IGP more a lobbyist for police mega projects than a police leader to keep crime low

I am moving a censure motion against the Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan by way of a RM10 cut motion for two reasons.

During the debate on the 2009 Budget and the winding-up by the Deputy Home Minister, Datuk Seri Chor Chee Heong on 30th October 2008, I had asked but failed to get satisfactory reply on why the Inspector-General of Police had become the chief lobbyist for mega police projects like the proposed RM20 billion police helicopter deal to hire 34 helicopters from syarikat AsiaCopter for 30 years and the RM4.2 billion “E-Police Force Solution”, satu rangkaian sistem wireless digital sepenuhnya yang berasaskan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (ICT) yang canggih dengan litupan selurah negara proposed by syarikat Web Power Sdn. Bhd when his chief duty as IGP is to ensure an efficient, professional and world-class police force to keep crime low to enable Malaysians, tourists and investors to feel safe in Malaysia.

Chor even denied that Musa had written a letter to the Second Finance Minister, Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop, on 12th February 2007 endorsing the RM20 billion Asiacopter proposal to rent out 34 helicopters to the police for 30 years. I cannot understand how Chor could come to the House to deny that the IGP had sent a letter of endorsement and lobbying for AsiaCopter’s RM20 billion proposal to rent 34 helicopters to the police for 30 years, when Chor admitted that he had not asked the IGP whether there was such a letter.

Chor also made a bald denial that the IGP had endorsed the Web Power’s RM4.2 billion “E-Police Force Solution” proposal.

I have here a copy of the letter from the IGP to the Second Finance Minister Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop dated 12th February 2007 on the subject “Cadangan Kontrak Sewaan Helicopter Kepada Polis Diraja Malaysia Selama 30 Tahun Melalui Private Funding Initiative (PFI)”, where Musa gave his full endorsement for the proposal when he wrote:

“Kos sewaan yang dicadangkan didapati berpatutan dan bersesuaian dengan pelaburan yang akan dikeluarkan serta risiko peningkatan kos yang mungkin ditanggung oleh Syarikat AsiaCopter Sdn. Bhd dalam tempoh sewaan.

“Ingin dimaklumkan bahawa inisiatif ini bukan sahaja akan menguntungkan PDRM tetapi juga pihak Kerajaan. PDRM akan dapat meningkatkan produktiviti dan keberkesanan di dalam menjalankan tugas serta melicinkan operasi polis dalam mengekalkan ketenteraman awam dan keselamatan negara. Oleh itu saya menyokong penuh cadangan ini.”

I have also here a copy of the letter which Musa wrote to the Prime Minister dated 3rd November 2006 on “E-Police Force Solution – Letter of Intent”, hawking the RM4.2 billion proposal of Web Power Sdn. Bhd., pressing for the issue of an “Letter of Exclusive Intent” to the company by the government.

As I said in my budget speech on October 15, saya tidak masaalah dengan keinginan PDRM untuk membeli sistem teknologi yang boleh membantu mereka menjalankan siasatan jenayah, tetapi bagaimana Ketua Polis Negara boleh menghantar memohon dikeluarkan surat “Letter of Exclusive Intent” kepada syarikat Web Power Sdn. Bhd terus kepada Perdana Menteri dan tidak melalui Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Keselamatan Dalam Negeri?

Prosedur yang patut dilakukan dalam apa-apa pembelian sepatutnya ialah Ketua Polis Negara harus menulis surat kepada Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian, Ketua Setiausaha kemudian menulis surat kepada Kementerian Kewangan, selepas diluluskan oleh Kementerian Kewangan, barulah Kementerian Keselamatan Dalam Negeri memanggil tender. Tetapi sekarang, Ketua Polis Negara terus ‘bypass’ Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian dan memohon dikeluarkan surat “letter of intent”nya terus kepada Perdana Menteri. Kenapakah ini berlaku? Kita dapati pihak KPN telah melanggar “standard operating procedure (SOP)” iaitu “go direct to minister by-pass your immediate boss (KSU)”.

At a time when crime in Malaysia has become endemic, with Malaysians losing their fundamental right to be free from crime and the fear of crime, an IGP who is more concerned about being a lobbyist for mega projects like the RM20 billion 30-year 34-police helicopter rental AsiaCopter proposal and the RM4.2 billion “E-Police Force Solution” Web Power proposal, even by-passing standard operating procedures, is not acceptable – even though both proposals did not take off.

