“Lim Kit Siang can go for a public TV debate…with himself!”


By Azmi Anshar

Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Ipoh Timor) is so vexingly itchy in taking on just about anyone from the governing side of the political aisle for a boisterous public debate on TV that its about time that he grasp the understanding that NO ONE from the Government has any enthusiasm or propensity to accept his brassy challenges. It’s been Kit’s enduring tactic for as many years as he is an MP to goad his rivals, even if they were a notch down his intellectual range, for a public debate. Can anyone recall whether Kit has succeeded in getting one with any BN leader on live TV? He’s equitable in his challenges, throwing them around like confetti to a hodge-podge of politicians from Umno, MCA, Gerakan, MIC, et al. He’s done it so many times that a challenge to a public debate from Kit is regarded as an irritable cliché that should be ignored like you nonchalantly ignore someone’s burp in public.

Kit’s latest heckled lure was laid out today to Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Syed Albar (BN-Kota Tinggi) but like all BN leaders intimately wary of Kit’s bait-and-switch, reel-them-in-once-they-are-hooked ways, the Home Minister shrewdly didn’t take the bait, not even a nibble.

It’s bad enough that they have to contend with his loud, in-your-face, no quarter given style inside the House day after day on just about any conceivable issue – a Lim Kit Siang hallmark, the range of his microscopic gaze scans without missing a bug – but to tango with him toe-to-toe to the crunching beat of thrash metal? Thank goodness for weekend breaks. Continue reading ““Lim Kit Siang can go for a public TV debate…with himself!””

Yoga banned for Muslims in Singapore?

MC emailed a link to Singapore Straits Times rebutting the claim by the chairman of the National Fatwa Council Datuk Dr. Abdul Shukor Husin when announcing a ban on yoga for Muslims that “Malaysia is not the only country which prohibits Muslims from doing Yoga” and that “Singapore and Egypt have come out with the same edict”.

The Singapore Straits Times report “Yoga is okay” dated Nov. 9, 2008 reads:

A MUSLIM cleric in Malaysia has called on Muslims to stop doing yoga exercises, but some religious experts in Singapore do not share that sentiment.

They are largely of the opinion that yoga is harmless as long as its spiritual aspects are not practised. Continue reading “Yoga banned for Muslims in Singapore?”

Over to you, Khaled and Hishammuddin

Hi, i am student from Penang … can help us check for second semester PTPTN loan when can issue? now already mid semester. Dunno why PTPTN still like this “late issue the loan”, by this was make a lot of student feel suffer in finance. i already send mail to PTPTN, but no have any respond. i hope can get a good news as fast as possible. thank you for your help.

I received this email seven hours ago from a student in Penang crying for help as PTPTN is so inefficient and inconsiderate when PTPTN loan is still not disbursed although it is now mid-semester.

I have put up this email hoping that the Higher Education Minister Datuk Khaled Nordin would be as Internet-savvy and blog-sensitive as his predecessor Datuk. Mustapha Mohamed, as Mustapha would respond promptly to complaints touching on his Ministry on my blog.

Can Khaled shake up the PTPTN and release all the outstanding second semester loans within 24 hours or at most 48 hours?

There is another reason I have put up the email – to show the atrocious English standard of our students. Continue reading “Over to you, Khaled and Hishammuddin”

RM50 million Pempena scandals – 3 questions Azalina should answer as non-functioning Pempena CEO has clamped up

I am posing three questions on the RM50 million Pempena Group of Companies scandals for the Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Azalina Othman to answer in Parliament next week since the non-functioning Pempena Executive Chairman Datuk Paduka Chew Mei Fun has clamped up and refused to accept accountability.

Firstly, why was PricewaterhouseCooper engaged to conduct a high-level business review of Pempena’s 14 Investee Companies and not on all its 24 Investee Companies – especially as most of the 24 investee companies have not been recording operational profits over the last three years.

Out of these selected 14 investee companies reviewed, PwhC has proposed that Pempena should “exit its investments” from five companies, suffering an immediate loss of RM20 million. The five companies are:

(i) Malaysia Tourism Executive Sdn Bhd (“Matex”)
(ii) Sri Kebaya Restaurant Sdn Bhd (“Sri Kebaya”)
(iii) Malaysia Restaurant Hyderabad Limited (“Awana Hyderabad”)
(iv) Dalamasa
(v) Nathena

PwhC also proposed the liquidation of another company, My Destination, which will involve a loss of RM7.5 million – making a total loss of RM27.5 million for the “exiting” from five companies and the liquidation of one!
Continue reading “RM50 million Pempena scandals – 3 questions Azalina should answer as non-functioning Pempena CEO has clamped up”