Bukit Gantang/Selambau by-elections on April 7 – another example of craven subservience of Election Commission to serve Umno interests

The Election Commission has provided another example of its craven subservience to serve Umno interests in fixing the simultaneous nomination and polling dates for the Bukit Gantang parliamentary seat in Perak and the Bukit Selambau state assembly seat in Kedah on March 29 and April 7 respectively.

Clearly, the fractious and internecine Umno party elections until March 28 had been the primary consideration of the Election Commission when deciding on the two by-election dates, so that the by-election campaign for the two constituencies will be held after the Umno party elections and Datuk Seri Najib Razak has officially taken over UMNO and become the sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia.

But these are the very considerations which an independent and self-respecting Election Commission has no business to take into account when fixing election dates, as it has only reinforced strong public perceptions that the Election Commission is a mere Umno tool at the beck-and-call of the top Umno leadership.

The Election Commission has made dubious history in the fixing of the election dates for the Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau by-elections, stretching to the constitutional limit of the 60 days when they should be filled from the date of vacancy.

The by-elections of the Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau constituencies will be held on the 57th day from their vacancy, as compared to the 27th day for the Permatang Pauh by-election and the 51st day for the Kuala Terengganu by-election.

In his six weeks as the new Election Commission Chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof had taken two decisions which have further undermined public confidence in the independence, professionalism and integrity of the Election Commission as they clearly serve Umno’s political agenda – the unconstitutional rejection of the Perak Speaker’s decision on the resignation of two PKR state assemblymen/executive councilors resulting in two state assembly vacancies (facilitating Najib’s illegal and unconstitutional grab for power in Perak) and today’s decision to fix the by-election dates calculated to best serve the political interests of Umno.

The Election Commission should reconsider to fix earlier by-election dates to demonstrate that it is not beholden to any political party’s dictates – even coming from Umno!

85 Replies to “Bukit Gantang/Selambau by-elections on April 7 – another example of craven subservience of Election Commission to serve Umno interests”

  1. Remember when the EC chairman was named, DSAI was very much supportive and even pledge his confidence in him. But the two decision made by the EC chairman shows that, they are not bothered to the what the people feeling. They are more concern what the ruling government can offer them. Why not propose the EC to be put directly under the AG? It will more reflecting their actual role and power.

  2. Don’t worry too much Sdr Lim. The more they abuse the more the people will kick them out. If UMNO win Bkt Gantang, I will not eat for one month. If BN win Bkt Gantang and Bkt Selambau, I will not eat for three months. I think UMNO clowns have totally misjudge the will of the people. Their mystic has waned. It is inevitable that they are casted into the garbage of history.

    Please, there is no need to waste time telling us that the Election Commission is subservient. We should know by now all government agencies including those assured of their independence under the constitution are subverted to such an extent that they are no more than a chief clerk in a government department. In fact, we really have lots to ponder over how future government should be organised so that institutions given specific roles really are able to carry out their entrusted tasks.

  3. Whatever day is a good day for PR.

    The people already knew what to do.

    Political clowns and cowards know where they are bound.

    The people simply had enough of rubbish, garbage and nonsense.

    Who is KJ to tell the people of Perak what to do?

    The 11th government of Perak is illegal.

    The people of Perak had been hoodwinked and fooled by BN for far too long.

    The people have a statement to make i.e. to tell the powers that be that they simply cannot ‘come, see and play the fool’ with Perakians.

    Promises will be made. Allocations of funds for such and such a project will be considered. Roads will be built. People’s interests will be looked into. They will be fair to everybody. Aren’t all these all too familiar?

    PR in just a short 10 months had won accolades from none other than the Bar Council of Malaysia. What BN did not do in umpteen years had been achieved by PR.

    Let’s not be fooled again. Hey, they can fool us once, but not every time lah.

  4. Every dog takes orders from its master. The EC hairman is no exception. The Chairman must have more than two ba**s to over rule Najib’s orders or else he too might disappear like Bala.

    Only scumbags are chosen to head public institutions. Morally upright man never stoop so low.

  5. “Only scumbags are chosen to head public institutions. Morally upright man never stoop so low.” (Mr Smith)

    Wrong logic! The public institutions under the control of PR have been filled with morally upright men. Only public institutions under the control of BN are being filled with scumbags!

