“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark”

In his royal address at the annual opening of Parliament today, the Yang Pertuan Agong called on Malaysians “from all walks of life, irrespective of political affiliation, to work together for the development of our beloved country”.

The King stressed that “all parties, including political groups should demonstrate wisdom and maturity and not act in any way detrimental to the country’s stability and economic development”.

This royal call should be the national imperative as the one and only preoccupation of Malaysians is how to be more united, resolute and competitive so that Malaysia can tide over the world’s worst global economic crisis in 80 years, with many predicting a looming recession for the country.

But the King’s advice has fallen on deaf ears.

For the past fortnight, the illegal and unconstitutional grab for power in Perak orchestrated by the Prime Minister-in-waiting, Najib Razak, displaced the economic crisis as the No. 1 national concern.

And today, even the Perak political crisis has been edged off the national centre-stage – not by the Royal Address but by the scandal of the victimisation of Selangor PKR executive councillor and Bukit Lanjan State Assemblywoman Elizabeth Wong.

Shakespeare’s words, “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark”, cannot be more apt to describe Malaysia.


71 Replies to ““Something is rotten in the state of Denmark””

  1. Her privacy has been violated and politicians from both sides have condemned the video and pictures and sympathise with her. Whoever is responsible must have the book thrown at him / her. This is unforgiveable.

    Only Khir Toyo deems it fit and quick to make unnecessary and uncomplimentary remarks and to call for her resignation. Cheap shot Toyo.

    Fight, Liz, fight.

  2. We can see clearly that they are attacking PKR now, one soldier down after another. Plot to sink PKR after taken over Perak.

    Wonder whether this is being acknowledged by those sitting at the high chair or being considered hearsay?

    Global crisis? What global crisis? All well in the country, don’t listen to hearsay. Go and spend, spend and spend and build up you credit card debts and spend off your EPF – Finance Minister

  3. It is always the case that the King speaks in general but do not pinpoint the actual culprit. Although he is suppose to be neutral, when a particular party is doing grave damage to the country, he must has the strength to say so.

    Look at this toyo fellow, he can’t even differentiate between committing adultery and being naked in one’s own privacy.

    There is totally no cure for umno but to bury it.

    Malaysia For All

    GE 13 – No matter what, we must ensure that racist umno bn do not regain the power like they had for the past fifty one years.

  4. Pity for YAB EW, MB of Selangor and YAB Teresa Kok. They have taken too much bullets, hope they can survive before the next GE.

    Why Toyo only good at attacking innocent victims, mostly ladies?!

    Rakyat will continue to support all loyal soldiers thru think and thin. Salute!

  5. ///The King stressed that “all parties, including political groups should demonstrate wisdom and maturity and not act in any way detrimental to the country’s stability and economic development”. ///

    Nobody harms the counry more than UMNO and the government institutions which serve UMNO interest. There are immature politicians among UMNO, especially those who could not even allow the rule of law to be seen to be working.

    The country spent enormous amount of money educating students overseas, and we can safely say that most of them join UMNO on their return. When we see leaders in UMNO youth organizing protests against private persons for their opinions on constitutional monarchy, we can conclude that money are wasted on educating the wrong persons. Yet they aspire to be future leaders of the country. Adults well passed their education age do not attain maturity so nobody can expect them to demonstrate maturity, cunningness perhaps.

  6. Khir Toyo is really a medical doctor who is lack of brain (“tak ada otak”). His calling YB Elizabeth Wong to resign is just like calling the Orang Asli women to go commit suicide because he found them taking a bath nakedly at the riverside in the rural areas.

    What’s wrong with a lady having her clothes taken off in her own bedroom? I believe Khir Toyo has to take off his clothes also when he goes take shower in his bathroom!

    The words of calling a victim of the slanderous crime to resign can only be coming out from the bad-smelling big mouth of a man with no ball like Khir Toyo!

