A reply to Benjamin (2)


While I agree with Benjamin in general, I have some points to add:

Quote from Benjamin:

“Therefore, to change the fate of our nation is to change the mentality of the Malays. This is the ONLY solution!”

I think this is off course, because out there, there would be Malays (like an independant MP and some Bukit Bendera UMNO members) who would talk about resolving the problem by changing the mentality of the Chinese and Indians. Some of these articles talk about assimilation, for example.

This problem could only be resolved by dissolving ethno-centrism and moving towards a true “Malaysian Malaysia”, not a “Malay, Chinese and Indian Malaysia”. The change has to be in the mindsets of every Malaysian, regardless of race or religion.

For e.g. every Malaysian of any background should care about the condition of every other Malaysian who is poor and in true need of help, in order to compete in a level playing ground. This way, those who are disadvantaged, will not try to isolate themselves into a group that is fighting for their own rights, and caring for no one else, or worse, pretending to care for others in front of the camera. This doesn’t just apply to races, but also any disadvantaged group e.g. the disabled, single parents etc.

Dr. Mahathir said on his blog, chedet.com, that:

“Truly Malaysian politics have not been decoupled from racial sentiments and loyalties. And it is going to remain so for as long as the different races prefer to be separated and divided, prefer to strongly uphold their languages, cultures and their historical origins and links. All that is said about reforms and liberalism is mere lip service.”

While we may have faults to find with Dr. M throughout the years, but he does have a valid point in the quote above.

In my personal opinion, while the special privileges are protected, Islam’s position as the official religion is respected, and the rights of the different communities to freely practise their languages, cultures and religions are upheld, we should seriously consider moving the mindsets of all Malaysians towards considering ourselves Malaysians first, then our racial, religious, geographical, or professional identities next, within the national context, just as the case with Obama and the Americans.

And I think the main way to achieve this is if young children of different backgrounds could grow up together, attending the same schools, while the education system continues to provide for children learning their own mother tongues, in addition to Malay and English. Singapore is already a shining example of this education policy. I come to this conclusion because children spend most of their growing-up time in school and it is also their primary source of socializing with other children. If children grow up together, knowing and understanding each other, this would lead to adults who have more in common and are then able to empathize with each other as fellow Malaysians.

Zaid Ibrahim and RPK have agreed to throw out race-based economic crutches. But when are vernacular educationists going to agree to throw out a race-based education system? This is what I mean when I say that every Malaysian should change their mindset, instead of pointing fingers at another’s mindset. The solution of Malaysian Malaysia needs to be from inside-out, not just superficial.

Going back to our main topic, I feel DAP’s current call for “Malaysian Malaysia” may leave Malays feeling threatened that they need to give up their rights or face the risk of being economically sidelined, in order to create a common society, as Benjamin has pointed out. Instead, I feel DAP’s strategy of “Malaysian Malaysia” should focus on giving absolutely no room to any Malaysian to consider resorting to isolating themselves into self-centered groups, because they think no one else cares about their needs and rights, so they should go all out for it. As long as every isolated group continues to fight for themselves, we will forever continue to fight with each other politically.

58 Replies to “A reply to Benjamin (2)”

  1. I completely agree with R that the concept of Malaysian Malaysia should start at the schools. Change the Malaysian mindset of vernacular schools for each race and language. All students should have the opportunity to grow up with the others of different race and religion. This would eventually promote a healthier learning environment as well whisk away much of the ill-feelings and the superiority or inferiority mentality of some bigots of race based parentage. The mother tongue of each and every child can be catered to by the introduction of perhaps compulsory ‘pupils own language’ classes, which would also absorb all the current teachers in the vernacular schools. This would also help to prevent racial abuse of any particular race by teachers of another purportedly superior race.
    After 50 years of independence, the trend of reaching out to vernacular schools seems to be on the rise. There is something dreadfully wrong with the whole education set up for such distrust for the national schools where the medium of instructions are Bahasa Malaysia and English. For 50 years our so called experts in education have been experimenting with their own version of a very divisive education policy.
    There will be outrage on the implementation of common type schools for all, but the political leaders who have been fighting to be relevant to their races should face reality and the need for a Malaysian race instead of Malays, Indians and Chinese. The people will realize the need for such courageous act in time.

  2. With the current environment prevailing at national schools, it is rather difficult to get ALL parents to agree to abandon the vernacular schools; essentially because of its current set-up. Many parents, even among the English-educated Chinese, have opted to send their children to vernacular schools because of the ‘bigotry’ taught by some of the teachers. To fulfill the creation of a Malaysian identity, many of such teachers have to be retrained first. You cannot have them trying hard to indoctrinate pupils with their visions of belief and their likes and dislikes based purely on emotions.
    Admittedly, it will not be easy to change mind-set, but time is also not on the side of those who refuse to make changes especially in the non-spiritual aspects; they will be ‘left’ in limbo.
    If the majority of the population vote to stay limbo, surely all those caught in the society would not progress much. Hence the path for the political leaders is not easy. It gonna be the longest march we ever read in history!

  3. It is a case of “to each his own” as far as education in concerned in Malaysia. The Chinese would prefer to send their children to a chinese vernacular school, the indians would choose the tamil schools, while the malays , who identified the national schools as “malay schools”, would send theirs there.

    The choices are done not without valid reasons, and should not be seen as being purely racial in nature, though they appear to be the case.

    Socio and economic reasons are the deciding factors.

    The real world is a very competitive one, and parents naturally need to position their children as best they could so that when they leave the confines of schools, they could be gainfully employed or are at last be competitive enough to move forward in life.

    During the British era, parents chose to send their children to English type primary schools so that they could learn the language and be better prepared to further their education at higher levels which were conducted in the English medium. There is clear advantage in having a good foundation in English then, compared to those who studied in other medium schools.

    This is what is meant by socio-economic consideration.

    With the changing social, economic and political landscapes over the years after the British influence, Malaysia education policies moved towards a more nationalistic approach, and perhaps with racial undertones.

    The quota system, which is based on racial lines, were applied in many spheres of activities and governmental policies. From the civil service, to the corporate sectors, to schools, and higher education and even ordinary level of local governance, there is always a racial undertone to their functions.

    Naturally that changed the dynamics of social interaction and realities. People were forced to look at the changed scenario from their own socio and economic perspectives, if not political ones.

    As far as education is concerned, parents have to consider the pros and cons of sending their children to the types of schools available. Naturally, the ones which resulted in an advantageous positioning would be preferred and chosen.

    The chinese type schools are more attractive as they are seen to better prepare the children, as seen in the increased in the number of malay and indian enrolments.

    Hence,the chinese cannot be blamed for choosing to send their children to a vernacular type school rather than the national school.

    If the schools are to be used as a base to forge national integration there must be a revamp of the policies and approaches so that parents of all ethnic backgrounds would have reasons to send their children there. Again, socio-economic considerations are of utmost importance and would be the deciding factors.

