Privacy and Our Political Culture

By Farish A. Noor

Politics, we must remember, is something that takes place in the public domain. And it is in that public domain that politicians are judged for their actions, good and bad, right and wrong. The worth of a politician and his/her standing depends entirely on his/her conduct in the execution of the responsibilities that have been entrusted upon them by the public who voted them into office. And if they fail in the execution of those duties, then we the public have every justifiable right to demand an explanation from them. In the final analysis, it is we the public who determine the fate of the politicians we elect to represent us, and never vice-versa.

Politics, however, has its limits and the frontier of the political ends where the private domain begins. Politicians are human beings and it would be the mistake of the public to assume and expect our politicians to behave in a manner that is extraordinary by public standards. For that simple reason the public also has no right to expect politicians to be and remain politicians every hour, every day and every year of their lives; for politicians too have every right to be human and to have the privacy that we expect for ourselves. In the same way that we hope and wish that our elected representatives will defend the privacy of our lives, so should we extend that very same right to them, for they too are ultimately citizens like the rest of us.

It is therefore sad, to say the least, that the level of Malaysian politics and political culture has descended to a new low with the latest revelation of yet another sex scandal that involves a democratically elected state assemblywoman serving in the state government of Selangor, Ms Elizabeth Wong. This comes not too long after another sordid scandal involving another politician – Chua Soi Lek – who was likewise scandalised by revelations of his private life being made public. In both cases one can only assume that the motivation behind this intrusion into the private domain was political in nature.

Much has already been written about the two cases and the facts remain unclear over what actually happened in the case of the unfortunate Ms Wong, so I will not dwell upon that here.

My contention however is this: When will we Malaysians come to understand and accept the fact that living in a modern plural constitutional democracy means having to respect the private space and private lives of all citizens, be they politicians or shopkeepers? Political motivations aside, the core of the matter is that another Malaysian citizen has had her private space intruded into and has been personally violated in the most abusive and despicable manner. This is something that no-one should relish, not even for the worst of our enemies. When it happens to a politician whose commitment to democracy and human rights is well known to all, then our sense of moral outrage should be all the greater.

Let us remind ourselves of the simple fact that the private lives of the victims in question have been without any taint whatsoever. Ms Wong is an adult woman who is capable of making decisions and choices of her own, and like any of us she is entitled to live her private life in the manner she sees fit. No crime has been committed, no public funds embezzled, no state secrets revealed and no Mongolian models blown to bits. The pathetic demonstration of moral outrage on the part of some conservative quarters should therefore be exposed for what it is: an instance of gross hypocrisy and double-standards at their most vile.

In the wake of the elections of March 2008, Malaysian society has demonstrated our desire for change, and for a new politics that befits and mirrors the new Malaysia we live in. This was the clearest call ever for a new political culture where feudalism, corruption, nepotism, hypocrisy and double standards are done away with once and for all. We are sick and tired of the vacuous moral claims of those who speak of morality and religion on the one hand, while robbing the state and eroding our fundamental human rights at the same time.

Defending the private lives and private spaces of our politicians is therefore part and parcel of the process to regain and defend the private domain of all Malaysians, where we may live, love, pray, hope and strive for the betterment of ourselves and the fulfilment of our destinies in peace. It is that fundamental right that entitles us to be what we are. No human being should be denied that privacy for the loss of that privacy entails the loss of something greater: the loss of the right simply to be what we are. The entire democratic process and democratic endeavour rests on that.

For now however, it is our moral obligation to rally in support for a fellow Malaysian whose right to privacy has been violated. Let us not be indecisive here, for we clearly know who has been the victim. For those whose lives have been violated thus, one can only imagine the personal anguish they must be going through.

History books tell us that when King Charles the First faced his penultimate judgement, he was robbed of all his rights and dignity. King Charles was known to be a man who stuttered and faltered whenever he spoke; but at that defining moment of his life when his very existence was at stake, he delivered what was said to be the most eloquent speeches he ever gave; which til today ranks as one of the most beautiful and elegant pieces of prose in the English language.

Each and every one of us will sooner or later face such a defining moment in our lives, when our mettle will be tested and when we will finally realise who and what we are and what resources we possess. Perhaps this is the defining moment for Ms Wong. We hope that she will meet this challenge with the dignity that she possesses, and emerge stronger. So chin up, Elizabeth; and keep a smile on your face. Don’t let the detractors get you down. The struggle for a better Malaysia has just begun, and there is still a long road ahead.


109 Replies to “Privacy and Our Political Culture”

  1. He that hath not sinned, let him cast the first stone.

    The most despicable in all the responses the BN politicians have given so far comes from Khir Tempeh Toyol. He made himself judge and in his usual self-righteous manner, pronounces that the a victim of voyeurism is ‘unfit to serve in government’.

    Malaysians of all races and religion and GENDER must unite in showing solidarity with Elizabeth Wong.

    We must show the BN pharisees that we can very well differentiate right from wrong, hypocrisy from sincerity and idiots from brains.

  2. Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra al-Haj once said in an interview with the Far Eastern Economic Review of what he thought of the proposal that adulterers be stoned to death,

    he replied that:

    ‘I fear that there would not be enough stones left to construct our roads’.

  3. Khir Toyo had shown again his narrow chauvinistic tendency again by asking Eli Wong to resign !
    She is a victim and yet he bays for her blood.
    What audacity !
    His stand reflects the standard of the quality of Umno Youth

  4. It is a private matter. She should just resign and fight to defend her rights as a private citizen in court if she wants. Spare the embarrassment it is causing to the PR government.

    Politics is not about personal interest. If she is no longer an ADUN nobody would be interested. This Toyol guy would definitely lose all interest and we the reading public spared from the torrid and sleazy details.

    Hold a by-election and have another nominee appointed. This time the private life of the candidate should be properly scrutinized to prevent him or her being blackmailed later.

  5. Khir wants to be the one to throw the first stone.

    This shameless has-been is desperate and will do anything to get back his lost MB seat. Remember Teresa Kok’s case?

    This man does not have any sense of decency and is basically a bankrupt politician.

