Abdullah’s mid-2010 transition plan scuttled – can he salvage his premiership when the writing is on the wall?

The fifth Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is now on his last leg. He has at most six months. The end could come even faster, in a matter of weeks.

A coup d’etat was staged at this morning’s emergency UMNO Supreme Council meeting, where Abdullah’s mid-2010 power-transition plan was scuttled for good.

Although Abdullah declared after the meeting that he had not decided whether to defend the Umno President’s post in March next year, asserting that “The decision is mine, you can go on guessing”, these are empty brave words as the writing is clearly on the wall of another Prime Minister and Umno President being forced out of office.

Can Abdullah salvage his premiership to leave behind some honourable legacy to future generations?

It is a great disappointment bordering on grave breach of national trust that the emergency UMNO Supreme Council meeting today had only time for the political future of Abdullah and the Umno war-lords, but no time or thought for the deepening multiple crisis of confidence confronting the nation in the past seven months since the March 8 general election.

When the Umno Supreme Council could hold an emergency meeting over the political future of Abdullah and the Umno warlords, but no time for the multiple national challenges on the political, economic, educational, institutional, good governance and nation-building fronts, Malaysians are being told in no uncertain terms as to how irrelevant the Umno leadership have become to the popular hopes and national aspirations of the people in Malaysia.


120 Replies to “Abdullah’s mid-2010 transition plan scuttled – can he salvage his premiership when the writing is on the wall?”

  1. “… the writing on his end is on the wall?”

    YB Lim, just a light-hearted look at the title of your this thread. I suppose he is again in self denial mode, or he needed another translation to the writing, or maybe he needed an assistant to propose on how to respond to this writing.

  2. This is the epitome of desperation, AAB will decide by Oct 9 whether he will defend his Umno presidency and the UMNO elections have been deferred til March ‘09.

    I strongly believe that come Oct 9, AAB will not defend his post or seek nomination for March elections. He will thus ally dissent within UMNO by simply handing over premiership by June 09 and thus be seen to be leaving on his own accord in a graceful/respectful manner rather than being thrown out, lol.

    AAB has always sought cosmetics over substance and it’s clear that his ego is more important to him than his country!

  3. His options are definitely narrowing in the face of this ‘coup d’etat’ (to borrow YB Kit’s phrase).

    IF he could secure the necessary number of nominations from Umno’s divisions, he could defend his post as party president against challenges. That’s the democratic way.

    Or he could look for some excuse to declare matrial law and incarcerate some more political detractors including those from his own party out to oust him. That’s the undemocratic way.

    However, if he cannot do either options and has to go, what time is there left for him to “salvage his premiership to leave behind some honourable legacy to future generations?”

    If he could not, for whatever reasons, effect meaningful or institutional reforms for all the while and years he has been PM how could he do so, in the interest of legacy, within the limited borrowed time of a couple of months left within the framework of Barisan Nasional subsisting on after him ?

    It is a different story if he were vengeful to hit back at ingrates within the party conspiring to oust him even to the extent of risking BN’s position.

    He could, for example, tender his resignation along with the cabinet to confront another general election.

    He could meet with Anwar and talk.

    At the very least he could release RPK from Kamunting so that the cyber pit bull could be let loose to bite some of those conspiring to usher his earlier exit.

  4. dear hj angus,

    certainly the premier can within this six months or less perform the following:-

    1. abolish ISA.
    2. independent Aca.
    3. independent Judiciary.
    4. sell off the executive jet.

    there are too many broken promises , retracting and conflicting statements by the premier himself and that of the ministers.

    nevertheless, whoever assume the premiership is yet another concern if none of the 3 core issues are addressed.

  5. I can’t see Badawi resigning with the rest of his cabinet “to confront another election”.

    The warlords within UMNO have too much to lose in a GE, and would prefer to buy time until 2012 – 2013. A bird in hand in worth two in the bush. For UMNO, another 4 years of having their hands in the nation’s till is more important than any other reason we can give about Badawi needing to do the right thing.

    certainly the premier can within this six months or less perform the following:-

    1. abolish ISA.
    2. independent Aca.
    3. independent Judiciary.
    4. sell off the executive jet.

    Don’t forget to fire the Botak Clown aka Mr ISA.

  7. the prime minister is a typical rag to riches and back to rag story.

    he had the greatest mandate given to him in year 2004 , and he failed to addressed all the promises made. he enjoyed all the travelling overseas in a nice jet and he governed by remote control ( if any ).

    he led the worst performance of bn in 2008, due to poor leadership and by not listening to the raayat. he surrounded himself by “hidup paklah” warlords.

    unfortunately he never realise he did wrong. i think, he does not even know why he is so unpopular with the raayat and within his warlords.

    he had been given the opportunity to right the wrongs of the past, but he merely compounded the problems .

    and what can the premier salvage in such a short time, for what he could not deliver for the last 4 years. NOTHING.

    history will remember you mr.premier, if you abolish ISA. that’s the least you can do.

  8. When YB Kit asks, whether Abdullah could salvage his premiership to leave behind some honourable legacy to future generations, Kit is definitely ‘fishing’ for a certain definite response.

    Discounting/barring the issue of reforms for which there is no more time – a few months is just too short – there is one other way for Abdullah Badawi “to leave behind some honourable legacy to future generations”.

    That way is to tender his and his cabinet resignation to the Yang di Pertuan Agong with the advice to dissolve parliament and call for a general election.

    Let the people decide now their future, whether it would be BN or Pakatan Rakyat.

