“Abolish ISA” forum in KL Tuesday

Forum : Abolish ISA

Venue: KL & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall
Date: 23 Sep 2008 Tue
Time: 8:00 pm
Admission is Free; Bring Friends

The panel of Distinguished Speakers include:

l Teresa Kok, Selangor State Exco
l Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan, Bar Council President
l Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh, Chairman of Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI)
l Lim Guan Eng, Penang Chief Minister
l Khalid Samad, MP Shah Alam
l Nurul Izzah binti Anwar, MP Lembah Pantai
l A. Sivanesan, ADUN Sungkai, Perak

* Moderator: Tunku Abdul Aziz Ibrahim

Contact:Teo Nie Ching
Assistant National Publicity Secretary
Email: [email protected]


147 Replies to ““Abolish ISA” forum in KL Tuesday”

  1. From The Star

    Govt to investigate Teresa Kok’s ‘dog food’ claim

    KLANG: The government will conduct a serious investigation into claims by Seputeh MP Teresa Kok that she was served food that was “almost like dog food” while detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA).

    Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department T. Murugiah said he would personally meet with Kok soon to gather her input, and also visit the police station where she was held.

    He said he wanted to know who bought the food, where it was bought, how much it cost, what the allocations are for meals for detainees, and what type of food is supposed to be served.

    “I am shocked with Kok’s comments on the food she was given while in detention and I will be handing in a report on my findings to the Prime Minister and the Home Minister,” he told reporters after launching a football tournament between Tamil vernacular schools from Selangor and Kuala Lumpur here on Saturday.

    He said anyone arrested should be treated with respect and given proper food, and if Kok’s claims were true then what was done to her was patently unfair.

    Murugiah, who is also the Public Complaints Bureau head, said the comments also put the Government and the police in a bad light.

    “The Government’s credibility has been damaged and I want to solve the problem as well as ensure there is no such recurrence in the future,” he said, adding that he was upset with the entire episode.

    Yes, please find out if the government doesn’t know what the hech is going on at ground level.

    And whether the acts, if true, are psychological tactics to intimidate and humiliate detainees to break them down, to show who is “boss”.

    By the way, who is T. Murugiah? Why is the Public Complaints Bureau involved and not some other more pertinent department or person?

  2. sheriff singh Says:
    Today at 07: 19.14 (5 minutes ago)

    From The Star

    Govt to investigate Teresa Kok’s ‘dog food’ claim………..

    I think RPK also commented that even the two cats in his home would not eat the food provided. I wonder if he was detained at the same center as Teresa Kok.

  3. sheriff singh Says:

    Today at 07: 19.14 (22 minutes ago)
    From The Star

    ”Govt to investigate Teresa Kok’s ‘dog food’ claim
    sheriff singh,
    Thanks for bringing in this news. Hope this is the beginning of cracking down all the dirty works at ground level.

  4. Going forward from what yhsiew posted – NST today reported :’An English daily’s report that certain Umno Supreme Council members had asked Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to speed up the transition plan at their meeting on Thursday was inaccurate, Umno Youth chief Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said yesterday.’

    {Note : A reference tp The Star 20th Sept under front page caption “Under pressure”}

    In Shah Alam, Umno information chief Tan Sri Muhammad Mu-hammed Taib said members who supported the call for Abdullah to speed up the transition of power to his deputy were not supporting the Pakatan Rakyat’s moves to wrest control of the Federal Government. “It’s true that some Umno members want a faster transition but it’s not a decision.” He was commenting on a statement by DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang, who had asked Abdullah to step down quickly because that was the wish of many Umno members. Muhammad said the supreme council had agreed on the power transition and that any change would be announced by Abdullah and his deputy, Datuk Seri Najib Razak. He also chided Lim for interfering in Umno’s affairs, saying the party could solve its own issues. ‘ – see NST Sept 21st, link -http://www.nst.com.my/Current_News/NST/Sunday/National/2355848/Article/index_html

