Patriotism and Hate-Speeches are Different Things

By Farish A. Noor

Nothing stirs the humbug soup better than spurious talk of patriotism and loyalty. The saddest thing of all is that more often than not whenever there is the rallying call to demonstrate one’s patriotism and to show one’s love for the nation, it comes from the most narrow-minded, chauvinistic and intolerant quarters of society.

This was demonstrated in Malaysia recently when political differences between the ruling National Front coalition led by the UMNO party and the opposition People’s Alliance (Pakatan Rakyat) spilled out onto the streets. In the wake of the take-over of the state assembly of the state of Perak by the National Front, several politicians of the People’s Alliance – including veteran opposition politicians like Karpal Singh of the Democratic Action Party and the former Chief Minister of the state Nizar Jamaluddin – cried foul over the means that were used to wrestle control of the state assembly from their hands. Complicating matters was the role of the Sultan of Perak who chose not to dissolve the Perak Assembly but instead allow for a new National Front-led state government in a matter of days.

Now from the wider perspective of world politics, the goings-on in the state of Perak somewhere in North Malaysia may not have even registered a blip on the international news radar. Indeed, years from now the historian may write on the episode and sum it up in one sentence, as an instance of power changing hands in a controversial manner.

But what is alarming was the reaction of the Youth Wing of the UMNO party that reacted to the protests of the opposition party leaders by condemning them for having the temerity to question the process and the role of the Sultan in the debacle.

Among the leaders of the UMNO Youth Wing who were present to further complicate the situation was Khairy Jamaluddin, son-in-law of the Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi who is stepping down from his post as Prime Minister by March this year. Speaking before a crowd of his loyal fans and supporters, Khairy was reported to have asked them “in the past, what did we do to traitors?” – to which they replied “Kill them!”

That chants for death and vengeance can be made in public like this and at a demonstration led by a politician said to have been educated at Oxford suggests that Malaysian politics has reached a new low of late. For a country that once aspired to attain ‘first world status’ and a ‘first world mentality’ – to quote Prime Minister Badawi, father-in-law to Khairy himself – there seems little to suggest that Malaysian politics today has evolved any further than the sorry standards of Bantuland.

When right-wing conservative politicians lead rallies that end with chants for death and retribution, we know that the normative operational rules of democratic politics have been breached and that we are now on a different playing field altogether. One is reminded of the hate-speeches of the Nazis and Fascists of Germany and Italy who likewise claimed the values of Patriotism and love of the nation as exclusively theirs; and who decried and condemned their opponents as the enemies of the state, worthy of banishment, exile, persecution, imprisonment and ultimately death.

Likewise we have seen the same sorry state of affairs in many an other failed state and dysfunctional polity where the democratic process is all but redundant and the rule of law usurped by the might of thugs and squads of goondas instead. Indonesia and the Philippines during the era of Suharto and Marcos witnessed the use of such right-wing stormtroopers who hounded the political enemies of their paymasters; and who were later responsible for a host of attacks, killings and disappearances. In Pakistan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto contributed to the slide in law and order when he too created his own para-military force to serve the interests of himself and his party; but which ultimately helped only to erode even further the credibility of the state and the process of law in the country.

Is Malaysia heading down the path of these countries too, then? Well thus far it can be surmised that an education at Oxford – sponsored or self-financed – certainly does not serve as a guarantee of a democratic outlook or a mature mindset. Had this been the behaviour of spotty teenagers suffering from hormonal imbalance, one could have dismissed the demonstrations in Perak as a case of stupid boys doing what stupid boys do. But this was a demonstration organised by a political party, led by an aspiring politician, who was savvy enough to realise the full import and gravity of the words he uttered, and cognisant of the emotional effect they were bound to have.

Hate speech is hate speech, even if it is cloaked in the guise of a misguided patriotism. The pressing need at the moment is for Malaysians to reclaim the value and meaning of patriotism again, and not let it be defined solely by those who equate patriotism with love of themselves, their party or their political interests. Should that come to pass, then hope will surely be lost.

69 Replies to “Patriotism and Hate-Speeches are Different Things”

  1. According to the Father-in-law, such hate speeches and fiery demos are not part of our culture. That monkey must’ve been a stray specie and somehow got washed ashore onto Malaysia all the way from deep Kalimantan. No way it could be from Oxford, unless the fibbing FIL had fibbed about this SIL.

  2. Here again, we have another stupid brainless idiot [deleted]. He thought the rakyat is stupid like him. Banning our brother Karpal from Perak.
    Hey, you dumb dumb so called Tengku, where are you when mamak kutty took the royalties power away?? Perhaps flying kite or your brainless skull was buried under the sand. You are a real hypocrite. You should be the very bum that should be kick out of Perak. You brought shame to the Perakians.
    Perakians has had enough of hypocrites like you in the new government. Just piss off and fly your kite.

  3. Only in Bolihland can actions like these done by any of the GOONS are let off with 1001 reasons.
    If it’s done by any member of the PR team or the peace loving RAKYAT, those same GOONS will find 1001 reasons for ‘baldie’ to act on and ISAed!
    Well, we’ve to be patience and wait for GE 13 to send them packing!

  4. It’s not even patriotism to begin with, because our patriotism is towards Malaysia and the Federal Constitution. So what is but a mere royalty from one out of many states in Malaysia? But I doubt those misguided loyal supporters of UMNO will be able to set the trees apart from the woods.

    I don’t quite agree with what Farish said about “here seems little to suggest that Malaysian politics today has evolved any further than the sorry standards of Bantuland” though. I think he meant “little to suggest that UMNO/BN POLITICS today..” because I haven’t seen such thick hypocrisy from Pakatan ever.

  5. “But what is alarming was the reaction of the Youth Wing of the UMNO party that reacted to the protests of the opposition party leaders by condemning them for having the temerity to question the process and the role of the Sultan in the debacle”. Farish A. Noor

    Yet we have so often heard them saying the need to listen to the people and the need to change especially after the last general election. You see, UMNO will never change. I guess everybody is caught up with the UMNO disease: cakap tak serupa bikin.

