Short story on killing of Teresa Kok

Mingguan Malaysia
Politik baru YB J
Oleh Chamil Wariya

PAGI itu resah YB Josephine, yang lebih mesra dengan panggilan YB J sukar dikawal. Sepanjang perjalanan menuju ke Dewan Perhimpunan Warga Cha di ibu kota, fikirannya terganggu. Tuduhan bahawa dia anti-Islam dan anti-Melayu sungguh-sungguh menghantui perasaannya sejak malam tadi lagi. Entah mengapa baru sekarang dia begitu, dia sendiri tidak tahu. Dia juga tidak pasti sama ada pemandunya, Ahmad, menyedari gelora jiwanya ketika itu. Kalau dia tahu pun, peduli apa, YB Josephine berbisik sendirian.

Pemandu itu memang sedia maklum pendirian politiknya tentang kepentingan kaumnya vis a vis orang Melayu. Dan dia tahu Ahmad menghormati pendiriannya, walaupun dilihat anti- Melayu, anti-Islam sebagai hak asasi tinggal dalam sebuah negara demokrasi. Bukankah kebebasan asasi itu dijamin oleh Perkara 5 hingga Perkara 13 Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Tetapi YB J akui demokrasi ada yang tidak sempurna dan kerap disalahgunakan oleh pihak yang berkuasa. Tetapi hakikat itu tidak menghalang rakyat menempatkan pembangkang di Dewan Rakyat. YB Josephine adalah salah seorang daripadanya.

Ah, tudahan dia anti-Islam, anti-Melayu tuduhan yang melulu bentak YB J seolah-olah mahu menyedapkan dirinya.. Ia juga tuduhan yang tidak berasas, hati kecilnya bersuara lagi. Dia meyakinkan dirinya bahawa kenyataankenyataan yang dibuatnya atas nama pelbagai kaum untuk memperjuangkan kepentingan kaumnya, bukan sesuatu yang rasis. Amensty International, organisasi hak asasi antarabangsa akan menyetujuinya. Begitu juga dengan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu. Ketua Pembangkang, di Parlimen pun tidak pernah menganggapnya rasis. Yang menganggapnya rasis hanya orang Melayu di dalam Parti Orang Melayu (POM).

“Aku juga bukan anti-Islam. Aku bukan anti Melayu,” pujuk hati YB J yang sudah dua penggal bergelar YB itu, mewakili Parti Bertindak Rakyat. Parti itu dianggotainya sejak berada di kampus lagi, walaupun Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti melarang para siswa membabitkan diri secara langsung dalam mana-mana organisasi siasah. Lagi pun penguatkuasaan undang-undang itu sekadar melepas batuk di tangga. Lebih dari itu, ia adalah satu lagi undang-undang lapuk, kata YB J.

Kata hatinya lagi: “Aku sekadar memperjuangkan kepentingan kaum aku, sama seperti pemimpin Melayu dalam POM memperjuangkan kepentingan bangsanya, sama seperti pemimpin Parti Orang Islam (POI) berjuang untuk bangsa menggunakan wajah Islamnya.”

Malah YB J berasakan kelantangannya memperjuangkan kepentingan kaumnya itulah yang telah membantunya menang kali kedua kerusi Parlimennya. Kali ini dengan majoriti yang lebih besar lagi. Apa yang membanggakan dia adalah perjuangan yang dianggap anti-Melayu dan anti-Islam itu kini turut disokong pengundi-pengundi Melayu di kawasan pilihan rayanya itu. Pada mulanya dia sendiri terkejut apabila dimaklumkan sebahagian besar pengundi Melayu yang merupakan 20 peratus keseluruhan pemilihan berdaftar dalam kawasan Parlimen Alam Maya telah memangkahnya.

Ini satu perkembangan luar biasa. Tidak mungkin mereka menyokong aku, bisik hatinya. Tetapi apabila dimaklumkan oleh para pekerja parti bahawa pengundi Melayu di semua peti undi telah beralih arah mendokongnya, dia menerimanya dengan fikiran terbuka. Baguslah kalau orang Melayu menerima perjuangan Malaysia Barunya.

Tidak puas hati bermonolog dengan perasaannya, YB J secara spontan berpaling kepada Ahmad, pemandunya yang sejak tadi tekun dengan tugasnya.

“Kamu fakir saya anti-Islam, anti-Melayu?”


Ahmad yang sudah menghampiri usia bersara itu tidak menjawab, seolah-olah dia tidak mendengar pertanyaan itu. Matanya tertumpu ke jalan raya. Tugasnya adalah untuk mempastikan YB J selamat ke majlis yang ingin dihadirinya. Dan tiba tepat pada waktunya. Majlis itu penting kerana YB J akan mengadakan dialog dengan generasi muda seketurunan dengannya yang belajar di luar negara tetapi kebetulan berada di tanah air kerana bercuti. Ahmad sendiri tidak pasti sama ada pelajar yang pernah mempersendakan lagu Negara Ku sewaktu menuntut di sebuah universiti di Seberang Laut turut berada dalam kelompok itu. Kalau pun ada, pemandu YB J tidak ambil pusing. Budak itu memang kurang ajar. Ada ke patut Malaysia dianggap sebagai Negara Kuku (ejaan Inggerisnya cuckoo) yang bermaksud gila. Dan kreativiti digunakan untuk menghalalkan perbuatan biadapnya itu. Cuma Ahmad berfikir kalau semua orang dibiarkan menghina lagu Kebangsaan dengan lirik yang memperlekehkan kehidupan orang Islam, dan atas nama kreativiti, maka kesannya terhadap perhubungan kaum adalah negatif.

Ahmad tidak tahu apakah yang sebenarnya mengganggu bosnya itu sejak dari tadi lagi. Dia jarang begitu. Ahmad dapat mengesan YB J lain macam sahaja pagi itu. Dia dapat membaca keresahan dan kegelisahan YB J. Seolah-olah ada sesuatu yang tidak kena walaupun apa yang sebenarnya berkocak di dalam diri YB J dia tidak pasti. Sepanjang ingatan Ahmad, YB J juga tidak pernah berbual dengannya tentang politik, apa lagi tentang isu-isu semasa – kecuali memberi arahan yang ada kaitan dengan perjalanan atau jadual kerja. YB J juga tidak bertanya sama ada dia mengundi pom atau parti apa pada pilihan raya yang lalu.

Lazimnya, sepanjang perjalanan, baik ke pejabat atau majlis-majlis rasmi dan tidak rasmi yang lain, YB J akan menghabiskan masa membaca akhbar atau membelek-belek fail. Tetapi pagi itu YB J lain macam sahaja. Dia kelihatan resah. Gelisah. Fikirannya juga seolah-olah tidak menentu. Apa yang dibuat serba tak kena. Sekejap dia membelek ucapan utama yang akan disampaikan sebentar lagi menghuraikan gagasan Politik Baru Malaysia Baru yang dipeloporinya. Sekejap dia membelek akhbar-akhbar yang memang menemani YB J ke mana juga dia pergi.

