No to “ketuanan rakyat Malaysia” – BN abandoning Bangsa Malaysia?

I will move a motion under Standing Order 43 to challenge and review the ruling of Deputy Speaker Datuk Ronald Kiandee condoning the gross breach of parliamentary privilege by former Minister and Barisan Nasional MP for Rompin Datuk Jamaluddin Jarjis in trying to sabotage my speech during the 2009 Budget debate on the Ministry of Unity, Culture, Arts and Heritage on Monday in misleading the House by falsely claiming that I had said “the Malays treated the Chinese like slaves” when referring to “ketuanan Melayu”.

Jamaluddin was being most mischievous, irresponsible and racist when he deliberately repeated at least ten times in various variation of the false accusation that I had said the Malays regard the Chinese as slaves to try to paint me as racist and anti-Malay – when he was the one who was demonstrating his worst communal colours.

He even challenged me to apologise and withdraw the allegation when this is verified in a check with the Hansard the next day.

A check with the Hansard has proven that Jamaluddin was telling a big lie, which he compounded by repeating it ten times in the House on Monday, and it is now clearly confirmed that I had never said that the Malays treated the Chinese as slaves.

This is a gross breach of parliamentary privilege, compounded by his deliberate repetition of the lie ten times, hoping to turn a lie into a truth by sheer repetition!

If a Pakatan Rakyat MP had done to a Barisan Nasional Minister what Jamaluddin did to me in Parliament on Monday, the Pakatan Rakyat MP would have been stopped within seconds and suspended from the House, let alone being allowed to repeat the lie ten times, or referred to the Committee of Privileges for more serious disciplinary action to be meted out to him.

Why should there be one rule for Pakatan Rakyat MPs and another rule for Barisan Nasional MPs in the Malaysian Parliament?

I call on all right-thinking and justice-loving MPs, regardless of party whether from Pakatan Rakyat or Barisan Nasional, to take a common stand to censure Jamaluddin for his gross breach of parliamentary privilege in Parliament on Monday.

It is most pertinent that when I repeatedly asked in the House on Monday whether UMNO MPs would support the concept of “ketuanan rakyat Malaysia”, there was total silence and strenuous evasion with Jamaluddin trying to distract the issue by lying that I had accused the Malays of treating the Chinese as slaves in “ketuanan Melayu” concept.

In actual fact, it is the Umno leaders and Umno-putras who have enslaved all Malaysians – ordinary Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans and Ibans – by trotting out the “ketuanan Melayu” concept, which has nothing to do with the position of Malay Rulers and is not to be found in the Merdeka Constitution.

Last year, the government spent RM100 million to celebrate 50th Merdeka anniversary of the nation. Why are the UMNO and Barisan Nasional leaders not prepared to come forward to state clearly and unequivocally that they are in full support of “ketuanan rakyat Malaysia”?

In refusing to fully endorse the concept of “ketuanan rakyat Malaysian”, aren’t the Barisan Nasional government abandoning the Bangsa Malaysia concept of Vision 2020?

It is sad that Umno leaders are not prepared to endorse the concept of “ketuanan rakyat Malaysia” -, which show that they are not yet prepared to become fully Malaysian leaders. They should give serious thought to the very eloquent and heart-wrenching speech by the DAP MP for Batu Gajah, Fong Po Kuan, in the debate on Monday who asked on behalf of all Malaysians why they are not regarded as full Malaysians when their sole loyalty is to this country and no other!


61 Replies to “No to “ketuanan rakyat Malaysia” – BN abandoning Bangsa Malaysia?”

  1. Dear All,

    We have listened, read and even experienced the outright refusal of UMNO leaders to change and treat all Malaysians equally. Despite the many calls, with the latest being the “308” election results, resulting the loss of five state governments to Pakatan Rakyat, UMNO has moved further away from the concept of Bangsa Malaysia. An outright abandonment, if you may like it, but the fact remains is that UMNO will continue to fight for Ketuanan Melayu as this is only the appealing platform that will attract urban and rural Malays. The game plan has been there for as long as one could remember, particularly after 1969 when they saw the uprising of Chinese boldly supporting the opposition as well as extreme factional divide inside UMNO then. The old record is being played all over, over and over again when UMNO is mired down with internal bickering or power tussle. UMNO will use the racial issues and stoke sentiments in order to purge dissidents and consolidate power. It has never change and never will unless if we experience an exchange of federal government from UMNO to Keadilan or PAS. The Peninsular component parties in BN like MCA, MIC, PPP and the rest were seen as just members making up the numbers as well as too weak to even consolidate its respective influence on communities that they are representing for. UMNO moved aggressively to Sabah in 1990 and adopted a vigorous programme of legalizing illegal immigrants from Phillipines and Indonesia in order to push PBS out, of which they received enormous support from the Kadazandusun community. Immigrants can do and alter political outcomes in their host states and this trend and observation had been proven a million times true in Sabah.