  6. Actually it is a blessing in disguise. Imagine an embarrassed bijan losing his 3rd and 4th by-elections and hiding his face under rosemary’s sarung merely a week after he became pm. The umno supreme council will waste no time in replacing him.

  7. ||The Election Commission should reconsider to fix earlier by-election dates to demonstrate that it is not beholden to any political party’s dictates – even coming from Umno!||


    You have wasted your time and energy in writing the above paragraph! The Election Commission is only obeying the instruction of UMNO. Do you expect a slave to defy his master?

  8. It is time to start election campaigns in the two Bukits now. After 31 March 2009, Najib is expected to rule with iron fist!

    KJ will soon find that his Pak Mertua has left over a briefcase which is full of shits for him to carry to oblivion. KJ will soon disappear from the political arena like Bala. Nobody knows his whereabout… Too many mysterious things had happened in Malaysia in the past. Many many more mysterious things will come… Simply because someone is trying to be smart and pretending to know something that other people don’t know… An iron curtain is going to fix up…

  9. I don’t think “undermining public confidence” are the right words to use on the Election Commission anymore, because there’s only so low that one could stoop – afterwhich nothing added bears any further significance. We need Bersih rallies again. But wait – with the institution of rulers now appearing to be siding with BN, maybe there is no need to send a petition to the YDA. Instead, the march should be as loud and pervasive as possible throughout Malaysia. We are in need of a government for the ordinary people.

  10. Replace a moron with a baboon and the results are the same, all favouring the current GOONS!
    What to do but to wait for GE 13 which is approximately 1449 days away and counting ( that’s the max. )!
    Anyway, won’t call them GOONS anymore but instead ZOMBIES i.e. the WALKING DEAD!

  11. Dear YB,

    In a democracy, the people are supreme (AGONG).
    People, please decide wisely both in Bukit Gantang and Selambau.

    You have to send a strong message to all those who think they can cheat the people and abuse the powers entrusted with them.

    Raja Chulan

  12. Don’t worry uncle Kit, it bound to backfire. The more bias they are, the more anger will be expressed by the rakyat. Remember the 308 tsunami, to some extent, the former EC chairman rashit had done a good job in helping to swing the votes from BN to PR by his many great deeds. Carry on EC, serve your master well, we thank you very much.

  13. //Abdul Aziz said the situation in Perak was still tense after a government switch and the time-frame for the Bukit Gantang by-election would allow all parties to “cool off” (themalaysianinsider)//

    Abdul Aziz is giving the above wily excuse to help BN win the by-election in Perak and Kedah. He is banking on the assumption that come April 7, the people of Perak and Kedah will have their anger cooled off and are more willing to support BN then.

  14. I’m not surprised at all. In fact I guess they will do it after UMNO elections and Najib being PM. EC can’t be trusted. They are submissive to UMNO. we just need to work harder to win as we are handicapped.

  15. The BN knows full well if the byelection is held too soon they could even lose their deposit, given the depth of feeling in Perak right now.

    Stretching it to the last minute is clearly a ploy to give BN time to work on the people of Perak to cool them off and hopefully to win them over with money, money and more money. In this respect, one must suspect the worse of the EC.

  16. Exactly one year ago on 13th Feb 2008, Parliament was dissovled. On 14th Feb 2008, the Elections Committee met and decided that nominations will be on 24th Feb 2008 and polling for 727 seats will be on 8th March 2008.

    This time, on 13th Feb 2009, the Elections Committee met and decided that nominations day will be on March 29th and polling for TWO (2) constituencies will be on April 7th 2009.

    You still trust the Elections Committee’s independence? Who checks them on their governance? Are they answerable to no one?

    Welcome to Banana Land.

  17. “Stretching it to the last minute is clearly a ploy to give BN time to work on the people of Perak to cool them off ” (Cinapek)

    I think the people will hate them more as the time go by. A simple quarrel between husband and wife can take month to heal. This involves thousands and they hate UMNO like hell.

  18. We should be more concern with what Najib has up his sleeves….
    300 to journalists, double that will be lot for the kampong folks!
    PR will call it a referendum on UMNO. Najib will call it, financial stimulus package for uplifting the economic status for the poor. So it boils down to Morality against Money by-elections.
    Coupled with money littering these constituencies, the UMNO ghosts will also revisiting.