    To UMNO, power is to be enjoyed, never to bring changes to this country. They are forever trapped in a warp – racist, utterly contemptuous, kurang ajar, third world and tribal. They never realise the way they behave now is as bad if not worse than “unsheathing the kris”. But of course I can’t expect them to see their own follies. Greedy and stupid people will never change – forever blinded by greed and blurred by stupidity.

    All the BN clowns think the recent events have rejuvenated BN and provided them the chance to turn around. Increasingly you can see the mass media abusing and giving lopsided views and government agencies showing their blatant biasness. They know not they are dead wrong! Each wrong they committed, each abuse they perpetrated, and each lie they spawned will only strengthen the people’s resolve to cast them into oblivion. If UMNO win Bukit Gantang, I will not eat for one month.

  6. “My Pak Mertua is the PM. I got the special rights to incite. I got the privilege to be racist. I am immuned from Law. I dare you to arrest me with ISA, Musa Hassan!” Says the century best son-in-law, Khairy Jamaluddin.

  7. 0ne cannot refute that Najib’s extra 7b package to stimulate the economy is producing result. People are getting good money to spend by participating in UNMO-organised demos. Who would refuse rm100 just to carry some banners and shouting “hidup tuanku”…….”hidup melayu” Patriots, are they?????

  8. No one should ever challenge the decision of Sultans. Anyone that shows disrespect to the Sultans should be ripped off his or her citizenship immediately because they are not fit to be part of Malaysia. Sultans have provided peace and prosperity to all the States and they are our Guardians. This is Tanah Melayu and not India!

    I also wish to commend the fast reactions shown by Yang Berhormat Khairy and his men. Khairy is a real hero in modern history of Malaysia and all races should show their respect to him. Under his leadership, UMNO Youth has been taken to new height and Orang Melayu is being respected by all people around the world. Without UMNO and the Sultans, Orang Melayu are still subordinated to other races and living in poverty. UMNO has given back Bumiputra the wealth and prosperity that belongs to them in Tanah Melayu. UMNO has done a lot to adjust the inequality of this society and UMNO has brought us to International Arena. Without UMNO, there is no Bangsa Melayu! I support stern and fast action to be taken against those who shows disrespect to the Royal family and UMNO!

  9. My two friends who are long time UNMO members told me KJ has the support of Najib in the coming contest for the UNMO Youth Chief’s post. Najib will feel ‘uncomfortable’ with Mukhris helming the youth wing. And……..just for infomation purpose, these two friends of mine never voted for UNMO in elections. Long time ago they advised me to join MCA just for “cari makan” like them.

  10. Farish Noor has examplified the situation correctly. Who is more dangerous than a thief, an educated thief. Thieves are theives, but when the thief steals from you, justifies it & then issues threat against anyone who question them, then they have become FACIST.
    This educated thief is manipulating the sitution for the monkey media for the general public since the monkey elections are very soon.
    Monkey Say, Monkey Do, the general public & voters are simply convulsed by such behaviour. The thief failed to realise public perception. The by election will determine the public backlash against recent events.

  11. “Without UMNO, there is no Bangsa Melayu!” (Kasim Amat)

    Without UMNO, there is no Bangsa Melayu but there will be Bangsa Malaysia!

    GO! GO! GO!

    GO all out to topple UMNO in General Election 13!

    GO! GO! GO!

    GO assert the civil liberty and constitutional civil rights to sue the Sultan in the hymns of Swan Song!

  12. Onlooker Politics says:
    “GO assert the civil liberty and constitutional civil rights to sue the Sultan in the hymns of Swan Song!”

    Onlooker Politics, I seriously urge you to retract what you said. You can be arrested under ISA for this irresponsible remark! Please apologise to us for your remark now!

  13. Kasim Amat, just one simple scenario:

    You are asked to do something by a sultan, but in your mind you think it is not right, and you would still do it because you would not, in your own words,

    “No one should ever challenge the decision of Sultans. Anyone that shows disrespect to the Sultans should be ripped off his or her citizenship immediately because they are not fit to be part of Malaysia. Sultans have provided peace and prosperity to all the States and they are our Guardians. This is Tanah Melayu and not India!”

    Wondering where you took your lessons in Logic and Reasoning.
    Why roped in India, by the way? To you Tanah Melayu would be implying “ketuanan melayu” , if I didn’t read wrongly.

    In a land called Malaysia, sultans don’t give out citizenships. This is 21st century Malaysia. And we are already global, “glokal” if you like.

    Which sultan gave you “prosperity” by the way? Be very careful what you said about “being given prosperity”, as it could be interpreted as something else!

    Good luck to you, by the way.

  14. “Onlooker Politics, I seriously urge you to retract what you said. You can be arrested under ISA for this irresponsible remark! Please apologise to us for your remark now!” (Kasim Amat)

    Kasim Amat,

    You speak like Grigory Rasputin of Russia in year 1916.

    If Hitler was still alive, then you would the best Chief of German Gestapo.

    If I were the Home Minister, I would recommend that you be appointed as the IGP instead of Musa Hassan.

    Like you, Grigory Rasputin also claimed that he was the patriot of Romanov Dynasty!

  15. Kasim Amat,

    Since I have some really free time, I would like reply to your post which would make me sound stupid but its’ okay for me.

    Your unreserved praise for UMNO/ Khairy and sharing their thought that the Sultan have been insulted and that the Sultan’s decision must be accepted at any time anywhere.

    This mentality and understanding showed a poor attitude of faith and underdeveloped intellectual reasoning. I have even come across a banner by UMNO youth that reads “Derhaka kepada Sultan, Derhaka kepada Allah”.

    It seems that UMNO and even yourself Kasim has placed men above God, or at least equate the Sultan to God, great prophet Muhammad himself dare not even think that he was even close to God in ranks and position. Now, UMNO’s statement and your agreement have become a gravely heretic mentality and a great insult to the Islamic faith and also to other world religions.