  6. dr farish ,

    Malaysia want to put a morality above ground ,every where in the world a case like Eli Wong is non issue and not worth to discuss, the case just simply vapourise and dissapear in the thin air ,she just have to resign and make an exit of public life , let have the next clean politician but remember once in public life the past will haunt you back…

  7. When the ex-President Clinton committed sex in his hotel room, the American public was angry, not because of his sexual activity, because he denied it. Finally, when he did admit it, all was forgiven and forgotten…simply because it was his private matter.
    To Toyo {deleted] Instead of sympathizing with the victim, he chose to highlight the matter for his political ambition. He has to stoop so low to achieve his aim.
    A cultured and fine gentleman will not mention a word about the event, let alone gossip about it.
    This [deleted] has a lot to learn about civility and ethics.

  8. There’s a devil in disguise in our midst in the form of an ex-MB and a corrupt politician with no qualms to stoop as low as he can get to achieve his own ends. In fact, he has overexposed himself, rather than the women, in his desperate bid to make a political comeback.


    Never before have we seen so many of these chauvinistic and morally retarded creatures creeping out of the Umno woodwork. But this one takes the cake for his audacious behaviour. [deleted]

  9. “He is a sicko. And Umno is a breeding ground of this growing evil.”

    umno is plain evil.
    and i also wonder what audience umno is pandering to.
    and this leads me to wonder about the type of audience
    malaysia has.

  10. It is abhorrent that the privacy of an individual had been invaded in such a malicious way.

    It is an act which cannot be defended in any way or manner and the offender must face the full consequences of the law.

    Else, we Malaysian would have to suffer the barbarity and intimidation of despicable fiends who would jump at any opportunity to satisfy their waywardness or ill-conceived and ill-perceived intentions.

    It is such sad moments that the worst of an individual, the perpetrator, is revealed. While the damage is done, it cannot be allowed to flourish or be further abused for whatever reasons.

    To do so would tantamount to adding salt to an already smarting wound. To compound an injury by not taking preventive or deterrent measures could be construed as an act of accomplice or conspiracy of sort. And the failure to act against perpetrators of such a devious act is to deny justice to the victims.

    Those who relish and watch with glee such abhorrent act could be considered as the having the lowest of human mentality and devoid of whatsoever dignity.

    One wonders if khir toyo belong to such a category?

  11. “Malaysia want to put a morality above ground” (chengho)

    [deleted] If Chengho thinks that he himself stands on a very high moral ground which justifies him to drop judgement on others, then he is basically suggesting that he is a morally perfect person who does not need sanctification from God. However, if Chengho continues to believe that he himself is the holy one which does not need forgiveness of God, then he will eventually feel very empty in himself because he will have to miss the opportunity of receiving the most wonderful grace from God.

    Please don’t forget, Chengho, all of us were born to this world simply with the naked body. There is nothing to be humiliated in our naked body if we are clear of our own conscience. Your mentality will be too far lagging behind the most ancient tribal people who live in the remote deep jungle of Papuan New Guinea if you don’t try hard to open your mindset a bit in order to allow entrance of certain liberal thinkings into it!

    If you continue to insist that you yourself are the perfectly sacred mosque, then you are indeed making yourself a “GOD”!

  12. If this another case of UMNO trying to destabilise the Pakatan government?

    Is Toyo the mastermind of this incident by using and buying the former boyfriend of Eli to smear the Pakatan government?

    Is the creep, Chengho, being planted here to prostitute himself for the glory of misfits such as Mahathir, Toyo, Rahim Noor and other low-lives?

  13. Mahathir started the moral argument and he defended and made Annuar the scapegoat to oust him.We have to repeal laws pertaining to sexual misdemeanour if done in private.Any evidence recorded without consent should be thrown out.It is time for the Malaysian public to become more mature and learn that a person can be different in private.We cannot bring down a politician just because he had slept with a prostitute.His mind is not affected.Morality plays a part only in the open for example fondling a woman in the public.We have to change otherwise the whole bunch of politicians have to resign.This particular lady has been asked to resign by Toyoh; perhaps he should look into himself and see whether he could come out clean.Anything done in private should be left as it is.

  14. Where is Taib? He is not ranked as one of the richest. This ranking is not true. Many of the richest are hiding their treasures overseas.

    Malaysian Business in its Feb 16 issue named “Sugar King” Tan Sri Robert Kuok as the richest Malaysian with a fortune of RM26.6 billion.

    However, Kuok wealth which stood at a record of RM58.1 billion last year, had declined by RM31.5 billion.

    His closest rival, T. Ananda Krishnan clocked in at RM20.1 billion.

    At third-placed was Tan Sri Teh Hong Piow with a wealth of RM8.15 billion.

    Meanwhile, Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng was fourth with a fortune that has halved to RM7.4 billion.

    Taking the fifth spot at RM4.5 billion, down from RM11.1 billion previously, was Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan.

    Others in the top-10 ranking were Puan Sri Lee Kim Hua, widow of Genting group founder, Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong (RM3.5 billion), Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Albukhary of the Albukhary Foundation (RM3.2 billion), Tan Sri Vincent Tan (RM1.8 billion), Tan Sri Tiong Hiew King of the Rimbunan Hijau Group (RM1.6 billion) and Tan Sri Azman Hashim of Amcorp group (RM1.4 billion).

  15. Well I knew Malaysian politics was as dirty as most if not dirtier but this is sinking to a new low of depravity into that maggot-filled gutter isn’t it?

    Hope everyone with a shred of human decency in them is condemning this vile attack on Ms Wong’s right to her privacy and offering her their support and encouragement.

    Any that are not, or those who are now gaining some cheap opportunistic political mileage out of this deplorable incident by actually attacking Ms Wong instead by asking her to resign (?!) must surely be the next worst kind of human scum (after the perpetrator) that can possibly exist.

    And rather than relying on that offence of pornography in this case, shouldn’t Ms Wong be commencing libel proceedings to sue the pants off the sick bastard who took and distributed those personal and innocent private photographs of her without her knowledge or consent, and most likely with actual malice.

    She should also take to the legal cleaners anyone else who repeats the defamatory offence by publishing the unauthorised pictures.


    “Imagine Power To The People” John Lennon.

