Is the MCA Operative who lodged the report triggering Teresa Kok’s ISA arrest a MCA member?

At the SSS (Support, Sympathy and Solidarity) Candlelight Vigil for DAP MP for Seputeh Teresa Kok demanding her immediate release from Internal Security Act held at Ipoh Timor Garden East, Ipoh on Thursday, 18th September 2008 – the eve of Teresa’s seven-day incarceration – I said that a key MCA operative in Puchong had lodged a police report making false allegations against Teresa over the azan controversy on Thursday, 11th September 2008, which triggered her ISA detention the next day on Sept. 12 at 11.18 pm.

I repeated this the next day at Teresa’s media conference on her ISA release at DAP PJ hqrs the next day at 3.30 pm.
Is or was the “key MCA operative in Puchong” a MCA member? Let MCA leaders tell Malaysians.

Suddenly, MCA leaders like its vice president Datuk Ong Tee Keat have become very bold and courageous in throwing challenges wanting me to prove that “police reports lodged by members of an MCA division in Selangor had led to the detention of DAP’s Seputeh MP Teresa Kok under the Internal Security Act (ISA)”. (New Straits Times online)

But not a bleat from them when Home Minister, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar virtually told them to shut up and declared that there is not going to be any repeal or review of the ISA.

The MCA Central Committee met on Tuesday, 16th September 2008 and called for “a comprehensive review of the ISA so that it will apply strictly to cases relating to terrorism and subversive elements”.

Why didn’t the four MCA Ministers formally table this proposal at the Cabinet meeting the next day on Wednesday, 17th September 2008?

Are the MCA leaders just playing to the gallery in making public calls for the “comprehensive review” of the ISA, just for newspaper publicity but which MCA Ministers have neither intention nor political courage to pursue in Cabinet as a fundamental matter of principle?

MCA leaders are trying to raise a hue-and-cry over the identity over the “MCA operative in Puchong” whose police report one day earlier had triggered off Teresa Kok’s ISA detention.

Teresa had already revealed the identity of the “MCA operative in Puchong” concerned at the KL-Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall on the occasionn of the “head-shaving protest” by 18 justice-and-freedom-loving Malaysians expressing their outrage at the unjust, undemocratic and unlawful detention of Malaysia’s most famous blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin, the Hindraf 5 and other detainees under the Internal Security Act.

The ball is now in the court of the “bold and courageous” MCA leaders.


85 Replies to “Is the MCA Operative who lodged the report triggering Teresa Kok’s ISA arrest a MCA member?”

  1. Uncle kit,

    OTK wanted you to apologise on this issue. Let me remind him that he did not make any apology when he made a false accusation that you have never visited PKFZ and lodge any police report on that scandal.

    I think he is just trying to get some publicity by going head to head with you since he is contesting for the MCA president post.

  2. MCA only know how to “meow” nia. Never bark lah.
    Who the hell is that bloody traitor…Hon Kan….Han Jian..Pengkhianat???
    Same to “Semi Budget” <— guess who he is… He is the pengkhianat of his race.

  3. 17796 signatures obtained as at 07:08 for Free PKR from ISA detention petition online campaign. We talk so much about freedom from injustice and PKR lost his freedom for us doing just that. And what do we get so far is a lousy 17796 signatures to protest his detention under ISA. What a crying shame!

  4. Yup, they have become publicity clowns… Not a word from him during the Cheras Makota impasses. Poor resident got beaten up. Ong Tee Keat is just trying to get publicity fro his coming mca presidentship campaign..

  5. teresa’s claim of serving dog food is uncalled for. is hard boiled egg equivalent to dog food ? is cucumber equivalent to dog food ? is KFC dog food ? if syed albar is man, as minister responsible to ISA, he should sue that mp! the damage from the MP is spread like wildfire, the whole world thinks that she’s served with DOG FOOD! bad tarnishing image to malaysia! the internal security minister, go sue her for 100mil!!!!!

  6. MCA only dare to make noise behind their masters’ back but in front of their masters they are as quiet as church mice or only dare to say Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!

    If MCA is genuine, they should bring up the ISA matter in the Cabinet and Parliament. Since they dare not squeek in the Cabinet will we see them bring it up in Parliament? Don’t hold your breath on this.

    Shame on MCA and Ong Tee Keat, making noise for the sake of publicity but not daring to take any real action. But these people may already be shameless.

  7. Ever own a dog? Ever seen how the dog behaves when the owner neglects it? The dog might just bark to show displeasure and to get attention but the moment the ever-busy master that is now embroiled in a family crisis shouts ‘sit boy, sit’, this dog will immediately sit!

    This dog is just trying to show that it is a loyal dog, so that the people around will praise its worthiness as a dog. This dog has much to lose, in fact, everything. That’s because like a caged bird, all this dog knows is that its meals are served, at the pleasure of its master. And hey, this dog eats sumptuous meals and without this master, it will only eat bones like the rest. A pariah dog, it is still the king of the pariahs!