Ahmad cuba mencongak mungkin keresahan YB J ada kaitan dengan suhu politik negara sedang panas ketika itu. Bahangnya terasa di mana-mana. POM sendiri sedang menghadapi pergolakan yang hebat berkait dengan kepimpinannya. Pertarungan kepentingan puak-puak di dalam parti sedang mengambil tempatnya. Kalaulah tidak kerana kedudukan politik kerajaan agak lemah selepas kehilangan majoriti dua pertiga, sudah lama Operasi Lalang, seperti yang pernah dibuat pada 1987, dilaksanakan, agaknya. Mungkin juga tidak kerana di bawah kepimpinan sekarang, kerajaan mengambil sikap yang lebih liberal terhadap para pengkritiknya.

Ahmad juga terfikir mungkin perasaan YB J terganggu dengan tindakan kalangan yang tidak diketahui siapa mereka melempar bom petrol ke rumah keluarga ahli Parlimen Sepohon Beringin, Su Lan. Barangkali, fikir Ahmad, YB J, bimbang kejadian yang sama boleh menimpa diri atau keluarganya.

Mana tahu selepas keluarga Su Lan, bosnya YB J pula yang menjadi mangsa. Dan yang dilempar itu bom betul-betul. Meletup pula. Tidakkah nahas YB J. Sekonyong-konyong Ahmad terbayang kejadian letupan bom berani mati yang berlaku di Damsyik, Syria yang ditonton menerusi Buletin Utama di TV3 beberapa hari lalu. Kalau kejadian yang sudah menghiasi kehidupan harian di Iraq, Israel, Tebing Barat, Gaza atau Afghanistan itu menular di negara ini, alangkah malangnya bumi bertuah ini. Minta disimpang malaikat 44, Ahmad berkata sendirian di dalam hatinya.

Tetapi fikir Ahmad, amaran kalau tidak diendahkan berbahaya. Dia teringat apa yang diceritakan berlaku pada 13 Mei 1969. Bapanya menceritakan dalam tragedi selepas pilihan raya umum pada 10 Mei itu, orang Cina dan Melayu berbunuh-bunuhan. Perjuangan yang mahu menafikan hak-hak istimewa orang Melayu dan kaum bumiputera lain yang dijamin oleh Perlembagaan Persekutuan, tidak dapat diterima oleh mereka. Kata-kata kesat dan menghina orang Melayu oleh para penyokong parti-parti pembangkang sewaktu berarak meraikan kemenangan besar di Kuala Lumpur dan bandar-bandar utama lain pada pilihan raya 1969 itu tidak dapat ditelan oleh orang Melayu. Parang yang terbiar tumpul selama ini diasah tajam. Dalam keadaan itu tercetuslah pergaduhan yang dahsyat menyebabkan Parlimen digantung dan pemerintahan darurat diisytiharkan. Negara diletakkan di bawah perintah berkurung. Ahmad sendiri belum lahir ketika itu. Tidak lama selepas itu, peralihan kuasa berlaku daripada Tunku Abdul Rahman kepada timbalannya, Tun Abdul Razak.

“Mat, saya ni anti-Melayu dan anti-Islam ke?,” YB J secara mendadak mengulang semula pertanyaannya apabila tiada jawapan daripada pemandunya.

Ahmad, yang sejak tadi membisu seribu bahasa selamba menjawab: “Mungkin tidak YB.” Dia memberi jawapan berlapik. Maksudnya: Mungkin tidak, mungkin ya bergantung pada mata yang menilai.

“Apa maksud kamu mungkin tidak.”

” Ini soal persepsi YB. Persepsinya begitulah. Hakikatnya YB tidak membenci Melayu tidak juga membenci Islam. YB sekadar memperjuangkan kepentingan kaum YB. Tidak salah YB berbuat demikian. Kalau YB tidak memperjuangkan kepentingan kaum YB sendiri, siapa lagi. Tetapi cara YB itu barangkali disalahertikannya.”

“Maksud kamu?” Tanya YB J yang masih belum jelas lagi.


“Yalah, ia bergantung pada mata yang memandang. Bukan sahaja di kalangan orang Melayu, tetapi di kalangan bukan Melayu. YB kena ingat di kalangan bukan Melayu pun bukan semuanya menerima politik baru Malaysia baru YB. Kalau tidak masakan parti satu kaum seperti Parti Orang Cina (POC) masih boleh bertahan.”

“Apa maksud kamu. Saya tidak begitu jelas?”

“Yalah bagi YB perjuangan YB adalah pelbagai kaum. Tetapi dalam tindak tanduk, perjuangan pelbagai kaum YB itu tidak tertonjol. YB mahu menghapuskan tulisan jawi dan ganti dengan tulisan Cina . Bagi mereka itu bukan perjuangan pelbagai kaum. Ia perjuangan satu kaum. Kalau benar pelbagai kaum, YB patut mempertahankan tulisan jawi.” Ahmad memberanikan diri untuk memberikan pandangannya.

Mengesan bosnya ingin mendengar pandangannya lagi, Ahmad berkata: “Patutnya kalau YB benar-benar ingin menjadi pejuang pelbagai kaum, kepentingan orang Melayu jangan diketepikan sewaktu mengetengahkan kepentingan kaum Cina. YB perjuangkan kepentingan kedua-duanya sekali. Penerimaannya saya pasti berbeza. YB akan dilihat sebagai mahu menjaga kepentingan kaum YB, tetapi pada waktu yang sama tidak menafikan hak orang Melayu.”

Itu perjuangan POM dan POC, dengus YB J di dalam hatinya. Bosan aku dengan Si Ahmad ini, dia berkata sendirian. Aku penganjur politik baru dan tidak mahu terikat dengan kerangka politik lama, katanya lagi kepada dirinya.

Perbualan YB J dengan pemandunya habis di situ sahaja. Dia tidak mahu lagi mendengar pandangan karut pemandunya. Dia mahu terus melayan perasaan: Aku percaya pada Politik Baru Malaysia Baru, tegas YB J pada dirinya. Setiap warganegara, tanpa mengira apa keturunan mereka patut diberi hak yang sama mengikut undang-undang. Tidak ada bangsa yang patut diberi layanan istimewa. Tidak ada warga yang patut diberi darjat atau kelas kedua. Kita semua orang Malaysia.

YB J enggan melayan Ahmad lagi. Sebaliknya, dia membelek akhbar Utusan Malaysia yang secara rasmi diboikot oleh partinya. Perhatiannya tertumpu pada artikel berjudul Jangan Padam Rekod Negara yang ditulis oleh seorang generasi muda Cina yang menolak tesis politik baru Malaysia baru.

Ah, satu lagi propaganda yang memperlekehkan kaum aku, dengus hati YB J. Jangan-

jangan yang menulis artikel ini orang Melayu. Mereka masih menganggap kaum aku sebagai berketurunan pendatang. Tidak guna punya generasi baru. Dengus YB J. Bisik hatinya lagi: Betullah dulu nenek moyang aku berhijrah ke bumi bertuah ini untuk mencari kekayaan, membebaskan diri mereka daripada kemiskinan dan keperitan hidup di China. Itu dulu. Generasi Cina sekarang sudah menjadi warganegara Malaysia dan mereka hendaklah dilayan seperti warganegara Malaysia..