  19. Crap !!!

    Ec has not and will never be fair under BeEnd.
    Since it’s formation, EC’s job has been to form DUN and MP boundaries to ensure victory for BeEnd.
    What EC did not expect however was that Malay votes would swing so much the last election.

    A majority Malay populated seat with significant non malay voters is highly unsafe for BeEnd. This is particulary true for the current scenario whereby MCA,Gerakan and MIC is no longer relevent.

    BeEnd’s only chance is Malay votes and clearly, many Malays go for PAS and PKR too.

    With this grim projection of losing the election, BeEnd has no choice but to “command” late elections for these 2 by-elections to avoid embarassment for NTR.
    Holding it at the same time will also be at advantage to BeEnd due to the resources available. Holding the nomination days and election days during weekdays is also another strategy as what happened at PP. But it fail to materialized as an advantage for BeEnd.

    Please be extra cautious as NTR is not that simple. He has military strategist as well as C4 supporting him. Allegations of kidnapping must not be taken lightly.

    NTR is showing his might even before taking the helm. He might just be another dictator in disguise.

  20. buy election is to be held on 7th April !!!!

    -AAB step down in march.
    -C4 take over.
    -C4 lead buy elections campaign.
    -AAB can save face & blushes is transferred to C4.
    -coz AAB know they will not win both buy elections in perak & kedah respectively.
    -clever move by sleepy head indeed.

  21. I think most Malaysians are not surprised at all.
    Non stop …one sided police….legal and recent Sultan lawful decision…all favoring UMNO.
    Impossible to be coincidences.
    Money power work wonders for UMNO.
    UMNO creatures with authorities have no moral nor decency.
    Only way for Malaysians to experience the complete freedom with sensible decisions….is to change the government…in next general election.
    Years and years..UMNO try to confuse…divide and provoke to rule.
    Najib keep asking his cabinet ministers to take note of public complaints.
    Do they recognize LKS is talking on behalf of vast Malaysian feelings??
    I guess not.
    And when we take to the streets to protest….we are breaking the laws.
    Dollah have proven….no more power.
    Najib have also proven….not recognized by their own ministers with his advises.
    Newspapers….TV…Police…legal system….UMNO chosen employees….all against true democracy. All agreeing to be hypocrites and corrupted buggers.
    What can we do?
    People’s Power is the only solution in general election.

  22. And our EC chairman expects a 90% turn out even election is held on a Tuesday. He is a lousy cheat!

    Normally you would expect an unbiased EC chairman to explore every possibility to boost up the number of voters to vote so that the final result is a better representation of the true voice of the people. A weekend is clearly the most convinient for all voters.

    But what we are witnessing here is an EC chairman deliberately sets the election date on a working day (Tuesday). He is wilfully making it difficult for voters who are working outstations to come back to cast their votes.

    This is complete disrespect & insult to the nation and he is making Malaysia an international laughing stock. 10 years in UK and 8 years in France I have lived and I have yet to see a national, local or By election held on a working day!!!!

    He is forcing us to conclude that he is nothing but an UMNO dog!

  23. Greetings!

    The most important assignment for ‘Pakatan Rakyat’ is to unite and draw a strategies plan.

    I trust that by now the voters from both states known their right. They’ll cast it wisely after analyst the current situation.

    Hope all the leaders from PR walk it through hand in hand.

  24. Bad decision for the umno EC to have the by-elections in two different days. They will surely lose in both and this time round the majority voting in favour of pakatan will be significantly greater than in 308. Taking two body blows in one day is somehow not as bad as taking two body blows in two different days.

    Treat the by-elections as a referendum on the unconstitutional power grab in perak and as a no confidence vote on najib as pm (since he would be pm by then). Having the two elections in different days gives pakatan space to plot out the proper approach to adopt for each.

  25. The EC like all other democratic institutions in Malaysia has been subverted to serve the ruling party.

    Interestingly, Both Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau are mixed seats.

    The EC used to gerrymander mixed seats in preference to Malay majority seats as the latter may go to PAS. Mixed seats with substantial non-Malay electorate were considered not winnable by the opposition as long as people voted along racial lines.

