Malaysia 2008 – “Nero fiddled while Rome burned”

by Dr. Chen Man Hin


Some political analysts were saying that pressure within the UMNO Supreme Council for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to step down would make him a lame duck prime minister as his reign would wane as his power wanes.

As a matter of fact, the Prime Minister showed signs of being a lame duck as early as during the second half of his previous term as prime minister

The signs of indecision and vacillation were already visible.

Promises of reforms to deal with corruption, increase of crime and judicial violations were easily forthcoming from the lips of the Prime Minister, but as easily forgotten and not implemented.

A clear example was the reaction to the advice of the independent commission on police mismanagement and conduct, which after much deliberation recommended the establishment of a special commission to supervise the police force. The cabinet pondered over the recommendation and as quickly shelved it.

The March 8th general election returned Barisan Nasional to power but with a reduced majority and loss of its two-third parliamentary majority, but it sent a clear signal to Abdullah that the people want a new order. The people wanted democracy, justice transparency and freedom of religion and they also sent a clear message to Abdullah of cross ethnic voting – where Malays voted for non-Malay candidates and non-Malay voters voted for Malay candidates.

Abdullah responded and promised reforms would be launched in accordance with the wishes of the people. Up till today the promises were again as empty as before.

UMNO and the Prime Minister have suffered a severe psychological hammering from which they have not recovered.

UMNO top leadership are in disarray and are not able to plan a new direction for the party. Unable to present a new policy and strategy for the party, the leaders went back to the old ways.

The Anti Corruption Act was ostensilby changed but the final authority of ACA remained in PM’s hands.

Instead of adopting a multiracial policy, it reverted back to its Malay agenda and its ‘ketuanan Melayu’ or Malay supremacy objective.

Instead of being more democratic, Abdullah has used the ISA against a law-abiding Member of Parliament, a blogger and a news reporter. Ahmad Ismail, the man who uttered seditious words was not detained, but the reporter who disseminated his words was. This is topsy-turvy justice.!

Crime is on the increase and the crimes are more brutal than in the past. No one is exempt, not even those who legislate laws like the wives of two ex-Penang state assemblymen and top police officers. The criminals have become more contemptuous of the police .

The blame for all this must rest on the shoulders of the Prime Minister and his cabinet for not implementing the recommendations of the royal police commission to prevent crime.

Unfortunately the uncontrolled exacerbation of crime has infected even those who are supposed to uphold the law.

The Sodomy 2 charge against Anwar Ibrahim is a case in point. Because Anwar dared to ‘change government’ with the aim of building a better Malaysia, Sodomy 2 was implemented with the blessing of the cabinet. other institutions like the courts and police are implicated in the grand conspiracy to destroy Anwar and his aim to take over the government through crossovers of Barisan Nasional Members of Parliament. The conspiracy is an open secret. The whole world is aware of this subjecting Malaysia as the laughing stock all over the world.

The economy is in the doldrums. The huge spending of the 9th Malaysia Plan and the 2009 budget did not move the economy forward. The unpopular high increase of pump oil prices was a big factor for slowing the economy and causing financial distress to the man in the street.

The political, economic and social well being. is at its lowest.

The blame sits squarely on a shocked and demoralised Barisan Nasional leadership

The remedy is to have a ‘government change’ as proposed by Pakatan Rakyat.


34 Replies to “Malaysia 2008 – “Nero fiddled while Rome burned””

  1. Dear All,

    AAB is unable to fight the battle alone. As much as he would like to bring changes to the system, numerous hurdles will be placed right in front of him by UMNO warlords, particularly the ones occupying the Supreme Council seats. They have been enjoying the fats of the land for so many years and how on earth would they allow AAB or anyone else for that matter to implement changes which are detrimental to their current lifestyles. AAB is now being marginalized and pushed to the periphery as a result of his action plan to change UMNO and BN.

    You just can’t fight any battle alone.

  2. The PM is a lousy PM that’s common knowledge. He’s going to hand power to someone who’s probably not any better. If Abdullah has any decency left and if he insist on handing power to his deputy at least investigate him thoroughly first for any wrongdoings so that the rakyat can accept him if he’s clean enough. Along the way you never know what the investigations can come up with and Abdullah might not even need to transfer power.

  3. Dr Chen,
    I wish Karpal Singh will think like you. Sometimes he acts like a stubborn fool, stiff and unwilling to compromise. Will someone ask him to shut up and let Anwar bring about a change in government. Let him clean up the Election Commission and then call for a fresh mandate.
    I am not too bothered too much about Tunku Aziz as he is a novice politician.
    But Karpal – for heaven’s sake think of the state this country is in before he shoots his mouth. We cannot afford to wait. As Dr Chen said “The remedy is to have a ‘government change’ as proposed by Pakatan Rakyat.”

  4. MALAYSIA politics today was like a dejaVu of (Opium War) of China and the downfall of Qing Dynasty. Everyones involve serve only one goal, Power & Wealth.

    No matter what it takes, the Country and its nation has to pay a costy price on the aftermath. The emanate rivals of Opium such as cannabis seems unstopable and cost China has to pay by lossing HONG KONG force signing agreement on “Treaty of Nanking”.

    This HISTORY tells us how much u gain today would effect our future tomorrow, regardless of Religion/Race/Family u came from. We must learn from Histories that preach us the caused of downfall by greed, the costy price China had been paid since opium war started in 1839.

    If Badawi and UMNO remains extorted, our Country & Nation has to suffers the aftermath and pays the price in future.

