UMNO continuing to behave like big bully of MCA and Gerakan in Parliament as well as PRS

It was only less than a fortnight ago that the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi made it as the theme in his opening speech at the 55th MCA General Assembly that “UMNO is not a ‘Bully Party’ or many component parties would have left BN by now” and even asking:

“Do you think Ka Ting allows himself to be bullied? You think (MIC president) Samy (Vellu) can be bullied? You think (Gerakan president Dr. Koh) Tsu Koon wants to be bullied?”

I don’t want to answer Abdullah’s question as the best people to answer are the Malaysian people. All I can say is that Abdullah will be very surprised by the answers from the people if he really believes that Umno is not a “bully party” in Barisan Nasional.

Those who follow the recent parliamentary proceedings cannot escape the conclusion that Umno’s “bully” mentality vis-à-vis the other Barisan Nasional component parties are still very alive and unrepentant, as evidenced from the merciless way Umno MPs flayed the MCA Deputy Minister for National Unity, Culture, Arts and Heritage, Teng Boon Soon and the Gerakan Wanita chief and Deputy Information Minister Datuk Tan Lian Hoe – with a NST headline “DEWAN RAKYAT: Lian Hoe gets another roasting” – and nobody in MCA and Gerakan in Parliament dared to come to their defence apart from DAP and Pakatan Rakyat MPs! How pathetic!

BN MPs from Sabah and Sarawak are often victims of such “big bullies” in BN politics.

The latest victim is Parti Rakyat Sarawak’s (PRS) former publicity head of its Balleh division Beginda Minda, who was removed from his party post on Oct. 27 following his ‘bully’ statement against Umno and Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) published in Malaysiakini two days earlier.

Beginda has now boldly called on PBB president Abdul Taib Mahmud to step down as Sarawak chief minister as “Twenty-seven years as chief minister is long enough” as well as for Iban Deputy Chief Minister Alfred Jabu’s “retirement” – as it is better for the two “to step down gracefully and retire as honourable and respected statesmen” than “to be forced out of office through people’s power”.

Will Beginda now be sacked from Barisan Nasional for being a hero to the people of Sarawak in daring to speak up about the marginalisation and sufferings of the Sarawak Dayaks after 45 years of independence through Malaysia?

When will such high-handed bully tactics and culture in Barisan Nasional end – whether in Parliament or outside?

(Speech at the opening of the 2008 DAP Federal Territory State Convention at the Federal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on Sunday, 2nd November 2008)


33 Replies to “UMNO continuing to behave like big bully of MCA and Gerakan in Parliament as well as PRS”

  1. The only and the best way to teach such bullies like UMNO is through the ballot in the next general election. It will be in 4 years time. 4 years should come very soon, and make sure the voters have good memory of the bullies.

  2. UMNO is against taking any bullying approach towards its component parties. Did UMNO members ever beat up MCA members or MIC members? The answer is no. UMNO always adopt a very friendly approach towards its component parties and allow its component parties to speak out. Having said that, the component parties should be clearly aware that who is the leader in BN and they should show respect to their leader. Only when all component parties gives their 100% support to UMNO, BN will be strong as one party.

  3. Serve them right, these MCA, MIC, Gerakan and all other BN component parties (other than that big bully of course) goons. They asked for it so they should expect to be bashed every time they speak out against that big bad bully. Whoever has the guts to leave that corrupted and pathetic coalition would earn the respect of the rakyat and will be supported in the next GE. Yes, let’s trounce them in 4 years time. It isn’t that a long time to wait. Just remember, good things take time so patience is the key!

  4. Hey Kasim Amat, respect is to be earned and not to be given as a God’s given right! You want people to respect you, than act fair and reasonable. So now you are using violence as a measure of fair game, is it? See how some of your umno goons act in parliament. If they weren’t dressed in human clothing, you’d have thought they are orang utans let loose to demonise the right-minded people of the other component parties. Then again, what do we expect from a party full of corrupted and incompetent galahs!