    {What’s the link between those like for example Tan Sri Muhyiddin urging the PM to “fast forward” the transistion of power plan oif the one part and Anwar’s 9/16 plans to wrest control of the Federal Government that Mu-hammed Taib alluded to and denied???}

  5. Under UMNO. Malaysia suffered worst dictatorship than any other countries in the world. We were robbed of our future and their followers are cheated of their support. Yet through all these, UMNO claimed to be defending for the country and their own rights.
    The only great things about Malaysian are we are very mature and shielded by God Almighty all these years. We do not resolved our national issue with form of violence,yet peacefully.
    We do not fell into any of the UMNO traps to instigate racism attacks and country disharmonization.
    We are brought about the truth in UMNO evil intention through the process of decmocratic reform over the last 51 years.
    We walked through each ‘attack’ by UMNO with full pride because we love this country and our future.
    We have enjoyed a full comedian acts by all those UMNO clowns in their quest to confuse the rakyat.
    We also witnessed how our entire national government system been destructed and constructed again to fix UMNO evil plans.
    We watched how their own kind whom carries a high regards of their rich culture , rather become their guarding dogs just to earned their seat in higher authority of department. They rather forego their family pride to become rich, yet they claimed that they are holier than thou.
    They went through all the wrong ways to correct that one mistake that took place back in the 50s. And they will never learn.
    ISA will betheir last resouce to defend their existence in becoming the ruling party.
    They tried using religion to spurs their own believers for great support which failed as God knew better in each of their attempts.
    We knew that ISA will not last forever as the whole world are watching us and supporting the rights of each Malaysian.
    We al must believe that UNITY for all Malaysian stands as we have matured over these years about Malaysia existence and our love to her.
    We all knew that the true MERDEKA sipirt have been with us in every strive to combat our evil government actions to scare Malaysian and threathen us with ISA.
    WE have walked through the fire and we will walk again because we are Malaysian. This is our country.

  6. What Kalimullah Hassan, the deputy chairman of the New Straits Times Press (rumoured to have links to the top) wrote on page 20 of today’s NST (21st Sept) is interesting : (I quote exerpts) :

    ‘….It is politicians who sparked off May 13 and it is politicians who have been central, almost all the time, in raising religious and racial tensions over the last four decades since May 13. Some of the May 13 culprits are still around.

    I am beginning to believe you cannot change politicians because politics changes even the best among them. The Tunku Abdul Rahmans and the Tun Ismails are rare in modern Malaysia and few and far between.

    Politics, I told them [note his children], was now a miserable and not honourable trade because our politicians from either side of the divide seem to care more about power than the people and country they took an oath to serve.

    Maybe I am just dispirited because of what politics has done to the country, especially since the March 8 general election. Maybe I am disillusioned that there are too few good men and too many megalomaniacs out there.

    Who ever heard of those who lost an election trying to grab power? Yet, nary is a voice from civil society raised over attempts to thwart the will of the people by buying over elected representatives with promises of position and money to topple a legitimately elected government.

    If these people whom we gave our trust to can be bought and sold like goods over the counter, what will stop them from selling our country?

    Well-known Canadian-born feminist Shulamith Firestone said: “Power, however it has evolved, whatever its origins, will not be given up without a struggle.”

    That is why I fear for my country. I wonder whether those who want to grab power realise that those who have been in power will not allow it to be taken away through illegitimate means.

    They won’t give it up without a struggle. Without a fight. And when people get desperate, they do desperate and dangerous things.'[Unquote]

    In light of what Kalimullah Hassan wrote [especially last 3 paragraphs] is it reasonable to think that the BN govt will abolish (repeal) the ISA (no matter what the good arguments are there for such a move and how many protestors shave their heads)?

    It won’t happen until Pakatan Rakyat takes over.

    It seems to me a forum on how to help PR takes over will be more relevant and helpful than one discussing “abolish ISA” in the practical terms of actually getting the ISA abolished/repealed. :)

  7. Walking tall as a free woman from the station, MP Seputeh: “I don’t know! I don’t know! huh huh… I don’t know why they ARRESTED me. I don’t know why they RELEASE me now.”