    And why not? After all so many of the powerful players within his own party have rejected his leadership and would not even give him the face saving time of up to 2010 to complete his work or reforms.

    This last card will be a good answer to the ingrates aligned against him : at the same time it is measure that will benefit the country to clear once and for all the uncertainty over all these months since 8th March as to who has mandate.

  9. It is quite a scary thought of having Najis as the new PM. When the original 2010 transition plan was thrashed out between him and Badawi, he called it a “good and wise” move. Now that the plan has been brought forward to 2009, he is also calling it a “wise” move.

    For a person who just cannot shake off the Mongolian connection, and for those of us who look on in bewilderment at the antics of Rosemary, the ascendancy of Najis to the top post of the land cannot be seen as a “wise” move.

  10. They are coming at him from all directions but, if he wants history to remember him kindly, he should let his conscience be his guide – Immediately Abolish ISA and set Raja Petra and all ISA detainees free!

    It’s time he speaks up, identify and stop cover up of the identity of “Mr C4” – alleged to be a vvip in politics. This dangerous guy must not be allowed to hold public office. He must be sent to hell.

    He must also expose those involved in the conspiracy to character assassinate Anwar Ibrahim in Sodomy II charge and drop the charge. As for Saiful Bukhari, we will deal with him later on.

  11. In response to Godfather’s post – the issue is whether tendering his and his cabinet resignation to the Yang di Pertuan Agong with the advice to dissolve parliament and call for a general election is a call and constityutional privilege of the Prime Minister. If it is, then what can the power brokers/war lords do about it? I am inclined to the view that that option is the exclusive call of the Prime Minister, about which nobody else, whether he likes it or not, can do anything except possibly only the Yang di Pertuan Agong who also has the discretion whether to accede to the PM’s request to dissolve parliament or appoint somebody else within UMNO to lead the government!

  12. Jeffrey:

    The issue here is that the UMNO Supreme Council will not let Badawi “do the right thing” by calling for fresh elections. It is too far-fetched to think that the UMNO warlords will take the risk of being part of the new opposition so soon after the last elections. We all know that Badawi is incapable of making quick decisions, unlike the dictatorial approach of his predecessor, the Mamak.

  13. Even though it is correct to say that the prerogative of dissolving Parliament and calling for fresh elections is with the PM, the last 2 UMNO supreme council meetings have demonstrated that the emperor indeed has no clothes.

  14. In the same vein, Badawi can’t abolish the ISA or free all ISA detainees because the decision to detain the Hindraf leadership and other political opponents of BN was not really made by Badawi alone, but rather under severe pressure from the extremist faction within UMNO itself.

  15. godfather,

    the list of candidates :-
    1. mr.n r
    2. mr. m
    3. mr. t r
    4. mr. r y
    5. none of the above.

    not much of a choice right? so, i concur with Sir Jeffrey’s observation and wisdom, to dissolve parliament and called for a fresh general election. let the raayat decide who we want to be the prime minister, rather the 25 “supreme” members. what is 25 pax compare to 26 million malaysians.

  16. Godfather : I am inclined to the view that although the UMNO Supreme Council will (definitely) not let Badawi “do the right thing” by calling for fresh elections, the fact is that the Supreme Council has no control over the Prime Minister’s constitutional prerogative to choose the timing of the next election. First of all I doubt that UMNO’s party constitution has anything to fetter this constitutional privilege of the PM; secondly even if UMNO’s party constitution has anything to say about it – that Supreme Council must approve – non of these rules or party rules will override or take precedence over the supremacy of the Federal Constitution.

    So if the Constitution gives the PM the right, that is the end of the matter : it is only whether the PM wants to invoke and exercise it.

  17. oknyua Says:
    ADAM Yong- no need for him to abolish ISA – not to that extend. Release all ISA detainees and charge them in court of law – I will still remember it as his final good deed.

    Yeah, we may still need ISA for a good couple of years, to put Botak Clown, Ahmad Ismail and the likes in there to let them experience the suffering they inflicted on others. You know… Law of Karma.

  18. March 2009 spells the endgame of Abdullah’s “reign”.

    I think Abdullah has made a lot of mistakes while in office. The biggest one is that instead of devoting his attention to reforms and to the needs of the rakyat, he shifted his focus to power-struggle within UMNO and outside UMNO (after DSAI made a political comeback). The Abdullah administration seems to be redundant and irrelevant to nation building, especially after Tsunami 308. Currently the whole nation can be likened to a ship without a captain, drifting dangerously in the stormy sea!

    Abdullah’s blatant abuse of the ISA and MCMC declaration of Internet non-censorship, coupled with negative repercussions from fuel-price hikes (e.g. sky-rocketing inflation, sluggish economy, high unemployment etc) have created more foes than friends. That does not augur well for his staying on as PM.

    Abdullah’s indecisive flip-flopping character has given people the impression that he is a weak and impotent leader.

    I personally would not support Abdullah’s premiership. I think Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah or Muhyiddin Yassin is a better choice for the PM’s post (so long as UMNO remains in power).

  19. That is because the resignation of a PM and government is an issue relating to government governed by rules of the Federal Constitution – and it is not a ‘party’ issue relating to UMNO governed by its own party’s rules! In the premises party’s rules cannot interfere with constitutional processes relating to government.

  20. godfather,

    i beg to disagreed . certainly he can release those detained under isa. certainly he can abolish isa, pr mps will support the bill in parliament.

    unless he is aligned and part of the “extreme” faction within umno himself.

    if i have six months to live, seriously, ( EXPIRY DATE PROVIDED ), i will go all out to redeem my sins and do good.