  7. They lure with the deadly 3 Gs – Glory, Gold & Girl ( Power, money & sex) and now they even hit below the belt of disgusting frame up.
    I’m speechless for Ex MB Toyol’s remark. How a human being can be driven to be so cruel simply for the sake of gaining cheap points for his up coming UMNO youth chief contest? He is proving himself to be a moron.I hope it backfires on him.

  8. what’s that toyo doing?he is so anxious 2 make chaos.i wonder what’s happening in my beloved country.well,juz think of it as a stupid show by BN.DAP jia you.i support u.(but i’m still too small 2 vote…wait for me ya!)

  9. This evening’s 6pm ntv7 poll revealed that 86% of those participated in the poll agreed that the nude photos would not affect Elizabeth Wong’s political career.

    Since the police have caught the culprit who circulated Elizabeth Wong’s photos, it will be appropriate to ask him who his boss is and how much he has been paid to do the dirty job.

  10. One can expect such cheap shot from that twit,Toyol.The only thing that this chap knows is how to steal and to steal big.Now that that opportunity is lost to him he is desparately trying to make a come back to win a high position in the UMNO hierarchy.What better way than to use racism,religion and now nudity.He will gain a few votes amongst some Malays in the run up of things but in the larger scheme of things most other Malaysians can see thro his devilish scheme!

  11. Yesterday I call for Hee to Resign today I call for Elizabeth to stay strong and never bow to those unethical tactic to play you out.

    Each individual privacy must be uphold and this simply outrages. We have to condemn those invlove.

    Please stay strong and stay on to ride through this political storm of yours.

    Never take to Toyo word he was the first to call for resignation but he is the worst qualify person to do so.

    I believe many are behind you and support you.

  12. Request Merdeka Centre to conduct a survey on Khir Toyo’s response to Elizabeth Wong being victimised by way of the gravely immoral, recklessly unwarranted and cowardly irresponsible circulation of her personal and private pictures.

    The act of taking another person’s picture and distributing it publicly, especially in a compromising manner or posture, is most deplorable, undignified and despicable. It is an act deserving of drastic court action and the culprit must be punished severely to prevent such incidents from being repeated and others being similarly victimised.

    Khir Toyo’s glee and gross unsympathetic demeanour on the incident show the evil side, nope, wait, should be the core, of him. This dastardly opportunistic streak in him and the lack of sympathy by an ex-MB indeed shows how lowly he could get.

    Malaysian women who had been similarly victimised like Elizabeth Wong should tell Toyo off. It is as if when someone had been victimised, he would immediately issue statements to condemn the victim instead of censuring the perpetrator.

  13. Greetings!

    Once again, we learned and witnessed the dirty tactic use by BN to push PR members to the wall follow by the incident from Perak state…

    Nevertheless, please help to remind all dearest YB’s (Single or marriage) from PR to behave and stays in healthy life.

  14. the issue here is morality. dont get emotional about it. if it’s wrong…it’s wrong and there is no two way about it. it does not matter if the person is BN reps or PR reps, to me, those who wants to be a leader must have high integrity in every aspect of their life. we do not want a leader to be PEROSAK RAKYAT….

    I just wonder why it’s very fast for people to point fingers at other people when thing goes wrong on their side. why not follow a street proverb\ looking your self in the mirror \ before making any accusation to others…just listen to michael jackson song man in the mirror..

    Rakyat advice is that eliza have to resign , let the police do their investigation and find the truth about it….

  15. A king who is fair and concerned about the state of affairs in the country should not only hear one side of the story, i.e. only from BN.

    He should also summon representatives from the opposite divide to hear their side of their story.

    Only after getting the full picture that he could make a proper and balanced conclusion about the actual state of affairs.

    Else, I am afraid that he would not be fairly and honestly advised.

    Did his majesty hear the cries of the rakyat?

  16. hello, since when is sex a crime ?????

    the BIG difference between Elizabeth and Chua Soi Lek is, one is a SINGLE woman, the other is a MARRIED man cheating on his wife !!

    don’t be so dumb, and get carried away by the words of a Queer Toyol.