    “Without UMNO, there is no Bangsa Melayu! I support stern and fast action to be taken against those who shows disrespect to the Royal family and UMNO!”- Kasim Amat

    I have great respect to the Sultans, by putting the royal family and UMNO above the Rule of Law, equating to God should be condemned by all generations of Malaysia. An insult to God, an insult to democracy, an insult to the people.

    It seems helpless and futile to explain all this to you. May God have mercy upon you, may the truth of justice compel your unfortunate uncivilized thoughts and concept.

  16. Kasim Amat,

    Go read the Special Court Clauses of the Federal Constitution before you write your comment here!

    The DYMM Yang Dipertuan Agong who signed approval for the Special Court Clauses in 1993 was Sultan Azlan Shah.

    You are the only patriot here who does not know the constitutional civil rights of Malaysia! Shame! Shame! Shame!

  17. Well guys, one can really get bogged down and bored to the extreme by the nonsensical, infantile, ultra-retrogressive, sickening, illogical, racist, cavemen-like, arrogant, spoiled-brat inspired, degrading, and whatnot, show staged by a bunch of nonentities.

    Goes to show that they are incapable of doing any other thing. Perhaps they are just out of jobs? Or they were paid to stage a sandiwara for some loose change?

    They seem to be clamouring for attention and without a cause.

    The people of Perak have spoken clearly. Don’t they understand?


  18. Kasim Amat,

    Just to add, no matter how perfect is UMNO to you, you must be open-minded to accept the possibility of UMNO being wrong.

    Eventhough, I am a strong supporter Pakatan Rakyat and DAP. YB Lim Kit Siang is not God, YB Lim is still a man, highly potential to make mistake. What makes YB Lim different from Khairy is that, YB Lim accept critisism with an open-heart and if his conscience tell him that he is wrong, YB Lim is the first one to apologize without any reserve.

    Your constant praise to UMNO shows that you have idolized UMNO. This heretic statement is punishable by stoning to death in the traditional Islamic law. Fortunately, we have Pakatan Rakyat now to sustain the constituition and the Rule of Law. Without Pakatan Rakyat, I am afraid that even your rights are not protected no matter how much you “worship” UMNO.

  19. Yeah! Yeah! Kasim Amat idolized UMNO God! Kasim Amat should be stoned to death because of doing idolatry?

    No! No! No! With the merciful grace of the TRUE GOD, Kasim Amat is asked to repent now and turn to do good for all mankinds in the world.

    No more racist talk! No more biased opinion to support the unconstitutionality of UMNO or the rulers. A constitutional monarch must act and behave constitutional first before he can well serve as the Monarch.

    UMNO is just a coma-juggling corrupted party which needs to be toppled the sooner the better!

  20. Kasim Amat Says:
    Yesterday at 23: 38.27

    No one should ever challenge the decision of Sultans. Anyone that shows disrespect to the Sultans should be ripped off his or her citizenship immediately because they are not fit to be part of Malaysia. Sultans have provided peace and prosperity to all the States and they are our Guardians. This is Tanah Melayu and not India!

    What you said reflected on your ability to think straight and a
    shallow mentality of a street kid. Fine, why do you start with
    You are no better than those paid goons at the demonstration.

  21. Standard Chartered Bank was allowed to sue the late Tuanku Jaafar of Negeri Sembilan.

    Mr Karpal Singh was not allowed to serve as defending counsel for MB Nizar.

    These are the double standards being applied by the UMNO patriots:
    1) A foreign bank in Malaysia has the rights to sue the Sultan.
    2) A Malaysian citizen with serious consideration to sue like MB Nizar has no rights to sue the Sultan.

    UMNO patriots are just the apple polisher of foreigners and are the oppressor of fella citizens of Malaysia!

  22. For UMNO, derhaka kepada Allah is not an issue. Such as against Hudud, support corruption, illegal government, no action on apostate and all activities that are non-compliance to Islam. But derhaka kepada Sultan is a BIG issue. They dont want to accept that Sultan or Agong or PM or DPM or any other leaders can do mistake and if they against the law, they can be sued to the court. Just accept the truth and move forward. No twist and turn, i don’t know what you want answer to Allah after die. Hopefully not “Hidup UMNO”.

  23. “No one should ever challenge the decision of Sultans. Anyone that shows disrespect to the Sultans should be ripped off his or her citizenship immediately because they are not fit to be part of Malaysia.” (Kasim Amat)

    Based on Kasim Amat’s logic, UMNO patriots will be going to make a proposal to Najib very soon in order to revoke the banking license of Standard Chartered Bank because this bank already took the late Tuanku Jaafar to court and obtained a court order which required Tuanku to pay RM1 million debt owing to the bank.

    Kasim Amat is going to shake the Standard Chartered Bank and destroy the banking confidence in Malaysia with his erratic opinion!

  24. First of all, we do not worship UMNO because it is not our practice. We simply respect UMNO and expect all Malaysian to do the same. UMNO is not just a political party but an icon that is behind the success of Malaysia. Without UMNO, Malaysia is still a 3rd world country and probably 80% of the people is still living in poverty. Without UMNO, can the Chinese and Indian enjoy their prosperity and peace over the past 40 years? If without UMNO, Malaysia would have been going through the race riot that Indonesia had gone through in the 90s with lost of lives and properties.

    UMNO’s generous and open policies have allowed other races to enjoy the same rights given to Orang Melayu and Malaysia is the only country in the world who did this. I don’t deny that majority of Chinese and Indian show gratitude to what the UMNO has done to them in the past, especially during Tun Mohamed Mahathir’s term. Don’t forget that Chinese and Indians migrate to Tanah Melayu because their own countries were still under developed. Even these two countries are still lagging behind Malaysia now, our leaders in UMNO provide a better place for the two races to live. I do not want to see that after many years these two races having enjoyed a good life in Tanah Melayu, they are now gradually forgetting the bottom line of Malay supremacy, which includes the notion of Ketuanan Melayu in all levels and the power and distinctive rights of the Royal rulers. This indeed happens and it is a very sad case until our young and vibrant Malay figher YB Mr Khairy fixes it. I hope that all races can be clear who is the rightful “Tuan” in this country and do not ever cross over the line. Those who plays fire with the Royal rulers and the rights of the Malay will have to face serious consequences. Please be grateful what UMNO and the Royal rulers have done to us and show your respects.

