Challenge to Hamid Albar to a live telecast public debate on crime situation in Malaysia

I regret that instead of responding positively and responsibly to my criticisms about the worsening crime situation in the country, the Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar has launched a campaign to demonise me as an enemy of the police as illustrated by the following newspaper headlines today:

“‘Usah gemar perlekah pasukan keselamatan’ – Syed Hamid bidas sikap pemimpin parti pembangkang” – Berita Harian

“Syed Hamid bidas Kit Siang perlekeh polis” – Sinar Harian

“Jangan perlekeh credibility pasukan keselamatan” – Utusan Malaysia

In my 42 years in politics as a MP and DAP leader, I have never treated or regarded the police as an enemy as the police officers and personnel perform an unenviable but important and critical function to keep the country safe and secure for socio-economic and political progress and to be able to attract tourists and investors to maintain Malaysia’s competitiveness.

While I had never shirked from my responsibility to criticize faults or failures of the Police (and this applies to the Cabinet and the entire public service), I have never begrudged in giving full support to ensuring that the police force get proper and adequate recognition in terms of pay increases, equitable remuneration and improvements in their working conditions.

Is Hamid to be believed that after serving my eighth term as Member of Parliament, this being my 34th year in Parliament, I have suddenly decided to become an enemy of the police by running down the police force, as alleged by Hamid?

Of course not, and I do not think that the police officers and personnel are so uninformed that they can be easily misled by Hamid’s baseless allegations to distract attention from the brunt of my criticisms – the worsening crime situation in the country and his failure since becoming Home Minister in the past eight months to take bold measures to implement the Royal Police Commission’s recommendations to create an efficient, incorruptible, professional world-class police service to keep crime low and restore to Malaysians, tourists and visitors their fundamental right to be free from crime and the fear of crime.

Police personnel are also citizens of Malaysia and in their civilian life or after retirement, they and their loved ones have often fallen victim to endemic crime in the country. Even former Inspector-Generals of Police and top police officers had not been spared from becoming victims of such endemic crime in the country.

I am shocked that the Deputy Home Minister, Datuk Chor Chee Heung could say in the Parliament lobby on Monday that the worsening crime situation in the country is a “misperception” of the people – a contemptuous dismissal of the daily nightmare of Malaysians about their personal safety and those of their loved one!

With the country becoming increasingly unsafe instead of being safer, whether in the streets, public places or the privacy of homes, a person who could dismiss the widespread fear of Malaysians, tourists and investors about the worsening crime situation in the country is not fit to be in any position of responsibility in fighting crime – let alone as Deputy Home Minister.

If Hamid is a responsible and upright Home Minister, he would have asked for the sacking of Chor as Deputy Home Minister for such insensitive and irresponsible talk.

But Hamid will not do such a thing, as he not only condones Chor in such irresponsible talk, he is probably in full agreement with Chor.

I call on Hamid to stop his irresponsible PR ploy to paint me as Enemy No. 1 of the Police, when what I want is to see police reforms where the Police could be regarded and accepted by all Malaysians as their No. 1 Public Friend.

I challenge Hamid Albar to a public debate to be telecast live as to whether the crime situation in Malaysia is getting better or worse.

30 Replies to “Challenge to Hamid Albar to a live telecast public debate on crime situation in Malaysia”

  1. When you complain about the crime situation, you are undermining the police. When you complain about the standards of our universities, you are undermining our world-class lecturers and tutors. When you complain about corruption, you are undermining our ACA. When you complain about lousy enforcement, you are not giving face to our AG. When you complain about our judiciary, you must be an enemy of the judges.

    Sheesh, I complain about the antics of the den of thieves, so what am I to UMNO ?

  2. Like I said before and am saying again,all these UMNO/BN guys are only interested to fill up their pokets by rapping up all our resourses,so busy doing it,that they didn’t know the terrible crime rate has shot up skyhigh.When being challenged,gave stupid answer by blaming the misperception of the rakyat.How on earth we elected such dumhead ? Mr.Lim,suggest you withdraw your challenge and don’t waste your time with S hamid as you will get dum dum answers as well.