    The Kadazandusun is now making up only 20% of Sabah total population, down 12% from 32% in 1960 while Indonesians are about 22%, up a hefty 17% from a mere 5% recorded in 1960. Sabah’s population growth is growing extremely healthy but with immigrants from Indonesia. It will come a day where there will be more Indonesians than they are Malays. For all you know, UMNO is now struggling with this issue which they created themselves.

    An old Malay adage, “senjata makan Tuan” is best described the situation.

  2. These hypocrites cloaked in the name of UMNO are the real enemies of Malaysia.They are the real traitors of our country.They should be exterminated asap for the sake of our future and also our children’s.These idiots are selfish and opportunistic.They are also corrupted.No other words other than satans,devils and demons can best describe this bunch of ‘sampah/tahi manusia’.

  3. After more than 40 years involved in Malaysian Politic, DAP’s approach and style had never changed. For many years, this is their most favourite subject to be debated over in the parliament. Didn’t they realize that they gain nothing out of this? On the other hand, they are very sensitive and annoyed when other people touch on their community’s interests.

    We cannot deny the fact that it is a duty of Malays and Non-Malays to protect their interests and rights. There’s nothing wrong with that. However, things will get immoral if one side start questioning about rights/privileges enjoyed by another side. For the past 51 years, Malaysian in general knows how to respect and try their level best not to hurt each other’s feelings. So far, this approach works successfully and why must we ruin this?

    This is my sincere thoughts if we wish to live harmoniously in this country.

  4. They survived based on being champion of one race.
    Already out-dated 25 years ago…they cannot change…as changing spell certain death of party.
    Not to change…still got hope to fool many half past sixes.
    Jamaluddin is the typical racialist….that get elected by fooling his own race.
    This type of UMNO racialists…is the reasons why the poorest of the poor muslims….keep suffering and said…..”It’s God’s will”…which is the irresponsible lazy attitudes and mentalities of UMNO MPs with big mouth…no shame at all…to continue race and religion politics.
    I have a strange feeling….even terrorists are laughing……leaving us in peace.
    If not…at least the whole world is laughing at our low class politics.

  5. That 2 UMNO goons is supported by a speaker that is moron.
    Someone out there good in IT should reproduce those clips and the behaviour of our Parliament speaker and distribute them all over the country. Macam mana mahu maju speaker pun otak tak level!! and the worst part they refuse to listen to this gutsy lady. Poraaaaaah Parliament Malaysia no wonder it is better to take it to the street.

  6. “Ketuanan Melayu”. Not even “Ketuanan Bumiputra” to include other natives.

    Malays alone form about half the population so is the intention to lord over the other half?

    So long as some are more equal than others and such inequalities remain indefinitely, then I fear this “Ketuanan” thing isn’t going to be over any time soon.

    God help us.

  7. cintanegara,
    Don’t run away.Remember my questions to you.In case you forgot I bring forward my questions to you from YB’s previous posting ‘Fight crime and not perception.’.

    sometime ago mamak has commented that in Australian prisons there are 17 aborigines to 1 Australian.Do you believe that? If you do, tell us why and if you don’t, also tell us why?

    You seem to shy away from this challenge which is not typical of you.

  8. What a beautiful speech from Ms.Fong.
    As usual…Ms. Fong was gunned down for no reasons by those shameless UMNO racialists…..that needs a young Malaysian…to teach to unite as Malaysians.
    Feeling no shame…lost of words to properly respond to Ms. needs the Mr.Speaker to lend support to telling her …not to use the word “UMNO”…..when it is UMNO that governs the country.
    Such is the cunning political low class art…UMNO guys are good at….making the speaker loose concentrations and to confuse her.
    But Ms.Fong…is simply too sharp and smart for those old foxes.

  9. If the non-bumis are the slaves, why the hell the so called “tuan moron” perpetually feel so insecure??? Respect is earned and not by force or bought..!!! Don’t they know this simple principle???