  4. Hey guys, R and Navinda opinions seem perfect.But how long do you think we as a multi racial soceity with four main groups namely,malay,chinese,indian,kadazan/dusun/murut and the iban/dayak comprising of muslim.buddishs,hindus,christian can really understand each other well so as to care,share,give,take,and love each other to be better together ? Education is great presently vast majority of malaysian are educated but our mindsets are not in syn.Why ? The reality is each group emphasised the importace of it’s race,religion and culture and there is no syn to any give and take or sharing and caring attitudes.Instead the malay under UMNO insisted to remain malay supremacy or ketuanan malayu. The constitution of the Federal government,here again will not allow a syn for the malay with the other three groups.For eg religion,king.NEP,etc.Further,the current poltical sysem by the UMNO/BN government for the past 51 years has inplanted the kind of corrupted,lazy,dependent and tidak apa attitudes,making the whole country and the people thinking in a mess .Mess in a sense that most voters just could not` be bother to vote for good change or just vote for the sack of voting .I am a positive thinking guy but we must face reality as some of you guys said so and I aggreed. I am for change for the betterment of all malaysian .I pray and hope we can find a true acceptable solution to make us all malysian malaysia.

  5. to dtk lim
    ref : fuel and domestic goods costs

    i read with disgust that shahrir blamed rakyat for being very greedy to urge bn to reduce fuel cost now that it around USD50 per barrel and fomca urged that bn won’t reduce it anymore but instead place a flat rate of rm3.00 per litre so that the rakyat won’t waste away fuel and use public transport instead !!!

    bn will make a decision next week on fuel and i doubt very much the result will favor the rakyat who are still fighting to maintain the escalating cost of living which was initially created by bn when they simply decided to hike from rm1.92 to rm2.78 !!!

    by right, we should only be paying rm1.35 ( inclusive of subsidy today ) !! just imagine for every litre we pump into our cars at the present moment , we are paying an extra of rm.95 PER LITRE for malaysian OIL!!! in other words, when we pay rm40 for 20litres , we ARE ACTUALLY SUBSIDYING BACK TO BN of rm19.00!!!

    1) demanding rm0.30 be subsidies back to rakyat . where has the so call rm0.30 being spent to in details from nov 01 until to-date since bn has not subsidies it anymore!! to someone’s personal pockets or umno election buying votes campaigns are just some of the guesses in our mind!!

    2) eversince fuel has been reduced, the costs of goods were not reduced. we fear that even if fuel cost is increased by rm0.10 in the near future, the businessmen will act fast enough to increase their price also. in other words, present cost + increase fuel cost = new higher good costs!! bn has FAILED to turun padang to investigate or negociate with the businessmen to compromise a good deal for the rakyat benefits.

    3) to increase fuel to rm2.50 by fomca so that we will take public transport. if this has to be, i hope dtk lim, all MPs including badawi and najib will use public transport as setting a good example for the rakyat!! however, i think fomca’s idea is TOTALY ABSURB but we fear bn will take this idea so that can gain MORE ++RM from sale of fuel to m’sia !!!

    4) najib has proved to us that as the finance minister, he has no idea on how to revitalise the economy. instead he made use of our hard earn EPF to borrow to this Valuecap without our consent !! he shoulkd have use the central bank’s reserve money instead ( if there’s any left )!!! the present pm finance department should be the first to be sacked because they are the ones who cause economy problems to us because as compared to mahatir’s term, he had a better finance team who helped to solve the problems.

    given the above , i’m very sure the majority rakyat will REALLY APPRECIATE dtk lim and allies will raise some voice or issue before these low brains economics ruin our future or boasts again like mar election that if PK becomes government, fuel will be only RM1.30 per litre !!!

    thank you.

  6. “Truly Malaysian politics have not been decoupled from racial sentiments and loyalties. And it is going to remain so for as long as the different races prefer to be separated and divided, prefer to strongly uphold their languages, cultures and their historical origins and links. All that is said about reforms and liberalism is mere lip service.” – Mahathir

    Mahathir cried in front of the world because as a leader he failed miserably, and I can understand why. From the statement above, Mahathir thinks he is the only one with brain. Reforms and liberalism can be about strongly upholding one’s languages, cultures and historical origins. We should learn from each other and evolves together. Lip service comes from BN politicians, thieves cannot reform, and the only liberalization came from them is corruption, how can we respect that?

  7. I don’t know about you guys, as much as I am against UMNO, MCA, Gerakan and MIC, it is still painful and a torture to see their own members killing their own parties. Can they stop it? Or can we help them? Yes, vote Pakatan Rakyat.

  8. I agree with the letter. I have always seen vernacular schools as nothing but a source of disunity. Some of the arguments for sending your kid to a SJKC school for example, are easily countered.

    1) Bigotry
    Bigotry from the SK teachers can be easily handled by the parents if they bothered to take the time out to do so. Shying away from the problem is not a solution and will ultimately lead to a vicious cycle. First, try talking about the issue with the teacher or HM. Then, take the effort to attend PIBG meetings and raise the issue openly. Also, notify their local ADUN or MP who can highlight the case like the few little Napolean cases highlighted on this blog.

    2) Learning Mandarin
    There is no need to look at Singapore. If we can teach French in our schools, I don’t understand why we cannot teach Mandarin. There could be say, time-tabled periods in SK schools for “third language” classes where students can opt to take any number of optional languages. This would also make all our kids multilingual, which is a good thing. IIRC, a similar idea was mooted many years ago but shot down by the Dong Jiao Zhong.

    3) Quality
    There is a perception that the SJKCs are ‘better’ than the SKs. Assuming that this is true, you should hardly see any SJKC students at tuition classes but this is obviously not the case. My point is that, at the end of the day, neither type of school makes much of a difference as we all end up sending our kids for extra tuition classes after school anyway. Maybe we should all just home-school our kids instead, which brings me to my final point.

    4) Socialising
    One of the main reasons we send our kids to schools is to let them socialise with their peers and develop important social skills. In this case, SJKCs are detrimental as the kids all end up living in an artificial ethnic bubble. They will ultimately get a cultural shock either at university or when they end up in the working world. Some fail to adapt and do miserably. I have seen this happening so very many times. It is quite sad, really.

  9. Sorry, off-topic

    ///6. Saya akui di masa saya jadi Presiden UMNO dan Perdana Menteri pun sudah ada politik wang.

    7. Ia amat ketara semasa saya dan Tun Ghafar Baba dicabar pada tahun 1986.

    18. Membuat alasan bahawa dulu pun ada rasuah tidak menghalalkan rasuah sekarang, terutamanya rasuah terbuka dan besar-besaran.