This runs against the whole grain of the National Integrity Plan launched by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Abdullah five years ago.

There is another reason why Musa is not fit to continue as IGP and why this RM10 salary-cut motion.

[Speech (Part 1) in Parliament on Thursday, 4th December 2008 on the RM10-cut motion for the Inspector-General of Police in the 2009 Budget debate on the Home Ministry]


32 Replies to “IGP more a lobbyist for police mega projects than a police leader to keep crime low”

  1. You guys still remember Tun Hannif (sorry Tun if I got your name spelled wrongly),our former IGP ?.In his rare newspaper comment he said most police officers are living far beyond their means.Hey guys,He’s a former IGP of the PDRM and he defenately knows what he is writing in a national popular daily paper,right ? But despite his own words in writing,why is it no ACA action at all ?Why also his successor didn’t take any action as well ?I think the current IGP is a kind of a lame duck type.Reason why he too is not keen to investigate the former IGP Tun Hannif comment.If he isn’t why no action.Surely he does not need a rocket/space science knowledge to get those or rather his own officers.Perhaps,like we know that all birds of the same feathers flock together.Is he? Well I leave this to you guys to ponder and to investigate.But be careful liked I said before else you be bitten.

  2. Not surprised if this Musa criminal has received kickbacks from these projects. Otherwise, why would he place additional workloads on-top of his supposedly daily job, unless he’s not doing anything at all in the first place besides showing the world how stupid he is.

  3. Not only does the IGP think there is nothing wrong with his action, if you look at his face, he thinks he IS ENTITLED i.e., it is his right to make a lot of money after working to get to IGP position. After all, how else is he suppose to get rich?

  4. I would like to propose some more projects for IGP to lobby:
    1. armoured vehicles; 500 units for a SWAT team like in the movies. Maybe 1 billion?
    2. 10,000 squad cars preferable BMW 5 series with 3.5 litre engines so can outrun crooks. Plus 1000 Hummers.
    3. 500 water cannon vehicles.

  5. Whipping an inefficient and corrupt police force into one that is efficient and clean worthy of standing on par with the world’s best requires a lot of personal
    committment,pushing plus shoving,hard work and much headache.
    Lobbying for mega projects like hiring 34 helicopters for 30 years or ‘E-Police Force Solution’ requires no sweat and headache.Somemore these projects involve also mega money one and also mega commission going his way one.

  6. LKS, instead of criticizing , do you have any solid and practical approach which PDRM could implement immidiately to upgrade the service and quality? I’ve suggested many manty times for you to bring in the community you represent to join the force. Perhaps, the service can be upgraded instantly while the crime rate would decrease drastically.

    Talking without proposing any immediate solution won’t bring any value. Barking dog never bite.

    Have we ever think about Kanang Anak Langkau? He risked his life to defend the country. He never asked for rewards/recognitation and even turned down the offer to be knighted. We never heard he talked about meritoracy despite living in poverty. He is a true Malaysian who served the country sincerely.

    Long Live our Perwira.

  7. Look at those behind Asiacopter and Web Power, and you will know who in UMNO is pushing for these projects. Shameless thieves, these UMNOputras.

    I also heard that there is a deal approved to supply up to 200 new ambulances that are way overpriced.

  8. Funny thing is when I was in Sydney lapaking aroung city centre as well as its suburbs,I often see policemen in pairs on their police beat on racer bikes with walkie talkie each.And I say to myself I don’t see policemen in Malaysia on bicycles,not even on motor bikes in PJ (I don’t know about elsewhere).I see them only in police-cars,if I see them at all,rounding aimlessly more like makan angin to me.That is the reason why we are such a huge fleet of police cars and that is why madmix is throwing the suggestion for the big police chief to recommend and lobby for 10,000 squad cars of BMW 5 series with 3.5 litres engines to outrun crooks.Don’t worry its the taxpayer’s money after all!

