KT by-election – “308” political tsunami on course and a dire warning to UMNO and in particular Najib

The Kuala Terengganu by-election has lived up to its historic significance.

It has delivered two important messages.

Firstly, that the “308” political tsunami of the March general election last year is very much on course, confirming that the paradigm shift in Malaysian politics some ten months ago was no fluke shot but represented deep-seated and wide-ranging political aspirations of Malaysians.

Secondly, a dire warning to Umno and in particular Datuk Seri Najib Razak who is to be Prime Minister in ten weeks’ time of the far-reaching consequences if they refuse to heed the people’s call for change.

Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah in his comment on the Kuala Terenggany by-election result has likened UMNO and BN to “a sinking ship” if their leaders remain in denial.

How many UMNO and BN leaders would dare to agree with Razaleigh when he warned:

“Money, machinery and incumbency could not trump the call for change. BN will lose, and will in the end lose everything, until we respond fully and sincerely…

“Actually this was more than a referendum on the leadership. It was a test of the relevance of UMNO in its present form. If UMNO is no longer relevant to the Malays, the BN formula is dead.”

The results of the Kuala Terengganu by-election will have to be studied in detail, in particular the impact of the hudud issue in the by-election.


127 Replies to “KT by-election – “308” political tsunami on course and a dire warning to UMNO and in particular Najib”

  1. And what was Ong Ta Kut’s response ?

    “The Chinese vote for BN actually increased.” It’s saying that he’s done his part, no need to look at the MCA if there is going to be a witchhunt.

    Nah, these guys won’t learn their lesson. Just see what position they give to the losing BN candidate.

  2. Ong was the most irresponsible person. While UMNO was crying without tear due to the loss, Ong made a remark as if it was UMNO’s own fault. Instead of crying with UMNO, MCA is getting mileage out of this defeat.

  3. Now he speaks like a wise old man….that he should be.
    Razaliegh is not that humble and truthful …as Tunku Ahmad Rithauddeen. He support dirty politics….teaming with Mamak.
    I guess.. Razaleigh needs to rub it in….as he is a nobody in UMNO now.
    Ong Ta Kut….is so cunning to thank Chinese voters for increasing support to MCA….before someone in BN blames MCA.. . for their defeat.

  4. Greetings & Congratulation!

    This is a real “Hong Bao” & something worth to share with all in this Bolehland.

    We (New Malaysian) wanted a must “Change”… so for the Rakyat from KT.


  5. The slight swing of the Malay votes to the opposition contributed to the victory of the Pas candidate in the KT Parliamentary by-election by more than a 2,000 vote majority.

    The lower turnout of the Chinese voters in the Bandar area had in no way affected the outcome of the result. If there had been a bigger turnout of the out-station Chinese voters who are mostly youngsters, the majority of them would have given their votes to the Pakatan Rakyat nominee. Most of them didn’t come home to exercise their rights was because of the proximity of the coming Chinese New Year. To do so would incur extra travel expenses. If not, Pas would have won by a bigger majority.

    The KT victory would boost the morale of the Pakatan coalition which should not do anything controversial outside their pact, especially on the issue of the hudud laws. Next to watch closely will be the impending Sarawak state elections. The stars are shining bright for Pakatan Rakyat under the charismatic DSAI!

  6. 35 tables were set up by UMNO for victory dinner.
    Najib arrived with few…all tables empty!!
    This also shows..huge huge UMNO members.. have no more respect for Najib.
    Like we predicted…his defeat speech was .as expected.
    And as we all also expected…..small headline news on PAS victory….over shadowed by Gaza matters.
    UMNO will never change.

  7. “monsterball Says:

    Today at 11: 57.11 (14 minutes ago)
    35 tables were set up by UMNO for victory dinner.
    Najib arrived with few…all tables empty!!
    This also shows..huge huge UMNO members.. have no more respect for Najib.”

    If you observe from the last GE, BN supporters only support winners. WHen BN start losing they start supporting the other side to hedge their bets.

    ANyway I think the one most guilty of being in denial right now should be OTK (Orang Tak Kesal). I thought BN lost in every state consti including Bandar? Correct me if I am wrong…


    For 50 long years, UMNO had been trying to shoot itself in the foot, to wit, Teresa Kok, Raja Petra, HINDRAF, Ahmad Ismail, vernacular Schools, Wang Ehsan, Oil Royalty – too many to bear repeating here. The arrogance of Ketuanan Malayu and the defiling of the kris. The Race tactic and the current HUDUD tactics is now proven to have worn too thing. Malaysians do not bat an eyelid on these They are what they are – mindless scare tactics on non-issues from a morally bankrupt part and its cohorts in the coalition. to be debunked and consigned to the dung heap of history.

    2. In the KT BUY Election, the people have spoken and struck the final nail into the BN coffin. BN cannot reverse the full onslaught of the power of the people. Now Malaysian understand full the power of the power of the ballot and the true meaning of Democracy. Once understood they cannot be reversed. THE PARADYM SHIFT HAS HAPPENED. Yet the BN goes about as if Malaysians are stupid and were all born yesterday.

    Yet ONG TEE KIAT, the barefaced liar without an iota of moral fiber has DARED to announce WITHOUT SHAME that actually more Chinese had voted for BN. The MALAYSIAN CRASTRATED SOCIETY is a Sinking Ship and lot of the MCA leaders’ fate is worse than the rats in a Sinking Ship. ONG has single-handedly smashed MCA to smithereens to satisfy his ego in his quarrel with Dr Chua. How can any Chinese rally to such a creature.

  9. Jump baby jump!

    Couple hours ago, we observed another failure hitting right on the face of Najib, our PM to be. This is the third political tsunami in a year. What can I say, the unwelcome Barisan National is sinking like Titanic into South China Sea.

    Tonight, we hear the voices and see the power of the Rakyat. We see how majority of Kuala Terengganu voters joined the call for change from the rest of Malaysians. And yes, it is a change that happens from the bottom up, not from the top down.

    Tonight, we see again, how Najib refused to acknowledge the fact of his poor leadership and his poor popularity among the citizens. We see how his monetary actions have again failed to fool the voters in the second by-election.

    Tonight’s result shows that KT citizens do not want to inherent the old dirty politics of Barisan National. What the people want is a real party that not only can bring hope to the nation, but to carry out the changes for a better nation. And we know to make the change happen, BN has to be out of the system!

    We want a nation for all Malaysians. We want equal treatment like every body else. We want to live a “Malaysian dream” just like how people in another corner of the world enjoy the “American dream”.

    As for the other BN leaders, shame on you if you continue to ignore the wish of the citizens. You know nothing can stop the momentum now, people will continue to fight till the day comes.

    My last words for everyone who wants to survive from the coming disaster, “jump baby jump” before it’s too late. You do not know how skillful your pilot is, you might not be lucky as the survivors of the plane crash into Hudson River. You know what I mean.