Sedang YB J asyik dengan lamunannya, dia dikejutkan dengan suara pemandunya yang memaklumkan, “Kita sudah sampai YB.”

Menunggu dia di luar ialah para penganjur dialog yang bakal berlangsung. Salah seorang daripada mereka membuka pintu kereta YB J, bersalaman dengannya dan memperkenalkannya dengan ahli jawatankuasa penganjur yang lain. Diiringi oleh mereka, YB J dibawa ke pentas. Menurut kiraannya ada 500 orang di dalam dewan pagi itu. Dia bangga dengan kehadiran begitu ramai anak bangsanya yang ingin bertemu dengannya. Apa yang lebih membanggakan YB J ialah mereka belajar luar negara dengan biayai sendiri, bukannya bantuan kerajaan.

Selepas ucapan-ucapan aluan oleh pengerusi penganjur selesai, YB J dijemput untuk memberi ucapannya. Inilah detik-detik yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh YB J. Gagasan politik baru Malaysia barunya akan dihebahkan kepada dunia bebas. Dia teringat buku Kee Thuan Chye yang berjudul 8 Mac The Day Malaysian Woke Up. Momentum rakyat Malaysia atau lebih tepat lagi warga bukan Melayu Malaysia yang sudah jaga dari lena itu mesti ditingkatkan. Pagi itu dia berazam untuk berbuat demikian.

Tetapi tanpa diketahui oleh YB J, di kalangan 500 orang generasi muda yang hadir pada pagi itu ada yang tidak setuju dengan pandangan politiknya itu. Salah seorang daripada mereka berazam untuk membetulkan penyimpangan politik YB J dengan caranya yang tersendiri.

Apabila YB J bangun untuk menuju ke rostrum ucapan, seorang anak muda dari belakang pentas berjalan tenang menuju ke arahnya. YB J tersenyum kepadanya. Dia menyangka anak muda seketurunan dengannya ingin mengiringinya ke rostrum atau bersalaman dengannya.

YB J menghulurkan tangan. Tiba-tiba YB J tergaman dan berdiri kaku. Dia tidak percaya dengan apa yang dilihatnya. Tergenggam erat pada tangan anak muda yang seolah-olah mahu membalas salam tangan yang dihulur itu ialah sepucuk pistol jenis Revolver yang betul-betul diajukan ke arah dada YB J.

Tanpa berkata apa-apa, anak muda itu melepaskan beberapa das tembakan. Salah satu daripadanya tepat mengenai jantung YB J. Dia rebah ke lantai.

Para hadirin menjadi panik. Mereka yang berada di atas pentas turut tergamam melihat apa yang berlaku. Kejadian menjadi hiruk-pikuk dan tidak terkawal. Pihak penganjur yang tidak menduga kejadian malang itu berlaku, tidak tahu berbuat apa-apa. Beberapa orang anggota polis berpakaian preman yang menjadi tetamu yang tidak diundang dalam majlis itu, meluru ke arah pentas. Rakan-rakan mereka yang berpakaian seragam yang berkawal di luar juga bergegas masuk ke dewan.

Tetapi belum sempat mereka berbuat apa-apa, kedengaran beberapa das tembakan lagi. Kali ini yang rebah adalah anak muda itu sendiri.

Apabila pihak polis tiba di tempat kejadian, kedua-dua mereka – YB J dan anak muda yang berpakaian kemas itu, sudah tidak lagi bernyawa.

Sewaktu pemeriksaan dibuat ke atas mayat anak muda yang tidak dikenali itu, terselit sehelai nota yang ditaip rapi, ditulis dalam bahasa Kebangsaan.

Ia berbunyi: YB Josephine adalah ancaman terhadap keharmonian. Lebih baik riwayatnya ditamatkan supaya masyarakat berbilang kaum boleh tinggal aman damai di negara bertuah ini. Saya berkorban untuk masa depan.

(I lambasted Mingguan Malaysia and Datuk Chamil Wariya for this irresponsible piece of literary licence for inciting the killing of Teresa Kok during my budget speech in Parliament today.

(I asked what would be the reaction of UMNO and BN MPs if the Prime Minister or Deputy Prime Minister had been similarly targetted like Teresa in a cerpen like in Chamil’s irresponsible short story.)

95 Replies to “Short story on killing of Teresa Kok”

  1. Why does everything whether perceived as anti Theresa or anti opposition have to be translated into an anti Malay analogy? why can’t it be “what if it were the killing of the MCA chief?” They are all Barisan in government after all arent they? why does it have to be a Malay only? are the Chinese not responsiblee for much of the divisions or do you believe by implication of leaving them out that although BN partners they are somehow above all of the ‘mess’ you and your cohorts in the opposition believe the government has created?

    In doing what you have done, your analogy and your comparisson is further reinforcement of yours and the Chinese dominated oppositions anti Malay stance. You simply cannot seem to hide or disguise your contempt for the Malays. You are not even subtle or careful about it.

    Theresa Kok like you is terribly anti Malay. She tries to cover it with the hypocrisy of pure tokensim, having a few compliant Malays in tow at her functions and in her “Ah Chee and Ah Moy” dialogues tries so hard to be patriotic.

    Can you not see the damage clowns like you Kit Siang and your protege Theresa Kok are doing to yourselves and your ’causes?’.

    This is a bit like Pauline Hanson going to a Chinese rfestaurant and shaking hands with the chef to show she was not racist.

    Your hatred and contempt of the Malay is unadulterated and so transparent.

    Theresa Kok deserves no sympathy or support. In a country striving supposedly (if your rhetoric is to be believed) to come to terms with is racial divide, she champions the cause of her Chinese constituents, supports Racist bigots like Raja Petra Kamaruddin someone who openly without rhyme or reason villifies the Malay and the Muslim and restricts her blogs to those who only praise her whilst placing notices and announcements in Chinese in a racially divided society.

    If Theresa Kok is one tenth of what she is made out to be, she will open her blog to constructive criticism regardless of how much this hurts her. Thats politics and thats public life. I am not asking that she tolerate abuse or invectives. But she is a bit thin skinned like her racist mate Raja Petra Kamaruddin like many of you in opposition and government when the blow torch is turned to your bellies.

    You need to be a bit more open, engaging, ready to tackle issues not only from your narrow pre conceived perspectives and be open and democratic.

    She deserves no sympathy and needs to be put down at all fronts till she is ready to entertain more than her one side of the story as told by her and her supporters. Thats most undemocratic as behaviour can be for someone who espouses freedoms and freedom of expression.

    My instincts tell me this narcissitic self promoting wench is nothing more than a self serving show ponyd evooid of any worthwhile policy initiatives.

    She is a Chinese chauvanist, she does not actively seek to discourage parochialism and language chauvanism, she uses her website to engage the converted and the Chinese to the exclusion of other Malaysians.

    You may have nurtured her during her stint with you. It says very little about your own capabilities if she is not reigned in and clipped around her ears a bit. It reflects very poorly on you and your mentoring of her.

    Malay haters.

