Police mayhem

Firstly, the excessive police force and violence at yesterday peaceful candlelight vigil to campaign for “No to ISA” and mark the first anniversary BERSIH campaign for free, fair and clean elections must be condemned in the strongest possible terms.

It shows that the police has completely forgotten the important recommendation of the Royal Police Commission that the police force should become an efficient, professional, incorruptible world-class police service with three priority objectives – to keep crime low, eradicate corruption and respect human rights.

If the Royal Police Commission recommendations had been taken seriously, the shameful and disgraceful episode in Petaling Jaya yesterday, where some 23 people were arrested including DAP MP for Petaling Jaya Utara Tony Pua, DAP Selangor State Exco Ronnie Liu and DAP Selangor State Assemblyman for Kampong Tunku Lau Weng San would not have happened.

Why is the massive deployment of police personnel to break up a peaceful gathering of Malaysians to campaign for freedom, justice and democracy by excessive police force and violence continue to be a greater priority and more important police agenda than the mobilization of police personnel to keep crime low and restore to Malaysians, tourists and investors their fundamental right and freedom to be safe from crime and the fear of crime?

The police under Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan has got the police priorities all wrong and misplaced, and this has been illustrated in a most outrageous manner by what happened in the 24 hours yesterday – on the one hand, excessive police violence to arrest 23 peaceful celebrants of freedom, including elected representatives in PJ while total police impotence in a Mat Rempit mob rampage in Jalan Loke Yew, KL beating four people unconscious as if Malaysia is a broken-down fourth-world failed state!

What has Musa to say about the disgraceful mayhem at Jalan Loke Yew in the early hours of yesterday morning where Mat Rempit mob rule imposed a regime of sheer lawlessness without any police presence or intervention?

I am shocked that Musa could still prattle about “the security of the country was very much under control” under his charge, when the reverse is the case – in a special interview with the Star today. “Ensuring men in blue won’t be spent force” – Star)

Musa said that the crime rate had increased to 209,559 last year and he is very proud that the figure is expected to remain almost the same this year.

This is like a student who had scored F7 for a subject in an examination last year and very proud that he is still getting F7 this year!

Musa is setting a bad example for the entire police force in completely forgetting about the Royal Police Commission Report to reduce the crime index.

In its report in May 2005, the Royal Police Commission found that it was completely unacceptable that there had been a “dramatic” 29 per cent increase in the incidence of crime from 121,176 cases in 1997 to 156,455 cases in 2004, and recommended “As an immediate measure, PDRM should target a minimum of 20 per cent decrease in the number of crimes committed for each category within 12 months”.

If the Royal Police Commission’s recommendation of a minimum 20 per cent decrease in crimes within 12 months of its Report had been achieved, then the 156,455 crime incidence in 2004 should have declined to 125,164 cases in 2005.

Instead, under Musa’s leadership, the police fought a losing war against the rising crime index, which had worsened from 156,315 cases in 2003 to break the 200,000 barrier in 2007 – a sharp rise of some 34% in the past four years.

Instead of saying sorry to Malaysians for the failure of the police under his leadership to meet the target set by the Royal Police Commission, we have the IGP preening himself with pride that the crime index this year is likely to be the same with those of last year, breaking the 200,000 barrier!

I had called for Musa Hassan resignation as IGP in Parliament last month and I reiterate my call, as he has ceased to be a professional policeman dedicated to the three objectives set out by the Royal Police Commission for the police force – to keep crime low, to eradicate corruption in the police force and to respect human rights.

[Media Conference Statement in Parliament on Sunday 10th November 2008 at 11 am]

39 Replies to “Police mayhem”

  1. Just look how “efficient” is our great police force. Thousands and thousands of crimes, robberies, murders etc… happening everyday in Bolehland. Rakyat is suffering as a result. Yet they spent their time and effort to bully and disrupt a peaceful gathering. What a shame and disgrace.
    Hope the opposition will bring this episode in Parliament and whack some cow sense into their hollow heads ESPECIALLY that arrogant, pea brain baldie fat toad.

  2. The police are a bunch of cowards who should be scorned and spat at.While proven to be so helpless and incapable when dealing with armed or unarmed criminals.They are but act like big bullies when they meet the harmless and peaceful people at any meaningful gathering like the one held near the Amcorp Mall.They are damn useless.

  3. One failure will lead to several other failures. That is unavoidable. See they fail in their duty by wasting too much time and resources arresting innocent people who were undertaking a genuine and noble cause. As a result of this stupid preoccupation to suppress political opposition, crimes were left to florish. A gang of mat rempit dragged 3 men and a woman out of their car and beat them silly. How long can this go on? Where is our umno government?

  4. Pasir Salak MP used the word ‘bastard’ to scold another fellow MP.I suggest he and many angry rakyat should now used the same word to reprimand the useless police force for their inablity to fight and contain crime.

