Khalid – End gender discrimination against women academicians or face RM10 salary cut

The Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Khaled Nordin should answer the serious charges by former Vice Chancellor of University of Malaya Datuk Rafiah Salim concerning the “kurang ajar” manner of her termination and gender discrimination against women university academic staff.

Even if Rafiah’s appointment as VC of University of Malaya is not to be renewed, why was she treated so shabbily as to be shunted around from pillar to post without knowing her fate until the very lasi minute? This is clearly a most shameful and ungrateful way to treat a person who has given 34 years of her life to public service.

I have said in Parliament that there is no transparency whatsoever about the Search Committee for the new VC for University of Malaya, why it was conducted in such secrecy that nobody in the university – not even Rafiah – knew that a new VC was being selected!

This has compounded the offence of the Deputy Higher Education Minister, Datuk Idris Haron in casting aspersions on her tenure as the first woman Vice Chancellor of University of Malaya, for which Idris must retract and apologise unconditionally unless he could justify his insinuation against Rafiah in Parliament.

Rafiah’s allegation of gender discrimination against women university academicians cannot be taken lightly.

Rafiah said female V-Cs were victims of gender discrimination, going by the shorter tenures offered to them compared with their male colleagues.

She was given a two-year tenure with a half-year extension to her contract.

Similarly, her female colleagues — Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia vice-chancellor Datuk Professor Dr Sharifah Hapsah and Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris vice-chancellor Datuk Professor Dr Aminah Ayob — were given two-year contracts.

In contrast, other V-Cs who are male are given three-year contracts.

This is a serious charge which goes against the constitutional guarantee of no gender discrimination in the country.

Unless Khaled can give a satisfactory response and assurance of immediate stop to such discrimination against women academic staff in the public universities, DAP MPs will be moving a RM10 cut motion for the salary of the Higher Education Minister during the 2009 Budget Committee stage debate as a censure.

26 Replies to “Khalid – End gender discrimination against women academicians or face RM10 salary cut”

  1. First it is racial bias. Now it’s gender bias for those without “that thing between the legs”. Is it any wonder that harsh and ‘sexist’ terms were uttered in the defence of oneself?

    It is apparently obvious that if you don’t have the ‘right’ connections with the said authorities and ‘rub shoulders ‘ with them, then the chance of getting that job will be out of reach and doomed. So much for CRONYISM!

  2. First, they are against other races and religions

    Second, they are against other races but of the same religion

    Third, they are against women of the same race and religion

    Fourth, they are against the best friend of mankind

    etc etc.

  3. If I were a Minister, this will be what I think: Pay plus allowances plus bonuses = RM25,000 a month. After a RM10 salary cut, still has RM24,990. Hey you are welcomed to cut RM10 every day from my pay. Still have RM24,700 to enjoy!!!

  4. The tenure at ALL institutions at the very top level should be based on term-contract. Capable, extend; under performing terminate! But the right to judge should NOT be given to a politician who should only formulate the policy but leave the execution of it to the relevant experts in related field to go about it.
    In the case of VCs, publish their achievements and let their peers and the general public know; if she or he is good and respected then the U will grow and climb up the popularity parade!.
    In Bolehland, the power to decide is the only trump card to ensure subservience; hence we can’t compete in the open. At the moment, the whole situation is so hopeless that nothing said here is going to make any change for the positive!! We are caught, as Godfather said in a whirlpool sucking us into the BLACK HOLE from which we might never get off!

  5. LKS called for RM10 cut is a chic feed for Khaled’s big fat tax free income paid by the taxpayers. The former Vice Chancellor of University of Malaya Datuk Rafiah Salim serious charges on Khaled on gender discrimination against women academic staff in UM is the main concern of all Malaysians irrespective of races and religions.

    Malaysians should demand Khaled to be sacked and resigned from his current portfolio in view that he has disgraced a reputable VC who has served the civil services, BNM, MBB and UM and also assisted to improve UM ranking in THES. Malaysians are very sad and sick to read the VC explanation and listen to her angry voices on her “poor performances” termination.

    To correct former VC Rafiah rude comments about “that thing between the legs” against all male, she should rephrased her comments about Khaled has no thing between his legs to challenge Rafiah over her “kurang ajar” termination in open live debate via NTV7.

    We wonder whether Khaled is willing to take up the debate live with Rafiah to straight out the subject and also her dignity and reputation so that Rafiah is able to retire peacefully.

  6. Uncle Lim,
    There could be some gender discrimination and personal defamation of one’s academic credentials here…but what I can’t help saying is, this Rafiah Salim does not ‘sound’ or ‘look’ fit to be VC so to say.. look at her language (“that thing in between the legs”, “appoint a monkey”, “what the heck..”), I could not believe the highest ranking officer in M’sia top and oldest university could utter such words. And she does sound like a sore loser complaning and ranting that her contract was not renewed and backfiring the government / her boss now that she’s out… I believe her own appointment initially was due to political inteference to start with…

  7. I agree with kenghuel. In the first place, when she was offered a 2-year contract, she did not raised any objection but accepted it. Now when her contract is not renewed, she makes this an issue!!!