  9. plz, stop all this nonsense. you perceived pdrm as a “very” corrupted organization in the eyes of the world! the polis just wanted to convert to world class system to increase efficiency catching criminals, and yet criticized by ppl like you. these monies must not be kept in banks – they should be spent to improves police efficiency given criminal rate in the rise.

  10. In Malaysia, tak payahlah nak ikut-ikut protokol. Beri saja ‘Letter of Exclusive Intent’ kepada PM. Dia tau apa nak buat.


    how do you know that those deals with high price tag is a solid and practical approach which PDRM could implement immediately to upgrade the service and quality? You mean the number of crooks will instantly decrease the moment they hear of the renting of choppers being approved? In my opinion, the E-Police Force Solution is also grossly overestimated where the price tag seemed to fit the military RESEARCH more than hardware/software solution for the police force. Without the details of what is included in the solution, its hard to say if it’s worth the money giving the police all this extra perks.

  11. How do you catch a crook when those especially the high ranking ones are crooks themselves?I guess maybe they will catch ‘their” competitors(other crooks) so that they will eventually be in control in whatever that needs to be control and taken over by their so called comrades in the world of “black and white”.

  12. Still short of 60,000 right applicants for the Police Force…speaks volumns of their reputations.
    If it is such a good and noble job…there is no reasons so many shunt away to apply…since salaries and fringe benefits.. are increased by Dollah….to almost double…the total income….one year ago.
    The Police Force is a UMNO Muslim force….not a Malaysian force.
    It is so badly managed….with hordes of corrupted heads…which level headed person want to join the force?
    Only the low class…jobless…lazy..good for nothing….will apply.
    To work hard and smart.. with right qualifications… in the Force…showing great good attitudes..will not guarantee you a promotion.
    It is exactly like the Education System…..where one must not think…just teach as instructed by UMNO…knowing most of the subjects are below par and brainwashing tactics…on and on..by UMNO…to produce half past sixes Malaysians.
    They know that very well!!
    All ministers children are studying overseas…is the first sign..how sincere UMNO ministers are.
    There is no way to correct all these….and so many more misfits..given high posts..until and unless…we change the government…and even that will take few years to see the results.
    The evil of race and religion politics….by Mahathir and Dollah…is seen clearly with what we are experiencing now.
    These are useless leaders….that strive to succeed..dividing us…making Malays depend on UMNO…all the time.
    They can never get votes based on productivities and good management.
    Sooooo greedy are they….it’s an incurable disease.
    They are great actors and hypocrites..with no shame.

  13. “LKS, instead of criticizing , do you have any solid and practical approach which PDRM could implement immidiately to upgrade the service and quality?” -Cintanegara

    Wow! Cintanegara, so you think buying 34 helicopters and setting up an E-Force solution for RM25 billion is going to improve the service and quality of the police force in the country? Pray please explain how. (Please don’t spout some ignorant crap like “with modern technology our police force will be better and faster at responding to crimes etc.”)

    Please explain specifically how you think these helicopter’s and e-solution are going to be used and how this will help reduce crime in the country.

  14. we need to call the myth buster team to check this out. musa is a YES-MAN – myth or plausible?

    the solution is, we demand a no nonsense police leader who is not a YES- man for the politicians. the separation of power must become the backbone of our constitution. for 50 years, there is no separation of power, all the power is in the hands of a few corrupt politicians.

  15. You want upgrade the police force.

    Easy, catch all those corrupted top official in police force.

    If the corrupted still in the top, do not expect good upgrade and improvement , it will not work.

  16. melurian:

    Yeah, money should not be kept in banks. It should be spent. That’s how money continues to disappear from banks like Bank Bumiputra, Bank Rakyat, Bank Islam, Bank Pembangunan, Eximbank, AgroBank…..straight into the pockets of UMNOputras.

    Let’s spend, and spend big. It’s the UMNO tradition….

  17. cintamamakthir:

    Salary so low, so let’s allow them to steal. When they concentrate their efforts on stealing rather than providing a service, we should not complain. Wonderful logic…keep it up. Be “rasional”.

  18. “LKS, instead of criticizing , do you have any solid and practical approach which PDRM could implement immidiately to upgrade the service and quality?” -Cintanegara

    Highlighting misuse of public funds and corruption is not a practical approach? Maybe you are right, it is not in Malaysia. Idiotic!