    Press conference, home minister: “She was released not because police couldn’t build up case against her. The police is SATISFIED that she did not THREATEN national security. I have nothing to do with this. I leave it freely to the police to investigate. Yes, the police has just informed me about her release. They need not consult the home minister before releasing the person and in this case, they did not consult me. I have yet to read the show-cause replies.”

    Bar Council, MP Seputeh: “This is RIDICULOUS! I was never a THREAT to the nation security in the FIRST PLACE. In what way should I be any THREAT?”

    Back at detention cell, “IT Houdini” continues his stunt, blogging under detention the eighth day.

    That is the chronology of the Malaysian politics today. Should we record it into history text book, with the chapter entitling “Hak Asasi dan Perlembagaan Malaysia”?

  8. This Be eNd govt. will do anything to cover up. this also will be covered. don’t believe me? jsut see there is case against
    1. najib and altantyya – nothing happening
    2. Rosmah and altantuya – nothing hapening
    3. MIC Mica and samy – nothing happening
    4. the 14 Mecedes Cars – nothing happening
    5. Ahmad ismail, racist and he got peanut 3 years suspen.
    6. perak mufti who created racist in ipoh and interview with alzeera saying indian and chinese control malaysia economy…
    and bla bla bla…..all becos the govt is using Surimas NH(nothing happening) hahahaha

    one more stupid question i have!
    why is it Baginda is exposed to public and the 2 police guys are face covered. i wondering if that police are the actual police who killed altantuya or somone in thier place and the murder is walking freely.

  9. What manner of devious mind will construct a cell 6 by 8 to confine a living human being? How much more cruel of the man in authority to order an innocent human, for all intents and purposes, have not committed a crime that merit punishemt be confined there? Even a guilty person must not be subject cruelty. To do that to any person is a reflection of the true nature of the tormentetor.

    No decent person will condone this cruelty. Even animals are not cruel. Only the twisted mind of the devilish is. He thinks he weild power. How false. He committed an inhuman crime.

    How much more the astonishing if we the people are not outraged by it all? How much more it is disgusting if we wont do our best to force an end to cruelty?

    A thousand people in protest does not weigh equal to one lawmaker. And we have two hundreds of them, no? 83 does object ot the ISA detention. It looks as if one hundred BN lawmakers does less than one man protest against inhumane punishment! Shame, shame on our batch of BN lawmakers who are not outraged enough to end ISA and unconsittutional detention of people.

    Goodness gracious UMNO. Good grief BN who are subservient to UMNO.

  10. Of course the Police will deny that the food tastes like dog food. Remember folks that the ISA was originally intended for the likes of terrorists and people who truly threaten the safety of our country – people who have been brainwashed into terrorism. Serving dog food is not surprising as it is a good way to degrade the prisoner and slowly break them down.

    I remember watching a documentary once where this was one of the techniques used to break down a criminal. Every time the prisoner co-operated and agreed to what the interrogaters wanted (whether true or false) they would be given proper food. If not, it was rotting food.

    Remember again, that the people in charge of ISA detainees have procedures to follow – whether or not the detainee is a terrorist or not.

    I’m won’t be surprised if AI and Toyol were happily gloating over their beef-steak thinking “Hah… skarang lu makan macam anjing lah… hahahaha” and even to the extent that they may have neem the ones who ordered the “menu”.

  11. “The government will conduct a serious investigation into claims by Seputeh MP Teresa Kok that she was served food that was “almost like dog food” while detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA).”

    Looks like they are looking for some reasons to get Teresa into trouble again.
    The stupid deputy minister ( after all which BN Minister has brains) must understand that Teresa is using figurative language. It simple means that the food is not only tasteless but has no nutritional value.
    If she was offered two eggs and cucumber worth less than RM 1.00, can you call it food fit for human sustenance?