  5. //This is like a student who had scored F7 for a subject in an examination last year and very proud that he is still getting F7 this year!//

    In our renowned and esteemed SPM, P7 and P8 are still honorable passes. Only F9 is considered a failure. Muda Hassan should show his SPM cert so that we can see the number of F9s he has

  6. Talking about our police efficiency with some friends,it made me LOL.MY friends asked why.I told that couple of years ago, my house was broken in ,some cash n jeweries were stolen.The police came ,told to fill up the form,and asking questions liken me ,the thief instead of going after the thief.Took my meat chopper which the thief/thieves used to unlocked all my drawers and promised to return to me after an forenic test. Until today,neither they told me about the result of their investigation nor they return my meat chopper. Is this what their call effiecncy ?

  7. It was indeed a sad and unfortunate night for BERSIH members and supporters that they were not allowed to have a peaceful and orderly candle-light vigil in Petaling Jaya. It was to be a peaceful gathering and yet they were harassed, intimidated and arrested by the police. There seems to be no form of dissent whatsoever in ‘democratic’ Malaysia. Surprisingly (or was it ?) being handled roughly and subsequently arrested were an MP and two state assemblymen from the DAP. There was no due respect given to them by the police despite they being elected representatives of the people. The police presence was unwarranted. They should be elsewhere carrying out noble duties in crime-infested areas to solve crimes and see to the security of the people and the nation. Where were they when their presence was most needed elsewhere?

  8. What happens to the IPCMC? It’s time to see to its implementation in Parliament. The Royal Police Commission recommendations should be accepted in total to show a more efficient, professional and incorruptible police force and not be whittled down to just a show piece and humbug.

    Pakatan Rakyat MPs should press vigorously for its implementation without further delay!

  9. Now we have another good reason not to vote goons into power in the next GE. Their priorities are all wrong. We don’t want to be known as Mediocre Malaysia. What happened to Malaysia Boleh? Is it a source of jokes now?

  10. Since the police is an appendage of UMNO,it is expected they would be working towards the interest of UMNO rather than the public.Hence what happened last night would be what we expect of the force.They didn’t disappoint.Thus the public is reminded in no uncertain terms that the police priority does not lie in reducing crime rate,increasing security and checking rampant corruption.Its priority lies in protecting UMNO’s interest.observed St

  11. I believe it was a calculated and pre-meditated move to instil fear in those who are considering attending future rallies. They (meaning the Big Boys in power – not that kuchi rat Musa) know that they HAVE to nip these rallies in the bud. True democracy and freedom of speech is a threat to the Big Boys’ hold on power and the supremacy of Tuans, built by 51 years of racist rule.

  12. Aiyoh! talking about our police. Don’t waste time lah. They are very efficient hiding behing some object and stopping motorists who do not wear their seat belt or talking on their mobile phone. They are also very very efficient doing escort duties to the VIP and VVIP. You know what? I just returned from Hong Kong and from reliable source I was informed that the total Hong Kong police force numbered 25 thousand men and women with a population of 8 millions. Ours? more than 95 thousand men and women with a population of slightly over 26 millions. You do the conversion and you will understand. I was also informed that the crime rate is low. You can walk alone at night in Hong Kong and they assured me that I will not be mobbed. Wow! try doing this in Malaysia at night or maybe even during day time. The fact is the Malaysian public have a very low esteem of the police force. Yah, we do have good policemen and good policewomen but they are few and far apart. What is the solution? Increase the police force. I don’t think so, waste of tax payers money. Solution is to remove the corrupt and inefficient ploicemen and policewomen, starting with the IGP. I honestly believe many Malaysians will agree with this proposal

  13. “the security of the country was very much under control”

    If this statement is true, I wonder why are there notices in prestigious hotels along Jalan Sultan Ismail reminding guests to be cautious when walking around the city?
    During the recent Trade Show 4-6 Nov 2008, I have foreign delegates asking on the safety aspects in the vicinity of KLCC. This clearly indicates the confidence level of foreign investors and visitors.
    The questions should not have arise if the Police Force is performing their actual duties.

  14. Shame on our POLICE FORCES.
    Look at our country problem lot of things need to be done. to many robberies.killing and so on .thy got nothinig else to do.
    shame on you.

  15. We also do not want to see so many Pakatan Rakyat’s leaders ended up in jails and detentions centres, and failed or unable to carry out other more important responsibilities called upon them as leaders in the 5 state governments and in the Parliament.

    Pakatan Leaders should learn to draw the line simply because they are now no longer totally Oposition per se because they rule the five state government.

    Their leaders should tread extremely carefully as far as street demonstrations are concerned to avoid becoming persona non grata.