    19. Sesungguhnya hari ini di mana-mana juga rakyat bercakap berkenaan rasuah dalam pencalonan kepimpinan UMNO. Ini tidak berlaku dahulu.///– TDM at

    To TDM, even though there were money politics in 1986, the scale was smaller. He has conveniently forgotten that by 1986, he had been in total control for five years, and it was during his watch that money politics took place for the first time. It might be more correct to say that his administration facilitated money politics because he allowed his ministers and UMNOputras to be flushed with easy money through the system of negotiated tender, and the perverted implementation of NEP to make Malays millionaires. UMNO members did not cease to be Malays when they were in power, and they were they to set examples that Malays could be rich, which they were too happy to comply. It was like aids virus, once the person was affected, the virus would not go away, and the symptoms would get worse with time. TDM tries to blame PM AAB that money politics is more rampant under the latter’s watch. TDM might as well blame the earth for its continued rotation, for like an aids patient, time will magnify the symptoms.

    The responsibility of initiating money politics rests with TDM. One does not talk of a little bit pregnant when the stomach does not yet reveal. It is true that as TDM argues, the existence of money politics in the past cannot justify their continued occurrence. Similarly the larger scale of current corrupt practices does not exonerate its incidence of a smaller scale in the past.

    TDM is dead against non-Malays learning their language and culture. He might have found a new reason for opposing it now. An issue similar to the above was a topic of conversation between Mencius and King Hui of Liang, some 2000 years ago. It goes as follows:


    Mencius replied to King Hui of Liang, ‘Your majesty is fond of war – let me take an illustration from war. The soldiers move forward to the sound of the drums; and after their weapons have been crossed, on one side they throw away their coats of mail, trail their arms behind them, and run. Some run a hundred paces and stop; some run fifty paces and stop. What would you think if those who run fifty paces were to laugh at those who run a hundred paces?’

    The king said, ‘They should not do so. Though they did not run a hundred paces, yet they also ran away.’ —-See: http://chinese.dsturgeon.net/text.pl?node=1603&if=en


    If asked of TDM the same question, and based on his logic, TDM would be expected to say that they should do so, because since they ran further, they had started earlier.

  10. “Truly Malaysian politics have not been decoupled from racial sentiments and loyalties. And it is going to remain so for as long as the different races prefer to be separated and divided, prefer to strongly uphold their languages, cultures and their historical origins and links. All that is said about reforms and liberalism is mere lip service.”
    While we may have faults to find with Dr. M throughout the years, but he does have a valid point in the quote above.
    – Quoted by Mahathir.

    I totally disagreed with the above statement and this statement merely to blame other rather than himself for not able to create a “BANGSA MALAYSIA”

    Please think carefully on what this old man trying to blame. Can anybody ensure that by adopting vernacular school system can provide a true “BANGSA MALAYSIA” with the implementation of NEP? He is a real bullshit.

    Please ask all the Chinese’s parent why they wanted to send their children to Chinese school instead of a Malay school.


    (1) Can you kids become better student if join the Malay school? My answer is definitely “NO” and I can ensure you that most of the Chinese student will out beat the Malay school student in term of knowledge .please go and compare the primary school syllabus and you should know what I mean. The double standard of entry requirement to university is a very good example.

    (2) If the national school not getting better result as compared to Chinese school then what the heck to ask the Chinese to lower down their knowledge to join the national school? Do you think the national school/or the Malay should learn from the Chinese on how to improve themselves rather than asking the Chinese to “SLOW DOWN” their speed to suit the Malay. I think these were the approach to slow down other races to suit their speed. That is what had happened to our economic due to all the NEP.

    (3) What are the consequence if the Chinese not having a better knowledge/or grade as compared to the Malay if NEP apply. I think the Chinese don’t even stand a chance to go into the local University due to the racist system?

    (4) Why the Chinese parent is so emphasize on education grade? Because our racist G had implemented this stupid NEP and they don’t have a choice but to make sure their kid able to get good grade in order to be accepted by other country.

    I hope the Malay able to put their view under the Chinese shoe before blaming the Chinese are racist or not following the proposal adopted by the G.

    All Chinese and Indian in Malaysia are very loyal to their country and give full support to our local hero when any Malaysia players play against Chinese player from China during the Thomas cup or other sport event

    But the problem arise when the G treat the Chinese here as a 2nd class Citizen and take away their right and slow down their progress due to NEP.

  11. Malaya even at the time of independence has racist fanatics amongst the various groups (eg the earlier attempt to bring in non malays into UMNO by Hussein Onn was totally rebuffed for they are many in the party who thought that the country is ‘aku punya negeri’)and what’s worse started its political life with race-based parties thereby exacerbating the situation.Today after more than 50 years of race-based politics, a few of you coming out here to expound how to extricate the country out of the [deleted] that she has mired herself in can be a pain.For example advocating doing away with vernacular schools is certainly a good idea,in our case a good idea on paper only for if you look into the schools you’ll find many examples of ‘bigotry’ carried out.You find school heads adminiistering the school according to their beliefs.It’s the same with ‘Teaching maths and Science in English’,an excellent idea but then when you come to implementation stage you’ll find the teachers can hardly speak english and the children also cannot handle the language well.Why?Basically it’s the affirmative policy that is in place resulting in probably 90% of the intake into teacher’s training college coming from one race.Racism is so entrenched in the nation (you’ll also find there is hardly any partication in the nation’s life from other non malay groups) that the first thing to do is to start dismantling racist based policy and this can only happen if we boot UMNO and BN start.Nothing can change without this happenning first.

  12. In the good old days of the 50s and 60s, government schools were preferred as we had a good bunch of teachers who were mostly non-racists but usually sticklers for hard work and discipline.
    I think the education system declined with the push to replace English as the MOI and even TDM now believes that English needs to become more central in education.
    That radical change caused many Eurasians to migrate to Australia with Perth as the main destination. My brother-in-law moved to Singapore for his secondary education and settled there.
    Apart from the Bahasa move, the education system became contaminated with the “ketuanan” mindset and the spiralling drop in standards that even got into the university systems.
    So national integration will not take place until we make a serious attempt to fix the education system.
    It is good that the MoE is seeking the views of stake-holders on what to do with this hot potato.
    After 5 years since the “back to English” move started, I am sure the education officials should know that the new scheme can work if the following is done:
    1.Improve the quality of teachers for Primary schools.
    2.Get more non-Malays into teaching colleges.
    3.Improve national-type schools by giving parents the choice : some schools will teach in English while others can revert to BM based on feedback.

    I guess it will take another 10years of the new plan before we see significant improvements.

  13. i cant wait for the day when we see ourselves as proud Malaysians first, above skin colour and religion.

    when we see a each other as brethren, contributing towards a better nation. all this can only start once we dismantle and chains of communal politics in this country.

    its not easy, as some of us are more chinese, more malay and more indian than us being Malaysians. but i hope i live to see the day, when we see ourselves as MALAYSIANS FIRST!