  17. Was her given “warnings” before the release of the photos? Well, maybe if she left PKR and support BN the photos would not be released. Hee might been threatened by the same thing or similar to this before she decided to leave DAP.
    Anyway, stay strong Elizabeth Wong! the people are with you!
    And thanks to khir toyo and hishamuddin, the people now hate umno further! great job!

  18. hello eunuch chengho,

    what is morally wrong is to make someone’s private life into something very wrong.

    elizabeth didn’t cheat anyone, she got cheated.
    chua soi lek cheated on his wife and got cheated in return.
    see the difference ?

    there is no legal and moral basis in the modern world to smear sex between single couples.

  19. even chua soi lek who cheated on his wife got voted back into politics.

    so, except for a few hudud type fellows, generally people don’t really care too much about such things anymore.

    they are more concerned with corruption, and the state of the economy…bigger and more important things.

  20. Dear All,
    Don’t drag in Chua Sui Lek.
    YB EW case is a total infringement of privacy.
    If someone takes a nude photo of K. Tokyo in sleep after having done the ‘job’ with his wife, shall he resign as an MP or ADUN just because someone circulates the photo?

  21. I agree with distantmalay, when was sex between single non-muslim adults wrong? Even with the case with CSL, it was obviously politically motivated and even i personally could care less that he cheated on his wife.

    Lets not bring some holier than thou morality in. Consensual sex between adults is acceptable for non muslims.

    Heck! just compare this with the old case of a BN ‘Tamby’ minister that had sex with an underaged girl. And this fellar got of scot free. Let’s not talk about our politicians having to have ‘decent’ morals until we are willing to make ALL our politicians accountable to the same measurement on morals.

  22. chiakchua Says:

    Today at 21: 55.11 (34 minutes ago)
    Dear All,
    Don’t drag in Chua Sui Lek.
    YB EW case is a total infringement of privacy.
    If someone takes a nude photo of K. Tokyo in sleep after having done the ‘job’ with his wife, shall he resign as an MP or ADUN just because someone circulates the photo?

    Totally agree with you !!! Even if the photo is more explicit and intimate …. it’s still private.

    Toyol is known to steal and serve his master.
    EW should just follow other’s advice, IGNORE.
    Anyone receive the photo, delete. It will then die.

  23. You know this Toyol guy is a product from where. Don’t waste time evaluating his credential. He happens to get what he has because of he is! Only people with the same mentality will support him to be their leader!
    Let’s wait for the next round of election!

  24. Dr. Khir Toyo likes to take advantage of the woman who happened to be the victim of a malicious exploitation.


    I really hate to say such an insulting remark but Dr. Khir Toyo has really overdone it with too much nonsense which really make people sick!

  25. Everything that happens now is to paint BLACK on the PR so that those goons can win the two BUKITS election. All the partners of the PR should sit now and talk. Don’t give any comments but work hard to win the two elections. Let the people know the truth esp., their going against the palaces in Trengganu and Perlis few years ago. This is more sensitive to the malay voters than the Selangor exco story. They’re out to destroy your partnership. BECAREFUL!

  26. politic is in a mess since Najib is in action…

    a. Bala missing
    b. Perak coup
    c. Kedah assembly man quit – threatening
    d. Eli nude photo
    e. RPK ISA detain- tomorrow high court will decide. See RPK’s blog, you will be like tearing after read his ” wasiat”

    i think the list will be go on until Najib totally remove PR…
    Before he did that, lets us move him out in next GE FOREVER.

  27. wanderer Says:

    Yesterday at 22: 46.34
    No Elizabeth, you a have done nothing wrong …”

    Of course, she has not done anything wrong.

    What one does in one’s private life, how one uses one’s time is a private matter. But when that threatens to harm and embarass the party you represent, and the work of the people and for the people you’re sworn to do, the right thing to do is to resign.

  28. “Heck! just compare this with the old case of a BN ‘Tamby’ minister that had sex with an underaged girl. And this fellar got of scot free. Let’s not talk about our politicians having to have ‘decent’ morals until we are willing to make ALL our politicians accountable to the same measurement on morals.” katdog

    exactly! these umno morons have selective memories.
    and in this case what that so called minister has done
    would certainly be regarded as criminal in other
    countries. of course malaysia is so fantastic with all the
    self professed devout and religious people that somehow
    what he did is ok and not criminal.
    elizabeth wong has not commited and crimes.
    see how wicked umno people are.