    So, to expect this dog to bark at its master when its master tells it to ‘roll over and play dead’? Not a chance! Its eyes are fixed on the huge ‘dog-food-bowl’. It ain’t allowing it to be broken! For that, serving its own selfish self, it will continue to play fetch, lick its master’s toes and to sniff its master’s stinking arse too.

    And oh, the master has castrated this pariah pundek dog. Hence, does one really think that this super pariah pundek dog has the balls to face this challenge?

    Before I go, be told that Negarakuku’s Namewee has an appointment with Bukit Aman. All the best to him.

  8. OTK splitting hair whether the MCA operative had a small or big role in the police report is indicative of what kind of future leadership the MCA is going to be. He will talk a lot in public but in private you can expect not much will happen. In other words they will play up public sentiment but will not lead.

    So why do we need the MCA for if they don’t lead?

  9. If the 4 MCA leaders resigned en masse should Anwar be arrested under ISA, we will see the cow jump over the moon!
    MCA must ask themselves, why for 51 years they have not done anything creditable, do they expect the public to believe them now.
    They cannot dare even to take on the incompetent botak Hamid, when insulted by him, what more is there to conclude of their sincerity. Let us move on and forget about them.

  10. so what’s she expected to be on her plate ? abalone ? or some french and italian cuisine to fill her MP stomach. probably that’s why hard boiled eggs and cucumber are dog’s equivalent food; she fed these to her dogs and only consume dimsum, abalone, european cuisines…..

    seriously syed albar should look into this and have the ministry sue her for tarnishing the country image. is not her to equate the food serve to detainee as “dog’s” food…. is damn disgracing…..

  11. melurian posted:

    “seriously syed albar should look into this and have the ministry sue her for tarnishing the country image. is not her to equate the food serve to detainee as “dog’s” food…. is damn disgracing…..”

    Looks like another umnoputra wannabe idiot popped in here to post his two cents worth of trash.

    Go back to syed botak and collect your RM50 for posting the above.

  12. you could call the food bad, not fit to her taste, and horrible, but to say it as “dog food” is too much. she’s obviously implying the gov is treating the detainees as dogs, thus callng the food “dog” food. isn’t it this maliciously defame the ministry and gov.

    you go and ask someone from canteen operator, expecially the food supplies are not from kl, does the food (2 meals) would cost > 5,80 ?? she think she could be vip in isa arr ……. get real..

  13. if Uncle Lim can sputtered out means there is such case lah…

    MCA = UMNO having denial syndrome level 5

    you think Uncle Lim “tong kosong” arh…

    MCA, please do your calculation right… anytime you will sit in the Opposition side… :-)

  14. Melurian posted that Teresa Kok tarnished the country’s image with her comments about dog food. It never crossed his thick skull that the country’s image is already down the drain with the draconian ISA laws being used to arrest folks for their own “protection” and based on baseless allegations.

  15. Dear Uncle Kit,

    If my memory serves me right, after being appointed as the Transport Minister, OTK said that “There won’t just be a single statement for the PKFZ scandal”.

    Perhaps it is time that you follow up with him on this issue to find out whether he still has the guts to reveal the details of this BIG SCANDAL!!!

  16. MCA should know by today that their position in UMNO led BN is only to split the Chinese votes and strenght.

    For example: MCA’s call for Ahmad Ismail’s to opologies for his racial satatement end up futile as Ahmad did not opologies nor was he punished in any serious manner.

    MCA’s call for ISA to be abolished is again not being taken into notice.

    If MCA is really caring for the Rakyat, I suggest they join DAP, at least they can voice out for the rakyat openly on issues like racial descriminations which until today, is still openly practised by UMNO.

  17. “If MCA is really caring for the Rakyat, I suggest they join DAP, at least they can voice out for the rakyat openly on issues like racial descriminations which until today, is still openly practised by UMNO.”

    racial discrimination by umno ? please lar, they are not racist per se – you see actually they are more race diverse than dap and mca! umno has sharizat, abdul kadir, phd azeez, and recently jeanne abdullah. they only discriminate non-muslim – get your fact!

  18. melurian Says:

    Today at 08: 19.50 (2 hours ago)
    teresa’s claim of serving dog food is uncalled for. is hard boiled egg equivalent to dog food ? is cucumber equivalent to dog food ? is KFC dog food ? if syed albar is man, as minister responsible to ISA, he should sue that mp! the damage from the MP is spread like wildfire, the whole world thinks that she’s served with DOG FOOD! bad tarnishing image to malaysia! the internal security minister, go sue her for 100mil!!!!!
    Melurian do you know how to read English, she says “like dog food”. Maybe taste or quality and not DOG Food per say.