  14. sybreon, I really wonder if you have any child who have gone through the bigotry we are talking about. Yes, try talking to the ADUN. What would happen to the child when all the talking does not work? The child would be ‘put aside’ by these bigots!! I don’t think any child with positive up-bring in a responsible family will become an introvert in life. What most parents are seeking is a balanced education to their children to be able to think and interact with society! Many of us have gone through that in the SKJC and those that I know of are happily contributing to the international market. These bigots could hardly changed, some with exposure in the West! I can vouch for it. when I transferred my daughter from SKJC to a SKM, she came back crying because the Bigot headmistress decreed at the assembly that no students from SKJC would be admitted to the A class no matter how many As she might have!!
    Of course, as parent we had to ‘waste’ our time to encourage her to think positive! to take this as a challenge! This she did and I dare said that her command of all the three languages was way above average. and as Messi said, without the ‘extras’ where would you be? if you do not have a family business? and certainly you won’t last in the gomen department now-a-day with the frustrations you gonna get! Yes, the only hope is to compete out-side this Bolehland! To those who have not encountered such issue, theories are plentiful. Each one of us has been endowed with a strong desire to do your best, obstacles may be challenging but out-right discrimination can hardly be condoned!

  15. That message have been spoke hundreds of times …all these years.
    You mean Mahathir…..Dollah and Najib do not know the solutions?
    Sure they do….and it is easy ……if they want to unite us as…..Malaysians.
    You see….the will never do that……as by doing so…..is admitting at least 28 years of double standards….hypocracies.. and that will bury them for good.
    To steal….they must give back some ….so they give to their own race….under the disguise …supporting NEP……but actually give only to UMNO members.
    That is wonderful news to chosen fortunate ones.
    Every unfair action will create an equal unfair result.
    So….as many do receive…same amount got nothing…thus …..the have and have none ….created by UMNO….ac clear sign of corruptions.
    No use talking this or that must be done….as long as UMNO is governing the country.
    Vast majority know the problems and the solutions.
    Are we telling UMNO to buck up to change…or simple vote them out.They will never change and group all BN parties into one….impossible….under UMNO.
    By doing so……it actually makes them admit massive corruptions are encourage by them.
    Mahathir sees it coming….and he is trying to expose all soon…..actually saying …he is the only angel in UMNO.
    That’s how weird he is…..right now.
    So with such UMNO mentalities….can we understand…they are confused…yet arrogant…..feeling guilty…..yet will keep denying everything….corrupted lot……yet keep trying to fool his own race…with the hope..to get voted in again.
    UMNO top guys are weird…but are smart actors and thick skin hypocrites. They think they are the chosen one by Allah…to own Malaysia…..and we are their subjects……not the voters….voting in politicians.. to serve us.
    Remember…the power in in all Malaysians hands.
    Don’t be afraid of their…. Datuks..Tan Sri and Tun… false titles …approaching you close with their expensive cars and clothes.
    It’s the less educated and youngsters….by the millions…..UMNO is trying to keep fooling.

  16. ‘So national integration will not take place until we make a serious attempt to fix the education system.’. HJ Angus.

    I am afraid you still have the horse before the cart. It still has to be BN and UMNO has to be booted out first before anything can be fixed!!

  17. 1. and take another 10 years before that to either topple the BN government, or let the BN reform and realize the problem…
    Mission Impossible? Who knows~
    – Quoted by Bentoh

    Well, to topple the BN or change to Pakatan doesn’t really have any significant effect if NEP continues to be adopted by any political party. All party in Malaysia need to maintain the NEP in order to survive due to the Malay population at 65%.

    Who don’t want to have the privilege in term of education and business? All human including the Chinese would like to have this system to benefit them right.

    But again, a discrimination “subsidies “system will take correction after some time like what had happen to the rich country like Indonesia.

    Malaysia will improve or open up to have a fair policy it’s when the country resources/revenue run dry by another 10 years. This include create:

    1) More useless graduate which need to be subsidized. The more they produce the more subsidies they going to spend. Revenue will decrease.

    2) NEP with 30% equity will eventually frighten all the Investor thus no revenue to the G.

    3) Resources like PETRONAS running dry for the next 10 years.

    4) Higher cost to do business due to corruption for “NEP” middle man.

    With all the negative impact to our economic, we foresee our country will take the correction by 2016 and NEP will be abolishing due to unable to sustain the NEP “SUBSIDIES” product.

    Don’t hope for mindset change and just see when our resources and revenue dry off.

    Let hope we can see this event to happen.

  18. Everybody is blaming that vernacular schools as one of reason for the racial segregation but if we look back to history when Malay ultra nationalist had their way in the 70’s 80’s and changed the landscape first with the erosion of English language infavor of BM and so now we have the present kind of atrocious english standards.

    The list can on and on for I do not agree with their assertions just look at the indonesian of chinese origin.They have totally assimilations into Malay lifestyles, they speak their local malay dialect, assume Malays name and forth. Eventually have they been
    fully accepted?

  19. I think national integration as such is not possible nor desirable as there are so many different races and cultures.
    What we should strive for is a citizenry that has a healthy respect for each others religion and culture and willing to compromise to achieve the common good – and that does not include supporting a government that tries to impose a draconian rule.

  20. We can have breakdown of the various ethnic groups as a % of Malaysian population from different sources and nowhere have i found that Malays constitute 65% of the population.UMNO would certainly be very happy to know that for it will convey the impression that the Malays have an overwhelmingly majority over the rest of the ethnic groups.I’ll like to qoute from Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs (US Department of State) June 2008 and the figures are as follows:

    Population of Malaysia : 27.5 million

    Malay : 53.3%

    Chinese : 26%

    Indigenous : 11.8%

    Indian : 7.7%

    Others : 1.2%

    In Singapore the Chinese has a truly overwhelming majority over the rest of the ethnic groups with a 75.2%.

  21. NEP should continue but it should be needs-based.That UMNO still insists that it should be race-based is simply because of self interest— to keep on getting rural Malay votes so that they can continue raping this country.The rural Malay will not be able to see that if NEP is needs-based,the Malays would still be the principal recipient cos looking at the figure above will instantly tell you it is so.By doing so NEP will be viewed as a caring policy of poor Malaysians.

  22. waterfrontcoolie: Firstly, let me salute you for being a good parent. From your comment, I can tell that you have great concern for the education and upbringing of your child. I can only hope that I will also be a good parent one day.

    You are right, I do not have any kids in school. However, my nephew is in the B class in school. No big deal. Ultimately, it’s still his own personal performance that matters. This year, he is one of the top students of his batch, beating all the students from the A class. In fact, the top student is from the C class. As for being singled out by the teachers, that was also fixed with some discussion between his parents and the school.

    As for bigotry, my point is that the SJKC students lead a sheltered life, like your daughter. She will have to learn to beat it or deal with it sooner or later. Leaving the country isn’t the best solution because I can also assure you, that bigotry happens elsewhere, even in countries with equal opportunity laws. At least in Malaysia, it is out in the open where it can be dealt with head on.

