P. Patto – Pioneer warrior of Makkal Sakti

I thank the Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar bin Jamaluddin who in his speech declared his support for naming a road in Ipoh to honour the late P. Patto for his contributions and sacrifices for the welfare of Malaysians in the service of Ipoh, Perak and Malaysia.

Patto was the pioneer warrior of Makkal Sakti who had dedicated his life to “People’s Power” for all Malaysians, regardless of race or religion.

He was at various times elected as Perak State Assemblyman for Gopeng, MP for Menglembu and MP for Bagan (Penang).

In DAP, he rose to become Deputy Secretary-General and had served as National Organising Secretary, Editor of Rocket and DAPSY National Secretary.

In 1978, he kept me company when we were arrested, charged and convicted under the Official Secrets Act in connection with my expose of the scandal in the purchase of four Swedish-made SPICA-M fast strike crafts by the Royal Malaysian Navy though we effected a RM9 million reduction in the final contract.

In 1987, Patto and I were among DAP MPs who were detained under the Internal Security Act in Operation Lalang and served time in Kamunting Detention Centre.

Other DAP MPs who “graduated” from Kamunting Detention Centre included Karpal Singh, Lim Guan Eng, Dr. Tan Seng Giaw, Lau Dak Kee and the late V. David.

DAP lost an outstanding leader and the people a great Parliamentarian and a true Malaysian son when he suddenly died of a heart failure at the Ipoh General Hospital on 12th July 1995.

Let us fully honour Patto not only in Ipoh but also in other parts of Perak and Malaysia whether by naming a road, a memorial park, a school or a scholarship after him so that his contribution, dedication and sacrifices will forever be an example to future generations.

(Speech at the Perak DAP 5,000-People Solidarity Dinner in Ipoh on Saturday, 27th September 2008)


33 Replies to “P. Patto – Pioneer warrior of Makkal Sakti”

  1. I have no idea our nation had such HERO existence besides YB KIT and fellow comrades Kapal etc…

    My eyes were wet when I read your columns…

    “Patto was the pioneer warrior of Makkal Sakti who had dedicated his life to “People’s Power” for all Malaysians, regardless of race or religion.”

    “In 1978, he kept me company when we were arrested”.

    “In 1987, Patto and I were among DAP MPs who were detained under the Internal Security Act in Operation Lalang and served time in Kamunting Detention Centre.”

    A great lost indeed, and Thank You Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar bin Jamaluddin.

  2. Thank you ….. for being a true Malaysian to Malaysian.
    This what makes our journey marked with true spirit of independence …..
    Our heroic individual who shared a clear vision of Malaysian Malaysia long before some of us were born … that’s a gift to us.

  3. The late YB P.Patto was indeed a MP Hero in Perak. He had served the people very well during his hardship member of DAP fighting for people rights and against the bad corrupt government under Dr M regime for past 22 years. Unfortunately GOD loves him more to take him away to serve as “SAINT” in heaven. Nevertheless, we prayed to Him for his blessing to all Malaysians today. We sincerely hope he as a SAINT will take care and bless DAP to continue to rule the states in Penang, Selangor and Perak forever and ever.

    I recalled his past advices and shaked my hands several times when I helped DAP to put up ROCKET posters and distributed his candidate pamplets around in Menglembu and Ampang Baru when late P.Patto contested for MP Menglembu. He won with huge majority votes. I was damn happy and celebrated with him and DAP till wee hours.

    Last but not least, we, all PERAKIANS supported YB Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar bin Jamaluddin (PAS Chief) who in his speech declared his support for naming a road in Ipoh to honour the late P. Patto for his contributions and sacrifices for the welfare of Malaysians in the service of Ipoh, Perak and Malaysia is timely to reward the Opposition leader who served the people well.

  4. Indeed its a great thought by the new MB of Perak. I salute you for remembering a fallen hero, who in our eyes fought for all Malaysians never having a thought for himself.If only we had more people like him in Malaysia today we would be a happy and contented rakyaat.
    I would also like to place on record a word of thanks to the new MB Datuk Seri Mohd Nizar for starting the small changes in Ipoh and Perak. As a person being born and lived here all through the BN days, I finally see things moving in Ipoh. Cleaner drains, grass cut, bus stops being painted and given a new look and many more things getting better for us. A Big THANK YOU and keep up the good work.

  5. I would like to thank the Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar bin Jamaluddin for declaring his support for naming a road in Ipoh to honour the late P. Patto.

    The people will like to see more of this changes being carried out by PKR, without looking at race and religion. The late P.Patto’s sacrifices and contributions are always at our heart.

    By the way, I don’t know that many DAP MPs are “graduates” from Kamunting Detention Centre. For you “graduates”, I salute you for your sacrifices and contributions too!!