    And thank you, especially to everyone who voted for PAS!


  10. MCA is in denial. In Mar 08, The Bandar state seat (40% chinese) was won comfortably by MCA 7831 – 6689. A 1,200 majority. This would suggest then that the KT seat was won by BN with a razor thin majority in no small part thanks due to support by the chinese.

    However, this time, BN even received less votes then PAS in the Bandar area. This suggests a reasonably significant swing in votes by the chinese in the area, doesn’t it?

  11. “We are all aware that we are not happy with the present government for various reasons. That is no reason to exchange one baloney with another.” said Limkamput in another thread.

    Those of you who hanker for change, better beware. Mr Know It All say that it’s all baloney.

  12. BN’s ship the Titanic is drifting listlessly. Another defeat, another denial. Another hole being punched through the armour of the unsinkable Titanic. How many holes do you think the titanic can withstand before sinking? The next torpedo is coming soon. Probably Pensinangan or the land of hornbills. Huh, denials and denials. even the state of our country’s economy is in tatters. And they are arguing in defence of their numbers. What are the measures being taken…….? None at all except in numbers. yes they are talking big numbers bilions..billions are being pump into the economy. But on closer scrutiny one of them is actually our money to the EPF. What kind of Gov is this, not only the used our money without asking our approval but also force us to fill in forms to stop them. Like I say the writing is on the wall it may be too late.

  13. It really makes me wonder how OTK can come up with such a statement that the number of Chinese votes in the KT by-election has increased. Did he personally count the number of Chinese voters who voted BN at the KT by election? Or were there different ballot papers used by Chinese and non-Chinese at the KT by-election? What he is doing is “self-pacifying”, what the Chinese calls “zi ji jiang, zi ji shuang”!

  14. This one, written by Wong Ho Leng, is an excellent article!

    Anwar and his letter to Dr. M

    Yesterday Ezam revealed Anwar’s peacemaking letter to Dr Mahathir.

    The BN thought that it was a great move and a great way during the Kuala Terengganu by-election to let people know that Anwar has no principle. But the reverse will happen. The revulsion that was the result will cause the BN 1000 votes.

    Did Ezam say that he had shown a copy of the letter to both Abdullah and Najib, and that these 2 BN supremo encouraged him to reveal the letter? If that were true, then it would show these 2 BN supremo are unfit to lead the nation anymore.

    To Ezam’s acts, Anwar replied coolly, “so what?” This short and cool reply stands Anwar out as a better person than his former protégé, Abdullah and Najib (assuming that the story was true that they gave the endorsement or encouragement).

    I really hope that the alleged endorsement to the release of the alleged letter is untrue.

    That was a private letter by Anwar to Mahathir. Anwar entrusted Ezam to personally deliver the letter to Mahathir before he attended a meeting with all UMNO division leaders at Putra World Trade Centre on September 8, 1998. Ezam did not manage to deliver it. Yet, he breached his confidence by keeping the letter, then, 10 years later, release the contents in order to try to hurt Anwar. If there was something to show against Anwar, why wasn’t the contents exposed during the Permatang Pauh by-election when Anwar was the candidate?

    Talking about revulsion, I have never felt more about it.

    Talking about vengeance and being personal, I find the action sickening.

    What has become so wrong in the relationship between Anwar and his former protégé that the latter should become so personal? Ezam appeared in Permatang Pauh by-election. The BN thought that this hot potato is the portion that would turn Anwar’s fortress to the BN. It back-fired. Ezam’s vendetta and the sodomy accusation against Anwar were worth a few thousand votes in the by-election to Anwar. His come back to Parliament was made more glamorous because of those personal attacks.

    The BN did not learn. BN’s most vital “asset” Ezam appeared again. This time, not directly against the PAS candidate in the Kuala Terengganu by-election. Ezam unleashed his venom against his former boss again. The only effect his campaign style and the endorsement by the UMNO leaders thereof is revulsion.

    If the letter could show that Anwar had betrayed the trust and confidence of the people, then by all means reveal it, but it was just a letter in Anwar’s handwriting thanking and making peace with Mahathir.

    Anwar was sacked by Mahathir in 1998. As an appreciative man, he wrote to thank Mahathir for all those years of togetherness and to request that he helped looked after the family. The letter said that whatever happened to him and his family, he and his wife Wan Azizah would never forget the love and care that Dr Mahathir had showed them. What is wrong with that? Much that Mahathir sacked Anwar, and much that the injustices that befell on Anwar happened during Mahathir’s era, nevertheless, Anwar knew that it was Mahathir who had brought him up the social and political ladders.

    The great quality in a man is seen in his appreciation even when things had turned adverse. Being appreciative should not be condemned. It should be emulated.

    To make peace with his former boss should not be seen as a weakness. Rather, it shows out the conciliatory character of Anwar.

    When Ezam read aloud the contents of the letter at the ceramah at Kampung Kubang Parit on Wednesday night (14th February), I could imagine the scorn and disgust and revulsion in the listeners, unless they have lost their senses.

    Ezam’s action reaffirms that he is not an appreciative man. No sensible man would appreciate the actions of one who bad-mouthed another for writing a peacemaking letter.

    Anwar shows his maturity by not making a big fuss out of Ezam’s betrayal and immaturity. Anwar’s maturity is reinforced by not questioning why Abdullah and Najib should endorse or encourage the release of the contents of the letter.

    What is the use of producing a peacemaking letter to Mahathir? Does that amount to Anwar begging for mercy from Mahathir? What is the status of the letter now that the highest court in the land had allowed Anwar’s appeal, vindicated him and set him free?

    There are people who thrive in back-stabbing their political masters, comrades or friends, and they see no shame in so doing. It is a self serving political vendetta. I saw that in Sibu and elsewhere, when party turncoats and fallouts were solicited to bad-mouth and make baseless and libelous accusations against their former comrades and even relatives who were standing in elections.

    We see such people around us. When all went well, they would not say a word of thanks or appreciation. When things turned adverse, they pointed the fingers at others, as if they were perfect whereas all others were crooks. A pity, isn’t it?

    But this is politics, dirty in every sense of the word, only because there are always some people who are ungrateful but are prepared to bend their conscience in the name of their own righteousness.


  15. When Ezam was president of GERAK, he lodged a 600-page report with Badawi, detailing the wrongdoings of a senior minister (who is still in the cabinet). Badawi started reading, but never finished. Ezam then joined UMNO hoping for a senior position, but UMNO never really trusted this turncoat, so he was given all sorts of odd jobs. Nothing which allowed him to get close to the inner circle.

    Th release of Anwar’s letter to Mamakthir on the eve of the KT by-election showed only one thing – this office boy could not even deliver a letter.