  16. In my earlier comment on 07/11/2008 under the posting “In Solidarity” I wrote, “How I wish I can attend on Sunday night
    I can only pray and visualize the beautiful sight …….”

    If I had attended the Amcorp Mall Vigil/Bersih gathering, I have this to say.
    “It was not a beautiful sight after all
    The police responded to their boss’ call
    To disrupt a peaceful gathering near Amcorp Mall
    Some 23 people were arrested, Of all the gall
    The police should not have been there at all
    The real crime fighting has continued to stall
    They should work harder to bring the crime rate to a drastic fall
    Then the people can proudly tell them,”Keep walking tall”

  17. Arresting peaceful unarmed demonstrators is much easier and less dangerous than chasing after armed robbers, who can trade bullet for bullet when cornered by the mata-mata. Same as Amrozi and his jihadists, who bombed holiday resorts rather than army posts

  18. Hey guys, don’t we all know our boys in blue are the biggest laughing stock in the world’s eyes? It just goes to show that how cowardice they are by going after innocent people peacefully protesting a draconian law whereas the dangerous mat rempits are kept at arm’s length. Too dangerous to deal with them mah….and who knows…some of these mat rempits might be their own relatives. Who knows…? I have lived and worked in both Hong Kong and Shanghai, and compared with KL, those cities are so safe that even woman folks can walk around in the morning hours without any trouble at all. Why? Because their police force is out and about at every hour of the day and make themselves very visible around street corners. It’s called true policing and the law does not discriminate against anyone as long as you keep within the law. Here….money talks! Shame on you police force!!!

  19. aiya, I didn’t bother to do a police report when my workshop was broken into last month. What’s the use ? wasting my time. I lost 2 cars in the last 6 years and had to go through the trouble of making report , statement , investigation and collecting “results” of investigation for insurance claim. That is main for insurance claim. and safeguard myself if the car is used for criminal acts or else I would not have bother to report.

    I heard from some officers in cafe , don’t know if it’s true or not, that orders were given for shoot to kill. This is to reduce crime rate. It may work but are we going to endorse a trigger happy Police force ? There seems to be a lot of criminals or “suspected” criminals involve in “gunfire” with police nowadays.

  20. bila polis tak dapat tangkap pembunuh nurjazlin ; tak dapat tangkap pencopek shalinie ; tak dapat tangkap si pengamal politik wang ; tak dapat tangkap si pengguna si4 ; kecut kat chow kit depa sibuk kan diri dengan operasi bersih la…

  21. The slogan efficient, professional, incorruptible is merely a slogan only, not more than that……the police is only cncentrating on when and how to pinnalize the innocents seeking for light in the darkness, not investigating and solving real and obvious crimes. This is as what cinaindiamelayubersatu says…true..Completely true..

  22. pkr is real shame here… this bashing happened in selangor which under p-r rule. and yet, polis got guts to whack mp and adun !

    imho, polis needs a total reboot, scrap the whole polis force in selangor and p-r should setup new security force that efficiently and effectively maintain security, peace and order in the state. harap pagar, pagar makan padi, harap pdrm, pdrm pukul orang…..

  23. The police are wearing many hats nowadays.

    They are a social escort agency. They spend most of their resources and time to escort VIPs everyday.

    They are the agents of big-time criminals. That why they do not disturb the real criminals because they might be stepping on their Tan Sri or Datuk mafia’s feet who are partners of these criminals. They are also the informer for criminal by giving advance warning of raids.

    They have turned into jellyfish and have no backbone. They are so afraid of the Chow Kit Road’s pondans and only seem brave only when they appeared in their red water cannon trucks and spread acid on helpless people.

    Why don’t you see the police in your neighbourhood anymore? Because in every nook and crannies they are afraid of shadows – their own shadows. That’s why they prefer to remain in a safe environment.

    Lately they have become overly paranoid. Even with a teddy bear they are so afraid that they have to ban the Hindraf for committing a new crime of exposing a harmless toy! Even candles can also cause a type of madness in them and they go amok and bash up innocent people.

    They are no crime fighters but only pen pushers, by taking all kinds of report but never act on them.

    They are Along-friendly. With all the advertisement and telephone numbers displayed boldly on every telephone poles and pasted willy-nilly on every available spaces, not a single along was arrested. What happen to the big hoopla regarding the compulsory registration of prepaid mobile numbers. It was bandied as a surefire way of eliminating the along menace but the police is so incompetent that this effective tool was not taken advantage of.

    Beware people, is this a conspiracy to legalise the establishment of private army so that only the rich and powerful can afford this service? Always remember in Bolehland problems are not meant to be solved but as an opportunity for something bigger and sinister.

