Sombre curtain closers marking Abdullah’s abysmal failures in police reforms

The police used excessive and unnecessary force today, firing tear gas and water cannons, against peaceful protestors gathered to submit a memorandum to the Yang di Pertuan Agong at the Istana Negara opposing the use of English to teach science and mathematics from Standard One.

It is another example of the failure and futility of the blue-ribboned Royal Police Commission set up by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi when he first took office in 2003, and which came out with 125 recommendations to create an efficient, incorruptible, professional, world-class police service with three core functions to reduce crime, eradicate corruption and uphold human rights.

In Abdullah’s last hundred days as the fifth Prime Minister, illustrations galore are being given by the police highlighting the failure and futility of the Royal Police Commission, with a former Chief Justice, Tun Dzaiddin Abdullah in the chair and the country’s most famous and longest serving Inspector-General of Police, Tun Hanif Omar as deputy chairman.

These recent police outrages and scandals include:

• Suspected car-thief A Kugan’s brutal murder while in police custody, with a second autopsy report revealing a major cover-up, involving the police and the Serdang Hospital pathologist, as well as raising serious questions about the responsibility and accountability of the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar and the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan, with shocking evidence that the 22-year-old deceased endured severe beatings and was also starved during his incarceration – while the Serdang Hospital pathologist’s post-mortem report said the cause of death was inconclusive.

• The police harassment Perak Speaker V. Sivakumar and the other 27 Pakatan Rakyat Perak State Assemblymen and women for their historic “raintree” Perak State Assembly in Ipoh on 3rd March 2009, as well as the Perak State Assembly Committee of Privileges members, in violation of the fundamental doctrine of the separation of powers and Article 72(1) of the Malaysian Constitution that “(1) The validity of any proceedings in the Legislative Assembly of any State shall not be questioned in any court” and “ (2) No person shall be liable to any proceedings in any court in respect of anything said or any vote given by him when taking part in proceedings of the Legislative Assembly of any State or of any committee thereof.”

• Breach of Abdullah’s promise to establish the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) to provide an effective external oversight mechanism to prevent police abuses of power and corruption.

These incidents provide somber curtain closers to mark the abysmal failure of Abdullah on police reforms.

Or is Abdullah no more in control of the Malaysian government in his last few weeks as PM?

30 Replies to “Sombre curtain closers marking Abdullah’s abysmal failures in police reforms”

  1. Hey, not so fast in passing judgment on the Serdang Hospital pathologist’s post-mortem report.

    Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Mohd Ismail Merican just stressed that “The Serdang Hospital report showed 83 wounds and injuries. The description of each is more detailed in the Serdang Hospital report.” He added that the UMMC report was also not accurate as some of the wounds reported were caused by cutting during the first post-mortem examination.

    Mohd Ismail Merican also said the Serdang Hospital report made available to Kugan’s family and published on the website was a comprehensive report while the record of the detailed findings and pictures taken during the first post-mortem were kept at the Serdang Hospital for court reference.

    Interesting. Then one wonders why Serdang Hospital director Dr Mohd Norzi, in a report in the New Straits Times, suggested that Kugan’s family members tampered with his body.

  2. Kugan’s case illustrates an interesting point: The more words they despatched to cover up the truth the more inconsistent they get with their story line. Now who is the director and … and … the script-writer?

    Did badawi not say through some oversize posters that he welcomes and values our views and suggestions. Its a bloody lie. Honestly if that is true then the people really need not resort to marching the street to make their stand seen and their views heard.

    Reforming the police is a Mission Impossible for umno. It will be like chopping off their limbs. Look. The police is an extention of their political might. So stop expecting anything more than rhetorics and lip service.

  3. Dear All,

    We can safely say that Abdullah is on his way out as Prime Minister the moment he confirmed sticking to the power transition plan at a meeting with foreign journalists in Bangkok recently. Upon his confirmation in Bangkok, all UMNO warlords have satisfied themselves that Abdullah will not be reneging on his earlier plan. Initially, there were rumours that the 4th floor boys may try to turn the table on Najib and keep Abdullah in power. This type of rumour cannot be brushed aside if you are an UMNO warlord as you may never know what will take place next in politics. With that in mind, is better for these warlords to keep an open mind and try not to offend anyone lest that they will back in power. However, everything changed after the meeting in Bangkok as literally all UMNO warlords including those who played the safe game went to praise and “kow-tow” to the in-coming President. To them, Abdullah is a “has been”. On top of that, there are a few others who will be shunned by these warlords. First casualty will definitely be Khairy Jamaludin.