  21. AAB knew that reform was necessary and that was why he declared that he wanted to be PM for all Malaysians. He established royal commissions to reform the police force, and to reform the TDMism in the Judiciary. But he was not able to carry them out. The hindrance began with TDM, and the excesses perpetrated by his son-in-law didn’t help.

    Malaysians thought that after TDM, all will be well. But all is not well, and the successor of AAB that we know will not make it any better.

    The way to reform is to have the government taken away from the hands of UMNO warlords whom AAB with the near absolute power was not able to control.

    If AAB considers that besides enjoying the perks during all his life in politics, he hopes still to be remembered, fondly, by the future generations, he should make reform of the country possible, even though it is not carried out through his hands.

    Anwar has told him that he has the number to take over the government. Anwar promised reform. Between his UMNO successor and Anwar, AAB should know who would honestly carry out reform for the good of the country. So it is easier for AAB to assign Anwar to reform the country, than to hope that his UMNO successor would so it.

    AAB should just meet with Anwar, possible through video conference, on how the power transfer should be organized. He can do it before 9 October. The country would be happy to hear that he has transferred his power to Anwar, than he has been beaten for believing that he would not be able to claim 58 nominations by the UMNO divisions.

    When AAB ceases to hold the post as PM, the presidency of UMNO means much less. He could in fact resign from UMNO, to create the history of a sitting president resigning the position.

  22. Jeffrey Says:
    I don’t think any minister appointed by the PM – or even the Supreme Council – can stop a Prime Minister from acting on his accord to tender in the resignation of his post and that of the cabinet.

    But we know that Nincompoop is a weakling, and every decision whether big or small; he has to ask other people first.

  23. Sir Jeffrey,

    you may have given the prime minster the very “medicine” for his sickness AND problems. by threatening to dissolve parliament, which is his prerogative, suddenly all the warlords will shout “hidup paklah” again. cause, they know, the final result of the next general election.

  24. Well, sleepy flipflop lame duck guy can at least do something good for the rakyat before he leave.
    Abolish ISA, revamp the judiciary and the police force, resolve racial and religious issues to mention a few.
    But please dont let Mr.C4 takeover. This guy has too many unpleasant things link to him directly or indirectly.
    Dont mumble anymore, just wake up and do something for everyone irrespective. You have everything to gain and NOTHING to lose now. JUST DO IT.

  25. ADAM YONG IBNI ABDULLAH, in difficult and trying times, the person cornered will have no choice but to depart from his customary Mr Nice gestures to take on bold initiatives (going for the jugular) that his opponents least expect him to do.

    Even a cat cornered by a big dog, with no room to escape, will unsheath its claws, gnarl its teeth and fight back.

    The very threat of resigning government will induce all power brokers and warlords to give him an extension of time to 2010. Or else they face the music!

  26. Goodbye Pak Lah, you will not be missed!
    But can Najib perform? Looks like another lame duck! Bakri Musa has aptly described Najib. I have the same opinion on him too. He is just as indecisive asPak Lah. No backbone of his.
    Anyway, let us sit back and watch!!!

  27. OMG!
    Cannot imagine how Malaysia will turn into if Rosie is taking over the helm.

    PR needs to grab power b4 Rosie is taking over!

    Pete will be in real deep shit too.
    Let’s put the murderers to hell fast!

  28. Release RPK sue him in open court no the ISA to cover all the cases against the ppl in BN cronie.
    where were the last Balakrisnan go? just gone like this?
    please release RPK and all detained under ISA

  29. Jeffrey says, “The very threat of resigning government will induce all power brokers and warlords to give him an extension of time to 2010.”

    Do you really think that AAB has the gumption to do such a thing? This is so out of character for the guy. If we were to classify AAB’s decisions into baskets of “doing right things, right”, “right things, wrong”, “wrong things, right” and “wrong things, wrong”, where do you think he will come out? And here we are asking or expecting him to “right things, right” for a change. No chance, but wishful thinking. Nevertheless, a great thought indeed!

  30. Open short letter to najib, the incoming prime minister of malaysia,

    Dear PM, pls take note of badawi’s failures and dont repeat them.

    I have analysed badawi’s failures and for your benefit I have reduced them into a set of simple to follow rules.

    Rule no. 1 dont ever promise to clear up corruption in malaysia.

    Rule no. 2 dont ever promise to improve transparency or to ensure good governance.

    Rule no. 3 dont ever promise to be fair to non-malays and not to practice racial discrimination.

    Rule no. 4 dont ever promise to discontinue nep.

    Rule no. 5 dont ever promise anything you or umno could not or have no intention of honouring.

    Badawi promised too much with full knowledge of his incapacity to deliver and knowing well that umno would not co-operate.