    The more UMNO morons claim for ketuanan melayu, the more RACIST they are.

    So ketuanan my foot, you UMNO low low class..!!!

  10. The Yg Bodoh Rompin quoted “Malaysia Truly Asia” tourism brochure advertisement for not being bias to a single race. This obtuse bloke missed Yg Berhormat Poh Kuan’s point about really practising and living out what we proclaim to the world being “truly Asia”. He cynically referred Poh Kuan as learned and educated, yet he cannot understand Poh Kuan’s statement. Mind-boggling….

  11. Yeah agreed,K1980,not ketuanan malay,quite right ketuanan UMNO but the truth is they are clamouring about their own POCKETS. Should I call it ketuanan pocket sendiri .Oh by the way how on earth we have both speaker and deputy speaker from Sabah.These two guys are well provided by the top UMNO guys from Putra jaya and both work hand in cheek together.You guys are assured NOTHING from them. Why because I happen to know them. Ha Ha,me from Sabah too.

  12. We cannot deny the fact that it is a duty of Malays and Non-Malays to protect their interests and rights. There’s nothing wrong with that. However, things will get immoral if one side start questioning about rights/privileges enjoyed by another side. For the past 51 years, Malaysian in general knows how to respect and try their level best not to hurt each other’s feelings. So far, this approach works successfully and why must we ruin this?
    -Quoted by Cintanegara.

    Please differentiate the “Protect their interest and right” term against the” implementation of a “Rotten NEP which only benefit the cronies”

    Nobody will question about rights enjoy by all races but you really need to question the implementation of rotten NEP whereby the system will erode our economy due to “subsidies” and produce “rubbish graduate and business man’ that cannot complete equally with others.

    Well, Cinta, Time will eventually prove you wrong and your future children will suffer if this policy keeps for another 10 years which emphasize on “Subsidies”.

    Nothing in this world is free and the payback period will eventually take place after you had received all the “subsidies’.

    Sometime, I really pity those good Malay like Zaid, Wan Aziza being label as a “NEP Product”.

    Why good Malay in Malaysia cannot be proud of what they have achieved and always label them as “NEP” Product? Are they really bad to the extent that unable to survive without NEP?

  13. @cintanegara
    “We cannot deny the fact that it is a duty of Malays and Non-Malays to protect their interests and rights.”

    Yes we can. Are you schizophrenic? Who is the “we” you refer to? You occasionally use a very pompous tone in your comments which detracts from any intrinsic merit your comments may have.

    What I deny with every gramme of my being is that any human has a duty to protect the interests and rights of any arbitrary grouping of fellows. Once you allot interests and rights to groups, there are no interests and rights for all. Either interests and rights are common to all, or they are just word-play for ‘favours’ and ‘abuses’.

    Malaysia needs to find another classification for its people. Maybe ‘race’ had some currency when a country is cut off from the outside world for hundreds of generations, but once migration starts, race has no meaning at all. I am interested in the often mentioned option – in this blog too – to ‘become a Malay’ – I have always been interested in the possibility of changing my race. Hitherto, I have always worried that it would involve some dreadful surgical procedure involving my bone marrow and testicles. If changing one’s race is a less painful experience in Malaysia, might I enquire as to how much it would cost to be an Indian? I’ve always wanted to be an Indian.

  14. Dear Ah Pek,

    Kindly note that I’m not running away from you. It is just that I don’t have sufficient information with regards to your question. However, I’m sure that our Negarawan Ulung Dr M, is a highly responsible and respectable man in Asia and he is well known for his accountability. Of course, with his great reputation, he would never say something that are false and baseless.

    Now, let’s focus on the present topic. Perhaps, you would like to share your views?

  15. Why so thick skin to call yourself ketuanan when you still need a tongkat to survive after 51 yrs of independence.
    You Rob, Steal, and wollup everything like the ancient warlord and declare yourself Tuan.
    Do u feel ashame?

  16. i fully agree with you, YB. the issue must be addressed and make it clear in the media. if not the malay will be fooled again. i think they are making you their next target after Terasa Kok; trying to confuse the issue as usual.

    YB, try not to entertain their racist and religious topics. but solely focus on their mismanagement, corruption and the public issues.

    another hot issue i believe most malaysians would like to know is why we are “subsiding” the government now and paying a higher price for the petrol, even though malaysia a petrol export nation? how much they have earned from us and what they gonna do about it?