  2. I agree with counsel888 that to qualify your message in YB Teresa’s Kok blog you have to praise her or else her moderator will delete your message. It is quite obvious her employees are arrogont and do not care the feeling of other races except for the Chinese.
    For a DAP MP to hire a bodyguard , when she is supposed to be the champion of the “poor”, is somethng new in the political scene.

  3. The UMNOputras will deny it but the obvious target of the short story is Teresa KOK.
    So, will anything be done ?
    I’ll trust a man of principle like Zaid who has praised Teresa’s character.
    When your life is threatened, directly and indirectly, with the police looking idly by the side, you take whatever actions you can to protect yourself.

  4. Oh… I always kutuk her in her blog… Never got problem getting through though… ;) Not sure about nowadays~

    And by the way, since home minister is not gonna ISA Teresa to protect her from being assaulted and killed… I don’t see why Teresa can’t hire a bodyguard… Poor Teresa she gotta fork out her own money for that (or does she not? :o )

    We are living in interesting time~

  5. YB Teresa Kok had already been interrogated and investigated by the police over allegations that she had uttered anti-Islam remarks when she was under ISA detention recently. She had been absolved from all such wrong-doings and freed as such. So what is there to harp on this matter again! The truth has already prevailed! Or is there an agenda to kill her off politically?

  6. What a misconception that if you become a Muslim then you have become a Malay.What awed me was that most Muslims speaks Arabic but 99% Malaysian Muslims who read the Quran without being able to speak Arabic.
    So don’t lah make as if a road sign in Jawi or not is such a huge problem. Our country economic position is indeed in a sad situation and it merits all to sit up and counter this real,true problem!!!

    Let me share with you an interesting article that goes like this;

    Muslims are good people because Islam is the true religion and is above all other religions which are considered false. So they must know if you are a Muslim or Kafir so that they can gauge whether you are a good or bad person. ‘Islam adalah agama suci yang kita pegang,’ said this same article in that Umno website.

    These high and mighty attitudes make Malays very arrogant and they carry this holier than thou chip on their shoulder. Non-Muslims should not take offence though because they are not the only target of these people. Muslims like me who they view as not ‘true’ Muslims also suffer persecution.

    It is quite pathetic really and I sometimes do pity Malays who spend their whole life preoccupied with finding out what type of Muslim you are and whether you have secretly left Islam rather than worry whether they could instead be deviant Muslims. They of course assume and insist that they are following the correct Islam and if they differ from you then you, and not them, are the deviants. They will not accept the possibility that you are right and they are wrong. They are most definitely right and you are most certainly wrong.

    Let us look at a hypothetical situation. Say you walk into a mosque on a Friday and shout, ‘The Bible is the true Holy Book and the Quran is false’ or ‘Jesus is the Son of God and Muhammad is a fake’. This will be just like walking into a Manchester pub wearing a Liverpool jersey. Rest assured you will not walk out of that mosque in one piece. Okay, now say you protest when Malays declare the Bible false and that Jesus is not the Son of God. The Malays will argue that they are allowed to say this because Malaysia is a Muslim country.

    I’ve always wondered what made them feel so special that they can criticize but we do not dare in their face. Now I understand that no matter how they wronged other races, they are somehow protected – e.g., the May 13> incident. I think the govt owes the families of the victims an apology. Because of that tragedy, the Chinese generally think that Malays have the tendency to be violent; and the Malays think that they have the upper hand as they can threaten the Chinese into silence. I’d be grateful if you would share your thoughts and view on this.

  7. perlu kah papan tanda ada bahasa melayu & bahasa jawi? Ia masih membawa maksud yg sama, bukannya pak arab boleh faham kerana bahasanya jawi bukan bahasa arab.

    Perlukan papan tanda ada ada bahasa melayu, bahasa cina & bahasa india? bukankah kita semua rakyat malaysia yg sepatutnya boleh baca dan faham BAHASA MALAYSIA.

    Sepatutnya papan tanda ada satu BAHASA SAHAJA barulah kita semua MALAYSIAN MALAYSIA… tak gitu..

    betullah penulis ni cakap; ianya masalah persepsi .. samalah kalau seorang guru mengasuh anak muridnya menjadi baik, ttp dia sendiri kena tangkap sbb merogol.. apakah persepsinya baik? bak “cakap tak serupa bikin”

    kalau sikap tak seperti wadah perjuangan, org akan kata “cakap tak serupa bikin”

  8. “are the Chinese not responsiblee for much of the divisions or do you believe by implication of leaving them out that although BN partners they are somehow above all of the ‘mess’ you and your cohorts in the opposition believe the government has created?” – counsel888

    You are new to this blog. Yes

  9. this is serious uncanny resemblance to reality, it sends chilling message in disguise to fanatics to up against your “protege”. this is an obvious sedition and i wonder if there’s law against such culprit.

    reminds a “cerpen” on mr abe “the tyrant” kena tembak by a playwright, and an heir kena tembak by so-called “nationalist”. the irony is in the latter story the country took up the revenge got beaten and force to humiliation …..

  10. YB yang cantik molek pun ada orang buat cerita mau bunuh. Ini macam Altantuya punya story. This is the typical style of the Malaysian Government. Anyone who is a prime minister is a hero and worthy of praise. Then came writers writing books about them while they are in office. They are often very well written. But I suppose these writers are giving cheap publicity to the prime ministers. This is evident in Chamil Wariya’s uninteresting view of opposition politics. I do not condone religious intolerence. Every religion should be given due respect. In Jerusalem; Jews, Christians and Muslims are given equal rights of worship. If Muslims want to call for prayers through PA systems, they should be allowed to do so. Anyone who complains should be given a lecture about religion and not put under the ISA. Mr Lim, there is no need to lambast the writer. He’s probably frustrated that his prime minister decides to retire. I suppose at this point Mr Lim, he should be given a lecture about politics.

  11. Langsung tidak ada originality. A typical caveman talking. Yes, we have our right to believe in politik baru, so what, caveman. Kami tidak anti Melayu atau Islam. Kami anti rasis and bigot macam engkau, the gutter writer totally devoid of substance and ideas. A brain filled with dog sh!t.

  12. This counsel888 is clearly a racist. Why else would he twist facts to try turn the Teresa issue into a race issue? Why should Teresa allow brainless sh!t posts that spread lies similar to counsel888’s from being posted on her blog if they do not represent the truth? If he likes to talk about blogs not allowing posts, he should first talk about TDM’s blog. There, if you ask TDM about the truth insteading of carrying his b@lls, you won’t get posted.

  13. “She deserves no sympathy and needs to be put down at all fronts till she is ready to entertain more than her one side of the story as told by her and her supporters. Thats most undemocratic as behaviour can be for someone who espouses freedoms and freedom of expression.”

    Looks like we have another umnoputra wannabe doggy named counsel888 sniffing and salivating around LKS’s blog LOL.

    Which coconut plantation did you crawl out from? How’s the crutches fitting you?

  14. I am a malay and a muslim of above average intelligence (because I dont read mingguan malaysia or utusan malaysia). All I can tell Chamil Wariya is that despite your great effort to come out with that short story, I will still vote for MP J should there be another election. Try harder Chamil!

