DAP reaffirms support for PR to establish an alternative government

(Press Statement By DAP Secretary-General And MP for Bagan, Lim Guan Eng, In Petaling Jaya On 9.2.2009)

DAP’s commitment towards a multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-cultural Malaysia is not only an article of faith but a deep conviction in Bangsa Malaysia. DAP is inclusive of all races and religions. We represent the interests and fight for the rights every Malaysian.

In the effort of being representative of all Malaysians, including both Malays and non-Malays, the party is willing to undertake a transformational process that may be painful but necessary. We have no alternative but to grow without compromising our basic principles.

DAP reaffirms support for Pakatan Rakyat(PR) to establish an alternative government that is democratic, people-centric and with an ethical leadership based on the 5 principles of freedom, justice, truth, social welfare and universal moral values. In this regard the DAP supports PKR de facto leader DSAI Anwar Ibrahim as the Parliamentary Opposition Leader and will remain so as no single leader has ever questioned this during internal meetings whether at the highest levels or otherwise.

The Pakatan Rakyat leadership has clearly endorsed a position that no individual party policy can be PR policy unless it is fully approved unanimously by all three parties. DAP’s position on hudud and Islamic state is crystal clear and regardless of whatever support for both hudud and the establishment of an Islamic State, whether from PAS or PKR, this will not be PR policy as long as DAP does not agree to it.

Similarly DAP’s leadership has been consistently urging the government to enact an anti-hopping law even before the Perak crisis, and we have expressed support of our 28 MPs. As BN does not have a 2/3 parliamentary majority, the support of DAP’s 28 MPs will be required to effect any constitutional amendment for such an anti-hopping law.

As a democratic party, DAP policies can be changed in accordance with the wishes of its members. However until today there has been no request to question or disturb the basic framework of co-operation between the 3 parties of DAP, PAS and PKR that make up PR.

As the party secretary-general, I am duty-bound to execute these policies. However should any member wishes to change them, they are required to use proper party channels to do so and not use the BN-controlled media. I appeal to Sdr Karpal Singh as Chair of the DAP to use internal party channels should he wish to change these policies or even criticise my leadership.


56 Replies to “DAP reaffirms support for PR to establish an alternative government”

  1. Kapal is calling Anwar to step down as the Pakatan head. Miserable Kapal: he wanted to sue the Sultan of Perak and Anwar was against it. I think Anwar is doing the right thing to focus the attack on Najib and the new Mentri Besar and to leave the Sultan out of the picture. But no, Kapal does not see the big picture. Like a raging bull he will charge into the china shop and smash everything into smithereens. I don’t know why this blind bull when he sees the “misbehaving royalty” or the “PAS hudud” red flags he will suddenly loose sight of all good judgements and charge out blindly to his death.
    Kapal, kapal wake up, this is the new reality: the people don’t care whether you succeed to bash the royalty or not, but they want all races to exist together. Before the 2008, nobody has ever dreamt that this reality would come true if not for the sheer determination of Anwar. Whatever his fault, nobody is perfect, everybody makes mistakes, I will still bet on him.
    Kapal, you have not grown up politically. You are still a childish brat who only likes to throw tantrums if you do not get your way. Yesteryear, the people tolerated and cheered your childish ways because they knew that your party have no avenues to dent the mighty BN colossus. But now, your party is part of the ruling coalition in 5-states. You have to ditch your gutter politics and adapt to to a more civilised and sophisticated mode. Your first salvo during the 1st Parlamentary session is no different from what Bung Moktar and other rude BN MPs are doing.
    Kapal, just to satisfy your disgust for the royalty, go ahead and sue the Sultan and give ammunitions to the BN to divide and rule. Do you want that to happen? [deleted]

  2. Dear All,

    It appears that the several long-outstanding internal party issues in the DAP had yet to be amicably resolved. While many would agree that no party had ever been able to agree on all matters among its leadership and members, it is also an added pressure on the DAP leadership since these issues are brought up during this trying period. The statement issued by the DAP sec-gen goes to show that Pakatan Rakyat had agreed to speak in one single voice on all issues. However, it is also worthy to note that while the leadership may agree to move forward together, one must establish the sentiment among other junior leaders if they are on similar path. Veteran politician, Karpal Singh has made his stand absolutely clear but then again, the leadership of DAP must also verify with him as to why he chose to voice his outburst on TV or as what Sec-Gen Lim Guan Eng says, the BN controlled media. Is it that there has been a lack of avenue or channel for him to air his view(s). Or is it that he was plain disgusted with the leadership which has been ignoring his calls? Or even worse still, if the party leadership had never took his views seriously? These are urgent and critical issues for the DAP leadership to resolve with Karpal Singh, failing which may result in further exploitation by the BN and its controlled media.

