Lim Kit Siang

A reply to Benjamin

BY Eddy

Dear Benjamin,

Thank you for forwarding this email of yours.

Although there is no doubt that my sympathies lie with the DAP. I need to clarify that I am not, and was never a member of any political party. I did once toy with the idea of signing up, but that was about as far as my political ambitions went. Nevertheless, I never stopped admiring Karpal Singh, Lim Kit Siang and his son, Guan Eng given their courage, honesty, selflessness, sacrifice and tenacity

The arguments contained in your email are persuasive and interesting. To be fair to DAP though, I think the party has already embarked on the very path that you are advocating. After all these years, I believe they are quite aware of the political landscape.

With the benefit of hindsight, I think Kit Siang – more idealistic than politically savvy at that time – overstretched himself in wooing the Malay votes. He paid a high price and almost led his party to the wilderness after attempting to forge a united front with PAS during the 1999 general election. Ideologically, the two parties were much too far apart. The unholy alliance merely served to rouse the fear and distrust of DAP traditional supporters. Besides, floating Chinese voters throughout the country deserted DAP in droves during the subsequent election, and the party was badly trounced.

From my personal observation of the recent general election, I think the DAP have finally got it right this time. The party stalwarts made a very wise (and strategically correct) move in throwing its full support behind Anwar Ibrahim’s Keadilan. Despite their bad experience with PAS, they still managed to convince members to once again put away personal and party’s interests to form a united opposition front with Keadilan and PAS. To achieve that, I believe the DAP made significant electoral concessions (far more than PAS was prepared to give in return). I would therefore be surprised if anyone would accuse DAP for lack of trying.

As we saw, judging from the extraordinary outcome of the poll, I think the DAP leaders have largely been vindicated. They have shown true political wisdom and maturity. The resultant united Opposition Front was able to convince the whole spectrum of voters in the electorate – Malay, Chinese, or Indian – that they are indeed a worthy and credible alternative to the Barisan. If not for East Malaysia, UMNO would have been booted out of office by now! Regardless, it was still a historic result for DAP and the Opposition.

Now that Lim Guan Eng is the Chief Minister, I think it is highly commendable of him to appoint a Malay and also, an Indian to be his deputy. Moreover, he was neither rash nor over-hasty in dismantling the long established NEP policies of the previous governments. Wisely, it has been a measured, softly-soft approach which has helped soothed fears and concerns of the Malays who are long used to their special privileges. Such a fundamental change of what some may call a “welfare mentality” among the Malays certainly needs time and patience.

It is true that the Malays are a majority in Malaysia. With a superior birth rate and with their numbers continually incremented by never ending waves of Indonesian migrants, they certainly enjoy a clear majority. You are correct of course in saying that “Malays will always support UMNO.” However to be fair, this blanket statement ought now be tempered by the fact that some Malays these days – particularly the more educated ones – are disenchanted with UMNO for the very reasons you have elicited. Anwar is therefore not alone in condemning UMNO for its wholesale corruption and the failures of the NEP. I have read some eloquent letters by articulate Malay intellectuals who are now prepared to stand up, question UMNO and indeed, defend the rights of non-Malays as well.

I fully support the DAP simply because Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh, Lim Guan Eng and many of their leaders have consistently demonstrated their selflessness and sincerity to all. They have made untold sacrifice for fellow Malaysians regardless of their race, creed, colour or religion. Like these leaders, I firmly subscribe to an honest, efficient, fair and just government. Unlike UMNO, I do not tolerate, or condone human rights abuse, corruption or racism in any form. I too am for a Malaysian Malaysia. This land is big enough a place for all. Every race has contributed to the making of this great country.

If I were a DAP member, I would certainly give due consideration to some of your suggestions. In particular, I agree that DAP members ought to be even more proactive in wooing Malay members and voters. However, I cannot agree that DAP members ought sacrifice their own customs and beliefs, or discard their heritage and cultural identity. Not at any price. As far as I am concerned, human relationships must be based on the principles of mutual respect and natural justice. If not, they are not worth having to begin with.

There is no need for any Malay or Indian to put on Chinese clothes before coming over to court my vote. It is their proven words and deeds that will serve to move me – not what they wear. Likewise, why should DAP members – whether Chinese, Indian or others – start wearing a sarong and songkok? If these guys are that servile, then they might as well go jump into bed with UMNO! No sir, there are already too many sycophants and ass kissers around as it is! Mind you, even the MCA and MIC – the despicable lot – have yet to stoop that low.

Regardless, I am delighted to see that you care enough to write this letter of yours. UMNO does not have the slightest regard for human rights – let alone fairness and justice for the people. Karpal Singh, Kit Siang, Guan Eng and so many of their leaders have endured years of untold physical and mental hardship for the sake and welfare of their fellow Malaysians. I salute them! They are true Malaysians. They therefore deserve our sympathy and our fullest support. DAP is absolutely correct in throwing their weight behind Anwar Ibrahim. Anwar is a leader with certain charisma and who enjoys the trust and goodwill of all races. He also has the support of the majority in the country – and UMNO knows this! This is why Mahathir, and now his enemies in UMNO, have resorted to such despicable means and measures to try stop and destroy him.

Sure, Anwar is no angel and is not perfect, but who is? At the very least, he has shown tremendous courage and fortitude by challenging our erstwhile PM, Mahathir and alerting the country of his evil deeds and doings. And now, Anwar is taking on Badawi and Najib. Just like Kit Siang and Guan Eng, Anwar endured untold suffering and almost lost his life while being tortured by Dr. M’s henchmen. Till today, he and his family continue to be threatened by sinister forces. A lesser man would have long given up, and this is why I believe Kit Siang and the DAP are doing precisely the right thing by pulling out all stops to support Anwar and to align itself with Keadilan and PAS.

All the best!