Lim Kit Siang

Vintage Hainam cuisine gone? Go to Sukico, Uptown

Pleasantly surprised that tucked away in a bakery in Uptown (Damansara Utama) is to be found vintage and delicious Hainam cuisine.

Strongly recommend Sukico (Suki – Hainamese for “mate”) – time for it to get a full Malaysian exposure and not just to the regulars who realize where to get a culinary bargain both in price and good food.

Originally at No. 26, Jalan SS 21/39, Damansara Utama, PJ, Sukico Hainam Café has moved a road away to share premises with Suki Bakery Mart at No. 59G, Jalan SS 21/60, Damansara Utama (tel: 03 – 77288381). (Map)

Met the owner, “Cowboy” H.H.Tan, 69, (012-2777138) who has a great story to tell of his past exploits leading to his establishment of Sukico Hainan Café.

Sukico’s signature dishes include the claypot stew (lamb and chicken) as well as Chicken Cordon Bleu and chicken chop (authentic style). It also serves full-course English breakfast.

I am not getting any advertisement fee from “Cownboy” Tan or Sukico Hainam Café but I do not want to monopolise a good thing which should be enjoyed by all.

Visit Sukico and let me know whether I have made a good recommendation.