    I believe that many junior politicians in the DAP had their fair share of dissapointment and dissatisfaction as in any party would but then again I hope the spirit of togetherness, people interest above self interest would prevail and bring the best out of Pakatan Rakyat. A longer term view should triumph over short term but then again not many of our politicians today could appreciate this.

  3. Karpal had on many occasions been shooting straight from his hip with words that should be carefully rethought about. Its hsi style and so far no one in DAP dare to tell him off until today this statement from LGE. I salute you LGE…be a true and straight Sec-Gen and the party and PR will move on to better pastures.

    Even after BN and Parliament had censured Karpal for his outbursts…he continues to go this way….without caring about others. Yes he is the Lion Of Jelutong but dont forget the people of Jelutong had thrown him out once to teach him a lesson but seems he never learns.

    In the corporate world, employess are asked to work hard and work smart. Similarly, Karpal should speak out but also speak smart…ie speak at the right occasion and speak where necessary. Dont simply shoot out from your old hip which is so unsteady now.

    This is the time for all in PR to be solidly together and not to shoot at each other. I believe there are many avunues within PR to shoot at but not at this time where you had always shoot at the wrong timing. Yes you think you are great but guess its different timing now…its IT world and its Generation X now. Kindly simmer down and retire to your grandfather days and let your sons handle the politics of today. Thank you.

  4. Greetings!

    Agreed and we, the PR supporter would like to see if the problem being solved internally instead of channel from the local main media (Local Newspaper) that always mis-lead /interpreted. (This is apply to both PKR as well as DAP)

    Good Luck. “Hidup Rakyat”

  5. Nobody wants to drag His Highness to court, even Rakyat.
    Let Karpal does what he think it’s right. I think at this moment, everyone has to try everything to get things right.
    We had pledged our support to Anwar for toppling the government; 916 is looooooooooooooooooooong gone.

    Sultan is just a spagegoat. The real political assassins are Najib and Zambry. As long as Perakians rejected them, they won’t helm the state smoothly. Reject them terang terang. Ignore them…
    If dare, put all Perakians into ISA for treason.

  6. A large black Mercedes Benz with number plate AU 1 with the Perak State Crest is attracting attention in Kuala Lumpur.

    Anybody knows who owns it? The State Royal family? The Perak Government? A corporate leader with links? Anybody knows?

    Maybe it is nothing but the car is attracting the attention of the public nevertheless given the developments in that state.

  7. Until Anti hopping law is introduced, defections & rumours of defections will continue to be a feature in the Malaysian political arena. Only hours after the 308 result, BN was already courting PAS on Selangor, right? So please don’t blame it on anybody lah. Some will do it on respectable principles but some will do it for money & God knows whatelse.

    Uncle Karpal,you don’t throw tantrums at your team mates & demand your captain be sent out in the 1st 5 minutes of a 90 minutes football match, do you? If you do, you are just making it easy for the opponent to slaughter your team. Go play some football & learn something about team spirit.

  8. Karpal behaves as though DAP is his personal property. He wants DAP to withdraw from Pakatan. Now he wants Anwar to quit the opposition.

    He talks about his emotions. What about the emotions of the party.
    Karpal should be grateful for being appointed DAP Chairman, a ‘ceremonial post’. He should take a leaf from Chan Man Hin as to act as Chairman.

    I have two proposals for Karpal, either behave or quit as Chairman and remain an ordinary member.