  16. Sept 16 has come and gone with everyone left guessing and hoping a new dawn for a better Malaysia is not only but an empty dream. Just at the brink to see an uncompromised endless arguments within PKR component parties started from what we described as an unprecedented win during the March election, this KT by election has indeed ignited a flame of raging fire across all Malaysian hearts that our dreams are still within achievable means.

    Outnumbered & powered with the ruling party’s medium for a higher reach to the people via government owned communication systems such as television, radios and local newspaper, Malaysians at KT by election have seen the wisdom and courage to demand a change from “Police State” type of management. And the more abuse, intimidation to influence voters by certain people, bribery, phantom voters, and so forth will not be tolerated anymore.

    It is very surprising to hear such results. Mind me for my negativity. Many people has talked endlessly at coffee shops that should PAS lose, this will be the start of and end to PKR and this by election in theory hold much greater influence than the by election at Permatang Pauh as people’s perception of DSAI has diminished after Sept 16. A lot emphasis was place on the opposition than the ruling party. Instead this success from PAS has indirectly insinuated our PM in waiting credibility and standing. Is this Pak Lah’s thank you note and farewell wishes to DPM ???
    It will be a long journey as it has just started but I am confident that one day we will reach there.

  17. At the end of the day, the winners are the people and democracy. PAS has worn the battle and I congratulate them for it. But I believe LKS is exaggerating if he believes this is the third tsunami against BN. If the majority is huge like 10,000 or so maybe I would be inclined to believe so. But bear in mind that BN did garner 30k+ votes compare to PAS’ 32k+. Hence to say that there is a big tide against BN is not only accurate, but self boasting!

    Nevertheless, congrats PAS and I hope you serve your constituents well! It is also time that PR settle the hudud issue once and for all, if it can be settled at all that is.

  18. The most important message of this election has shown that the electorate has matured. Gone are the days when the chinese were afraid to vote the opposition for fear of anti-chinese backlash. Similarly, the Malays has also lost the fear of voting the multi-racial opposition and that they are not going to lose their rights by voting the opposition.

    The people are prepared to change and PKR must continue to work hard to show them that PKR will be honest and fair to all the people in the country.

  19. imaran78…LKS is not exaggerating.
    A tsunami does not mean big majority votes count only.
    It means first and foremost…winning majority States…to drown UMNO with their out-dated sailing boat…playing race and religion politics…and corruptions.
    It means Allah is almighty….not UMNO.

  20. In the BN parties…..UMNO…is …first and foremost.. quarreling after 12th election.
    Why are we so concern about kuching kurap MCA Ong and Chua not seeing eye to eye?
    Even if they are agreeable…MCA is a show dog to UMNO….since Ling Liong Sik time.
    Ling is the biggest corrupted hypocrite that Mahathir loves…because he is so clever to Mahathir’s bodek..like Samy Vellu.
    Ong Ta Kut have no brain….no experiences…knows next to nothing…except dirty politics.
    Those hypocrites day are numbered.
    Just look at Koh Tsu Khoon….so quiet…planning how to stay alive in BN..as out from BN……Gerakan is finished..so will MCA be.
    Watch out their…”agree to disagree” tactics…nice for Malaysians to hear…to please Malaysians and fish votes.
    Even Terengganu voters cannot be fooled.
    This argurs well for change of government.
    I repeat…..Najib is UMNO’s PM..not voted in by Malaysians.
    He has created so many history…..first and foremost….swearing by the Koran….ignoring laws and legal system….and indirectly…insulting Allah more than using ISA.

  21. If given only 2 choices :

    1. To live in Bolehland – current capitalist economy amid corruption, cronyism etc but everything can be done…. or

    2. To live in TakBolehland – cannot do this, cannot do that, govern by strict Islamic laws, economy slows to a snails pace due to Takbolehness & foreign investors leave & the citizens migrate or channel away their money to other countries.

    Which do you choose???

  22. …and they still insist that it was just a small set-back.

    I say, let htem have that thinking and in fact, we should encourage it! For that would means no change in their thinking, no change in their attitude while all this while what the people want is change!

    Let them continue threir old ways to the grave!

    That would really set us Malaysians free!

  23. godfather @ thief thief thief says: Those of you who hanker for change, better beware. Mr Know It All say that it’s all baloney.

    Yes I stand by what I said. It is an exchange of baloney if PR and particularly DAP is not able to tell me where are we heading. May I know this political tsunami is on course toward what – Islamic state and hudud? In your haste to gain power, please don’t lose sight of what this country is all about: a liberal secular democracy, not a racist, bigot, holier thou theocratic state. One more thing, please don’t assume that only the non Malays/Muslims are fighting secular democracy. We can’t be sure; if PAS had not promoted hudud, may be the majority won in KT could be even bigger.

    Between racism and bigotry, bigotry is worse. Malaysians have finally learned how to reject racism. Malaysians must now be taught to reject holier than thou religious bigots who sole purpose in life is to go around imposing their values on others.

    Please don’t accuse me of changing my view or for being harsh on PR. I have remained benign thus far for the sake of KT by election.

  24. “If the majority is huge like 10,000 or so maybe I would be inclined to believe so. But bear in mind that BN did garner 30k+ votes compare to PAS’ 32k+. Hence to say that there is a big tide against BN is not only accurate, but self boasting!” -imranj78

    What a weird comment. What kind of tsunami do you have in your head?

    While the majority may ‘only’ be 2000, the ramifications from the victory is significant:

    – UMNO lost in a Malay heartland seat with over 80% Malays.
    – PAS also garnered more votes than UMNO in the Bandar area that consisted of 40% chinese. The hoo hah over Hudud has done nothing to bring in the chinese votes.

    Continued victories like these, signals a serious problem for UMNO and BN as a whole. It continues to imply the possibility of PR forming the next federal government. If so, then much of the perceived benefits of voting for BN dissipates.

    BN can’t promise millions in development funds if it cannot guarantee that it can hold on to the federal govt. MCA can’t be a voice for chinese rights if it isn’t part of the federal government.

    The victory at KT is probably starting to raise such doubts. If i vote for MCA and BN fails to form the next government, then what is MCA going to offer me?

    And this will lead to the real tsunami. Not a tsunami in terms of numbers, but in a change of Malaysian voter mindset. No longer is it a clear cut case of voting for just your own race’s party. But rather, voters will now have to be more attentive to the policies that are on offer by each party. As each race now has VIABLE alternatives. Race will then be slowly taken out of the equation.

    And if race is taken out of the equation UMNO-MCA-MIC is in deep shit. They are going to need more than pointless irrelevant racial issues and rhetoric to win their votes.

  25. I don’t understand why DAP is celebrating the victory of PAS in the “308 mini tsunami”. Will PAS ever celebrate a DAP win in any by-election? DAP, don’t be so silly…

    I never believe Hudud is only for Muslims. That is only for a start – maybe just to win votes. In the long run, they will surely go for a theocratic state where Islamic law is the law of the land…..