  16. If Khir Toyo or Rafidah Aziz were to be captured on camera sleeping naked do you think moral judgments here will be as charitable and liberal as that accorded to Ms Elizabeth Wong?

    No Farish. Every power of rationalisation and reconcilaition will be used to defend the PR’s Cause and those identified with its support and vice versa.

    It is precisely because “Malaysian society has demonstrated our desire for change, and for a new politics that befits and mirrors the new Malaysia we live in” and every moral judgment will be skewed to serve this Cause and undermine the incumbent! Even PAS supporters who would normally advocate moral snooping aroound by moral police against couples holding hand will say everything is OK if it concerns a PR’s official but not otherwise it were (say) ex MIC Deputy Speaker DP Vijandran, a bachelor, caught unwittingly on camera in the sex act in the privacy of his pad!

    “Defending the private lives and private spaces of our politicians is therefore part and parcel of the process to regain and defend the private domain of all Malaysians” is OK if politician is of the right side but not embraced if the politician happens to be of “the other side”.

    People are so polarised that the judgment is also polarised on a single axis – whether it is “right” in serving to shorten BN’s rule by one more day or wrong to lengthen it, and vice versa for the PR upon which all hopes are pinned to end a perceived immoral regime.

    Hopes and Truth are seldom compatibel bedfellows : to most, hopes will truimph over logic/truth. For the former gives emotional solace, the latter, not necessarily, and often a feeling of despair!

    For now there is no other right or wrong but this axis.

  17. “If this another case of UMNO trying to destabilise the Pakatan government?” vsp said Today at 05: 44.21 (1 hour ago)

    Every attempt will be made to destabilise PR controlled states; every attempt to offer inducement or apply bthreat for PR Assemblymen to defect or if not scandalise them.

    There is simply no other option on the other side : they dare not face the people in election knowing the kind of hatred they have engendered amongst large swathes of the rakyat in 50 years of misgoverning – at the same time they are so entrenched in their ways that they are incapable of reforming or re-inventing to win back popular support and yet they have to struggle to continue and try continue in defense of power and vested interests….

    This is a life and death struggle. Many on that side are worried that if they lose power, it is not just losing vested interests or opportunities to make money. (Some have accumulated enough and parked the gains overseas). They are worried that the MACC will be turned against them. Worse still PAS has a major say when PR takes over : they may just be a limited version of Hudud to amputate their hands in Merdeka Square.

    You think if you were them you would give up according to fair play and democratic process? Of course not, every means whether foul or draconian will be uised to defend the status quo and eliminate and marginalise those who advocate and fight for change and it will be no holds barred. We ain’t have seen anything yet!

    For a start destabilising the state governments controlled by the Opposition appears a good first step in the absence of other viable options like facing the electorate or re-inventing/reforming.

  18. Ideally , private life is, in Elizabeth Wong’s own words, nobody else’s blooming affair and a politician is so entitled to his/her private life insofar it does not conflict with his/her public duties and responsibilities.

    There is in this ideal milieu a clear demarcation between the private and public sphere, the latter encompassing the social/religious norms, strictures of public morality. This clear demarcation is easier defended in a secular and modern society.

    Surely no one can seriously contend that we are a secular and modern society, no matter the aspirations of some people of minority proportions. We are feudal and conservative. We’re neither secular nor modern, at least in mindset!

    Reality is so different. The encroachment of the public moral norms is inexorable and, probably, irreversible. The individual is forced to share, consent to, or merely obey a range of laws, norms, and regulations not only in his or her relationships with others – but also when he/she is alone : for example a politician is caught on camera masturbating with film or photo circulated without his/her consent !

    You think he/she will be spared by arguments that the act harms no one else – it is self-love so what? – causes no loss to public funds, the actor is handicapped, has no partner etc?

    Come on, get real. We’re a society that courting couples get caught and fined for holding hands in public parks; where performing artists are not allowed to perform if their attire is too revealing etc

    When at any point of time are ordinary Malaysians allowed, by their rulers or other Malaysians the right to defend their private lives and private spaces, fulfill our destinies without let and hindrance, let alone a Malaysian politician holding public office?
    What Farish said is a mere statement of aspirations/ideal.

    In corporate regime it is called “best practices”.

    It does not happen on the ground.

  19. i cannot agree that this incident is a sex scandal.

    this is invasion of privacy. it is a criminal blackmail (for political gain, perhaps). whoever publicize, circulate these private photos of Eli are committing or conspired to commit criminal offense.

    please do not equate this incident to that of CSL. CSL’s incident is an adultery. we have to be clear on this.

  20. -ec- Is MIC our ex speaker DP Vijandran’s case – if you are aware of that case – adultery? Vijandran was a bachelor then.

    If I were not mistaken, Karpal Singh was one of the prominent that brought to light in Parliament the video tape of DP Vijandran’s bedroom antics, taken out of his possession without his consent?

    Would you exonerate DP Vijandran as you would Elizabeth, and would you criticise Karpal for blowing it up, embarrassing the govt., MIC & Vijandran?

  21. Khir Toyol: “This is about morality, whether the pictures were taken with or without consent is another matter, I cannot accept a lawmaker whose morality is questionable…”

    Really wonder if the Toyol would still say the same thing if Jelapang Heeheeeheee’s nude photos were to turn up in the internet instead of Eli Wong’s. [deleted]

  22. Elizabeth Wong was not in the wrong as there was NO second person in the room when the photos were taken – she was not involved in immoral sex. She was made victim by her political foe.

    She should not resign as this will encourage errant politicians to use sex as a weapon to bring down incumbent lawmakers/assemblymen.

  23. It was reported in Malaysiakini that Elizabeth Wong is offering her resignation.

    If she did that she will be setting a high standard for ALL to follow. Her proposed resignation will also put all CORRUPT BN fellow to shame, especially hatu toyo.

    If you resign, please accept my highest respect.

    I also wish her to work from behind.

    Whatever path that you may chose, you have written a new standard of Malaysia politic.

    Yours proposed resignation also a lost to Malaysia people and especially Selangor folks in

  24. Today, the most pressing issues are about corruptions, crime rates, global economic crisis, unemployments, high costs of living….not the private lives of the politicians. Every sinner has his/her past, every saint has his/her future. So “don’t waste too much time to debate on this non-issue.”