    UMNO delegates will now be watching at vital body languages which Najib going to display in the next few weeks as they are important for them to see who to support during the UMNO election.

    While I do symphatize for the family of late Kugan, it is not right to blame the police force entirely for his death. The second post mortem on Kugan revealed startling differences from the first report and one too many have already made up their minds that the police is at fault. The fact remains that Kugan is a thief as in the course of interrogation he had led the police to discover 14 luxury vehicles safely kept away from the police, public and not to mention the owners of those car stolen from them. Perhaps the police personnel involved in the interrogation over reacted with force on Kugan but one must remember that they have been tasked with the duty to solve crime. Solving crime isn’t as easy or the usual way we think they are. It involves painstaking gathering of evidence, interogation which sometime could be difficult when it involves hard-core criminals and not to mention political and public pressures on rising crime rates. Vehicle theft largely contributed to the rise of crime rate vis-a-vis serious crimes like kidnapping, murder, robbery involving firearms and rape. It is not a novel that police interogation involves physically harming a criminal but in the case of Kugan, excessive force had been dispensed. But then again, we may not be 100% sure that he was really beaten up by the police personnel.

    If you are a victim of the car jacking gang which Kugan was a member, you may have nothing to say for him.

  4. I am disappointed at Abdullah’s performance as PM; he did not bring much progress to the country compared with his predecessors.

    I believe Tan Sri Muyhiddin Yassin can do a better job than Abdullah or Najib.

  5. ch said,
    “If you are a victim of the car jacking gang which Kugan was a member, you may have nothing to say for him.”

    I am one those unfortunate Malaysians who lost his car. But I will not express joy at a car thief being tortured and murdered for this crime. No he does not deserve to die.

    In any case, it’s the police which claims that Kugan led them to the recovery of stolen cars. This could be a lie, to cover up their own crime and justify the killing.

    Remember, each time a group of people are killed, the police always claims that they were shot at and they had to kill the assailants. They will play guns and say, a number of guns were recovered at the scene.

  6. “I believe Tan Sri Muyhiddin Yassin can do a better job than Abdullah or Najib.” (yhsiew)


    I believe you are going to be disappointed again because the ideal man of your choice has no guts to challenge the No. 1 post. He is contented with the No. 2 post that has been promised by somebody. However, he will sooner or later become the second Tun Dr. Ismail or the second Tun Ghaffar Baba. Kerismuddin will take over him as the DPM very soon!

    Umno is predestined to have such an eventful leadership transfer experience since such experience has been designed by God to bring about the total downfall of a political dynasty! The fulfilling of the R.A.H.M.A.N prophecy has already come to the episode of finale. Political turmoil is an unavoidable process for bringing a downfall of the old regime and for preluding the rising of a new regime! All folks from Pakatan Rakyat, are you guys getting ready to ride the tidal wave of the roller-coaster change in the Malaysian Politics?

  7. If anyone want to know about how the Federation of Malaya Constitutional prepared.

    Want to know your rights you must download the 2 books. (Get one for your children and family)

    Here is the Malaya Constitutional books link.




  8. “PM: Resolve language policy fast
    Mar 7, 09 6:51pm
    Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has urged the Education Ministry to expedite the decision on the use of English as a medium of instruction for science and mathematics in schools.” (Malaysiakini)

    What is PM AAB trying to prove here when he has finally decided to urge the Education Ministry to expedite the decision on the use of English as a medium of instruction for science and mathematics in schools? Is he trying to show us again that he is a lame duck PM?

    Due to the hurt in his personal pride by a protest march of massive scale in Kuala Lumpur on 07.03.2009 and the guilty-consciousness embedded in the conscience of the Education Minister, the Minister Dato Seri Hishammuddin Hussein has voiced out about his suspicion of a conspiracy theory behind the protest march. According to Hishammuddin, the language policy has been implemented for about six years and the timing of the protest march at this juncture has indicated that some malicious motives are being hidden in it. Hishammuddin’s conspiracy theory only points out to a crude fact: Umno is situated at the verge of membership disintegration as an aftermath of the tense political rivalry and factional fights within the party itself in the midst of party election!

    Are those MPs of Umno who have lost their opportunity to contest for the central party posts ready to quit Umno and form a Parti Hidup Semula Semangat 46 (PHSS 46) for purpose of forming a UNITY GOVERNMENT in cooperation with Pakatan Rakyat? If they don’t do it now, they will still find the needs to do it later. This is because a conspiracy theory has already been formulated by Hishammuddin in order to take on AAB’s men!