  31. Dollah has lost his sense of proportions…sense of dignity…sense of principles in life….and above all…sense of self pride..to keep his words..as ‘People’s PM”.
    He has no more good qualities left in him.
    The last and most important sense of living….to mean what you say….and say what you mean….totally gone.
    He has actually revealed himself…by saying….he love UMNO more than anything else.
    Had he said that before election ….voters may chuck him out….as voters expects him to love Malaysians more than UMNO.
    This man is useless…so easy to fall into the traps of Mahathir….simply because…he wants to play dirty politics.
    He is such a selfish stubborn man …and with his low IQ…it makes him totally useless PM.
    Yes…….Malaysians….be prepared for one idiot taking over another idiot ..as PM.
    How long can UMNO last?
    All we need to get that answer is…by asking ourselves…who in UMNO is smart …sincere…a true Malaysian…to be PM?
    Smart ones…simply cannot last. It must always be.. a racialist…..with an art.. to twist and turn. All UMNO supreme council members…..have learn the art well.
    Actually….many active UMNO members has learn this art very well too.
    We never seen UMNO members talking or behaving like this before Mahathir took over for 22 years.
    Mahathir is …the real devil…the teacher…the Dictator.
    Dollah started by saying….he needs to get rid of little Napoleans….and those little Napoleans are actually getting rid of him….because he talks alot…..just talk…no actions…making Malaysians so sick of him…right now.
    Malaysians must wake up….be very patient and vote them out…..next election.

  32. Malaysian Insider article written by NO NAME SUPPLIED. http://m.themalaysianinsider.com/articles.php?id=9652-winners-and-losers

    Note the last paragraph which I quote:

    “Postponing the party elections will hit some of these warlords hard in the pocket. Many of them have been spending a great deal of money, and now they will have to loosen their purse string right up till March.” and

    “The winners in March may well turn out to be those with the deepest pockets.”

    Is this an open and public admission that UMNO warlords engage in substantial money politics in UMNO elections?

    If so, where is the ACA investigations?

    Where are the public condemnations on this unsavoury money politics in UMNO?


  33. And when there is trouble these UMNO morons say that it is BARISAN NASIONAL that is responsible ( actually I don’t remember an instance where UMNO, on behalf of BN has actually admitted any faults in their lifetime) but when it comes to transition of power to run the country ONLY UMNO is involved in the discussions. Alright, I don’t want to hear from anybody that the government of Malaysia is BN. It has never been and never will be unless some mighty mindset shift occurs amongst those morons in UMNO. All these 51 years it has always been UMNO that is the government of Malaya and subsequently Malaysia. Therefore what Malaysia is today ( a hopeless situation ) is all due to UMNO and nobody else.

  34. When as the leader of the government and you knowingly allow :

    1. Fabrication of lies against your political opponents like DSAI’s
    sodomy case with the hope to silent him.

    2. Conspire and put RPK under ISA without evidence under the
    guise that RPK had belittle religion.

    3. Put Teresa Kok under mental anguish by ambushing her before
    she reached home under dubious reasons.

    4. Allow racism to persists and thus causing tension among
    races by not taking action against the perpetrators

    5. Put Hindraf 5 under ISA without no concrete evidence to charge
    them and letting their families to fend for themselves.

    Then, you are facing the music now.
    You are facing your Creator
    God is still Great

    Do GOOD and you will be rewarded
    DO EVIL and you will be rewarded with PUNISHMENT

    The punishment meted will be slow and painful like the internal
    party problems; no peace of mind in carrying out your own work,
    uprising within the party etc.

  35. anoter bank fail in US,washington Mutual INC take over by FDIC

    […]Thursday evening, Washington Mutual was closed by the Office of Thrift Supervision and the FDIC named receiver. WaMu customers with questions should call their normal banking representative, service center, 1-800-788-7000 or visit http://www.WaMU.com. The FDIC’s consumer hotline is 1-877-ASK-FDIC (1-877-275-3342) or visit http://www.fdic.gov.

    All of the deposits and assets of Washington Mutual (WM) are being immediately purchased by JP Morgan (JPM) All branches of Washington Mutual reportedly will open tomorrow as normal, but under control of the FDIC during the transfer to JP Morgan.

    more and more banks failure will be report as thing getting bad to worse.I just wonder do we have a proper plan to face this crisis.

  36. YB asked an interesting question : “Can Abdullah salvage his premiership to leave behind some honourable legacy to future generations?”

    I think, even though Abdullah is most likely aware of this question, he may not have given much thought to this question to date, for the simple reason that this question is not his top priority so far. He is obviously too preoccupied with his own political survival, to even think of anything else… what’s best for the country is probably the last thing he thinks about.

    However, if he were to give serious thoughts to this question, then, the best present he could give to Malaysia is a true and free “democracy” as some has suggested here.

    There are many ways he could do this, but to tender his resignation together with the Cabinet appears to be most effective, so as to trigger fresh General Elections and allowing everyone the same and fair opportunity to contest in a free and fair manner. This implies concurrently cleaning up various election machinaries such as the Election Commission, the mass media, the Judiciary, the ACA, the Police, etc. etc. etc.

    Of course, the likelihood of this happening is extremely remote. I think we are more likely to see Abdullah growing wings physically and fly to the moon unaided than this happening.

    I noticed Jeffrey has been championing the idea of the former, which is to tender the resignation of both PM and Cabinet. In the unlikely event that this occurs, it is still highly likely that UMNO & BN will ensure that the odds continue to be tilted towards them, in that the MSM will continue to be biased, the ACA biased, the Police biased, the Election Commission biased, postal votes, phantom votes, etc. However, given that the momentum is now with Pakatan (or at least we like to believe so, despite the dissappointment with 916), this opportunity will truly be god-send.

  37. “Do you really think that AAB has the gumption to do such a thing?” Justitia asked. Likely not but it is not impossible.

    Look at it this way.

    A person does not do the “right” thing because other competing consideration like political survival takes first importance above all other principles.

    But what if doing that particular “right” thing is now necessary and imperative for a least a chance at political survival which to that person is the first of all consideration – wouldn’t there be a chance he’ll do it?