  17. My dear cintanegara,who are you,Dr.M pet’s boy eh ! It’s your opinion only. How on earth,you know Dr.M is a highly responsible and respectable man in Asia ?. He’s also well known for his accountability,I just could not believe you are actually saying it here. Tell me about operation laylang,judiciary lingam vedeo case,the sacking Salleh Abas case,the Bank Bumi scandals in Hong Kong,the National perwaju steel scandals etc,etc.Do you actually know all these scandals and how many of these are being solved in a clear and open way ?, For your info,none has been solved so far in a clear ,open and satisfactarily manner in as far as we rakyat are concern. Over to you now cintannegara.

  18. This ketuanan malay rhetorical nonsense has been stepped up by umno to gain malay votes in the up-coming Kuala Trengganu by-election. PR strategists have to come up with something fast to counter this racist call to classify the non-malays as hamba. If John McCain had thought of campaigning as “Ketuanan White” versus “Kehambaan Black” before the US elections, Obama might well had been the loser.

    ketuanan malays = kehambaan non-malays

  19. cintanegara,
    You don’t have to make research into what your beloved mamak says.Don’t give us such a crap that your beloved would never lie or make false and baseless statement and don’t brush away the topic with ‘Now,let’s focus on the present.’.
    I am merely asking you whether you believe that Australian prisons have 17 aborigine prisoners to 1 australian prisoner or not, and tell us why if you do or tell us why if you do not.YOU STILL HAVEN’T ANSWER ME.WHAT ,in fact you have done is to try frantically to push the question away,and that also very awkwardly
    and most unconvincingly.

  20. It would be wrong if we say that Malays treat Chinese like slaves. Only UMNO talks about Ketuanan Melayu. No other Malays that I know of, and I have quite a few Malay friends, ever say that they are more superior.

    But what is Ketuanan Melayu when there is no hamba? Or a leader without a follower? Ketuanan Melayu itself is a racist concept, so how can one who talks about Ketuanan Melayu accuses other people as racists when their own pants are full of stinking shit?

  21. To CintaUmno oopps Cintanegara,

    I lay a suggestion to you to ask Dr MamakTeh telling orang putih about Ketuanan Melayu and ask them to be your slave or hamba. i believe you will next see all the investments being retrieved out of Malaysia.

  22. Of course he lied, Orwellian as it comes. Its hard enough to keep a cause going base on the truth, but one based on a lie, just takes more lies to keep it going.

    The non-bumiputras of this country IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INEQUALITIES OF THE RACES and it is simply unjust to seek redress from them. Ketuanan Melayu seek redress from the innocent, this simply is a logic that is inescapble.

    The whole reason why the lie that it does not unjustly seek redress from the wrong people has gone on for so long because of the high growth experience for more than 2 decades. With slower growth, the lie cannot be continued because the injustice become quite apparent. This is what UMNO don’t get – they have lived with a lie for so long, they don’t know it anymore and hence the lies keep getting easier and easier and they keep doing it more and more. But the truth is inescapble whether they understand it or not.

  23. Chua Soi Lek kena questioned by police. See how efficient the police is on harassing non-Malays who questioned Ketuanan thing. But UMNO can do anything: call for end of Chinese/Tamils schools; threaten with kris; call Chinese pendatangs and nothing happens. The police is asserting their Ketanan Melayu policy to the letter. Chinese leader question, pulled up for questioning. Indians asking for their rights, kena ISA detention. Cannot question. Accept as hamba your tuan’s command.

  24. ///During a debate on the state 2009 Budget, which was tabled more than a week ago, Ayub Jamil (BN-Rengit) led the call to quash any racial provocation by political leaders who tend to confuse the people with a malicious interpretation of the ketuanan Melayu concept.

    He said Malay supremacy was not a “slave and master” relationship.

    Instead, Ayub said it was a concept that was long held in the highest regard by people in the country, which was the authority of the Malay Rulers.///– Straits times

    If the concept of Ketuanan Melayu is as stated to be the authority of Malay rulers, then the term “ketuanan Melayu” should not be used without a reference being made to the rulers. Since the authority of Malay Rulers is accepted by Malaysians without dispute, a statement claiming a need to uphold ‘ketuanan Melayu’ would cast aspersion to imply that the authority of the Rulers somehow needed to be supported so that it could be upheld. That in turn gives the impression that the authority of the Malay Rulers is being questioned or is being challenged. When a political party claims that it works to uphold the authority of the Rulers, that political party is claiming credit for the continued existence of the Rules’ authority. It creates the doubt that without the political party, that authority might be in danger.