    If DAP field a candidate, Malays would not vote for him. If PAS field a candidate, Chinese would not vote for him. Such racial voting usually guaranteed a BN victory so mixed seats were considered “safe seats”.

    Unfortunately during the March 8 elections, racial lines were crossed and and mixed seats fell like ten pins.

    Mixed seats may now be the Achilles heel of BN. With Malay voters split roughly down the middle and non-Malay voters predominantly against BN, mixed seats may now be unwinnable for BN.

    So what the EC did for its master to create “safe seats” has come to haunt it. Indeed, there are no more safe seats for BN.

  26. “StevePCH Says:

    Today at 18: 58.22 (21 minutes ago)
    be careful of BeEnd tactics.
    They detain Toyo for a few minutes but later PR leaders for hours or days for something much lesser.”
    What you said is very real. Look what happened after they sent over their 007 frogman Nasa to hop over to PKR and claimed it was PKR that started the jump? They happily followed up with 3 jumps (2 from PKR and 1 from DAP). Dirty BN tactics!

  27. Uncle Lim, i have no doubts that PR will win hands down in this 2 by election. However, please becareful of UMNO’s dirty tricks n tactics. If you read what the news reported, the EC says nomination day will be a certain day and (notice this phrase) IF THERE ARE ANY CONTEST, then polling day will be on a certain day. Please be very careful with the words IF THERE ARE ANY CONTEST. I suspect that Najib and the BN goons are up to no good. They may find ways to disqualify PR candidate. PR, please remember to bring a back up candidate, just in case.

  28. I have doubt on najib fate whether his chance sitting on the UMNO president chair will come true? I sense something very suspicious on Pak Lah beheaviour recently. He don’t seem like a person who do the calling now. It is obvious najib who is the one who command the lead lah. Mr Nice Guy! you think so?? I’m sure must be Ada Udang di Sebelah Batu lah..hehe. How I wish tommorow is the umno general assembly day lah. This incident happen to encik musa hitam b4 during mahathir time too. Me and my family and god too bless you DS Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin and his family for the dignity he defend.

  29. MIC,MCA,UMNO,PPP,GERAKAK,PDRM,FRU,ACA,EC,NST,STAR,RTM,TV3… All component parties in BN.When Najib can give RM200 Million of rakyat money to an NGO founded and headed by his wife what is there to say any more….. We are going deeper and deeper into the black hole of corruption.

  30. All this talk about Kapal insulting the sultan what rubbish, Where was UMNO YOUTH, and all those NGO,s When Tun Dr M ,clip the wings of the Royalties in PARLIAMENT.
    We Malaysians not stupid as those in BN… Sorry those in BN are smart they are there only to get rich.They do not care about the rakyat at all , If they do, we won,t have one sided agreement which suck the rakyat dry but made the UMNOPUTRAS rich.
    UMNO talk about KEKUATAN MELAYU. It should be more like KEKUATAN UMNO.

  31. DS NIZAR is not only popular in Perak but also throughout Malaysia right now. Every Malaysian knows who he is now. Think big YB Nik Aziz. Its a blessing and disguise that he is nomore the MB of perak. With his popularity, intelligents and dedication he can be the next PM of Malaysia. In perak all races love him. Its my humble opinion and and request that he should represent the PR for the MP post in Bukit Gantang.

  32. try to think positively. should pakatan win the by election, this will send a clear message to the newly elected pm aka najib and his friends that the people reject UMNO, subsequently leave UMNO speechless.!!! i am extremely disappointed that the pakatan leaders to have such negative mentality, are they really representing the people?

  33. To hold the two by-elections after UMNO General Assembly and UMNO party election and after handing over of the premiership to Najib from AAB may not necessarily be a bad thing for Pakatan Rakyat.

    With Najib’s giving endorsement to Mohd Ali Rustam as the candidate for the Deputy President and ignoring Muhyiddin Yassin, UMNO can never be holding its strong unity again after the party election.

    On surface, Najib may be giving support to Khairy on Khairy’s run for the post of UMNO Youth Chief in order to please AAB. However, the final menu expected to be circulated in the party election day may just replace Khairy with Mukhriz at the top of the namelist. All these political tricks and gimmicks will likely lead the party factional clashes into a much higher intensified level and UMNO may be falling apart further with membership quit and withdrawal of unhappy members.