  12. Fellow Malaysians,
    This UTube link depicts ISA and RPK incarceration in a very touching and vivid way: http://dinmerican.wordpress.com/2008/09/20/even-buffaloes-fight-for-freedom-battle-at-kruger/

    It is not just RPK’s fate, but also our collective fate that is at stake. We could change the collective fate when we uphold our civil right and stand as one united front. Among many actions that we can take, here is one of them: http://malaysiacivilright.blogspot.com/ — we have make it easy for you to act. It is as easy as 1-2-3 Steps: We analyze our situation and capability, we collect our consensus, and we act en masse. You are urged to participate in this collective action, and give it a try from the above blog site which will likely to trigger its first action at 1PM Monday, and with future possibility to mobilize more collective actions associated with our civil right.

  13. Any way “18 justice-and-freedom-loving Malaysians” are shaving their heads in protest against RPK’s ISA detention. Mendela has suggested (posting 09:42.53) that YB Kit also shaved his hair. He said RPK looked good on bald head. However that’s RPK, not necesarily Kit. Situation not similar. In first place RPK has a patchy loss of hair; secondly he told me that he went in and out of prison so many times … that it would be more convenient to shave off his hair (lock-up rules states that “rambut mesti di potong pendek-pendek” ). If you think you follow his baldness to support his cause you are wrong because his hair would have grown unshaven in detention!

    Anyway what is the logic and symbolism behind this ritual of shaving one’s head to mark a civil disobedience protest? Why shave head – no other ways of protest? I don’t understand this.
    Traditionally hair is shaved to humiliate and rob the shaven person off pride and dignity. In Jan 2008 there was public outcry when Kajang police arresting some old folks playing majong during CNY shaved their heads, viewed by us as a way to uncessarily humiliate them. So if I were protesting against the ISA, it would be natural for me to try to humiliate those who invoke ISA so why would I humiliate myself by shaving?

    Unless to show sacrifice on my part, to show by cultural norms a price to pay? This I can understand (say) silk protestors or may be some very religious people associating religious vow with having to shave bald their long hair in protest against something but for the rest, especially those influenced by western popular culture and fans of Sinead O’Connor or Britney Spears shaved bald???

    What is the connection between giving up one’s hair and protesting against something –is it a sensible mark of protest – are we doing things blindly without reason – and is there is difference between male and female, religious or non religious protestor in this respect???

    I respect those who are prepared to do something like even shave hair to protest – I am not trying to ridicule them – but cannot understand why they choose “shaving bald ” of all things as the symbol and ritual of the protest, when there seems to be no cogent rationale for such an act.

  14. On this remark:

    ” why is it Baginda is exposed to public and the 2 police guys are face covered … ”

    They were quoted by the papers that they wish not be seen by the public as they are “innocent.”

    But when they are inside the court, they removed the cover.

  15. Repressive laws are designed to assist the ruling class in safeguarding the interests of capitalism. So far UMNO/BN has been using it to strengthen the rule of capitalism to oppress the working class and others in society. It would be necessary to fight to change these laws but it should go together with the need to transform the capitalist system that support and propagate these repressive laws. The democratic socialism that prioritizes the fundamental needs of working class and others in society would be the alternative.

    CWI MALAYSIA : http://asocialistmalaysia.blogspot.com/

  16. Lastnight i was watching Berita Dunia RTM1 11pm, the professor was so right, he said most of the ARAB’s country ruler fails to unite becuz they all shares to same faith that is Dictatorism policy.

    These countries who ruled by dynasty of extortionist shared same fate, they allied the enemy who later invaded their country for the sake of their coffer.

    Our country soon shall follows the foodsteps of those countries as BNed cronies clearly shown the sign of dictatorship. If Pakatan fails Malaysia will fail, if these evil regime gain their own strength unite the demons colony. The Malaysia shall live in Darkness for eternity.

  17. “ISA” is a repressive and heinous piece of legislation which when used by thieves and robbbers can force ordinary citizens to bend and weep “I Surrender All”.

    The citizen has no rights at all and is denied even his basic dignity as a human being. Such a law, in any hand and under any name, is anathema!

    We need to tahnk Tun M for strengthening the ISA during his tenure. And now this ‘devil incarnate’ (the name given extrajudicially by a fearless judge) is trying to make a comeback on the political scene through proxies.