  15. “perlu kah papan tanda ada bahasa melayu & bahasa jawi? Ia masih membawa maksud yg sama, bukannya pak arab boleh faham kerana bahasanya jawi bukan bahasa arab.” — shah

    So what is wrong with using signboards with multiples languages? People will get to see the beauty of each language. Being of one bangsa Malaysia does not mean that people need to lose their own identity or mother tongue. And I bet your English is so miserable that you don’t even dare write one sentence in that language.

    Kalau you suka tanya “perlukah ini …, perlukah itu”, lebih baik you tanya N@jis perlukah beli Eurocopter dengan kos yang paling tinggi sedangkan pilihan lain jelas sekali lebih munasabah?

  16. Okay…we have problems……money, sex, murder, religious etc.
    What are the Malaysia true objectives or vision?
    God put us here with diff races and what is god movement?????
    I am surprise that our leaders is busy with messing someone life and what are we teaching our children?

    Beware ……malaysian is not stupid….they are searching for a true leader. There is nothing can compare to a million with one voice. And I know god is the kindness person I ever met.

  17. Penulisan begini tidak sepatunya keluar di dalam akhbar. Ianya merupakan HASUTAN secara sangat halus.

    Apa pun bentuk hasutan : hasutan halus, hasutan keras, hasutan tersirat sama sahaja = HASUTAN. Watak dan jalan cerita pun ada kena mengena dengan seseorang yang masih YB masa kini.

    Hasutan di sini menggalakan ORANG Melayu (“anak muda”) jadi pembunuh seperti dan “membunuh YB J”.

    Correct , correct, Correct.

    Cerpen begini SANGAT BAHAYA.


    The Police should investigate and arrest the WRITER and the NEWS PAPER EDITOR and may be PUT under ISA.

  18. Dear counsel888, You seems to be a very emotional person by way of the words you used like ,racist bigot,chauvinist,parochialism,narcissistic and so on.Do you honestly know what these words mean; never mind your misspelling them? Are talking through your instints or through facts? What ,may I ask,is your intent in your above comments?Are you trolling or what rimshot? And finally why did you sign off as malay hater?

  19. “So what is wrong with using signboards with multiples languages?”
    > Signboards become less signboards and more multiple choice.
    > The signboards need to be bigger / the signs smaller.
    > The employees who can ensure that all the signs on the board are correct are more expensive to employ than ones who can check one language.
    Enough reasons?
    Having multiple official languages needn’t imply everything must be presented in every language. This is Malaysia, why not walk along the Jalan until you get to the next Bandar? Having some clear and simple rules for naming streets, places, offices and so on is only sensible. It would be a nice gesture, but an expensive one, to add Chinese and Tamil subtexts on street signs.
    There’s no reason (except for the good ones above) why places of special historical or cultural interest shouldn’t have special signage, see Duke Street in Liverpool’s Chinatown:
    or Brick Lane in London’s Banglatown:
    Those signs may be sponsored by some kind of Heritage fund, or possibly by local businesses. I strongly doubt any UK council will make any binding contract to maintain them forever. It’s a small concession, but seems to work ok in the UK.
    Government documents in the UK are made available in the ‘top 6 minority languages’ according to the Information Commissioner’s Office: Punjabi, Gujarati, Urdu, Arabic, Classical Chinese, Bengali. Many publications are available in dozens of languages: the UK’s Health and Safety Executive offers 30 languages including Tagalog, Tamil and Thai.
    It would be only competent to establish an inclusive national policy regarding languages for signage and documents.

  20. When we point a finger at other people, there are four more fingers pointing back at ourselves. I rest my case…

    We need to look into ourselves and find that “racist” demon in all of us and kill it once and for all. As we progress, we must shed this form of thinking.

    Hatred is the root of all evil with no cure. None of the religions in the world condone this. When we hate others as such, there is a certain degree of hate for ourselves.

    Think about it…

  21. I’m so ashamed at the attitude of all of us, Malaysians! Nobody is better here! Can’t we all just do away with these racial and religious issues that divide us?! I grew up in KL and today, even at 25, my closest friends comprise of all the main races. And I can say that most of us don’t care about our backgrounds. Who cares if I’m fairer or darker or whether I’m this or that religion? Stop all these wars of words! I have two lines you should all think about. “If you want to make this world a better place, take a look at yourself and make the change” and “An eye for an eye makes the whole word blind”. Please, I beg all of you, just stop all this!

  22. read this article by tulang besi:

    Last Friday, I had the opportunity to perform my Friday prayers at the Masjid Kota Damansara. As I was entering the Masjid, I passed by the Masjid’s notice board. Normally Masjids’s notice boards are filled with advertisements of programs and events in the particular masjid. But, this one notice board was posting something more special.

  23. I am sharing with everyone on something that I have been doing the pass weeks. When I buy my newspaper, magazines or even cigarrete from the newspaper stand – I will check if they have Utusan Malaysia. If they have – I will politely let the vendor know that I am not buying anything today because they sell Utusan which in my opinion is very unethical, and then thank him for his time.

    I know Utusan has all the monetary support from UMNO in surviving even without sufficient reader, but hopefully the affected vendors will react when their business are greatly affected by this protest.

    I have Malay, Chinese and Indian friends that are doing this with me. Hopefully more people will too.

  24. “yb j” is anti malay, anti muslim, cina chauvinist, and attention seeker, but that does not warrant the writer ciplak a cerpen with uncanny resemblance but unfortunately end with tragedy and violent death. this is too “un-malaysian”. though the cerpen is nice read (would get A for SPM) but to insinuate she being “shot” is seditious and far too much (would prefer she lost money in saham and bankrupted, or dump by her husband for being racist and arrogant, or conned by boyfren)! she’s no where to compare with “tyrant abe”. the cerpen writer should be heret to ISA instead, guilty 101%.

  25. well, this Camel Warrior (Chamil Wariya) perhaps was inspired by Basic Instinct and BI 2, a writer that writes about killings before it occurs. I would like to hear what Syed Hump-it Al-bare has to say about this veiled threat of inciting youths to commit murder/assasination. This asinine writer has no courage but hides behind an anonymous pen name to get others to do his dirty, evil and vile deeds. Counsel888 is no better in spewing venom and delusional xenophobic thoughts.

  26. How can a minority NOT holding a keris be a racist?
    How can a minority did NOT say or involve in the azan nonsense be a racist?
    How can a minority did NOT say anything be detained under ISA a racist?
    How can a malay holding a keris is not a racist?
    How can a malay who purposely detained a minority under ISA without evidence be not a racist?
    How can a malay who purposely made unfounded charges against a minority be not a racist?
    How can the malay who started the 513 that resulted the killing of the minority are not racists?
    How can what this moron Datuk Chamil Wariya said is not racist?

    Counsel888, can a powerless minority who did not have any guns, keris, the muslim religion and can be simply detained under ISA by the ruthless malay on trumped-up charges dare to make any anti-malay speeches?