  5. Oh…talking of galah (in case you are not familiar with Aussie lingo…galah means “fool, silly person. Named after the bird of the same name because of its antics and the noise it makes.”), your party certainly has lots of them alive and kicking. Biggest of all is that soon-to-be-prime minister!

  6. Whenever MCA or Gerakan are mentioned, the only thing that comes into my mind is a an ostrich with its head inside the sand.
    Sometimes when i see Tortoise with its head inside the shell, I think of MCA and Gerakan !

    Like it or not, you can’t work with bully and thug ! Only people with inferiority complex will become bully. Look at some their leaders’ behaviour in the august Dewan, you know what I mean.

    If you still do not stand up for conscience and tell off the bully, the Malaysian silence majority will take notice your collaboration with thug, your weakness and lack of resolute to stand up for truth, and your willingness to be the running dog for the bully !

    See you next generation around !

  7. Kasim Amat has a typical UMNO thinking, which is “Master and slaves”. That is the main problem among the BN parties, keep it up and be ready to get sacked by the rakyat.
    Please, be more intelligent.

  8. Kassim Amat

    Did UMNO members ever beat up MCA members or MIC members? The answer is no.


    Kassim Amat:

    Your observation is so moronic and cockeyed. Do UMNO has to dress up as a goon and give MCA, Gerakan and MIC a physical bash-up with wounds all over the body, then only is it consider as a bully?

    Or to put in another way: nowadays do crooks dress up as ruffians, weapons in hand and physically rob the bank by force? No, thieves nowadays come as suave, educated, charming and well-dressed. They don’t have to bash up the poor cashier in order to rob billions from the bank.

    So, Kassim Ahmad go get yourself an education in real life before coming to this blog with your stupid comment.

  9. Hi Kasim Amat,
    We are judged by our deeds and not by our words. When the PM took over from Dr. M, he was given full support by the public because he said he was going to be tranparent etc etc. Unfortunately his words did not follow with his deeds.
    Why did the voters vote for PR instead of MCA, MIC etc? Simple, they know that MCA and MIC will not fight for their rights.
    In fact UMNO know their problems and have said they will change, unfortunately their deeds have not changed.

  10. Abdullah’s is only talented in making flowery statements. A fact is a fact, UMNO has always been a big bully in the coalition and will remain so, as long as the leaders of these component parties still behave like lapdogs.
    The situation will not change unless the rakyat throw these useless bunch of corrupted politicians out of office.

  11. Simple, Tan Lian Hoe. Malaysian goverment send us to school. They teach us history. Tell us about the Majapahit empire, the starting of Malaysia. The migration of the Chinese, Malay as well as the indian. The Chinese comes from China, the english/porturgis from England/portugal, indian from india and the Malays from the yunnan province of china. Some Malays comes from the Jawa archipelago including sumatra and borneo. All this are also from the main stock of southern yunnan province in china. The original stock of people in Malaysia are the orang asli, the dayaks and others East Malaysian orang asli. Originally Islam r not their religion, the majority of Malays r hindus, Chinese scholars including Admiral Zhenghe brings islam to Malaysia. So whats is the big deal. You Malaysian leaders teach us this now when we disputed your uncallous remarks you tried to chastised us. What type of babarious character r u all. If u don’t want that fact please change historylah.


  13. don’t the mca.gerakan are ashamed of themselves.kena whacked and need DAP opposition MP,s to rescue them in parliement.where got respect and dignity somemore,thats why i used small letters to name them.good for PR cos as long as they chose to stays that way,their parties will become errelevent in the next ge.they can do whatever reforms ,changed from top to bottom but no use,as long there r still with them.the people want change,no compromise is the right word.

  14. Bravo,the chief minister of Penang YAB Lim Guan Eng will go ahead with putting up the multi lingual road signs at certain roads in the state.The minister of Unity,culture,Arts and Heritage whose name sounds like ‘Fansitou’ is actualy another bully .This bum thinks the people of Penang are bodoh like him and can be cowed and bullied easily.