    And you surely are unaware about the supplies that the Malaysia prison buy. I am awre of the food supply chain industries. Not to mentioning the frozen sea food supplier’s name. They most supply to 3 categores of customer. 1. Restaurants. 2. Wholesalers. 3. Contract supplier to prison. And I know for a fact that no sea food/fish is thrown away as expired. Go Figure!

  19. Umno is for all races.My foot.Those people bearing Malay names look more like Indians and mamaks.They are nothing but the ugliest hypocrites and opportunists.They are also spineless tongkat users.Although they are only the first or second generation born,they shamelessly claim to be bumis and enjoy all the stupid rights and privileges which a 7th generation born chinese like Tun Tan Siew Sin ‘s daughter is denied.

  20. melurian Says:
    Today at 10: 19.15 (54 minutes ago)
    she’s obviously implying the gov is treating the detainees as dogs,
    Anwar Ibrahim, with historical records testifying to his backache, was treated like a dog when he was forced to sleep on the floor during his last arrest!

    who says this gov treats detainees as humans?

    when it comes to food, let’s talk dog food. yes, dog owners buy a ‘special’ grade of rice to feed dogs. and that only dog owners will knowlah. to those who don’t own dogs because of ‘haram punya pasal’, no comment.

    what grade of rice is used by the gomen to feed detainees? definitely not AAA super siam lah. if hotels are measured in stars, prison cells measuring maybe 6×8 or 6×6 are of course measured in the number of moons……..

    my pet dog lives in a cage measruing 4×6! big enough so that when anwar ibrahim becomes prime minister and pakatan rakyat rules the nation, this 5-moon hotel room is open for reservations to BN tourists called running dogs, lapdogs and poodles …. who need a lodge while seeking new master lah…

  21. If MCA is so GREAT the Chinese in Malaysia would not have to suffer for 2 generations since Merdeka in terms of education which is a basic necessity as a human being. They can’t even protect this basic need. What else on others?

    The worst part is they can’t even protect the growth of the Chinese talents and potentials in Malaysia due to discrimination of opportunies.

    Their leader, Tan Kwoon Suan, had been jailed in Singapore before. I have heard of GREAT (not pariah) leaders being jailed by the tyrant and dictator but not because of breach of trust. MCA did.

    What can you expect out of them?

  22. get your fact – wan azizah and jeanne abdullah is considered malay and they even don have single “melayu” blood in their vein (oops, not in vein but womb). and for 7th gen tan siew sin daughter, she could become melayu and join umno if she masuk muslim and pilmigrage in makkah. she will honorably invited to join the party then.

  23. Let Datuk Ong Tee Keat Answers to all the Non-Malays why the double standard NEP that is suppose to end in 1990 can still be enforced until today?.

    Why the Special rights on education quotas and governemnt tenders are only limited to Bumis and Bumi run companies?.

    Why is this NEP which is suppose to eradicate poverty in Malaysia only help the Malays whether they are rich or poor( Race based)?.

    Why the poor Chinese and Indians not given any special rights and I thought the NEP is suppose to help the poor?.

  24. Melurian

    In the first place should Ahmad Ismail be the right person to be ISAed?

    You are condoning what is obviously wrong. Is this person civilised? I am very doubtful!

    Otherwise you can go back to your kampong and wait for “durian runtuh”.

    Good luck for your “durian runtuh” and don’t talk nonsense here!

  25. Tahukah anda????

    The MCA flag bears no meanings! While every flag has special and specific meanings, this is one flag that does not have a single meaning! 14 pointed yellow star on a blue background without any assigned meaning ….

    That’s it! It is a meaningless party! yea yea yea! correct correct correct! A damn meaningless party!

  26. … //is hard boiled egg equivalent to dog food ? is cucumber equivalent to dog food ? is KFC dog food ?// melurian

    It is the condition of the food, stupid. Yes, hard-boiled egg, cucumber and KFC can be equivalent to dog if the condition of the food is not fit for human consumption.

    After visiting her in ISA detention center her parents said she looked very pale and weak due to the unhygienic food that has caused her to suffer from diarrhoea and her blood pressure had dropped.

  27. I serve my dog KFC….oops…not the piping hot, fresh from the oven KFC. It’s from my fridge , leftover 3 months ago. The hard boiled egg not that bad la….yesterday one. But the egg was accidentally drop on the floor with shit on it, still good to eat, for the dog I mean. Oh….Melurian…care to join my dog?