  19. That’s why, Malaysian want to see DAP encourage the community they represent, to join the force, particulary the lower rank positions. With them joining the force, who knows quality and services can be upgraded instantly or otherwise….

  20. Ah Pek, Frankly speaking, I don’t have any clue to answer your questions. It is unetichal to say something which I’m not sure of. Again, let me reiterate that it is against my principles to give any false and baseless statements.

  21. cintanegara,
    Your honesty immediately comes out by your saying so and I have high regards for you for that.The reason why i pose that question is to try and assess how gullible people can sometimes be and after that I shall attempt to tell you why the ridiculous low figure of Indian and Chinese participation cannot be unless some other factor comes into play.
    For a little bit of background information for Australian’s demography:85% of Australians are of European extraction,3% are Aborigine and the rest of 12%comes from the rest of the world (largest group is the chinese)
    If one say that Australian prisons have 17 aborigines to 1 australian,what you are in fact saying is for every 18 prisoners one would find 17 prisoners coming from the aborigines.Effectively one is saying that 94% of Ausralian prisoners are aborigines,and is it possible that 94% of the Australian prisoners can come out of 3% of the Australian population? Or is it not simply ridiculous.
    To have any confidence in any figure or data one must examine its believability
    first and in the case of this example I would assess its credibility from the following benchmark.In an ideal situation and for every 18 prisoners, one would expect 1 aborigines (18×0.3),15 Europeans and 2 Others and from this benchmark we assess reports pertaining to prisoner statistics of Australia.If the report say that there are 4 or 5 Aborigines for every 18 prisoners it is very high to be credible unless there is some other factor involved such as racist attitude of the Australian police.This could be the factor but to say out of 18 prisoners there are 17aborigines in the group even the factor of racist attitude can be thrown out of the window.It is simply not true for it is blatant exaggeration.
    Likewise to say 3% or 4% participation in the police force coming out of 34% population of Malaysia (this being Chinese and Indians) cannot be credible unless some other factor come into play.But if you say that 12% to 15% of participation in the police force coming from Chinese and Indian community,
    which is still very low and attribute the reason that the Chinese and Indian do not like to join the police force,that can be a possible reason.3% or 4% participation in the police force coming from these 2 communities is not believable or acceptable even if you say the Chinese or Indians do not like to join the police force.Even if you were to raise it to 5% participation,it cannot be true!

  22. “Definately salary is not attractive compare to private sector. Then, why complaint about the service if we are not ready to join?” – Cintanegara

    So you have pointed out that one of the problem is the salaries of our police force are too low.

    Now let me repeat my question to you.

    How is it that you think buying 34 helicopters and setting up an E-Force solution for RM25 billion is going to improve the service and quality of the police force in the country? (Please don’t spout some ignorant crap like “with modern technology our police force will be better and faster at responding to crimes etc.”)

    Please explain specifically how you think these helicopter’s and e-solution are going to be used and how this will help reduce crime in the country.

    Do help me understand why you think that it is more important that we spend RM25 billion on these rather than improving the salaries of our police force to encourage more people to join?

  23. katdog,
    I do not believe improving salaries to encourage more people (non Malays I presume) will work just yet cos the committee that vets the applications and run the short listings plus interviews is made up of solely 1 race,and they are hell bent in trying to prevent non Malay entries from exceeding a certain figure for obvious reasons and use the msm to publish that non Malays are not interested in joining the police force.Two things must happen first,before anything can be taken into consideration.First BN must be booted out.Second IPCMC must be kicked in.Then we can begin to talk about how to get the PDRM to join the ranks of world class police force.Unless that happens we can talk till the cows come home,nothing will happen,only more money will go down the drain!

  24. ‘Frankly speaking, I don’t have any clue to answer your questions. It is unetichal to say something which I’m not sure of. Again, let me reiterate that it is against my principles to give any false and baseless statements.’ – Cintanegara

    So…. your principle is voice your support on actions of your beloved mamak and his UMNO-branded cronies (Which I’m not confident you are so sure of what they are doing). Then decline to comment when we further need clarifications just because you are not sure. UMNO ‘Still’ need a Nepotism candidate like you, please quickly join them before the sane Malaysians vote them out.

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