    Ketuanan Melayu means different things to different people even among UMNO politicians. That would also subject to different interpretation when the politicians intended it for different purposes. For those who are vying for party positions in March 2009 the concept KM would be something the politicians would defend with their blood and life; it would certainly be illogical to believe that they stand for party election so that they could sing praises to the authority of the Rulers. While claiming to support KM, one wannabe UMNO Youth Chief was willing to risk sedition charge by claiming that only the Malay medium of instruction would remain in primary schools when Chinese and Tamil which are the media of instruction now will find no primary school for teaching. Yet that UMNO Youth Chief hopeful claimed that he did not mean to do away with the Chinese and Tamil language as media of instruction. He meant only that he would make those schools teach in Malay. He is giving the impression that he was more reasonable than his father who wanted non-Malays to denounce their race. One wonders what has the race the people choose to remain, or the language the school uses has to do with the authority of the Rulers.

  25. I fully agree with ch. The day “senjata makan tuan” will come soon when the indonesian-malaysian population grows. UMNO is already killing themselves at the grass root level. Once the top becomes too heavy to support, the entire tree will collapse. The law of gravity rules and nobody can escape from the sufferings created by the greedy UMNO/BN leaders.

    Those UMNO at the top knew very well they can’t handle this problem. They kept quiet and prefer to milk until the cow is dead.

  26. Will umno now encourage Ong Tee Keat to sack Chua SL from the MCA?

    Police are now entering the fray in the public debate over Ketuanan Melayu when they questioned MCA deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek over his remarks on the issue.

    The former Health Minister had his statement recorded at the Sunway police this morning.

    He was interviewed by police for “41 minutes and 22 seconds”, a surprisingly jovial Dr Chua told reporters this afternoon.

    “They quizzed me on my specific reference to Ketuanan Melayu and why I used it and whether it was used to incite hate and tension between races,” he said at a press conference in the MCA headquarters.

    On Nov 27, Dr Chua had spoken on the terminology Ketuanan Melayu used as the basis of power-sharing in Barisan Nasional (BN) at the Kancil Awards for the advertising industry.

    He was, however, accused of questioning the sovereignty of Malay rulers, Malay rights and Bahasa Malaysia as the national language.

    On Monday, the Young Malay Graduates Movement (GGMM), a Malay rights group, demanded Dr Chua pay RM2 million in compensation for allegedly questioning the special position of the Malays.

  27. Wasn’t it the same baboon that went around KL Sentral passing sexist remark on one lady friend, and she later retracted after a few visits from his hired friends/collegues and don’t we all know what happened next?

  28. The connotation `ketuanan Melayu’ does not seem right to me. UMNO should not be harping on such matters as constitutionally the position of Malays, other Bumiputeras and non-Bumiputeras have already been clearly defined in the constitution and none of these can be changed unless the Malays themselves want it to be changed due to the country’s population demographics. So why waste time on such trivial concepts?

    Equally, DAP should focus on more important matters and not fall into such useless confrontations. The Sultan of Selangor was right when he said recently that politicians from both sides of the political divide are bickering on trivial matters when in fact they should be looking at more important things for the betterment of the rakyat and country!

  29. Refer to dictionary, “Ketuanan” mean “Tuan”. Thus, if Malay is considered as “Tuan”, what are the remaining?

    MP Sri Gading speak loud that “Ketuanan Melayu” doesn’t implied other are “hamba” then, what are other? Guess my brain is too slow in processing, thus, totally not able to understand the speach by MP of Sri Gading.

  30. Now, UMNO claimed to be tuan, later this UMNOputras will rank themselves above all even higher and mightier than our Kings….!!! This is the end result of humungous appetite of greed..!!!

    Soon enough, come the downfall of Malaysia, similar to Myanmar, in the hand of this bunch of power crazy dictators. The only thing left then would be the glorious past of Malaysia.

    Is this possible? Yes, it will be happening if Malaysians still allow UMNO in power to suck up the country dry…!!!

