Dissolution of Perak Assembly – Signs grim

Signs of a dissolution of Perak State Assembly not good at all.

Datuk Seri Najib Razak has stepped up his campaign for an illegal and unconstitutional grab for power in Perak in utter disregard of the constitutional process and the mandate of the voters of Perak.


300 Replies to “Dissolution of Perak Assembly – Signs grim”

  1. Say no to frogs…

    Can I say DAP Perak, ever since 1969’s general election, has been the biggest loser to the frogs? I think this is why DAP, itself suffered heavily because of the frogs in past 40 years, should never ever embrace any frogs, say no to the 30 non-existent 916 frogs, no to the Bota…

  2. Jeffrey – sorry to reply on a new thread, I imagine LKS’s webhost will have recommended shorter pages or higher fees by now! Nobody is going to win out of this like webhosts will!

    If Nizar refuses to resign, then the next step is a vote of no-confidence, isn’t it? Unless that is, the MB holds his post until the monarch decides otherwise, but that sounds like it couldn’t possibly be the case in a democracy.

    Assuming there’s a vote of no-confidence and it succeeds, what happens next? Is it as straightforward as another jolly trip to the palace, for the formality to happen?

    If it’s a plain old question of numbers, then I suppose it is a fait accompli (was that earlier transposition a typo or a clever pun?) and the only recourse is to slow-moving law to check the validity of the hops. I hope PR will finally come to their senses over ‘hopping’ and realise that spending more money in a crooked poker game is only going to increase their losses.

  3. Why Najib is so scared of a fresh election in Perak?
    This time BN would loose even more than before while under Pak Lah.
    If this happened, Najib will be KO from Preseident UMNO and loose his PMship himself! He is shivering at the tought of a fresh stae election. It will reflect on his UNPOPULARITY with the rakyat!!!

  4. BN Assemblymen And Independents Meet Perak Sultan

    IPOH, Feb 5 (Bernama) — All the 28 Barisan Nasional (BN) assemblymen and the three independents in Perak had an audience with the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah, today to declare their support for the BN.

    Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said they also pledged to support the candidate submitted by the BN for the post of menteri besar.

    “Tuanku is expected to decide whether to dissolve the Perak state assembly or to ask Datuk Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin to step down as soon as possible,” he told a news conference after meeting the sultan twice at Istana Kinta here today.

    Najib, who is also the Perak BN chairman, had the first audience together with Perak BN deputy chairman Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi at 9.49am to seek the sultan’s consent for the BN to take over the state government from Pakatan Rakyat.

    This followed the move by four Pakatan Rakyat assemblymen to leave their respective parties and support the BN, giving the BN the majority to form the state government.

    The four are Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi (Behrang), Mohd Osman Jailu (Changkat Jering), both from Parti Keadilan Rakyat, Hee Yit Foong (DAP) and Datuk Nasaruddin Hashim (Bota), who joined PKR on Jan 25 and returned to Umno yesterday.

    Jamaluddin, Mohd Osman and Hee are now independents.

    After the first audience, which lasted 40 minutes, Najib again met the sultan with the 28 BN assemblymen and three independents for 35 minutes from 11.55am.

    Najib told the news conference that he asked the sultan to allow the BN to form a new state government as the BN now that the majority in the state assembly.

    “With this, it is up to Tuanku to decide and we will respect whatever decision Tuanku makes because it is Tuanku’s prerogative,” he said.

    On the candidate for menteri besar, Najib said the BN would follow the process and rules of the Perak state constitution and get the sultan’s consent before making any announcement, should the BN take over the state government.


  5. Quote from Tengku Razaleigh:

    //If the Ruler decides not to accede to the MB’s request for the dissolution of Parliament, and BN is invited to form a state government on the basis of defections, what more dubious ones, I think it would anger a large section of the Malaysian public.//

  6. If Najib is allowed to form the government then party hopping is the game. Pakatan can lose Perak now but it can win the federal government later.

    The katas that went to BN can be brought back to Pakatan if the price is right. The ruler will have to make the same decision not to dissolve the state legislative assembly.

    Looks like the best profession now is elected state or parliamentary membership. They get pay for jumping around. It saves quite a bit from having new elections. The citizens are the losers.

  7. “He also pointed out that no sultan or agung had withheld consent to dissolve legislative body, except in Kelantan in 1977.”

    There’s always a second time.

    All three SAs who signed a statement previously to support Nizar PR government are now going back on their words. So what good are these signed and solemn statements?

    Will Perak become a failed state?

  8. I’m Malay but I know that Sultan decision for not dissolving the Perak DUN is disaster indeed.

    A state govern represent by only 2 non-Malay while the other is POWER HUNGRY Malay, I will say discrimination will happen for Perak citizen.

  9. “If Nizar refuses to resign, then the next step is a vote of no-confidence, isn’t it?” – Orang Rojak

    The position put forward by BN, as I understand it, is that a formal vote of no-confidence, is unnecessary because the Ruler has pursuant to constitution been satisfied that BN controls majority of Perak state assembly and therefore BN could straightaway form state govt by appointing BN’s Menteri Besar (Chief Minister).

    If Nizar refuses to resign then on the assumption that he does not budge in his stand (backed by PR on instructions of Anwar) it will not only be a constitutional impasse but a standoff between
    Anwar/PR on one side and BN’s federal govt on the other.

    Now the BN then has to perfect excuse to justify a show of force – to defend the Federal Constitution and prevent lawlessness in the state of Perak emanating from a standstill in the Perak state government from both sides refusing to acknowledge the other as legitimate govt.

    It is a perfect excuse for troops and police to be sent in to round up all PR leaders instigating a “rebellion” deduced from challenge to Constitution and Ruler, contrary to Malay customs and tradition.

    If all prime leaders of PR are arrested in one swoop, all 5 PR controlled state governments will automatically fall. No need to spend so much money to entice PR’s frogs to cross for same objective!

    Anwar/PR may already be heading towards a showdown by way of “people’s power” (as happened in regional capitals) beginning with – “tonight’s 100,000 people gathering in support of the Pakatan government has been shifted to Stadium Ipoh from the menteri besar’s official residence”.

    YB/DAP has to make a decision whether to go along with Anwar’s plan and directive to Perak’s MB not to standdown in relation to the Ruler’s request – and to persist ion the standoff resulting in constitutional crisis.

    Kit is experienced: he knows where all this is leading to. :)

  10. \If Nizar refuses to resign, then the next step is a vote of no-confidence, isn’t it?\

    It’ll end in a stalemate (28-28) as the 3 SA’s who resigned won’t be allowed in by the Speaker!

    What now? Emergency rule?

  11. YB

    Isn’t it true that the Monarch can only grant to dissolve the House, when there is proof of no confidence in the sitting government?
    I.E. Via a vote of no confident in the House.

    If the opposition succeed in that vote, then only Tuanku can take the advice of MB Nizar to call for a Fresh Mandate or receive his Honourable’s resignation?

  12. If a few arrests of key people will not be effective, if standoff spreads by demonstratyions and ‘threat to public order’, a declaration of state of emergency/martial law is also, in worst case scenario, not impossible.

    People in power are prepared and just waiting to do show its overwhelming force to prop up the regime that otherwise cannot withstand the strong winds of change that are picking up amongst the people that will knock them off in the next elections.

    They need a legitimate excuse to use force and what better excuse than defending the constitution?

    You can trust in the worse case scenario PR will be led again down the road in a direction to gives the counter party, the BN, the perfect excuse/advantage to hit below the belt – just as the case of poaching defectors to overthrow an opposition controlled Perak state govt, so it will be in the equivalent case of a general crackdown/incaceration of all opposition key members, dissidents civil society champions and maybe you or I. :)


  14. i think i want to puke… no eye see..
    all i can say.. good or bad hard to say..
    this could be good for BN as of now.. but bad or even worst for long term.
    this will only anger the citizen more…

  15. I’m in fury! Just came across RTM1 while I randomly switching channel on my tv. They are having this live broadcast concerning the situation in Perak. Basically, they just want to wait for the final words from Sultan of Perak.

    That’s not the point. What I’m angry is that when I switch to RTM1, the things I heard makes me angry. There is this Timbalan of Perak from UMNO on air through telephone gave his view. He said “if BN forms the state government there will be no Indian in the commitee. We can’t be blame. All this is what the Indian community wanted & so be it. Let them learn their lesson from here”.

    WOW! How arrogant is he! Haven’t even form the state government already wanted to show his claws. I can’t imagine what happen if they really get to form.

    Sultan of Perak, please dissolve the state assembly & let the people choose their goverment!

  16. If a learned man of His Royalty standing and also ex Lord President who is so well verse in law can accede to a takeover by some pirates, this nation is to be doomed. This will reflect not only on Perak but the nation’s as a whole. Who will want to invest in Malaysia where the rule of law in now hijack by those thirsting for power ? Please do not expect the simple folks to respect those politicians that think for their pockets.

    If indeed disolution of stste assembly and a snap election is not mage possible, we are seeing two distints set of law. One for the common people and opposition politicians and the other for the elites and ruling politicians. In this way, the outlook for Malaysia as a democratic country just goes down the drain. It will lead to total dictatorship rule where whatever the ruling regime says or implement for the people will be deem good by them.

  17. We could be furious and frustrated with all these developments for weeks to come. But what can we do as the Sultan himself has chosen to be with BN and their politics. Unfortunately the ordinary Malaysian in Malaysia does not have right to criticize the royalties even when his decision is against the wish of general public. It would be contempt and we will be condemned for disloyalty.

    Under such circumstances, it would more advisable to act in a very responsible and address our grievances and disputes through the court of law. Show rakyat even at most trying moments we would act more responsibly than BN and their corrupt leaders.

    Let’s hope this setback will strengthen our spirit and determination to fight BN.

  18. Dear All,

    It is now left to only one avenue which the High Court to decide the validity of the three seats currently occupied by those self-serving politicians. If the Court upholds the validity of the resignation letters then by-elections would be in order. If the verdict is otherwise, then Pakatan Rakyat will have to wait for the next general election or sudden resignation of state assemblyman. In any case, let’s brace for the impending return of UMNO and BN into Perak.

  19. Our beloved Dato Seri Nizar has been asked to resign by the Sultan and if he refuses, the post will consider vacant. I’m not trying to be pessimistic but it looks like PR is losing the game.

  20. “Nazrin: Ruler must be neutral to ensure justice for people” ( The Star, Feb 4, 2009 )

    What can we make of this news heading with respect to the latest of turn of events in Perak?

    “Raja Nazrin said a Ruler should always ensure that whatever he said and did were not misinterpreted or misunderstood.” (The Star)

    What and how should we read into tis statement?

    “Referring to his father, Sultan Azlan Shah, Raja Nazrin said his father clearly understood the sentiments and aspiration of his subjects.” -unquote-

    What are the true sentiments and aspirations of Perakians, one may venture to ask.

    “The Star
    Wednesday February 4, 2009
    Azlan Shah: Misdeeds will spell downfall for monarchy”

    How should we interpret Sultan Azlan Shah’s admonition?


    “History has shown that the downfall of a monarchy was not because the system was not good, but rather because of misdeeds.

    “Internal bickering and the ruler being wrongly advised by noblemen and court officials, who had vested interest to amass wealth or power, were among the causal factors,” said the Sultan at the pledge of loyalty and investiture ceremony at Istana Iskandariah here yesterday, to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of his reign. -Unquote-

    Is the Sultan rightly or wrongly advised this time? What would be the consequences?

    What about the sentiments of the majority of the electorate who chose the elected representatives?

    Where do we go from here? Whatever it is, it would be wise to stay calm, collected and learn from this episode.

    The show that started with 308 GE2008 has only begun. And the people should make their voices heard and their stand clear.

  21. Wow, the PM-in-waiting (Najis) is seriously a tough dude to meddle with. I also heard the TV1 interview and I was surprised that they gave such an ARROGANT comment.

    I can imagine how worst Perak will be if BN takeovers. Too bad for the non-Malay that they don’t have any good representatives. I’m not quite sure what the Malay will think since some Malay is very conservative and keep on supporting UMNO.


    I felt pity to the younger generation and I certainly felt pity to myself that Malaysia is never came close to any democratic terms.

  22. Uncle Kit,

    Its time to get the house in order. The raykat have spoken. Sentiment are strong for the opposition. That has been proven in the last 10 months. There should never be a doubt that the opposition doesn’t have what it takes to run a state and for the matter the nation.

    All the bickering amongst the component parties should stop. If at all there are any misunderstanding, have it resolved internally. If we can just take a small step back, (each of us) big issues can become small issues and small issues will be no issues at all.

    We should start identifying and grooming people now. By the time GE13 comes, we should be ready. We need learned people to manage the country. We need people with integrity. We need people with big hearts. PR must be absolutely ready by then. Learn from these mistakes.

  23. BN may have grab back the Perak State but definitely NOT the people heart but the reverse. All these happening has anger the people more. More people get angry with the Jelapang poor soul. Jelapang won’t be in peace either. The poor and sad face tell all.

    This was just a temporary set back for all people who want changes, real changes to come. And time will come and the people will say it loud and clear.

    It was also a sad day for Malaysia democracy, worst it happen in Perak.

  24. I am most disappointed by the DAP deserter.
    She really has let the people of Jelapang down. Just phone my cousin who lived in Jelapang! Oh Shit! The people there are damn mad at her!!!
    But anyway. Lim, you and all your DAP colleagues are truly men of principles. You all would not trade it for any amount of money!! God bless you all always.
    Am trying to forget the traitor !

  25. # orang_cina Says:
    Today at 15: 43.56 (37 seconds ago)

    Ketuanan rakyat is not important for Sultan, preserving the monarchy is…

    Don’t just be a keyboard warrior. Show your support. See you in Stadium Ipoh tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry but I can’t since I’m still a student and I got class tomorrow morning.

    However, I will spread the word DEMOCRAT among the student and I hope one day Malaysia will be truly democratic as we wish all this years and still waiting.

  26. Dear All,

    It appears that we are at it again i.e. the ever unfinish political tussle and jostle between Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Nasional. Rather than focussing on the economy which may very well on the brink of a sudden collapse, politicians were and are busy checking out as to the latest number of possible defectors so as to enable them a surprise government take-over. This may sound bizzare but it does give us a similar feel of corporate take-over exercise i.e. collecting the required 30% shareholdings or trigger point mark to launch a take-over. Well, today we saw Barisan Nasional successfully bought the required extra shareholdings to launch the take-over by winning them through proxy shareholders. They were the three self-serving politicians who gave no consideration as to how they will be remembered by the nation history book or even the history book of their respective parties. A sad day indeed and I felt so bad as our votes had been robbed and short-changed by these three selfish legislators. Some say lend your ears to them and you may hear their side of the stories which may show signs of anger, cries and desperation. Whatever it may, but I am totally disgusted with the manner they behaved and reacted at the press conference with our Deputy Prime Minister. They offer nothing in return to hands that voted them in but lame and disgusted excuses. I felt so ashamed that we have such characters holding post in the government of Perak.

    They are all but traitors and pests to the society and never worth a second look from me.