    DAP can stand on it’s 2 feet & can join with PKR only to form state govts. By openly supporting PAS will only lead to your downfall, & that is what I don’t want to see happen. We bloggers in this blogsite think different than the Chinese/Indian voters outside. This I have observed & studied. If DAP continues to support PAS, DAP will stand to lose a lot in the next GE. See the sentiment in KT. Don’t blame MCA – it is their duty to forewarn Chinese voters on PAS’s hidden agenda. Instead, look-up towards our beloved President, YB Karpal Singh – I salute you for your firm stand and openly voiced your stand against Hudud.

  26. Limkamput keeps on needling DAP and PR…for clear directions …where are we heading them.
    I guess he thinks vast majority Malaysians are blindly supporting change of government..for nothing.
    It will be nice to hear Limkumput tells us..where UMNO and BN ….for 30 years….bringing Malaysians to where.
    Why not talk about the 30 years. Tell us…. wise one.
    WOW…wait for Limkamput to teach Malaysian voters something.
    Shoot Professor!!
    Just do not talk cock…OK?

  27. I belief Mr Abdullah Badawi will strike back hard and direct. Watch the news coming out from BN’s component party soon..

    First Strike : PM leave for Golf Visit
    Second Strike : MCA said increase Chinese support

    I call this Abdullah’s Empire Strike Back.. Followed the development and link at my blog here


    Dear Uncle Kit, Let the infighting start. Or may be PR should initial some fire and create situation for Najib and AAB to fight.

    Shiok Guy

  28. “It will be nice to hear Limkumput tells us..where UMNO and BN ….for 30 years”

    Ha ha. I agree.

    I know UMNO is about the advancement of Malay rights (a.k.a. more racially discriminatory measures to profit the UMNOputras). MCA is about defending chinese rights…whatever that’s supposed to mean. MIC….god knows, what does MIC talk about anyways?

    But you know when you look at it, I have no idea where BN as a whole is going with this country other than promising more development (which, honestly, any Tom, Dick and Harry can promise but not deliver)

    Yeah, maybe PR need up to come out with their roadmap and vision but, then again, so does BN. In fact, BN has a far greater responsibility to do so as they are currently running the country. What is BN’s stance on NEP? Is it over or going to be continued forever? I haven’t heard a definite answer from BN.

  29. katdog,
    You are right that BN as the ruling party has to be clear on their vision. I believe on NEP they have indicated that it will not continue forever but probably the only thing lacking is a clear roadmap. In essence I would say that BN is a better know entity then PR is.

    PR as a loose coalition wanting to take on the government should be clear on their vision as well. Are they for hudud as PAS and even DSAI/PKR have indicated some support for? Will they disband NEP and what will replace it? While we are clear on the INDIVIDUAL stand of PAS, PKR and DAP, PR’s collective stand as a loose coalition is still not very clear. As such, there is still much more unknown about PR then BN in my honest opinion.

  30. Although NR insisted that the 117 loss was insignificant, most people thought otherwise.

    Perhaps NR should look back at how the events unfolded. 916 went by without any tsunami as threatened by AI. Things looked bad for PR. Then the former KT’s MP passed away. Perhaps it was takdir, giving PR a golden God-sent opportunity to regain its political momentum. Of course, now, with the victory on 117, PR are jubilant and rejuvenated in their push to topple BN at the federal level.

    Tough luck for NR who so looks forward to be the next Malaysian PM, appointed by Umno, on the crest of a triumphant buy-election wave.

    Most people believed that NR should not push himself so desperately hard to be the next PM. What is he trying to prove? He already served the nation, good or bad, for more than 30 years. He has wealth that will last him and his family easily for, maybe, the next five generations. Furthermore, with the C4ed and murdered Altantuya watching over him and the other Razak, it is better for him to retire gracefully to enjoy the remaining part of his life on earth. With his wealth and connections, he can easily and legally take a couple more wives and enjoy life honeymooning all over the world. Learn from AAB who is enjoying his extended honeymoon with his new wife.

    A word of friendly caution to NR. His father died in harness on 14 January 1976 at a young age of 54. He should treasure life and enjoy it while it lasts, unless he wishes one of his sons to take over his Pekan MP post uncontested, just like his father bequeathed his to him in 1976 uncontested.

  31. That is why I don’t like to engage with lesser beings. Because BN did not have a clear policy or was corrupted for the last 30 years, somehow PR should be excused for not having a clear policy. I don’t not know what else is more oxy-moron than this? Hello, BN and UMNO are NOT our teachers. If they are stupid and corrupt, PR does not have to do the same.

    I want PR to have an inclusive Malaysians first or Malaysians Malaysia policy. I want PR to strictly adhere to secular liberal democracy. Think about it, only racists and bigots will find this policy unacceptable. On the other hand, hudud and Islamic state are exclusive because it is imposing on others. Fighting against Islamic state and hudud is therefore not racist or bigotry. Not just non Muslims, I think many Malays/Muslims are also against Islamic state or hudud.

  32. Have UMNO goons learned from their past mistakes or are they willing to learn? NO!
    Still talking and behaving like Katuanan Melayu, taking for granted, Malaysia owes these racist politicians a living.
    Improving their image is secondary, cleaning up the country coffers is utmost in the minds of these corrupted BN leaders…especially UMNO.
    Begarrs like OTK and Samy Malu are there just supporting actors with no morality and integerity…. picking up the crumbs as they go along the way.
    A Change is inevitable, the wheels are rolling…..

  33. First, congratulations to PAS and PR for the win in KT. It is:

    PR 2 – BN 0.

    Still winless after 308. So, how long do you folks out there think Najib is going to last? Anyone willing to hazard a guess? After all, he HAS lost the Malay heartland, which brings into question the relevance of UMNO’s existence. It is customary in soccer to replace the coach or manager if they cannot perform. :-) Same goes in politics except in M’sia where they fail to resign gracefully and cling on to power.

    I am sure there will be deep analysis of the KT results. I hope PR will also do the same and further strengthen their working relationships with each other and help champion the people’s aspirations for a just and equal society for everyone regardless of ethnic origin or religious beliefs where each succeeding generation can be better off than the last.

  34. Well, a government where it’s leaders thrive on handing out cash rewards , contracts , subsidies , last minute allocations , handouts to journalists during a by-election and using threats to withdraw such contracts and subsidies is a government without a backbone and devoid of concrete plan for the country.

    This mentality will not win elections and even if they win it is via dubious means.

    This type of leaders and government cannot sustain in a competitive environment when there is an alternative party waiting by the side.

  35. “Please don’t accuse me of changing my view or for being harsh on PR. I have remained benign thus far for the sake of KT by election.” Limkaput

    Wah, if the wise one ceases to be benign, I don’t think PR would ever stand a chance.

    For the past 30 years, Limkaput worked his ass off for the Barang Naik government, and he has a long service medal to show for it. I think this long service medal is the thing that is clouding his views.