  38. ///dissolve parliament and call for a general election is a call and constityutional privilege of the Prime Minister.///–Jeffrey

    Granted that, but who is going to decide on UMNO candidates. The man will sooner be dismissed by the supreme council than warming his seat. Yes, he can frustrate the party to go through the election again. As caretaker, and this time, as powerless as Tunku once was, UMNO will win more seats than previously, because the voters turnout could be more than in the lists.

    He should just hand over the power to Anwar.

  39. Jeffrey, thanks for responding. To your question, “what if doing that particular “right” thing is now necessary and imperative for a least a chance at political survival which to that person is the first of all consideration – wouldn’t there be a chance he’ll do it?” The rational person would say yes. But, there is another factor that needs to come in. That is, courage to follow through on the rational, logical analysis. Even if a cat is cornered, it still needs the courage to fight back. Up to now, AAB has failed to demonstrate that he has the courage or backbone to go against the grain.

  40. Dear All,

    What an exit for Mr Abdullah Badawi! What a day in history for Malaysia! What an unbelievable way by which Malaysia would have a new PM! What a way to manipulate events to hijack democracy and democratic practices in Malaysia!

    What can one say and opine about those startling happenings; and what does the Federal Constitution say on the legality and legitimacy of those eventualities?

    Can the decisions and internal matters of a single political party over-ride and wrest control of the mandate given by the national electorate (which consisted of all political parties and politically neutral voters) to form a new federal government?

    Can the legitimacy of a new government so formed be challenged in a court of law?

    The vote and mandate obtained through a legally valid election cannot be manipulated and handed over to any other party nor be won over through whatever means. Wouldn’t that amount to some kind of coup?

    Can any legal experts throw some light on these matters?

  41. please – stop all this nonsense. why not letting aab reign until 2010, why so rush and desperate ! he’s mr clean. he’s mr nice guy. and he’s one of the emphatic pm and approachable. wasn’t it rakyat give aab mandat as pm during ge 13 – he even won significant majority in kepala batas!

    do you think he’s successor will be good too ?! why create disturbance and distress to the country ?

  42. ////but who is going to decide on UMNO candidates? The man will sooner be dismissed by the supreme council than warming his seat//// – Loh. Decision of candidates is by President. They can’t dismiss him (for exercising a constitutional prerogative attached to PM) just like that unless they dismiss him as president of UMNO to which post of PM is attached. The Election will be sooner than the UMNO party elections, won’t it be?

  43. What we want is to force UMNO/BN out of Government instead of forcing Pak Lah out of UMNO. What a waste of time. They think I will support them just because they replace Pak Lah? Fat hopes!

    Anyway, for the 1st time in so many decades, we finally have a choice, an alternative. So Uncle Lim, DSAI and Uncle Nik, dont let us down. Carry us towards a prosperous nation. Thank you.

  44. Even Ghanaians ain’t coming to Malaysia no more! Read the news!


    apparently, ku li is correct to say that Malaysia is assumed to belong to only two grown men playing an endless children’s game of ‘yours and mine’

    locally and internationally, we’re gaining notoriety. Ghanaians ain’t believing that we are what we advertised ourselves to be .. the tolerant understanding sort of craps.

  45. The only sad thing about Badawi been forced out is that it will be Najib taking over by all accounts.
    Perhaps Badawi’s lasting legacy to Malaysia is to facilitate a smmoth transfer of power to the PR if indeed Anwar has majority of MP’s supprting him.
    That’s some hope!

  46. AAB failed to learn from his Sifu TDM by distributing the country’s countracts to all the UMNO top guns, instead, majority of the contracts only going to his family members, the dried up of the money supply flowing from the top to the bottom had caused the warlords to dissent AAB as they no longer enjoy the same like before when under TDM, so it is natural that they want to revoke against him!!! because it is UMNO tradition to keep the money flowing non stop no matter what happens to our beloved country Malaysia whether in good times or bad times!!! Now, the warlords want to kick the Emperor out because they want to have every things distributed “equally” among themselves!!!

  47. UMNO Supreme Council had no time for our country’s well being at all, what they have is only who will get more shares after AAB steps down!!! USA is experiencing banking crisis one after another, I dont know when it will be our turn if UMNO and BN are only focus on themselves!!!

  48. Jeffrey,

    The PM can advise the King to dissolve parliament and call fresh elections but the King is not obligated to take the PM’s advice.

    The King at his discretion can appoint another person whom he feels commands the majority of the House to be PM.

    Hence, AAB does not have the power to call fresh election, the power is with the King.

  49. The following is an extract from Wikipedia:-

    [1987 Kampung Baru rally

    In the midst of UMNO’s internal crisis in 1987, a rally by UMNO Youth led by Najib was held in Kampung Baru. Anti-Chinese sentiments were expressed openly during the rally with placard carrying slogans like “May 13 has begun”, and “Soak (the kris) in Chinese blood”. This precipitated existing ethnic tensions leading to fears of a repeat of inter-ethnic violence and eventually resulted in a security operation known as Operasi Lalang, where administrative detentions were made on hundreds of individuals].

    Since PM is resolved to pass his baton to Najib, he should have clarified the above “controversy” and cleared the name of the latter in the first place, shouldn’t he?

  50. ///Pressed on the exact date of his resignation during the press conference today, the prime minister tells close to 100 journalists that they can keep on guessing///–AAB in Malaysiakini

    What AAB did not say was you use your brain to guess, but I don’t use mine to act.