  27. This country is getting sicker by the day. First you have the economy in deep sh..t and sick like hell and second you have the supposedly doctor who has been given the rein to diagnose a remedy to help her recover, instead has gone on to destroy a state assembly and busily trying to form a new government. Meantime, this country is dying for lack of care and cure and guess what, do they care? no, of course not! Why? Because they already have so much money in their own dirty little pockets that whatever comes, they are going to still live and act like kings. God helps Bolehland!

  28. Sultan has not acted according to the convention…

    EC had acted ultra vires…

    The country has no LAW?

    Yes, the people has the right to question the decision made by Sultan.

    One thing for sure, Sultan can appoint an MB, but not sacking him unless he or she resigns… PR is currently forming a minority government in Perak and until a formal vote of no confidence passes through the DUN…

  29. Now that HRH Sultan of Perak has spoken, a voice of wisdom or a voice from the museum only time will unveal.

    PR was soundly defeated by BN’s game plan especially on the part of Hee & Nasa.

    BN is hoping that PR will organise some kind of mass gathering to show disastifaction so that they can execute their follow up plan – to put their people there to create chaos & unrest & fights and then take that as an excuse to declare state emergency & start invoking ISA & arrest all top PR leaders. Believe me Syed Hamid albar is fully capable of doing just that.

    I pray wisdom will prevail with PR’s leaders at this difficult & sad & moment.

    The hard fact is :- HRH Sultan has CHOSEN to have questionable personality to run HIS state. What can his subjects do?

    Why step into an open trap by BN?
    I say wait till the next GE.
    Yes, change will come!

  30. still too early to tell who will win in this game. this is just the beginning.

    the constitutional loophole of not resigning and retiring the party switching ADUNs may benefit the BN, may also benefit the PR (who knows). I just wonder who will lose at the other end?

    this is najib who opened the pandora box.

  31. I expected the Perak Sultan would make a WISE choice. But he not only dissapointed the Perakians, but all Malaysians. No one shd rob the ppl’s constituional rights. The demons may get the power now, but not for long.

    My votes are always for Pakatan, (the ppl’s party).

  32. jus legitimum Says:

    Today at 16: 02.53 (5 minutes ago)
    Let people’s power sweep all the rotten and parasitic idiots right from the top figureheads to the corrupted and the froggy polticians into the South China Sea and the Strait of Malacca.


    From what has happened, I gather there are rotten and parasitic idiots on both sides of the fence. So who do we sweep now?

  33. Relax folks! This may be a blessing in disguise. They might gain Perak but not for long they may lose all they got. What they had done has already anger the people. They will suffer the next GE. They will be given the taste of the people’s power.

  34. In the olden days, the Emperor in China would ask the PM to kill himself by drinking poison wine which the Emperor presented to the PM!!! It is no difference from Perak saga where it is much nicer now that the MB was asked to resign “voluntarily” instead of killing himself!!! On the other hand, should the MB behaves as it is in the olden days to obey without questioning the “wisdom” and without recourse??? Should the MB going against the wishes of the Sultan and not the Rakyat??? Going by Constitition and laws (they have mastered it until perfection!!!) which BN is very good in manipulations to its advantages, is there anyway out for the Sultan??? Just like a Judge who based on evidence, if the Sultan is presented with these evidence (Assemblymen who show support to BN), what else can he do??? He does not want to set a precedent as well!!! Put yourself in the shoe of the Sultan, what would you do??? For me, I will dissolve the assembly as the support shown by the few new independent assemblymen conduct of jumping around!!! In and out and in and out!!!

  35. YB

    To be honestly truthful, it had been a wonderful 10 months, for 5 States simultaneously to enjoy BN free governing.

    Tuanku had spoken. Not necessary all a bad decision. After all most Malaysians still think that, Najib, student of Mahathir, have had good training in handling C4.

    I think in a way the Sultan had avoided a situation where Emergency could be call. Najib is not only a student of Mahathir, but son of Razak.

    Let us not give him the opportunity to arrest our Leaders. Patience. Does anyone really think that BN have a future…….sabar.

    Keep up the good work YB. The people are behind you.

  36. What’s a drama; I can see that Malaysian voters are depressing over the Perak Sultan decision but we shall wake up and learned from the lesson.

    I have to add this into my dictionary of study: –

    Law – Jungle law we had in Malaysia.

    Respect – We shall only respect who work hard for the Rakyat not those day light robbers.

  37. YB,

    Is it not true that when PR MB Mohd Nizar sought an audience with the HRH Perak Sultan to seek the dissolution of the Perak State Assembly and to hold state election, it was also on the understanding that PR has reposed on the Sultan the role of an arbiter to resolve the conflict with Najib/BN and that whatever the Ruler’s decision for or against PR, PR would, in accord with tradition of respect for the Ruler abide by his decision as final and conclusive, including constitutionally conclusive?

    If the answer is yes to the question, then if HRH Sultan has asked Nizar to resign as MB to give way to BN’s nominee what is PR – or more accurately Anwar Ibrahim’s justification – to challenge the Ruler’s decision and for Mohd Nizar to announce his refusal to resign in defiance of the Sultan’s arbitration that he had earlier submited to?

    [Malaysiakini reports : “State secretary Abdul Rahman Hashim instructs Menteri Besar Mohd Nizar and all exco members to vacate their offices at the state secretariat as soon as possible. They have been reminded not to take any official documents with them. They were also told to hand in their official car keys as well as the keys to their offices”]

    Do we want a repeat as in the time immediately after 308 DAP was initially reluctant but later have to accept the Sultan’s decision to appoint PAS’s Mohd Nizar as MB?

    What cogent reason has Anwar/PR to precipitate this constitutional impasse – and a stand off – that may in turn give BN the perfect and legitimate excuse of defending the Constitution to unleash a show of force on the part of Federal govt risking the arrest of all Opposition leaders, civil society activists etc, causing a concomitant fall of all other PR controlled state govts wiping out all gains that PR has made since 308?

    If there is a logic in all these, I have yet to divine it.

    Who is running the show in Pakatan Rakyat? Is there no one who can advise Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim that his defiance may cause the quicker collapse of PR or is it a case of Anwar is PR, and PR is Anwar?

  38. Since the sultan has made known his decision, will it be advisable for Pakatan to reconsider the plan to organize the mass rally in Perak Stadium. I afraid this attempt will be seen as going against the wish of sultan and be considered a royal disobedience. One must remember the repercussion and this could be another opportunity for Umno to exploit the situation. Rakyat especially Malays could be misled by this if not careful.

    The best option for now would be to request the assemblywoman Hee to reconsider her decision; I’m sure the Chinese community in Perak would never forgive her and she would be condemned to the worst for this betrayal. The feeling of betraying her own community and the continuous appeal of PR leaders and public might help her change of mind. Who knows?

  39. hehehe … from today onwards, I am no more a Perakian. The hell …. thought of changing address after next GE . I would be changing it immediately.

    Trip back last GE was memorable especially seeing Seah defeating BIG BUAYA in Teluk Intan again. Also DAP kick out Mah SK.

    That will be a memory only from now onwards.


    Anyway, PR is 3 way cornered. No point sitting on a pile of rubbish. Better start shredding files … Ooooops we are not BN, no need to shred an empty. Ha Ha Ha …

    These 4 Perakian traitor is worst than JWW Birch, we need a Datuk Maharajalela now !!!

  40. ///Our beloved Dato Seri Nizar has been asked to resign by the Sultan and if he refuses, the post will consider vacant.///

    There should be one more step before the post can become vacant, that is the person holding the MB position should be sacked to create a vacancy.

    If the incumbent does not resign, and if he has not been dismissed, then the post of MB is still occupied. The BN candidate cannot be sworn in. If he does, then there would be two MBs.

    If the MB is sacked, and the BN takes over, there will be court cases. First of all, are the resignation letters of the three kataks valid? Secondly, can the MB be dismissed by the ruler?

    If the three kataks are declared non-ADUN, then there should be a by-election.

    If the MB cannot be dismissed, then the new BN state government of Perak will also fall. It will take years for that to be resolved. Meanwhile, based on the Perak example, Anwar should get kataks from Sabah and Sarawak to start the dance. There are other potential kataks in the wrong-camp of UMNO too, and they may like hopping.

    The Perak show is a crisis, and it carries opportunity within. If the people are not allowed to show their love for the Pakatan state government, tell them to remember the incident and vote wisely next time. Take the battle elsewhere

  41. Hey wait a minute. I am equally upset about this sickening situation as well but…did not Anwar proclaim to want to overthrow the government by “defections” from BN to PKR on an even larger magnitude on sept 16??

    Why was it not wrong then but wrong now? I sincerely hope all gripe about “unconstitutional takeover” does not come back and bite PKR in the ass…

    I can understand when BN talks it up and then turns around and do exactly what they condoned earlier, but if Anwar and (God-forbid) Uncle Lim does it as well…Malaysia is surely doomed.

  42. That should move to other state which 100% under BN control. since u are millionaire now (maybe in her own account or others private account that we dont know or dont know how to check, maybe at CXXX bank???). Johor is the best choice since safe and dont worry abt others Chinese pinpoint you, in JB, cause no much people know abt u. but after today, maybe 4 million of chinese know abt u. (the 0 is more than ur bank account figure) quite a lot of Taman got security guard, since she is rich now. y dont employ a BODYGUARD??

    her husband sure felt malu lah. so such bitch as wife. should hide himself under her skirt!

  43. 4.14pm Unconfirmed reports state that former DAP state assemblyperson Hee Yit Foong’s house in Ipoh and her service centre in Jelapang have been pelted with stones by people angry with her defection. — Malaysiakini update

    Looks like Hee and family will be basking in glory and great wealth from now on. Getting pelted with stones is just a small sacrifice for them. May all Malaysians never forget this traitor.

  44. If we against sultan.

    the condition may worse than we expect to?

    since he is most powerful man in Perak, we should do our own part. let BN take over the Perak, let our people do the judgement. we got eyes to see who is best in M’sia!

  45. So sorry that things had not worked out the correct way.
    I really dropped my glasses, believing that the Perak sultan decision is wise.
    I’m speechless now!!!
    Hope there is still a way out.
    I hate bloody traitors, especially when they’re chinese.
    I hope that these traitors were to pay a very heavy price for what they’ve done to us.

  46. The BN trick cause our M’sian know the true tail of new goverment leader.

    Let him win the Perak state, but he never win our people consfident and heart!

    Let them see what is call RAKYAT power in next election!

  47. Unconfirmed reports state that former DAP state assemblyperson Hee Yit Foong’s house in Ipoh and her service centre in Jelapang have been pelted with stones by people angry with her defection.
    (Malaysiakini report)

  48. A sad day indeed for Malaysia, Malaysians and Perak and Perakians.

    It would be remembered as a black spot in the history of the nation shrouded in and punctuated by intrigues, foul play, coup d’etat, political hijacks, corruption, usurpation of peoples’ rights, abuse of government machinery and apparatus, deceptions, treachery and trickery.

    What and how would the people think about the whole episode which caused a legitimate state government to fall?

    How would the events affect the future path of the nation’s history?

    At this moment, the people are mourning the demise of democracy in the nation, and pouring scorn on those involved in plotting the dirty game.

    Retribution and vengeance, anger and disbelieve, hatred and cynism are written on the walls for all to see.

    However, it would be wise to have self-control to stay calm and cool-headed. Self discipline and restraint should be asserted to maintain order and peace in this moment of turmoil.

    And, only time can heal the wounds that had been inflicted by irresponsible elements, people and parties with ulterior and selfish interests to perpetuate their positions, good or evil.

    Malaysia will never be the same again.

  49. In order not to put the Sultan into a very difficult position, the MB should just resign in honour and his noble acts will be rewarded a thousand times in the very near future GE!!! He will gain the favour of the Sultan and the Rakyat!!! Why hurry and worry like the BN??? BN is only having a short term gain but a long term loss!!!

  50. Many many are very sad. The sentiments are high. From what are happening now. People hearts are with PR. BN has no hope.

    This will be temporary set back.

    It is always the case when one need to shoulder great responsibility, heaven will test him to great length. Thus why PR have to gone through before the next GE. PR will go all the way to Putra Jaya.

    Being patient that no the end of the world.

    Support for PR will growth faster that it should after this event. It is time to consolidated for the next GE.

  51. The MB cannot be forced to resign by the Sultan. He can only be removed by a vote of no-confidence in the State Assembly. Such a vote has not taken place yet.

    Hence the Sultans’ statement that the MB’s post will be considered vacant if he does not resign is ultra vires the constitution.

  52. If my wife’s translation of Tok Guru’s article serves me well, it appears some of Malaysia’s last few moral compasses are no longer magnetised. Might be a good time for LKS to remind his supporters that the road to a fairer and freer society might be easier to travel if it’s not blocked by riot police. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

  53. I hoped for the best while expecting the worst. So, this is it – the worst scenario for PR in Perak. What now? Rumors abound. Is change in Malaysia now under siege? Do we just give up because of this setback? NO! The war is far from over, this is but one battle. Change for the better for all Malaysians is inevitable and inexorable if we continue the struggle. In the end, karma dictates that justice triumphs over evil even if the journey is fraught with setbacks and tribulations. YB Kit knows a thing or two about protracted struggles. Have faith in him.

  54. I suggest that DAP Perak, Ipoh and Jelapang put up banners calling the Bi**h Hee to return her mandate to the people of Jelapang and not take the people’s mandate as her own. When we go to vote…we vote for the symbol eventhough her name is on the ballot paper. Ask the aunties and uncles who cant read BM…they will tell you they voted for the Rocket and whoever is under the Rocket symbol does not matter as long as its the Rocket they had voted.

    Its a SHAME on Hee…..she still can save the situation bu doing a “Nashrudin” by coming out to say she regrets her earlier actions and now realised that she was conned and she stays with PR. Its up to her. Maybe LKS …you should talk to her if you can get thru to her. Only she can save the day and the Perak people’s grace.

  55. “Perak MB Nizar might not resign as the Sultan of Perak was not constitutionally vested with power to sack him.”
    If the Sultan knows he does not have power to sack him, why would he go against the consitution to ask Nizar to resign? Or Sultan merely “advise” him to resign?

  56. Looks to me she will resign from her seat when she cannot take the heat. Question is who to submit the resignation letter.

    They want to swear in the new government tonight. Why the urgency?????????????????????

  57. The decision of the Sultan may be based on the evidence that there were 28 Bn and three kataks ADUNs, and thus they form the majority for the government. The sultan accepts the current situation without taking into consideration the fact that Kataks had submitted their resignation because the legality of those letters is subject to court decision, and not available to the Sultan at the moment. In that case, it is reasonable to believe that a change of government should take place now without resorting to fresh election. This can also be a precedent for Perak, because the Sultan will make decision on this basis. Of course, it could encourage Kata culture.

    Pakatan parties should now take the Katas to court or rather to get court decision on three resignation letters, and fight on another day.

  58. Whatever said and done…you have to hand it to this guy Nizar, for telling off the Sultan in his face that he will not resign. It’s down to Hadi Awang. These guys are threatening to become heroes of this country….