  25. “Khairy is a real hero in modern history of Malaysia and all races should show their respect to him.” (Kasim Amat)

    Yeah! Yeah! Khairy is a real hero? But Mukhriz Mahathir is many manay times more a real hero than Khairy in UMNO party!

    But none of them is the real hero of Malaysia!

    The real hero of Malaysia is Mr Karpal Singh who managed to save a 14 years-old boy from being hang to death in Pudu Jail of Malaysia during mid 1970s!

    When does Kasim Amat want to change the political boss?

  26. For those who do not agree with UMNO, let me tell you this, UMNO is the home to all Malays and you are welcome to join at any time. We will continue to fight for the benefits of Malay in this Tanah Melayu, our home. The Malay has suffered long enough in the past and it is time for us to get back what belongs to us. UMNO is here to make sure this happens and it happens everyday. As long as we have faith with UMNO, Malay will be stronger and all races will live in peace and prosperity.

  27. “I don’t deny that majority of Chinese and Indian show gratitude to what the UMNO has done to them in the past, especially during Tun Mohamed Mahathir’s term.” (Kasim Amat)

    So, who will you choose to become the next UMNO Youth Chief, Mukhriz Mahathir or Khairy Jamaluddin?

    “This indeed happens and it is a very sad case until our young and vibrant Malay figher YB Mr Khairy fixes it. I hope that all races can be clear who is the rightful “Tuan” in this country and do not ever cross over the line.” (Kasim Amat)

    So, who is your “Tuan” now, Mukhriz Mahathir or Khairy Jamaluddin? Don’t tell me both of them are also your esteemed “Tuan”!

    “Please be grateful what UMNO and the Royal rulers have done to us and show your respects.” (Kasim Amat)

    Yes, I am thankful that UMNO and the Sultan have[deleted] my Constitutional civil rights to choose a government by majority votes, by way of appointing a minority government to govern on me the governed!

  28. “The Malay has suffered long enough in the past and it is time for us to get back what belongs to us. UMNO is here to make sure this happens and it happens everyday.” (Kasim Amat)

    Well, in Malaysia there is only one thing left in the Chinese’s hand which you Malays may get back whether or not it does really belong to you! It is the CASINO license!

    Please ask Najib to get it back quickly! Let’s see how soon the financial market will collapse!

  29. Onward Freedom Fighters
    Protect your beloved Nation.
    Do not be afraid of twisters
    Nor submit to their temptations.
    Onward People’s Power
    So powerful… united as one
    Speak and face the cowards.
    Evil doers will be done.
    No violence…so said Gandhi
    Disobedience to the crooks
    They can torture your body.
    But not your soul.
    Through out history…truths conquers all.
    So said …Mahatma Gandhi
    All Freedom Fighters must heed Babu’s call
    If they h9old dear…freedom for all.
    Evil doers know that too.
    Provocations….arrests…fear and bribes will be used.
    A sign of their final desperate days.
    Drink..sleep .. be merry…be calm.
    Be strong…brave…the next day..and the next.
    Soon… you will be rewarded with real freedom.
    Proudly all want to be known as..MALAYSIANS.

  30. pardon me my tirade people….

    yo! kasim “kissmyaxx” amat

    u’r the one playing w/ fire on this post. u draw so much ire u’r asking for the obvious n let me spell it out for u. again.
    why must umno fight for prosperity of the malays despite the nep, isa, igp, dpm, macc, ktm (ketuanan), add-ur-own-acronyms, for 50 frigggin years?


    ditto the next 50. umno power boys gives u crumbs so u worship unadulterated giving them blank check to do whatever. losers!

    “khairy is hero” of what? the guy snakes his way thru oxford [deleted]. he stirs primitive cries for blood in the 21st century, for gosh sakes!

    “Without UMNO and the Sultans, Orang Melayu are still subordinated to other races and living in poverty.” what now umno and sultans belong in the same sentence? whatever happened to when the sultans were roadblocks for umno? n why is orang malayu living in poverty??

    “Without UMNO, Malaysia is still a 3rd world country..”? dude! malaysia never left! been 50 frigggin years, n we have more people than au, hk, sg, etc. what did u say umno did??

  31. This has nothing to do with Oxford’s education but everything to do with how one uses such education for one’s purposes which depends on whether one is a scholar/intellectual or politician! Whilst a Scholar grapples with the true and abrtract meaning of patriotism, democracy or ethics, a Politician would be concerned with how to manipulate these concepts to rise to power and consolidate it!

    Hate-speeches of the Nazis give good lessons on how to rise to power. A politician needs people support. He has to tell them what they want and need to hear. He is more effective to stir and appeal to their emotions – especially promodial and tribal racial sentiments – than their intellect.

    Since nothing brings people closer than a common enemy, create a common enemy and galvanise hatred towards that enemy. Hitler scrapegoated the Jews. Here it doesn’t matter it is Karpal or Nijar the person, or non Malays or whatever else. The institution of Rulers as embodiment of Malays culture values and heritage offers a good platform to create the “common enemy” so that hate speeches may be directed against it to unite supporters behind the “champion” fighting the common enemy.

    Any attempt by Scholar to apply logic, constitutional law to prick and contradict the bladder of lies, distortions, hate speeches of the Politician is a waste of time because the Politician’s and a Scholar’s goals are divergent. Can a chicken talk to a duck? Or one who seeks Truth to one who seeks Power???