  15. Uncle Lim, I think that the recent comments made against UMNO by the BN component parties may not reflect the truth.
    There is NOTHING to prevent the component parties from putting on a show to gain the public’s (electorate’s) sympathy.
    If these component parties are really sincere, why is it they have steadfastly refused to leave the BN? Or join the PR?
    So, treat the display with great suspicion and a big table spoonful of salt!

  16. It takes two to have the act completed. How can one bully another if the other resists against being bullied? MCA and Gerakan had voluntarily and willingly succumbed to the bullying by UMNO, that is why UMNO can become the Big Bully! If MCA and Gerakan had made it clear right from the start that they object, resist and despise being bullied, how can UMNO achieve all it has achieved all these years????

  17. What say you is taken off air because there are opposition politicians taking part in the talk show. Since RTM is pro Barisan Nasional, people should be encouraged to go into alternative media; that of internet media. By the way, Admiral Zhenghe was a Muslim himself and was a eunuch. Princess Hang Li Po converted to Islam after marrying the Sultan of Malacca. Strangely after 50 years, Chineses are still not welcomed and people still think of Sarawak and Sabah as separate countries. It is Sarawak AND Sabah. Two different states. Please don’t say SarawakSabah because you are confused and you think that it is one state or you don’t know how to differentiate the two states. If after 50 years, Chineses are still aliens and Sarawak and Sabah are non existent, then how excellent is the news broadcast ? In fact, the news broadcast fail miserably in teaching people basic geography and history. And your tourism ministry fail miserably too because you never tell both domestic and international tourists about Sarawak AND Sabah.

  18. UMNO is a bully all right but the pathetic thing is its bullying is more bark then bite. If you think about it, both carrot and stick in the way it bullies – it does make those it bully rich which basically mean it attract the lowest character people by default. You look at Hindraf and those people who are so selfless, and you see their bullying does not work. Even the ISA does not work against them.

    This is what the people have to realize, in the end the UMNO bullies can be stared down because its built on weak legs. Stare them down and they will buckle eventually no matter what the rhetorics. They are built on weak legs because its largely based on lies. At one point it wasn’t but today, UMNO fundamental intelletual argument are mostly lies. Whether you are talking NEP, ‘special right’, Islamisation, its fundamentally not true. Its lies covered up by money, oil mostly now and so its unravelling. The truth is just a shred and that shred is not going to able to stand up to the brunt of competition and globalisation.

  19. Kasim said:

    “Only when all component parties gives their 100% support to UMNO, BN will be strong as one party.”

    That is typical umno demand which is the essence of umno bullying. To remove this essence umno must also reciprocate by giving mca, mic, gerakan etc 100% support. Show us with some real action. Tell mca, umno govenment will allocate say RM1/2m to every chinese school in the country each year. And oh yes let your business partner godfather use his name to front the partnerhip and not just your name all the time will you?

  20. taiking:

    Cannot lah….my name can’t appear as a majority shareholder, otherwise the company won’t qualify for special loans, and special privileges. In fact, in our AP business, my name can’t appear at all – as this business is reserved for 100 pct bumiputra companies.

    Never mind lah….as long as I have my share of the spoils. One fine day, Kasim Amat might just decide that he can do without me, and that will really get me into trouble. Fortunately, he hasn’t show enough brainpower, or any inclination, to take over the business anytime soon…..

  21. Didn’t anyone see this sign “Come BULLY us!” at the entrance to MCA and Gerakan’s headquarters? These two parties have “openly welcomed” bullying by UMNO, that is why UMNO can bully so “professionally”!

  22. MCA,MIC and gerakan had been scared since May 13,so being verbally bully and mentally bully is nothing to them. Malaysian army consist mostly malay and UMNO will use them when necessary like during May 13. IF Hindraf is brave enough,they should go underground like tamil tiger! Thats the way to fight bully or oppressor!

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