    It is a bit surprised to me that the final show hand in the political Poker game can happen so swift and so fast even before the voting process of party election has been completed in Umno!

  9. The current UNMO political drama and power struggle will climax at the coming party elections. We all can expect to see a rowdy scene with a lot of shoutings and name callings, not excluding flying chairs and kungfu fighting. Guys, let’s wait for the BEST Malaysian movie of the year.

  10. PKR supreme council member Badrul Hisham Shaharin, who was among the protesters, said “We have done everything to show that the public rejects this policy (to teach science and maths in English), but the leaders pretend to be deaf.” – Malaysiakini

    Who were the “public” supporting this Cause against teaching science and maths in English? The teaching of science and maths in English was implemented in 2003 by then Prime Minisiter Dr Mahathir Mohamad. He was trying by baby steps to reverse his own wrong policy of marginalising English and putting it in back burner in the late 1970s. Is the continued marginalisation of the international linca fraca something that the nation can afford? More particularly would giving in to the demands not make Malaysians less competitive in todays Globalised Village already in the grip of an economic tsunamy? Are we taking the short or long term view of things?

    The Star quoted Inspector General of Police Musa Hassan as saying that during police discussions with Gerakan Mansuhkan PPSMI (GMP), a coalition of 14 NGOs (which but fgor this issue) has often been pro establishment/status quo in its stance, it was decided there would not be any rally. “They agreed to send representatives into the Istana after zohor prayers but when political parties like PAS and PKR got involved, it became an illegal gathering and demonstration”, the IGP added.

    So when one talks of the “public”, are the organisers representative of broad Malaysian interest or interests of Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, linguist and teachers not proficient in English, and political parties like PKR/PAS jumping on the bandwagon??

    Malaysiankini said there were at least 8000 protestors – many donning T-shirts with the words 152, in reference to Article 152 of the Federal Constitution – taking part in a protest march from Masjid Negara to Istana Negara in Kuala Lumpur this afternoon. If one were a motorist trapped in the traffic gridlock that gripped large swathes of the city in this afternoon from 2pm sharp after zohor prayers to 5 pm with your car overheating and late for your appointment one would not be so sympathetic to the protestors.

    In the name of public order police fired volleys of tear gas and water cannons (standard operational procedure) to try disperse the crowd. That’s kid gloves compared to raining batons if one recalls the Hindraf’s demonstrations. According to Mnalaysiakini, “protesters reacted by charging at the riot police who fired the projectiles. Eye-witness reports of at least one riot policeman being injured while his shield was smashed to bits”.

  11. Talking about reforms and preparing the nation for greater competition, I can’t be more disappointed than those linguists and teachers who are not ashamed to assert that they can’t teach science and mathematics in English after more than five years of implementation. What are they good for? What linguists and what teachers are we talking about here?

    We have leaders who are just too preoccupied with their own preservation. They can’t even make one right decision. Instead, they are allowing the country to be dictated by all and sundry. A real banana republic in the making.

  12. “In the name of public order police fired volleys of tear gas and water cannons (standard operational procedure) to try disperse the crowd.” – Jeffrey

    In the name of public order the police can do anything.

  13. Nowadays everybody just want to rush to the King and expect him to side with whatever they are doing. Just because they see someone else doing, they think that the King would allow them to win their case. What does this prove if not the King is the one who controls the country and not the government ? Why should there be a government around ? Go back to the times of the Malacca Sultanate and let whoever rules over Malaysia. And these are the university students. Probable future leaders of Malaysia who command another language badly and who bring down the image of their country wherever they go. Is the use or not the use of a certain language such a national threat that these flying colours exams intelligent unwise students had to take to the streets ? Hand over the whole country to these students and you can be very sure that there is no Malaysia. And all those bumbling idiotic racial religious prided professors and lecturers who do not know anything about wanting the best for all the students and people in Malaysia but instead instigate them to harm this beloved land. Now you know what sort of quality are your professors and lecturers made of. Are they so free that they indulge themselves in politics ?
    Are they so busy politically that they miss going into classes and doing all sorts of hanky panky business with the excuse that they are so very busy ?

