still refuses to swear by Quran? Does not he know that swearing by Kuran is the ultimate truth accepted by Muslims worldwide. Divine punishment is said to be swift and unbereable. What are waiting for, Mr Anwar? What are you afraid of?

  34. It took the honourable Rahman Talib of Tunku’s cabinet to challenge another MP to repeat the statement outside the parliament to take court action to clear his name. The coward chose to hide behind the strength of number, and let others to shield him from having to fight for his personal honour.

  35. shamshul anuar posted the following on 17 March 2009 at 23:46.29

    Dear Shamsul,

    Well, has the Malaysian ambassador to France actually lodged a strong protest against that French daily for publishing that article?
    Has the Malaysian foreign ministry actually issued an official statement that it has instructed our embassy in France to do so?

    It’s understandable that since most of us Malaysians can neither speak nor read French, it’s rather difficult for us ascertain the credibility of any French language daily. However, if this daily is widely read by the people of France & the other French speaking people in the rest of Europe (& also probably even in Canadian Quebec, Haiti & other countries outside Europe with a sizeable French speaking population, formerly colonised by France & even Belgium), we should not just assume that such an article will not damage to our country’s reputation outside our borders.

  36. Referring to my last posted comment, first paragraph should read:

    shamshul anuar posted the following on 17 March 2009 at 23:46.29

    “Dear Ekans,

    There is no need to get overboard with ridiculous report in French daily. Not all dailes have credibility. However, we have an ambassador there in Paris. That is the duty of an ambassador. He should strongly protest.”

  37. ///It is not a mere trifle in the minds of the rakyat that despite a direct challenge from a member of parliament in the august House recently, the deputy prime minister remained silent, not even denying the implicit accusation made against him and demanding that it be repeated outside the chamber in the tried and tested method of refutation employed by parliamentarians throughout the world.

    It has not assisted the cause of the incoming prime minister that the MP concerned was suspended for a year on a motion tabled by a fellow minister without the member having been afforded an opportunity to defend his position./// — Zaid Ibrahim It is not a mere trifle in the minds of the rakyat that despite a direct challenge from a member of parliament in the august House recently, the deputy prime minister remained silent, not even denying the implicit accusation made against him and demanding that it be repeated outside the chamber in the tried and tested method of refutation employed by parliamentarians throughout the world.

    It has not assisted the cause of the incoming prime minister that the MP concerned was suspended for a year on a motion tabled by a fellow minister without the member having been afforded an opportunity to defend his position. ///– Zaid Ibrahim

    Looks like Nazri Abdul Aziz did not do his boss a real favour.

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