  25. Khir Toyol was the 1st person who urge Eli Wong to resign with reason it is immoral …

    when the following situation occurs:
    (1) Police is still under investigation
    (2) Most of the newspapers stated that the picture is taken with untidy shirt, and when she was sleeping, without acknowledgement

    this means that Khir Toyol claiming immoral action is not about the nude pictures (specified above, it cant categorised as immoral), but rather towards the video clip as stated in newspaper …

    the following question arise:
    (1) How did Khir Toyol know that it is immoral, when police is still under investigation and no one have seen that video?
    – Unless he already watch it, else he cant be so confidently urge Eli Wong to step down

  26. Many posters have poured their anger in this blog, which is understandable. I am no moralist, I respect human decency and thrive to be a gentleman…not hitting someone below the belt.
    Can these so called educated scums, baldie syed Albar and Toyo say the same?

  27. Dr.Chua was exposed by MCA do him up.
    Elizabeth Wong’s private nude photos in her bedroom….most probably love/hate private matter… she said…”ex-boyfriend”….hinting it so..a private matter.
    Private or political character assassination….Malaysian culture have gone so low.
    Why not!!
    An ex PM …went cornered can easily forget 14 times….returned 6 brand new Proton cars…in his possession for moths….saying they are for testing purposes.
    The devils now talking morals…ethics..twisting and turning.
    And best of all..Agong advising Malaysians do not play racial sentiments.
    I wonder how one call UMNO..MCA and MIC…race parties or Malaysian. Presuming all are such wonderful Malaysians parties…..does the Agong supports… divide to rule formula?
    If Agong’s advise is to support the government…good or bad..does not matter….elected and must be supported…then he must support freedom of speeches…freedom of rights too…to support democratic rights of the people.
    All are messed up in Malaysia……why so surprise noting Elizabeth is going through hell right now.
    But knowing her…she will work to get culprit pay and if that cannot succeed..she will surely ignore.
    She is such a strong positive woman.
    Nude photos??…What is wrong with that?? That has given her so much headline news…..she is famous!!!
    Now whole world knows who Elizabeth Wong is.
    She should stay positive and smile.
    She did nothing wrong…..sleeping nude in her bedroom.
    Millions do.

  28. Get it right : it is never an issue of who is victimised. If Elizanbeth Wong were a victim, so was Chua Soi Lek & DP Vijandran in the sense of having their privacy violated. It is also not about law or victim having infracted any law: it is only the photogrpaher/distributor who has broken the law.

    On a superficial level, it is all about propriety of personal conduct when holding public office. It is about personal morality that moralists want to press upon us.

    Don’t you all see where Khir Toyo & BN apologists are coming from when they argue that if we demand Chua Soi Lek to resign so we must Elizabeth Wong?

    We may seek to distinguish Elizabeth’s case : she is single ; she is not committing marital infidelity like CSL (though the case may be complicated if her former boyfriend who did the dastard act were a married man!)

    The argument of BN apologists is best put forth by Kuala Kubu Bharu MCA Assemblyman Wong Koon Mun reported on page 2 of The Star today: “The picture was taken obviously by someone who had access to her bedroom….Who is that person? And if its her boyfriend as rumoured, it is ‘morally wrong’ for a single woman to allow a man access to her room” – when she was naked, so to speak.

    Ladies/Gentlemen, once we become moralist, we’re down slippery slope: PR’s supporters condemn Dr Chua Soi Lek because he was guility of “extra-marital sex” – committing marital infidelity.

    In Elizabeth Wong’s case, the BN is alleging she is not a fit and proper person for engaging (not in extrmarital sex) but premarital sex! It will be asked: how can premarital sex be morally right? What kind of role models does she as state councillor serve to children etc ?

    The fact is everyone is giving their moral judgment – not that it is objective – but depending it serve their personal hypocritical purposes or political agenda!

    That to me is the highest immorality of it all. It is sheer hypocrisy. We should consistently hold to the principle as what Farish – and Elizabeth Wong herself said in relation to Chua Soi Lek – that a person’s personal life/sexual morality should NOT have a bearing on the objective merits of a person as a holder of public office, and we don’t care whether he/she is a BN or PR politician or what he/she has done is extra-marital as in CSL’s case, premarital in Elizabeth’s case or some solo act of “self love” caught on camera/tape!

    To attach morality to public office is a forte to BN because the crime is not doing the act but getting caught and here again BN has the advantage of getting the media/authorities to hush the matter if their very own who is important gets caught but the same does not apply to PR’s. Just like defection game, they love it because they having more resources play better. We shouldn’t play their game and take the other true position – that private morality is demarcated and should not be used to judge fitness of public office. Sex is natural, so his greed but it is the hand that steals (not the hand that plays) that is more harmful to collective weal and it matters not that the one who steals is sexually celibate!

  29. YB

    If it is only nude pictures taken, while one is asleep. If the pictures are distributed without YB Wong’s consent. If Khir Toyo said she is wrong……Then you have nothing to worry about.

    Victims shouldn’t be punish. Chin up YB Wong.

  30. Elizabeth isn’t a porn star. Nobody said the photos of her were in compromising positions. CSL is a porn star and so was Vijandran. You got to decide if porn stars could effectively serve the public.

  31. I am just wondering, if a naked picture of me is sent to my boss, do I hve to resign from my job?

    I am a christian, so pre-marital sex is not something I condone. However, I also recognise that, that moral code is not sthg I can impose on everyone. Whether u call it moral decay, or modernisation, the Y-generation would not frown upon such.

    Some time ago, Dr Ng Yen Yen was interviewed by 988, a chinese radio station. During the interview, she proudly said that she gave condoms to her son who studies in Australia then, so that ‘safe’ sex is practised.

    Today I read with a heavy heart that Elizabeth wong may step down from her post. If we were to accept this, where does it lead us? What about other Pakatan reps in parlimen or ADUN? Why such high moral standards applied to Pakatan, what about BN?

    If Elizabeth has to resign over this, then Malaysian politics is entering into a darker age, and oppression of womenfolks is given another pat on the back.

  32. “Elizabeth isn’t a porn star. Nobody said the photos of her were in compromising positions. CSL is a porn star and so was Vijandran.”