    Ultimately, your daughter will have to decide for herself if she wishes to leave the country or stay. For the rest of us who have made our choice to stay, we have to try to find a way to fix the problem. As I see it, vernacular schools are a contributing factor to this vicious cycle. By its very nature, vernacular schools are divisive. This is a fact. No amount of argument is going to change this.

    PS: Bigotry does not only belong to the ‘ketuanan’ people. Bigotry is also propagated by the SJKCs, just in a different form.

  23. We reap that we sow. Over the last 25 years, UMNO & their ever nodding partners in crime in Government committed a pro-Malay policies in every level of administration to gain the support of the Malays & bumiputeras. They were given “Rasuah” in form of Amanah Saham Bumiputera & other kind of “Rasuah”.
    All the policies were administred divided into bumi , non-bumi, Islam, Bukan Islam, BN, Bukan BN, Umno, Bukan Umno, Perhubungan, Tiada Hubunga.
    The SRJK “C” & “T” are not the cause but the consequence of skewed government policies. Things don’t happen for no apparent reason. The government blamed the Diong Jong & other for not wanting their children to go to national schools to foster intergration.
    My 2 children are in national schools. Tamil & Chinese languages are not taught or done sparringly, when & if teachers available. Malay students are not allowed / encouraged / or given a choice to learn other languages in national schools, they timed to learn Bahasa Arab & Quran.
    Other cultural aspects of various races are not allowed even voluntarily in national school because they are not part of Malay culture.
    Intergration means people must have choices & respecting everyones culture. Does national schools allow ‘Lion Dance Troupe” or ‘Kabbadi’ competition?
    Christian schools were phased out as not to influence Malay/Muslim, given the fact that most of pre-Independence leaders were from Catholic schools. The missionary schools played an important role in educating the poor in this country yet the Government showed complete disrespect & contemp simply because they had high standards of values & achievements. I was such a product although i am not a Christian.
    The missionary school aim was to develop a student to become a productive person later in life & contribute to society. Even after 25 years, i still remember the school that taught me. After 25 years down the road the school i was proud of has become a nighmare for teachers & students after it was absorbed into national school system.
    Educating is an investment for the nation. Every parent wants a good education so that their children will be better off than them. In addition the hope their children can play a productive role in nation building.

    Look at what the national schools have become.
    1. Where did “Mat Rempit” culture come from???
    2. Where did “Kaki Lepak” culture come from???
    3. Where did “Bohsia” culture come from???
    4. Where did “Buang Anak” (new born child) come from???
    5. Why the violent crime is all time high in our country???
    6. Why rape/incest is prevalent with certain quaters???
    7. Why is corruption so rampant in government???

    I have been working in Western Europe in last 3 years, by comparison, the average Malaysian can be considered rude, not civic minded & very selfish in public.

    The reason is simple, the national schools curiculum have no common objective, simple as that. There’s very little interest to develop the nations young. Look at our University. As much as I dislike Singapore, i am impressed at their education policies. They couldn’t get where they are, if they did not invest wisely in the education. They plan & invest heavily for future economic requirement & prepare their citizens to be globally astute. Unfortunately in Malaysia, we now driving in “Gostan” gear.

  24. The Malay (note – NOT Malaysian) government is caught between a rock and a hard place. Logically they know that for national unity, there should be one medium of instruction. To make it acceptable to all, and more importantly, valuable to the wider world where English is the lingua franca, English should be the common language as it is neutral to all the major races in Malaysia. However, the real fear is that if English were to be the MOI, then the Malays will lose out to the Chinese and Indians, as they are perceived to be less proficient in the language (though I cannot fathom why they should have any inherent disadvantage since Malay and English use the same alphabets and many Malay words are copied wholesale from English). It would take a brave politician to make the switch back to English. Already one whole generation has been lost and the adverse impact of loss of facility in the English language is being felt in the workplace and place of learning.

  25. I disagree with sybreon that SRJC students have a sheltered life & thus will suffer culture shock. I completely disagree with his thesis that SRJC are completely divisive.
    If that were the case why 50,000 Non Chinese-Malay students go to SRJC / Private Chinese schools. If they were such radicals, wouldn’t the Malays pull the plug out on them sooner.
    Syberon put all the “blame” on SRJC, yet not mention anything about the government policies in the first place.
    After 50 years of independence, how is that , there are students still cannot read, write, do basic maths, science, english profieciently after basic primary education.
    After 50 years the quality of English (which happens to be the most prefered business language) is declining.
    After 50 years, the quality of our University is continually declining.
    Sybreon fails to mention MARA colleges & UITM. If he says SRJCs are divisive, so must be MARA & UiTM, since they do not cater to other races & “Live Under The Coconut Shell”. They too will be subject to culture shock & unable to adapt.
    I agree with Sybreon that Bigotry is everywhere else, but everywhere laws were changed & people had legal recourse to fight bigotry.
    What u have in Malaysia, is state sactioned bigotry without any legal recourse upon whom suffer it. CAn u take Government to court to allow non-bumis to enter MARA & UiTM?
    Over to u sybreon!

  26. sybreon,
    “Leaving the country isn’t the best solution because I can also assure you, that bigotry happens elsewhere, even in countries with equal opportunity laws. At least in Malaysia, it is out in the open where it can be dealt with head on” -sybreon

    At least in other countries bigotry is not institutionalized and cannot be practiced freely and openly. To say that the bigotry in Malaysia is more acceptable because it is done openly is a whole big truckload of BS. What kind of idiot would believe something like that?

    I have experienced bigotry in other countries as well and so have some of my friends. What about you? Have you actually lived in another country that you can say such things as if you know so much about bigotry in other countries? Singapore maybe huh?

    “As I see it, vernacular schools are a contributing factor to this vicious cycle. By its very nature, vernacular schools are divisive. This is a fact. No amount of argument is going to change this.” -sybreon

    The question here is, are vernacular schools the cause of the problem or merely a symptom of a fractured society? Sybreon and his idol Dr. M would like you to believe its not their fault and the problem is caused by vernacular schools. But the truth is, vernacular schools are merely the symptoms of the problem, not the actual cause.

    If parents could be assured that their children would be provided with quality education in a safe environment, then i am sure parents would be happy to send their children to national schools. Parents don’t send their children to vernacular schools just to spite any particular government or race. Nor is it to prove the point that vernacular schools are better etc.

    It’s about the amount of trust parents put in the school. And honestly speaking, the standards and quality of national schools have declined so much with so many brainless half baked teachers and ‘political’ influences that many parents no longer dare to entrust the future of the their children to these schools.

    So it is not bigotry if i choose to send my children to vernacular schools. It is bigotry when one pre-determines the class you enter based on your race. Learn to tell the difference.

  27. We sent our first 2 children to the national school because (1) it is walking distance away and (2) we cannot read Mandarin.