    When UMNO turns weak, then it will be the best opportunity for Pakatan Rakyat to launch a massive attack on it!

    Nevertheless, PR folks please don’t forget that the other more important battlefield will be in Sarawak as the Sarawak State Election is quite likely to be held in year 2010. It is time to blow the trumpet now…

  34. Throughout the country’s political history, the Election Commission has never been neutral. So why the fuss this time? Because the Commision is blatantly so?? It does not take a rocket scientist to realise that constituencies have been drawn to benefit the incumbent party. Boundaries are more important than dates.

  35. BN need the support of non-Malays, that much is clear. Without Chinese and Indian support, every election leaves them in a precarious position. The way to repair BN is to repair the frayed relationship between the party and the non-Malays. But does Umno understand this? Apparently not as Umno has moved in the opposite direction by escalating their Ketuanan Melayu rhetoric.

    Umno leaders are clueless when they talk about strengthening Umno. It is precisely Umno’s strength which has made MCA, MIC and Gerakan seen to be subservient leading voters to desert them in droves. In a coalition made of racial parties, the strong must play a delicate game of limiting its strength in order not to be seen to have emasculated the others.

    Umno cannot maintain its dominance by focusing on Malay support. Malay support has always been split. Malay nationalism is a self-defeating game. The amount of Malay support gained by retching up its racism cannot make up for the loss of non-Malay support.

    BN will not win these two by-elections as Umno is totally clueless as to what needs to be fixed. Or perhaps too arrogant to acknowledge it.

    Ironically, it can be said that it was the support of the races Umno has discriminated against that has kept them in power for so long.

  36. The EC has no consideration that both empty seat mean there is no MP serving the constituencies & rakyat until the by-election dates. What is the logical reason for setting the dates so far apart while KT & PP were hasten in respect to current by-elections.

  37. Longer time frame to hold the two by- elections will allow Najib/UNMO to make better preparations. Passport fee will be reduced, petrol and diesel will be cheaper, electric/water bill will be lowered, kuils, temples chinese and tamil schools will be given donations,…… and the list will go on and on. Najib cannot to lose these 2 by-elections. The rakyat must be made to change to have a favourable image of the new Malaysian PM by whatever means. And, who knows, the 5 Hindraf ISA detainees will be released before the elections to buy over Indian voters. WILL Najib SUCCEED???

  38. This is my DREAM and wildest wish!
    If PR is in power at the federal level;
    The PM : DS Mohd. Nizar
    The DPM: DAP and PKR (YB Lim Guan Eng and PKR…)
    Senior Advicers: DSAI, YB Lim Kit Siang, and YB Hadi Awang
    Spiritual Leader: Tok Guru Nik Aziz
    S. Legal Advicer:YB Karpal Singh

  39. # shadow Says:
    Today at 23: 15.40 (6 minutes ago)

    This is my DREAM and wildest wish!
    If PR is in power at the federal level;
    The PM : DS Mohd. Nizar
    The DPM: DAP and PKR (YB Lim Guan Eng and PKR…)
    Senior Advicers: DSAI, YB Lim Kit Siang, and YB Hadi Awang
    Spiritual Leader: Tok Guru Nik Aziz
    S. Legal Advicer:YB Karpal Singh

    Where is Anwar Ibrahim’s position then???

  40. # shadow Says:

    This is my Alternative Dream if PR takes over…

    The PM : DS Anwar Ibrahim
    The DPM: YB Lim Guan Eng & an Indian Candidate fr PKR/DAP or another position for DS Nizar
    Senior Advisers: YB Lim Kit Siang and YB Karpal Singh
    Chief Mufti/Ulama : Tok Guru Nik Aziz
    Opposition Leader : DS Najib
    Adviser to opposition leader : Hamid Albar




  42. It does not take a rocket scientist to realise that constituencies have been drawn to benefit the incumbent party. Boundaries are more important than dates. Undergrad2.

    It does not matter anymore about the boundaries of constituencies. The whole country is against UMNO-BN. They can draw and redraw and fix whatever dates, they are going to lose big time.

  43. This time Najib has made a serious misculculation by having the by-elections only after and not before the UNMO party elections. The party will be in disarray, caused by in-fighting among the victors and the vanquished. PR only have to stay united and campaign hard to win. Dissatisfied UMNO members and the ghost of Altantuya will do the rest.