    Pls don play up with the words, when someone say dog food, it means a lot. In this Teresa’s case, she was just telling ppl the food was bad, not suitable for ppl, but suitable for dog. Thus, dog food. Still want my KFC or eggs, Melurian?? :)

  28. There was a great brain doctor in town who could by interviewing and asking questions of a person place a monetary value on the brain of that person. Many people went to see him. The average score was between 500 to 1000 ringgit. It was rumoured that Uncle Lim’s brain was valued at 30 ringgit. Most of the commentators in this blog were given values between 50 to 800 ringgit. Melurian’s brain was given a value of 3800 ringgit and when he was asked why his brain monetary value was much higher than the rest, Melurian with a little shyness said softly that mungkin otak ku lebih baik daripada yang lain. The dosctor told him that Melurian was wrong and that his brain was given a very high monetary value because it was new and had never been used.

    No need to entertain any non-thinking “UMNO operative” here. They just don’t use their brains. Even if they have one.

  29. “Pls don play up with the words, when someone say dog food, it means a lot. In this Teresa’s case, she was just telling ppl the food was bad, not suitable for ppl, but suitable for dog.”

    when ex-jerai mp badrudin said keling, he meant indian wat, why u ppl so hype up? why the “learned” mp can’t chose her words properly when making speech, she’s a graduate, not primary/sec school dropout MP. if it’s bad, just say the food is bad and horrible, why say it’s like “dog food” to degrade the gov. some mp memang macam “marie antoinette”…..

  30. The MCA will soon go the way of the Barisan Jemaah Islamiah Se-Malaysia (Berjasa) which is a now-defunct political party in Kelantan.

    Berjasa was founded in 1977 and dissolved in 1996 due to lack of support from voters.

  31. “If MCA is so GREAT the Chinese in Malaysia would not have to suffer for 2 generations since Merdeka in terms of education which is a basic necessity as a human being. They can’t even protect this basic need. What else on others?

    The worst part is they can’t even protect the growth of the Chinese talents and potentials in Malaysia due to discrimination of opportunies.”

    this is real racist statement, do the malaysian chinese have inadequate education ? do they have high “uneducated” rate among them ? got statistic to back this up ? do current gov hold back malaysian chinese talent and potential and growth, wasn;t it recently lee chong wei won silver medal from olympic. i guess some ppl think silver medal is not “talented” enuf so….. even in sgpura, they are some voicing that they are lack of talent too ?! do sgpura got eistein, moore, gates, and zuckerberg (notice some of them are jews). if got no talent, don blame other ppl (gov) for not being able to produce talent among certain “race”. it’s yr gene and upbringing to blame with…..

  32. hey…umno goon….”dog food” is merely a description of how bad the food is. Can MYR5.80 buy you 3 decent meals a day by today’s cost of living??? A packet of nasi lemak with a piece of chicken and sotong each cost me MYR6.80 in a pasar malam just the other night! Get real and get off Teresa’s back, will you? Oh, by the way, just to get this into your thick skull, she is not a prisoner but was a political detainee who did nothing wrong to warrant such an arrest. I’d say she should sue the government and big bad botak MYR1000 millions!

  33. And I am not a racist…..if I was, I can think of millions of things to say about you lot! But my parents taught me to respect each other and I have taught my children the same wisdom. So you go on and become a racial champion for whatever race you are from. It wouldn’t make a difference in our lives cos you are only going to be on this earth for a temporary period of time like all human beings are so no big deal, ya?

  34. “Can MYR5.80 buy you 3 decent meals a day by today’s cost of living??? A packet of nasi lemak with a piece of chicken and sotong each cost me MYR6.80 in a pasar malam just the other night!”

    if you makan vege+nasi+telur+1 oren, and it’s canteen price, 2 meal (lunch and dinner) will be around rm5. plus roti in bkfast, why not ? this is isa, not restaurant to talk about, she expected dimsum, abalone and cuisine to fill up her mp stomach ?

  35. Melurian has trouble understanding English. Like dog food doesn’t mean it is dog food, it just taste, feel and look like dog food. Of course to the one consuming it, it’s as good as dog food. All that Melurian can say is that does she expect abalone and Italian cuisine? Shows how brutish and insensitive Melurian is. Very Umno-like.

  36. Yes….thick skull is hard to crack alright! Perhaps he should try feeding his kids with the kind of food he described he can buy with MYR5.80, for 3 meals, for a week and then tell us how they feel!

  37. Dear Melurian, have you ever own a dog? Normally, dog food is leftover foods, food that the owner eats, and when it’s not finish, it was given to the dog to finish it. By saying like dog food means, it’s like leftovers, something not properly thought of it’s nutritions. Just served because it’s there for convenience.

    Have you ever eat 2 boil eggs for lunch, 2 boil eggs for dinner? plus some cucumber? Is this food enough to fill the day? Noone ask for abalone, but seriously, RM5.80 a day, what can you get for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Even 3 packet of nasi lemak already RM4.50. BTW, your calcultion on vege + rice + telur + oren is not enough for lunch and dinner, and it’s not up to the standard nutrition.

    No wonder the BN government is still here, bullying the rakyat, because there’s still people like you who for reasons only you know speaks for this BN government.