  51. These BN’ed and its useless components “kleptocrat” simply bunch of rubish and full of trash…

    Do they realised the world economy at risk for recession?

    What on earth are these goons doing now anyways, can they postponed the world economy crisis instead?

  52. KennyGan, thanks for responding – posting 20: 49.20 .

    Yes I am aware King also has discretion : re my earlier posting 20:49.20 in which I said, “…I am inclined to the view that that option is the exclusive call of the Prime Minister, about which nobody else, whether he likes it or not, can do anything except possibly only the Yang di Pertuan Agong who also has the discretion whether to accede to the PM’s request to dissolve parliament or appoint somebody else within UMNO to lead the government!”.

    However I figure that the King would nomally transcend partisan politics there being no particular reason why he would side the other faction of UMNO.

    Since Anwar also contends he has the majority – where the opposite faction of the premier has lost confidence in him – why not settle the contentious issue of mandate by allowing a dissolution of parliament for elections?

  53. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has always been in transitions.
    Awake..and suddenly…transit to dreamland.
    Can say……” I am people’s PM!!!”….then transit to become…people’s enemy No.1
    So brave to make us pay…78 sen from our pocket on oil…..and transit to be a mouse…giving back 25 sen..when oil is actually lower than the time….he imposed the 78 sen.
    So brave to fight Mahathir with style and on the winning side.than transit to his selfish and corrupted side…to lose the battle….right now.
    No use to write more about him!! Malaysians….only need to imagine…Badawi…at airport…going in transit from one place to another…..do not know where he actually want to land. That’s him….right now.

  54. I don’t care! As long as the premier is not someone from UMNO. Goodbye AAB/UMNO/KJ. Whose daughter are you going after when your FIL is not around.

    Nobody is good in UMNO. May Allah burn all of you bigots in hell. Have a sad Raya, UMNOputras.

  55. Jeffrey,

    Only one coalition can have the majority. If both claim to have the majority, this can easily be put to the test by a vote in parliament or by bringing the lawmakers to meet the King.

    Hence the King may decide to appoint another PM instead of fresh elections bearing in mind that the last elections was only 6 months ago.

    In any case, I doubt AAB will take the drastic step of forcing new elections even if he’s being forced down as new elections may be the death knell for BN given the prevailing mood in the country.

    As I doubt Anwar has the numbers, it looks like we’re stuck with BN for the next 4 years.

  56. From : TheMalaysianInsider.com

    Ku Li: Malaysia has become a laughing stock
    KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 26 – The prime minister and his deputy are turning Malaysia into a banana republic and a laughing stock, according to Gua Musang MP Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.

    In a press statement on the outcome of today’s emergency Umno Supreme Council meeting, he called Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi and his deputy Datuk Seri Najib Razak “two grown men playing this endless children’s game of ‘yours and mine’ with the most important responsibility in the land, oblivious of the law, oblivious to the damage they are doing to the nation.”

    The Kelantanese prince said that it appeared that their political careers appeared to be more important than the future of the nation.

    “Instead of a national economic plan or any kind of reform, all the Umno leadership has only given us since March 8 is a transition plan designed to save two individuals from the inconvenience of facing elections,” he said.

    Razaleigh has also been critical of the original mid-2010 pact between Abdullah and Najib, calling it a “fantasy which rides roughshod over the party’s constitution and the rights of its members.”

    The former finance minister has declared his intentions to challenge for the party presidency but doubts continue over his ability to garner the required 58 nominations to be eligible to contest the top post.

    Razaleigh is scheduled to speak further on this matter in a press conference tomorrow.


    Can you hear the whole world rolling on the floor laughing while UMNO plays “lat-tali-lat-tali-tam-plom”?

  57. Let’s do our best to secure freedom for Pet.

    I guess a Nobel Peace Prize nomination will able to help.

    To all bloggers out there, how can we nominate Pet as a candidate? Should we all write to Nobel Prize organizing commitee at Sweden?

  58. AAB will be history very soon, maybe sooner than what most expected. And, looks like Najis is syiok-syiok dreaming about the day he become the 6th PM…..

    However, things might not happen as smoothe as what Najis pray for, the almost-cooked duck might just be swallowed by Anwar or T.R., who knows?

    Anyway, if i were AAB, i will just act decisively and resign tonight!!! simply because one single day he stays means another day for the Rakyat to suffer. He has been feeling and acting lost since Oct 2003…………..

  59. if he really sayang his party, his rakyat and his country……….
    please lah…just resign tonight, so that a more capable person can undo all his nonsense for the past 5 years!!!

    Malaysia Boleh! Hidup Malaysia!

  60. The handover dates keep changing. Not even Abdullah himself can confirm the actual transition date.

    With Abdullah’s popularity having the free fall drastically, the nation is heading towards a crisis situation wihtin the next 6 months – leadership vacuum.

    Abdullah is unable to cling to power much longer but Najib has yet to take over from him officially. We should see more warlords in UMNO to rise and lobby for the party election votes.

    UMNO is likely to become self-centred, all other BN component parties will suffer more political sidelines, while the PR is not yet in the position to topple the current government.

    Is Abdullah still going to make the announcement before 9-Oct, to contest the top post? The answer is already written all over his face during the press conference.

