Another case of Deepavali insensitivity by Education Ministry under Hishammuddin

by Disappointed Teacher

I’m currently teaching in a secondary school in Johor and I am totally dissatisfied with an issue so I am writing this complain hoping that it will make a difference.

As most of you are aware of, we had just completed the PMR examinations throughout Malaysia. We as teachers also look forward to marking the PMR papers, as we will be able to gain experience and insights, which will be useful when conducting the Form 3 classes for the coming year.

However, all the hopes of Indian teachers are dashed to the ground as the meeting with the heads of the marking group is being held on the eve of Deepavali in some places.

These meetings are held over a span of two to three days so that each group is able to discuss with their respective group leaders on issues concerning the marking of the papers.

The examiners will also be given their scripts and briefed on the issues of marking. These meetings are essential and if they are held during the preparations for Deepavali, many Indian teachers will not be able to attend and thus they lose out as they won’t have the chance to mark the papers. Continue reading “Another case of Deepavali insensitivity by Education Ministry under Hishammuddin”

Govt to pump extra RM5b into Valuecap

by WYT

First and foremost, I’m just a one of those silient supporters of yours and this is my first time voice up on issue such as the above subject mentioned.

I am really bugged to hear the goverment is pump in additional RM5b into the equity market. I’m not complaint the intention but the general public does not know where the money come from and where the profit goes. I would assume the money is drawed from us, the tax payers and my next question is why in this 5 years since ValueCap setup, there is no news about how is the fund performance and where is the profit earned (from KLCI index 700+ to 1400+ before the US credit crisis kick in) gone? This is not fair to us if we do not know this ValueCap performance.

I do not see the point why injection of additional fund is necessary when there is profit when KLCI climb to 1400 point and it will even be ridiculous if the fund fails to profit during the period and certainly an excuse should they say the gain has been wiped out because of the crisis, then where is our iniatial injection when the fund is being setup up. Continue reading “Govt to pump extra RM5b into Valuecap”

Hamid should do his homework as Home Minister by reading/digesting 2005 Royal Police Commission Report

I am very disappointed by the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar’s response to complaints by Taiwanese investors about the serious crime situation in the country which affects investment confidence.

In fact, this is not just the concern of Taiwanese investors but all foreign and local investors as well as ordinary Malaysians and visitors, as crime in Malaysia has become one of the biggest problems in Malaysia – with the exception of the Home Minister.

In fact, the problem of rising crime index has been a staple subject of DAP MPs in Parliament in the last two Parliaments.

I just cannot imagine how Hamid could be so unresponsive and irresponsible as to dismiss the Taiwanese investors’ complaints about the crime situation in Malaysia, claiming that the law-and-order situation in Malaysia has not reached a “red danger alert”.

Let me advise Hamid to do his homework by first reading and digesting the 2005 Royal Police Commission Report, or he would not have committed another faux pax like his earlier ridiculous statement that the Sin Chew senior reporter Tan Hoon Ching was arrested under the Internal Security Act for her own protection and safety! Continue reading “Hamid should do his homework as Home Minister by reading/digesting 2005 Royal Police Commission Report”

Medical Graduates Unemployed!

(Now that Datuk Liow Tiong Lai has secured the second highest votes and elected as MCA Vice President, it is time that he returns quickly and diligently to his duties as Health Minister which he had considerably neglected of late.

As a result, Malaysians face many grave medical and health problems whether the dengue epidemic which has so have claimed at least 78 lives or the first major outbreak of chikungunya in the country, or the continued bumbling in the administration of the Health Ministry.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I remember when Datuk Dr. Chua Soi Lek was the Health Minister, he promised to end the long-standing hassle of new doctors having to wait for months on end to get their first posting after their graduation – which is criminal negligence when there is acute shortage of doctors in the public service.

Liow Tiong Lai has been sleeping on his job as seen from the following complaint emailed to me. Time for the Health Minister to wake up! I expect him to explain in Parliament this deplorable state of affairs)

I am a fresh medical graduate who is not satisfied with the way the MOH is working.

I have sent and went through all the necessary processes required to apply to work with the ministry. It was about 3 months ago and until now i have no reply from the ministry.

I tried calling the ministry and was told to refer to their Bahagian Latihan and i did as told and after countless time calling (with them refusing to pick up the phone); they finally took my call and the reply I got was that they themselves don’t know when the “kursus induksi” will start!!

I am now lost since I can do nothing for the past three months; just content to staying at home waiting for the letter everyday for the past three months from the ministry. Continue reading “Medical Graduates Unemployed!”