5 Replies to “Crisis of Confidence – PM in waiting”

  1. Is Back door / Pintu Belakang itu democracy kah?

    Some leaders can stay in office via the electoral system that favors the dominant position. Though many scholars would like to amend and give new inputs to the electoral system to be more efficient and fair, this case may only be true in story books and movies.

    Unfortunately all laws were not written in specific to all concerns. Our fore fathers had tried to keep a loop hole / vague to ensure the legacy of Democracy to continue to live despite any circumstances. A hidden back door is to ensure that the people can be represented when the power of nomination of a true leader is being abused to fulfill via unethical system structure

  2. LKS have said it all.
    Dollah can never understand nor care to hear any oppositions opinions.
    He does not even care ….opinions ..by Malaysians…inspite of saying…he is… ‘People’s PM”
    From my observation…Dollah’s crisis..is one…he is fighting with himself…..the good and the bad side forces..in himself.
    We can see…the bad forces have won.
    So there is no crisis at all. He is a liar…a cheater…a low class man…with no substances …now talking.
    It looks like the force of evils….is controlling him…while his master…..Mahathir is a natural born…with . evil forces.
    Dollah’s otak is gone. The dark side…has taken over.
    We have to be realistic and accept this sad facts of life.

  3. lol ipoh timur hotest mic in dewan haha…

    Yes our country was visualy run by dynasty of kleptocrat, every miss behavier for exp: close one eye case. “Aku sudah jumpa perdana menteri” SETTLE! PM says i have doubt regarding the allegation that doesn’t mean he as PM are always right! His not god to known every evil servant behind their role.

    A true leader should be clean from all allegation, not forcefully ISA’d everyone who dares to talks abt it.

    It’s pity our country had come these way, someday the fuel in our country runs emty we might starve like african country who feeds their childrens with mud cake.

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