  61. We can forget about fresh elections and all that. No way these UMNO goons are going to risk their positions with a fresh round of GE now, when they know they will be trounced, left right and centre. They will have Najis as the PM for the next 4-5 years hoping this will buy them more time to milk the country some more.
    Bodohwi is history and he knows it, so his only chip left is to bargain on some extra time for him and his family to tidy up all the dealings and rewards and getting ready to migrate to Perth where they own a palatial mansion.
    The sad part of all this is that we will have to put for another 4-5 years with this fler running the country and that senile TDM back in the UMNO fold. And poor RPK would have to be locked up until at least the next GE. Don’t know about you, but it makes my heart aches like hell!

  62. You know, if you are given a chance to do something, you should do it as fast as possible and to the best of your ability, especially if this chance is the one and only one. When P.M. said that he still has a lot to do, how many mandates does he want ? It will take some time before D.P.M. knows a bit about what it means to be the P.M. It seems like time is being purposely stalled.

    Not just P.M.’s ego. In fact, cannot help but remembering the story of the King and the special cloak which is in fact nothing. Nobody dared to say anything except for the innocence of a little boy.

  63. When Bodowi made the transition plan with Najib, he left out one punctuation mark in the date. Instead of 2010, it should be 20.10 (20 Oct).

    It does look like we’re stuck with BN till 2012 or early 2013. Wonder how the country will be like by then. Will we be pulled backwards to Indonesian standard or Philippines standard? Will Malaysia become the sick man of Asean?

  64. UMNO act as if the gorvernment belong to them. They can determine the PM and DPM, they had forgotten that the government was form by BN and not UMNO which only had 78 seats. What about others BN component parties thought? Can Malaysia afford to be a laughing stock to the world to have someone being connect to ruthless killing to lead us. Can we accept someone who allow their servant to make racist remark and do nothing until the matter came to the nation uneasiness thus apologise thereafter? Do we want to associate ourself with such devil? Leave them now, let them fight among themself.

  65. As I have said before, the Warlords in UMNO have too much at stake to loose grip in the government. It is not about salvaging the premiership of AB but more of how the UMNOputras will do to solidify their strength in BN and controlling of the government.

  66. How I wish Pakatan can take over the Federal Government soon so that we do not have to waste time on stupid UMNO politics. Let them kill themselves as long as they don’t bring the country down with them. If UMNO is just the opposition, whoever they choose as head is of little interest and concern to us all. PR please act fast.

  67. This is my prediction for 2013 under BN.

    1) US$1 = RM4.50
    2) Inflation at 15% annually
    3) GDP 3%
    4) KLSE CI <800
    5) Petrol Price RM3.50 per litre

    Be prepared for BN to roll out repressive measures to win GE13. A regime is most dangerous when it’s about to lose power.

  68. Uncle Lim and brother Lim,

    this is the time for action , otherwise we have the wait for more than 50 years —–wake up . work as malaysian and fight as malaysian , god bless ALL Malaysian………………….hope to see dream Malaya

  69. Dear YB,
    The sleepy pak lah will definitely going and God knows what and how he will do…as suggested like freeing RPK, the Hindrrafs…(mission impossible).
    BBC News has just posted that UMNO has postponed their leadership polls untill March 2009 .
    Does this mean that we all have to suffer for at least another 4 years.
    What can we do? Endurance or petition for reelection.

  70. Is a sad day for Malaysia not because of Abdullah’s decision to quite in the very near future. But, for UMNO to think that they can depend on Najib to save the nation. This nation need a new life not the it has now. So, PR need to get ready and make the change now if they have the number.

  71. In Malaysian history since independence, I have not seen a genuine Malay hero for all Malaysian. UMNO’s proiority is to bully the minority non-bumis.

    When there is a hero in the Malays race who looks after all the races in Malaysia, then I can say that Malaysia will have hope.

    DSAI is one of the potential candidates.

    Whoever takes over UMNO does not make any significant impact on Malaysia.

    What is important is when we can have a genuine Malay hero to lead all Malaysian.

  72. “quote
    In Malaysian history since independence, I have not seen a genuine Malay hero for all Malaysian. UMNO’s proiority is to bully the minority non-bumis.
    I think there are few but usually got marginalize or push aside because they are the minority. But, as the country mature and information are being dispense to rakyat other than the MSM control media we starts to see the difference. Hopefully before we know it the BN is on its way out. I can only pray for that day to come.

  73. Apparently, BN government will fall if Abdullah remains as PM. It is not about Najib a more capable PM, it is about what Najib will do to save himself. Abdullah is the first fall guy, Najib is the second, the third one is the real winner, guess who is he?

  74. The rakyat and UMNO Supreme Council’s verdict that Abdullah is incapable of governing the country and must make way for another person is final. I do not see how Abdullah can cling on to power after March 2009 unless he deploys “money politics” to defend his President post.

  75. Could NTR be Umno’s ‘Last Emperor’? The Malays now made up more than 60 per cent of the population and they will have several political parties to fight for their interests. UMNO, PAS, PKR, etc. Reading TDM’s blog, we find that there are many Malays who are disillusioned with UMNO and are thinking of forming another Malay party. On the other hand, Chinese and Indians will not form any more political parties as they form only about 30 per cent of the population. Naturally Chinese especially will be inclined to vote for a Malay party that practises moderation. If UMNO continues to harp on communal and religious issues, Chinese voters are very likely to desert it in the next GE and throw their support behind moderate Malay multi-racial party like the PKR. DSAI is very smart to have seen this trend coming and did not hesitate to seize upon it. Probably he saw it while serving his 6 years in prison. He is a reformed man and now stands up as our great hope for achieving our Malaysian Dream.
    Age is catching up with Pak Lah, and Najib and Muhyddin are becoming ever more impatient to take over. BN from now on cannot afford a misstep, or they will see DSAI sitting the throne. Will the alphanets be R.A.H.M.A.N. or R.A.H.M.A.A.?