  38. “Yes….thick skull is hard to crack alright! Perhaps he should try feeding his kids with the kind of food he described he can buy with MYR5.80, for 3 meals, for a week and then tell us how they feel!”

    if i work as janitor with 3-4 kids to feed, you’re right that I would feed my children rm 5 for 3 meals 2 meals! isa is not hotel, is not yr luxurious stopover place. it’s detention place that yr freedom is curbed (and brainwashed too). if she din want to put into isa, she should stop being into limelight too often, esp from oppos party. while i appreciate her sacrifices, her speech of being served food “like” dog food is uncalled for! what she expected – vip treatment? while I agree she should sue gov (particularly the ministry, toyo and utusan), the botak too could sue her for labeling the food as dog food, and mca sue her for saying the party member launch polis report on her (if it’s true, and the member is being mca member)! and speaking food taste “like” dog food, is there such statement, has she tasted dog food before?! it is obvious that such statement perceived that the food is dog food equivalent …… she should have chosen her words carefully instead exagerate the condition!

  39. And he is concerned about the tarnishing of the image of and the damage to the reputation of the Government giving “dog food” to prisoners or ISA detainees but not too concerned about the arbitrariness or the malafide of the recent arrests and detentions. The Government has no image which can be tarnished further. No point talking to a s..t-head like him when he is still bent on accusing or finding things to bad-mouth Teresa who had been unjustly holed up for more than 5 days. No sense of justice or human compassion. Not just brain-brandnew but hati kering.

  40. It is now a good time for MCA to leave BN. The opportunists pretended that they could be held responsible for rocking the boat had they considered leaving BN up to today. It is now clear that BN is sinking. UMNO warlords are fighting to kick AAB out whether that action would disturb investment climate in the country or not. They imagine that after taking over UMNO, all other component BN parties would just line up waiting to be told where to sit, and stay quiet.

    When MCA and MIC partnered UMNO in seeking independence in the 1950s, they were able to agree to the respective positions of the people they represented. Briefly, all races were equal. But for the initial 15 years, Malays were to be given special privilege to allow them to catch up with other races. For the sake of implementing that article 153, the definition of Malays was agreed. The purpose of that article was not intended to add to the Malay population and hence to continue to claim the need for such assistance should new comers pull down the economic status of the original Malays. A review after 15 years was provided for in Article 153.

    MCA and MIC were treated as junior partners all these years, after the emergency rule in 1969. There is no way MCA and MIC are able to get UMNO to agree to the social contracts entered into as the constitution of Malaysia. Worse, MCA and MIC was not able to stop UMNO extend its NEP, when it should have stopped in 1990, and now, twice the anticipated time of its implementation as agreed to by the president of UMNO Tun Razak.

    I do not expect MCA and MIC to resign their ministerial positions over ISA. I expect all MPs in MCA and MIC to support the transfer of power from BN to Pakatan come the next parliamentary meeting. MCA and MIC will henceforth be independent members of parliament, and they would vote their conscience.

    UMNO can choose to create its own team for the next election. MCA and MIC can be free to offer themselves to be cheated again. We would expect that Article 153 would be abolished it they again agree to join UMNO in the new venture. If they continue to accept that article and be a member of UMNO led coalition, they can consider themselves representative of only their members, and not the communities they said to represent. They should then not be allowed to use the name Chinese, or Indians, as the case maybe in the title of the political party they call themselves.

  41. “# melurian Says:
    Today at 11: 25.12 (3 hours ago)

    get your fact – wan azizah and jeanne abdullah is considered malay and they even don have single “melayu” blood in their vein (oops, not in vein but womb). and for 7th gen tan siew sin daughter, she could become melayu and join umno if she masuk muslim and pilmigrage in makkah. she will honorably invited to join the party then.”

    what is your beef..are you against them being called Melayu? Go and check the constitution the definition of Melayu. if you don’t like it, take it up with your BN kakis. But do becareful as it can be considered sensitive and you may go into ISA where you will enjoy on full days meal at RM5.80. KFC, RM5.80 maybe for one meal only la. and really if you don’t like what Teresa said, sue her la.

    and please do not bring issue of pilgrimage and Mecca here. Islam is a religion that goes beyond race which you don’t seem to see. and it has never been a requisite to be an UMNO member. It is one tenet of Islam that if a Muslim is able body and can afford it, should fulfill.

  42. HAhaha sooo amusing nice trap YB KIT lol!..

    1) Suddenly, MCA leaders like its vice president Datuk Ong Tee Keat have become very bold and courageous in throwing challenges wanting me to prove that “police reports lodged by members of an MCA division in Selangor had led to the detention of DAP’s Seputeh MP Teresa Kok under the Internal Security Act (ISA)”.

