Launch of booklet “The Cries of Sabah”

Am in Tawau together with Tunku Aziz for the Tawau DAP Branch-cum-Sri Tanjong service centre opening this morning.

Tonight, will attend a history-making event, the first thousand-people political dinner in Tawau organized by Tawau DAP and the DAP’s sole Sabah State Assemblyman Jimmy Wong at Lau Gek Poh Memorial Hall.

This is another historic first by Tawau DAP. Last year, Tawau DAP organized a very successful and capacity-crowd lunch-time ceramah and during the March 8 general election, pioneered a breakfast ceramah.

There are also other embarrassing “firsts:” in Tawau, as I found during my visit. The power breakdown is getting so regular and prolonged that Tawau’s daily newspaper, Morning Post, was forcibly turned into an evening paper when it could be distributed only at 4 pm!

Tonight, I will also launch a booklet “The Cries of Sabah”. Continue reading “Launch of booklet “The Cries of Sabah””