  9. Dear Karpal,
    I have high respect of your struggle with the other DAP colleagues to fight for a better Malaysia, though at times I do not agree with some of your statements or idea. I think this is because of your legal practice background and our Malaysian politic is very dirty; you need a different kind of approach to fight the arrogant UMNOputras.
    Your call for the resignation of Anwar and criticism against LKS and LGE over the press is most uncalled for. I’m definitely feeling very upset of your outburst.
    Please cool down and sort out the difference among the PR leaders.
    To persuade the East Malaysian MP (majority of them Kadazan and Dayak) to join PR to manage Malaysia on a ‘Just, Fair and Equal’ basis is not wrong from my layman point of view; if you consider how the BN had been playing absolutely unfair game during the election, and how the UMNOputras had revised the many parliamentary constituency to their advantage!

  10. DAP is what it is today, for the better or worse, because of PR in general and Anwar Ibrahim in particular.

    DAP cannot achieve what it has done so far, neither can it survive well all alone.

    PR fails in Perak largely because of the 3 low quality assemblymen/women in PKR and DAP.

    If Anwar steps down as the PR chief, forget about PR and DAP will be the first one to have to pack and go.

  11. I still remember right after 308 Uncle Kit put up a posting to ascertain whether to invite 30 BN’s MPs to take over the government. My comment was we should do it and do it quick before the GE13. The reason being is BN will never rest on its laurels and will by hook or by crook destroy PR. I still stand by my opinion and Perak is just the beginning.

    What Karpal’s comments about Anwar is correct base of the principals of laws and equality. He is a man of law and base that we shouldn’t cheat, no matter BN or PR. He is really a man of righteous, without fear or favour. What he missed out is that’s all base on a fair playing field. Now ever the referee is scoring goal for the opponent, do you still want to follow rule.

    Anwar is the commander in chief of PR, he is not a lawyer, and his mindset is as of a strategist. He applied Sun Tzu into his world view. We shouldn’t blame his 916 strategy. Even though thing don’t turn out as we hope, it really strike fear into BN’s camp, they send their MP’s into hideout and send UMNO into disarray.

    I think Anwar should use his trump card (if he has one) now before it’s too late. Once Najis become PM, the law of the jungle ruled.

  12. Well said LGE! I am 100% behind you!

    Quoted from the movie Warlord “IN BATTLEFIELD, THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE LEADER”. There are no second though, No matter how smart your are or how qualified are you, everyone move in unison!

    If we win, we win together, if we lose, we lose together… No finger pointing. Our objective is to reject a CORRUPT REGIME, SO STAY FOCUS!

    Remember, it take Dr Sun Yat Sen more that 9 revolt to over throw the Chin Dynasty(worst, he has to operate from Penang!).

    If any PKR supported do read my posting, please tell DSAI that whatever Karpal said is just his personal opinion and not majority opinion from DAP!


  13. Don’t blame Karpal for his outburst. He may be the Chairman of the DAP but he is on most occasions ignored, not consulted or brushed aside. It is always the father and son who are in the limelight with other Pakatan leaders.

    If the Chairman is not important or if his views not heard and taken into consideration or if he does not play any significant role, what good then is he being a Chairman? Is it only for cosmetic purposes?

    The DAP has similar problems previously and even now in all states, Penang, Perak, Selangor, Negri 9, Malacca with so many factions and infighting. Can the party survive in the long run? Is the party “democratic”?

    Karpal is fed up with all these shenanigens. He can bring the house down.

  14. “Karpal behaves as though DAP is his personal property. He wants DAP to withdraw from Pakatan. Now he wants Anwar to quit the opposition.”

    Aren’t you doing the same thing by proposing Karpal to quit the Chair?

  15. I read Chinapress, One of the PAS YB was passed away, it was a sad news. however, it is another opportunity to show BN that PR is Perak’s citizen favour!

    Let’s our PR stand up again and success!

  16. Breaking News!!

    (Malaysiakini) PAS member of Parliament for Bukit Gantang (Perak) Roslan Shaharum passed away this morning.

    No further details are available at press time. PAS leaders are now gathering details of his death before issuing a statement.

    It is learnt that the body is now at the Batu Gajah Hospital in Perak.