    Say ‘no’ to ISA. Say ‘NO’ to Tun M or his proxies.

  18. Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam said in an interview with Malaysiakini:http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/90022)” If Abdullah lets the democratic process take place and does not stifle the country with arrests and emergency rule, it will be his finest hour, and he will go down in history as the man who liberalised the democratic system in Malaysia. But if he reneges on his word to not invoke the ISA, then he would only be digging his own grave”.

  19. They think they’re equal to rank of god, as apotheosis trying to implement rules beyond humanitarian right and slaves the minority ethnic group. They not just violate Democracy they also violate wisdom of Islam preaching!

  20. Mr. Smith said “Teresa was offered two eggs and a cucumber”…

    Teresa is a lady, was it meant as a bad joke or just a coincidence?
    Why not an egg and 2 cucumbers? Was it someone in Bukit Aman trying to humiliate Teresa?

  21. Jeff, shaving bald one’s head to look alike as Raja Pete is to show support to Raja Pete.

    Imagine if Kit or Anwar are shaved bald and I am sure their pictures would be all over in world media in no time and I am sure it would expedite the release of Raja Pete.

  22. I think after the investigation they will say we have prove we serve Ms Kok with roast Pork,Shark fin soup, fried camel meat. Our invoice issued are for this items.I hope you all know what I mean lah.

  23. Oh NO! The ISA is faster than anyone else:
    Malaysiakini — BREAKING NEWS! Raja Petra Kamarudin will be sent to Kamunting Detention Centre today to begin his two-year detention under ISA, says his lawyer

  24. The “ISA” is a hate law. It is abused by politicians to pin down dissenters whom they hate and for whom they have a persoanl axe to grind.

    This seems to be the case with RPK, Teresa etc. Otherwise, bring them to court and charge them. In RPK’s case, he’s been charged and now even he cannot go to court to defend hmself against those charges.

    There is a lot of fear over what RPK can spill in court! It is as clear as daylight RPK and other ISA detainees are being detained because they are political ‘mouthpieces’ and what they say has damged the credibility of some high and mighty people.

    I dare say RPK would not hve been caught if he did not implicate Rosmah & Najib in the Altantuya murder.

    Does anyone think otherwise? Can somebody start an internet poll? I would be very keen both to vote & to know the public perception.

    Get the website to do it from overseas, please.
    We don’t want you under the ISA here too!

  25. ///BREAKING NEWS! Raja Petra Kamarudin will be sent to Kamunting Detention Centre today to begin his two-year detention under ISA, says his lawyer./// Malaysiakini 23 Sept.

    That is after the Minister of Home Affairs Syed Hamid Jaafar has signed the order. Until now we are not sure who ordered the detention of the three under ISA, and the release of the other two. RPK goes to Kamunting because the Home Minister signed the paper. Did he consult AAB? Could not AAB have vetoed this. Either AAB is equally sick like his Home Minister, or he has lost control of his government. How can he fight to remain President of UMNO and PM, when ISA has clearly been misused?

    The charge against RPK are founded on his writing appearing for all to see, and certainly, they should be presented to the court because Malaysia is said to be a country respecting and is governed under rule of law.

    Keeping RPK under ISA tells the world that we are not only police state, but some pariah system known as ISA. The PM might not care about the reputation of the country which he takes charge. But we the people, 26 million minus some who support ISA care.

  26. Unfortunately I was wrong in my speculation that Pak Lah’s decision to fight the other UMNO power brokers/warlords might be a favourable consideration to release Raja Petra Kamarudin from ISA.

    Malaysiakini has just reported, that “ Malaysia Today editor will be sent to Kamunting Detention Centre in Taiping, Perak today to begin his two-year detention under the Internal Security Act, said his lawyer. The home minister has signed his detention order last night to be held without trial under section 8 of the tough security law”.

    Now the only reprieve RPK has is Anwar’s promise to take over the government – fast.