    Just look at the language she used, I could not believe these come from the mouth of a so-called VC of the highest institution of study of this country.

    As for “why was she treated so shabbily as to be shunted around from pillar to post without knowing her fate until the very lasi minute”, go ask her what he had done in Maybank when she was the Head of Human Resource, this is merely a case of “what goes around comes around”!!!

  8. Dear Kcb,

    Perhaps we all should enlighten the august Uncle Lim that Rafiah had already completed her contract. She was not terminated or sacked. It is as simple as that.

    If she was not happy with her letter of offer, why accepted it in the first place. Nobody force her to accept. Nobody insinuated her or implied that she did not perform. Why was she so upset with Idris, MP of Tangga Batu, Melaka. Why must she utter such words to a person of superior position .

    This is exactly what Malays call as “Kerana santan pulut binasa”. One must becareful with words. In Malay culture it is deemed as “kurang ajar’ for implying on male genitalia as a reason for her service not extended.

    If she is not that happy, she can offer her point in a logical manner to Ministry of Education. Advance your point in a diplomatic manner. I am sure that Minister of Higher Education is not a monster. He will accord respect befitting her position as a VC.

    Whatever reason she may have, say it in the right way. How things said is as important as what said.

  9. This lady was desperate for a job…and used all her connections to get it in the first place when clearly she did not have neither the experience nor the academic qualifications…ministry officials should realise that this is the shit they deserve if they keep placing unqualified personnel in key positions…….similar problems are there for the VCs running UKM, UiTM and UPM…..all these places are bmbs waiting to splatter in the Minister and BN’s face…’s just a matter of time

  10. When u were discriminated and when you were in anger, i believe you would utter such words as well….

    The matter is not whether she did accept the offer for a 2 year contract, its a non issue at all.

    If the contract was for the appointment of a VC, then it should be three years term and it should be applied to those appointed as VC, why Datuk Rafiah was only offered 2 years with half year extension?

    In my respectful opinion, there was clearly a ground to raise discrimination issue based on her attribute that is, gender.

  11. Malaysia is the funniest land on earth. An appointment comes to its end as stated in the appointed MUST now be renewed, reappointed as of RIGHt. Failure to do so becomes a sex discrimination issue, a legal issue, a political issue…. may later on develop into a physical size issue. Better watch out!

  12. The most deadly infection of Malaysian politicians has now expanded the area to the academic sector. The politicians, eg MP of Kinabatangan need not be literate or brainy thus they often naively think the voters owe them the votes and the jobs for life. People in the academic field should be the last person to argue like a politician. If you are qualify and good for the job why insist to be reappointed to a University not even in the 200 list? Look forward to Havard or at least oxbridge . Have some self respect, please don’t beg for vc job in a lowly ranked university. Tan Sri Rafidah, a female as well, did not beg for a very senior minister post when she was dropped by PAK LAH.

  13. “When u were discriminated and when you were in anger, i believe you would utter such words as well….”

    I don’t think so. Different people react or respond differently, which reflects their personalities, traits and upbringings!

    “The matter is not whether she did accept the offer for a 2 year contract, its a non issue at all.”

    thinkingahead, I think you have missed the point. Obviously there are some gender discrimination here as seen from the contracts offered to female VCs. The point here is that the former UM VC, despite fully aware that the contract was for only for 2 years, a year less than those offered to other male VCs, had chosen to accept the offer.

    She could have easily rejected it for being discriminatory. Since she had accepted it without objection, she has given up her rights to protest! Do you think she will make it an issue if her contract is renewed?

  14. What lingam case??? as far as I’m concerned, there’s no more case, period!!! When Najis takes over from AAB next March, he will let the whole world knows that we should forget the past and move forward!!! no wonder all the big ULARS are eating all they can before the change of guard!!!

  15. “The Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Khaled Nordin should answer the serious charges by former Vice Chancellor of University of Malaya Datuk Rafiah Salim concerning the “kurang ajar” manner of her termination and gender discrimination against women university academic staff.”

    I really don’t know who is ‘kurang ajar’ in the whole episode; Datuk Seri Khaled or the former UM VC. But for those who have been following this sandiwara, they must surely have come to a conclusion. And yes, your guess is as good as mine!

    And talking about ‘termination’, hallo, I thought her had fully served the tenure of her contract and her contract was not renewed. You call this termination? My God, I thought she has multiple law degrees and was a former Dean of the Law Faculty in UM???

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