  36. “Hello, BN and UMNO are NOT our teachers. If they are stupid and corrupt, PR does not have to do the same.”

    Oh, wise one, PR has been in control of 5 states for approximately 10 months now. Has PR been stupid or corrupt ?

    Is giving your partner the right to speak (a la allowing PAS to air its view of hudud) a sin that is punishable by expulsion ? You are allowed your views on secularism, others must be allowed their views on Islamisation, so what gives you the right to say that your views are superior to others, or that the views of others do not matter ?

    There is a big difference in being authoritative and being authoritarian. Stupidity is not an exclusive domain.

  37. TDM has decided to put ALL the blames on AAB, forgetting that many Malaysians have realized that all the one-sided contracts signed by Plus, IPPs and what have you were done with his approval. I believe with the contract with PLUS made public many younger voters are fed-up with his policies. Of course, the question we like to ask is: how come AAB could not do better inexposing all those stinking contracts?
    TDM may find plenrty of support in his web site but I tink they are only from UMNO and nowhere else. So, if UMNO continuye with its agenda,we all could be celebrating over its demise sooner than later. The shyster tactic is no longer convincing, man! The controlled papers are not even selling well. So do continue with all those tactics and Malaysians will definitely have better days, sooner than later!!

  38. The most astute comment I’ve read about the KT by-election outcome has to be the fact that the younger generation is now favouring Pakatan Rakyat. The older generation is unlikely to take chances and vote for change but the generation that has been failed miserably by BN is now voting for change. And that generation cuts across racial, religious and social status as they realise that they can no longer depend on their elders to take care of their future.
    And this younger generation realises the true value of their legacy and whatever angpows thrown at them at KT are viewed as small change.
    BN will never be able to turn the tide unless they can convince the young voters to support them. But to expect BN to do so is to expect Altantuya to turn up tomorrow alive and well.

  39. Many of us are getting fade up with Pas or No-PAS, Hudud or No-HUDUD etc

    If you just don’t accept the fact that PAS is bringing HUDUD to town, and if this is really the worst thing that could happen on the earth, then, what? Yes, pack the bag and leave!

    But HUDUD is NOT PAS’s HIDDEN AGENDA. It is clearly laid on the table. You can’t say that you are cheated by PAS for this agenda.

    If HUDUD is so wrong to non-muslim, please don’t waste your time.

  40. Godfather, please I think you are also a coconut head. Liberal secularism is inclusive, hudud Islamic state is exclusive. Read carefully what I wrote. If you don’t understand, then there is nothing I can do. I am here to give my view not to teach the unteachable.

  41. Godfather, I think you are slowly becoming a coconut head. Liberal secularism is inclusive, hudud Islamic state is exclusive. Read carefully what I wrote. If you don’t understand, then there is nothing I can do. I am here to give my view not to teach the unteachable.

    Godfather, the only chance of survival for this country is to give multiculturalism and multi-racism a chance to flourish. Any dominance from any quarter or based on any element is doomed to fail. Those who like to dominate others are not because they think their religion, cultural heritage or race are superior or more enduring. They like to dominate because they know they can not survive without subjugating others. The multiculturalism I am promoting is to let competition reign. Let the best cultural traits, work ethics and value prevail. There shall be no state sponsorship for any culture, religion or value.

  42. Waterfrontcoolie, I fully agree with you. I think we Malaysians are too benign and forgiving to the mother of all the malaises inflicting this country. Current politicians will never take any action against him because they are thinking of themselves when they retire or when they are pushed out power. This is one of the “national culture” all these spineless politicians are promoting. Just look at Indonesia. Has any action taken against Suharto?

  43. “We can’t be sure; if PAS had not promoted hudud, may be the majority won in KT could be even bigger.”
    —huh? if PAS had not promoted hudud, PAS might even lose it lah man, remember its the malay heartland lah, last time they voted PAS for state government lah…with their somebody said “exclusive” theocratic views….

    “I never believe Hudud is only for Muslims. That is only for a start – maybe just to win votes. In the long run, they will surely go for a theocratic state where Islamic law is the law of the land…..”
    —again this is a very BAD assumption…talking like old makcik kepohing accusing her neighbor for stealing her ayam kampong…

    “On the other hand, hudud and Islamic state are exclusive because it is imposing on others.”
    —uhum, and what about your malaysian malaysia secular view for being exclusive of majority of the muslims especially those who DEMOCRATICALLY voted for PAS? Think again man…

    “Is giving your partner the right to speak (a la allowing PAS to air its view of hudud) a sin that is punishable by expulsion ? You are allowed your views on secularism, others must be allowed their views on Islamisation, so what gives you the right to say that your views are superior to others, or that the views of others do not matter ?”
    —I cant agree more on this…

  44. Why is MCA so afraid of hudud? Because there are many thieves, rapers, gangsters and fraudsters in this den of thieves setup of the MCA.

    Just imagine: politicians from MCA having their hands, feet and balls chopped off because they cannot change their wayward ways. Only hudud in this case can knock some sense into their dumb skulls. That’ why MCA politicians are sooo-ooo-ooo very afraid of hudud.

  45. wawawa….Limkamput…agreeing BN do not have a clear policy for 30 years….expects PR to have one ….right now.
    He even call Godfather… coconut head and others are lesser intelligent human beings…than him.
    Hi dickhead….so much mismanagement in Penang and Selangor….new administrators need to clean up all the dirt and filth first la. And it is made difficult by the fact UMNO is still in control over the whole country.
    You have developed an art….how to find faults with DAP and PR.
    You think you can apply agree to disagree with one stupid sentence on our 30 years by UMNO?
    Who are you trying to fool?
    So you agree BN have committed so many sins in 30 years.
    Can you list therm out?
    You sound like……..”Lets forgive and forget BN…Lets go after PR”
    Why like that kind la.

  46. Lets all vote Limkamput be next PM…and kill him…after that.
    He is like the Cock Robin…..got killed…with the fly as a witness.
    Remember….the 5 year old song….”‘Who kill Cock Robin”?
    Who saw him die? I said the fly…with my little eyes…I saw him die”……hahahahahahahaha.
    I am thinking….Limkamput… talking cock all the time..with a pea brain…like a stupid bird…..singing a tune..to please MCA..

  47. “Liberal secularism is inclusive, hudud Islamic state is exclusive” -limkamput

    Unfortunately, that’s only what you think. Go around and ask the conservative Malay in the heartlands and i bet you they would disagree with you that liberal secularism is inclusive of them. Therefore, are these people then, as you referred to “racists and bigots”?

  48. I would suggest Limkamput to go hound all those MCA people and supporters and tell them to clean up BN.

    I mean, does he expect PR to do everything themselves? BN should be pressured to reform. Look at it this way, if BN can reform then, we don’t have to vote for PAS then we don’t have to worry about all these arguments about Hudud. Then we have an alternative to PR.