  76. I have seen stop reading the “junK” of chedek. A racial and self righteous blog’s. People should not forget the shits he created for our country in his 22 years of reign. How he try to undermined Badawi. How he goes around the country raising Ketuanan issues.
    He speak wit a fork tongue. Who can trust him.

    Anybody can start a blog, as our DPM has also gone online.

    Look at it carefully at the Rise of the Mamak.
    1. It was the mamak that organized the protest at Komtar.
    2. The chief mamak goes around the country trying to raise malasy supremacy issues.
    3. Ahmad Ismail a mamak emboldenrd to make racist comments.
    4, Looking at the picture you will see a mamak sitting beside AI and the person that bring down the photograph of Koh Tsu Koon is unmistakeably a mamak.
    5. The Son Mukriz also rise now that Mamakson is contesting for UMNO youth chief position.
    6.Now chief mamak was “persuded” to return to UMMO.

    Some people talk about unseen hand! Credible I think! go figure!

  77. As I said weeks ago, Badawi administration is finished effectively. What is going on is a pathetic farce and my sympathy to Badawi for having to accept the pitiful charity of face-saving by his colleagues/comrades.

    Lets move to the next time. Why is thing NOT going to be better?

    Consider a Najib-Muhiyiddin administration which is what the party is hoping for. Its just not stable combination. Najib is no idiot but he is not great intellect he pretends to be. But his weakness is his character. He comes in with more scandal than anyone else and is prone to make very serious mistake in judgement of risk. The Altantuya scandal is part of long series of that. The Permatang Pauh campaign which he header proved it again.

    Muhiyiddin has stronger character and but he is also less-well read and not enlightened enough. Everyone knows Muhiyiddin is one of the riches politician around and the fact he is not tainted publicly over it shows his stronger character. But Muhiyiddin, we have seen has only been politically visionary not governance wise. His larger vision is limited.

    So we have a possible/proposed team that essentially one is stronger in character and the other is slightly more intellectual. They are both of the same age group (55-51). Its not a basis for a strong partnership. Muhiyiddin would be a fool to wait 10-15 years to be PM when the party may decide they want someone younger given the demographic.

    Either Muhiyiddin will go for the top leadership in the next GA OR it won’t take long before he will undermine Najib’s administration. This is warlording ways of UMNO at its core.

    The worst of UMNO/BN problems has not even begun. For the nation, if Anwar takes over, the end of worst could be over sooner otherwise, we will have to suffer with UMNO/BN problems..

  78. Yb,

    Say what you may….. flip-flop PM, Sleeping PM, etc etc…. In all fairness, I feel Pak Lah left a legacy to us as the Most Democratic PM we ever have…..


    If you bloggers could use your thinking cap and revert to Mahathir era, do you think we can behave the way we are behaving now ?
    All of us would either end up in ISA, missing in action, ACA harassment etc etc…..

    Pak Lah,, you have done your best eventhough it not to the expectation of the rakyat….. So my humble request to you is after your enforce retirement….. relax lah and proceed to the warong warong with your families and grand child to have a cool kopi kau kau …. chi piu …. with nasi lemak lah. ….

    Please don’t expect your Minister to join you…. call us…. we shall be there…..

  79. i dont know whether is it a ‘cursed’ formula for malaysia:R A H M A N !

    if it really does,i hope it happens very fast,maybe najis can be the 6th pm,but only for a while,very soon,DSAI will take over!

    i also worry what kind of democracy the umno was talking about (especially from mudiddin saying that umno always practise democracy!),and if thailand’s pm got terminated because of cook-show on tv,i wonder despite voices from inside and outside the umno for phucklah to step down immediately for the sake of the country,he still resist!

  80. With Tengku Razaleigh looking like he’ll be sidelined again, he had best join forces with Anwar to force early elections for a bid at power. Maybe he can be DPM.

    As for Mahathir supporting Ku Li as Umno President contender, expect this support to evaporate once Najib is confirmed to be taking over early from Badawi. There was never any real support in the first place, it was only a ruse to get Najib to act.

  81. it is a conspiracy , he is being victimised, a political extermination,

    i am sure he would not want to be second best or become an iconic shame.

    but things are not too graceful as it appears…

    this is not the usual as like previous similar cases

    lastly what the hell bolihland is heading D day , when club squambles take up national time.

  82. I dread to see what beholds Malaysia when the Mafia chief takes over the reins of Umno. Poor ABB doesnt even know who has plunged the dagger in his back. The green horn SIL will never be able to help his FIL fight with the mafia within Umno. They are too strong for him to battle with them. RPK was detained under the ISA to silence him because RPK knows who was behind the orchestra.

  83. well ..look at the bright side from here
    our children will learn how to use C4 in science ..
    they also learn to get closer to those umno vvip to get contracts, free incentive trips around the world, private banking, shopping in europe (paid by suppliers), monies are easily obtain -just a call will do…. and many many more latest policies to be rich ..
    good subjects to tagged on ..

  84. “The decision is mine, you can go on guessing”. For a guy who seems to be incapable of making even simple decisions, thereby allowing his ministers to do anything they like that blatantly went against his 2004 election promises, my guess is that his decision depends on other people’s decision. If others tell him to defend, he will defend, but if other tell him not to, he will “decide” not to. That, I believe, is what he meant by “the decision is mine”.

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