  29. i don’t know why
    people are so corrupt. i don’t know why
    they are so desperate for money.
    its clear that whoever leaked the photos
    was induced into doing it. i think the
    chinese are pathetic desperados for money
    as well. losers.

  30. “Did his majesty hear the cries of the rakyat?”
    musketeer :D

    come on seriously do you believe malaysian royalty to
    really care? they just keep making “soul stirring” speeches
    to give the people the impression that huge sums of
    tax payer dollars that goes to the upkeep of thier palaces
    is worthwhile. did the sultan of perak listen to the voices
    of the people? did he not know that the perak people
    wanted elections to be called instead of handing over
    the state government to a corrupt BN ?
    get over the malaysian royalty nonsense.

  31. The king does not write his own speeches.
    I think the speeches are prepared by the PM’s office and he just is the mouth-piece of the government.
    It is more a BN-inspired speech rather than one that comes from the royalty – but of course they can modify the contents if they deem it relevant.

  32. The king does not write his own speeches. – HJ Angus


    This the fact that many astute observers of local politics have not failed to notice through the years.

    The royalty is the property of UMNO. UMNO allows the royalty to involve themselves deeply in business and even condone misdemeanors of the royalty so as to easily control them if they try to cast themselves independent.

    I think the Perak imbroglio happens because the Perak royal house find themselves in this predicament.

  33. The police should investigate and bring to book those who had circulated thus preventing other people from doing the same.It is a private affair and that it should be.She should continue her tenure without fear.Malaysians have become cheap in their effort to bring people down.Politicians are human and they should be allowed to do so.Kings were once of low creatures but transform when they ascend to the throne!

  34. “…the issue here is morality. dont get emotional about it. if it’s wrong…it’s wrong and there is no two way about it. it does not matter if the person is BN reps or PR reps, to me…” chengho said Yesterday at 21: 10.13

    Right now in the state of “Denmark”, everyone is emotional and none is detached. Morality is a philosophical issue difficult enough to argue but here it is reduced to a simple axis of black/white : that the ruling coalition, which has evinced a tenacity of carrying on and on and difficult to dislodge, is viewed by many here as fundamentally immoral and hence everything the government does, everything its ministers, delegates, assemblymen, supporters do just cannot be right – whilst the opposite equally holds true, that everything the Opposition PR does, everything its leaders, assemblymen, supporters do are always right and have to be defended as right. This is because anything whether an act, an omission, even an argument, regardless of its intrinsic rightness or wrongness will have to be “wrong” for so long as it serves to perpetuate the continuance of a perceived immoral regime one day longer: likewise anything whether an act, an omission, even an argument to the extent that it undermines its nemesis, the Opposition, by one fraction is condemned as wrong or if it advances the Opposition Cause by a fraction is praised and argued as right (regardless of its intrinsic rightness or wrongness).

    Only 50 years of depredations of the ruling coalition can engender so much alienation and disaffection, bring people to this “emotional” state of being either incapable or refusing to judge anything objectively on its merits as to right or wrong except on a very simple axis – anything promotive of BN is wrong, anything subtracting from it is right, anything promotive of PR is right, anything subtracting from it is wrong!

    It has reached a stage that every fact or every principle will be interpreted construed and rationalised along this Axis of right, if it detracts the BN and promotes interest of PR and vice versa! Predictably how we judge PR Elizabeth Wong will never be the same as the way we (say) BN’s Chew May Fun or Chua Soi Lek or DP Vijandran no matter if the facts are parallel. Likewise the opposite camp : Khir Toyo would come out with guns blazing against Elizabeth Wong – never mind right or wrong – as long as it serves his political interest. It is like a fight for survival with all gloves taken off for both sides.