  27. mendela Says:

    September 21st, 2008 (2 days ago) at 17: 32.14
    Jeff, shaving bald one’s head to look alike as Raja Pete is to show support to Raja Pete.

    Imagine if Kit or Anwar are shaved bald and I am sure their pictures would be all over in world media in no time and I am sure it would expedite the release of Raja Pete.

    YB Kit, this is really strange but I ttyhink mendela may have hit on a brainwave. Do this one for RPK! I am sure the world will respond too. Why, I’ll even join you both and hundreds others will too – to make sure the message is LOUD and CLEAR.

  28. forums after forums and whats the use of talking and talking. a petition to free RPK and other ISA detainess were posted in various blogs. And how many signed up? A pathetic 20,000 after one week of posting. Surely, PR has more members than this! and yet, you all dont even have the urgency to lift your fingers and just sign up. For goodness sake, just walk he talk.

  29. ‘In the light of what Kalimullah Hassan wrote, is it reasonable to think that BN government will abolish (repeal) ISA (no matter what good arguments are there for such a move and have many protesterrs shave their heads)?
    It will happen until Pakatan Rakyat takes over.’. Jeffrey.

    Hasn’t it been obvious throughout the years (first brought in to fight communist insurgents but still have ISA when communist insurgents are gone)with Mamak adding more dragonian laws to even make it more certain that nobody ever dare try to upset the apple cart.To even harbour such a thought is wishful thinking.It certainly would require a change of government for this to happen, that’s to say Pakatan Rakyat has to come on board as the governing party .Abolish ISA and perhaps replace it with ATA (Anti-Terrorism Act).

  30. Another Black Day. My heart goes to the family of Raja. I feel so sorry we all did not do enough despite signing petition. Pls YB, DSAI and PKR have to do something. This country cannot go on like this. Eeerrrrggggg!!!!!! Another chapter in Malaysia history, what price we need to pay for freedom.

    Need to remain focus, Always have to remind and prepare ourselves
    its going to be tough fight for liberation. We may have lost this ‘skirmish’ but we will will the battle. Reformasi!!! Reformasi!!!

  31. today , pakatan is fail to take over goverment again as they second times promised. and HERO raja petra being sent to prison for two years. he hope his life will safe by Anwar ibrahim when become PM.
    I HOPE THERE IS NO MORE 3rd times promise!

  32. Where are the Sultans? How can they let the Raja be bullied and treated like this? We know that he is telling the truth about one or two persons, and what kind of threat is he creating for the country?

  33. RM4.50 per day is allocated for food to each detainee in the lock-up: breakfast (60 sen), lunch (RM2) and dinner (RM1.90).

    What’s the cost of feeding a pet dog or cat decently each day?

    Now RPK will be fed RM4.50 per day, at the King’s or BN government’s pleasure, for the next two years.

    At the end of the two years, will he still remember if he is RPK or PKR? Or worse, JKR?

  34. YB Kit, I’m sceptical there is no equivallent of this financial scandal/fiasco in Malaysia. Would u know? Can u blog on this? Or would we only know months later when all that’s left are cinders and ash! I remember Tun M’s regime was a fertile period with scaandal galore but everything was hush-hush. Lucky for him there was no internet then. Some years ago, there was also a scandal post-1997/1998 Financial Crisis in Malaysia. Did anyone know that Arab Malaysian Group had lured the public through their share margin financing schemes without the proper licensing form MOF at some point in two of their stables. Did anyone know? I think the authorities were informed but the matter was hushed, hushed. Who suffered? Malaysian investors-lah!

    Check below news:

    http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking%2BNews/Money/Story/STIStory_281540.htmlPriority to investors: MAS
    By Fiona Chan & Francis Chan

    Mr Tan Kin Lian has also urged the authorities to investigate financial companies that sold retail investors these structured products, and take them to court if necessary.

    BANKS and finance companies should make it a priority to deal with worried investors holding structured products tied to the now-bankrupt Lehman Brothers, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) said yesterday.
    In its first specific comments on these precarious investments, MAS said that investors who ‘consider that they were mis-sold a product or that a product was misrepresented to them’ should first contact the financial institution they dealt with.