  31. “Chua Soi Lek kena questioned by police. See how efficient the police is on harassing non-Malays who questioned Ketuanan thing.” – madmix
    I’m not so sure that the tiff between the top hierarchy of the MCA and UMNO is not just a show.
    CSL’s questioning and perhaps even arrest may be all prearranged just to show that even beggar and servant parties dare question their master.
    But privately, it may be still the cosy master and servant relationship. DON’T TRUST THEM!
    Once they have your votes, you’ll be the slave. Of the UMNO/BN government!
    So, DON’T BE FOOLED!!!
    We only want PR to form the government, the BN must be relegated to history.
    The PR will revamp the government, together with all the institutions, completely.
    That’s the only way this country and its citizens can ever have a future!
    I hope that Uncle Lim will also make the electorate aware of the deviousness that is being brought to play on them.

  32. Dear CintaMamak,

    It seems that you have never progressed at all since I started following the blog. It’s still the same-o-you blabbering all the nonsense, baseless claims and believing whatever the mamak throws at you. Are you a spy for Dr.M? You have brains? Have you ever thought of trying to use it? Sadly, you fail (repeatedly) to enlighten us.

  33. Nowadays, History that is being taught in schools is only confined to Malaysia. Not much is taught about European, Roman and American History, etc so much so the younger Malaysian generations are like “kataks di bawah tempurung”. That’s the reason why they keep on repeating past mistakes. The Nazi supremacy did not work, even after thousands of Jews were slaughtered. The mighty Roman Empire collapsed due to rampant corruption, cronyism, scandals and over-glorification. Let not the same mistakes happen in our beautiful nation!

  34. Let be practical in America they do not say American America
    they say African american , American chinese ,American indian,etc
    why we want to promote Malaysian malaysia ? diversity is very healthy and elevate the country richness.

  35. Hello !!! if you guys doesn’t agree with Ketuanan Melayu, then just shut up !! What do you guys want anyway?? We have given you Chinese and Hindraf more than what they want example the vernacular schools? Do you know that even in Singapore where 75 percent of the population are the kiasu chinese, they don’t even have a single chinese school there. Here, we have sekolah Cina lah…sekolah tamil lah…..Ini malaysia ka China ? Ini Malaysia ka India???

  36. There is no such thing of Malays being the ‘master race’ while others merely serve as slaves.

    “We have a sultan. Our master is the sultan, who rules the states and country. I am disappointed with the current state of racial unity in the country.


    Our master is the sultan?? Let’s not insult the Malay Rulers!

    The only master I knew growing up was my headmaster. He wielded a big rotan and to those of us who broke school rules, he was God!

  37. This is really comedy. I was watching the clip and was wondering why he kept repeating something YB Lim didn’t say. This proves that for some people, the ears and the brain are 2 different entities. He was claiming something his ears didn’t hear.. Maybe he was just cooking up YB LIM’s speech in his head and came to the conclusion that YB Lim was implicating the Malays were enslaving the chinese, but his brains malfunction and actually believed that was what YB LIM literally uttered. I wonder how he can listen to the voice of the people.

    Dumb [deleted]

  38. You guys still don’t get it .I have mentioned several time in this blog that the police has no teeth at all when comes to facing UMNOputras and warlords.Our mata mata is similar to a vampire who has no fanks /teeth facing his/her master.But when facing and dealing with others liken DAP,PKR,PAS,now even MCA or YOU and I,these guys will show their deadly teeth.They will suck your blood until you submit to them or you drop dead. So all you guys out careful what you say and where you go.I just don’t want you guys to get hurt,ok.

  39. It is so sickening, this “ketuanan” issue.

    First of all, there is no such thing as “ketuanan” in the Federal Constitution. So, “ketuanan” cannot be defended at all in a court of law, if anyone wishes to take the matter to court.

    Second, “ketuanan” is a creation of someone mischievous and cunning enough to know that the issue would certainly arouse and appeal to the malay emotion and psyche.

    Thirdly, “ketuanan” should not be equalled to basic and fundamental citizen’s rights and liberties, which ALL Malaysians are endowed with and are inalienable. Any time, inalienable rights are primary and must supersede “ketuanan”, which is secondary and should be viewed with suspicion and needs to be qualified.

    Fourthly, the “ketuanan” issue had been blown out of proportion by parties out to create tension and restlessness among Malaysians. It is a racial approach which should not be condoned by anyone who is right thinking and law abiding. “Ketuanan” had been abused to the extreme by people out to posture and position themselves as if they are “superior” to anyone who does not belong to their group ( whose status is not even confirmed or ascertained factually and defined unequivocally. Can anyone provide a definition of who a “Malay” is in the Malaysian context? So many people of so many different and diverse backgrounds claim to be a “Malay”, that no one knows for sure who a “Malay” is in Malaysia.) Or it had been manipulated by those same people to further their personal agendas and ulterior motives to perpetuate the “special” position, which allow them access to whatever benefits and privileges.