    According to initial reports they were photos/videos not only showing her “asleep in partial nudity” and also “in intimate positions.” The veracity of the latter part “in intimate positions” will need to be confirmed or rebutted by on going investigations.

    Malaysiakini reports that “Elizabeth Wong will offer her resignation from her state cabinet post and state assembly seat following her nude photographs controversy. She is expected to make the annoucement at a press conference at 11am to be held at the PKR headquarters in Tropicana”.

    Does she really need to do this when she holds she has done nothing wrong?

  33. I am so upset!

    Why has toyo not called on the 3 frogs aka independent but alligned to BN to resign? Double standard, which is so typical of BN. I am so upset, and feel like they are such big bullies!!!!

    Man proposes, but God disposes. I shall wait patiently for the Almighty God to deal the final blow on them.

  34. This is such a cheap trick that only bankrupt UMNO politicians can come up with. Malaysia is run by leaders with minds like babies! No wonder we will always be third world!

    Just because a woman is caught on film in the sanctity of her own home makes it a crime?

    Then what about the scums who rape our country and scupper the funds to enrich themselves? What about politicians who commit murder and then buy out the whole judicial system? What about the scums who make our constitution look like its not worth the paper its printed on? What about the scums who chant racists statements and encourage racial polarisations to divide and conquer?

    Its only stupid and clueless politicians from BN and UMNO who sit on trivial issues instead of tackling more pressing problems that is bringing chaos to Malaysia.

  35. Elizabeth Wong does not need to resign because she has not sinned against the Malaysian public.

    If Miss Wong feels that she has sinned against God, then what she needs to do is to confess to God personally and say repentance prayer to God and then turn to do good in the name of God, all in her own private room. (Sinful-consciousness may sometimes be difficult to avoid since that will always be a moral sanction from the conservative christians if one is found to have engaged in pre-marital sex.)

    Miss Wong needs a lot of prayers from the people surrounded her and she herself is also required to pray hard to God in order to enable herself to draw much more strength from God in this tough trying time!

  36. It must b a charactor assacination from BN, why? b’coz d 1st person who wish 2 gain political mileage is Khir Toyo. Khir! If u think resignation is d most suitable action taken to Wong, please roaring 2 Mr Chua Soi Lek FIRST(D ‘PORNO ACTOR SAME WITH UR COALITION), n ask him 2 resign. Khir, please notify that if u like 2 use a finger 2 point a person, do remember u hav at least four finger pointed back urself!!

  37. PR’s typical mentality and standard way of thinking….When someone commited serious offence, he/she is regarded as ‘BRAVE’….

    Majority Rakyat are tired of hearing all sort of excuses from her so called ‘supporters’….As a leader chosen by Rakyat, she must have the moral strength ….. .Enough is enough….full Stop

  38. “We hope that she will meet this challenge with the dignity that she possesses, and emerge stronger. So chin up, Elizabeth; and keep a smile on your face. Don’t let the detractors get you down. The struggle for a better Malaysia has just begun, and there is still a long road ahead.” ……my sentiments exactly.

    Elizabeth, stay on and fight!

    Our thoughts and love to you during this tiring time.

  39. To those who adopt a moral standard based on the biblical verses, I wish to advise that King David was not required by God to relinquish his duty of King when he was found to have committed the adultery with a married woman called Bersheeba.

    If there is any sin in Elizabeth Wong, then it is just the lustful sin against God. Miss Wong has not sinned against a third person besides God and her boyfriend (by biblical standard, she should have stopped her boyfriend from entering her private bedroom.)

    Therefore, there should not be tough moral sanction to be imposed on Miss Wong because all men, including you and I, are not perfect. We all fall short of glory of God!

  40. is offering to quit the same as quitting.
    i am really confused here.
    probably intimate position means intercourse or whatever, but the current situation looks more of a conspiracy. why now ?
    it is reported somewhere that the culprit is a Malay man ?

    I still can accept oldman hamsap CSL. He was doing much better job than LTL but only very hamsap. Nearly half of Triang is infected with Chikungunya. LTL better resign.

    Eli is young and vulnerable, for Toyol and SHA to be so cruel and heartless is sickening. I do not think they are clean either.

    Anyway, i am really getting sick of BN and all the news generated.

    I urge Eli NOT to quit.

  41. Another disgraceful image that PR’s State Assemblywoman shows to her people. As a State Assemblywoman, she should always behave properly. She has nothing else to show to her people but these shameful nudity pictures of herself? She is not fit to stay as State Assemblywoman to serve the people who once voted for and trusted in her. This further strengthens the believe that the whole PKR is made up of jokers for which they do nothing but making headlines with their own dirty news. What a joke! The people are having enough. Elizabeth Wong should be investigated and prosecuted in order to stop such shameful event happening again in Malaysia’s politics.

  42. [deleted]

    However what ever Anwar decision will be accept or not accept.
    Eli has shown her character and her wishes to resign. this act alone has proved her of high integrity and shoulder her responsibility.

    Her motive of resignation was non of taking party into topmost consideration. this is selfless act.

    her resignation if accepted will be a lost to the Malaysian people but at the long term or even at the short term a gain to PR, especially PKR.

    People who has strongly behind her will put all the revenge against BN in the next GE. The force is getting stronger and stronger. People will take her a new political model and her contribution thus will not be less than if she stay on.

    contribution can be many ways, it can be seen and those that can not be seen.

    this decade if hard and tough for all young ladies and all ladies should be extra careful. the star is moving against lady and favor
    young man.

    in that sense we hope Eli will continue to serve from behind and people need people like her

  43. So All PR are jokers and all BN are clean fellow and nice like saints.

    So CORRUPT IS NOT AS SINFUL AS OR it is acceptable in totality and is a good moral value in Bn’s dictionary or at least in kasim amet contest that is the real joker king of the jokers

  44. Kasim Amat Says:

    Elizabeth Wong should be investigated and prosecuted in order to stop such shameful event happening again in Malaysia’s politics.


    Sdr Mat, has Eli broken any law ? stop being a bigot. she is single, the photos and videos distributed without her knowledge. under which law she can be charge ?

    I think you are barking at the wrong tree lar.