  27. reporter : “whats the difference between pak lah’s and anwar’s open house?”

    najis : “no need, no need. this is private.”

    reporter : “why none of old your teachers attend your open house?”

    najis : “no need, no need. this is private.”

    reporter : “why you did not attend Parliament on Monday?”

    najis : “no need, no need. this is private.”

  28. spelling errors aside, I reiterate my posting on Theresa Kok. It is not up to her to solely dictate in a democracy what should or what should not be a worthwile argument especially if it is against her own confused ideology. If she does that she then of her own volition and actions reinforces the rights in others she condemns for the same reason.

    it is interesting to see how the mainly Chinese posters respond with abuse wildly at that picking not on issues but on spelling errors and everything else but the issues directly much of their frustration on the Malays.

    it is this sort of a crowd that Theresa has for followers and this sort of a society that she intends creating with her delusions of granduer in forming ogvernment.

    Read the Theresa Kok section of this blog (look at the side bar) and then discuss the issues raissed there about her as a Chinese chauvanist, a racist bigot and a politically bankrupt religious fanatic.

  29. counsel888’s writing appears very similar to one Alta Mira. I will not be surprised they are the same person. His writings here shows why some of his comments were not published in Teresa’s blog during a time when her blog is under attack from racist insults. Her blog comments will be under full moderation until such a time when we feel the level of risks from attacks by unsound writers such as counsel888 are low. Please bear with us.

    Chief Moderator for Sassy MP blog

  30. Last night, I managed to watch RTM1 Parliement which shown at 11:30pm. I hate to watch after seeing the screen mostly appeared to be BN MPs and condemn the PR especially on DSAI.
    There is no media freedom in Msia. Quite disappointed with RTM1 for such louzy and unfair news.

  31. Memang penulis itu seorang yang berniat jahat dan bertekad menjadikan negara ini berkucar kacir.Lagipun surat khabar anjurannya iaitu UM ialah akhbar yang patut dijadikan kertas jamban sahaja.Newspaper of no standard and only fit to be read by idiots and racists and those yang masih hidup di bawah tempurung.Hell to the cerpenis and boycott the devilish paper.Wondering why the Ministry of Internal Security is still unashamedly condoning the stupid paper?

  32. Several years ago they ban Zoolander for making a spoof precisely of this nature – In that movie, the ‘victim’ was the Prime Minister of Malaysia , Dr. M at that time.

    A consistent policy would mean that Utusan should be banned!

    But again the return of Mahathirism (aka. hypocrisy) is back so not much chance of that happening…

  33. It is, realistically speaking, tough taking on big media companies.

    Whether it is NST suing Jeff Ooi and veteran journalist Ahirudin Attan or Theresa, Utusan, are there, statistically speaking, many trials ever won here or elsewhere against big especially govt affiliated ones with vast financial resources and also public reach and influence?

    At best they drag you on for years and years, a drain on your financial resources in paying for lawyers, before any vidication by court’s final judgment, at worse, if you have any blemish or speck, big media will blow it up and make your life untenable.

    Newspaper not only has money, they can also skew facts to influence and mould public opinion in certain sectors against whom it is opposed. It is not a level playing field. One should be wary taking on media. In more democratic countries, media can bring down governments. Those who think they can enrich themselves by suing for millions might be in for a surprise.

    Ask T.T Durai, ex CEO of National Kidney Foundation of Singapore (“NKF”) who knows better when eventually brought down by Straits Times in spite of suport from NKF’s patron, the then Tan Choo Leng, wife of then Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong.

    T.T Durai brought defamation case against Straits Times {Singapore Press Holdings} and its journalist Susan Long for the editorial “NKF: Controversially ahead of its time?” on 19 April 2004 demanding S$3.24 million in damages.

    The News paper retaliated by investigating and publishing NKF’s false declarations on how long NKF’s reserves could last, its number of patients, installation of a golden tap in Durai’s private office suite, his salary “S$600,000 a year, use of company cars and first-class air travel etc arousing a big public furore, an audit was conducted by KPMG resulting in 442-page report leading to Durai’s being charged under the Prevention of Corruptions Act plus had to compensate NKF under its new Board several millions in compensation!

  34. Theresa’s & LKS’s blogs are open forums. There are always risks of hostile and provocative attacks by trolls, flamers and racists in an open forum. Especially nowadays when powers-that-be view on line blogs play a significant role in influencing electorate resulting in BN’s March 8 poor performance. They send in the cyber troopers to disrupt if they cannot influence opinions otherwise. How can you stop them? You delete one comment, they make another, you embargo his internet protocol, he re-enters via another computer with a new IP and handle.
    If you place the blog under full moderation, you frustrate other genuine commentators who may misconstrue that dissent has no place there – se lbl’s comments yesterday at 20:24.18 where he said “I agree with counsel888 that to qualify your message in YB Teresa’s Kok blog you have to praise her or else her moderator will delete your message…”
    Hence banning a few might discourage some from disagreeing and alienate the rest, and to this extent is counterproductive to meet the flamer’s, troll’s or cyber trooper’s objective of devaluing the blog!
    In the limited context of open blog visited by anonymous maybe tilt should be in favour of freedom of speech stopping only at that point where it may otherwise get the blog owner into trouble with authorities or invite a libel suit or sedition charge.

  35. In an open forum for commentary, and with that comes the possibility of potentially-hateful comments, self moderation amongst participants is ideal : in the face of abusive or racist comments, others could either argue against or disparage them or just ignore. How do we learn to appreciate the constructive and the moderate view if we don’t have the abusive and the non constructive existing along side for vivid comparison?

    One can be provoked and disrupted in discussion only if one allows himself to be so provoked and disrupted.

    What is needed today is arguably not more political correctness in but less sensitivity and reaction to provocative and hateful statements made by thoughtless others or those with subterranean agendas…..

    The country will go to the dogs if everyone has skins as thin as egg shells, sensitivity and emotions as fragile as porcelain, taking offense easily, becoming a cry baby, playing the blame game, threatening to lodge police report or throw Molotov cocktail every time one’s feelings are hurt or offended.

    Theresa Kok is one such a victim of this cry baby hysteria blame game.

    She is in vulnerable position when she fights a big media with vast resouerces like Utusan in the position to influence public opinion or a certain vociferous section of it.

  36. Jeffrey, you must take into consideration the situation Teresa is in. There was minimal moderation in her blog until she was detained under the ISA. For some 10 days her blog was spammed and flamed by dubious people. We are not prepared to sit back and risk Teresa being sued or charged for seditious remarks planted by people with vested interest in the dead of the night.

  37. The issue of “Teresa Kok Vs Utusan Malaysia” would not happen if medias in Malaysia are free from politic influence.
    If the readers of Utusan Malaysia still live in the “world of illusion” & brain washed state, i assume these are the end results of UNMO’s (not entire BN) acts. Therefore, the future history should remember UMNO is the one who responsible for inciting racial tension, promoting racial divine, putting Malays (UM readers) in backward state and uncompetitive, cover up of corruptions, attempting of assassination……

  38. Cannottahan Says ; ‘Malaysia is a Muslim country’????
    let me correct you here maam…..

    malaysia only have Mulim as AGAMA RASMI but it doesn’t makes Malaysia NEGARA ISLAM. kan kalu nak claim M’sia as Muslim COuntry… the population must be 80% Muslim baru boleh gelar m’sia as Muslim Country…..our populations belum sampai 80% Islam pun…..

    i believe the GOAL to have Malaysia as a Muslim Country only for certain people yang ‘tamakkan’ everything…..