    But eventually, we sent our 3rd child to Chinese school despite (a) having to fight traffic jam daily, (b) wife having to learn Mandarin together to be able to help and (c) higher expense in securing external tuition to help.

    Why bother with the hassle? Being a ‘G2 Chinese’ (non-Chinese educated), it wasn’t because of our pursuing mother tongue. It was more because of the tremendous difference in (i) standard of school discipline and (ii) the dedication and work output of the teachers.

    Before doing away with vernacular schools, I propose the following :
    – make sure our elite politicians and govt servants set the example by sending their children to local national schools
    – send all the national school teachers for a stint in Chinese school to understand why they are highly sought after – even by other races.

    Sybreon’s suggestion to participate in PIBG is noble. However, some who attempted that route reported that the PIBG may be another teachers’ association under the principal’s control. During the election of office-bearers, the teachers block-vote against parents who are deemed ‘trouble makers’ and install supporters incl those related to teachers.

  28. YB Lim
    I am a Singaporean, allow me to say my piece. Singapore is always used for comparison with Malaysia by many politicians, this education issue is one. Yes, the population of Singapore is largely Chinese but I am glad that our society is based on merits for every individual, be it in education or at work. Malay, Chinese, Indian and other races have to compete on even keel and last year a Malay student emerged top in the nationwide PSLE, a first for the Malay race infact. For our NUS to achieve top 30 in the world ranking, it does not happen overnight. Since achieving independence in Aug 1965, our government has decided that English shall be the 1st language to be taught in schools and every student is allowed to choose a 2nd language, be it Mandarin, Malay or Tamil. As a largely Chinese society, we do not impose other races to learn Mandarin compulsory. Our national anthem is sang in Malay language, so too our military drill. We have had Eurasian as President, Malay as President, Chinese as President and the current President is an Indian. Our DY PM is an Indian and I won’t discount the possibility of having a non-Chinese as PM in the near future. Singapore is not perfect and never will be. There will be some discontent of sorts among certain races, certain individuals but it will remain insignificant to the larger population. Our policies have served our country well, we can only improve as we progress and that is key to a stable and cohesion society.

  29. Once Malaysia is united and strong as it should be…S’pore will be better off…joining back Malaysia.
    We had so many opportunities…to lure all investors from S’pore to Malaysia..all gone….because the brains left us…due to massice corruptions and race discriminations…that indirectly.. helped S’pore what S’pore is today.
    Once Malaysia become the Malaysian Malaysia that Lee Kuan Yew wanted….which his idea was just…..at least.. 25 years ahead of time.
    A change of government will make his dream come true….and if he is still alive….he may advise S’pore to join us again.
    In reality…so many S’poreans have their relatives in Malaysia.
    It is like North and South Korea…….China and Taiwan.

  30. collin1202,
    That Singapore is so successful can be attributed to things that she carried out right from day 1 since she was booted out of Malaysia—non racial politics, English to be given great importance,meritocracy,rule of law and zero tolerance of corruption.In fact Singapore has been described as ‘squeaky clean’ not only to mean that the streets of Singapore are clean but also the administration of Singapore is very open and transparent in their dealings.It has become a brand of Singapore.Malaysia has done everything opposite to what Singapore is doing which is why she is so messed up.
    Of course the cabinet of Singapore is simply awesome again right from the very beginning up till today you have always had a team of superb technocrats from great universities throughout the world running your city state.In fact George Yeo has been described by Alvin Toffler (author of Future Shock,The Third Wave and Powershift) as one of the most brilliant ministers that he has ever come to interview.

  31. We need to seriously look into how our school education system is being run. We need dedicated teachers that are not afraid to try new methods to teach and reach out to the students. We need to get rid of those that are there because it was the only job that they are able to get and do — these are the so-called teachers that are killing our children’s future.

    Place Chinese and Tamil language classes as part of the normal school schedule and not as an additional POL class. POL classes do not work as the time allocated is too short for students to really gain and grasps the language properly (I know as I was one of the students that went thru POL system in the Primary school setting). I will definitely try to get a school / class schedule from Singapore schools to compare with the ones that we have here (national type or vernacular types). It would then be able to let us see how we can improve and make the necessary changes that would benefit our future generations of Malaysians (that is, if we ever want to really change and improve).

  32. For crying out loud, firstly FORMAL SCHOOLING IS NOT EDUCATION and IT (formal schooling) is NO MAGIC. It can’t do wonders. Telling our children lies and do what the adults can’t do themselves is just frankly irresponsible. As a parent, I believe that these days if you can’t tell our children some ugly truth, YOU NEVER NEVER LIE TO THEM…

    The idea the problem begin in our school is crap. Its no different than a parent who can’t make a living and put ALL their hope on their children. It may worked well in the past and it may still work for some, BUT it does not work well these days anymore.

    Certaintly the schools can be improved and I am not in favour of vernacular schools BUT its putting the horse before the cart to start with the schools. Might as well blame yoga for turning Malays into Hinduism. Its just poor faith in majority Malaysian ability to rise above their worst instinct. There comes a point cynicism is a poor excuse for weak thinking and being faithless.

    When it comes to something so major as the three different races in our country, it must eventually come to source – our laws and its processes. You can’t go far with anything else until you fix it. It is already proven by the fact that 40 years after the NEP started, the tension would not be worst then when it started. What goes around, comes around..

    DAP’s Malaysian Malaysia is not incorrect ideologically only rather was impractical in the face of short term need of politics. It better now given Tunku Aziz joining DAP and Zaid Ibrahim thinking being close it. It is still NOT the most practical BUT frankly there possibly is NO great simple practical answer for its ideology. Just like liberatarianism, some ideals remain ideals BUT it needs people to fight for it and it keeps thing centred and should be honored and appreciated for OUR Failures. Who says politicians owe us ALL THE PRACTICAL ANSWERS? We should count our stars DAP is around to remind us of our failures!!

    You want to change Malay mindset? Go to the nearest kampung and TALK to someone who is a PAS and UMNO supporter. Tell him honestly how you feel and take no offense for what he says. What we need is the govt to protect those who do so from being punished for doing such.. Not do the talking for us…

  33. “out there, there would be Malays (like an independant MP and some Bukit Bendera UMNO members) who would talk about resolving the problem by changing the mentality of the Chinese and Indians.”

    Hei R, actually those clowns are not bothered at all by the chinese and indian mentality. They simply ignore them and imposed their mentality on them.

    And is our education system the root of the problem as someone here suggested? Chinese schools used to be not as popular in the past as they are now. There used to be as many english school kids as there are chinese school kids amongst the chinese community. And what are the reasons for this change?

    First and the original reason, change in the medium of instruction from english to malay.

    Second, drop in overall standard of government schools. This reason is attributable to poor governing by the umno government and their highly misplaced de-emphasis on merits and their mad pre-occupation with the number game (or more precisely the quota game).