  14. Abdullah too weak to handle the Malays bigot , the demo by grand father and a single old men whom probably do not have children and the stakeholder vis a vis the student….go back to the ’70 when Malaysia have 2 types of national school English and Malay…

  15. Lame duck PM! I fear for our children’s future in the globalised world. Selfish, arrogant and myopic demonstrators against the use of English for Science and Mathematics from Std One. Lay the blame on TDM for playing around with our future. Now he retires in bliss, spitting venom in his blog whilst the country labours and groans with unwarranted pain and suffering.

  16. The videos shown by world media like CNC, BBC, Alzjajera on police violence on the peaceful marching of the people yesterday would create a serious blow to Malaysian fragile tourism and confidence in foreign direct investments.

    Tourism ministry pays millions of dollars to promote Malaysia in CNN’s ‘ Malaysia Truly Asia ‘ commercials. The effects are totally evaporated after worldwide viewers saw yesterday’s police excessive brutality in videos.

    It is just too much violence, unneeded violence. This idiotic Goment must go!

  17. Throughout the years there were many Islamic cults and sects in Malaysia. Among the prominent ones were the Darul Arqam, Al-Ma’unah and the Teapot or Sky kingdom cults.

    But recently there is another Islamic sect that has risen, which is officially sponsored by the state: the Islam Hadhari. Of all the cults and sects that existed throughout the years this is the most dangerous cult because it has infiltrated into high places in the corridor of power. It uses Islam as a cover for its nefarious agenda – to cling to power and wealth forever. It consists of 10 principles:
    1 Faith and piety in Allah
    2 Just and trustworthy government
    3) Freedom and independence to the people
    4) Mastery of knowledge
    5) Balanced and comprehensive economic development
    6) Good quality of life for all
    7) Protection of the rights of minority groups and women
    8) Cultural and moral integrity
    9) Protection of the environment
    10) A strong defence policy.

    Anyone who has been living and breathing in Malaysia has not fail to notice that this official sect has not bothered to honour any of its highfalutin goals. There are two things that are being worshipped by the disciples of this sect: MONEY and POWER. When these two things are in the equation, everything that are concerned with Islam – God, love, truth, humility, mercy and patience are jettisoned out of the window of Islam. In their place are found murder, cruelty, lawlessness, arrogance, greediness, selfishness and insolence – the very antithesis of what Islam stands for.

    The Hadharists apparatchiks has infiltrated into every levels of government and critical institutions: the civil service, the judiciary and the police. They have become so powerful and lawless that they can practically ignore the Constitution, the sultans and the general population itself. They are the law unto themselves. The Hadharists even have the cheek to consider the denizens from the cradle of Islam as wanting and deficient in their faith and they try to promote their own version of crooked Islam to the world.

    The main goal of the Hadharists is to control and choke the life force of the country and to establish their supremacy without any hindrance. Since every Malay is a Muslim they try to dictate how a Muslim can behave and think in accordance to the Hadharist’s deviationist Islamic teachings. Murder, corruption, hatred of others and arbitrariness are okay if you are a Hadharist. To enjoy the perks of an Hadharist, a Muslim must be Hadhari-certified and must attend a Hadhari-complaint mosque; if you are not you will be treated as a kafir and a non-Malay. Bet it won’t happen? – wait and see.

    One of the most absurd acts committed by the Hadharists is to highjack God. God is now confined to a gilded cage, only for the exploitation of the Hadharists. Islam, which has not prohibited the use of the name “Allah” or God but has enjoined that God is all-powerful and should be known to all, has been shamed by this group of deviationists. The name “Allah” was used by the Arabic pagan worshippers of the Ka’ba since pre-Islamic Arabia. It is a proven fact that Muhammad did not invent the word “Allah”. Even in today’s Arabic Bible, the word “Allah” is used for both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Mahathir in all his adventures had not dared to tread on such grounds which now the Hadharists’ fools has rushed in.

    As I have said the Hadharists are only concerned with power and by copyrighting the word “Allah” and in no time they would be able to declare off-limit for others to use the attributes of God, i.e. love, truth, mercy, justice and sovereignty. Unless you are Hadhari-certified, whether you are a Muslim or otherwise you are not entitled to justice and mercy because they will be the copyright properties of the Hadharist. RPK has found this to be very true in his ongoing court case. The Hadharist’s prosecutor has declared that the truth is irrelevant.

    Since now the Hadharists has declared God to be off-limits to others, this will present a great problem to the multi-cultural population of Malaysia. The word “Allah” is being used in Bahasa newspapers, Rukunegara, history books, songs and other displays for public consumption. If as the Hadharists argued that the right word should be Tuhan for God, then “Allah” should not be displayed to the public because to see and to hear the name “Allah” cannot prevent one to also talk and use it. “Allah” should only be confined to Hadhari-complaint mosques and events.