  39. This is a form of criminal intimidation.

    The writer Chamil Wariya is an agent of Devil. He should as himself whether his religion approves discrimination against fellow human beings created by God Almighty/Allah. If not, thats is from Devil…

    He is ‘RAKAN SEPERSYAITANAN ‘ Ahmad Ismail.

  40. The question we have all got to ask ourselves is this. If we want the benefit of a blog and what it can do for our causes whatever these are, are we also prepared to accept responsibility and liability for it if not properly checked and monitored?

    Although I feel Theresa is being attacked from all sides, in some cases unfairly, there is a level of accountability that she must accept for the high profile she has adopted and her poor management skills in addressing issues.

    Like others have posted before me, I agree she may be well advised to sack her lawyers and advisors. They are an embarassment to her and to their profession. Her moderators and those who respond on her behalf are equally liable.

    For someone with her academic background, her inability to contain the kind of damage she is faced with is inexcusable. However she is a public person and a politician and for that she needs to be careful and considered in her responses.

    My gut instincts tell me she has been set up for a fall by those on the same side of the fence as she is in. Fellow opposition MP’s to take the heat off themselves.

  41. Chamil Wariya – another fella who use the wrong organ to think, he uses kidney to think instead of brain.

    Chamil Wariya,
    The history will remember you as irresponsible poison pen writer and your name will be bad in history. You can cover up by writing more self defend articles, burn the books that damning you, altered the Malaysia history books and etc, BUT, you can never erase my internet cache, and millions of internet caches out there to deny what you and your Utusan Malaysia have done, you also cannot erase Wikipedia that will post about Utusan Malaysia and your bad history in future.
    Now is nomore Melaka Sultanate era, please wake up and join the “internet” era before it’s too late.

  42. It would be interesting what would happen if someone took this beautiful short story and with a few modifications turned it on it’s own head. May I suggest that the modified version:

    YB Josephine –> YB Ali
    Driver Ahmad –> Driver Mutu
    anti-Malay –> anti-Chinese/Indian
    pelajar yang nyanyi Negara KuKu –> YB yang cakap kalau ada ular dan india, bunuh india dulu
    Amnesty International –> Muslim Brotherhood
    May 13 –> Kg. Medan
    Papan Tanda Jawi –> Cina Penumpang & Cina Yahudi

    Then we will see how much you like your own short story eh, Chamil Wariya? The only future for Malay supremacists & Ultras like you is the same future for White supremacists & Klans-men – NO FUTURE.

  43. Poets have their poetic license to destroy the semantics and rules of the language; authors of other literary genres have their literary licenses to write whatever they feel like writing whether it’s controversial or not. It reminds me of the story “SHIT” by Shahnon Ahmad – remember that, huh? :)

    It is their literary freedom to express their thoughts in the way they feel best, but when they write something that suggests murder or encourages murderous thoughts, then something must be morally wrong with them. These are the people who should be hunted and sent to the jail before their license kills someone for real.

  44. Jeffrey is right about allowing access to people of all views. It’s no easy job, moderating a forum. You can be wrong by being too permissive and wrong by being too draconian, wrong by being biased. I like the LKS blog because I see at least 2 sides here.

    Another reason I like this site is that it’s in English, and I am a craven monoglot. My wife and children switch to other local languages to argue with me! Please take my language handicap into account when I make my next statement, as it does limit my access to Malaysian politics. When I look at the media (newspaper, Internet) coverage of Malaysian politicians, there appear to be very few respectable players. Of the dozens of current Malaysian politicians covered by media in English, I think so far I respect 1, and even then, I’m not convinced that 1 is absolutely respectable, only relatively so.

    It’s hard to judge from Malaysian newspapers, as they seem, to my foreign eye, to be undifferentiated rubbish – pure propaganda and padding. Of the politicians with websites, very few offer a different fare to that available in newspapers. It’s very easy, I imagine, to enter the Malaysian political fray with high ideals, only to be subverted by ‘monkey see monkey do’, and the fear of being the odd one out. Without a credible critic, there is nothing to stop your public personalities descending to the bottom rung of the ladder of discourse, it’s simply easier, cheaper and safer there.

    Where can you get credible critics? That’s no easy task. Even if your crippling newspaper licensing scheme was ended, there would still be the fear of gagging by ‘legal’ action – see your Southern neighbour and its proud democracy (AgreeOrWe’llSueTM). To enable credible criticism, you’d have to have a transparent and independent judiciary too, and the law would have to be applied equally to all. Education would have to embody a strong critical element. I’m sad to say that the inclusion of ‘Moral’ in a curriculum is a prime reason why we’ll be leaving our home in Malaysia before my children are old enough to study here. I would rather they were lobotomised than taught unquestioning respect.

    There’s simply a daunting amount that must be changed, if you want more respectable public argument and public figures. It is easier to keep flinging shit at each other like monkeys, but I don’t envy your future if you keep on doing it.

  45. I think you guys should be mindful that Teresa is in the middle of a law suit and she is likely to be counter sued very soon. As such we will not permit comments that will corrupt and/or jeopardize the suit, or comments that will give cause to Utusan and/or its agent(s) to sue.

  46. So often i heard some body is going to anti-Malay, anti-Islam, but there is no any evidence to point out how they anti-Islam. If now i say Najib has killed Altantuya, then i need to show out evidence, but i havent, so i cant say and should think he is innocence. In this case, if our Malay friends think that we annoy thier religion, then show out the evidence and not just only said anyone annoy their religion, if got this person should judge by law and not anyone in Malaysia. Islam is not belonged to Malay but to all the human who trust Allah, every where got people trust Islam, why we annoy Islam? I surely agree that YB Theresa Kok need to apologise not only to Malay but the all people in the world to said ” Dog’s food ” . Shame on her to said this kind of irresponsible word. But no body should take action on her, what killing is stupid. Nobody in this world can kill others, only the GOD has this power to punish anyone. I think no religion in Malaysia will teach their follower to kill people in other to protect their religion, if got, the religion must be evil. If we human humiliate others religion, race, colour of skin,then we are on the way humiliate our own religion, race. GOD will judge it and not us as a human. We are not eligible.

  47. “Ahmad yang sudah menghampiri usia bersara itu tidak menjawab”
    “…Ahmad sendiri belum lahir ketika itu. Tidak lama selepas itu”

    2008-1969=39. At the age less than 39 sudah menghampiri usia bersara?

    It shows that this Camel is without education, cant think logically, think using his ‘tool’ and not his brain, in the same time biadap, kurang ajar, racist, terrorism… Now is not 7th century you know???