    Third, several decades of cantonese HK tv serials and movies which directly or indirectly promotes the use of chinese language in the country. Now the options has expanded greatly to include chinese productions. At the same time the chinese language based entertainment industry has globalised. And we malaysians too are actively contributing to that global entertainment industry. This factor presents an impact on the young and the youth.

    Fourth, rise of china and this is an economic reason. This is a factor that influences the ambitious, educated and those who basically want to elevate themselves to a bigger stage.

    Fifth, globalisation. Hopping from country to country today is like hopping from town to town fourty years ago. Naturally, english and mandarin would soon become the two language skills one must acquire so that one can move about outside of the country with greater ease. This factors appeals to all people.

    Sixth, migration away from government schools led to further drop in standard of government schools. And this is a part of the vicious downward spin for the umno run government schools.

    Seventh, the umno government’s absolute refusal to emphasise on meritocracy and to do away quota and protectionist policies despite a growing number of malays who are against such policies and are in favour of challenges and open competition.

    Can we blame the chinese educationist? Prevailing factors simply favour their cause. Look. Who would want to use the manual typewritter today? Get the idea?

  34. The first thing we need to go is to abolish this NEP policy.

    This NEP policy turn the Malays as a pirates in our society.

    How can we be peace and work leh if there is a pirates among us leh.

    The NEP make them more and more greedy with no return and even now using it to threaten all of us.


  35. The NEP is supposed end in 1990.

    But they continue using difference name with the same method to be corrupted again and again…no ends.

    You can see they can even abolish their rulers power in the constitution.

    Can you trust this people? to run your country.

    Who are they? are they an honest and honorable people?

    Can anyone tell me?

  36. I admit that bigotry is everywhere, it is only the degree that differs. Notwithstanding that I sent sent my daughter to SKJC, I am quite critical of those purely Chinese-slanted view, yes, they could be rather ‘individualistic’ to those who compete with them in business but they do contributed much to their community in term of education and other social obligations. this you cannot deny! my job requires daily interaction with them. as I have posted elsewhere, they did it ‘ My Way’. hence, sometimes, we sense a little attitude of snobbishness.
    We have to admit it that ‘bigotry’ is everywhere but we are all humans with a ind even the Creator could not fathom, so we have to live with such behavior. Trying to look for perfect solution will be a dream for the time being.
    Of course, working in a foreign land is never easy especially for those who are rather introvert but with the current technologies, things could not be that bad.
    The tendency to hit our neighbor is a sign of envy; given the circumstances they were put in, we must agree that their leaders did an excellent job which we can only dream of with the current Gomen. We all know that many of their employed brains are from Malaysia. You just name some of their top GLCs, practically everyone of them has made good because Malaysians are involved. We are proud that we can have such talents albeit not wanted by our own society because of foolish and self-vested interests of a few who happen to be able to lead the majority of us into hibernation all these years!
    We should accept the fact that what they did and will continue to plan better, not because of any superior inherent ability but honest and sincere political WILL!

  37. TDM introduced the idea of Vision Schools in the 90s but met with failure simply because it was not preceded by a change of attitude among BN leaders. It is useless to talk about change if the BN leaders representing the various community do not change. In short, nothing is possible or policies can be successfully implemented if there is no genuine national unity.
    Some of you may not be receptive to the idea, but the future of our country lies in the full cooperation of BN and PR MPs. It is a farfetched idea given the present political situation, isn’t it? Confrontational politics will lead us nowhere. Change, whether in education or development policies, will have to come from the top, from leaders on both sides of the political divide.

  38. “Once Malaysia is united and strong as it should be…S’pore will be better off…joining back Malaysia.” – monsterball

    Maybe in 10 years, or even in the next 5 years, you’ll have a pro-reunification political party. The question is not whether it is possible, nothing is impossible.

  39. Having gone through the comments on the letter by R, there is no denying the fact that unity of the races has to start at the schools. It is difficult to teach old dogs new tricks, but the young mind are very receptive and it is then that we incalculate fresh perspectives in National unity.
    It is agreed that most Chinese schools offer better tutorage and sets higher standards, especially in the teaching of Mathematics, the language of reasoning. SKs are littered with teachers with no conviction on racial unity. Tamil schools lag behind in facilities and exposure, despite Samy’s claim to the contrarary.
    The whole education set up in this country need a revamp. We need an Minister for Education with vision. The needs of the nation to shine as a beacon of knowledgeable citizens has to be addressed. Yes, the NEP has done more damage than good. The standards have to be set higher before we get recognized as an education hub in its real sense.
    Once we have established the standards, we do not have to worry about ‘our’ kids being left behind. A start has to be made to amalgamate all schools as National Schools.

  40. ‘Maybe in 10years,or even in the next 5 years,you’ll have a proreunification political party.’. dawsheng.

    Really,you think the UMNOPutras would give up their ‘ketuanan melayu’ thing and Singaporeans coming to accept ‘ketuanan melayu’ and special malay priveleges.It is hard to imagine Singapore coming to a situation that she will accept conditions demanded from Malaysia for reunification,certainly not in 5 or 10 years time.If at all it should come about it has to be on mutual economic benefits for wanting to reunify.

  41. I wonder why many people is still keep talking about changing BN!!! may be it is because they still have high hope and to see that they are able to change BN!!!
    I just want to say that BN is beyond any hope, so it is pointless to try to change BN, BN needs to be discarded and thrown into fire and burnt!!! Let genuine opposition to lead the nation and moving forward!!! It is not our fault if BN failed to change, but it is our fault and being irresponsible not to see that BN govt is being replaced sooner than later!!!

  42. It is clear that with all the possible technological changes coming on stream and we have a stagnant mind-set leadership at the control centre, we could be miles away from my neighbor in ten or twenty years’ time. Countries distanced by geography will come to political union by common sense and wealth with single purpose of achieving better prospects for their citizens. So do you think we could move into that scenario in ten years time?
    We have spent too much time talking, arguing, bragging, shouting at each other like chimpanzees, while thinking others are just as foolish like us doing all this nonsense. No, they do not compete with us like we are competing with Zimbabwe; most of our Asean neighbors have better things to do; especially so our ‘friendly’ neighbor to the South!
    In spite of their stronger currency, why do hi-tech investors still go there? My niece works over there in an construction company, having worked here for a while; based on her experience the work-rate is at least 3 to 4 times more efficient as far as Gomen procedures are concerned!
    Of course, all these issues begin with day one in school! I was there before; favourites of pregnant teachers? moaning over their pregnancies but could not stop getting into it year in and year-out!! And by the way, the teaching service has been the source of job creation over the last twenty years for all kinds of graduates. Hence the quality we have. Unless we go back to fundamentals to rebuild our eduction system, we will be competing with the last quadrisection of the world;hopefully not at the wrong end of it!!