    2) “Why didn’t the four MCA Ministers formally table this proposal at the Cabinet meeting the next day on Wednesday, 17th September 2008?
    Are the MCA leaders just playing to the gallery in making public calls for the “comprehensive review” of the ISA, just for newspaper publicity but which MCA Ministers have neither intention nor political courage to pursue in Cabinet as a fundamental matter of principle?”

    3) Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar virtually told them to shut up and declared that there is not going to be any repeal or review of the ISA.

    Next time when we see these “Comedian” showing in public try to catch some Kodak moment for publicity gain, we give them “Telur Busuk” for Kodak moment instead!


  43. melurian Says:

    Today at 13: 22.25 (2 hours ago)
    this is real racist statement, do the malaysian chinese have inadequate education ? do they have high “uneducated” rate among them ? got statistic to back this up ? do current gov hold back ….

    Hey melurian,…pls get ur facts right. What said by lhslhv is not a racist statement. What he said is correct. I am the living proof.

    Malaysian Chinese never get equal opportunity in education. That’s fact! There is quota and we as top graduate in SPM (with 8 A1’s never ever get a chance to touch local university. This is fact.)

    We get adequate education not because of government but because of family members who help and we also we have to stop education for a couple of years to earn enough money to further study overseas. NOT EVEN SINGLE CENT FROM THIS CORRUPTED GOVERNMENT. We apply yayasan, JPA, local council loan, tulis surat rayuan to every single local university. USELESS! All masuk tong sampah. Not even a reply. My Bidayuh, Iban friends as the local bumiputra with good results never get a chance to go overseas under government sponsor. This is also fact! She told me so.

    We live and choose to contribute other country because we have equal opportunity and rights in overseas. We are treated as human being and we would never ever in our life heard something like “babi balik china” or “penumpang should not have equal right”. I do wish someone call me babi in overseas or not being treated equally. Well, it would definitely a good chance to sue that person to get millions of compensation. Anyway, that would never happen as people are more educated and mature overseas. Tak macam people from hutan who said no equal rights for penumpang. That’s RACIST AHMAD!

    We work so much harder to get where we are today! Therefore stop telling us that we are traitors who don’t want to come to to work in Malaysia. Yes, we do want to come back. Please change the government and stop all this UMNOputras from feeding UMNOputra KAYA only. Lets help millions of poor Malay, Iban, Bidayuh and those who need help the most. Bee-End should give way to a more efficient and transparent government.

  44. “Malaysian Chinese never get equal opportunity in education. That’s fact! There is quota and we as top graduate in SPM (with 8 A1’s never ever get a chance to touch local university. This is fact.)”

    the question originally is like this ““If MCA is so GREAT the Chinese in Malaysia would not have to suffer for 2 generations since Merdeka in terms of education which is a basic necessity as a human being. They can’t even protect this basic need. What else on others?” – so your intepretation is that getting medicine or engineering degree is adequate education, izzit ? if you’re denied of medicine or those high profile degree then you are being denied basic need, izzit ? and what is spm got to do with univ admission, go skor your stpm then baru cakap. why i din hear lge contender in ge12 complaining on malaysia education, in fact she’s (5A STPM) grateful with it. apalah your 8A1 kompare with 5A STPM! there are many also other successful distinctive scholar helped by mca.

    the world is unfair when there’s limited resources, and university seats are not limitless. just like some foreign univs limit quota to foreign students, there are ~60% bumi in the country who need to study too, and they probably don’t have same privilege as you study in nice aircond room while they have to help their familiy in gerai or market to put food on table! it’s just you are not the best among the allocated quota, so stop blaming other ppl and gov and than yourself! as if you took jpa skolar u will work with the gov for 8 yrs like dat!

  45. Hi Melurian,

    What he/she is trying to say is that poor people shouldn’t be deny rights to get proper or higher education. May be the wording isn’t perfect.

    I am not saying medicine or engineering degree is consider minimum education. Anyone who is poor and has talent should be given the chance to further study. Who knows he/she is the next Stephen Hopkins. MCA is useless is helping poor chinese.

    How about the orang asal. Why their applications are rejected? Aren’t they smart and poor bumiputras too? Did you read my last statement? I said the system should works for poor Malay, orang asal not UMNOputras KAYA.

    Again, I do not have aircond in my house and I am not rich. That’s why I am not happy with the system. I am not working in the gerai but work in the kilang to earn myself and family a living. I would be very happy to go with the JPA and work for the government for 8 years. Wah, mangkuk besi. Bagus!

    2 years on STPM would mean loss of income and no guarantee of courses I prefered. Have you ever heard of STPM 5A’s not getting a place in university? Well, during my time it happened to a lot of my friends. Luckily not wasted 2 years on STPM.

    There isn’t because of limited resources. It is because of corruption. The poor Malay getting poorer and UMNOputras getting richer. Stop protecting BN lah, melurian. Just accept that BN is trying to separate the Malay, Indian and Chinese. Alamak, bila kita ni boleh bersatu padu with people like Ahmad Ismail, Kyoto, Najib in the government? Mungkin Anwar or Mahathir can give us the answer.