  17. Let me quoted the story from the 3 Kingdom.

    When Zhu Ge Liang was entrusted to take charge of the troop for his very FIRST battle….EVERYBODY was against it because he never being to battle before! even Liu Bei very own brother, the Great General Guan Yu and Zhang Fei as well as General Chow Zi Loong was against it!

    Because the order came from Liu Bei, everyone has to obey it….THEY WON and eventurely they set up the SHU KINGDOM!

  18. Political struggle has never been an easy task in any space and time. At this crunch time, somehow, I just couldn’t understand why PR couldn’t put their act together rather than having a public circus to call DSAI to step down..!!! If DSAI steps down, Karpal gonna be the new and better chief or what..??? Everybody seems to have everything to say in every way as if some kind of senile folks. No congruent political goal..!!!

    The current hollowness will cause the party to crash irreversibly like domino if everybody is pointing finger to everybody. People who have supported PR will start to churn doubts (just wait and see how much it will be) over PR political struggle. So, is it worth it due to this temporary set back after coming this far???

    Please stand up and fight back. I still believe in PR but away too tired to see all this circus of silly statements just because they can talk…!!!

  19. “Miserable Kapal: he wanted to sue the Sultan of Perak and Anwar was against it. I think Anwar is doing the right thing to focus the attack on Najib and the new Mentri Besar and to leave the Sultan out of the picture.” (vsp)

    I disagree that Anwar will be doing the right thing not to take legal action against the Sultan. This is the best opportunity for the Malaysians to get the High Court to define a set of rules for the rulers to follow and comply when serving as a constitutional monarch. Malaysia is no more feudalistic nation. Only a far-sighted political leader will foresee the needs of Malaysia to have such a set of rules for the rulers in order to set a limit on the prerogative power of the rulers. We do not want a ruler to threaten to sack any MB in the future simply because of the reason that the MB refuses to approve granting the state land to the ruler.

    Sultan Azlan Shah is a legally trained person by profession in the past. His Royal Highness will not be so petty on PR if Karpal has to take the Sultan to court. He wants a rule of law in Malaysia. Don’t you know that?

  20. Another by-election in Kedah???

    (Malaysiakini) PKR sources have informed Malaysiakini that the party’s elected representative in Kedah V Arumugam has submitted his resignation, necessitating a by-election soon for the Bukit Selambau state seat.

  21. sheriff singh Says:

    February 9th, 2009 at 12: 57.28
    Don’t blame Karpal for his outburst. He may be the Chairman of the DAP but he is on most occasions ignored, not consulted or brushed aside…..
    So what you are the chairman. You don’t get at your team players while they are still fighting their guts out in the open field trying to win a match which they are now trailing 5 states to 8 (or is it now 4 states to 9 and last we heard Kedah is also rocking). This is foolish!

    By all means settle all issues behind DAP closed doors & behind PAkATAN locked doors & workout a common strategy. We hope Karpal will pull himself up quickly & get into this TEAM match.

  22. This is what that “Bi..h” want for herself…

    Ketua Wanita DAP Kebangsaan, Chong Eng dalam ucapan ringkas sempena ceramah perdana di Dewan Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung (JKKK) Permatang Buluh semalam berkata keinginan Hee terhadap jawatan tertentu membolehkan dirinya dipergunakan oleh kuncu-kuncu BN yang senantiasa menanti saat untuk menumbangkan kerajaan pilihan rakyat pada pilihanraya umum ke 12 lalu.

    “Beliau beberapa kali mendesak saya selaku Ketua Wanita DAP untuk bersuara pada Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat di Perak agar menamakanya sebagai Exco tapi saya kata sabar kerana ada orang yang lebih layak memegang forfolio tersebut.

    “Bagi saya sudah cukup beliau dilantik sebagai Timbalan Speaker yang juga bertaraf exco yang mempunyai banyak kelebihan berbanding Adun biasa lagipun jawatan yang disandang merupakan sejarah negara apabila wanita pertama dilantik sebagai Adun ke jawatan Timbalan Speaker,” kata Chong Eng yang juga Ahli Parlimen Bukit Mertajam.