  43. Singapore will join Malaysia…when their economical situations is bad…and Malaysia is managed smartly by an uncorrupted government.
    The so call mutli billion development plans in Johore Baru got Malaysians excited.
    That is exactly the plan to see S’pore becomes redundant in many professional services…with Malaysia offering better services….at cheaper rates and under more modern facilities.
    But anything under UMNO..good ideas…straight away corruptions will creep in…and under careful studies…those were planned ahead..to make few UMNO leaders…much richer…so greedy for more and more money..and the crumbs given to hundreds of their members only.
    UMNO have a proven record….can never be trusted to be sincere to Malaysians at all.
    That is why…in the whole world…only in Malaysia…blogging concentrated more on politics than anything else.

  44. ‘Maybe in 10years,or even in the next 5 years,you’ll have a proreunification political party.’. dawsheng.

    Ha ha this is a humorous thought. One famous humorous joke over there is about a school child that asked the Singapore PM that was visiting the school: “Will Malaysia join and become part of Singapore one day?”

    Once you have tasted freedom, it is not so easy to give it up. Singapore would never agree to ‘becoming just part’ of Malaysia again. Singapore today is not even equal to Malaysia, it is way way ahead. Singapore nets about 30 billion in FDI versus Malaysia’s 8 billion a year. Singapore’s universities are in the top 100 globally. Singapore’s quality of life far exceeds that of Malaysia with their excellent public transportation, quality schools, NLB libraries, HDB housing, lowest crime rates and high salaries with strong purchasing power.

    Would Malaysia be able to catch up in 5 years? impossible. 10? very unlikely. Maybe in another 20 years.

  45. Yeah loh Singapore is so much better than Malaysia.

    If not the greedy and creep corrupted blocking the way, we Malaysia have the resources and human sources to outrank Singapore long ago.

    and people still do not realise this but sleeping still sleeping to protect their…..

    If P. Ramless still around mayb he say BODOH… I guess…

  46. All success stories have their reasons.

    Similarly all failures have their stories too.

    As intelligent ( read : having brains ) people, it would and should be obvious to us that if we do the right things, right and desirable results would follow. Just the reverse, if things are done wrongly.

    It is due to envy, ignorance, greed, unfairness, selfish interest, holier-than-thou attitude, manipulation, corruption, bigotry, nepotism, hegemony, racial supremacist tendency, ballooned ego, parochialism, short-sightedness, flip flopping mentality, communal politics, unthinkable quota systems, prejudice, subsidy mentality, special privileges and positions, protectionism, apartheid policies, race-base discounts, race-based education policies, etc., etc., which contribute to the failures of Malaysia as a nation.

    Unless and until those elements are removed and distanced, Malaysia do not stand a chance to move further than the present position and situation.

    People who have been sidelined or unfairly treated or discriminated against would attempt to look for alternatives which are more friendly and favourable to the attainment of their desires and dreams. They cannot be blamed for trying to improve themselves, can they?

  47. Looking back into history, before the Malays came, there were the orang asli and orang ulu. Before the Chineses came, there were the Malays. The Malays want the Chineses to become like them. Almost successful as can be seen in the Babas and Nyonyas. The Chineses want the Malays to change so that they can be accepted and still be their original selves. Why can’t the racial mentality be shakened off for the past 50 years ? One of the reasons is this sort of mentality is fueled into fire over and over again. Malaysians themselves whatever race, should decide if they prefer to remain as racists or to break away from an imprisoned mode of thinking. Rewarding a person is based on merits. Not on the race, religion or status. If it comes to work, the merits must be about the work and not so much on the socialization and activities out of work. Some people can play and socialize very well but when it comes to work, they play with the work instead of being serious in doing it. Being lazy and being slow is actually a form of play. Playing the work instead of doing it wholeheartedly. The office is a playground instead of a place whereby things are done to move the country forwards.

  48. Hello all,

    Pls do not think of vernacular that is primary schools only. What about secondary schools where majority of parents in Malaysia send their children to National Secondary Schools after primary education.
    Aren’t Secondary Schooling more important ?

    There will sure be ways and means to segregate the children whether you put them in National Primary or National Secondary Schools.
    Ask your own children how they do it.
    I am sure they will have lots of stories for you.
    For example, the head prefect must be from …… race,
    the …… Society is only for ….. race only.

    What else do you expect when your children are administered like this from young?

  49. Al things been said….I don’t think S’pore is that great.
    S’poreans also wanted a change in government for a long long time…..but PAP also rule with an iron fist….with Lee Kuan Yew suing anyone talking bad about him or PAP…and won all court cases.
    S’poreans are loving our way of life….so cheap to live.
    But the ordinary folks cannot afford to come in and work here…due to low salaries. Instead…it is our work force going there…to make good money.
    Back to why PAP is so powerful…is simply because…it is a non corrupted government….and have shown to be the best.
    When you are the best…and have best ministers…all things in S’pore are managed intelligently and will be the best.
    Best is difficult to compete with..thus opposition parties…can only hope to be strong opposition…can never take over the best…unless the citizens have major issues..to throw PAP out.
    In Malaysia…we have the worst government …but keep winning…because of race and religion dirty politics and corruptions….to buy votes…by UMNO.

  50. To be sure Singapore is not great when you talk about space where the Americans have at least 5 robots on Mars plus a couple of orbiters circling it,where the Russians and Chinese also have their cosmonauts and taikonauts.Even we can boast of having one tumpangnaut going to ISS.
    To be sure Singapore cannot boast of having great athletes and sportsmen like Australia which is the greatest sporting nation of the world.
    To be sure Singapore hasn’t got that type of freedom that you are thinking about,monsterball.But then again who is to complain when you look into the parameters for the ‘wellness’ of a nation (gdp per capital whether on nominal
    orPPP basis,gini index or human development index (HDI) ),Singapore ranked high in the list of nations!Does it matter that Singapore with its high population density and small land mass does not have the luxury of having that type of freedom that countries like America or Canada or Australia have with their huge land mass and small population density.On balance Singapore is doing extremely well!

  51. DEar AhPek,

    Perhaps I can offer s solution. Start with a single school system. All children iregardless of religion and races study together. Learn Malay( National Language) and put more emphasis on English.

    Bring back the old method of education. Introduce English Literature back to schoolk, maybe on Standard 5. Gradually throw away all this objective questions esp at Secondary School . Instead of asking who was the last Sultan Of Melaka, ask sdtudents opinion on why Malaca felt to the Portuegese.

    AS for history, put emphasis on Malaysian History. Also teach World History such as European History and Imperial India and China.

    Encourage third language. As an example, Malay and Indian students learn Mandarin. Chinese student learn Tamil.

    The bottom line is whether politicians from your “race” agree to it.

  52. There is an impression amongst non-bumis that there are bigotry galore in SKs, but let’s be honest, those threads run deep in SJKs as well. I went to one, I know.

    Vernacular schools are breeding grounds for segregation, and veil it under school choice or any other socioecnomic circumstance you want, the consequences are clear.


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