  18. Welll guys,let us talk and ask ourselves what’s happening in the country under Umno/BN .AAB is a gone case.When we talk about him,it reminds us sleepy bolehland where things happened in the opposite direction for example setting JAC and MACC only to catch and trial innocent people.When NR comes,French connection and c4 will be the talk of the country.Now look at PPSMI,GMP ,what’s these guys doing ?What are their demonstrating for? Is it good for themselves or their children ? Our science and maths standard have improved since the implementation some years ago by TDM.Why then no demonstration but now ? Is there any secret agenda by GMP or is GMP now being used by some powerful Umnoputras and warlord ? What has TDM now has to say ? Let talk about police brutality, why in the first place,a permit could not be issued ? If it was permitted,trouble would not have happened,right?After all the organisers said it was peaceful and the Agong has agreed to accept their petition.Why is the authority so afraid of these activities ? Now regarding Kugan case,why the police who handled his case did what they have done,the death of the poor innocent guy.What about the law which says ” innocent until proven guilty ” Didn’t the police know about this ? Another matter which troubled us is recently during some of the UMNO youth demonstration to support the monarchy or raja raja of the country,they shouted ‘raja melayu ” hak or right of the malays only and only malays can defence and settled any matters with the monarchy. Now what about the rest of the non malays loyal citizens of the country ? Are we not also the subject of the monarchy ? What’s the federal constitutions content ? Are not the non malays citizens who also claimed the monarchy as our royal and thus have says in matters relating the raja raja of the country.This is definately not the exclusive right of the malays ,right or wrong ? Lastly,the word ” ALLAH ” and ” TUHAN ” also confused us pretty much. Our malays or muslims brothers and sisters claimed for exclusived used of the word “ALLAH ” and bar us non muslims from using it. Now is there an international law expressing such order or condition ? Why malays/muslims in our country want to insist such prohibition of the usage of the word ” ALLAH ” only for themselves ? What about other muslim or islam countries such as Saudi arabia, Iran,pakistan or Indonisia ,are they too prohibited others from using the word “ALLAH ” in their respective country ? Did the Koran also stated the word “ALLAH ” must be exclusively used by it’s followers and believers ? And prohibit others from using it ?. My opinion is that ALLAH,or TUHAN or GOD is a fair creator,He is merciful,kind,loving,and righteous.No matter what name you or we pray and call HIM,He’s our one and only GOD. That’s it.

  19. VACANCY urgently needed by Malaysian starting 1.4.09

    Job required: Temporary PeeAm anywhere in the world

    Qualifications: Ex-PeeAM

    Previous Experience: Monthly overseas holidays, sleeping 24/7/365 on the job

    Specialities: Planning “koridor-koridor”

    Location: Preferably non-democracies (scared of being kicked out in fair and free elections)

    Referee: son in law

  20. To usher in 8 March 2009, a year after the historic 8 March 2008, PM and the BN government gave permission yesterday to the police to fire tear gas and water cannons on peaceful citizens gathered to submit a memorandum to the Yang di Pertuan Agong. It’s a form of baptism!

  21. if you are retrenched maybe try joining the blues, once admiited it is recession proof.
    Else join the green also recession proof

    dont try to be pee am …you ll get kick out

    In worst case if really not accepted anywhere then get in landscape business and help grow more raintrees.
    it is for nation building.


  22. “Or is Abdullah no more in control of the Malaysian government in his last few weeks as PM?” KIT

    We know for a fact that this Dolah guy has never been in control of anything from day one. Why should he be in control now when he was never in cotrol before??

  23. Ch said, “If you are a victim of the car jacking gang which Kugan was a member, you may have nothing to say for him.”

    In your opinion, a human life is worth less than a German made car? This is a terrible thing to say!!

    How would you feel if Kugan was your family member, who has lost his way? Do you think he deserves to be given a chance in court of law to prove his case.

    What happened to rule of law? You don’t think a person has the right to face his accusers in an open court?

    Kugan case has sent shivers down my spine! What if it is you? During interrogation, police using excessive force to extract an none existing confessions. How do you feel about it?

    Think about it.

  24. “Work with me, not work for me.” Did anybody work at all?

    “We are not in the business of cheating the rakyat.” That’s what Ah Long said at the very beginning.

    “I am in control”. Of what, if at all?

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