  59. 4.58pm: A new BN government is expected to be sworn in today. Bernama reported that Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and the state BN representatives have arrived at Istana Kinta. Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who is on an official visit to the state, is also expected to be present at the palace any time now.

    4.53pm: The police have taken over the state secretariat building. All Pakatan officials in the complex are told to pack up and leave by 5pm.

    Isn’t all this smell fishy…??? Don’t dare to hope. Even GOD can’t help. They are all of the same kind.

  60. I agree with chanjoe , bring her back thru’ the Jelapang voters who voted for her in the last GE.
    i am a Perakian i am fed up of the Barisan Ragut and the Kerajaan Lanun. The Najis gang is just a bundle of robbers and the empat ekor of Katak are nothing more but betrayers !

  61. Well…..seems all are gone. The most revered and respected and loved monarch had let the Rakyat down and created anothe wicked BN govt in Perak. Even if PR go to court to chellenge the so called resignations….the answers are there that the cases will be thrown out as most of the Election Petitions.

    Lets live to forget this episode of life and live with renewed vigour to fight the next battle in GE13. This is only another temporary setback which PR should live to shoulder it. LKS had shouldered many such setbacks but yet lived to come back with much spirit to fought many battles.

    Lets follow his wisdom and place our hope and spirit in the next battle. Cheer up….as Chinese saying : Chan Kin Yun Yau\n(At Least We Had It Before)

  62. A coup is an illegal act. Can a police report be lodged so that the arm of the law restraints the perpetrators?

    The rakyat of Perak have a legitimate voice in demanding that their state and constitution be respected and adhered to.

    No one, NO ONE can steal their legitimate and birth right from them.

    Where is the protection for the rakyat?

  63. DEar Readers,

    I hope the Sultan will “advise” the 4 assemblymen to resign. Fresh elections to be held in the se 4 constituents,

    Election costs money, time, energy. Politicians from these 2 divide better concentrate on economy.

    As for BN , I hope BN will not tolerate switching of allegiance half way. Do not condone or accept these ADUNs as they are a liability.

    Whatever said and done, the right remains with the Sultan. All parties must respect the decision by the Highness.

  64. Perhaps it is time DAP relook at the qualification of those standing for election, it would be wiser to choose those with a degree/master/phd, not only does it reflects better quality and the IQ of the person, it goes to show that DAP is a party filled with intelligent people. Impose a minimum education qualification, same goes for PKR and PAS.

    Just like PAP in Singapore, all highly educated people. Come next election, DAP, PAS, and PKR can pit their people against BN in term of education and credibility.

  65. Did I read it right at Malaysiakini?
    Sultan of Perak…the ex Lord President…supports UMNO to form the govt.?
    This is a sad day for Perak Malaysians.
    MB Nizar refuses to resign….as advised by the Sultan.
    Yes…this is a sad day for all Malaysians.
    We can keep on groaning and moaning.
    That’s all we can do…till general election.

  66. Shame on them, all the KATAKS… PR should not accept anymore KATAKS in the future.

    I m angry with what i read just now.. no dissolution in Perak.

    “Hee”, SHAME ON U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [deleted] go ahead

  67. If BN is going to form the Perak State Government, the newly formed government will not be stable also. If any two of the BN State Assembly Representatives have to die in heart attack due to over-anxiety with the new goodies and candies they got from Najib, the expected BN State Government will be shaky too. Sultan Azlan Shah can indeed wait for the court judgement on the validity of the three resignation letters presented by the Speaker. Why does HRH want to make a decision of asking PR to hand over the Ruling Power so hastily? It really makes me wonder!

    I was born from PERAk. live in Ireland. I was so happy when PKR was takeing over. NOW. I was so SAD and hurt by this women Hee.
    How can she do this to the people of perak.Just because of $$$$$$$. To be honest I love my new MB. evendore im not a muslim.he is so good and wise with all races. so i call all the PERAK people go all out tell to our beloved SULTAN we need PKR to run over state. Say no to BN SAY NO TO BN

  69. Sultan Azlan has lost my respect as one of the wisest and learned ruler.
    Bad decision based on below :

    a) Does not regard Perakian’s wishes and democratic choices during 12th GE
    b) New BN state govn will still be unstable, 28 + 3 “friendly” indepedent vs Pakatan 28..defections can still happen again.
    c) New BN state govn will only have 2 non-Malay, Perak has 50% non-Malay
    d) The Sultan himself wrote previously that it is usually a formal role of the ruler to consent to dissolution request as they act on MB’s advice
    e) Suspicion of elements of corruption by BN to engineer the defections, even if this is not proven true yet, there is doubt and the MB should be given benefit of the doubt to call for fresh election.

    I don’t think Sultan Azlan will reverse his decision.. only way is to fight back later now.. through the court to declare the 3 seats of Behrang, CJ and Jelapang vacant!

    All those in Ipoh, pls go down to Perak Stadium and show your support tonite @ 7pm!

  70. Anyway, if HRH Sultan has really made a decision without undue influence from the outsiders, then it is wise for PR leaders to accept the decision. To show defiance may not do good to PR, as PR will still need to see Sultan again when PR can regain the ruling power of Perak in the future. Just admit the defeat for the time being, as the temporary defeat will provide the moral suasion for all loyal PR members to unite and work harder in order to get ready for the next General Election.

  71. POlice FRU taking over state secreteriat …. ka ka ka …. D * G
    I am going to remove the photo receiving the scroll from Raja Nazrin after reach home.
    No point to argue with Sultan now. Frog or no frog … Rakyat’s traitor will be remembered. Be Steadfast don’t be like Hee Yit Foong “running dog” traitor.

  72. /// # pulau_sibu Says:
    February 5th, 2009 at 14: 27.13
    He will be the third one in the world to get the flying shoe ///

    pulau_Sibyl – better still, use a clompen (those heavy wooden Dutch shoes). You can borrow mine if you don’t have any…


  73. As a very highly qualified person, I’d like to caution against any suggestion that academic certificates are any indication of moral fibre in politicians. Certificates are expensive in this part of the world. All that possession guarantees is that the owner already has a taste for the luxury things in life. I’m sure many lesser-qualified readers will imagine that their moral fibre is as good, if not better, than those who are quick to add their impressive certificates to their calling cards.

    Just like PAP in Singapore, all highly educated people.
    Yes… does that support my argument, or yours? I realise many posters to this blog look south with admiration, but as a foreigner to these parts, I feel it’s only fair to point out that perspectives of Singapore do vary worldwide. The only Singaporean I had heard of before I came to Malaysia was Annabel Chong. When the only Malaysians I knew of were Michelle Yeoh, Mahathir and Anwar, there seemed little to choose between them – at least Malaysia has Michelle Yeoh! Since I came to Malaysia to live, I’ve learned of other Malaysians and other Singaporeans, but my respect and conviction for a bright future still lies with the Malaysians.

  74. There’s one last option left.

    Since it is Hee Yit Foong who caused the change of Government in Perak, she could be the one to undo it! The voters of Jelapang could congregate in large numbers at her house in Ipoh and plea to her good sense to resign voluntarily if she no longer wish to have anything to do with DAP.

    If she does not want to resign then the voters in Perak could make her work and life miserable such that she has no choice but to resign in the near future. By resigning, there could be a by-election and if PR wins, it would either shift the power back to PR or cause a hung government. If the situation is a hung Government, the Sultan will have no choice but to call a snap election!

    I know it’s a little far-fletch but it’s the least confrontational and worth a try!

  75. The battle is not over. Its not that easy. Cant be actually. Najib is not that smart. Dont forget that. He is the product of (-)meritocracy. So we can expect loads of mistakes and misjudgments on his part. Wait and see. Sooner or later (in fact sooner and not later) those mistakes and misjudgments will surface one by one. And he will be engulfed.

    First misjudgment I can think of is misreading the extent of voters’ adverse reaction. People (inside and outside perak) are now really and truly fed up with umnoin general and with najib in particular. Second misjudgment, banking on frogs with criminal charges will not help their cause or purpose.

    Pakatan should look for more of such misjudgments and mistakes and work on them.

  76. The citizens of Perak should have a right to show their love for Pakatan parties and nostalgia for the pakatan government. Nothing wrong.

    The Sultan’s decision is accepted. The decision shows that number counts. Simple fact. Whether that number included doubtful case is not for the Sultan to determine. The Sultan decides on fact presented on as is basis. The Sultan does not get involve in politics. The name of the game is number. Whoever gets the number forms the government. Fair game as far as number goes. Buying and selling of rights and souls are for politicians.

    Pakatan parties have clear guidelines to topple state or federal government. Peole winning the battle might lose the war. But do not allow Police, which is larger than elected government to have the excuse to ensure one party government in the country.

  77. From now onwards I resolve to take the speeches and words from the royal households with only A PINCH OF SALT.

    What a let down.

    I choose to stick with the people who are real and sincere.

    God bless us all, the real and sincere people.

  78. DAP should take this event as a good lesson and should hold meeting more often among the party leadership at different organisational levels in order to cement the membership cohesiveness and coalescence. To make the first mistake is called “ignorant”. To repeat the same mistake is called “foolish”. Behold! It is time to promote the revolutionary passion and fraternal love among all the members from now on!

  79. The decision has been made by the sultan and as loyal subjects, Pakatan Rakyat government should gracefully hand over power to BN.

    To adopt a confrontational approach until a constitutional crisis results is detrimental to the people of Perak. This is the time to exercise good sense and wisdom.

    Has BN won? I think NOT for the people of not just Perak but the whole country has seen the way it is done. The verdict will be known in the next general election.

    To the leadership of Pakatan:


  80. If the sworn-in ceremony of BN on 6 Feb 2009 does not indicate full attendance of at least 30 State Assembly Representatives who support BN, then HRH Sultan will have to declare dissolution of the State Assembly on the spot. Can PR leaders do the last effort trying to talk to the defectors for making a return to PR?

  81. Well, looks like there is a new dimension to the electoral process in Malaysia particularly in the state of Perak.

    Let’s the process to elect new ADUN’s takes place during an election and after this put these successful ADUNs on the market place for bidding like as in the English Premiere League ( EPL ).

    The highest bidder for each of the ADUN will be taken by the party and subsequently the party with the most bidded ADUNs will form the state govt. How about this ? This bidding can rake in a lot of money for the state and country.

    Similarly, parliament can adopt this electoral process as well.

    No need to go to the hassle of determing which party forms the govt as the EC does not follow all procedures and rules.

  82. It’s a sad thing that 3 individuals can make such a big impact to what Perakian has decided for themselves.

    The fairest resolution in my opinion is to have snap polls. No one can guarantee that the new BN state government can last until the next election.

  83. Its all about money.Immdiately after Nasarudin join PR . Najib announced that all BN Adun in Perak will get RM 300.000.BN is not shy at all, they will do anything to stay in power.MACC is just a change of name and nothing else.
    Najib will now go after Kedah and Selangor.

  84. “All the 28 Barisan Nasional (BN) assemblymen and the three independents in Perak had an audience with the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah, today to declare their support for the BN.”

    Under these circumstances it would be clearly unprecedented for the Sultan to do anything but ‘follow advice’ and comply with tradition. Much as he would like to do differently, it does not seem he has the discretion under the state’s Constitution.

    But then this is no ordinary Sultan. He has headed the country’s judiciary and understands why the law is phrased the way it is. He also understand the clear role of the constitutional monarchy. Should he cross the line and be seen to involve himself in partisan politics, it would be a move unwelcome by his brother rulers. He could be opening the door to something more fundamental and serious. It could sound the death knell of the constitutional monarchy as we know it in Malaysia.

  85. Under these circumstances it would be clearly unprecedented for the Sultan to do anything but ‘follow advice’ and comply with tradition. Much as he would like to do differently, it does not seem he has the discretion under the state’s Constitution.

    But then this is no ordinary Sultan. He has headed the country’s judiciary and understands why the law is phrased the way it is. He also understand the clear role of the constitutional monarchy. Should he cross the line and be seen to involve himself in partisan politics, it would be a move unwelcome by his brother rulers. He could be opening the door to something more fundamental and serious. It could sound the death knell of the constitutional monarchy as we know it in Malaysia.

  86. Judas couldn’t sleep and finally hanged himself in guilt and shame.

    That will be the lot of those who betray their people. They will not never enjoy peace of mind or happiness the rest of their days until they repent, reform and return to the true path of righterousness.

    By the way, may I suggest that the MB Nizar and Ngeh Hoo Ham take the honourable way by returning their datukship as a symbolic gesture of protest if they feel that HRH was wrong in his decision.

    I always think it was a big mistake for them to nominate themselves for the datukship just after taking office. It reflects badly on them.

    The people who have served for decades and truly deserve such titles are Kit and Karpal but they will not accept such awards as the DAP policy and practice have always been to avoid exposing its leaders to temptation of power and position.

    The party stand, I believe, is that only when the leaders are retired they should be given such awards. Ngeh should have nominate Dr Chen Man Hin for the award instead of accepting it himself.

    I understand that Ngeh’s datukship was among the reasons some Perak DAP leaders and members were unhappy with.

    She is not only the first woman to be a deputy speaker, the first polio person to hold such a post, but also, I believe, the first woman to defect.
    She deserves to be listed in the Malaysia Book of Records.

  87. The State Government can only be removed from power by a Vote of No Confidence in the State Legislative Assembly. The MB should convene the State legislative Assembly immediately and allow the members to vote on such a motion. Any othe method, even if it consistent with the State Constitution will create new problems.

    We are 51 years old and should be able to solve problems without creating new ones.

  88. During Soon dynasty in China, those who had Chin as their surname felt ashamed. Today in Malaysia those with Hee as their surname would be shy to lift up their heads. All because one Hee had change the Perak regime, from earth to hell.

    There is now a new word for addition to the Oxford dictionary. Heeyitfoongist has the following meanings:
    traitor, opportunist, and prostitute.

    Lee Lam Thye only lives up to the provision of article 10 (c) ? on right to free association. He did not bring down a government. There is now have a new personality to signify what the name LLT was used for. DAP does not produce too many kataks in the past. BN virus seem to have found its way to DAP. DAP should now be careful about those who believe in heeyitfoongism.

  89. All Finance Ministers in the world are working hard to find solutions to combat the great depression; only our C4 Najib is having fun executing coup d’etat.

    UMNO is doomed!
    Malaysia is doomed with it!

  90. My guess is that the Sultan of the State of Perak would do what is best for the long term interest and stability of the country as a constitutional monarcy i.e. confirm the appointment of the new MB. He would put aside his personal feelings on the matter and incur the wrath of the political coaltion and its supporters. After all there is always the next elections, another opportunity for the electorate to decide if this take-over akin to a military coup (which side do you think the armed forces and the police would back in case trouble breaks out?) reflects their sentiment.

  91. I agree with Onlooker Politics. DAP should take this as a harsh lesson and look into improving the teamwork and the quality of the DAP team in Perak.

    I notice the Ngeh fellar is making silly statements on Hee in The Star. “He said Hee was dissatisfied and had complained for not being appointed an exco member and for not getting a Toyota Camry.”

    That’s not a very constructive thing to do when you need Hee to reconsider her decision.