    Why keep asking DAP to split PR for some pursuit of some perfect ideal vision of the future? Why not ask BN to reform. If not MCA/Gerakan/MIC should leave BN to prove they are serious about the peoples calls for reform? If BN reforms, then who will care if DAP remains with PAS or not.

  49. True to the Mamakthir era, Limkaput wants everything done by yesterday, and if you can’t do it by yesterday, then you are simply no good. That’s the attitude of a dictator, one who believes that he is the best, and that everyone else is mediocre. Just the sign of a very bitter and impatient old man.

  50. …neopotism, cronyism, unfairness, injustice, power crazy…people are not so blind that they cannot see, people are not so deaf that they cannot hear, people are not so dumb that they cannot speak, people are not that insensitive that they cannot touch, people are not that hard of smelling that they cannot smell, people are not that senseless that they cannot sense…in short, people are not that stupid….hudud or no hudud, many supporters are young people. May be we should start asking why the young people ? Aren’t they suppose to be happy with all the modernisation and westernisation in Malaysia ?

  51. Godfather, so far the only word I used against you is coconut head and yet I could sense the heat in you. Why don’t you go back and trace the words you used to describe me and others who disagreed with you. You are more than a coconut head, but I shall not escalate this for the time being.

    As for others, you fellows are probably “phua tam sai” people who can’t carry more than three variables in your heads and yet want to come here to condemn this and that. It is too bad you don’t understand what I wrote. My postings are not meant for you. If you really want to know what I wrote, I suggest you attend elementary English class first. It is a disgrace to see so many of you so dogmatic and thick headed.

    Why don’t you fellows ask BN to reform? I am smart enough to know they are not capable of doing it and therefore I am not wasting time on them. I want PR to do things right, and do it right from the start. Is that too much to ask?

    Katdog, I suggest you read again my idea of inclusiveness and the mean to attain it. If you don’t understand, read again. I am here to express my views. I don’t intend to be like that wannabe who tried to explain even the simplest stuff to make you fellows happy.

    Godfather, I suggest you don’t get personal when you know nothing about me. When I hit back I don’t think you can take it. You “bludy” grand uncle of Islamic state and hudud.

  52. It is a disgrace to see so many of you so dogmatic and thick headed.
    —huh? i wonder who is?

    Why don’t you go back and trace the words you used to describe me and others who disagreed with you.
    —owh, pity u? dont cry la little baby!!!! maybe u can refer above?

    You “bludy” grand uncle of Islamic state and hudud.
    —this is DAMN fascist, bigot, anti-Islamic

    Yep…i agree he has the pea-sized brain with whore-like mouth…

  53. Godfather Says:

    Today at 21: 10.01 (1 hour ago)
    True to the Mamakthir era, Limkaput wants everything done by yesterday, and if you can’t do it by yesterday, then you are simply no good. That’s the attitude of a dictator …\

    To be a dictator you’d need to have some intelligence. We can’t say the same for a man who chooses ‘nincompoop’ for his handle and names his blog \nincompoop’\.

  54. Lim Kit Siang, look at this blog! With all those pea-sized brains and coconut heads and whore-like mouth, your blog is still THE BEST!!!

    Being Malaysians, with PAS around (making DAP pening kepala) and “HUDUD is coming to town” etc etc…look! Life is so beautiful here!

    Isn’t Malaysia a fascinating country?

  55. “Godfather, I suggest you don’t get personal when you know nothing about me. When I hit back I don’t think you can take it. You “bludy” grand uncle of Islamic state and hudud.”

    Oh Great One, we all tremble at your threats. What are you gonna use ? ISA ?

  56. I mean he can call his own blog “nincompoop” or whatever, but then he starts picking fights with just about everyone, and starts calling himself the Superior Being, and that’s when you know he’s lost it. He’s just an angry old man because no one bothers to go to his blog, so he comes here to make as much noise as he can.

    BTW, Great One, “thief” is not spelt as what you just did.

  57. schizophrenia=dementia praecox
    hebephrenic subtype
    with strong association with schizotypal personality disorder
    thought broadcasting
    dissociative comorbididty
    excess dopaminergic activity in his mesolimbic-mesocortical system
    reduced size of basal ganglia, hippocampus and parahippocampus areas making his pea-sized brain
    impaired abstract thinking
    acute psychotic episode with reality distortion
    surely poor insight

    he needs regular and persistent electroconvulsive therapy!
    complete remission is totally not possible
    prognosis wise, very very poor, its a resistant case…

  58. at least you have visited once to the site and become a nincompoop.

    and for you syn83, I bet you can’t write one complete sentence. let’s face it, you are a phua tam sai. So there is no need to use words that you don’t understand to impress.

  59. with whore-like mouth…
    Hey! Jeffrey’s not here to defend prostitutes, so I’ll remind you they work very hard for their money, mostly providing value for money and seeing the job through, unlike some of the people we should be focussing our attention on.

    I think I can see limkamput’s point, even if it is being obscured by squabbling with people who are possibly stressed out by the excitement of KT. Don’t you lot ever just go out, drink a shed-load of beers, declare your undying love for each other and wake up in Accident and Emergency? That’s how we do it in the Land of Hope and Glory.

    In an ideal situation, there’d be lots of political parties, all with clear manifestos, elections would be more frequent, and we’d have proportional representation instead of first past the post, so we could vote on principle. Oh yes, and I’d have a vote, like my wife does when she’s resident in my home country. And you could read about politicians and their parties in the national press, in articles written by journalists who criticise all of them equally.

    But we don’t live in a country like that. To get there, it may be necessary to ‘close one eye’ where our own principles are concerned and vote for someone you don’t otherwise feel deserves your vote. It would be nice if some of the alternatives would suddenly whip out respectable principles, make concrete promises and demonstrate their excellence in civil service. But there appears to be a chance that the next government could get elected on the simple basis that they’re “anybody else”. It’s a low target, so don’t expect them to aim high.

  60. So there is no need to use words that you don’t understand to impress.
    —-hahaha try me…and let me give u one whole lecture on each of the above words with lengthy elaboration of its pathophysiology and medical hypothesis…
    —-and such above medical problem listing suits u best!

  61. OrangRojak asked:

    “Don’t you lot ever just go out, drink a shed-load of beers, declare your undying love for each other and wake up in Accident and Emergency?”

    How do you do that with a superior being ?