    Last, but not least, the ordinary Malays are surely NOT benefiting from such “ketuanan” posturing and positioning which are being manipulated and benefited only a certain segment of the malay populace who are gaining the lion’s share of whatever there is to be harvested. Ordinary malays are left out of the equation of “ketuanan melayu”.

    A clear and unequivocal position and explanation must be provided by the government so that ordinary rakyat are not confused and disturbed by the never-ending, unhealthy and unnecessary polemics.

  40. Look at how racist the things are going recently. If other races claim that everyone has equal right in Malaysia, for UMNO it means we are challenging the ultimate Malay’s right = we are threatening the stability of the country. If the UMNO/Malays say anything rude to other races, oh it IS ok and NOT racist at all! Not trying to be racist here, just merely voice out how unfair the current legislation/law/system whatever it is.

  41. Looking at the situation, maybe it’s best for non-Malays to accept Ketuanan Melayu and look for greener pastures elsewhere. Why should non-Malays be loyal to this country with Ketuanan Melayu? The ruling coalition does not honour the Social Contract. Wasn’t Tunku very angry with that Mamak when he raped the Social Contract and came up with the concept of Ketuanan Melayu? And who knows better about the Social Contract than Tunku who negotiated it? And why was Hussein Onn angry too? And I bet he turns in his grave each time his son comes out with a new antic. He is still waving his Java keris, a symbol of antiquity, when the Americans can just press one button and down goes the Petronas Twin Towers, the pride of South Korean and Japanese technology, and they will be wondering who did it until the Russians come and tell them?

    It’s no point claiming Ketuanan Melayu when you are nowhere near world class. They (not we) send a passenger to space by paying through their nose, thinking that they finally have a Malay astronaut, while the whole world laughs at our silliness! Subsidizing a space mission, with nothing to gain in return, except a boring trip to nowhere, LOL. Did that stupid guy come out with anything for his so-called experiments with bacteria or was it virus? Or he just came back in mental disarray, recuperating from space-lag?

    There are two kinds of Chinese who join politics. The type who cares about himself joins MCA while the kind that cares about society joins DAP. I am not an expert at face reading but you don’t need to be one. It’s written all over their face.

    China and India are both developing very fast and will definitely become the economic powers of the future. The Wheel of Fortune turns and the good times are coming back to the East again. DAP should explore China and India for business and employment opportunities for the non-Malays (ie. Chinese and Indians) and non-Malays can wait and see what Ketuanan Melayu will ultimately achieve.

  42. I guess it is better to dismantle parliamentary democracy and go back to the time of the Sultanates. Maybe all the rakyat will have a better deal! Just a thought, may and may not work, LOL. UMNO is not practising democracy anyway. 100% control of the media. Is that democracy or anti-democracy? What difference does it make then with Communist China? Malaysian is really an Animal Farm where some animals think they deserve more rights than others!

  43. ‘Why should non Malays be loyal to this country with Ketuanan Melayu?’.Simono41155.

    And why not? Being loyal to this country does not mean accepting Ketuanan Melayu, a man-made device used by a very corrupt group to perpetuate the robbing of the country.Far from it,rather being loyal would mean that you have an obligation to rid your beloved country of such practices.
    Why do you think Obama Barak can finally arrive to be sitting in his country’s highest office if not for the fact that there are enough African Americans who have chosen to stay put to fight inequalities.The African Americans have in fact more reasons to run away from American than you running away from Malaysia!

  44. Hi,you guys,are you still there ?Still talking about solution to this Ketuanan malayu. What about this win win solution ? Ketuanan malayu,ketuanan cina,ketuanan india,ketuanan kadazan/dusun/murut and ketuanan dayak/iban,thus we all created a wholly complete ketuanan society in the country.Fair and square to all five major races in malaysia.we all become ketuanan of our country. Liked a fairy tale story in the land of belehland we all live happily together forever and ever .Sound crazy eh,but sometime crazy thing or idea works.