  23. DAP should seriouly relook into the unique cooperation of the PR, where politicians can jump in and out of any parties like no body business in Malaysia.
    Under such condition, it is unavoidable that voters who voted DAP in the 308 GE might feel uneasy with some PAS leaders’ statements on Hudud and pure Islamic state, where voters would not want to see this happening after the next GE if PR formed the next federal govt.
    DAP should not take things for granted that without its MPs support in the parliament, Islamic state could not be established!!!

  24. but i don’t understand when DAP stick to no hopping principle, yet DSAI still encouraging it. Any mis-communication or mis-aligned between DAP and PKR? or you all never discuss this over?

    This confuse people when DAP said NO, but PKR YES.

  25. “Don’t blame Karpal for his outburst. He may be the Chairman of the DAP but he is on most occasions ignored, not consulted or brushed aside…..” Onlooker Politics


    A Chairman settling party problems through the BN press instead of trashing them out internally? That would be suicide. Basically, Karpal has not grown up politically. He still relies on the gutter politics of yesteryear.

    Is it wise to go to court to sue the Sultan in the present environment where the Court is been muzzled? It will only be an exercise in futility. Who does not want to see a defined set of laws for the rulers to follow? But can you get it in a BN court? Not unless Pakatan is the federal government can this reality be realised. Karpal is a fool: he doesn’t realise that in politics there are many side-issues that will alway distract from the main issue, not like in a law-court where side-issues can be made irrelevant. This suing of a sultan can be a political minefield if you are not careful and in a BN-controlled world you would be dead meat even before you start. Just listen to the call for Karpal to be charged for sedition! Only fool will rush in where angels fear to tread.

  26. Taking the Sultan of Perak to court is the act of a foolish idealist rather than a realist. The A-G must give permission for the suit to go ahead and you know whose’s pockets the A-G is in. The act of suing the Sultan can backfire badly on PR.

    Karpal has become old and rigid in his thinking. He should either act as a ceremonial Chairman or retire to play with his grandchildren.

  27. KennyGan,
    DAP should not do what BN did in order to grap power at whatever cost, if it did, what is the difference between voting for BN than PR??? In fact it might be higher risk to vote for PR to form the next govt in order for PAS to implement its ultimate goal of establishing Pure Islamic state. If BN is changing for the better, it might recapture all its lost seats in the next GE!!!
    So dont “force” the voters to have no choice but to vote for BN in the next GE, unless there’s another way out or alternative i.e. DAP to request for max no. of seats to be contested!!! At least more than 1/3 of the GE seats to be contested by PR!!! This will be the insurance that voters who dont want to see pure Islamic state or Hudud being implemented!!! This insurance will work only if there’s no traitors within DAP to vote for Hudud or pure Islamic state to be established!!!

  28. We need people like Karpal who are stiff neck in order to put things right in the point of laws!!! If every one just submit just because that person is the Sultan or PM, what is the point of having laws in the first place???

  29. Sultan is the symbol of a monarchy. They don’t have actual ruling power. If a King murdered someone, is he immuned from prosecution?

    This time a king has murdered democracy, is he immuned from prosecution? Karpal is trying to prove that!

  30. ‘“Don’t blame Karpal for his outburst. He may be the Chairman of the DAP but he is on most occasions ignored, not consulted or brushed aside…..” Onlooker Politics’

    Where did you get to read that the above comments were written by me?

    You had better gotten your fact right before you quoted any reference.

    Mr Karpal is saying the right thing and doing the right thing now. The fortune teller next door just told me that Anwar would not have good fortune for the next two years until 2011. He could probaly become the Prime Minister only in 2012. So, it would be wise for Anwar to take rest for two years and let Dr. Wan Azizah to come back for another two more years. This arrangement will be the best plan for PR at the present moment. PR needs to build up the culture of taking the responsibility among all its top leaders. This will make PR look very much different from BN.

    The people don’t need a PR which looks very similar to BN. PR should show its niche to the Malaysian people.

  31. “Taking the Sultan of Perak to court is the act of a foolish idealist rather than a realist. The A-G must give permission for the suit to go ahead and you know whose’s pockets the A-G is in.” (KennyGan)

    Why do you jump into the conclusion so early before Mr Karpal has really tried? We don’t need another doomsayer at the moment of party crisis!

    Please be more forward-looking and don’t get bogged down in the quarrel!