  62. “admitted to one private uni because of your dad’s money.”
    —-hahahaha, very very wrong again, i wonder its very true that ur brain is only pea-sized…..

    ur personality profiling:
    -male, middle adult
    -single/if married must have strained relation within the past 5 years
    -low to mid socioeconomic class
    -lives in urban area
    -history of in-utero medical problems: Rh incompatibility, starvation, influenza), perinatal complications
    -typical onset during adolescents/early adults
    -and many more…keep on posting man…

  63. Malays would need to change their mindset
    As they’re the majority of voters, you’re probably right – but isn’t that starting to happen already? Everybody likes to claim a win as their own, but are you suggesting the political gains made in the last election, and the last two by-elections were totally due to non-Malays? It’s hard to get a feeling for what’s going on with the majority of voters – they don’t write comments on this blog, nor on any other. They almost certainly don’t even go online.
    I’d say that given the swing against BN, the Malays must be changing their mindset. Despite all the rhetoric about ‘affirmative action’ and ‘superior position of the Malays’, it must be apparent to a great many Malays who are struggling to pay bills as they watch the Mercs drive by, that a few decades’ worth of promises hasn’t actually amounted to very much.

  64. There may be Malaysia but there is no such thing as Malaysians. There are only Chinese, Indians and Malays and others. They exist only in the minds of born again Chinese, Indians and Malays

    who are you to say this, a half baked chinaman trying to be a 1/4 american.

  65. voice2009 Says:

    Today at 23: 53.58 (12 seconds ago)

    Are you a Malaysian?

    If you are not, please do not comment or simply judged other peoples country interest.

    You no business in here. Go and mind your own business.


    I am Irish, married to a Malaysian Chinese and have lived in Malaysia for many years.

  66. Aw got my markup wrong…

    there is no such thing as Malaysians
    There was a very chatty woman on the counter at our local KFC, one time when I took my daughter there to get our dinner. The woman eventually got round to asking where we were from. “I’m from England” I answered “but she’s a Malaysian, like you”. The woman’s face went a darker red than her headscarf, and she didn’t say another word to us! Perhaps you’re right.

  67. ,…. the Malays must be changing their mindset. Despite all the rhetoric about ‘affirmative action’ and ’superior position of the Malays’, it must be apparent to a great many Malays who are struggling to pay bills as they watch the Mercs drive by, that a few decades’ worth of promises hasn’t actually amounted to very much.

    most well said. bye bye, need to earn a living again, unlike some lucky guys here.

  68. limkamput Says:

    Today at 00: 00.34 (12 minutes ago)
    most well said. bye bye, need to earn a living again, unlike some lucky guys here”

    Our hearts go out to you limkaput! We forget you walk the streets of Kg. Attap the well known red-light district for locals in KL.

    It is morning over here though.

  69. syncbasher83 Says:

    Yesterday at 23: 59.33
    hahaha limkaput,

    do u have dyspareunia?


    Can’t you see he has hernia (inguinal hernia) from the way he walks? In case you do not know, it appears as a bulge between his legs.

    inguinal hernia appears as a bulge in the groin

  70. I am Irish, married to a Malaysian Chinese and have lived in Malaysia for many years.
    Are you me? Oh no, I only have a name that an Irish person in a comedy would have, but am not actually Irish – I remember.

  71. “I’d say that given the swing against BN, the Malays must be changing their mindset. Despite all the rhetoric about ‘affirmative action’ and ’superior position of the Malays’, it must be apparent to a great many Malays who are struggling to pay bills as they watch the Mercs drive by, that a few decades’ worth of promises hasn’t actually amounted to very much.” OrangRojak

    No doctor can prescribe the cure if symptoms continue to be mistaken for the disease. Dr. Mahathir knows well the difference but appears to confuse the two so he could continue to be the doctor he knows he is not.

  72. “Are you me? Oh no, I only have a name that an Irish person in a comedy would have, but am not actually Irish – I remember.” OrangRojak

    Remind me to buy an Irish used brain at the next world used brain exhibition. They do cost more however because they are said to be hardly used.

  73. I think you may be using home-grown logic if you’re expecting to be able to pick up an unused brain at a used brain exhibition.

    I’m signing off now, the similarity is too much for me. People will think we’re a ghetto.

    Just one last from the School of Modern Vernacular English:
    Gentlemen and Ladies should never be used to refer to people. In contemporary usage, the terms refer to single-sex toilets for men and women, respectively.

    Were there ever any Irish colonies, or only Irish conolies?

  74. OrangRojak Says:

    Today at 00: 50.41 (35 minutes ago)
    I think you may be using home-grown logic if you’re expecting to be able to pick up an unused brain at a used brain exhibition.”

    The reference was to a “hardly used” brain as opposed to a “used” one.

  75. As expected…Najib said….the Ch8inese and Indians deserted UMNO…at Terenggannu.
    Ong Ta Kut said earlier…Chinese votes have increased…and thanked them.
    If MCA have any dignity left..they should pull out.
    UMNO is again showing…who is the master….and Najib is fighting the Malay voters never left UMNO.
    I think..out of the 2600 majority…at least 600 UMNO supporters voted for change of government and 2000 are from the Chinese..with the balance fr9m Indians.
    But if you take….the 600 majority won by UMNO at the last election…..the swing is infact…2500 plus 600..that is 3100!!
    Which means…around 1000 UMNO supporters…2000 Chinese and balance 100..Indians.
    Percentage wise…more chinese are swinging away from UMNO…..but with 1000 UMNO supporters…moving away…from UMNO…that is the most important…and we can safely say…more than 65% Malaysians hungry for change of government.
    Correct or not…dickhead..Limkamput.

  76. Is there a parliamentary confirmation process for electing the new PM? If so, some ones may say it is Najiv, another group will say Abdullah. BN will be divided. Then the opposition will put up Anwar. Plus some more support from BN, Anwar will be the next PM. Is such a scenario possible?

  77. Another warning to Najis:

    You may have enslaved MCA and MIC, but you won’t be able to enslave the rest of us. You may require Ong Ta Kut to seek your consent before releasing information on the PKFZ scandal, but we won’t forget.

    Continue playing your wayang kulit and we will consign you to the opposition benches in Parliament.

  78. There is already excuses going around, including by Dr. M, that BN lost because of the wrong candidate. While its true, the truth is the wrong candidate reflects the problems in BN/UMNO. Wan Farid may be a prodigal son of an UMNO man but look at UMNO/BN leaders and you will see faces of Wan Farid all over including the next-PM to be.

    Dr. M may blame Badawi for the wrong candidate but he chose all the wrong candidates that now rule UMNO first like Khir Toyo, Taib, Badawi, Najib, etc…

    Najib is in a very tough spot and he does not have the skills to match the challenge. What is needed is a visionary leader and he does not have one and cannot. His ideas in the past ‘glocal’, ‘blue sky strategy’ and ‘branding’ etc. fundamentally shows a man without real visionary skills. The man is reactionary to fundamental shifts rather than taking charge of it. On the day of the KT lost, he characterised it as a minor set-back and THEN when contradicted later change it and say BN will work harder to meet the aspiration of the people. All indication of someone who don’t have a clear idea how to turnaround a sinking ship.