    Here knowing F.I.Law is departing from position of political patronage soon, so ambitious S.I.L is in a hurry to do what he could to build up political stock within confines of UMNO Ketuanan ideology as quickly as he can. He seizes on this issue : perceived defiance of Rulers as symbols of the supremacy of that ideology.

    There’s nothing more to it. Oxford has taught how and what to say – to evoke the support – of a target audience by addressing the same securities and concerns that political predecessors had played up to ascend politically. It is a well trodden route. It has guaranteed success in the past and up to now. The Question is whether there are new conditions at play nowadays for such strategy to work as effectively.

  32. Kasim Amat;

    The credit for a peaceful Malaysia does not go to UMNO, more to the peace loving and tolerant Malaysians. It is character like you and KJ with your ketuanan melayu mentality that stir the hornet nest.
    The prosperity of this nation by and large is a contribution from all other races with their blood and sweat. Obviously, you will never understand because most of your life is depended on welfare and handouts. Get real man.

  33. It is very confused here.

    This Perak crisis is created by the 4 YB jumping frog.

    The 4 YB know this February will be Perak Sultan Jubilee 25th Birthday to the throne and it will be a grand royal birthday celebration in Perak.

    Why they raised and created this crisis near the Perak Sultan Jubilee 25th Birthday, they should know that this state government crisis will be a great disrespectful to the Sultan of Perak who will have Sultan Jubilee 25th Royal Birthday in February.?

    Anyone respect and loyal to the Sultan, he/she should not create any matter will bring any crisis to the Sultan Birthday especially the Sultan 25th Jubilee Birthday grand celebration?

    Why the 4 YB created this crisis during Sultan Jubilee 25th Birthday?

    Isn’t it the 4 YB should respect the Sultan and Sultan Jubilee 25th Birthday, and should avoid anything to interupt Sultan Jubilee 25th Birthday?

    The 4 YB created and raised this crisis during Sultan Jubilee 25th Birthday to the throne, should we consider this crisis is a great disrespectful to the Perak Sultan?

    Isnt it if the 4 YB not raise any crisis recently, the Perak Sultan Jubilee 25th Birthday will be full of joys and great memory to Perak Sultan and Perak People?

  34. KJ is positioning himself for the forth coming UMNO election. AS for Kassim Amat, don’t waste your time reasoning with him, he has nothing to offer! Just blind faith.He talks about being in the first world, yes come 2525!

  35. Hitler exploited the Great Depression of the 1930s. Farmers couldn’t fetch the prices for their produce to survive; workers lost their jobs, middle class their savings. With many unemployed, they were compensated a unique sense of identify and belonging if the joined the Nazi party. They looked to it to make a living. They rallied around the ideology of fatherland (German Patriotism) whipped up by vilifying the common enemy of the Jews within German borders and the Western powers, outside, that had humiliated Germany by several “unfair” treaties restricting German re-armament after World War I.

    Flash forward to today, and we face another Economic Crisis promising as great an effect as the last Great Depression and as great a promise for political exploitation!!

    There may be a lot of unemployed people around, many Mat Rempits, many angry people looking for a target to vent their frustrations. They are fertile ground and offer unique opportinties to politicians on both sides of the political divide to exploit for the ends of power. They are fodder for harnessing – and recruitment to one’s political cause.

    Anwar representing the Opposition will push for the message that relief from economic woes will come from evicting the ruling coalition from power. Otherwise common common rakyat will suffer more from economic mismangement and wastage as vested interest continues with their toll taking and rent collection from the peoples toils and taxes not given back to ameliorate their suffering.

    People in power bent on preserving vested interest will try of course to manage the economy to mitigate the economic tsunamy but it is not easy in part because of the system of wastage and corruption entrenched and in part they can’t control global conditions that control this country than the other way around.

    Ruling coalition have always maintained power from money politics and horse trading but now it becomes increasingly difficult as harsh economic conditions undercut and diminish the source of money. Too aggressive and blatant a preservation of sources of money or creation of new sources will only be exploited by the Opposition telling the rakyat that their sufferings are aggravated by bthe “stealing” that goes on the other way.

    So some will be looking at alternative strategies to preserve power, wondering whether stepping up traditional communal divisions will also help – with the right amount of hate speech sufficient to unite but not too excessive to cause disturbance/violence.

    Both sides will try to play blame game capitalising on the frustrations and insecurities generated by the coming economic storm : the question is who will exploit these “new” and “changed” conditions better to their partisan benefit. Of course both sides will claim that they are fighting for the Cause of the People and Country. Of course the coalition in power has proven that it often is not. The other side has not the chance to prove anything yet either way but is at an advantage when it makes promises and blames thje ruling coalition for mismanaging the economy as conditions deteriorate.

    The fate of nation will then hinge on how the incumbent ruling coalition responds and defends against the challenges posed by opposition on a winning streak – whether by constructive or destructive methods, given these new and changed conditions brought by the severe economic downturn that both sides seek to exploit for their political ends.

  36. Its beyond hate speech already. When they started to protest and threaten Karpal Singh in front of his office who was only exercising his right under the law – law promulgated by no less than their own hero and idol, Mahathir, then its blindness – hypocrisy, ignorance, madness and chaos. Its just sheer Orwellian…

  37. What is Patriotic? Paying your taxes in time and pay as you due is Patriotic.

    Not paying taxes and evading taxes is NOT PATRIOTIC.

    BUT, the worst of not paying your taxes are those CORRUPT Bn fellow who has pocket and abused the taxes paid by the Rakyat for their own means. So BN are PATRIOTIC?

