MACC proving it is just UMNO catspaw when it clears Umno of money politics

Far from wanting to prove that it is another ICAC (Hong Kong’s intrepid and world-famous Independent Commission Against Corruption) as promised in Parliament in December, the newly-formed Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) seemed determined to establish that it is nothing but the catspaw of UMNO.

The latest evidence has again come from the MACC Chief Commissioner Datuk Seri Ahmad Said Hamdan who said in Malacca that the MACC had completed its investigation on claims of money politics in Umno and found no cases so far.

Congratulations to the MACC Chief Commissioner for clearing UMNO of all allegations of the corruption of money politics – which must have even caught UMNO leaders, delegates and members by surprise that UMNO is so clean, pristine and pure!

Except that this is the biggest indictment on the MACC as a meaningful, effective and an intrepid anti-corruption body!

Ahmad Said outdid himself in his two months’ of outrageous utterances and actions when he defended the MACC’s harassment of the Perak Speaker, V. Sivakumar and one of his counsel, Augustine Anthony allegedly for misuse of power in calling for an emergency sitting of the Assembly.

Ahmad Said claimed that the Perak Speaker does not have absolute immunity from investigations from the MACC and that Sivakumar could be investigated as he was deemed an officer of the civil service under the MACC Act 2009 for abuse of power.

Who will investigate Ahmad Said as MACC Chief Commissioner for abuse of power not only for harassing the Perak Speaker and his counsel, but also on trampling on the doctrine of separation of powers in barring any external interference, whether executive or judicial, in the internal proceedings of the legislature?

Furthermore, will Ahmad Said order the MACC to investigate Judicial Commissioner Ridwan Ibrahim for abuse of powers under the MACC Act for issuing an injunction against the Perak Speaker and the Perak State Assembly which disregarded the Federal and State Constitutions and laws that the validity of the proceedings in the legislative assembly cannot be questioned in any court?

The MACC is clearly among the biggest casualties in the illegal, unethical, immoral and unconstitutional power grab in Perak orchestrated by the Prime Minister-in-waiting, Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

60 Replies to “MACC proving it is just UMNO catspaw when it clears Umno of money politics”

  1. This is the same Ahmad Said who defended his son’s criminal record in Australia by saying that it was no big deal, and the child porn found on his son’s laptop is “something you would find on most men’s handphones”.

    Maybe Ahmad Said has child porn on his handphone, but I don’t think that would be on most men’s handphones. The sense of proportionality and fairness is overwhelming from this guy….so overwhelming that I want to puke.

  2. What grounds for corruption are there for MACC to get involved? For a start, who’s the offerer and who is the receipient in the supposed act(s) of corruption being investigated. The offerer appears to be the PR-led State cabinet whilst the recipient is the Speaker who also hails from PR. Can someone enlighten me?

  3. Hi guys, how is it going?

    My name is Tian. I am a Malaysian who is so frustrated and so sick to see what has been going on in Malaysia all these years.

    I have made a video to call for video responses to fight for justice and democracy!

    Please go to: to watch the video!


    People, no matter where you are, who you are, if you have anything to tell this undemocratic administration, if you have anything to tell her citizens, please send me your video response, I will compile them into one video by the end of the month, and show to the whole world of what you and I can do to change Malaysia to make it a better place to live in!

  4. If UMNO dares to get a team of qualified auditors….all supporting PR…and they come out and say…UMNO is as clean as a whistle…that will surly get UMNO reelected over again and again.
    Why be so protective…if you are so clean?
    Challenge PR….produce the team the choose…and that will surely bury PR …if the findings is like what were announced.
    Why keep defending…after more than 52 faithful years?
    Is it faithful…..or unfaithful?
    The cats are plenty to catch mice….after 12th election.
    Is Putra Jaya sparkling clean? Should be…so why behave so defensive?
    You mean those vast majority voting against UMNO are so easily convinced….to play UMNO out?
    Just look at how UMNO keep defending themselves…with Syed Albar…now blaming PR is making Malaysia a laughing stock to the whole world….which infact….is just the opposite.
    UMNO is proven the low class clowns…grabbing power..dare not face State settle things…in Perak.
    What PR have shown to the world….how smart and lawful they are..even under such difficult impossible situations…came out……looking victorious.
    That got Albar mad…and Najib…..quiet as a mouse.
    Dollah must be laughing at the back too….if he is gentleman enough to be true to himself.