  45. Hey guys,for a change,let’s get in to hard talk. I tend to agree with Imranj78 when he said that “equally Dap should focus on more important matters and not fall into such useless confrontation”. True in the first part of the statement and partially not correct in the second part. Yeah,DAP.please tell us what major problems have you guys solved since taking over Penang ,Perak, Kedah,and Selongor for the rakyats’interest in respective of races ?. Please don’t tell us about this longkang and that longkang have been patched up and cleaned,ok.Tell us your current short and long term plans as such the poor rakyat housing ,the unemployment,land for landless,water and electricity,small and medium bisiness problems etc etc etc.These are some of the most important problems the rakyat under you and PR watch are interested and are looking forward to you to solve them for them[rakyat] Please walk the talk if you guys want to win the hearts and mind of the people in the states under your watch.You can go ahead and discuss and argure with the federal UMNO/BN guys,we will be with you in person or in spirit. We expected change ,we got 5 states but we need the whole country . We pray ,hope and support you DAP and PKR to take over from the evil one soon if not the 13th general election.

  46. Hi Ah Pek, you are right. Being loyal to this country does not mean accepting Ketuanan Melayu. And being forced to accept Ketuanan Melayu does not mean you have to be loyal either.

    Non-Malays, including non-Malay bumiputeras, have to think outside the box. Malaysia is such a small country, a snot on the world map. Let them have their ketuanan and all of us go and look for opportunities outside the country. The world has become a global village and political boundaries are getting blurred by the day. Once this is done, Kuala Lumpur will look like Putrajaya and Cyberjaya, two ghost towns by nightfall. And once the oil runs out of this country, there will be no money to finance the economy and we will truly become a real banana country.

    Why stick around like MCA? With the ketuanan Melayu and shit thrown on their face, they are still hanging on to Barisan. For what? To represent the Chinese community or to represent themselves? See how “our” Ling Liong Sik’s son can buy up two public companies for was it RM1.2 billion at the age of 29?

  47. “And being forced to accept to accept Ketuanan Melayu does not mean you have to be loyal either.”.simon041155.

    First there is nobody forcing you to accept Ketuanan Melayu and your objection can be best demonstrated by putting an x on the ballot box next to any of the
    emblems of Pakatan Rakyat on election day.And if you think one does not have to be loyal,then perhaps the best thing to do is to move to a country where you can be loyal to!
    Being loyal to a country is not synonymous with supporting any ruling party and
    can never be.There are many Republicans loyal to America and who would never want Obama Barak as their President will wait for another election to prove and register their point.

  48. Quote from :

    “Islam not only recognizes absolute equality between men
    irrespective of any distinction of colour, race or nationality, but makes it an important and significant principle, a reality. The Almighty God has laid down in the Holy Quran: “O mankind, we have created you from a male and female.” In other words all human beings are brothers to one another. They all are the descendants from one father and one mother… Assuming airs of superiority is in itself a reprehensible vice which no God-fearing and pious man can ever dream of perpetrating. Nor does the righteous have more privileged rights over others, because this runs counter to human equality…”

    “From the moral point of view, goodness and virtue is in all cases better than vice and evil. This has been exemplified by the Prophet in one of his sayings thus: ‘No Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab. Nor does a white man have any superiority over a black man, or the black man any superiority over the white man. You are all the children of Adam, and Adam was created from clay’ (al-Bayhaqi and al-Bazzaz). In this manner Islam established
    equality for the entire human race and struck at the very root of all distinctions based on colour, race, language or nationality. According to Islam,God has given man this right of equality as a birthright. Therefore no man should be discriminated against on the ground of the colour of his skin, his place of birth, the race or the nation in which he was born.”

    “Malcolm X, the famous leader of African Negroes in America, who had launched a bitter struggle against the white people of America in order to win civil rights for his black compatriots, when he went to perform the pilgrimage, and saw how the Muslims of Asia, Africa, Europe, America and those of different races, languages and colours of skin, were wearing one dress and were hurrying towards God’s House-the Ka’bah and offering prayers standing in one row and there was no distinction of any kind between them, then he realized that this was the solution to the problem of colour and race, and not what he had been trying to seek or achieve in America so far. Today, a number of non-Muslim thinkers, who are free from blind prejudice, openly admit that
    no other religion or way of life has solved this problem with the same degree of success with which Islam has done so.”

    Based on the foregoing, Ketuanan Melayu is clearly un-Islamic. Yet after spending millions and millions of ringgit each year to perform the Haj, many did not see what an African Negro saw in Makkah. But then again, Malcolm X was launching a bitter struggle to win civil rights for his black compatriots, while the Malays are blinded by greed and therefore could not see. The proponents of Ketuanan Melayu are not only a disgrace to Islam but has made the religion gain ill-repute. And the “best” part is they are blaming others for that!

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