  3. i dont know what is going to happen to thic country. people are blaming each other and not concentrating on how to deal with the biggest problem we are facing now………..

    please uncle kit……….do something……….next election is not too far………..just let them to do what they want to do as they have already digged their own grave………..i dont want to see u in kamunting… take good care of urself………u have to be healthy and happy to see our better malaysia after next pru….
    lots of love and care…..chris_lovepeace

  4. Again, why LKS doesn’t encourage the community he represents to join the police force if the quality now is not up to his standard. Why others including our frineds from Sabah n Sarawak can sacrifice for the country?

  5. Syed Hamid on a debate with Lim Kit Siang??
    Hamid will shiver in his pants.
    Syed needs to agree with everyone in UMNO…so that no one in UMNO will say..he is an idiot minister.
    That is one way…these crooks can last so long as ministers…the more bodoh….the better.

  6. Cintanegara,
    Again, why LKS doesn’t encourage the community he represents to join the police force if the quality now is not up to his standard. Why others including our frineds from Sabah n Sarawak can sacrifice for the country?

    Ok your proposal is accepted. Next GE we rakyet together vote for PR and let them be in charge of the country, not only the police force. Lets see if BN is really a lousy pathetic ruler of the country if compared to PR’s leadership.

  7. Do you know that:

    Independent father Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra was overthrew by UMNO in 1969 because Independent father loved and treated all the races loyalty Malaysian equity.

    In 1977, having acquired substantial shares in The Star, a Penang-based newspaper, Abdul Rahman became the newspaper’s Chairman. His columns, “Looking Back” and “As I See It”, were critical of the government, and in 1987 Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad banned the newspaper. This led to a split in UMNO, with Abdul Rahman and another former Prime Minister, Tun Hussein Onn, setting up a new party called UMNO Malaysia, but its registration was quashed by Mahathir Mohamad, who set up his own UMNO Baru (“New UMNO”).

    The current UMNO is not Independent Father UMNO,it may call Independent Father Traitor UMNO.

  8. How to encourage others to join Police Force..under UMNO government..when all these 50 years…it is one race getting promotions…over smart ones.
    The first group migrated to Australia are brilliant teacher from Malacca…the Santa Maria brothers..most famous Horrice Santa Maria…did so well there…prompted hordes of teachers migrated elsewhere.
    Now look at the University…same old story…..bull dosing one race….after 50 years.
    Other races maybe willing to join police and become teachers..once the oppositions win and manage at least 8 years with no interruptions.
    The 50 more years damage is so great….no one can undo all the sins of UMNO in one term.

  9. Recruit more Chinese,Indians,Kadazans and Ibans into the Police force even if the govt has to relax the entry requirements.Let say the Police Force is made up of 40% Non-Malays.I am sure the crime rate and mat rempit problem will just be reduced if not solved.But do the govt has the political will to initiate the changes?

  10. Tell the whole world, our land Malaysia have been hijacked by


    This country is not running by the INDEPENDENT FATHER UMNO.

    The government is control by the

    INDEPENDENT FATHER Traitor UMNO and they disguised their name under the Independent Father Image Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra.

    They hijacekd the Independent Father name Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra for their controling of this country and the Malay.

    Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra in heaven will be pleased if there is justice to his traitor.

    Tell people to realized this. Your dream will come true.

    The current UMNO is not INDEPENDENT FATHER UMNO,

    it may call


  11. Yang Berhormat,

    Please do not waste your time. Find a way to publish all the answers by government to questions raised in parliament that are not taken up during Question Time. By the time the next General Elections comes you will have accumulated votes for your Pakatan Rakyaat.

  12. Yes crime rate is on the increase. But this is prevalent not only in Malaysia but in many places across the globe whether it is in Europe, the Americas or Asia. The question is how do we respond to it? The Malaysian police force has got a lot of room for improvement – that is a fact.

    LKS, rather then just complaint, please provide some constructive and practical ideas for improvement. Even IF PR comes to power, the crime rate will still be an issue!