    DAP should take this turn of events in a positive manners. Use the current situation to shake out to useless fellars in DAP.

  92. The RAHMAN Prophecy is coming true.
    Abdul Razak
    Hussien Onn
    Let Najib laugh now.Because Najib will be the last BN Prime minister.
    Come the next GE UMNO will be wiped out.MIC GERAKAN,MCA and PPP had already been wipe out.This parties are now licking UMNOs booths for the scraps that UMNO throws at them.

  93. I think it might actually be a good thing that Perak goes back to BN.
    Now PR can take a step back and really build up a stronger team in Perak for the next challenge. The current Perak team was actually a mess because PR before Mar 08 did not really think they had any chance at Perak and fielded a lot of questionable candidates.

    In terms of Ketuanan Rakyat movement for reform, BN getting back control of Perak by Katak’s is not going to dampen the people’s spirit instead it’s going to spur people to work even harder to topple BN. So while this may seem like a setback, actually it has not changed the political landscape significantly. And as i mentioned, it might actually help PR in the long run.

  94. Unknown to me at the time of writing, the Sultan has in fact decided to ‘follow advice’ and comply with tradition.

    “2.27pm: Bernama reports that the Sultan of Perak has rejected the request by Mohd Nizar for the dissolution of the state assembly. The report also said that the sultan has asked Mohd Nizar to step down to pave the way for a power transfer. ”

    Sorry boys. My prediction came true.

  95. best for … the country
    Is it really in the best interests of the country? It’s hard to tell, living in the perennial information vacuum that is Malaysia. Perak won’t be the last slim majority State in Malaysia. If it’s as easy as ‘hopping’ to cause the downfall of a State government, that’s going to make seats in slim majorities very … expensive, isn’t it? It’s not as easy as cutting someone in half and counting their rings to see if they’re ‘true’ or not, so that you can have confidence they won’t fall for the first pot of honey that’s offered to them.

    I think (in absence of knowledge of the rules he acted by – anybody got a link to a state constitution? I didn’t even know the States had their own Constitutions!) he could have set a precedent that would have been a powerful disincentive to change allegiance mid-term. If he had permitted Nizar to dissolve the Perak government, the people could have gone to the polls again. If the hoppers had had the mandate of their constituents, it could have been made clear at the polls. If they did not, then the State government could have verified its mandate and kept working.

    I fail to see how swapping the government mid-term counts as ‘keeping the state working’. It sounds like the worst-case scenario in terms of functioning government. It will be interesting to see, should the slim majority be reversed again, how quickly the previous MB is restored.

  96. Since the basis of Sultan’s decision is purely on numbers then resolution of the problem becomes simple. If for any reason now one BN drop dead or resign or defect, the State will go back to PKR again. With the current mood now in the country and especially in Perak, there is little chance that BN can survive any by election there. I am not sure this Hee traitor woman can withstand the pressure that is only beginning to pour on her. Such traitors are usually cowards and will possibly melt with rotten eggs, sputum and daily humiliation which she will face for the rest of her life.

    I disagree with Jeffrey’s fear on the excuse to use undue force by the federal government to arrest leaders of the opposition and have BN rob power from the other Pakatan States. I am surprise and a bit disappointed that for a leader who can sometimes argue convincingly, he lacks courage. One thing is for sure – there is no free lunches. If Pakatan can take this robbery and corruption without a fight and show of power or if the people support and power is not there behind their defence, then all will be lost. You are telling me that even if Pakatan has been robbed in broad daylight of one of 4 States and all you can do is to hide in fear that if you respond, you will get arrested. If the police is going to arrest all of Pakatan’s leaders and supporters which jail are they going to put them into?

    No the Perak Sultan has made a dreadful decision not to dissolve the state assembly. The mess that can come out of this can be so horrible and will probably paralyse the entire state. Perak now has an unorthodox power struggle against a popular State Government which has the support of the majority of the people on a razor thin margin. How can this be stable. The defer dissolution of the assembly merely going to be a postponement of today’s problem. It makes me wonder why the Perak Sultan really took this cause of action? There must be more than meets the eye.

  97. I don’t understand why NAJIS is so stupid, his act will only backfire in next general election!

    What makes me sick even more is to watch Tan Lian Hoe in RTM1 news just now, she was supporting NAJIS’s act with broken mandrin and any dumb person can tell she was feeling guilty of saying those words, knowing what she said was against people’s will… clear sign that Gerakan was licking UMNO’s shoes!

  98. Imagine 500m RM and they still lost KT by-election and now for only 50m RM they got a WHOLE silver state & NO NEED election. Wow!

    It seems Hee has betrayed her party DAP & the rakyat through & through.
    Just wait and see who will have the last laugh.

  99. And the police is so efficient as to cordone off the state secretariat building where the seat of government is as compared to the Shah Alam state building in March 2008 just after the BN lost state power to rule.

  100. The three prostitutes from Jelapang, Behrang and Changkat Jering will have sleepless nights. The constituents whom they have cheated and betrayed surely will not give them an easy time. Already it is happening. That’s their bad karma…..

  101. The Sultan has decided.

    The embattled MB from PR says he is not rejecting the Sultan’s decision etc is nothing more than rhetorics. With a civil service which has never known political neutrality and a police force and armed forces in federal control, and clearly on the side of the status quo, the take-over would soon be complete.

    Life goes on.

  102. The most sensible thing I read today was the editorial in the Malay Mail, which recommended a snap election. Najib is inheriting an unstable administration where a few marginal ADUNs could easily hold BN to ransom. Those who won their seats by small margins will want bigger allocations so that they can spend their way into the hearts and minds of the voters, not to mention the offers of goodies when the next election arrives.

    Let BN have the state administration. Perakians should keep asking for goodies now, especially when Najib can’t afford to say no. Ask for new schools, new temples, new roads. Your ADUN can’t afford to upset you.

  103. It is the number game, Sultan cannot take side, he had to follow the party with the most supporters (seats), Nizar should have ask to dissolve DUN earlier, (when the 3 jokers went missing), when he still hv majority. Sultan cannot refuse if he ask while he command majority in DUN.
    Those who think that it’s easy to grab back (from BN) by GE-13 are too naive, BN will surely find ways n means to strengthen their position (legally, illegally, or crookedly, etc).
    GE-13 may even turn to BN advantage (legally, illegally, or crookedly, etc)

  104. Seemks nothing can be done to stop BN from being sworn in as new state Govt. The state secretary is all along the past BN govt appointee. This should serve warning and notice to other PR state govt that its very necessary to remove past BN govt people from the PR govt as they will act very swiftly and could have been undercover for their past masters.

    Immediate action should be taken to remove such parasites.

    Hee…..we Malaysian Chinese call upon you to uphold your moral upbringing and come out to immediately renounce your support for BN. If you have the guts to do that…ala “Nasharudin”…you will be the heroine of all Malaysian Chinese on par with “Hua Mu Lan”. Please do not think anymore….as you will live to regret it for the rest of your live and bring shame to your whole family and they will not dare to lift up their head to see people frown at them. Think of your family and the community and not to be so selfish on yourself only. Have you forgotten about the chance DAP gave yopu to elevate your status from just a mere clerk to a SA? Have you no gratitude at all???? Why? Why? Why?

  105. I guess more constitutional crisis would unfold…

    Already there are constitutional experts suggesting that HRH’s decision to sack the MB is unconstitutional…

    But the question is, if indeed we do feel HRH’s decision is flawed, how can we challenge this decision? Can we take it to the court?

  106. I say man Najibb, u are not gentlement …If you really wanna fight lets go for one more round..u will loose even more seats da..we are sick and tired with you jokes man…I think you are a great joker..people are loughing at you..don’t you notice it..As for that 3 traitors, u have died the minute you jump..U all will not have a peaceful life.. We voted you to protect and safeguard us not to sell us….will you all sell your children? I think you all would as money is important and its everything…HEE how could you prostitute at this age..You are rotten egg. There are still people out there buying rotten egss..opsssss soryyyy forgotten about BN,,..of course they will…..but atleast PR started to clean those bad and smelly things that have been with us..Its good for long term.we will come back and teach you how to play politic…Beware of us, the children of Pakatan Rakyat..AS for menteri besar Perak Dato Nizar, we love you always..you have been doing a good job for last 10 months…cheers

  107. “Should he cross the line and be seen to involve himself in partisan politics, it would be a move unwelcome by his brother rulers.” (undergrad2)


    I hope what you say here can really be true. However, if the same thing were to happen in Johor, then who would have the gut to remove the MB who was the personal choice of the Johor Sultan? It seems that you are too ignorant about the Royal secrets in Malaysia but you still want to try to be clever here! If you want to know more things happening in Malaysia, you should have come back to Malaysia and should not stay in the U.S. and then plug in something out of the air!

    How do you know how the rulers of the other states feel without having a personal conversation with any one of them?

  108. In this dire time of global economic recession, there are new jobs openings in M’sia where u can earn millions of dollars overnight!!!

    Yo, let’s apply to become ADUN Katak and MP Katak. There are no education qualifications required, nor any working experience is necessary. All u need to do is to say “Correct Correct Correct!” :P

  109. One is respectable when he stand up against corruption and hijacking.

    One is he and his family will be in disgrace if he/she side with corruption hijackers of power when the whole world knowing it is corruption hijackers of power.

    No matter what rules say, you side with the hijackers of corruption then you are side with the hajackers of corruption in your history, no matters what you say RIGHT OR WRONG.

  110. “The state secretary is all along the past BN govt appointee. This should serve warning and notice to other PR state govt that its very necessary to remove past BN govt people from the PR govt” (Chanjoe)

    I believe noone can remove the Secretary to the State Government unless a consent has been given by the Sultan. The Secretary is usually the Sultan’s man, do you know that?

  111. We must continue to stoke the fire, but also to ensure that it does not get out of control. Controlled anger is what we need right now when the referee and the linesmen are all in cahoots with the opposing team.

    Once BN takes over the state government, Nasaruddin will get into the EXCO, the other two kataks will have their corruption charges dropped. Stoke the fire again. Keep the legal action on the boil so that the public is kept abreast of the developments. We will not win legally, but the value is in the dissemination of the news, and to keep it in the front pages.

  112. Signs are indeed grim: for Pakatan! Anwar should take Koh’s advise and stop his dramatics. Pakatan has been given a dose of its own medicine and the sooner it starts to govern the remaining states under its control the better. Instead of playing dirty politics and wasting time in internal bickerings and threatening rhetoric vis a vis BN, it needs to step up to the mark and make a difference for the rakyat that elected it.

    I see what happened in Perak as a prelude to a similar showdown in Kedah and maybe Selangor.

  113. ‘“All the 28 Barisan Nasional (BN) assemblymen and the three independents in Perak had an audience with the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah, today to declare their support for the BN.”

    Under these circumstances it would be clearly unprecedented for the Sultan to do anything but ‘follow advice’ and comply with tradition.’ (undergrad2)


    Do you know that a court proceeding has been filed by the Speaker and PR’s representative to request for a judgement on the validity of the three resignation letters being signed by the three independent State Assemblypersons? The Sultan himself was the Lord President of the Federal Court of Malaysia. HRH should at his best try to delay his decision in the change of ruling party in order to avoid the embarrassment of possibly being accused for committing the contempt of court when a petition has been filed to invalidate and vacate the seats of the three independents State Assemblypersons! Regrettably, HRH chose to make a decision in a haste manner!

  114. Sorry for writing this but I guess I have each and every rights to give comments from a lay person’s view point..I think HRH wanted to have BN to rule Perak..deep in HRH’s heart, prefer BN…In last GE, 10 days given to BN to vacate the office of Perak but I was shocked rather surprised to see only few hours given to PR to vacate the office..thats a clean proof to show where HRH stands..no matter what happened, PR will rule Perak….they could take over the office but not the heart of the PR people…we will fight till the end…Hidup Pakatan Rakyat…

  115. I came upon one of thousand message in the SULTAN PERAK official website which is very interesting.

    Let show our protest by turn on the vehicle light in the afternoon.

    Start tomorrow!!!!

    *I hope Sultan will be wise and dissolve the State Assembly.

    (Seems like a lot of people is protesting the Sultan call for not dissolving the Perak DUN. So, will you protest tomorrow? Anyone?)

    Source: http://books.dreambook.com/duli/duli.html

  116. Onlooker Politics Says:

    February 5th, 2009 at 21: 34.31

    “….if the same thing were to happen in Johor, then who would have the gut to remove the MB who was the personal choice of the Johor Sultan? It seems that you are too ignorant…”

    Excuse me for my ignorance then.

    Events that happened in Perak in the 70s and a number of times in Johor in the 80s and in Trengganu more recently are controversial. There are others over the country’s constitutional history. The issues in all these cases never seen the light of day in the country’s courts. Apparently the reason for that was that the PM did not want to shock the foundation of the country’s constitutional monarchy if this could be avoided.

    I sat down with the Raja Muda not too long ago for lunch during which he asked if I was Sandhurst trained. I’m not that ignorant as you make me out to be.

  117. The court case against the two PKR kataks has been set for 15 Feb 2009. It will surely be postponed, and repeatedly so. Then the evidence, the bag of ringgit notes will go missing, like what happened before. The case will be thrown out. The kataks will then be free from BN clutch. What if they decide then to become golden kataks and do a double cross? Will the Sultan ask Pakatan to produce all 31 ADUNs. The trouble then would be some Pakatan ADUNs might be prevented by police from going to the Istana.

    When the two kataks were arrested last year, speculation was that they were framed. If that was true, then after having been missing and have been declared to have resigned, the two kataks were left with nothing to defend the allegation of corruption. The two kataks delivered the state to BN, and will be rewarded for clearing their name. So, as revenge against the wrong done to them, they can become a golden kataks, and topple BN state government.

    If the two kataks were involved in corruption, then MACC should be able to find evidence to get them convicted. A fine of 2000 or more will render them to lose their position as ADUN. A by-election will be held.

    If the two kataks were involved in corruption but the MACC cannot find evidence to convict them, then it gives credence to the belief that the two PKR kataks were framed and were forced to defect to prevent going to jail. So Najib as head of Perak will be seen as the architect of dirty trick for coup d’etat.

    Unless the next general election is held soon, the see-saw of power in Perak will not end. But the Perak example makes Pakatan’s attempt at change federal power honourable. Surely there are people within UMNO who are at the wrong camp would want to have their days in the corridor of power.

    BN is so corrupted that any undignified method involved in toppling BN is justified.

  118. Its sad to see such dirty power games at play. The rakyat should have their say as to who represents them and in GE12 PR was chosen to represent the Perakians and similarly BN was chosen to represent Malaysia.

    Nevertheless, PR has long loss the credibility to speak against defections especially when Anwar, PAS, PKR and DAP has been at it constantly since March 08. How can it be right for PR to do so and now suddenly wrong for BN to do it?

    Jumping ship should be disallowed and I hope this matter will be taken up serious in the Dewan Rakyat someday and be made illegal.