    Its because he has no vision that Najib does not have real mass popularity. He has popularity within UMNO and even that is limited and will change with the tides. He IS a prodigal son of NEP and UMNOnarchy. He may not think so but he is. His power is political masturbation, it sounds like it, feels like it but it is not the real thing. Given his known past sexual escapades, its a real sign of the man he cannot tell the difference.

    Najib lack of vision and his limited personal political assets is where PR can take him on successfully. For example, if Sarawak state election is the next thing, he will have to cut a deal with Taib or risk something going terribly wrong. If he cuts a deal with Taib, all the better and PR must uncover that deal or deals and spin it for all its worth. If he does not cut a deal with Taib, its likely Taib will take things to such extreme to make sure he wins that PR can win. If its neither one of the other, then all amunitions are available. No matter what PR has an edge. Shake the Sarawak tree far enough and Najib will go down and those in line to replace him are even worst prodigal offsprings of the NEP and UMNOnarchy.

    The opportunity is real now for PR and Anwar to be PM, execution, execution is what is most important instead of being caught up with issues like Hudud…

  79. Waah! Money, machinary and incumbancy also cannot stop PAS. And lets not forget the 10 months of intense mud slinging by umno (since 308) at PAKATAN. 2600-vote margin does not reflect the true position, really. Imagine, if the election was truly fair, we could see a larger victory margin. I am sure of that. Umno ought to know this. To dismiss the loss as a mere set back is lame – an act only umno would engage in. And chinese votes change is too insignificant to represent anything. If mca is trying to seek some comfort in the change then mca could well be shocked by realities.

  80. Quote – TDM: It is not Najib fault, it is AAB!

    Ya right, make this fello the next Prime Minister of this country and you shall see the whole nation including your own BN supporters thrown him out into the South China Sea.

    Knock some sense out of your screwd mind TDM.

    How can you elect a person with so much garbage in his record as the next PM?

    BN is digging own grave and bury ownself, show time started and ending in the coming election!

    Rakyat are standing up against this corrupt gomen! Najib put the final nail. CongratS!

  81. “His (Najibi) power is political masturbation, it sounds like it, feels like it but it is not the real thing.” BigJoe

    If it is not mass perturbation on Wall Street, it has to be intellectual masturbation on Main Street. Logic tell us that that is the job of Lee Wang Yen!

  82. Indian Malaysians are not well treated by the Malaysian government. Said who?
    Who is representing Malaysia at the historic inauguration of Barack Obama at Capitol Hill?
    Ilango Karuppannan with his wife Nirmala Devi will be going to the ceremony.
    “I am indeed blessed to represent Malaysia,” said Ilango, the Charge d’Affaires of the Malaysian Embassy in Washington DC.

  83. Dear All,

    First and foremost, we must congratulate the PAS candidate who clinched the Kuala Terengganu (KT) parliamentary seat by a bigger majority. Kudos to the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders who tirelessly fought and co-ordinated excellent strategy for the candidate. After this by-election, there are two key factors which we wanted to make:-

    1) That the Chinese and non-Malays voters could be decisive in determining the outcome of the KT election and for any other election(s) in the future.

    2) In view of the above, would the ultras UMNO revert to the old medicine to cure the current problem? This is always a temting proposition which they had adopted whenever they are in a crisis. Some may even want to try the same medicine but with higher dosage as the old and tested is not working well enough.

    I strongly believe the Rakyat is mush better informed now than they were 15 or 20 years ago. The current flow of information has enable them to decide correctly. Reverting to the old medicine will not life UMNO up from its current doldrums. The effect of Ahmad Said and a few others on vernacular school, Penang and a host of racial issues are minimal as demonstrated in the KT election. The Malays saw the ploy through their eyes this time around and losing in a Malay heartland is a severe blow to UMNO. If MCA has been claimed to have less Chinese support, the same can be said for UMNO now vis-a-vis the Malays. Yes, while deep soul searching for UMNO is imperative and urgently required, we are not certain if UMNO today has any strong and selfless leaders who can lead this new chapter of Malaysian politics. Finger-pointing and blame politics seem to be the preferred choice and option. Mahathir has started the ball rolling merely 15 hours after the KT result was announced and Mukhir had just joined in.

  84. “The Malays have not changed. What changed is their willingness to tolerate unbridled and flagrant corruption and abuse of power. They are politically mature enough to admit to themselves that they cannot stem corruption completely be it under BN – or PR. Surely nobody here is suggesting that a PR administration would not have its share of corruption” so said Undergrad2 in his posting Yesterday at 23: 32.32 above.

    Well, the desire for money, lots of it, usually facilitated by unfair gain and advantage over others by reason of access to levers of power is the prime raison de e’tre of corruption.

    Often we desire money not just for ouselves but those close to or mean much to us over whom we lavish our ‘generosity.

    Well our NST today featured an article from TimesOnLine saying, “Scientists have found that the pleasure women get from making love is directly linked to the size of their partner’s bank balance. They found that the wealthier a man is, the more frequently his partner has orgasms. Women’s orgasm frequency increases with the income of their partner,” said Dr Thomas Pollet, the Newcastle University psychologist behind the research”.

    You can read TimesOnLine in this link – http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/science/article5537017.ece

    Now who can blame BN’s corrupt politicians, or for that matter, PR’s politicians in the vein of Undergrad2’s statement “nobody here is suggesting that a PR administration would not have its share of corruption”?

    Many who decry and condemn corruption because they at the wrong end of the stick – their hard earned tax monies have been frittered with no payback.

    However given half the chance or half the political connection, they would them selves partake in acts and share the spoils that they otherwise condemn corrupt.

    Their true grievance is not against corruption per se so much as the fact that there is no equitable distribution of its spoils. Who would want to give (taxes} more than what they could take back? The corrupt take back (spoils) much more than what they give (taxes, direct or indirect) plus more orgasms, :) if the scientist’s report is believed!

    Such is the world, it is organised around hypocrisy!

    Likewise what Undergrad2 said – “Surely nobody here is suggesting that a PR administration would not have its share of corruption” – is fair comment.

  85. “Surely nobody here is suggesting that a PR administration would not have its share of corruption”

    That’s why an untainted judiciary PLUS an independent anti-corruption agency independent of the PM and answering directly to Parliament needs to be set up

  86. If DSAI/PR does get to power (and it is still a very big IF), the potential for hudud law looks to be getting closer to reality. PAS wants it, DSAI supports it. DAP will then be stuck in a bind. This is still one thing that PR has not clarified and for as long as it does not, it will continue to hang over it like a low dark cloud.

  87. MCA president OTK definitely supports hudud law and cannot wait to apply it to his deputy, CS Lek, the infamous actor who had a jolly good time with someone not his wedded wife.
    Er, excuse me, what’s the punishment under hudud for that act? What’s chopped off?

  88. The punishment under hudud for that act is for both to be buried up to their necks. Then Hamas will be invited to fire rockets at the pair of them. However they will survive because the Israelis will send in their F16s to chase Hamas back to Gaza.

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