  32. I have some personal acquintances who are members from royal family. They told me that it is much better to let the court decides on which is better for all Malaysians as a whole. Even the royal families are supportive of surrendering a dispute to court for judicial review. Why do those naive people still believe that the Sultan will be offended when there is court case against HRH?

  33. LGE,
    I am glad that Karpal Singh was willing to sacrifice his popularity and bring into open some of the fundamental policy issues confronting DAP and PR. I think we don’t have to feel lousy about it. If not for Karpal Singh, I think some of these issues can never get discussed. This is the era of openness and I believe DAP and PR can survive this debate.

    You said and I quote, “The Pakatan Rakyat leadership has clearly endorsed a position that no individual party policy can be PR policy unless it is fully approved unanimously by all three parties. DAP’s position on hudud and Islamic state is crystal clear and regardless of whatever support for both hudud and the establishment of an Islamic State, whether from PAS or PKR, this will not be PR policy as long as DAP does not agree to.”

    Now this is my questions: if we have PKR and DAP elected representatives who are willing to “trade” to bring the downfall of PR’s government in Perak, may I know what is there to prevent them from doing the same thing when the fundamental issue of hudud and Islamic state are being considered in the Federal Parliament in the future? What assurance can you give there will no future hee hee hee?

    Second, you wrote and I quote, “Similarly DAP’s leadership has been consistently urging the government to enact an anti-hopping law even before the Perak crisis, and we have expressed support of our 28 MPs.”

    This is what you said but your Chairman seems to think otherwise and I believe justifiably so. Honestly did DAP tacitly support hopping before the present fiasco.

    Please don’t think of short term gains and sacrifice our beloved principles. We come this far precisely because BN can’t hold on to principle and ethics. If we behave like them before we gain power, I doubt we will be any difference after we gain power.

  34. Frogs jumped. Someone orchestrated a power grab behind tall gates and fences. Royalty intervened. State Assembly marginalised. Incumbent MB and entire Exco asked to resign else their positions be considered vacant and available for take over.

    PR lost to BN in Perak by default. Tussle over Perak State government. Incumbent MB refused to resign. New MB sworn in regardless. Debate on constitutionality of take over. Question over royalty’s position on the issue.

    People got angry and demanded justice. Protest near palace. Tear gas fired. Emotions got higher. Now there are two MBs. First of its kind in the world.

    Charges and allegation of treason and traitor to royalty thrown at people crying for justice by all sorts of people and interest parties aligned to heads of state. Calls to strip the oppressed of their citizenship! Protest by aligned groups allowed to proceed without police interruption and tear-gas.


    Seems like the state has just gone to the dogs!

    What a sad day for Perak and Malaysia. Thought people had become more educated and reasonable after so many years of independence and education.

    Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Especially those in the mainstream. Government machinery and apparatus abused and misused to further their own selfish and covert agenda.

    Malaysia’s constitution had been raped and Malaysian society at large denied of their fundamental rights and liberties.

    Absolute power cannot be allowed to germinate and take root in a free and democratic sovereign country. The people has the ultimate power through the ballot box.

  35. “anwar is correct, suing that malay ruler will inflame an already tense situation.” (distantmalay)

    Pakatan Rakyat is not lack of smart and talented people. However, the problem with Pakatan Rakyat is that there are too many smart people and talented people sitting at the helm of leadership of the alliance, with one trying to prove to another that his/her opinion is far more superior than that of another.

    PKR may have something to lose if PKR has done something which tends to annoy the Malay people. However, DAP should have no such worry at all since DAP harbours most of its hope on the Non-Malay groups of people, unless DAP is able to change the situation otherwise.

    If Mr Karpal takes the Perak Sultan to court in order to seek for a judicial review on the constitutionality of the Sultan’s behaviour in dismissing MB Nizar, the only group of people which may be annoyed is the Malays. Even if the Malay people have to be annoyed, DAP has really gotten nothing to lose here because DAP will still manage to gain a much stronger support from the Non-Malay people.

    If the judicial review case is given the green light by the A-G in order to proceed hearing, then any possible outcome from the court judgement will not affect DAP significantly.