  13. Uncle Kit, Syed Camel-boy can’t even hold his fort in Kota Tinggi. The division committee members are revolting and holding this idiotic division leader to ransom. He is now a general without lieutenants. Wait to enjoy the slug-fest as UMNO bigots fall over one another to struggle for power. The worms are coming out of the can about his “service record” to his constituents. Now they are showing thier ‘gratitude’. He can’t even serve his voters, what can he do for the nation?
    If they can kill off their kind for positions, what more evil can they do to others? I dread to imagine….

  14. Malaysians wish to challenge both the Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar and the Deputy Home Minister, Datuk Chor Chee Heung to sleep with their gates open and their big houses’ doors widely open to see no criminals /robbers ever drop in to rape and rob them in their slumberland if Malaysia is a real safe heaven BOLEHLand. If nothing happen to proof LKS claimed of raising crime rate is a bullshit, then Uncle Lim will polish their shoes every time they drop into the Parliament.

    Malaysians believed both of them are more worried than a young girl who dares to walk alone in any wet market or dark lorong lorng without their body guards around. They will pissed of their pants when a small rat follows them or they will run like hell if they see a Chow Kit beauty gay approached them.

    Believe it or not ! The PDRM also needs to seek cover at safety places or better safety health areas as reported. So how?

    Malaysians supported Uncle Lim to challenge Hamid Albar to a public debate to be telecast live as to whether the crime situation in Malaysia is getting better or worse. Before the live telecast, let Hamid check with the PDRM dept on how many police reports are filed for criminal cases happened in Malaysia. Hamid will chic out after reading the police reports and find excuses not to take the challenge live. – Tak Malu Lagi !!

    As usual….His smart silly excuses to use ISA Act to protect a young journalist against any harm to her and also to protect RPK and Teresa for ??????? (both are No 1 enemies of the state ??? , the judges think they are good citizens , please release them immediately.)

    Speak no evil, See no evil, Listen no evil,
    Write no evil, Do no evil and Read no evil…

    Truth Bangsa Malaysia

  15. Uncle Kit said:

    “If Hamid is a responsible and upright Home Minister, he would have asked for the sacking of Chor as Deputy Home Minister for such insensitive and irresponsible talk.

    But Hamid will not do such a thing, as he not only condones Chor in such irresponsible talk, he is probably in full agreement with Chor.”

    So its a case of one nodded. The other followed nodding away. Then both began nodding initially haphazardly and later in syn. After that the nodding turned pronounce and subsequently became vigorous. Yeah. Ah huh. And yo. They broke into some hip-hop movement.

    Quite entertaining. Yes. Quite entertaining indeed arent they?

  16. Syed Hamid should resign or be sacked. Full stop.

    He’s not qualified to be a minister. Even a judge has ruled that he has made a heavy-handed decision above his powers, i.e. abuse of power? I can help but to laugh at some of his statements sometimes, like the one saying Tan Hoon Cheng was arrested for her safety, and the one about the police safety against thugs only later to correct them..

    If S’pore has such leaders, it would have been taken over by the Opposition long ago.. During the time when M’sia was debating on Pedra Branca with S’pore, it is amusing and embarrasing to see how Syed Hamid argued with Prof Jeyakumar (S’pore Law minister) without facts compared to the latter…

  17. Don’t even bother! This botak has to be the biggest embarrassment for the country. How on earth could they have elected an MP like him and then being appointed a minister??? That says a lot about the depth of talent in this country, doesn’t it?

  18. Talking about crimes! It certainly looks comical by the lame press conference of Baginda; as if the two poor policemen were nuts to blow up an ‘unknown’ Mongolian! Baginda you have saved yourself, say less and leave the rest to the Almighty!

  19. city land is always more expensive than outskirts, but before the city is start with a few huts, dont he know that and it takes toil, hardwork, strive, sufferings befor it becomes a city.

    And after all the hard work is done, who the hell did bumps like that think that the city belongs to them.
    and if so, does the clown have any contemporary moral thoughts to paid respect to those who dwell and built these jewels that even he is attracted to and wants to own part of it.
    So predictable , grab a grab and grab like a lalanun and systmatically drown and create traffic jams in the whole city and turn everything into shit.
    Even do nothing to ward off lepaks and little pretentious clowns and maniac, lurking around and peeping city girls and grandmas.

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