  44. Why is the independent Election Commission located within the Government’s HQ premises of Putrajaya?

    What does that indicate in terms of good assurance and the inference of that cast-iron guarantee of independence?

    “Imagine Power To The People” John Lennon.

  45. limkamput Says:

    Yesterday at 23: 53.00
    It does not take a rocket scientist to realise that constituencies have been drawn to benefit the incumbent party. Boundaries are more important than dates. Undergrad2.

    It does not matter anymore about the boundaries of constituencies. The whole country is against UMNO-BN. They can draw and redraw and fix whatever dates, they are going to lose big time.


    Hello my good friend!

    PR wins only to lose through party hopping! All this only makes instant millionaires out of DAP ADUNS and UMNO ‘moles’. Adoi…. Are you sure there is no grand conspiracy here??

  46. Yes!! Dream on.
    Martin Luther King gave his life dreaming….and it came true.
    We must keep dreaming Malaysia will be completely free from corrupted tyrants..and live in the blessed land ….plenty for everyone.
    We must keep dreaming….as Malaysia is one of the very few countries in the world….no need to fear recession periods….in the land of plenty natural resources..no need high taxes..high petrol prices..high food prices!
    UMNO knows it…that’s why they can steal and steal…yet we can survive.
    No matter how much they steal….plenty is still available..but there is a limit and a danger point….to everything….and the danger point is now.
    Don’t change government…Malaysians will be poorest citizens in Asia…soon….all wealth sucked up by UMNO crooks!!
    Once we were told….price of petrol had to go up ..sky high..to prevent S’poreans and Thais coming in to fill their tanks up.
    UMNO always have smart reasons to fool Malaysians.
    Now ..prices are getting much lower than S’pore and Thailand….did we hear UMNO yelling? They know they cannot fool Malaysians on oil prices..yet still doing it by way of electricity bills..and oil prices…still much too high.
    They need to keep doing that…to fatten Petronas….and take the billions to make projects with high commissions for UMNO party selected members.
    They need to keep feeding those UMNO crooks…as they are much bigger crooks themselves. Stop that.they will loose thousands of votes.
    Yes…we must keep dreaming ….to wake up those feeling.. insecured ..almost all UMNO Muslims..not to fear …and throw UMNO away…to depend on their god gifted brain and body…like a normal human being.
    We must keep dreaming to live in a country…for the people….by the people and with the people type of government.
    We must dram to have a complete corrupt free government.
    While we keep dreaming…we must always be brave to expose corruptions….by anyone…to and throw them out with our votes.
    We must keep dreaming…..Malaysians will vote for change of government…and slowly…learn to vote for a person…..and not the party anymore.
    All our dreams should focus citizens…proudly calling everyone Malaysians….and then…we have ONLY Malaysian schools and Universities.
    People are not ready yet..because UMNO love to play race politics….yet yelling for unity.
    UMNO’s unity is simply full of shit.
    We ca never be united …under UMNO.
    That’s how they succeed…..race and religion politics. How can that have unity?
    Dream on …..for a Malaysian Malaysia.

  47. //Taxidriver Says:
    Today at 00: 07.27 (8 hours ago)

    This time Najib has made a serious misculculation by having the by-elections only after and not before the UNMO party elections.//

    Come April 7 Malaysia will have slid into recession and unemployment will have soared to new heights.

    Then PR has every good reason to blame Najis for power craze spending too much time in politics and doing too little to save the country from global economic meltdown despite repeated warnings from the Opposition and experts.

  48. Let UMNO shout ketuanan
    For the rakyat knows to whom the ketuanan serves

    Let UMNO shout kedaulatan Tuanku
    For the royalties know it is so phony

    Let UMNO shout Melayu bersatu
    For rakyat know Malaysians need unity

    Let UMNO shout demi agama dan bangsa
    For rakyat know too well what UMNO really worships

    Let UMNO shout berjiwa rakyat
    For rakyat know where the government’s allocations go

    Let UMNO shout pembangunan negara
    For rakyat know they have paid in full with every drop of their blood

    Let UMNO shout visi and missi negara
    For rakyat know it has embarked on a journey of parochialism and backwardness

    Let UMNO shout going global
    For rakyat know they are going nowhere

    Let UMNO shout keluhuran perlembagaan dan kedaulatan undang undang
    For the rakyat know it was a power grab

    Let UMNO shout respect the Rukun Negara
    For the rakyat know who have not done so

  49. The EC chairman is stupid; he should have been promoted to the position by carrying balls of someone!

    ‘Tuesday is ok, if one is committed to vote, he can take leave’; what bloody nonsense is this? Why put extra burden on voters? Why not on Sat or Sunday at least.