  38. Kasim Amat, I’m sorry to tell you that you are imbued with a false sense of pride. Haven’t you read about what our first Premier and Father of Independence the Tunku said: ‘Malaysia is a multi-racial country. There is only one way of running the country – the multi-racial way.’ UMNO has certainly done many wrongs that the Malays are not happy about, or most of them would not have voted PKR, PAS or DAP. Something like what the Filipino people did to President Marcos in the Mid 80s could happen here if UMNO leaders continue to deviate from the principles of how this country should be run. KJ certainly understands this. By his behaviour, KJ seems to show that he thinks the Malays subscribe to this type of low class politics. If this is in fact the prevailing thinking, then we can say that the government’s education is a failure.
    Perak is a very multi-racial state, and the present BN state government, made up of 27 Umno and 1 MCA rep just doesn’t reflect the true situation. I’m sure that most Malays do not like seeing this situation, including HRH the Sultan. In this time of looming economic crisis, what we in Malaysia most needed is the solid snd unwavering support and cooperation of all races to weather this economic storm, which is heading our way.

  39. After the successful takeover of Perak by immoral means and given blessings by a sultan, certain quarters of Umno are at it again.
    This time in Selangor and as rumours is around that the Adun of Port Klang is the latest target.
    Though the said Adun has denied about his intention but it doesn’t guarantee that it will not happen as what we’ve came across in the Perak crisis.
    Besides Port Klang, I do believe that there’re more to come as most of them are tempted to do so as the money offered to them are plenty.
    It’s a very lucrative business indeed and by selling off their constituency, they’ll be millionaires for the rest of their lives.
    Much more simpler than getting a lottery strike!
    Most likely ones are those who’re financially burden.
    Though there are no laws or rules that are preventing them to do so, I urged PR leaders to be more aware and well prepared, if such incident will to happen.

  40. /// Kasim Amat Says:
    Yesterday at 23: 38.27
    No one should ever challenge the decision of Sultans. Anyone that shows disrespect to the Sultans should be ripped off his or her citizenship immediately because they are not fit to be part of Malaysia. ///

    Kasim Amat,

    Imagine, just imagine for a moment, that the said Sultan used a golf club and bludgeoned your brother to death. Would you be so respectful and just take it as a loyal subject?


    Early this week, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, openly wept on live TV while commenting on the devastation caused by the bushfire that killed almost 200 people and made many more homeless.

    He was so moved by the tragedy that he could not hide his emotions. He was choking with emotions as he spoke and even briefly stopped speaking.

    Two years ago when floods engulfed Kota Tinggi and Segamat and thousands were made homeless and caused millions of ringgit in damages, Malaysian Prime Minister Ahmad Abdullah Badawi was happily holidaying in Perth, Australia. Some say he was on honeymoon but monitoring the situation from there.

    Compare the love and passion the two men have for their people?

    Rudd showed his love and deep passion for his people. He felt his people’s grief and was overcome with emotions. Those are the qualities of a true leader, love for his people.

    Abdullah was a personification of the entire UMNO leadership, selfishness and heartlessness.

    No love. No concern. A true leaders would have ‘walked in the waters’ with the people. Is this the patriotism UMNO leaders speak about? Is corruption patriotism?

    A person who has no passion for his people should not opt for public office. A leader worth his salt must stand by his people during a calamity or national disaster.

  42. I agree with what TheWrathofGrapes said. By the way, if the Government is thinking of giving back the immunity to the Sultans and their family members, then it is a serious matter, even as the simple example that was given by TheWrathofGrapes.

    To Kasim Amat, this is not Tanah Melayu anymore. This is Malaysia, whether you like or not. If it is not for the Chinese, Indian and other races that worked hard in Malaysia for all these years, you would not be able to enjoy the spoils now while the rest of us still have to work hard.

  43. Dear All,

    We should reconcile with the fact that Malaysia is wonderfully blessed with natural resources and the nation thrived both politically and financially as a result. Let us not be naive that Malaysia would have been what it is today without these natural resources. If one were to be more resourceful, checking out the history books, one will quickly realize that the Chinese and Indian immigrants were brought in by the British simply to toil on the tin mines and rubber estates so as to bring out the natural resources that Malaya was richly blessed with. The British government then could choose not to bring these immigrants in as they can exploit the Malays to work on them as well but they didn’t. We should also reconcile with the fact that purely due to the natural resources that Malaya had and which were cleverly and rightly used by the British government then, Malaya became the second richest nation in Asia just a notch behind behind Japan after merdeka in 1957. Where have gone to now? The nation of today were built by all the races and it is pointless to argue or spend countless time to debate as to who be the rightful owner of the soil. If one are to be calculative, look at the living state of our original Bumiputera, who are living in the jungle without electricity, without the so-called joy of the nation pride, Proton Wira. But then look at the lavishness of certain second generation Indonesians who are now proudly claiming to be first class citizen of Malaysia. Nothing is fair is this world and the Indonesians were given citizenship simply to boost the strengths of UMNO in numbers. Let us not be foolish to argue on this as UMNO is now having trouble solving the issues brought up by these Indonesian members of theirs. I am a firm believer of cause and effect and I do believe that what goes around, comes around and it will never fail coming back.

    UMNO is precisely in this situation today and they are dumbfounded with the extensiveness of its internal fightings among members. Having a mind-set thinking that this country belongs to you more than others would not solve the various pressing issues that the nation is currently bogged down. Not naming them openly by the current government doesn’t mean that they do not exist. If one were to look out internationally, at least 65% of the nations in this universe are in recession and how could Malaysia be excempted from it when we are 60% export oriented. The numbers are there and no one should wake Einstein from his grave to tell us that Malaysia is indeed in recession. As expected, Malaysia’s exports fell 15% in the month of December and export to US dropped by a huge 30%. The Ringgit is declining on concern of slump in industrial production. The Ringgit has weakened by 4.5% this year as the region’s exports collapsed amid a recession in the US, Europe and Japan. It is very difficult to be positive on the Ringgit going forward but just less than eight months ago, UMNO leaders were saying Rinngit would appreciate to RM3 vis-a-vis USD1 and many were cheerleading as these false accolades were uttered.

    I believe various nations are laughing and cackling jokes on our leaders as to the urgency of solving economic issues rather than wrestling a state government. Now, politicians will be busy for the next two or three by-elections. The entire nation will be glued to the results of these by-elections and the entire government machineries will be focussed on these by-elections.