    Shame on both Mingguan M’sia, low class paper, even low class then porn magazines…

  48. Dear Chief Moderator for Sassy MY blog and frontbench,
    I was banned from YB Teresa Kok’s(TK) blog because I wrote to say that the Moderator should not use words “Have you finished your rantings” to messages which the moderators do not approve.
    You maybe the cause of YB’s problems. Please remember that as long as the message is not vulgar or sensitive in nature, you should let it pass. You are behaving like BN when DAP is supposed to be an “open” political party.
    It is people like you who ill advise YB’s supporters that landed her into this mess she is in now. It is quite obvious you have not understood the culture of the Malays and Indians. There is so much YB TK can do as a person and she has to rely on her employees like you to communicate with her supporters.
    I would think YB LKS or YB Karpal Singh would be needing bodyguards instead of YB TK. Probably the other races can see that they(LKS,KS) fight for all races and not for the Chinese only.
    It is because of the attitude of YB TK’s employees that landed her in this mess. Where was your sensitivity when you posted pictures of roast pigs in YB TK’s blog, to celebrate her victory dinner.

  49. Dear frontbench, you should be advising YB TK’s employees not to give ill-advise to her supporters on matters concerning Islam.
    Who advised the residents to write a petition to the mosque and then carbon copy to YB TK? Remember this was the start of YB’s problem.

  50. All this political stuff going on. Why dont you guy use simple english?

    Malaysian want to fight for freedom from corruption.
    Malaysian want to fight for poverty.
    Malaysian want to fight for security.
    Malaysian want to fight for healthcare.

    Instead we are fighting the wrong side of the river.
    All those money spent……for selves gain and greed.

    Righteousness and faith is through learning from God.
    It is the light of myself and malaysian that want to shine.

  51. This cerpen by Chamil Wariya is not fit to be placed in a rubbish dump what more in Utusan Melayu. Under the guise of fighting for Agama dan Bangsa, he is the proxy of Toyol and being paid a handsome sum.

    Those who genuinely fighting for Agama dan Bangsa are more gentleman and religious and not what this dirt scrum writer is paid for writing. Tak ada standard langsung.

    Surprisingly, the Home Minister did not issue a show cause letter for inciting racial and religious sensitivities. Diam diam sahaja and you know who is behind this whole issue.

    What are those UMNO , MCA , Gerakan , PBS , PKRS , MIC , SUPP , PPP , UPKO leaders doing ? Keep quiet and condone this kind of writing ? You will regret later for your inaction.

    Mr. Dompok , what is your comment on this ? You are the National Unity Minister and you just leave this issue aside. Then you are absconding in your duty. Be a man and speak out, rightly or wrongly for the interest of all Malaysians. Dompok, do you sincerely condone this basket of lies fabricated by the rubbish nespaper ?

  52. Spare any details pls. Utusan is an extremist racist paperback company back by Umno and Malay extremist. Nothing will ever touch them. They are immune to all other races, Behave like God under protection from the most powerful elements in this land. Never have a newspaper ever pick up subjects of racial division like this ultra-sensitive, short-fused, narrow-minded, egocentric, maniac in entire Islam world.

  53. To lbl,

    Do not blame Teresa Kok’s employees insensitivities. This concerted action to disgrace YB TK is all churned up by Khir Toyo to cover up for his loss of the Selangor state and to silence TK on exposing the excesses during the former MB’s era. Inilah hakikatnya dan bukan lah ” not understanding other cultures and describe by you.

    Why didnt you make noise when Utusan Melayu carry pictures and stories which are insensitive to Muslims , Hindus and Christians and other religions ?

  54. I agree with ‘aprobosky’ that comments submitted here ,in this particular write up, is harping dangerously on racial issues. Some good and some quite nasty.

    Realistically, it’s not the race or religion that’s bad, it’s the person who makes the race/religion look bad.

    And Jeffrey…you’re right…Theresa is in the public eye and will be forced to face all forms of criticisms.As so with all public figures.

    She looks gutsy enough to handle it and she will be stronger becos
    of it.

  55. Is this the way those idiots deal with issues?
    Can I be faulted if I say that perhaps the c4 story also has not too dissimilar a start?
    And with that open inciting, we can expect from now on to see and hear more of such stories?
    So are we entering a new level of post-mahathir oppression of dissension?

  56. Well why not we continue and add more thrill to this so-called fiction story of YB J like this :
    ” As the anak muda from POM (AMPOM) laying on the ground , an angel appeared in front of him. Who are you AMPOM asked, “I am Ji Gong , the guardian angel assigned for East & West Malaysia. Just call me Mr.JG. I was an honest AG before prior to my promotion as Mr. JG. AMPOM asked, ” Why are you here?”, Mr.JG replied to teach you between right and wrong”. Let’s take a flight. Now you don’t have to buy AA discounted tickets.

    First they went to the hospital where YB J body was placed. As the doctor was about to pull the sheet over, five angels appeared around and transmitted rays of light into her body. With a jerk she got up. AMPOM asked Mr. Jg , ” Why is she been saved, she is a racist. My POM branch chairman said she is a threat to us”.

    Mr JG replied ” No he is wrong and had mislead you. He has an ulterior motive which you shall witness yourself later”

    Now back to YB J. She got up smiling sitting on the bed to the surprise of the attending doctor.Of course with her trademark smile. And she asked two questions , the first ” Is everybody alright”. Next , ” I am still in time for GE13″

    Story continues………….
    Disclaimer : All people, places and incidents in this story is solely based on imagination and has no relation to those who are alive or have been C4ed.

  57. Sad to see the Teresa Kok drag into into the cerpen…..
    It is time we shall call to boycott these irresponsible media, we cannot ban them? Why not we ban whoever were to advertist in these media? IF “A” hypermarket were to advertise in these media, be it TVTiga or Utusan, then, we stop shop in this hypermarket…

    Until and when these company learn they going to lose business if they continue to advertise in this media… If the advertistment stop, then the income for these media will stop, then the media will start to learn be responsible….

  58. Actually, Teresa’s dilemma began with a MISPERCEPTION. She was confused between JAWI and ARABIC! Whilst the Koran is written in Arabic, Jawi is the original Malay writing in the Malay Archepelago in the olden days. It was romanized probably for the convenience of the British who ruled Malay for the few centuries.

    There is nothing Islamic by having Jawi on road signs. All we can say is that it is REDUNDANT as the Romanized form and the Jawi writing read the same.

    I am a pure breed Chinese from Kuala Lumpur (mind you not from the East coast states) but I took to learning Jawi way back in the late seventies. I find it nothing wrong to do so, it is just another form of knowledge for me and in fact, I am profitting from this knowledge right now. Teresa might have felt these Jawi writing on the road signs signifies Islam, but this is terribly wrong. Perhaps she should carry out this simple experiment. Get an Arab tourist to read the Jawi writing on the road signs! You will find him scratching his head as he will not be able to comprehend a single thing out of the writing which may look “similar” to what is written in the Koran.

    This was perhaps the biggest mistake and the “fuse” which lit up the explosion, resulting in her being ISA’ed. If the Malays can send their children these days to Chinese schools to study Chinese, what is wrong with a Chinese studying Jawi?

    I not only read the Jawi newspaper (Utusan Melayu) every Monday, but I am able to write and type in Jawi using my computer. So am I to be considered an “outcast” in the eyes of Teresa??????

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