    Fixing the voting date on April 9th and said not because of UMNO GA, you think all of us are half-asleep like AB?

    This is one of the many unfair practices by UMNOputras-EC-The whole civil service-policfe-army in every GE to win the election ‘unfairly’, That’s why I think there is nothing wrong to lure BN MP and ADUN to cross over because the voters had been misled!

  50. Abdul Aziz confused me when replying on this issue that the date was fixed to so that campaign period is not too long. Isn’t it about as long as it can be given the 60 day limit as required by law?

    Its amazing how convulated the excuses get that they themselves can confused.

    Now until UMNO GA, UMNO candidates are going into full swing – the best thing to happen for PR is monitor the candidates campaigns are all level including the day or UMNO GA. Every dirt counts and should be investigated and there always are. Pit one candidate against the other, shake the tree and fruits shall fall for PR to feed on.

    At UMNO GA, which is always lively and full of hormone charged speech, encourage the big mouth to make a name for themselves. PR can use another keris incident about right now…

  51. well, what is Anwar plan seeing Najib getting to the top post? i dun think he will sit there and wait for the best seat to see the box office movie roll out. Is the whole episode of Perak downfall is a bigger trap set by the PKR? You may see the Nasarudin jumping from UMNO to PKR and back to UMNO. I believe there is a bigger picture rather the bait set by Najib to fish the useless candidate from PKR and DAP. I find hilarious seeing UMNO is interested on PR rejected items.

  52. After losing GE12, PP by-election and KT by-election, everyone knows what the trend is like! So to say, any by-elections thereafter will be detrimental to BN and BN knows this very well. That is why they have to resort to “snatching” power in Perak by conspiring with the Sultan!

    These two coming by-elections will see BN/UMNO lose their pants! Good Luck, PR!

  53. Mosterball says: “They need to keep feeding those UMNO crooks…as they are much bigger crooks themselves. Stop that.they will loose thousands of votes.”

    See the contradiction and the moronic logic here. A moron is what a moron does, you just can avoid that.

  54. Hello my good friend! PR wins only to lose through party hopping! All this only makes instant millionaires out of DAP ADUNS and UMNO ‘moles’. Adoi…. Are you sure there is no grand conspiracy here?? Undergr*d2

    That is why I said DAP and PR must be very selective when choosing potential candidates. They must rethink strategies. There is no need for low level party activists anymore. These are the ones who are usually greedy, naïve and willing to sell their mums for RM10.00. I will propose to Sdr Lim to let you, Jeffery and Godfather be potential PR candidates in the coming general election. For me, I will consider if they invite me!!!
    There are conspiracies everywhere. We just have to minimise it. This is all power game. Once the momentum swings to PR side, the wakil from BN will queue up to join PR in droves, knowing their despicable mentality.

  55. I have totally lost my hope on the new chairman of EC which has become the 14th component party of BN.

    Sooner or later, MACC(SPRM) will be given the status of 15th component party of BN or it may have already been the member of BN.

  56. my theory is pretty simple, Najib probably is part of the larger ploy set by the PR. By baiting Najib into believing that he can wrestle back Perak for BN, behind the scene it create a worst image of BN and Najib. See how the rakyat despise BN. You will see PR will win bigger in Gantang and Selambau. BN image as rakyat savior is sinking faster that Titanic, if you notice it. PR probably is baiting Najib so that he have some form of arrogance and confidence to hold the snap election sometime end of this year or early next year and thus, PR will be able to trash BN once and for all.

  57. EC were never seen to be fair and above politics of the ruling BN government.

    It would be hard time to change their mentality because they are appointed by the BN Government.

    PR should start concentrating on the works at hand, to win the election aand show to all that whatever EC may try to influence, the power lies with the people.

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