    The several possible outcomes are evaluated as follow:
    1) Court gives the Sultan the absolute power to dismiss an MB
    If the Sultan has absolute power to sack an MB at HRH’s sole discretion, then Malaysia will be turned to a despotism. All incumbent MBs, whether he is from PR or from BN, will have lost his political independence since the appointment and dismissal of him to the post of MB is totally at the sole discretion and at the graceful mercy of the Sultan. A General Election for electing the state assembly representatives will be useless and redundant since the Sultan will no longer be required to consult the State Assembly for making a new state law. DAP will have nothing to gain or lose here since DAP will never have a chance to nominate a Non-Muslim to become an MB whom the Sultan wants to be a Muslim.

    2) The court rules that the Sultan has no power to dismiss an MB
    This outcome will be a big victory to the people because the Sultan will have no more power to compel the MB to do something which is against the will of the MB himself. However, such a court ruling will not affect DAP too much since DAP does not have an MB insofar. It will be to the advantage to DAP to obtain such a court ruling as option (3) above because if in the future DAP is able to appoint an MB, then this MB will be able to serve independently without having to worry too much about the interference or intervention from the Sultan.

    3) The court rules that the Sultan has some restrictive power to sack an MB when a motion of no confidence against the MB has been passed in the State Assembly with majority votes.
    DAP has gotten nothing to lose now. However, if in the future a motion of no confidence has been voted in the State Assembly against a BN MB, then the BN MB can be sacked by the Sultan even if the MB does not resign by himself.

    If DAP has gotten nothing to lose but has gotten something to gain by submitting the constitutional crisis for judicial review, I simply cannot understand why some DAP people still go against the idea of taking the Sultan to court!

  36. Filing a suit against the Sultan is not a smart thing to do. First it’ll be struck off. Secondly, it will open the floodgates to endless litigation – some frivolous. The end result? The end result would be to divide Malaysians into two camps. Constitutionalists and non-Constitutionalists, and Royalists and non-Royalists and when such division also falls along racial lines it will negate the progress so far made in race relations.

    Further what is there to stop the Constitution from being amended?

    It is a road we must never travel.

    When protestors turn up wearing yellow head bands and green hand banks and the rest with red head bands, it is time to take a step backwards.

  37. Malaysia has no anti-hopping law;therefore, what both PR and BN have been doing are acceptable. Karpal, do accept the reality that ours is not a perfect democracy. Neither are there good leaders in the likes of Obama. PR leaders are Anwar Ibrahim, Hadi Awang and LGE. Let them rrun the show and do not interfere. Anwar Ibrahim is our best hope of creating fairer society that will result in the people enjoying a better living standard. They are currently the best that we have, although they are pale in comparison with Lincoln or Tunku. The current situation in the country leaves no room for idealism. I believe Anwar Ibrahim is the best leader.

  38. Onlooker Politics Says:

    February 10th, 2009 at 00: 16.43

    “Even if the Malay people have to be annoyed, DAP has really gotten nothing to lose here because DAP will still manage to gain a much stronger support from the Non-Malay people”

    So back to racist as usual politics??

    Are you suggesting the Chinese could hope to go it alone?? Isn’t it obvious that the people who could hope to go it alone would be the majority race.

  39. ///Similarly DAP’s leadership has been consistently urging the government to enact an anti-hopping law even before the Perak crisis, and we have expressed support of our 28 MPs. As BN does not have a 2/3 parliamentary majority, the support of DAP’s 28 MPs will be required to effect any constitutional amendment for such an anti-hopping law./// -Kit

    Yes, until the law is there to stop hopping, everyone is entitled to play the hopping game. Whether Anwar started the threat of September 16 or not, BN would do its best to poach PK ADUNs. It might be true that if not for Anwar’s threat, the change in Perak might have taken place earlier. Those who were ready to sell themselves might be hesitating, initially.

