Lim Kit Siang

Do Have some humility for P. Patto’s family

by Choo Sing Chye
former P Patto’s Political Secretary

The renaming of Jalan Silibin to Jalan P.Patto had caused an unusually large uproar from the businesses and residents in this particular area.

Although it is natural to have opposition to this plan to change the road name but it must be contained within the precinct of fair comment and good faith.

After reading the two news reports in The Star (18-11-08 and 19-11-08), one cannot deny the fact that there is a smack of insensitivity permeating into this whole affair of renaming.

If one has scant respect for P. Patto and has an unstoppable urge to comment, please do exercise some humility because P. Patto’s wife and his two daughters are still around and most important of all, P. Patto is not here to defend his name.

Disappointingly some of the comments had apparently gone overboard. As it stand, these have undeniably inflicted injury upon P. Patto’s family as it degrades what they have cherished so much of him as a good husband, a good father and an upright politician.

For being fair in one’s comments means that one should not utter comments like “Patto would not be unhappy even if a pub is named after him”. One cannot miss an intentional sprinkle of cruelty in this comment.

This comment implies that P. Patto had spent his life time centre around pubs and wouldn’t be unhappy if a pub is named after him.

P. Patto once told me that when he leaves this world only his name remains.

True to the point, but I do not wish to speculate whether he approves or disapproves of having a road sign named after him but I am very sure that he would have been offended that his name is being tossed about in disrespect.

Please let him be respected as a fine, honest and humble gentleman for in the name of justice he had fought without fear or favour and for this very same reason a road will be named after him.

When I spoke to P.Patto’s wife over the phone a very short while ago, she was clear upset and I could hear her sobbing and she said, “what did my husband do to deserve all this?” “My daughters and I did not demand or ask that a road be named after my husband.” “Why all these?”

No, he does not deserve all these let us have some decency.