  5. pray and pray!! You have to pray harder that God will have mercy on PR and also BN too. Thirst of pwoer showed how vulnerable human beings could be, no more care about others, but purely wanted to be fully satisfied with all kinds of DESIRES!!

    All kinds of itnerpretations, and GEAR God and you will have WISDOM.

    Islam promoted PEACE and instruct clearly all MUSLIMS must be well equiped with knowledge and wisdoms.

    Islam promotes the person/persons withy MOST capable talents should be allowed to LEAD.

    If you all care to read Quran as well as YB Fong PK, you all should have found answers and assist those ‘desire blinded leaders’ to stop fooling other good muslims and all those power crazy people to be reminded that Islam is a real good religion that teaches kindness and peace amongst mankind!!

    I hope you could consult YB Fong and Ustaz to LEARN more about Islam or Tok Guru Nik Aziz pertianing to this comment.

    God bless you !!

  6. I am really pissed off by whats happening the past 2 weeks relating to the various actions and decisions taken by the various authorities…Police, Court, MACC.

    We can see the matters in front of our eyes getting all screwed up not due to any mistakes but by VERY unfair and uncalled for decisions which is very cleary BIAS and favours only UMNO/BN.

    I am really sick and dont know whats going to happen from all these misuse of power. Wonder how our country is moving along with so much unfair treatments…and I can only see malaysia moving towards another Zimbabwee and guess Robert Mugabe is the model hero for UMNO and Najlis.

    Is there something that can be done to get a fair result? I know we can only do it thru the ballot box but in the meantime….we must do something to prevent such unscruplus morons to further skin our systems.

    You can see that everything is favouring BN/UMNO and there is no fair treatment for us laymen.

    Our hands are TIED (In Vietnamese …its called “Bor Tai”). I see no future for all if BN/UMNO continues to rule with their iron fist.

    PLEASE HELP…………………..

  7. It is through the test of time cum real issues that we may see a person clearer, much the same with MACC and the taiko there. Without the test of time, every one thought that the taiko is an angel or not the devil in disguise.

  8. When Badawi set up MACC he wasn’t really interested in combating the endemic corruption in Malaysia.

    Now we have seen the true colour and sinister purpose for the setting up of MACC – it is set up for the selective prosecution of dissenters and the oppositions who challenge UMNO hegemony! So far since its inception, we have seen MACC involving in politics rather than catching criminals and corrupters! How many cases of actual corruption cases have MACC done so far – zilch! How many cases of political persecution – plenty!

    Whatever the laws lack or loopholes in the Police Act, the laws are strengthened and further enforced in the MACC to prosecute dissenters and oppositions! It means what the police cannot do or act, then the bigger stick in the form of MACC will be yielded to finish off the job!

    We have been hoodwinked by Badawi into thinking that he is sincere in wanting to curb corruption!

    Lately, Ahmad Said has been launching spurious attacks against the oppositions. It’s high time that the oppositions should go on the offensive against Ahmad Said and expose him to the world that he is a religious hypocrite and working under the thumb of UMNO.

    In doing that, someone should lodge a police against Ahmad Said’s son for possessing child pornography and then submit it to the MACC to see how they dealing with it.

    His son was a pilot and convicted for bringing child pornography into Australia, did he not? Didn’t he flew from Malaysia to Australia carrying the same notebook containing the child pornography?

    If his son is charged and found guilty in Australia, then it is a foregone conclusion that he will also be guilty in Malaysia since he had brought them en route from Malaysia.

    In Malaysia his child pornography offense is further compounded in gravity as he is a muslim and the offense under Syriah laws is even more dire than the laws applicable in Australia. How can Ahmad Said and his son claim to be good muslims when they condone child pornography as equivalent to traffic offense. They should try telling that to the parents of that child who was tortured and died from an object inserted into her *****!

    That should expose Ahmad Said for what he really is – a religious hypocrite, a child pornography supporter and a lapdog of UMNO! In Malaysia, sex or anything related with it will command a lot of attention. That will give PAS plenty of ammunition to put him on the defensive.

  9. FEAR God!!! Not Gear God!! Sorry!!

    FEAR God and REALLY FEAR GOD so that you will not commit SINS and imagine NOBODY knows about what you had done!!

    I hope those who ahd held the POWER to rule could really understand GOD is watching, so don’t PLAY + PLAY!!!!