    Get real, this country is moving towards a very difficult end.

  44. YB Khairy Jamaluddin has said to the public after the 318 election that UMNO will fight back and get back what we have lost in the election. This is the time to prove we are on track with what he pledged. I have confidence with Khairy and whether by hook or by crook, this land will eventually be taken back by BN. You can cry about financial problems or whatever problems Malaysia has now but it won’t stop us from achieving our goals. UMNO is not a weak party to be bullied. So please be prepared for the next battle and don’t tell us what is right and what is not. Don’t be surprised if Kedah and Selangor are the next targets.

  45. Khairy’s mouth vomits rubbish and stupid statement. So, what is his motive for doing this?It is to gain political mileage.

    A person like Khairy should never be a politician,parliamentarian , let alone Minister.

    I think he should consider going after the daughter of Najib now.

  46. Dear All,

    Saying things and making political promises are cheap and worthless. What is worth is the roadmap of achieving the things that we have set ourselves with. It is strange and at times, laughable, to note that Malaysians are still ignorantly believing those sugar-coated words uttered by our politicians. During the KT and Permatang Pauh by-elections, thousand of promises were made. But if you are a little bit more resourceful and visit or even give a few calls to the residents of both areas, you will quickly realize how many of those million promises were broken. Several of those federal UMNO leaders who were openly seen pushing wheelchairs of the less-fortunate are now never to be seen at the same area. A UMNO Deputy Minister who gave his personal hand phone to a group of less-fortunate citizens, refused to identify himself when calls were made to him recently.

    Wrestling state governments through the illegitimate and unlawful manner appears to be the order of the day in Malaysia. We are in a very deep self-denial position. You may be surprised to hear a Minister coming out to say that Malaysia is insulated from the world recession while knowing very 30,000 jobs were lost just last month.

    Rakyat Malaysia harus sedar bahawa kerajaan yang ada sekarang telah mula memporak-perandakan negara ini dengan memutar-belitkan fakta-fakta ekonomi dan sosial. Apakah rakyat Malaysia akan terus diabui dengan janji-janji manis? Apakah rakyat Malaysia begitu cetek pemikirannya sehingga boleh diperbofohkan oleh kerajaan UMNO-Barisan Nasional? Apakah rakyat Malaysia masih mempercayai bahasanya negara ini akan maju dan makmur pabila khazanah rakyat dan negara dijaga oleh gerombol pendusta tamak haloba?

  47. Under Constitutional Monarchy, no one is above constitution and law including rulers.

    The rulers’ traditional immunity from all civil and criminal suits was partially stripped in an amendment to the Federal Constitution in March 1993 (pushed by TDM’s administration) which allowed, with AG’s consent, civil and criminal suits against the King or any ruler in respect of their PERSONAL ACTS.

    Hence if a ruler commits a criminal wrong/offence like using a golf club and bludgeoning a person to death, he will be tried by the Special Constitutional Court. Likewise if he does a civil wrong : in October 08, the special court ordered Tuanku Ja’afar to pay US$1 million (RM3.6 million) to Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia to honour a commitment made in connection with a business deal.

    HRH Sultan of Perak’s act in interpreting the Perak State Constitution as allowing an appointment of a BN’s MB and transferring power of Perak state assembly is not a personal act that he has allegedly done wrong. That it is not a personal act but an official act carried out in interpreting the Perak state Constitution is admited by Karpal Singh : therefore I would surmise that it is not a fit and proper subject for the Special Constitutional Court, delaing with a sovereign’s personal act, to adjudicate or deal with.

    However the fact that it is an official act and therefore not a proper matter for the Special Constitutional Court to deal does not preclude it from being reviewed as to legality and validity by the ordinary courts. Taking a suit whether against MB BN Zamri does not preclude the additional measure of including the ruler as a defendant if as a matter of legal strategy, the aggrieved party thinks that such addition of the ruler as defendant would tie up the loose ends of legal aspects to win the case according to law. This is the way Karpal would think right as a lawyer concerned with legal considerations but which Anwar/PR coalition partners may think is not the right or politically favourable course by virtue of political calculations that certain segment of the populace may be angered by what they wrongly misconstrue as disrespect of the monarchy ibnstitution and the particular ruler.

    If this matter goes to ordinary courts (with or without the ruler being included as defendant), those who have a vested interest in preserving BN’s power in Perak State govt would argue that Perak’s Sultan’s official act of interpreting Perak constitution the way he did was valid and canot be impugned being exercised in “good faith”. The opposite side would say that is an interpretation wrong in law because aggreived party Nizar has an untrammelled right to call for dissolution of state assemby to pave the way for state wide elections which the Ruler could not withold consent.

    Whatever the merits of the Perak Sultan’s oficial decision, the above shows that there is nothing wrong or unpatriotic or treasonable in taking legal recourse whether in respect of ruler’s personal acts (civil or criminal wrong) in Special Constitutional Court or in official act for judicial review in ordinary courts, and for anyone to say otherwise, he is wrong and to stir the crowd on calls of treason qualifies as a “hate” speech.

  48. “UMNO is not a weak party to be bullied.” (Kasim Amat)

    Kasim Amat,

    Agreed! Agreed! Agreed! One Hundred percent agreed!

    UMNO is so strong and so energetic that if it does not attempt to bully and overpower other minority races of Malaysia, it will find itself suffer from the psychedelic states involving with many experiences elicited by sensory deprivation. Such experiences include hallucinations, changes of perception, synesthesia, altered states of awareness, mystical states, and occasionally states resembling psychosis.

    UMNO of the Modern Days Malaysia is the synonym of Alphonse Gabriel “Al” Capone of the 20th Century America.
    Who dares to bully UMNO? Most Malaysian people shall be thankful if UMNO can spare them from suffering as the victims of daylight looting or ISA detaining!