  119. Onlooker Politics Says:

    February 5th, 2009 at 22: 13.46

    “The Sultan himself was the Lord President of the Federal Court of Malaysia. HRH should at his best try to delay his decision in the change of ruling party in order to avoid the embarrassment of possibly being accused for committing the contempt of court when a petition has been filed to invalidate and vacate the seats of the three independents State Assemblypersons! Regrettably, HRH chose to make a decision in a haste manner!”

    Careful there!! You could land Kit in trouble. Your posting here could be deemed seditious under the Sedition Act.

  120. After all this act of corruption hijacking of power.

    Whoever agreed and be part of it form the corruption state government when the whole world know it is corruption hijacking of powers.

    It is very disguisting to hang up those photos on the wall, like paying a respect to corruption hijackers from now on.

  121. The claim that HRH does prefer BN to PR to form the State Government can be valid. I personally think that HRH does not like PAS and Hudud Law proposed by PAS because such law will impose too much limitation on individual’s private life. Don’t forget many rulers in Malaysia did receive their education in the U.K. at the early stage of their life. Why did PAS want to give strong support to Hudud which will impose threat on the Royal family’s westernized life style?

  122. Onlooker Politics Says:

    February 5th, 2009 at 21: 45.38
    “The state secretary is all along the past BN govt appointee. This should serve warning and notice to other PR state govt that its very necessary to remove past BN govt people from the PR govt” (Chanjoe)

    I believe noone can remove the Secretary to the State Government unless a consent has been given by the Sultan. The Secretary is usually the Sultan’s man, do you know that?”

    The Sultan’s man?? No, I don’t. I must be ignorant.

  123. I agree with katdog. PR can now take its time to screen, seive and select truly loyal people as candidates for the next GE. Make sure no such person as Hee are put on the candidate list! Let this be a lesson to the leaders of PR and also members of the component parties. Beware of “wolves in sheep’s clothings”!

  124. Sad to see this great nation Malaysia administered by the British Tuans, then handed over to the Malaysian TUANS under Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra & his Malaysian cabinet of TRUE TUANS managing the system of Wesminster style Democracy & with the Rule of Law in 1957, getting “Hijacked & Betrayed” by the “Elite UMNO Ketetuanan BEGGARS” in 1969.

    For 40 years, instead if teaching their own kind to “Learn to catch their own FISH”, they took the easy way out to maintain their “False” sense of Security & Power by using the “Ketetuanan (BEGGAR)” policy – you vote UMNO, we give you “Fish” & the rot set in to what it is today & the beat goes on….!

    For the others, “Either you are with us…..or else….you will be “MIA or Eliminated”, period !

    The Desperate PM wannabe & his Goons must have used pressure on DYMM with the issue of “rightful” Royal “Succession”, business deals, etc to get his wish this time!

    This great nation, its assets & its Anak Bangsa Malaysia have been abused for the last 40 years by these “Moronic Idiots & their Goons” through “Gutter Politics” & the “Law of the Jungle”.

    Through “Devine” intervention, UMNO, its Leaders & their Lapdogs are now “Destroying” each other with their “Power, Greed & Henious Crimes”.

    Our prayers to God Almighty seeking “Truth, Justice, Freedom & Equality” will be answered.

    Every new day will be another “New Revelation” to reveal the “Truth” in its Self Destruct motion towards its “Demise”.

    Just give them enough rope to “Hang” themselves at every turn in their “Final” chapter.

    May God bless, guide & protect this great nation, its remaining assets & its Anak Bangsa Malaysia forthwith.

  125. “I sat down with the Raja Muda not too long ago for lunch during which he asked if I was Sandhurst trained. I’m not that ignorant as you make me out to be.” (undergrad2)


    Congratulations for your being given the honour of lunching together with the Raja Muda. Did you manage to talk to the Raja Muda about the religious principle in relation to corruption and defection? I guess you don’t. The Sultan is the head of Islam in the state he rules. What do you think the Raja Muda will advise the Perak people on the issues of corruptions and defection?

  126. Onlooker Politics Says:

    February 5th, 2009 at 23: 01.32

    “What do you think the Raja Muda will advise the Perak people on the issues of corruptions and defection?”

    I was referring to the Raja Muda of Johor.

    In any case the issues regarding abuse of political power and the issue of party hopping though of national interest are political issues. The Sultan’s private opinions don’t matter. They are constitutional rulers.

  127. “Careful there!! You could land Kit in trouble. Your posting here could be deemed seditious under the Sedition Act.” (undergrad2)

    Thank you for your showing much concern. Don’t worry about me. I was an ISA graduate. I am already getting used to the tyrannic rule! But the jail will not shut my mouth! Only the justice as dispensed in the will of God would be able to silent me up! I see the will of God is being reflected in the will of commoners in Malaysia now!

  128. “My concern is for the host of this blog – Lim Kit Siang and not you” (undergrad2)


    If Uncle Kit get caught by the Police because of me, then I will turn myself in in order to get Uncle Kit out of the trouble. Please don’t get worry over much!

  129. Being No. 1.

    All this tricks and plots planned by BN happen during his recent birhtday.

    It is saying that the BN have no respect of him and his birthday.


  130. Let this be a lesson to PR not to adopt BN rejects. Bringing in these people will only allow them to play the same game as they did in BN. If they were loyal to their supporters & stand for what they believe in, WHY!? join the opposition when they are sacked from BN? If they are sincere in doing their part to improve M’sian politics, they should stay firm in their believes & not just hope over to return onto the fold. This is not the business world where one’s loyalty belongs to the highest bidder. An MP is the voice of the people they represent. They are the leaders of their community & the Rakyat depend on them to voice their concerns.

    What happened in Perak is really a sad story. I just can’t understand WHY!!??? Sultan Azlan Shah refuse to proceed with a fresh by-election? Among the many Sultans in Malaysia, he is regarded as the most well educated & well respected former judge. I hope PR better shape up or else as the saying follows, they be shipped out! I hate to see that happen.

  131. Najib is showing that he prepares to use not so honourable way to get power. This cannot be tolerated as he will be PM in a month’s time. Pakatan Rakyat must find a way to stop such an unscrupulous person from assuming Prime Ministership !
    One way is to find support in parliament Abdulah Badawi to continue to be the PM.
    From now on, PR must declare an all-out war on Najib.

  132. All this is the result of the actions of two SAs who decided to look for some Chinese chickens some months ago and then got into problems.

    The three frogs signed solemn statements to the Sultan that they will support a PR government last March. Now they tell the Sultan they support a BN government. Can we trust them? The Sultan did however believe in their new found loyalties.

    The Sultan then asked Nizar to step down but Nizar refused and according to Channel News Asia, Nizar reminded the Sultan of what he wrote in his guidebook. “I explained to his majesty that following a guidebook that the Perak sultan had written on the monarchy, the sultan should follow my advice as leader of the House to dissolve the assembly,” he told a press conference. ”

    The Sultan it appears was cheesed off to be reminded so and consequently in his official decision statement, specifically made the command that the MB and his Exco resign their posts, else they were deemed “vacated”. This is unprecedented and is now a matter of debate.

    Perhaps we all should not be too hasty but take some “time out” to reflect on the developments and then do what is right.

    An “error” in 1988 was only “corrected” 20 years later in 2008 via ex-gratias.

    If there is indeed an error in 2009, will we have to wait another 20 years for it to be corrected? And with “ex-gratias”?

  133. My brother in law has just received his notice of retrenchment from his company Seagate Singapore. Many people is jobless due to retrenchment in Singapore now. Our ministers instead of spend their time and mind thinking of how to help out our Malaysian victims, they are busy getting the PR assembly to hop over.

    I have no surprise the two (plus one) PKR assemblymen hop over to Umno or Independent but BN prone but I am indeed disappointed with the DAP assemblywoman cum deputy speaker who become independent and BN prone as well…Simply because she said she would not quit DAP as she is member for about 20 years. Haha…how can people now telling lies without blinking the eyes? The reason of her resignation is even funny…Come on….what the hell is Toyota Camry? Are you become assemblyman or assemblywoman to get these benefit? Then you are not different than the ordinary assemblyperson. I think that is why people are going for politics and best if to be elected as assemblyperson to get all these benefit perhaps….just to be mean…I have no surprise my comments may end up in spam or junk…but at least i wrote in and release my disappointment….I also hope that the Sultan of Perak will resolve the government and have re-election…

  134. “The Sultan’s private opinions don’t matter. They are constitutional rulers.” (undergrad2)


    Do you know that many District Officers in Johor are so scared of displeasing the Royal family? Do you know that a D.O. has been relocated within 24 hours to other state like Negeri Sembilan when he forgot to lay the red carpet as the basic ceremony for reception of the official visit of the Royal family because the forgetfulness might be due to last minute call at 8:00 pm last night on the intended visit? Do you really believe that the Royal family’s private opinion does not matter? Please tell me honestly!

    What do you think about the Sultan’s private opinion about MB Nizar should tender a resignation letter to the Sultan? Does it really matter to the Sultan?

  135. Onlooker Politics Says:

    February 5th, 2009 at 23: 52.05

    “What do you think about the Sultan’s private opinion about MB Nizar should tender a resignation letter to the Sultan? Does it really matter to the Sultan?”

    When we say the Sultan’s personal or private opinion about a political issue does not matter, it is like saying your opinion in a court of law does not matter as it is not relevant.

  136. I can understand why the Sultan has to give consent to Najib in such a hasty manner. Sultan Azlan Shah was the person who signed the approval for the Special Court Constitutional Addition and for the Constitutional Amendment for removing the veto power of the Yang Dipertuan Agong in relation to the Law Making Procedure of the Parliament. I have direct information from the other Royal Family that Tun Dr. Mahathir indeed threatened to change the Federation into a Republic in event that the Yang Dipertuan Agong refused to sign the Constitutional Amendment in relation to cutting down the power of the rulers. Therefore Sultan Azlan Shah was given no choice other than the choice of signing the approval for the Constitutional Amendment.

    In the present BN coup in Perak, the Sultan might be required to make a hasty decision under massive distress. Perhaps we should also uphold the Sultan in prayer so that HRH can be given the wisdom from God in order to make a wise decision without fear or favour!

  137. Desperate times calls for desperate measures. The man facing this situation is none other than the PM-in-waiting. What he had orchestrated in Perak is a political coup. No two ways about that. He has won a hollow victory but he has yet to win the war.

    The ghost of this takeover will come back to haunt him and Barisan. We shall see. Mahathir and Tengku Razaleigh have sounded warnings about the backlash.

    As for the Froggy Four, they have shown their true colours. They are not there to serve the people, they are just there to line their own pockets. Come the next election, they will be booted out no matter what excuses they make.

    There are many others of the same irk – be they in BN or PR – but we have yet to see them come out on stage. Let us be wary of them.

    As elected representatives of the people, those who want to defect should do the honourable thing – resign first and stand for election again as candidates of the party they join. Would they dare take this risk?

    The one person who could have made all the difference is the Hee woman. It’s hard to comprehend her very act. If she knows what honour means, she could have resigned and stay as an independent and still side with PR.

    As for the people who voted them in the last time, it’s an eye-opener and a lesson they should not forget. Same for the PR coalition. It’s also a lesson for Anwar to ponder on.

    Recent events also cast an ominous shadow on this country. When desperados see that they could get away with one dirty, underhand tactic, they might be encouraged to conduct similar shenanigans – and don’t be surprised if we have to face emergency rule or a veiled dictatorship.

    If we don’t continue to work towards change, this country will eventually go to the dogs.

  138. Months back, a self-proclaimed-political-analysis friend of mine has been warning about the return of the king. Recently Raja Nazrin appeared in public giving speech about issues that touched 1) judiciary reformation to all rakyats 2) hak istimewa melayu 3) THE MONARCHY. It happened last year in Terengganu over appointment of MB; the history repeats in Perak again.

    Onlooker Politics; you are right. Though there is no ,’real’ power, Sultan has hinted (warned) that His sovereignty cannot be challenged. Ask anybody in Ipoh, can we use Stadium Sultan Azlan Shah? MBI will tell you that’s Sultan’s exclusive property, but built using rakyat’s $$$.

    Nevertheless, rakyats and elected government pay respect to Sultan.

    They(the royal family) stayed in the palace most of the day; it’s impossible if they understand very well of what’s happening in the world outside their palace wall. Most news came from their hamba, whom most of them are UMNO appointees. It’s not surprising that BN controlled every civil servants; police, city councils, ‘anti corruption’ers and even the Sultan Himself.

    Money is the New Age God. Lusts had corrupted the mindset; strangely it happened only on PKRs. About the traitors, I don’t want to comment further. Let Anwar has his soul-searching period.

    About Hee, ater 20+ years in DAP, I still cannot believe it’s because of money. I believe Hee must had been oppressed by BN; I can think of few reasons that ‘forced’ her to switch
    – MAYBE her husband is having deep financial problem in biz
    – MAYBE her family members need immediate financial assistance
    – MAYBE Najib had kidnapped her kids.
    I really hope she can reconsider about her decision, and also to other BN ADUNs to change their mind.

    Pray hard, and daulat tuanku

  139. I think that the best thing to do for PR in Perak now is to resign en masse to challenge the Sultan’s precipitous decision and BN’s unprofessional takeover of Perak Govt. Let the Perak people decide who should lead them.

  140. “When we say the Sultan’s personal or private opinion about a political issue does not matter, it is like saying your opinion in a court of law does not matter as it is not relevant.” (undergrad2)

    All Johoreans know that the Johor Sultan has the absolute power to choose an MB from the party which commands the majority seats in the State Assembly. This is a derived power of the Sultan.

    In a republican nation like Singapore, even the President is vested with the strong power to veto the use of the nation’s reserves that had been accumulated by the preceding government. Without the consent given by the President, the Singaporean cabinet is only allowed to make use of the money that is to be financed by the earnings made during its own tenure of service, i.e. a five-year parliamentary tenure.

    You have been trying to imply that the Sultan is just a puppet who has to act in accordance to what a Deputy Prime Minister asks him to act. However, in my personal opinion, a strong Sultan will have the derived power in his sole discretion. Generally speaking, most Johoreans perceived that the Johor Sultan is more powerful than the Menteri Besar. Notwithstanding, this universal perception brings no threat and no harm to the survival of the Constitutional Monarchy System in Johor!

    I believe the Perak Sultan also has the derived power in order for HRH to act in his sole discretion without fear or favour.

  141. Undergrad2, you mentioned …” I believe the Sultan has his priorities in the right order.”

    I like this observation of yours. It makes a lot of sense – which on the surface, cannot be seen. Can I ask what you envisage as his likely subsequent sequence of priorities ?

  142. “I think that the best thing to do for PR in Perak now is to resign en masse to challenge the Sultan’s precipitous decision and BN’s unprofessional takeover of Perak Govt. Let the Perak people decide who should lead them.” (private_undergrad)

    This is really a GREAT IDEA!

    However, the readers here still need the Constitutional expert to tell us how many percent of the State Assembly members is required to constitute a qualified quorum for holding an assembly in Perak State Assembly. YB Kit should look into this possibility now in order to force a compulsory dissolution of the State Assembly by way of inadequate quorum.