  6. Thanks YB Kit for honouring Patto another true hero of Malaysia. As a youngster I used to see and hear about Patto. His name is synonymous with DAP. I cannot forget, YB Kit, Kapar, and Patto to me then was a group of fighters.”Without Fear and Shame” a beautiful tagline indeed.

    I would suggest and proposed that when New Goment is form. All these heroes who fought for rights of rakyat be documented including RPK case as history of Malaysia. All of you have came a long way and values of true rakyat need to be told to our next generation least we forget how. These history need to be taught in Schools and childrens will learn that freedom is never free.

    Sacrifices of common folks and Goment must work as one to safeguard true democary in this country. May the righteous of P. Patto continue to live on and one day (soon) all will taste the sweetness of ‘fairness and equality’ amongst all of us. “SKY CHANGE”

  7. We should not forget our Heros. YAB Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar bin Jamaluddin did the right thing.

    I salute P. Patto for his contributions. I also wish his Family well, healthy and in great spirit always.

  8. Warriors and Heroes, just wondering. Are there any from BM? And if there is, What sacrifecs have they gone through? For what purposed? Emmm… cannot think of one! Probably less sleep, potong gaji? What else? BN heroes difficult to name one but traitors, bullies, etc.. list will be as long as Independent day.

  9. I am so proud of the Perak state government, for taking such astonishing step in remembering and recognizing the late P. Patto, who was one of the many outstanding and vocal DAP veterans.

    His contribution to this country has been significant, while playing the role of an opposition to ensure the BN government staying on the right course. Those were the difficult days, to implement check and balance on the government.

    Unlike today thanks to the invention of internet, uncensored information had been quite difficult to reach the public. I believe there are many more unsung heroes who have contributed significantly to the well-being of this nation.

    We should start recognizing and honouring the sacrifice of these individuals to Malaysia, regardless what race they are: Indians, Malays, Chinese or any other minority groups; or we risk our next generation in forgetting the good of our forefathers had done. The history subject in school, does not teach many of these great people to our younger generation.

    My heartiest congratulations to the family of the late P. Patto, for the services given to this country.

  10. Yes.P.Patto was a great leader.People like us born at least 10 years before Merdeka know which politicians really had their hearts and mind for the people and which politicians were self serving and only cared for themselves,their cronies and also their families.The PR government should acknowledge and recognize the services,contribution,dedication and sacrifices made by the past leaders like the late P.Patto by naming roads,parks,public buildings after them.We and the future generations should always remember the real and the great Malaysians like him.

  11. By the way, this has been an enlightening glimpse of news, to start the Raya week ahead.

    I am just starting to get sick, of all the power struggle headlines last week: whether who should be the country’s No 1 boss, whether Abdullah should step down or not, the supreme council ultimatum, all these due to the greed of power which has caused the backstabbing and negotiations between the guys on top, whereas the interest of the ordinary people has been forgotten altogether.

    Where is the direction for Malaysia? Nobody knows, I presume a random walk to the future? :)

  12. P. Patto was indeed a great man who could speak fluently in all four languages, Malay, English, Chinese and of course Tamil. He would be very proud of the achievements of PR, were he alive to day. And to the PAS MB of Perak, a salute to you. You will be remembered for this Malaysian Malaysian vision. Thank you.

  13. Applaud Uncle Kit & MB Perak, YAB Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar bin Jamaluddin for naming a road after the late P. Patto in honour of his many contributions & sacrifices for the people.

    His family, wife & daughters would be happy & proud that he has not being forgotten but always remembered for being a great outstanding Parlimentarian & leader in DAP. I still remember him well & the day that the sad news came that he has left us.

    It is good that with Pakatan as state Govt, finally our past heroes are being remembered & appreciated in this way. Maybe, there are others that also ought to be remembered by the nation.

    teacher says
    Today at 21: 07.51 (1 hour ago)
    Indeed its a great thought by the new MB of Perak. I salute you for remembering a fallen hero, who in our eyes fought for all Malaysians never having a thought for himself.If only we had more people like him in Malaysia today we would be a happy and contented rakyaat.
    I would also like to place on record a word of thanks to the new MB Datuk Seri Mohd Nizar for starting the small changes in Ipoh and Perak. As a person being born and lived here all through the BN days, I finally see things moving in Ipoh. **

    ** Have heard of the many good things & changes being implemented by the new Pakatan state govts of Perak, Penang & Selangor. With their positive actions towards improving the lives of the rakyat, come next GE they would definitely be able to stay on as the state Govt. Kudos to the MBs, CM & their people oriented teams for showing the results although they are just seven mths old.