  10. /// All of them, including Pakatan Rakyat’s ousted menteri besar Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin and Speaker V Sivakumar, will be called in for questioning.MORE///–Malaysiakini, 5th March 2009

    That is a demonstration of action by legalized gangster intimidating elected representatives of Perak Legislative Assembly.

    The police have no locus standi to decide whether the decision taken by the meeting under the raintree was valid. Only the pretender to the MB position, Zambry could initiate a court case because he was sworn in, legally or otherwise as MB.

    The police have no justification to charge the ADUNs who met under the raintree for illegal assembly. They were not there to obstruct traffic. They were there to conduct meeting when the proper venue for such meeting were illegally locked and they were denied the facilities. The police as a neutral institution of government should pursue those who caused the ADUNs to meet outside their official venue rather than to harass the victims resulting from the act of ruffians. The fact that the police took no action against those who locked the state secretariat shows that the police agreed with illegal action. It is thus illegal for the police to question the people who did the lawful acts. But in a police state, the police write their own law, or interpret the law they like, while they have no sense of right or wrong normally comprehended by law abiding citizens. One wonders whether the persons who directed police personnel to conduct such investigations are humans; and if so, to what percentage?

  11. I really CAN FORESEE the next general election result now:
    I am very sure that Pakatan Rakyat will WIN in a very BIG TIME!!!

    There are so MANY people supporting Pakatan Raykat now,
    more than before!!!

  12. If Lim Kit Siang thinks there is money politics existed in UMNO, why don’t he assist in the investigation of MACC? Why come and beat a dead horse after the result is out? Please, show us evidence for your claim and show it to police and don’t just talk.

  13. what i could see or imagine is the UMNO-BN is gathering more people to help them to dig a BIGGER and DEEPER GRAVE to bury themselves.

    Mr C4 already knew he is going to the grave and get more people to accompany him… :P

  14. Ahmad Said, why is your convicted son still flying with MAS?
    Did MAS bend the rule or you have compromised your son’s position?
    It is fair you owe the Malaysian public an explanation. Your silence raises a lot of unanswered questions.
    One’s integrity is judged by one’s actions.

  15. From day 1, the BN government was never interested in fighting corruption for to do so would mean loss of power. So we can expect that corruption will always rank as M’sia number 1 sin followed by police brutality, lop sided judiciary and poor education system. Change of government is the only way out.

  16. All prospective customers wishing to fly abroad DO NOT fly by MAS.
    One of MAS pilot is a child porno smuggler who was caught and charge in Australia for child pornography. This pilot is the son of Ahmad Said. …The only way to pressure MAS, to kick this criminal pilot out and bar him from entering any airlines.

  17. MACC cleared UMNO of money politics? Who would believe that there is no money politics in UMNO. Only a fool would believe.

    From the very top to the very bottom of UMNO, at all levels, all have admitted that money politics is rampant within UMNO. MACC must be blind, deaf, stupid or are they so incompetent or are they being bribed or are they UMNO’s lapped dogs? MACC has failed in carrying out its objectives, functions and goals that were intended. They are very, very far from the ICAC Hong Kong.

    I called the leaders of MACC to resign; and I or others will take up their positions even with no salary, I am sure we can find many, many, many cases of money politics within UMNO; and not only money politics, abuse of power and rakyat money, all kind of corruptions, misleading the general public, murders, kidnapping, lies, seditious remarks, etc.

  18. Wow, I heard a french “thermo nuclear bomb” just went off over putrajaya today.Arnaud Dubus wrote some very seditious things.MACC this is your job go get this guy.And don’t be selective.Now even the whole of France knows about submarines,our prdm, and our dpm, Damn.

  19. Hey, Mahathir Kutty, why you keeping silent. What happen to all your earlier noises on money polictics in UMNO?. Remember you caused all these fiascos when you the boss of UMNO. My hats off for being excellent trainer in money polictics. Now you must be happy to see all the UMNO corruptions giong full swing , you the greatest hypocrite in the history of money polictics. Death will take you in a very miserable and suffering way . God is great. Anyway you won’t die soon. You have to suffer without any peace of mind and sleep. This is the curse from all of us you raped. Eat all the corrupted money you ill earned from the poor Malaysians till hell awaits you.