  143. No matter who say what, or what say you, if the sultan cares enough for the rakyat, without whom he is no more a ruler, he should at all count and cost side with the wishes and aspiration of his subjects.

    The overwhelming noise in the state right now is for the rakyat to decide on the government they want for themselves, as Anwar puts it: the alliance wants the matter “returned to the court of the people”.

    All leaders including the ruler owe their positions to the rakyat. If the people are sidelined and disregarded, the consequences would be dire.

  144. I would like to remind PR leaders to remain calm and always have good strategies in mind, the mainstream media as usual bashed PR again and again today, saying that it all started from DSAI, maybe the DSAI’s move to capture the federal government by taking defections is wrong but he never really did it, but the media keep spinning the topic, as usual too.
    The sultan’s decision, I believe, is not an easy one for himself as well, PR leaders must take the feeling of not only the sultan but also the people of Perak and Malaysia in count, holding a big gathering could turn bad, now what we need is a state-wide election.
    The mood among the people of Perak, including myself is strongly behind PR (changkat jering is just less than 1km from here), those who voted for PR in the last GE could be feeling the same as me, so everything’s not end yet, please plan and it need to be an in-depth planning and discussion with other PR leaders.
    The rakyat will remember this day, and the effect will be seen in the next election, no matter how long it will be.

    -VOICES OF PEOPLE, Taiping, Perak.

  145. We are all disappointed. Let’s have a good sleep so that we can wake up fresh tomorrow. Think of what we can do as individuals to effect change. This consitutional crisis has woken us up again from our temporary slumber.

    It’s a blessing in disguise because it clearly shows us that March 8th has taught BN nothing. It clearly shows that there is something very sick about the system in Malaysia. It clearly shows that our work as the Rakyat has not ended but has only just begun.

    This is the time for us small people of Malaysia to come together as one. To do what we have not been doing all these 50 years. To speak what we have been forbidden to say all these 50 years. To change the abuse in our system that we have tolerated for more than half a century. This is the time for all true Malaysians to do their part individually. Ask ourselves tomorrow morning what we can do in our own small way to make a difference. For collectively we shall persevere. Collectively we shall be greater than the sum of our ownself.

    Talk to your family, relatives, friends, workmates, neighbours… anybody. Have they register themselves to vote? Do they realise the importance of their one vote in the sea of voters? If they have registered, have they asked their family, relatives, friends, workmates, neighbours to register? This could be a good start. Create awareness. Wake the people we know from their slumber. Make them aware of what we can do with our 1 vote.

    Do it and forever no one can bully the Rakyat anymore. Remember…politicians are the servants of the people.

  146. leolim Says:
    February 6th, 2009 at 00: 51.09

    Undergrad2, you mentioned …” I believe the Sultan has his priorities in the right order.”
    I like this observation of yours. It makes a lot of sense – which on the surface, cannot be seen. Can I ask what you envisage as his likely subsequent sequence of priorities ?

    I like your observation too Leolim! Are you trying to fix him? :D

  147. Onlooker Politics Says:

    February 6th, 2009 at 00: 24.31
    In the present BN coup in Perak, the Sultan might be required to make a hasty decision under massive distress. Perhaps we should also uphold the Sultan in prayer so that HRH can be given the wisdom from God in order to make a wise decision without fear or favour!”

    God has whispered into the Sultan’s ears. He said he wants no part of it and that the Sultan is on his own on this one!

  148. This political quagmire has angered Perakians by the thousands and they have sweared that BN will be buried the next round – State Election or GE-13 all the same. And respect for the old “guardian” has eroded and imagine he’s now being called names! No one can believe how he could have made that decision!

  149. With such filmsy majority, who knows, God willing DV, the BN state government may fall when three of their state assemblymen pass away due to unforseen circumstances (illness, accident) in the not too distant future. Then bye or buy elections and switch over once more. Ding dong, ding dong!
    NR will be kept busy. Altan S is keeping an eye on him. Exciting days ahead!

  150. That depends on Sarawak and Negeri Sembilan. See how soon PR can wrest the state, then dogs in Perak will crawl back to PR.

    Well, I am not able to access MalaysiaKini & Malaysian-Insider.

    The traitors, the coup, now Malaysiakini… something is fishy…
    I hope I am wrong… Good night y’all!

  151. The combined actions of the State Secretariat, the Police (who are expected to forcibly remove the MB from his office) and the Barisan Nasional is nothing short of a Coup de’ Tat!!
    Their actions prove they deserve the title of B*** Negara

    I think a civil society campaign of persistant show of disgust towards the 3, now “‘independant” turncoats should be carried out. Suggestions:
    1) Overload their mailboxes with hundreds of letters expressing anger and disgust at their damnable actions
    2) Gatherings outside their houses with banners condeming them
    3)Persistant Booing and shouts of “resign now!” whnever they are seen about in the street.(maybe even throwing eggs??)
    4) A petition to demand their immediate resignation -> one for each assemblyperson, signed by members from their constituency.

  152. Comparing to the amount of $$$ they will get being ADUN, they don’t even care if they are cursed, damned, harassed…

    Probably with the money, they have arranged their backup plan to flee to Palembang when unfavourable incident happened.
    Maybe Hee will move back to her ancestral village in China.

    Rakyat knows what is happening. Rakyat has awaken.
    Yesterday was Ipoh. Today will be Kuala Kangsar.

  153. Dear all.
    Lets pray that our beloved SULTAN will ask the people of PERAK who they want to run the PERAk. Iam so sure most of us would love to have PKR and we love our new MB NIZAR.
    Lets all pray hard and go all out there .say
    MB NIZAR is fair to all races.

  154. Undegrade2 said God is busy somewhere else.
    I think God close both eyes and eyes…do not want to listen to Malaysia’s nonsensical non stop..no work…low class politics.
    HE is waiting for Malaysians to give a strong clear majority…..FOR or AGAINST in the 13th election….not like a dong dong bell…pussy in the well…..neither here nor there.
    We lousy created the ding dong bell
    Why involve God into it?
    Those CATS supporting UMNO and BN are the dirtiest and filthiest animal’s on earth.
    Malaysians need to work harder to clean up the mess.
    UMNO love to talk politics…no work..all their lives.
    Now we can experience the worst economical situation…..yet doing OK..puling through with auto pilot guiding country.
    This is how rich and how blessed we are.
    UMNO knew it all along.
    That’s why they dare to mess things up over and over again… to confuse…and have so many pussy cats..male and females…all pussy cats…no more guts…brainwashed to depend on UMNO.
    Yes..Malaysia is a sick country….and for the first time….I do not wish to depend on royalties to make us happy.
    Say things to please us..so many times….but when come to the real crunch of it all….it is the same thing…..too lawful….too selfish…too afraid….threaten by someone???
    Message..sure under moderation!!

  155. Another word for Democracy is America and another word for Dictatorship is Malaysia. They’re still talking about “derhaka”,Hang Jebat and so on.My God am I in 2009 or 1009.Hmmm……sick better migrate to other country,no future at all………………

  156. PR,forget about taking over Federal for time being and please focus on your task to uphold the economy and welfare of rakyat in your states.Win the heart of “rakyat” and next election take over the Federal.Don’t only collect money from rakyat but try to give money to rakyat.Most of “rakyat” going to be jobless and think how you can help them to survive.Please prove to “rakyat” that you care for them.

  157. I think we should not blame God for the state we are in.
    Malaysia has been blessed with abundant resources but we have allowed poor political leadership to nullify much of that abundance.
    We still have our votes but so many are still unregistered or some do not even bother to exercise that right.
    When so people do vote, they still support crooks and charlatans and other low down specimens to public office.
    I hope this Perak episode wakes up more Malaysians from their tiadapathy slumber.
    Don’t listen to beautiful speeches only but ensure those eloquent speakers really walk the talk.
    Shakespeare too has something to say about the Perak episode.

  158. It is wise to use the money for “rakyat” rather than buying ungrateful frogs.So,PR think how are you going to help the “rakyat” in a very different way.”Sama-sama kaya bukan satu dua sahaja kaya”.

  159. The only hope left really is for the two assemblymen facing corruption charges next week to be found guilty and hence must resign. Of course it will be engineered to not happen. PR job must be to reveal as much about the case as possible. DAP has a lot of lawyers that should be able to reveal the case, the prosecution, the judge. Its what the people want.

    Even if the two are found not guilty, the best thing is to link the two assemblymen and their whoring with Najib and Altantuya – to the malays whoring is very very UNislamic especially the heartland.. Its golden campaign material..

  160. The DAP frog who is independent now was not a happy one as what you can see she being pictured with all the Corrupted BN bosses. She made a very difficult choice she has politically burnt her bridge. While no one know exactly why she choose to jump the ship but her choice was definitely a political suicide for her. Her term the longest will last until next GE.

    At this moment she will not be able to perform her duties as majority of the people voters her has been disappointed and will never forgive her.

    The only redemption that she has is tender her resignation as wakil rakyat and let the voters in Jelapang to go for fresh pool.

    It was very unfortunate that she has chosen to alight with the BN while she has win with the PR ticket under DAP. The voters will not able to accept this kind of frog jumping.

    Her political life after this will be very tough and most probably will end up her resigning very soon.

  161. ///Make sure no such person as Hee are put on the candidate list! Let this be a lesson to the leaders of PR and also members of the component parties. Beware of “wolves in sheep’s clothings”!///– Ktteokt

    Yes. The process can now be described in one word, deheeyitfoongification, so that heeyitfoongists can be deheeyitfoongified.

  162. /// OrangRojak Says:
    February 5th, 2009 at 18: 10.37
    Yes… does that support my argument, or yours?

    The only Singaporean I had heard of before I came to Malaysia was Annabel Chong. ///

    No, but it does reveal what kind of person you are.

  163. boh-liao said to wait for some umno fellas to die so that pakatan could once again regain ground by contesting in by-election.

    Certainly that is one way. And not impractical too. Umnoputras are greedy and obese. Arent they?

    But seriously, something tells me the dap woman who defected is regretting her move – perhaps it is her downcast face as frontpaged in the MSM. She could be the weak point in najib’s recent not-very-clever-at-all stunt. So pile pressure on her.

  164. YB Kit,

    We can fall. The question is whether we can learn lessons of why and how we fell. So that we can pick ourselves up and don’t fall again in the same way – ever again!

    My advice to Pakatan Rakyat (PR) is to get all your legal experts together to put their input with the view to amend all the state constitutions of the remaining states in which PR has majority control to ensure that what has happened in Perak will not repeat.

    I assume rightly or wrongly that with these majorities PR will be able to amend the state constitutions.

    I have neither the resources, time or means to come out with any concrete idea/proposal, so what I say is only by way of general illustrations as to where the amendments should go.

    I think you should consider amendments of the state constitutions in PR controlled states along (generally) these broad lines:

    · When a state assembly man defects from the party by whose ticket he won the seat in the first place he should be treated as having vacated his seat and effectively resigned as assemblyman, whether or not there is any letter of resignation.

    · Spell out what exactly is within scope of “defect” and how it is presumed. As to who decides that an Adun has defected, it can be the Speaker or maybe the majority of the House by resolution.

    · That if there is conflict between Election Commission’s decision and the Assembly Speaker’s decision, the latter is final (instead of EC’s decision is final as I understand is the case of Perak’s state constitution).

    There may be other areas that need to be covered. The idea is to stem this frog leaping phenomenon that makes a mockery of democratic vote via ballot box.

    We have got a case here where a frog leaps from BN to PR and then shortly leap back from PR to BN and yet he can become a Yang Berhormat in the same state assembly and techically) can be appointed by the last side he is in to be Speaker or even be eligible for Menteri Besar’s post.

    Don’t you think that this is ridiculous?

    You guys have to get your act together fast.

    I have no doubt that Kedah is another potential target in the hit list as far as this new political game of coup by defection is concerned.

  165. “I think (in absence of knowledge of the rules he acted by – anybody got a link to a state constitution? I didn’t even know the States had their own Constitutions!)” OrangRojak


    In the late 1800s the Brits duped the Malay rulers into thinking that they needed protection ( protection from what was never made clear to them) and sent in their “advisors” they called “Residents” to “advise” the Malay Rulers. Why ‘residents’? It is not like they didn’t have place of their own to reside; and why “advice” ? They were not by any measure advising but were telling the Malay Rulers or Rajahs what to do – except in matters of native customs and Malay religion, areas in which if they had some understanding they wouldn’t have hesitated to tell them what to do.

    Brits are famous for understating everything they say. When a Brit says “shall act upon advice” what he really means is “you better do as ordered or some calamity will befall you.

    It was not long before the British fondness for understatements crept into documents we now know as State Constitutions. In the country’s Federal Constitution it is no surprise that under Article 40a phrases like “shall act in accordance with advice” is used to describe the role of the Agong.

    Britishism aside, “advice” means just that advice; and as “advice” it need not be followed. It is only advice. As if that is not enough exceptions are created. The “Agong may act in his discretion” in the appointment of the Prime Minister and in the withholding of his consent to a request for dissolution of Parliament.

    Is it surprising therefore that the Brits don’t have a written constitution of their own?

  166. Jeffrey’s suggestion for constitutional amendment in the state constitution may be a viable way to prevent and put check to defection. However, we may need two thirds majority in order to get the pass in constitutional amendment. Among all PR controlled states, only Penang has good chance to do the constitutional amendment since PR commands two third majority in the state assembly seats of Penang. PR has to also take into the consideration of the consistency between the Federal Constitution and the State Constitution because an inconsistency may render the consitutional amendment to be declared null and void by the Federal court in judicial review.

  167. BN is full of CASH on hand. Najib is full of financial support after him. we should gather most of our power and energy to gain back what we have!

    The two PR will fortuitous variation as free after judgement. the Betray Lady will get what she intend. CASH AND HIGH POST in new PERAK GOVERMENT!

    We are poor now and may jobless in this yr or next few yrs. The BN party just concern of OWN POCKET MONEY AND POWER ITSELF.

    EVEN MCA also Diam Diam at this moment. they waiting for the opportunity to get back what they lost on 308 PLUS INTEREST RATE!!

  168. Sultan Azlan Shah is a bit different from the sultans of other states, mainly due to his previous experience in the legal profession sitting at the helm of the Lordship President of the Federal Court System. However, the duty of a Sultan is also different from the duty of a Chief Justice. The main obligation of the Sultan to his subject is to provide protection (naungan) as deemed necessary when needs arise. As the protector (penaung) of the people, the Sultan is expected by his subject to make a decision based on the overall betterment of his subject. The current defection case requires the Sultan to provide a positive didactive instruction to the subject on the importance of loyalty and fidelity. Therefore, besides the legal consideration, the Sultan also needs to take the moral issues into consideration because the ruler is the learned father to all his subject. The subject will rely on the Sultan for seeking the moral guidance and moral legitimacy in the personal behaviour and social norm.

    It is advisable for the Sultan to make a decision to dissolve the State Assembly at the present chaotic situation in order to let the people decide on the state government they want. Any decision which takes side will sometimes send a negative wrong message to the people. The Sultan can only remain as neutral and impartial by way of dissolving the State Assembly in regards to the present unstable and shaky power holding situation of either party concerned.