  45. if resigning is not brave what else is brave a Malaysia politician can be?

    When building a huge palace with out license and hide behind the power shield is brave ???
    When caught with money in the airport and lie that I not talk English is morally acceptable and this man is Brave man of BN???

    All this can be accepted . Yes is perfect accepted because those still support BN are equally CORRUPTED IN their minds and thinking?? When BN practice CORRUPTION THOUSAND Times over 51 ,ore years it become acceptable moral value??

    All BN are brave politician because they dare to take bribe and accept corruption as a way of life ?? so they are all brave men??

    What a idiot you BN supporters.

  46. Oh my god!! This is such a stupendous, amazingly, earth shattering, PIECE OF NOTHING people. Damn, Malaysians are pathetic aren’t we. So what if there are semi-nude pictures of Eli Wong around? Are we so narrow minded that we deny that our politicians have PRIVATE lives? And that they have the same organs as all of us? Oh God, conservatives are so disgustingly idiotic.

  47. I’m struggling with my conscience. I’ve posted more than one comment in the recent past about ‘moral high ground’, and now everybody is saying the EW case is something to do with morality. I wish people would stop comparing this to the CSL case – he was the victim of an invasion of privacy, but he was acting in bad faith with respect to his wife. EW has either had her privacy invaded (if she was unaware she was recorded) or had her trust betrayed (if she knew but hadn’t granted permission for the recording to be made public), but wasn’t acting in bad faith towards any individual, as far as I can tell from the patchy news coverage.

    Has she betrayed anybody’s trust though? I think possibly she could. I wouldn’t expect my elected officials to forego a bit of erotic adventure, ‘self love’ (as Jeffrey puts it), or any enjoyment of whatever physical blessings they have – as long as everybody involved is consenting and no laws are broken. The problem in Malaysia is that ‘morality’ seems to me to be some sort of binding absolute, and Malaysians often don’t ‘consent’ to others acting ‘immorally’. A further complication is that Malaysia may have (if I recall other articles correctly) laws enforcing some of these prudish attitudes. In light of these two factors, I think she could have betrayed the trust of her voters in failing to meet the prevailing moral or legal standards, with the attendant risk of a loss of confidence in her suitability as their representative.

    Offering to resign isn’t such a bad thing to do. She’ll be asking her peers for a vote of confidence in her abilities, and I hope they support her. It’s tricky because democratic politics is essentially a popularity contest, and this event could have adversely affected her popularity and PKR’s popularity. The fact that it’s ‘adverse’ because some people’s morals are so anachronistic is terribly sad.

    On a lighter note, I hope PR leaders are paying careful attention to these events and are considering methods for ‘inoculating’ themselves against future moral flamings. I look forward to the late publication of the 2009 Naked PR Leaders’ calendar, ‘tastefully’ shot in a Pirelli style.

  48. Those scumbags like cintanegara and Kasim Amat are indeed barking at their own political masters like Najib and Hishammuddin. If those politicians who are the chief actor or chief actress of a sex scandal rumour are required to resign immediately, then both Najib and Hishammuddin are also categorised in this group of politicians.

  49. Taking bribe and abuse the power abuse the tax payer money is good Representative good wakil rakyat.

    so if your wakil rakyat happen to be single she can not sleep naked and must cover in full. That is important because she have nothing to hide and she must resigned and let the corrupt is ok. take all moneys from the tax payers, build their palaces and live like a king is ok can be a perfect WR. praise her and support him. he must not resign because he do nothing wrong just forgot to male a application.

    so the WR who bare all in her private must resign because as WR her body also belong to the Rakyat she should not bare all without the Rakyat consent other wise she can not be a WR but the Corrupt can the more Corrupt the better. not only only Corrupt should be first priority as yours WR he must also teach all his followers to be as CORRUPT AS POSSIBLE so that everybosy can share share.

  50. we are no way to compare with Sarkosy. he can bring his mistress to attend international meeting. even down down south also can accept a malaysian born lady as Minister even she has make known as her sex priority.

    We are way behind, but not saying we should follow but in this case a single lady bare naked in her private and every body hu ha and ask her to resign. what sin has she committed. you mean all BN leaders is as clean as a saints and god???

    Please remember many cross the border and get marry and have lot of fun and that is no sinner???

  51. It is really sad that politics has become so dirty and disgusting.
    The people has lost an able elected assemblywoman. I stronly
    believe that this is the dirty work of BN, especially UMNO.
    The person who is responsible for this dirty and despicable act
    is M. K. Toyo. We the people should vote out BN and UMNO once
    and for all.

  52. Any way. After her resignation has been accepted so hatu toyo will be first to throw a party withe belly dancing and this acceptable.

    Any way, her resignation once accepted PR rating will shot up and people believe that BN and hatu toyo and gangs has nothing else can offer the rakyat because once they lost power and therefore power to corrupt they will go all out to topple PR.

    What ever the tactic use by her opponent this will back fire again as people has been very sick with BN and this just grow by days.

    Her resignation will be accepted as her contribution to PR by resigning will be good in the final goal of assisting PR to capture Federal in the next GE.

    Well done Eli wong. Your mission completed.

    you have sacrifice a little self to complete the BIGEST SELF to come.

  53. “Kasim Amat,

    What if I sneak into your room while you are having a shower and video you in the bathroom naked?”
    TheWrathOfGrapes Says

    wah lau eh why you want to do that?
    you want to be scarred for life at the terrible sight ah?
    i advise you don’t ok!

  54. ‘even down south also can accept a malaysian born lady as Minister even she has make known as her sex priority’ – ALLAN THAM

    What makes you so proud about the tiny country?????

    The government of the tiny country has for years been trying to boost the city-state’s birth rate — one of the lowest in the world– by encouraging its ‘Non Productive’ young people to have children…..They even award citizenship to the foreigners to boost its lagging birth….What a shame!!!!! Their own people couldn’t ‘afford’ to produce new generations………
    A total of 16,232 babies were born in the tiny country between January and May 2008, with about 25 percent having foreign fathers and about 36 percent with foreign mothers…..