  49. Contents of my preceding posting is based on premise that in a Constitutional Monarchy Parliamentary System of Government – in sharp constrast to an absulte Monarchy of yesteryears/feudal times, it is the sovereignty of the people that takes precedence and since it is people’s representatives that make the laws in parliament based on the Constitution, NO person, whether rulers or even the more powerful prime minister (who is defacto ruler whom other rulers have to take his advice) is above the law and constitution! This also means ordinary subjects/people who are fully entitled to seek recourse to the law as final arbiter of all disputes and their rights, without let or hindrance, and free from all unwarranted accusations and intimidation of treason etc….

    That this is the position is established by none other than HRH Sultan Raja Azlan Shah when he as acting CJ (Malaya) (as he then was), in the case of Pengarah Tanah dan Galian, Wilayah Persekutuan v Sri Lempah Enterprise Sdn Bhd. said in a clear voice the following (I quote):

    “Every legal power must have legal limits, otherwise there is dictatorship. In particular, it is a stringent requirement that discretion should be exercised for a proper purpose, and that it should not be exercised unreasonably. In other words, every discretion cannot be free from legal restraint; where it is wrongly exercised, it becomes the duty of the courts to intervene. The courts are the only defence of the liberty of the subject against departmental aggression. In these days when government departments and public authorities have such great powers and influence, this is a most important safeguard for the ordinary citizen: so that the courts can see that these great powers and influence are exercised in accordance with law. I would once again emphasize what has often been said before, that ‘public bodies must be compelled to observe the law and it is essential that bureaucracy should be kept in its place’, (per Danckwerts LJ in Bradbury v London Borough of Enfield (1967) 3 All ER 434 at p 442).” (unquote)

    What is said by HRH the Sultan as then acting CJ in respect of official acts of government departments and public authorities would apply with equal force to official acts of the ruler [except in cases where it concerns Royal Prerogative that is the Ruler’s sole discretion].

    However whether that decision made by Sovereign is within “Royal Prerogative” is again not a matter for the ruler to decide as he then would be judging his own cause.

    It is still left to ordinary courts to decide whether it is matter of “Royal Prerogative” that courts canot go behind to review as to its validity or something the courts could.

    I hope the above clarifies the uncertainties and confusion over the issues raised here and preceding threads.

  50. We simply respect UMNO and expect all Malaysian to do the same.

    Only Kassim morons like him respect UMNO.

    UMNO is not just a political party but an icon…..

    Yes kassim you right 100%, UMNO is an icon of greed, racism, cronyism, parochialism, backwardness, kurang ajarness, tribalism and third world mentality. Prescisely because of UMNO, Malaysia has increasingly become third world.

    I hope that all races can be clear who is the rightful “Tuan” in this country and do not ever cross over the line.

    That moronic line – the line leading to stupidity and backwardness, we shall never cross. Other than that, we love and enjoy crossing you all the time and there is not a damn thing you can do about, hamba yang bodoh.

  51. One should suspect that kasim amat is a troll intentionally put into this blog by some trouble maker to create uneasiness and confusion among readers.

    Apart from being ridiculous and nonsensical, this troll’s purpose is to divert the attention of contributors from discussing real issues. We should ignore him once and for all.

    To answer whatever he put forward is just a sheer waste of time and reources.

  52. # undergrad2 Says:
    Today at 02: 42.32 (14 hours ago)

    “You Malays …??? Kasian Amat does not reprent all Malays. He is a troll. Treat him as just that.

    Thank you undergrad2. Be it Kasim Amat or Khairy the ‘Ox Graduate'(no disrespect to the Ox)-they DO NOT represent the Malays……well perhaps only for their their kulis/pak turut in UMNO. Pak turut who can’t think for themselves(what’s right and wrong) and will ‘sit and roll’ like a DOG if they are ask to.

    Kasim and Khairy…just shut the four letter word up – well you should know if you are an Ox Graduate (no disrespect again to the Ox). Your views and comments were just plain pathetic and ridiculous. To be honest…..I think ALL Malays should unite and call for a ‘jihad’ against these segment of people who are threatening to lead the Malays ‘backwards’, becoming stupider and racist- which are in fact against the tenets of the Islamic faith(considering majority of the malays are Muslims).
    Kasim/Khairy-your ‘kind’ of UMNO is the kind which ‘makan daging saudara sendiri’! You enriched the few, you suppress/prosecuted the good malays, who were/are the true ‘patriots’ of this country and worse you disseminate this ‘corrupted’ culture of bribery-part of the ‘subsidy’ mentality which UMNO thrives on to gain the support of the Malay population. If Khairy aspires to become another Hitler or equivalent & UMNO a Nazi party or equivalent(Allah forbids)-be sure to know there will be many of ‘us’ who will resist!!
    “UMNO is not a weak party to be bullied”. Kasim – you ARE Weak and if anything you are the TRAITOR! and not YB Nizar or even YB Karpal for that matter. Like YB Karpal said- REPENT!

    On final note- I fully support the disbanding of UMNO Youth Wigs..I mean Wings in its current form.

    *Sorry…that’s rather ‘fiery’ for my standard. terrible back pain today…and Kasim was too lame for my liking!

  53. ///The pressing need at the moment is for Malaysians to reclaim the value and meaning of patriotism again, and not let it be defined solely by those who equate patriotism with love of themselves, their party or their political interests./// Farish A. Noor

    Patriotism is love for and loyalty to one’s country. If objection to what happened to Perak was done out of hope that the country would practice true democracy so that there could be peace and prosperity, it is for the good of the country, and the objection was expressed out of love, for the country. That is patriotism.

    When UMNO considers it represents the country, and its de-facto chief is the head of UMNO kingdom, then any irritation to UMNO would be considered traitorous. UMNO kingdom practices absolute monarchy, and all institutions in the country are only to serve its interest. That is why we see UMNO youth behaving like secret army of UMNO kingdom, and the police would facilitate traffic control so that they can go onto the streets to threaten whoever they please.
    5) Andy unlined

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