  20. First of all, it was a mistake that Australian Court has fined Ahmad Said’s son because I can bet those photos also appear in every men’s laptops. The Australian should check their own laptop before checking other people’s. The Embassy of Malaysia in Australia should protest to the charge as the it shows disrespect to the Malaysian Malay and it also tarnished the image of MAS. Our Ambassodor in Australia should emphasize to the Australian that the notion of Ketuanan Melayu is unchallengeable.

  21. The police have the duties to maintain law and order, and to provide peace and security for the citizens and residents of the country. But it has turned out that the police are armed and made usse of to prevent politicians who are not with the BN from excercising their democratic rights under parliamentary democracy. MACC was formed to prevent corruption. It has now been used by the ruling faction of the ruling political party to provide certification they need to claim legitimate position in the party’s power struggle. Somebody mentioned that MACC would work against Pakatan’s interest. That was a bonus to the politicians of McBully factions.

  22. Kasim Amat, your bet is wrong. You are not sober and not willing to face the facts.

    I am a man and have a laptop and a mobile. They do not have any porn materials since the purchase about 2 years ago. My God and my conscience can testify. And I know many of my friends (men)who do not have any such materials in their laptops and mobiles.

    Kasim Amat you do believe in UMNO there is no money politics? In my earlier comment i said only a fool would believe.

  23. Kasim Amat Says:
    \First of all, it was a mistake that Australian Court has fined Ahmad Said’s son because I can bet those photos also appear in every men’s laptops.\

    Sorry dude, I am a man but it is not in my laptop or my desktop or my server or hard disk or DVDs. I guess it must be on your laptop, that’s why you are defending him and with the TIDAK APA attitude. Perhaps once it is your child, only then you have any reaction.

    \Our Ambassodor in Australia should emphasize to the Australian that the notion of Ketuanan Melayu is unchallengeable.\

    I think they will laugh at you for saying that because this Ketuanan thing is only valid in Malaysia. They will tell you to pack your bags and go back Indonesia where you belong, just like how you like the Chinese and Indians to go back China and India.

  24. Well Kasim must be a die-hard (LOL) UMNO goon. He condones all these type of activities…

    Well GOD shall be the judge and jury. Come next elections all will be wiped clean…begining with Mat Kutty…He started this money politics..he is the MASTER/SI-FU

  25. The nuclear bomb shock waves hit parliment:

    “KUALA LUMPUR, March 5 — Eyebrows were raised in Parliament today when allegations by the French Liberation newspaper about the final moments of Altantuya Shaariibuu before she was brutally killed in 2006 surfaced in the House.

    Machang MP Saifuddin Nasution, who was referring to the news report which was allegedly from a source in the Malaysian police, read out an excerpt of how Altantuya had begged for her life and stated that she was pregnant, before she was shot.

    However Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim, who was wrapping up the debate on the motion of thanks to the Royal Address, said the allegations had nothing to do with his ministry.

    “Any information can be leaked but these allegations are mere speculation.” he said.

    However Saifuddin said the French newspaper is widely read in Europe and had tarnished the image of the country.

    However deputy speaker Datuk Ronald Kiandee refused to allow Saifuddin to continue as the matter was still pending in court.”
    By Neville Spykerman The Malaysian Insider

  26. First of all, it was a mistake that Australian Court has fined Ahmad Said’s son because……..

    For your information, Australia courts do not operate the way your Malaysia courts do. You are guilty as charged, can you say the same in your tainted courts?
    Getting Malaysian embassy to to interfere, you are a real numskull!
    Your distorted mind is so used to your corrupted courts, where justice is not served….perhaps, except in third world corrupted countries.

  27. The latest evidence has again come from the MACC Chief Commissioner Datuk Seri Ahmad Said Hamdan who said in Malacca that the MACC had completed its investigation on claims of money politics in Umno and found no cases so far.

    Malaysians with average intelligence will certainly refute Ahmad Said’s claim. The latter’s claim will only hasten early demise of UMNO in the 13th GE as the rakyat perceive the MACC to be a dishonest body which attempts to cover up the wrong deeds of the government.

  28. so many allegations on Najib Al Tantuya. Najib and Rosmah running lose. Only empty vessels make most noise. just and bring this 2 to court for justice. I don’t want a Murderer to be MY PM. clear his name first before becoming MY PM.

  29. Kit,
    What is left of democracy in this country or even a semblance of it? The police are behaving like rabbis infested mad dogs and going after PR assemblymen, MACC going after the Speaker and his lawyer and the Ipoh judge behaving like an UMNO Permanent Chairman.
    He is downright and blatantly biased rejecting lawyers and refusing to hold the hearing in open court. He must be admonished and removed as a judge!