  55. /// computation Says:
    Today at 14: 09.28 (29 minutes ago)

    “Kasim Amat,

    What if I sneak into your room while you are having a shower and video you in the bathroom naked?”
    TheWrathOfGrapes Says

    wah lau eh why you want to do that?
    you want to be scarred for life at the terrible sight ah?
    i advise you don’t ok! ///

    Computation, why not?

    Don’t worry, the video is not for my own consumption. It is for a horror movie titled “Kasim Amat is a short man; and he is not very tall either.”



    Which one do you prefer????

    No one will question if the photos were taken while she was having a shower or in the bathroom…The question is …as you said earlier…a ‘single/ lady bare in her private….. …Ordinary people will normally behave in that manner …..while/after they had done their ‘Business’ ….Was she involved in immoral sex by the way???

    By right, she must have known who took the photos………Someone she knew or someone who had access to her bedroom ……As a leader she is obviously a role model…….. not a symbol of Cheap Pride….

  57. Jeffrey Says:

    Yesterday at 17: 07.46

    This pertains to fitness for continuance of office as state councillor. I wonder what is PR’s partner, PAS’s take is on this issue.

    THis is what PAS said in Malaysiakini-

    Muda Mohd Noor & Jimadie Shah Othman | Feb 16, 09 7:29pm
    PAS leaders today condemned the circulation of nude photographs of Selangor executive councillor Elizabeth Wong.

    Calling it an ‘undignified’ act, Titiwangsa parliamentarian Dr Lo’ Lo Ghazali did not mince her words when she described the person who distributed the photographs as being “worse than a prostitute”.

    “We cannot condone such acts,” she told Malaysiakini.

    According to her, such voyeuristic practices were against the teachings of Islam, especially with the motive of ruining a person’s credibility.

    She also expressed regret with the action of the media in playing up this issue.

    “Whose photographs would be circulated after this? It is as if these people (who circulate such photographs) have nothing better to do,” she said.

    Also condemning the circulation of the photographs was PAS information chief Mahfuz Omar.

    “The aggrieved party has lodged a police report. An investigation must be carried out and justice must be served.

    “A similar case also happened to a celebrity (actress Nasha Aziz), who also fell victim to a violation of privacy. Justice must be served in such cases,” he added.

    This Jeff chap cant stop attacking PAS and PKR when there is a chance probably attempt to break PR coalition. Oh, PR got no moral ground to comment on BN because PR also the same, blah blah … Would you resign Jeff if caught naked like Eli? Talk is cheap!
    Twisting and turning now whole case turning into porn …!

    I begin to suspect this formal Gerakan fello might soon join the frog club given the opportunity. Guys, better watch out!

  58. Just read she has already resigned (malaysianinsider), although another article says ‘offered to resign’ (the nutgraph). I keep reading ‘nude pics’ but from what I can see at thegutterpost, the pictures are absolutely not nude – they’re not even particularly embarrassing for her, in my opinion. My elderly mother in the UK does something similar in front of the gas fire in her living room on very cold days.

    The person who took the pictures may need a little bit of attention from a trained counsellor. I suspect inadequacy may have driven them to seek ‘control’. Same for all those people who obviously haven’t seen the pictures and have taken the Malaysian press’ libellous (are they? If there are no actually nude pictures?) articles at face value. There is nothing of interest to see.

    I’m not going to apologise for posting an obvious keyword for google, nor for further hints on how to see the pictures I’ve seen. Sticking plasters are always best removed quickly, in my opinion – why prolong the agony? The Internet is what gave PR its advances in the last election, and it’ll be there to preserve EW’s completely-not-nude pics for eternity too.

    There’s surely no need for a by-election to test confidence in her, is there? Can’t PKR say “we’re confident” (as Khalid has been doing), and possibly conduct a poll or something? Seems a lot cheaper than a by-election, and might send out the signal that PR won’t bow to bully tactics.

  59. Selangor executive councillor Elizabeth Wong today offered to quit her state cabinet post and state assembly seat following her nude photographs controversy. have done nothing wrong.

    Elizabeth said, “I wish to state that I am not ashamed of my sexuality as a woman and as a single person. I have broken no law. I stand by the fundamental principle in a democracy that has a right to privacy. Parti Keadilan Rakyat stands for ‘new’ politics that holds justice and human rights as core values which transcend gender, ethnicity and class. ‘New’ politics also means we rise above gutter politics.”

    Now if Elizabeth feels she has done nothing wrong, she need not offer to quit but if she does, it doesn’t mean that she now retracts and admits that she is wrong – for from it, it means she is offering Parti Keadilan Rakyat in particular and Pakatan Rakyat in general an avenue to avoid embarrassment and attacks from the BN’s camp in the coming two by elections of the Bukit Selambau, a state seat in Kedah and Bukit Gantang, a parliamentary seat in Perak.

    Be that as it may it is now up to Khalid and the party leadership to decide whether or not to accept her resignation.

    The ball is therefore in the court of Khalid and PKR party/PR coalition leadership : do you want to accept her resignation?

    If you do, I can only draw the conclusion that you either accede to the pressures of BN propaganda or subordinate principle to expedience of not facing risks of Bukit Selambau and Bukit Gantang by elections.

    Let me just say this – that if you accept Elizabeth’s resignation tendered then you will forfeit/undermine your claim to ” ‘new’ politics that holds justice and human rights as core values which transcend gender, ethnicity and class – and of course gutter politics” that Elizabeth speaks of.

    I am keen to know your decision.

  60. As a representative of people, one should always be mindful of what she does. While sleeping naked is nothing wrong but it shows that she is not very prudent with her acts. As a leader, she should be more discreet with her acts. To let someone enter her room while she is sleeping naked shows that how naive is this State Assemblywoman who possess nothing but a overly simple mind. A woman like this fails to play an examplary role and she is definitely not fit to represent the people. It is without question that she has lost her dignity and she has to resign. She needs to understand the serious of the matter and in order to stop making Malaysia politics as a laughing stock for other countries, resignation is the best solution. As Mr Chua Soi Lek resigned for a similar incident, I don’t see why she should be any exception here. All Malaysia politicians should be clean and have good image to represent their people.

  61. “I begin to suspect this former Gerakan fello might soon join the frog club given the opportunity. Guys, better watch out!” Bobster said Today at 15: 07.51 (14 minutes ago).