    The State of Denmark is indeed rotten like a stinking mackerel simmering silver on the beach under the moonlight : it is evidenced by the extreme polarisation of the Malaysian society, in action with everyone drawing their swords; in thoughts, with everyone uninterested in an any objective evaluation of any moral issue except on only one axis – whether attributing to it a right or wrong quality will serve undermine the ruling coalition or serve perpetuate it by one more day and vice versa in relation to its nemesis PR! We have reached this deplorable state of affairs.

  35. I have always thought Khir Toyo had something between a second-rate to a third-rate mind. His recent news-making comments confirm this.

    This ex-dentist shows he has not only a fool’s mind but also a foul mouth.

    MAny have already commented that Toyo has no sense of proportions or perspectives. His term as Selangor Chief Minister was reputedly the worst in the state’s history. Oh, for the record, he was handpicked by Tun Mahathir. Wonder where that ugh! so-brilliant Tun M picked all those garbage from.

    So, expect Toyo to wander around streets like a vagabond politician for a little while more to come until he drains himself of all that wonder-where-he-got funds to hold street protests.

  36. The love of the nation is the King not Umno. Umno playing with fire by dragging sultan and racial issue into their dirty game. Fight like a hero instead of behind lah. I dare you to dissolve the parliment if you are clean. By the way, majority of all races malaysian are self censored in mentality too.

  37. Of course malaysia is in a worse state than the rotten house of denmark. We are smelly too. KL definitely is. If you want to know the reason ask umno and umnoputras. Ask Tuan McBully. He has all the answers (but not the solutions unless the solutions involve fattening his pocket). I am a mere Hamba de Bully. It is no use asking me.

    Toyo has been a real nuisance ever since losing his mb position. He messed up teresa kok with ridiculous accusation about a certain malfunctioning speaker. He messed up khalid with stupid accusation about misusing state fund. Now without finding out the real position he jumped again with another accusation and demand.

    Really he is no better than hairy. They are both good for a laugh.

  38. “Why Toyo only good at attacking innocent victims, mostly ladies”? – Bobster
    ………………………………………………………………………………Because people kicked him out and he is no more Mentri Besar of Selangor. Now he is the Monkey Besar of Selangor.

  39. I believe the Royalty will not rock their own seats and their safe hibernation to protect their good life. I guessed Perak Sultan never guessed the reaction in Perak could be so massive. However its sad to note that nothing concrete has been done to correct the wrong.
    Lots of firepower the last 2 weeks but has since died down and maybe will even be forgotten later on. Sad that PR has allow such dying down to happen. Hopefully the drive to regain the rightful Govt in Perak is in full swing and the people of not only Perak is informed but the whole of Malaysia too.

  40. The truth is… PR has to stay as pembangkang for now in Perak. All PR can do now is to keep the fire back until the next GE. That’s why there are so many ceramahs, mini demos,… PR has to forget about Perak and continue their struggle. They can’t do anything at all since BN has strong backup!

    The truth is… BN is afraid of rakyat’s power. It has been proven in the last 2 by elections. The next 3 by-elections, will be won BIG by PR again. BN may have the trust from the raja-raja, but rakyat’s decision won’t be wrong. That’s why they came up with funny tactics; like Eli’s case to topple PR.

    After 50 years, BN is very famillar with our piggy bank. Winning an election means nothing because BN will use whatever resources to buy over/destroy the elected ones. Wasn’t that the way Perak PR govt was toppled?

  41. Dear Ling Mazen,
    Widom is to know where, what and who you are.

    I hope that the political parties and NGOs will now close ranks to ensure that we keep the Election Commission (SPR) on the right track. With the current political developments it is imperartive that SPR must not only be neutral but must be seen to be neutral. The manner in which tne 13th General Elections is run will mark the turning point in the history of Malaysia.

    To my mind that General Election should be held in such a manner that those defeated will not cast aspersions on the SPR and more than that not acccept the results.

  42. BN did amend the Federal Constitution for more than ‘zillion’ times to serve their political purposes. So, Isn’t BN which has been humiliating the Federal Constitution?

    When the two-thirds majority in Parliament was denied, BN wants its people to respect the Federal Constitution. What a stupid move!

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