    And the monarchy is enjoying the show from their posh palaces.
    Do they care if the country burns, I wonder.


  30. Kit,

    Sorry to digress.

    Please get Najis or Syed Hamid to take action against the French Journalist Arnaub Dubus, who published a report in the French newspaper La Liberation that Najis was involved in Altantuya Shaariibuu’s murder.

    La Liberation has wide readership in Europe. Arnaub Dubus action has tarnished Malaysia’s image internationally. Najis must challenge Arnaub Dubus in court if the need arises.

  31. As i have said, the new MACC is the same if not worst than the former ACA. At least the former ACA acted like a dumb dumb and dudok diam diam. When our sleepy flipflop lame duck guy claimed that he has revamped the ACA and now called it MACC, he thought he was doing a “great” job to the rakyat. Alas, the scenario can best be described as “Old Wine in a new bottle”. Same old story , same old song. Just look at the MACC chief recent remarks on the opposition was proof that this agency is just another BN running dogs. No less, no more. And now they are so “efficient” , quick and eager going after the Perak Speaker, which they have no right to do in the very first place.

    When the Perak elected representatives resigned – two of whom are under corruption charges – to join Barisan as independents, we did not hear MACC’s enthusiasm to initiate investigations into the matter to see if bribery was the reason for party-switching. Till todate what has been done??? Practically ZERO, all swept under the carpet.

    We did not get a proper closure on the Lingam tape case and the people that were implicated. We also did not hear a satisfactory outcome on the investigations into the PKFZ issue.

    Corruption, bribery and money politics among government officials !!!
    I can forsee that there would not be any future reforms/changes across all government related agencies as long as we have the same old, corrupted and greedy politicians still running around. The only solution. Change the present damn government is the only choice.

  32. Looks like nowdays these white colors don’t value the oth they taken when they took the office. Well we can always post comments on our dissatisfaction….but alas these donkeys bother the less. End of the day they go back to their luxary home with their luxary car and their luxary lifestyle they have ; which by the way was payed by the AMNO baboons using our tax money to these white color criminals.

    So, I have a suggestion….can someone create a website that post about these white color criminals. Post as much information on these baboons, even their family members. With pictures.

    Let the public know who are they, who are their wife/husband, children, father/mother.

    Let them understand how much the Rakyat ‘appreciate’ them because of the link to these white color b@$t@rd.

    Than we see if they so willing to be on AMNO payrole.

  33. MACC – corruption investigator or general crime investigator? They appear to be doing the duties of the cops. What is their job specs? I bet they don’t have one.

    MACC – just sugar coating. A rebirth of ACA in a different body.

    Is there hope for Malaysia? No….not as long as BN rules. Not as long as the rakyat still hopelessly believe that BN is the only party that could develop Malaysia. There is not an iota of hope if UMNO leaders continue living the way they are – without any virtues.

  34. While UMNO was enjoying the sight of Perak PR ADUNs being barred from the state secretariat by ‘its’ police force, and while the jaor players in UMNO were also laughing alone by themselves at the impromptu under-the-tree emergency session by the Perak state assembly speaker & the PR ADUNs, two UMNO members came forward and told the media that they were dissatisfied that the UMNO leadership has been dragging its feet too long over their complaints of money politics, and were seriously thinking of filing an injunction to stop the coming UMNO’s AGM.
    They said they have yet to be questioned as witnesses in any form of investigation and they want to save the party from sinking further into the deep dark depths of corruption.
    But strangely, the MACC did not want to question them and had announced that there are not such cases to investigate.
    However, MACC was able to allocate time and resources to investigate V. Sivakumar, no doubt in response to the complaints by UMNO…

  35. kasim amat, don’t use your yard stick to judge others. You know that is the biggest obstacle to character like you who think others are as low as you. If you have any pride left, just keep quiet. At least on one will be able to judge you.
    Since you have said it. We all know your type, say all that you want. You are no different from the Ahmad guy. Respect must be earned not demanded, no matter where you are. A scum is a scum!!