    What’s GE12? I think I am now too old or have been overseas for too long. Never mind. Better carry on with my business now than arguing with this.


  46. MCA is only UMNO pet. They bark when told to do so, at BN’s enemies. Then, they will lick the Master’s feet when fed. For this reason, they will never bite the hand that feeds them.

    All the talk by MCA…what happened to the audited report on PKFZ? or still got more accounting ‘gardening’ to do…

  47. I don’t get it. What’s wrong with having public schools that include other languages eg Arabic, Mandarin, Tamil, French, Japanese, etc. Why can’t our public school system integrate these extra languages into the curriculum? Why must we have Kebangsaan (basically Malay), Cina & Tamil schools? Isn’t it a waste of funds? Better schools can be built, more uesful programs, activities can be forged, etc & most of all, racial integration. Public schools facilities & programs are far better in Australia than here.

    These may apply to urban area. For rural area, a different approach maybe.

    My personal experience in the UK: no specific race intended, the issue is about integration & socialisation. The Chinese migrant population send the children to public schools, with majority ‘white’ kids. Sadly, majority of the migrant Pakistani do not want their kids to mix with the white kids. So, they demand their own schools, etc. Eventually, they even live on the same streets…virtually like a ‘kampung’. Ok, this is quite natural but for generations? There is no integration, or hardly. Socially, the ‘whites’ do not understand these people well, but they understand the Chinese well. The Chinese community thrive & succeed simply because they are in a foreign country & they integrate with the ‘white’ people. This is just one example. When the Pakistani community fail to develop, they start blaming the British Gov for neglecting them !!! Well, this was over 20 years ago. Perhaps now it is different if efforts were made to correct this ‘mistake’. I think the point is, race, religion & culture should be left at home. Out there, is a different ball game.

  48. dear lim kit siang,
    next time please make sure all the facts are right before you give any statement. by simply accuse any party on this issue is not right.. hope your grandsons/daughthers will not learn this bad habit from you or one day it could happen to them..karma… you so old already also still don’t know this ah…?
    you maybe hero for some of the chinese in malaysia but are you really sincerely championing for us or eyeing your ‘deputy pm of malaysia’ post? what have u done for us for the past 6 months besides screwing this and that… i wonder how you sleep peaceful at night… you still have a lot to learn

    Proud Chinese 23/9/08

  49. maybe all your life you just want to accuse and be accused by others… i respect you as a elected MP and perhaps you really should start your job taking care of your voters before you look like NATO..

    As a chinese we are proud to have a leader like you fighting for us but you should rationalise some of your recent actions too before its too late.

    we need a leader who can lead and make GOOD decisions but not shouting here and there simply making accusations..

    Well if you believe in freedom and human rights then you should not remove this comment.

    may god bless you
    Proud Malaysian

  50. be a real leader and man!! if you’re wrong then please apologise.. others may not do that but what different are you from ‘others’ if you follow the wrong others..

    don’t preach method A and do method B… even a standard 6 student know..

  51. Dear YB,

    by just playing race card in malaysia will not bring you far as shown in your don’t-know-how-many-decades political career…

    if you really concern about malaysians then you should start working on how Malay, Chinese, Indian and other races can live harmony in this country.

    Hope your purpose of joining PR is not just a free ride to your deputy PM post. Please enlighten us, on how DAP in PR will be better than MCA or other component parties in BN?

    Awating your comment.

  52. I saw Teresa Kok holding a photo of the MCA Operative in the China Press. The Operative claimed that he was in the police station because he wanted to see a friend who had got into trouble with the police – what a lie!

    Kit would not simply accuse people of doing nasty things – as DAP leader he was careful to make sure the event actually had taken place.

  53. melurian posted:

    “if i work as janitor with 3-4 kids to feed, you’re right that I would feed my children rm 5 for 3 meals 2 meals!”

    Don’t bring kids into the picture (that is if you have any) – you like dog food so much, go beg for more from Syed Botak for your RM5.80 worth.

  54. I think Melurian is getting overly excited, cool down.
    I don’t like it either when eggs and cucumber meal was mentioned as like dog food. But I can understand the situation. For a person who has been wrongly isa-ed for 7 days, we should be more accomodating on the words used. As I see it, it’s just a figure of speech, an expression to reflect her emotion. Why can’t u understand the ordeal she has gone thru’?

  55. I don’t think whether the person who made the police report is a “key MCA operative” is the issue. The issue is whether this “key MCA operative” did lodge “a police report making false allegations against Teresa over the azan controversy on Thursday, 11th September 2008, which triggered her ISA detention the next day on Sept. 12 at 11.18 pm.”
    I think if that police report did not make any false allegations against YB Teresa Kok, then the statement made is wrong.
    It really does not matter which party that person comes from. If the allegations is wrong, it is wrong, just as now everyone is after ex-Selangor MB’s head for making the false allegation in his blog. He is the one who should be incarcerated.