    You’re talking about Jeff Ooi (from Gerakan and now in DAP) and his “good friend is Rocky, the chap who made 180 degree turn within one night, like Ms He and gang”?

    How can you, in your infinite insights and wisdom, try to identify/expose me like that??? :)

  62. Malaysia politics as a laughing stock for other countries
    As a representative of another country, Kasim Amat, I can tell you it is your reaction to small-minded gossip (unless you can furnish me with instructions that will lead me to the alleged ‘nude’ pictures – I can only find non-nude ones) that will make Malaysia a laughing stock in my country. I have been accused by friends and strangers of being less than prudent in the past, but never for sleeping naked. In the pictures I have seen, Elizabeth Wong appears to be fully clothed, albeit in modern, casual clothing suitable for a hot climate.

    I have to be honest and admit that my Malaysian wife occasionally asks me if I intend to sleep naked even when our children are older, and that question alone makes her a laughing stock for her other-country husband. Where I come from, dignity means much more than just hiding our c0cks. How long ago was it that you were indoctrinated by missionaries, anyway?

  63. “It is without question that she has lost her dignity and she has to resign.” – Kasim Amat

    Dignity is = not seen naked in photos by public is it, even if shots taken by former boyfriend or a burglar or maybe a voyeuristic neighbour with zoomlens???

    There must be something wrong with our body then (native suit we were born with). :)

  64. michael13 Says:

    Today at 09: 08.59 (6 hours ago)
    Today, the most pressing issues are about corruptions, crime rates, global economic crisis, unemployments, high costs of living….not the private lives of the politicians. Every sinner has his/her past, every saint has his/her future. So “don’t waste too much time to debate on this non-issue.”

    you are right 100% agree don’t diverge the atention of rakyat for this private issue we have more important issue ahead.

  65. “It is without question that she has lost her dignity and she has to resign.” – Kasim Amat

    Dignity is = not seen naked in photos by public is it, even if shots taken by former boyfriend or a burglar or maybe a voyeuristic neighbour with zoomlens???

    There must be something wrong with our body then (native suit we were born with). quote

    don’t ever care on this retarded mindset kasim amat comment.
    he can’t ever differential what is right and wrong.

  66. Kasim Amat and the likes of him behave as if they are holier than us.

    We are living in the 21st century, for goodness sake.

    Don’t be an opportunist and play to the gallery and bulldoze your way into the land of morality and dignity. Your demeanour does not reflect anything good at all about yourself. In fact, your pretension of being “a holy person, with dignity and morality” already backfired. It stinks!

    Those in BN, particularly from UMNO, do not have any standing at all to talk about morality. Whenever they start talking about that, the stink fills up the entire place.

    Those who are so corrupted, so devoid of integrity, bigoted, racist, prejudiced to the core, opportunistic, unaccountable, blasphemous, dealing-and-wheeling behind closed doors, partial, treacherous, etc., etc. do not have any right at all to talk about morality.

    They do not represent us. Their yardstick for morality does not apply to us. We are not perfect or holier than thou, but we are not defiled.

    Anyway, sleeping naked is an individual’s choice, not for you to decide and opine. How you sleep does not interest us at all.

    In the final analysis, the morality of a person is judged by his/her adherence to integrity, accountability, respect, honour, honesty, impartiality, transparency, etc., etc. when performing and discharging one’s duties to others.

  67. OrangRojak,
    You probably are the best person in this blog to respond to this sick man Kasim Amat by telling him it is precisely because of small minded people like him reacting to gossips over nude human body that is making Malaysia a laughing stock.And there are many of such people who thinks prudishness is proper but thinks nothing of characters like Mohd Taib,Toyo or Najib who have constantly provided the world with unbelievably shocking tales.They are propelling Malaysia back to the stone age and are precisely the people who are making malaysia the laughing stock of the world!

  68. cintanegara :-

    u mean to say that u are never “bare” / naked in private. your stench must be very strong then.

    when you say ” By right “, you are assuming …. ASSUME … AS S out of U and ME , don’t assume.

    even if she F*** , that non of your business. she is not a Muslim and not subjected to sharia laws. even if someone has access to your room, it does not mean being naked in your room is wrong.
    BTW, it is semi nude as from the photos circulated now.

    Public nudity is an offence under Malaysian law. Is YB Eli doing public nudity and pornography for commercial purpose ?

    As for Kasim, many commentators had written earlier, Chua Soi Lek’s case and Eli’s case is totally different. Don’t be a bigot.
    comparing it with Nasha Aziz’s case correct. For an argument of an apple to an apple, you have totally lost out.
    That’s why BN is always on the losing side. Go and do your homework before barking again.

  69. Did that Tambi MB of Melaka resign when he was accuse of raping an underage girl?
    Did that MMT MB of Selangor resign when he cannot understand English, n carry too much money in Ozziland??
    In this case, the “salah” people is the one who distribute !! Eli is indeed the victim n she break no law!

  70. What had been hoped by many as the start of a more civil and democractic society is not to be.
    The UMNOputras have refused to accept the verdict of the rakyat and change.
    Instead we have the unscrupulous and immoral power grab in Perak.
    RPK has forewarned the PR leaders that steps are underway in Kedah and Selangor for more frogs to start jumping.
    Into this cauldron we have the release of unsanctioned photos of Elizabeth taken during her private moments.
    No, I have no wish to point any fingers except to say the UMNOputras are the last to tell us anything about morality and the culprit in this issue is the one who released the photos, not Elizabeth.

  71. chengho, u’r an idiot. what next clean politician? elizabeth was in her own home. she is a single woman doing nothing un-natural, u dork. what, someone takes a pic of najib in the shower he should resign? brains in the nether region you!

    undergrad2, u too are a loser for saying what u said.

  72. This is a laugh stock of our country, I didn mean Eli Wong at here, she’s just a victim. Political enemies try to bring down a person by —1. place a cctv in a hotel room, 2. mobile-recording while u r sleeping 3.any other way but not election. And if u wanna bring down a government—- 1st and the some ‘KATAK’ and let it hopping. 2.any other diry trick but not by election. is it a democratic way to topple a person or a government? The people who behind these motive, take care, God is watching-out of u!!

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