  36. MACC stand for Malaysia Anoymous Corporate Corruption..

    Nothing can be trusted if PM start any initiatives of supposingly fight corruption…All UMNO money corruption lodge case have been close due to no evidence…I’m surprise that MACC were so efficient…

    MACC shoould start intergorating our upcoming PM – Najib. Already got international report linking Attantuya to Najib..What does MACC need now? If this is Australia, I dont know where is our upcoming PM standing / sitting now…Maybe in lokap…:)

  37. La Liberation has wide readership in Europe. Arnaub Dubus action has tarnished Malaysia’s image internationally. Najis must challenge Arnaub Dubus in court if the need arises……………

    Hi Yhsiew,

    U think Najis will dare to bring this to international court ????

  38. Yawn. Yawn.
    Thumbs down.
    Bad acting.
    Lousy story line.
    Anti-climax finish.
    Lousy script.
    Everything within anticipation.
    Abysmal directing.
    X factor – non-existant.

    I am a little curious. How much did umno spend to produce that crap? OMG. They should have engage the expertise of Dato Zahim.

  39. Kasim Amat the dumb UMNOputra:

    We all know that if you indulge in child porn in Bolehland, it is NOT an offence if you are an UMNOputra. It is only an offence if you are a Pakatan supporter. Since you have not been to Australia, I should tell you that soft porn is allowed and sold off the shelves – the type you regularly find on men’s computers.

    Now get out of your coconut shell, and take the AirAsiaX cheap flight to Melbourne to find out the real situation.

  40. “Wrong must not win by technicalities.” So nicely quoted by Ramakrishnan

    Is this not laws and courts are all about. Since when are laws and courts not based more on technicalities and less on justice? It is not without a reason that I have always made fun of lawyers and wannabes. It is not just this case. Laws and courts have long been based on technicalities, what more they are compounded by parochialism, racism and maga incompetency.

    Now, we will never know what transpired in the chambers. Ramakrishnan

    The reality is even if both sides have all the sound arguments we will still know who will win and who will lose. Guess most have no choice: we are going back to the institutions we have long suspected their impartiality and competency. I have no greater despair than going to the court to seek justice, to police to make the report and to count on MACC to get rid of the nation’s ill. Dream on my friends, dream on.

    Are we Malaysia or are we Zimbabwe ? Ramakrishnan

    This is the only question that must be answered. All else will fall in place once this question is answered.

    Did you all see the increasing vigour of the Police, the MACC and the Judiciary to do the “right” things? Be wary of the undercurrent. It is changing…..

  41. repost, too many mistakes:

    “Wrong must not win by technicalities.” So nicely quoted by Ramakrishnan

    Is this not laws and courts are all about? Since when are laws and courts not based more on technicalities and less on justice? It is not without a reason that I have always made fun of lawyers and wannabes. It is not just about this case. Laws and courts have long been based on technicalities, what more they are compounded by parochialism, racism and maga incompetency.

    Now, we will never know what transpired in the chambers. Ramakrishnan

    The reality is even if both sides have all the sound arguments, we will know who is going to win and who is going to lose. Guess most have no choice: it is so ironical for us to keep going back to the institutions we have long suspected their impartiality and competency. I have no greater despair than going to the court to seek justice, to the police to make a report and to count on MACC to get rid of the nation’s ill. Dream on my friends, dream on.

    Are we Malaysia or are we Zimbabwe ? Ramakrishnan

    This is the only question that must be answered. All else will fall in place once this question is answered.

    Did you all see the increasing vigour of the Police, the MACC and the Judiciary to do the “right” things? Be wary of the undercurrent. It is changing…..

  42. kasim amat,ketuanan melayu?you tell an australian to respect malays?
    ofcourse there are good malays,but not jerks from UMNO,proclaimed to be good muslims,pray 5 times a day but at the backyard,these are what you all do and the bad attitude:looking for awek,corruption,gambling in the internet,twisting facts,raping other ppl’s daughters,racist,selfish,greedy,rude,arrogant,uneducated(kurang ajar),lazy,expert of disguise,liars,killers,murderers,mat rempit protectors,drug trafficking suppliers,massage parlours partners,
    go to hell you kasim amat!and your cintanegara too!

  43. :P Questions:

    Will there now have to be a duel between NAR/la Malaysie and ADubus/la Francaise?

    Will they choose swords or kerises when they say En Garde!

    And will it be Negara Ku or the La Marseillaise that is played after the duel?

    :D Date and time and place of of duel please?


    2009 Resolution: Seek out all garbage and recycle or dispose post haste for a healthier life and planet!

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