  56. What can you eat with RM 5.80 for breakfast, lunch , tea and dinner ?

    Economy mixed rice cost RM3.50 for lunch and balance RM 1.30 for breakfaat and dinner. Surely dog food cost more than that.

    Even the NS trainees gets more allocation than that. Is this the way to treat our politicians and ISA detainees ?

    Yet we get Chandra Muzaffar coming out to say that this amount is sufficient during his detention. What Chandra did not tell us that he was accorded ” tourist ” class food as all moles of govt are secretly offered different food and accomodation. Detained for only 58 days and can brag he could eat the ” good ” food given.

  57. Btw, melurian. Other than the ‘dinosaurs’, we are all “pendatang”. Question is who came first (don’t be surprised if the facts tell you different), and does it matter?

    There is only one beautiful perfect planet in the entire universe that is habitable, and it is created for Human Race, not malay race, chinese, indian, americans, germans etc..

  58. Malurian,

    With due respect, I really can’t stand your views. Let me put it square to you — if you take quota system for granted, then write to Olympic International that Malaysia wants some share of its gold medals without having to prove the caliber.

    Do you know that Malaysia is the only country in the world to offer university entry to a race that is a majority in the country? Shame on you. People like you who have enjoyed the privilege at the sacrifice of others and yet blow the trumpet.

    For your information, the quota system was invented to protect the minority, not majority. As far as the university intake is concerned, this mechanism other than meritocracy is put in place such that enough blacks in the US could enter the universities. The same applies for the tribal people of Taiwan, the maori of Australia, and the list goes on. They are the minorities, not the majorities.

    If you still have the cheek to contaminate the discussion here, the next time ask your children to run the hundred meter race from the 50 meter mark to win it, and tell them that they deserve gold medals better that other kids because of the so-called Malaysia
    quota system, not that they could run faster.

  59. chinese will never be forgive forever ???
    90% tax payer chinese~
    90% rm belong to chinese~
    90% business owner chinese~
    non-chinese have to work for chinese….
    non-chinese will not hold any top post…
    now who is the racist?

  60. “90% tax payer chinese~”

    where u get this facts from ? tdm ? why don mp ask this question in parlimen, how many kaum “pendatang” contribute to tax in malaysia? as far as i know, petronas is the biggest tax contributor, follows by glc and public listed companies like telekom. many malaysian chinese work in oversea, are they still paying tax to gov ?? you pay tax to gov ?

  61. “People like you who have enjoyed the privilege at the sacrifice of others and yet blow the trumpet.”

    sacrifice of others? example ? i know these sacrifices:

    1) bapa kemerdekaan – tunku
    2) bapa pembangunan – razak
    3) bapa perpaduan – hussein onm
    4) bapa permodenan – tdm


  62. I think it was Bapa Permodenan who mentioned the 90% tax figure. ANyway as flawed as Melurian’s arguments are where is all these talk heading to? If we are more matured now as some claim Malaysians to be, why do we even need to counter comments made with the intention to fuel a discussion that can lead to scatching remarks against other races?

    Can you see how all of us shoot off like loose cannons when a simpleton like melurian provokes us? We then let off steam by provoking other races. Is this what we want when this blog gets an MToday treatment or shall we play it smart by ignoring such blatant attempts to incite us?

    Let’s show that we are matured enough to lay out our views intelligently and also to ignore comments that are too foolish to even deserve an answer.

  63. MCA has never made a real stand on any issues. They purport they work inside BN to help the chinese community. All we can see is they are merely running dogs lapping up throwaways from UMNO. Selling out on the people they claim to represent.

  64. You may have just undermined Theresa Koks claims against the Utusan Melayu by your allegation against the MCA. It is perhaps worth noting that in doing what you have done you have failed to take ito consideration the imapct your statement would have on Theresa Koks suit againsst the Utusan Melayu.

    Further it is a demonstration of how disunited on real policy issues the opposition is. If Theresa had any sense she would have consulted you or checked with others in the opposition before lodging her claaim.

    I have never given her credit for intelligence or for commitment to the cause of good opposition in government. I have always written on the basis that she is minisster for herself which she is.

    As for you, with regards to your actions in this matter, it is rather disappointing considering your extensive tenure in your job as opposition leader. A mistake of this sort does incalculable and irrepairable damagee to your credibility and to that of your party.

  65. It may be worth encouraging good well thought out contributions to this blog. If you continue to have unmoderated SMS type “cool” and meaningless juvenile dialogue it will serve nothing but to reducce the calibre of the purpose of your blog. We don’t have to agree. But we could at least moderate our positions with proper contributions.

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