  24. Here is an opportunity in Parliament. Is disrupting the singing of the national anthem seditious? If there is nothing wrong with disrupting the national anthem singing, why is it wrong for Namwee to do Negarakuku? Its technically the same different degree and one can argue that Namwee action is less seditious and more patriotic for positively criticising with his video rather than simply disrespecting it…

  25. I wonder whether this violent over reaction from the PDRM has anything to do with their setbacks in the various ISA cases involving Ms Tan Hoon Cheng, YB Teresa Kok and RPK. In all three cases, they (and the Home Minister) not only had their noses rubbed into the dirt but they were also roundly discredited for their ineptness and clumsy attempts of power abuse. The judge even chided them for “mala fide” and for people who are drunk on power, these setbacks are hard to swallow or live down. So they had to show that they still possess power and to do so, they wanted to intimidate the people with violence and thuggery.

  26. According to an English daily,the Selangor police chief said that the gathering outside the Mall for the past 4 weeks had been given repeated warnings and the participants were asked to disperse. This is a complete, outright, blatant lie. I was there on all 4 Sundays, and there was no order to disperse and neither was any warning given because there was no man in blue around. We have 200 over witnesses each night and will testify that what Khalid said was a lie. Doesn’t the word of 200 rakyat mean anything? Or is it because he is the polce chief and whatever he said is the truth? He even lied about attacking the participants while they were singing the National anthem, and there is even a video recording to prove this. What more do you want? We therefore demand that our MPs bring this up in Parliament and that action be taken against him . Please PM and Syed Hamid, don’t simply defend blindly. Have some trust in the rakyat too. Ask us, 200 of us , if you are not sure.

  27. “Why is the massive deployment of police personnel to break up a peaceful gathering of Malaysians to campaign for freedom, justice and democracy by excessive police force and violence continue to be a greater priority and more important police agenda than the mobilization of police personnel to keep crime low and restore to Malaysians, tourists and investors their fundamental right and freedom to be safe from crime and the fear of crime?”

    Elementary, my dear Watson. Simply because UMNO never subscribe to the idea of freedom, justice and democracy in the first place. All these are Western values, quite alien to our beloved Asian culture. Just take a look at the Republic of Singapore and the People’s Republic of China and you will have no choice but to agree with what I say about Asian culture. And UMNO is the champion of Asian values. In fact, we don’t even have a word for democracy. And if you think “demokrasi” is “democracy”, you must be blind! Can’t you see that the two words are spelt differently? For all you know, “demokrasi” means “democrazy”! Is it then any surprise that UMNO has passed several laws to get rid of these Western values by way of the Printing Press Act, the Universities and University Colleges Act, the extended use of ISA against non-communists, and what not? Remember how UMNO in general, and Mahathir in particular, have time and again reminded us not to allow Asian values to be corrupted by Western values? No wonder he retires an immensely wealthy man, probably a billionaire, after 22 years of selfless public service while you are still worrying whether the price of roti canai will go up again tomorrow!

  28. First and foremost every Malaysian who has come of age knows that the police force here is one institution which cannot be trusted and respected. That perception is growing more and more negative by the day.

    Every motorist who drives around often enough would be wary and suspicious of policemen lurking around somewhere. “kopi money” more often than not changed hands. As if they are there not to maintain peace and order or to ensure the safety of our roads and surrounding, but to make some fast bucks from unsuspecting and innocent motorists.

    Instead of playing the useful and helpful role of advising the public on the safety aspects of driving, they prefer and are inclined to take advantage of the situation to “prey” on the poor motorists for monetary and selfish gains. No wonder the roads in Malaysia had been turned into “mat rempits’ ” heaven and “killer stretches”, taking thousands of lives every year.

    Of course, there are good policemen in Malaysia, but they are few and far in between. What should be done to rectify the situation? This segment of the force must be identified and given the proper recognition and become the “seed” to for a better force.

    Malaysians have the right to a clean and efficient police force to maintain peace and order in our society. The police must remember that they are government workers answerable to the rakyat who are paying their wages. The rakyat can demand that they perform their duties according to rules and regulations. Any policeman found to have abused their position should be dealt with severely and sternly. Theirs is a position of discipline that wields certain powers and great responsibilities. The public rely on that institution for law and order. If the position is abused and misused, the consequences are great and far reaching.

    Malaysians cannot continue tolerating the irresponsible and under performing force. Change must be instituted immediately and effectively. Someone must be accountable and responsible.

    Some kind of campaign must be carried out for the public to make demands that corrective and appropriate actions be taken to contain the current undesirable and frightening scenario. Else the force would continue to abuse the system and turn the nation into a “police state” of sort, where they think they could have unlimited and uncurtailed powers – an untouchable and above-the-law organisation.

    If nothing is done to change the situation, the future does not augur well for the rakyat and country. The current high crime rates, increasing number of illegal immigrants, corruption, misdeeds and abuse of power are an indication of what to expect if the trend continues.

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