  5. MCA/Gerakan and MIC was another supporting criminals if your choice to remains silence agains Justice.
    Hero in the war against opium…
    “Lin Zexu, the Governor-General of Hunan and Hubei, recognized the consequences of opium abuse and warned the Daoguang Emperor of this nationwide problem. The Manchu emperor authorized him to do so, and Lin Zexu embarked on an anti-opium campaign which saw the immediate arrest of 1,700 opium dealers and confiscation and destruction of 2.6 million pounds of opium.”

    If only YANG DIPERTUAN AGUNG would appointed PKR in such campaign today, our furture would have a bright future.

  6. The circus is in town. The Umno clowns, are promoting the greatest show Malaysia will ever have experienced. While we are in difficult time, worrying time, of the uncertainty of world financial melt down, we have a lame duck PM, still unable to put his house in order.
    All we now witness, is UMNO monkeys jumping from tree to tree trying to claim the crown. What a joke!
    The bottom line is, will it make any different who heads UMNO?
    It is about time, Malaysians should think seriously to let other political parties be given a chance, to make a change…a change for the better, a chance for the future generations.

  7. It’s really AAB fiddled while RPK and other ISA detainees rot in Kamunting! And AAB and his Muslim ministers can celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri without batting their eyelashes and pricked conscience. Terrible!

  8. change the government say no to power transition with arrangement.
    we need radicle change on government,

    “It is about time, Malaysians should think seriously to let other political parties be given a chance, to make a change…a change for the better, a chance for the future generations.” wanderer quote.

  9. “I wish Karpal Singh will think like you. Sometimes he acts like a stubborn fool, stiff and unwilling to compromise.” Mr Smith

    Karpal Singh is now senile, and is into his second childhood. He is indeed an embarrassment to PR.

  10. UMNO is fighting for only one thing – business as usual. You would think that they have learnt their lesson of March 8 but unfortunately the years of looting have only taught them one thing – clinging to power and holding the key to the treasury must be the overriding objective of the party.

  11. To Karpal Singh, on DEFECTION of BN MPs.

    It is BETTER have (Change Government) than nothing.

    Datuk Sri Anwar knows what to do with the defectors (if any). So give him a chance and support to rule the new government with the defection avenue. People want change – SOONEST possible!!

    Please don’t TARNISH the “PAKATAN”. Pakatan means you leaders have to “SEPAKAT”!!!

  12. 700B rescue package fail to pass by lawmaker yesterday 228 V 205 votes send the worldwide stocks tumbling down today. eventhough it get pass it would not help for long term, if defaulter keep on rise and home price keep dropping.
    crude oil drop below 100 last done at 95.

    please free RPK and all ISA detainees

  13. With RM4.50 per day to feed an ISA detainee, how can ISA detainees be sure that they are not fed with dirt-cheap, discarded melamine-contaminated food?

    In fact, during this extended period of festivities (from MidAutumn Festival, Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Deepavali, Christmas, to Chinese New Year), those who receive food hampers should be extra careful.

    Some totally unscrupulous kaya-raya shopkeepers might pack dirt-cheap, discarded melamine-contaminated products, besides expired (sell-by-date) products, in food hampers, ordered for delivery to clients of companies.

    Beware, beware, beware!

  14. YES, the rakyat is suffering and the govt. dilly dally. But each person in govt. must acc. for his actions. If not then the cries and prayers of the rakyat to the Almighty is in vain. The Almighty’s promise of justice and fair play in all religions is FALSE. Dare anyone claim this is true. I dare not.

  15. Talking about a government change, PR leaders can take their time, be cautious and plan properly as long as the takeover is smooth and peaceful without any unpleasant things happening.
    Go PR Go, make it happen.
    Once again, wishing all malaysians especially muslims “Selamat Hari Raya AidilFitri”.

  16. Nero fiddles while Rome burned, but AAB is fiddling while UMNO burns; hardly an analogy for Malaysia. UMNO’s problem, while at a critical juncture, are not reflective of what UMNO is capable of once it rids itself of incompetnent leadership and ineffective policies.

  17. “It’s really AAB fiddled while RPK and other ISA detainees rot in Kamunting! And AAB and his Muslim ministers can celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri without batting their eyelashes and pricked conscience. Terrible!”

    nothing wrong with this, aab is doing nation service locking them behind bars to guarantee country’s prospertity and stability, just like recetnly locking a gangster in simpang renggam. you ppl should be grateful instead. you might think the detainees are hero but just like weimar republic locked hitler behind bars in 1923, how good if the gov din release him as in history…..

    the country is in trubulent times, and the gov is doing their best to maintain peace and stability …

  18. Jan Says:

    Today at 12: 33.35 (5 hours ago)
    The PM is a lousy PM that’s common knowledge. He’s going to hand power to someone who’s probably not any better.


    The PM is chosen from a small pool of feeble men who are just good at money politics, racism and proclaiming ketuanan melayu.
    A small fish chosen from a small school of fish called UMNO in a racially biased small pool called Malaysia thinking that they are world class because of ketuanan Melayu.

  19. Malaysia is filthy rich in NATURAL resources such as fuel/land/water/granite/white sand(main raw material for solar chips)/rubber&oil plantation and many more etc….

    BUT sadly the cronies of a bunch of distorted thieft-govern had neglect and misuse their authority as nepotism by soaking the country wealth into tones of multi-billions project that ends with ashes.

    WHY are Brunei successful today and their Nation were listed in the worlds happy residence in top 10 ranking? Should we learn from their rulers as successor cause he is living guru that proved their systems works?.

    Or UmnoPutras and cronies like MCA/Gerakan/MIC we’re just a bunch of pirates who doesn’t seems to bother regards of the Nation interest but their own coffer? :(

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