    The way Perak changed it government might be a precedent for change at the federal level. The wording of the federal constitution in dealing with non-confidence of PM is similar to that of the Perak’s constitution. So, when PM AAB resigns, the King is free to appoint whoever he thinks fit and who would command the support of the majority of the house as PM. Here, who he thinks fit is important, and Malays would accept the decision of Agong just like they accepted the decision of Sultan. The constitution did not specify the qualification of the candidate for PM. The Perak’s numerical basis for BN included independent ADUNS. Obviously, there are UMNO MPs who are not the powers-that-be in UMNO but who command a wider support among the MPs in the house. Thus, Agong is now presented an opportunity to decide who he wants as he PM, come March 2009. The president of UMNO is qualified, but he might not be the best. Since the decision of Agong will not be challenged, like that of Perak, it is hoped that he would pick a person from UMNO who would command a wider support as PM from among the opposition MPs. The government then would not be required to be burdened with clarifying who in fact killed Atlantuya, when the new PM has no perceived link to the matter. That would be an excellent chance for reform in UMNO.

    Let us hope that the crisis in Perak brings about an opportunity for change. Agong should be inspired by the action taken by the Sultan of Perak. The people would have a chance to practice double standards and praise Agong for the action.

  40. now you wish to stop party hopping, 916 then you wanted others to hop to PR? you politicians are hipocrites, PR are no different from BN, satu hari cakap ini, next day cakap itu. waste of time to vote for you. your people untrustable just like BN. waste of the people’s vote. DAP, PKR, PAS must all be responsible for the lost of the perak state govt to BN. you did not ensure and safe guard your people from BN influence and threats. you have failed! might as well for the poeple to go back to their daily life and work our own way out of our misery. PR has not shown any signs of improving our lifes! do not give me nonsense of you need time, you dont have time, the people expects immediate results. PR cannot even safe guard their hold on a state govt, how you expect us to have confidence in you???? best waste our vote, no need to vote, both camps PR & BN are useless!

  41. “So back to racist as usual politics??

    Are you suggesting the Chinese could hope to go it alone??” (undergrad2)

    Most Malaysians of Non-Malay origins know very well that they cannot become the Prime Minister of Malaysia or the Menteri Besar of any state with a Sultan in Malaysia, even though they may be an Islamic convert or a Moslem. They are born to be discriminated according to their racial origins by the Constitutions in Malaysia. You cannot label a person as racist when he has to identify himself by the racial line in order to better explain his civil rights position that have been given by the constitutions and the limitations of the civil rights being imposed by the constitutions.

    Even though the Malaysians of Non-Malay origins have no hope to become a Prime Minister or a Menteri Besar, that does not mean that they have no hope to contribute to the overall betterment of all Malaysians. If there is certain loophole in our constitutions which serves adamant injustice to majority of the people, then effort must be put into the judicial review endeavour in order to set a precedent court case for purpose of levelling the injustice. Even though the Malaysians are not able to change the state constitution in order to discipline the state ruler (since all constitutional amendment requires the approving signature from the state ruler in order to become law and the state ruler will not sign a constitutional amendment which is unfavourable to His Royal Highness himself), other viable channels like submitting the constitutional crisis to the high court for judicial review can and must be attempted.

    When the judicial review is able to undo the injustice caused by an unconsulted decision that has been made by the state ruler, it will bring about the overall betterment to majority of the Malaysian people. Not only Non-Malay people will be able to enjoy the betterment, but the Malay people will also be able to enjoy a much more balanced human rights when confronting the powerful state ruler. Therefore, the subject of a state are no longer required to continue living in the unjustifiable fear from the possible brutal attack by the state ruler, such as the event happened in Johor in early 1990s.

    In short, Pakatan Rakyat should agree with Mr Karpal to take the Perak Sultan to court in order to seek a judicial review on the Sultan’s decision to dismiss Nizar from the post of Menteri Besar.

  42. PR must now concentrate on winning the 2 upcoming by-elections in Bkt Selambau and Bukit Gantang. These 2 victories will prove to the world that Bijan is a born and sore loser. His 4 election losses in a row will cause umno warlords to force him to step down, the way they did to Dollah, possibly in Dec 2009.

  43. “In short, Pakatan Rakyat should agree with Mr Karpal to take the Perak Sultan to court in order to seek a judicial review on the Sultan’s decision to dismiss Nizar from the post of Menteri Besar.”Onlooker

    What judicial review are you talking about??

    In the first place the courts will have to decide if even a judicial review of the Sultan’s use of his discretion is even legally possible.

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