  169. I agree with Onlooker Politics that HRH Sultan of Perak should dissolve the State Assembly and let the Perak people decide on the State government that they want. The choice should be made by the people and not by anyone else deeming for the people.

    Where is our basic constitution rights as voters in this matter? Don’t we have a say in this matter?

  170. About what jeffrey said concerning state constitution amendments.

    Isnt the right to stand for election a personal right? Anyone who wish to serve a constituency can offer himself to be elected. That is why we have independant candidates – those partyless candidates. I would be surprise if the constitution makes references to political parties. The amendment Jeffrey proposed would necessarily involve amending the constitution such that only those who are members of political parties can stand for election. The amendment must contain appropriate exceptions to take care of independant candidates. Two further points must be noted. First (for completeness sake) the amendment must provide that those who are members of political parties must state their political party clearly in their election campaign. This is already the practice for a long long time. But it is not in the laws. The amendment must formalise this practice into laws. Secondly, it must be expressed clearly that after election the status an independant candidate and a political party candidate cannot be altered.

    Retirement of an elected candidate resulting in vacation of his seat will occur automatically upon death and will be presumed when the candidate ceases to be a member of the political party under which he or she was elected for any reason whatsoever.

    Finally what business has the EC to decide whether a constituency is vacant? He manages the list of voters and voters’ registration. He anounces nomination and election dates. He oversees the nomination and election process. He supervises the vote counting and he anounces the elected candidate. Can someone tell me whether i am wrong here on this issue?

  171. The only thing I can think of for the Sultan to backtrack on his own writing not to dissolve the State assembly would be a consideration on the cost ($) involved in organising a State election. However, this argument hardly holds water because by not having another State election as the people wants, he appears to be advocating this immoral party hopping, siding with UMNO which will not last beyond the next election, going against what he himself wrote and preach, allow the State to be inherently unstable with the ongoing constitutional crisis and political quamire. Even if the UMNO beasts got sworn it soon in the State they will have to face a people very much angered by this unconstitutional grab of power. The State may see regular demonstration of people’s power which may number into the millions. There is no way the riot police can control this. They may fill up Kamunting camp but it will set the entire people of the country against he government who is fast loosing its grasp of power. I just cannot figure out what goes on in the mind of this Sultan.

  172. The reason why sometimes we have to get God involved in the worldly matters is because God serves as the leveller of justice who will intercede in the adversaries. Therefore the weak person like I myself need to draw much strength from God by way of saying prayers! I still pray for HRH Sultan for him to draw wisdom from God in his decision making process, besides relying on his knowledge of Constitution and legal implications of certain legal action.

  173. Can the people of Hee’s constituency sue her for the bridge of contract for resigning from PK? She was elected on PK’s ticket on whose ticket she was elected. I don’t think the people would want to elect a handicap to represent them if she was not with the PK.

    If it is not possible, publish her picture everywhere and ask the people to boycott her as a final resort for betraying the trust of the people.

  174. Yes, computation, it is obvious that our consitution rights have been violated and taken away by those deem that we are too stupid to know or bothered about it.

    But that does not mean there are those of us agree to that. Legal advisers to DAP and PR need to do something and fast.

  175. “Ah Loong can put up so many contact stickers all over the lamp post and shop’s rollershutter gate, why can’t we do that too!!

    Put her photo in sticker form.”
    Thinking Two

    Wah lau!!
    put her photo into sticker form!!!
    sounds like adverts for prostitutes.
    i think she is one!

  176. passersby wrote:If it is not possible, publish her picture everywhere and ask the people to boycott her as a final resort for betraying the trust of the people.

    Please do not display her photoes. The sight of it makes me want to puke and my blood pressure willl rocket sky high.
    Please, please do not display her photo for God’s sake!!! It will cause ‘vision pollution’.

  177. Perakians!!! Remember this day for the rest of your life…. We have to pick ourselves up and fight again another day. We have to give in to the royal decree of the Sultan.

    I think the silver lining here is that if you command the majority of the house, whether its in the state assembly or in the parliament, the PR can directly approach the Sultan/Agong to take over the government.

    The Sultan of Perak has set a precedence for this by allowing the unlawful takeover of BN – through the media and not by a vote of no confidence. This may actually work in favor of PR. Pray that Anwar will work on getting the numbers to defect in Parliament, then bring all of them to the Agong….hehe. We can take over the country.

    We might lose a battle, but we stand to win the WAR!!! March ahead….!!!

  178. I suppose the subversion of democratic process is nothing the impending UN review will be interested in? I think I recall something about ‘sometime around chap goh mei’, apologies if I spell it wrong, I’m a foreigner.

    undergrad2 asks me if it’s surprising that the UK doesn’t have a Constitution. Uh, no. What would we need one for? Malaysia’s got one, it doesn’t work. Which country has a written Constitution that a British citizen would rather live in?

    I grew up in a place in the UK that wasn’t so different to Port Dickson. It had refineries, had a seaside resort that had seen better days, was empty during the day because the jobs were all in a better place, more than an hour’s journey away. It was full of old people, large families, unemployed people, people with low-paid jobs, immigrant families. We had a library 40 years ago when I was a child, open 7 days a week, from early morning to late evening, with good quality reference books that told us all about the Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights and all the recent Laws of the land. If you didn’t want to pay the subsidised bus fare to get a bus there, you could walk there on flat, smooth, wide, safe pavements, which went from every home to every shop, every employer, every school and every doctor and dentist, so everyone could ride Shanks’ Pony to their destination if they had no other form of transport. We had newspapers and the BBC telling us when our rights were being infringed and when to do something about it.

    What would Britons need a Constitution for? We know our rights! We had ’em before Americans turned white and before Malaysians had straight hair! Ahhh, I feel so British, I could bomb Dr… Can’t say that any more, I think it’s a hate crime in Europe now.

  179. Thinking Two Says:
    February 6th, 2009 at 10: 23.20

    Yes. You are correct.

    She was not very happy that night!!!


    Maybe she was not happy cause she got less than the other 2 PKR B*****D

    Don’t forget this Najis was the one who wanted to bath the keris in chinese blood back in the 80s.

  180. may some one create jelapang_resign.com ?

    let NOT get personal attack but just demand her to resign and return power back to jelapang people.

    This is for the good of her and family and the democracy of people.

    from people power come from people power go. as a season politician she should know better than any others.

  181. “Can the people of Hee’s constituency sue her for the breach of contract for resigning from PK?” (passerby)

    Hee was standing on DAP ticket and not PK. Nothing can be done to unseat her except for criminal cases, court decisions, death or resignations. The only way for the Rakyat is to scorn at her and if she goes back to Jelapang, tell her off….put up banners asking her to return the mandate….return democracy…do simple and yet forceful and legal actions to force her to resign.

    Another way whichhas never been tried out before is to gather at least 100 registered voters who have voted in the GE 12 to sign up for a petition and file a court case to unseat her as she has not exercise the mandate given to her by voters in Jelapang and therefore ask the court to declare the seat as vacant. I dont know is such a move can be done as I am not a legal eagle. Maybe some legal eagles can help to examine this option. We as voters must have a way to force these elected reps to resign…if only this is provided for. Just a hope….wonder if this is applicable. Any legal advice?

  182. Why quarrel? Concentrate on governing well the states won in the last election. And the parties which follow this route closely will win BIG in the next GE. Patience and perserverance are a good politician good friends. History has proven again and again. Be fair and firm to all races in the set policies.

  183. Good to see that the new Camry cars going to have new owners.
    Padan Muka for making fun on rakyat with the excuses of National Cars are expensive to maintain……
    if loser Exco missed their new Camry, they can use your on money to buy…… Congratulation to all the new Exco and new owners of the Camry.

  184. Just heard that the Perak MB’s office was cleared out of all documents last nite. This happened as the place was heavily guarded by Police. So you can see….the civil servants inside are all BN’s henchmen and this happened after BN lost in March’08 and now matters have not been settled yet and yet this had happened.

    The State Secretary is paid by salaries from the state treasury and yet he can do such an unfaithful thing. There is actually no law in this country. Its only the BN’s law (ala Police State).

    Chinese saying : Soldiers/Police are allowed to burn down anything but Rakyat are not even allowed to light a lamp.

    Malaysia is really moving towards a Zimbabwe style of governing.

    Whoever did the clearing of the MB’s office must be caught and punished severely. Maybe its the same person who did it in March’08???

  185. Dear. Sdrl Lim and Sdr. Lim Guan Eng.

    I don’t believe Hee realise the full implication of what she has done frankly. Its clear her rational for doing it is her problems with DAP and DAP Perak. She think she is teaching DAP a lesson by participating in a situation she cannot be solely accountable to.

    She is wrong. She may not be accountable to the defection and PR fall alone BUT she is accountable for a larger evil – ESSENTIALLY ENDORSING NAJIB and worst Mahathirism. She is condemning this country by resurging Mahathirism.

    It took a lot of people effort to weaken Najib running up to now AND it was working. She single handedly, separately from the other issues, rebuild Najib and Mahithirism with what she did. Its utterly unforgivable to screw over so many people who worked long and hard to chip away at Najib and Mahathirism.


  186. As there is no Hee Yit Foong blog, I’ll just have to express it here. Ms. Hee, disabled or not – you are an absolute disgrace to yourself, family and race! Disabled and lady or not, I will not hesitate to throw my carton of eggs at her, and if nothing else the slipper/shoe that I am wearing if I ever meet her in the street.

    Regardless of the other 3 frogs, at the end of the day – she and she alone … the DAP member, disabled, lady and presumably the one with the higher moral ground and backbone, was the one who knowingly tipped the scales.

    Just go to show – can’t judge a book by its cover …

    … and power corrupts.

  187. Ini terlebih dah, read this latest….

    Extracts from Anilnetto’s live reporting from inside Perak State Secretariat Building:

    11:01 Earlier, Nizar was stopped by security personnel and the State Secretary from entering the buillding area, but the Speaker of the Dewan used his powers to insist on his entry into the premises.

    Later, Nizar showed reporters the inside of the MB’s office. He said the office had been cleared out and all the files were missing. Oh no, not again!

  188. You lot don’t get it, do you? Buying or bullying politicians in Malaysia won’t work for PR. If buying or bullying politicians is possible, BN has more money and more power. It was a silly idea that backfired. Get over it and move on. Leave Hee alone. You can’t offer her more than BN can and you can’t do worse to her than BN can. By clinging onto the ‘hop to us’ game, you’ll only play into BN’s hands, and risk making PR a laughing stock: “Sore Losers, Can’t Win At Their Own Game”. PR’s only Ace is its principles. By offering threats to Hee, you’re destroying your own cause.

    The reality of the situation is that Perak has a state government that is the one the people rejected in a fair election. Swallow your pride, or save it for your own personal achievements, and work hard for a better Malaysia. Don’t mess things up worse than they already are.

  189. I am not so sure the people of Jelapang who voted the traitor in is going to go easy on her whether she is disabled or not. I think the easiest she can get away with is some rotten eggs and stones threw in her direction and [deleted]. Everybody knows that with her off the scene, a new by election in her place will have to be called and the guy who stand for BN will probably loose his deposit in Jelapang. This again will tip the scale in PKR balance and allow them to retake the State Government.

  190. The eleventh hour

    – HRH the Sultan must search his conscience, it’s still not too late to reverse his previous decision.
    He may have the last word but the rakyat will have the last say! I hope HRH will rise above personal interests and get his priorities right.

    Look at what is happening – the whole of Perak is angry!

  191. “What would Britons need a Constitution for? We know our rights!”- OrangRojak.

    Britons have a constitution. They only don’t have a “written” constitution as we Malaysians & (say) the Americans.

    I would define “constitution” as meaning the composition or structure or arrangement of the poltical offices or institution in a sovereign state together with a system of fundamental laws and principles that prescribes the nature, functions, and limits of a government or another institution.

    The Americans drew up the 1st formal written one covering the above in around 1780s. Ours was in 1956 with assistance of Reid Commission headed by Lord William Reid, a distinguished Jurist/judge and constitutional experts from fellow Commonwealth countries appointed by the British Queen and the Malay Rulers/Alliance progenitors.

    Britons don’t need “written” constitution because the constitution as defined above could be put in place piecemeal by individual laws enacted by the British Parliament.

    The progenitor of Parliament started in circumstances where the King needed sources of money from levies to finance expenses of war, and the privileged class said no money would be raised unless representation/voice given.
    The first model British Parliament was during Edward 1’s time in 1295. It wasn’t bicameral ie having two chambers. The parliamentarians were then 2 archbishops, 19 bishops, 48 abbots, 7 earls and 41 barons – the aristocratic class evolving over 900 years to present House of Lords!

    After that somemore money was needed to be raised – not only from those who prayed but also those who fought and those who labored and worked. That’s how representation became broad based and the second chamber evolved….

    Over 100O years British Tyrants/Monarchs fought and oppressed men of freedom all in the name of High Treason punishable by Death. The latter were quartered, tortured, incarcerated (eg Sir Walter Ralegh) in the Tower of London. Lawyers contributed to development of law & todays freedom. To be fair they were fighting both sides both for and against (Sir Edward Coke) Freedom.

    Britons don’t need a written constitution to safeguard Freedoms because partly these Freedoms are already encapsulated in the written laws from Parliament and partly imbued as an ingrained value in the British Blood – because it as hard won by spilling of much of their blood over a 1000 years!

    Here is different: The nation is only 60 years old and Ahmad Shabery is still theatening Mohd Nizar with high treason for defying or at least not suppliant to Perak sultan’s decision ordering to step aside. This is Feudal Culture of Hang Tuah carried forward since 1400 Malacca Sultanate. That’s where the difference. If Mohd Nizar, on Anwar’s advice, still remain intransigent as against Ruler’s stance, he can’t win in this game, he’d better migrate. :)

  192. “Swallow your pride, or save it for your own personal achievements, and work hard for a better Malaysia. Don’t mess things up worse than they already are.” (OrangRojak)

    OrangRojak’s advice to the common Malaysian people really makes sense. However, as most small men in Malaysia waited for about 50 years in order to see that Perak was able to be put in the hand of a traditionally Opposition Party, namely PR, it really hurt to see that the short-term excitement was suddenly needed to be replaced with the agony of losing administrative power to the corrupt BN. The shock really caused pains to most small men of Malaysia. It is not easy for them to swallow the pains of great distress and get over with it in the short period of time.

    I believe thing will get back to normal once a firm decision has been announced by the Sultan.

    I wish to quote a biblical story here. When the son of King David was seriously ill, King David took great pain to abstain from food and pray hard to ask for the intercession of God in order to save his son from death. However, when the son died, King David immediately rose up to get some food and return to normal very soon. When King David knew that God had already revealed His will, he could only accept it obediently.

    When people start to find that what has been done cannot be undone, they will learn to forget about it and attempt to go back to normal life. By knowing this fact about the human nature in response to a painful situation, I sincerely hope that the Malaysian Police will not over-react to PR’s call for mass assembly in order to redress their grievances. Malaysians basically are still the peace-loving people.