  14. Gerakan joining Pakatan? If so, the seat assignment in Penang could be quite difficult, as you were once enemies to each other. The new enemy could be MCA, if MCA decided not to pull out. If MCA pulls out, that is the end of BN. The sole enemy will be racist UM-NO

  15. Guys,

    What’s all this nonsense about “people power”? People have no power and never will. It is nothing but a legal fallacy. This is just another word bandied about by those who want to take over power.

    Stop this “makkal sakti” gibberish!

  16. This poor soul is DAP’s man and LKS should know him best.
    Yes…nice to be remembered and respected…with a street name….forever there.
    As for me…I have walked every walk…and waiting for Abdullah to step down..so that those who support him…will leave UMNO and join Anwar.
    Those who cannot accept Najib as PM…plenty…and I think.. .this is the number….Anwar is talking about.
    Abdullah dare not meet Anwar nor dare to declare Emergency Rule…to expose Anwar is a liar…is so clear.
    So…it is the Supreme Council….demanded UMNO’s recent meeting….to sort things out..and to know …when can they resign….to join Anwar.

  17. Indefatigable P. Patto had great spirit and even greater generosity.

    He left the teaching profession in the early 1970s, joined the DAP and never looked back. During his short life, he also dealt with successes and failures. Throughout it all, he remained undaunted and steadfast.

    If I may, here is a poem from Rudyard Kipling, “If.”


    If you can keep your head when all about you
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
    If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
    But make allowance for their doubting too;
    If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
    Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
    Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
    And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

    If you can dream — and not make dreams your master;
    If you can think — and not make thoughts your aim;
    If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
    And treat those two imposters just the same;
    If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
    Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
    And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools;

    If you can make one heap of all your winnings
    And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
    And lose, and start again at your beginnings
    And never breathe a word about your loss;
    If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
    To serve your turn long after they are gone,
    And so hold on when there is nothing in you
    Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on!”

    If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
    Or walk with kings — nor lose the common touch,
    If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
    If all men count with you, but none too much;
    If you can fill the unforgiving minute
    With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run —
    Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
    And — which is more — you’ll be a Man, my son!

    Viewed in whichever way, Patto was a Man. He was a true true son of Malaysia. Betul-betul anak Malaysia tulen …

  18. pulau_sibu Says:

    Today at 01: 08.42 (6 hours ago)
    Gerakan joining Pakatan? If so, the seat assignment in Penang could be quite difficult, as you were once enemies to each other. The new enemy could be MCA, if MCA decided not to pull out. If MCA pulls out, that is the end of BN. The sole enemy will be racist UM-NO


    The Gerakan will be in the doldrums. The present leaders have lost the plot and that is why they lost the lot. Imagine being returned with only 2 MPs and 4 ADUNs.

    Penang has proved to be the womb and tomb of the Gerakan.

    Gerakan in the first 21 years did something for Penang. The last 18 years under Koh Tsu Koon was an apology for this once proud multi-racial party. It paid the price of trhe Umno embrace and was reduced into a party fielding only Chinese candidates.

    Now we will see the Gerakan riding into the sunset.

  19. These are the few peoples names that should appear in our history books for our younger generation to read about but NO..what do we have rubbish history and facts that are so NOT TRUE.

    Have any one of you read the history book being used in schools these days?

    A mockery for HISTORY.

    God bless his family and his soul.

    p/s its great that these names are used. We have a few in Ipoh which has no meaning,like Jalan Gopeng is no Raja Bainun, Raja Nazrin Shah…i still prefer the old ones, Cowan Street, Cockman Street, Anderson Road, LOL….sometimes we still use these names as reference of the road instead of the new ones.

  20. Vanakam…….. The Late P.Patto was a true Malaysian unfortunatley he was not address as he deserved because he was with YB LKS. But time has changed now. The recognition must be given to any Malaysian who deserved. The Perak government shall be applause for this new changes.

    Suggestion: Why not DAP set-up a foundation / research centre say as; Patto Foundation or Patto Research Centre. Please take into considerations on other hero’s too.

  21. Well Done, Nizar! You are MB for allMalaysians. Honor forParoo is long overdue. He should be awarded Dato’ posthumously.
    Yes, Nizar, we have another long forgotten a couple in perak( i forgot the names of the couple) who help to fight the Japs at the expense of their lives. The husband was a doctor. kindly do something in their honor which BN government will never ever do!!!

  22. The late P. Patto and the late V.David truly gave DAP a more multi-racial look. It’s sad that these 2 great Malaysians are not around anymore to champion a more vibrant democracy in Malaysia.

    However it was nice to see Malaysians of all walks of life at the anti-I.S.A. candle-light vigil in Dataran Merdeka last Saturday 27th Sept 2008.

    Here’s a short report:


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