  193. The rakyat can make their disapproval of the manner their votes had been ROBBED and ABUSED by robbers and thieves and pirates and crooks very loud and clear in many ways.

    For a start, perhaps the rakyat can boycott any functions involving the royal family to show that they disagree with the decision and stand in allowing BN to squander the Perak Assembly.

    The State Assembly is the seat of power of the peoples’ representatives. One must always remember that the rakyat is the ULTIMATE giver of any mandate the government has. A democratic government is always based on the principle of “BY THE PEOPLE, OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE”. Hence, any seat of power and authority including even that of the monarchy is always based on the peoples’ support, pleasure and acceptance.

    If the mandate is abused in any way, the rakyat reserves the right to rescind that mandate by voting them out.

    It is disgusting and unthinkable that such unconstitutional, immoral, illegal, corrupt, illegitimate, lowly, unprincipled, senseless, high-handed and treacherous method of entry into the state assembly is accepted and allowed to happen right before our very eyes. It smacks of a covert conspiracy and a staged coup d’etat.

    The rakyat have made it clear : that they should be the ones to choose the government and that is through the ballot box.

    Hope the message is clear. And for goodness sake we are already living in the 21st century. Obsolete and out-of-date arrangements and methods would be challenged and must be changed with times and knowledge. The rakyat is not to be taken for granted anymore. It is one for all and all for one. No one is above anybody else.

  194. Questions.

    1. Did the three frogs lied to HRH Sultan of Perak that they did not resign and still is a member of State Assembly?

    2. Did Nizar show the letters of resignation to the Sultan?

    3. If no, why not? Overlooked?

    4. If yes, why the Sultan did not consider them?

  195. # mangodurian Says:
    February 6th, 2009 at 11: 17.30

    As there is no Hee Yit Foong blog, I’ll just have to express it here. Ms. Hee, disabled or not – you are an absolute disgrace to yourself, family and race! Disabled and lady or not, I will not hesitate to throw my carton of eggs at her, and if nothing else the slipper/shoe that I am wearing if I ever meet her in the street.

    Regardless of the other 3 frogs, at the end of the day – she and she alone … the DAP member, disabled, lady and presumably the one with the higher moral ground and backbone, was the one who knowingly tipped the scales.

    Just go to show – can’t judge a book by its cover …

    … and power corrupts.

    This Idiot OKU raped our democracy kow kow

  196. Lets fix Monday, 9 Feb as “Dung Throwing Day”. Its the 15th Day of Chinese New Year, Chap Goh May….a very auspicious day. Lets gather whatever dung we can…cow, dog, goat, cat, pig…even human….and take aim ..throw into Hee’s house and tell her we dont want her as a people’s representative. She lost all her honour. Chinses believe that if she is thrown dung on such a day..she will have bad luck for the next 3 years. Thats a small punishment for her betrayal to the people of Jelapang.

    Hee can salvage whatever pride she have by annluncing that she is now back with DAP…or PKR if she dont like DAP anymore. She will then “Niew Chuan Chien Koon” (twist the situation around) and she will instead be the people’s heroine. I will send her flowers for Valentine….if ….only she knows how hated she is by the people.

    If not…she is nothing but RUBBISH in the eyes of Jelapang People. Retrun the mandate to Jelapang people and get the hell out of Perak as she had betrayed the whole of Perak.

  197. When I say “partly imbued as an ingrained value in the British Blood” it is a metaphorical reference to convention tradition and usage, and when that hardens or fossilises into law by judicial decisions/precedents it is called “common law” or law commonly accepted….

    Important to safeguard Freedom is the convention/acceptance of Rule of Law. I don’t think any British legislation defines it and but everyone knows roughly what it means : that Rule of Law must be upheld; that it must be applied equally and with fairness; that no subject/citizen suffer punishment from it unless by established and known procedures – and merits based on circumstances and laws – he has infringed the law; that before he is punished, he is accorded the right under natural justice to hear the case against him and to be heard his side of the story; that though laws are upheld because they are accepted by majority, they cannot override certyian principal rights that are need to protect minority from majority’s oppression; that power tends to corrupt, so those who wield it have to be checked, and there must be check and balance, and if they enforce laws and rules, they cannot do so arbritarily; that somebody else, independent like judges ought to be vested power to peer behind those decisions (what undergrad2 meant by “justiciable”) and for this reason judges must not obnly be fair but seen to be fair to deserve that respect accorded to their impartiality and so and so forth.

    When do you think the rakyat or sunstantial section of it will learn all these, get it into the system, be guided by such precepts to be willing to fight for these?

    People in power absolutely bank on this not happening for a long time to come.

  198. If there is anything for me to learn from the current political event in Perak, then it must be that political power is just too fragile. Therefore one must always remember to put the political power into good use for the sake of the people when the power is being entrusted to him/her.

    However, I find that it is also a good lesson for the Sultan to learn. The Sultan must bear in mind that the long-term survival of the Constitutional Manarchy System depends not solely on the rule of law by way of formality. The spirit of law is more important than the form of the law and it is always said in the legal circle that “susbtance over form” shall be the criterion for dropping a fair and impartial legal judgement. Besides the spirit of law, there are other considerations which the common people would expect the Sultan to give a serious thought when making a critical royal decision. Most weak and oppressed people will tend to put their hope in the Sultan, hoping that the Sultan will be their ultimate leveller in cases of abrupt injustice and ill-treatment by the government authority. If the Sultan has to fail in carrying out his duty as the Protector of the Common People, then it will definitely pose big threat to the long-term survival of the Constitutional Monarchy System when the Sultan starts to lose the love that has long since been given unconditionally by the common people.

  199. How can the rakyat’s voice be heard in a formal way by the Sultan and how can we have the Sultan to address it to the rakyat? IS there any dialogue allowed between the Sultan and the rakyat?

  200. If you are not happy with the katak and must still be civil (cannot throw shoes at them), maybe you can give them your old shoes, sandals, slippers.

    Please deposit your old shoes, sandals, slippers at their homes or service centers.

    Also, voters of the three constituencies must encourage and continuously pester these greedy katak to resign as state assemblymen and woman to have by elections. This is the least honorable thing they can do, after having pocketed $$$$$ from BN. Put pressure on them and their family members so that they must step down to let voters decide again if they want PR or BN to represent them. If they still want to represent the people, let them be the BN candidates!

    Voters put them there and voters should and must force them down. Nothing wrong with that! The people must let them know that they are nobody without the votes from the people, WHO ARE THE BOSSES, not them. May the force be the rakyat!

  201. I have an intriguing question– why the f^ck didn’t the husband of the short perempuan cacat bash her up for betraying the trust of the people of Jelapang? Is he in cahoots with her on her chosen path to dishonorable wealth? Is he not afraid of the stigma of filth on his family which would not be washed away for generations to come?

  202. The Jelapang factor is of most interesting simply it is unique.

    Let look at the pictures again. As picture worth more than thousand words.

    Let analyze from what we can see. The most happy one of course is the PM in waiting, and so was others all with smiling faces except Jelapang. Why?

    Wasn’t that is a day to be happy about to BN at least? But her face tell us other wise. Was she under duress and being threaten or was she facing great predicament? Only she know.

    Any way she was not at her own self that for sure and she act against her own free will and she is struggling to make sense on what she has done.

    She is facing most challenging time now.

    She is facing the voters bashing and whacking from that moment on ward. And this will keep going until she realize her mistake.

    Off course she still can make amend by U turn which is not impossible in politic specially in Malaysia politic.

    What she should do now is no other than U-turn but this may lose face as she has committed to Sultan. So the next sensible thing to do is resign on “health reason” which is commonly accepted in Malaysia politic and nobody will question.

    What her next decision will decide her next title:”YEE CHOU WAN NIAN “ or “ WAN KU LIU SIANG” the choice is yours madam Jelapang.

  203. Was she under duress and being threaten or was she facing great predicament?

    The only threat I know of is that the Jelapang govt klinik threatened to stop supplying her with her free anti-polio medications unless she switched side to BN. You see, the best anti-polio medications can only be found in Jelapang. Heeheehee

  204. DAP Perak and DAP Jelapang have a big role to play in the light of the betrayal by thier ADUN Ms. Katak.(i shall not mention her name every again – its leaving a bad aftertaste in my mouth…)

    I urge uncle Kit and all the DAP members of Jelapang to beef up DAP’s representation in that constituency and ensure that even those helpers working for Ms. Katak will shy away from her. We have to ensure that Ms. Katak do not influence others to forgo thier pride and hop hop hop….

    Ms. Katak must NOT have the pleasure of having brought down the Perak PR government but still enjoy support of any of the rakyat that voted her in. SHE DOES NOT HAVE THE SUPPORT OF THE RAKYAT!!! Raise DAP’s presence in Jelapang and ensure that we WIN, and WIN big in the GE13.

    Swallow the bitter pill…but stay the course.

  205. Why join politic? Off course for many reasons, the first off course for personal gain. But most politician will say to the voters I will serve the people and please vote me when election come. So they go from house and house and kow tow to every dick and tom.

    But off course they do have many genuine politician that really have conviction and belief to bring changes and betterment to the people and Barak Obama is one of them. Do we have one?

    Let not ask for a Barak Obama in Malaysia it is too ambitious. But we can ask for simple thing that is to serve the basis need of the people.

    For Jelapang case it is quit simple. If she resign today and let have a by election she will finish her life long mission of serving the Jelapang simply millions will sky fall from nowhere into Jelapang, it dose not matter it come from tax payers as if they do spend on Jelapang they will simply pocket it anyway.

    Ms Kotak Jelapang can never serve the people of Jelapang best in her whole life but just resigning now she can achieve that goal.

    She can even kill two birds at once simply she can redeem her dignity and honors she still have one and treasure them.

    Now it is one life time chance for you madam. Opportunity would now knock on your door twice.

    RESIGN NOW to make your redemption and do it NOW!!!

  206. Hee should do the about turn now and even if she is appointed the new Exco in the dubious nnew Perak state govt, she can never lift up her head less her face be smacked of dung.

    I salute Perakians for been so daring and so outspoken. The police has shown again that they are only subservant to BN or they think there are a force of their own who acts for only BN.

    People of Jelapang….print thousands of pictures of the HEE and start to paste all over the constituency or even Ipoh telling the people how this HEE sold out the people’s mandate. If the Ah Longs can do thier poster pasting all over…then lets do it for the HEE and let all Ipoh people know who and how she looks like. I believe there will be some bravados who will even spit on her face should she show her face.

  207. For the record:

    Latest updates from Anilnetto in Kuala Kangsar. Anil has no choice but to run into the mosque to avoid/recover from tear gas!

    14:41 About a housand people are still outside. Further away, people are standing on the perimeter outside the mosque.

    14:42 They are still chanting, “Allahu Akhbar! There is no god but Allah!”

    “Reformasi! Reformasi! Reformasi. Hidup hidup …. hidup hidup….hidup rakyat!”

    14:43 These are tumultuous scenes.

    14:45 The eight-year-old girl near me, Asiah, is recovering from tear gas. She is now sitting up. I think she will be okay, perhaps she is in a state of shock.

    14:46 Two thousand people are now sitting on the road, directly facing the FRU water cannon trucks, which are blocking the way to the palace.

    14:50 Actually the FRU trucks are blocking the road to the Kuala, not the Istana. More than half a dozen FRU trucks are on the road. But the crowd of 500 on the road are blocking their way. A couple of thousand onlooks are standing higher up on the landback outside the mosque. It’s a standoff. The police are addressing the crowd through their PA system, but the crowd are yelling back.

    14:51 More sirens are wailing as police vehicles arrive.

    14:52 One old man is lying down near me, in a state of grief. “Allah selamatkanlah kami dari segala kezaliman,” he is choked with grief.

    Polcie are firing tear gas and peole are running inside the mosque.

    14:53 The little girl near me is is wailing now.

    15:06 Tear gas fills the air and people are running helter skelter. My eyes start to sting and I find it hard to type so I dash to the back of the mosque.

    15:07 Even at the back of the mosque, the teargas overwhelms me. A woman opens the back door of the mosque and beckons me in. I dash in and I am overwhelmed with the fumes.

    15:08 For a few minutes, I lie on the carpeted floor of the mosque in the midst of 40 Muslim women who are praying.

    15:10 Minutes later, I feel better

    15:12 A kindly elderly woman comes to me and offers me lumps of salt. “Makan ini,” she says with concern. Then she offers me a drink.

    My eyes smart like hell and the fumes make it difficult to breathe.

    15:14 The “treatment” works and I feel better.

    Inside the mosque, a woman next to me says, “Sepatutnya meraka tidak boleh tembak dekat masjid.”

    Outside the police are firing teargas at people emerging from the mosque. It looks as if we are quarantined in the mosque.

    15:16 A loud murmur of prayer fills the mosque. “Allah is great, Allhamdullilah!”

    15:18 I feel outraged. How can they do this?

    15:20 I am still inside the mosque with a fellow journalists, among all the women who are gathered in prayer. We are protected from the teargas for now.

    Police are just outside the premises of the mosque.

  208. The new state anthem of Perak under umno:

    Lompat si katak lompat,
    Lompat beramai-ramai,
    Pulang marilah pulang marilah pulang bersama-sama,
    Pulang marilah pulang marilah pulang beramai-ramai!

  209. # Onlooker Politics Says:
    February 6th, 2009 at 10: 05.45

    The reason why sometimes we have to get God involved in the worldly matters is because God serves as the leveller of justice who will intercede in the adversaries. Therefore the weak person like I myself need to draw much strength from God by way of saying prayers! I still pray for HRH Sultan for him to draw wisdom from God in his decision making process, besides relying on his knowledge of Constitution and legal implications of certain legal action.

    God bless you for your humility. The human intellect has it’s limitations and only those who know their limitation can transcend the chaos.

  210. i have yet to see atheists swearing on any book. They are leaders among them too. Atheists would look into whatever they look into for ‘Divine’ guidance – moral conscience?

    The reason why they publicly swear on the Bible etc is because whatever they are about to do will not have legal consequences if they don’t. That’s the honest truth. Not that they seek moral or Divine guidance.

  211. # undergrad2 Says:
    February 6th, 2009 at 22: 11.40

    …. The reason why they publicly swear on the Bible etc is because whatever they are about to do will not have legal consequences if they don’t. That’s the honest truth. Not that they seek moral or Divine guidance….

    Barrack Obama took the second oath without the bible. Swearing by the bible is not a legal requirement.

    The Chinese believe in “Tian Ming” (mandate of heaven). The emperor rules over his people because he has the mandate of heaven. As long as the emperor remain upright and uses the mandate bestowed upon him to bring wealth and peace to his people and country he continues to enjoy heaven’s mandate. If he turns corrupt or abuses the power given to him by heaven over his fellow men, he loses the moral right to rule which is given by heaven alone.

    To the ancient Chinese, Heaven is not a personal God but a cosmic power that permeates throughout the entire universe.

    History has seen dictators overthrown by people’s uprising. Is this the working of this cosmic power? ;)





  213. Well said Swarnabumi ..

    Push forward….GE13 will be our biggest win if we work from now. Although its a few years away….start NOW


    We can do it…We are PR…We are DAP!!!

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