    ‘MAS expects the financial institutions concerned to give priority in dealing with such queries and handle complaints promptly, in accordance with existing MAS requirements,’ it said in a statement yesterday.

    The central bank also suggested that investors with a ‘legitimate cause of grievance’ who are not satisfied with the response they get can approach the Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre (Fidrec).

    As for the financial institutions concerned, MAS said it expects them to have ‘proper procedures’ in place to ensure that investment products are ‘marketed and sold appropriately’. ‘Where we have clear evidence in the current matter that a financial institution has breached our laws or regulations, we will hold the financial institution to account,’ it added.

    MAS’ comments come amid an outpouring of grievances from fretful investors who, anxious for updates on their investments, are calling for regulators to take more pro-active action. These investors bought the Lehman-linked Minibond Series 3 and DBS Bank’s High Notes 5 series.

    Investors who bought the Minibonds, which were arranged by Lehman, are in a lurch since bankruptcy proceedings are such that a long line of parties will first be paid before Minibond noteholders can get anything. Investors in DBS High Notes 5, which dangled a 5 per cent annual payout, may lose a large part of their stake.

  35. I doubt forums, petitions and even street protests would change the government’s stance on the ISA.

    There is no doubt that the ISA is draconian, in violation of both Rule of Law and Human Rights.

    On the part on violating the Rule of law :

    · a detainee is not given his day in court, to face and contradict his accuser;

    · he is detained to prevent him from committing a “future” offence of prejudicing national security, although the offence has not been committed as yet against the background of none of us knowing what is national security and how it is prejudiced except for the Home Minister who signs the detention order;

    · Even the courts cannot go around to review whether the Home Minister has made a reasonable decision in determining that the nation’s security is prejudiced. In other words the ministerial decision is non justiciable ie beyond judicial review. That is so even if a Minister has evinced the infinite wisdom to be able to hold two contradicting variables ie the intent of the ISA was to protect the detainee against harm, and at the same time, the country’s interest from that detainee!

    On the part of Human rights, it is true Malaysia has not ratified some of these UN human rights. But we live in international community, part of UN, play our responsible role to criticise Myanmar Generals for their human rights violation but when others criticise us, well we say that they are interfereing with our own legal process in violation of international norm against interference in a country’s domestic affairs! Wow!

  36. The draconian aspects of ISA (a wartime legislation at inception) are tolerable only when the country is at war or faced with clear and present danger of threat. (eg. Patriot Act in US was after 9/11).

    No matter what the objection by Bar Council Civil Society etc, the ISA is retained even in peace time to give security not to nation but the ruling party/clique.

    It has been proven in Mahathir years as an effective repressive tool in disciplining, and striking fear thereby shaping a more subservient and less rebellious media, interest group, political parties and NGOs and by extension atitudes of average citizns influenced by these. What other convenient tool is there to deal with every eventuality of intolerable dissent, albeit democratic?

    In the premises, RPK’s plight cannot be resolved via legal means of habeas corpus and the many forums and petitions that will not be dignified with the attention they deserve.

    The solution is political. RPK’s fate depends on it.

    RPK said it before, just when he heard information of his imminent arrest – that he would be going to hiding and won’t come out until 17th Sept.

    Now the implication is clear : he relies on Anwar to deliver his promise.

  37. LKS, and PR’s must reach out to as many people in and out of Malaysia as possible – but not thru their separet blogs. Why not have a PR blog (integrating LKS, RPK, AI etc etc) where it will attract more readers, and more will come to know the truth, and the truth will slowly but surely set Malaysia free…

  38. Knowing RPK, it not detention in Kamunting that breaks his spirit – it is the deprivation of the computer, the note book and access to the Internet.

    YB, this part needs re-emphasis ; that it is not just a question of detaining him under ISA for things he writes in MalaysiaToday deemed prejudicial to national security.

    The fact is his writings deemed “prejudicial” are via a blog of which he is ‘alter ego’ ie the main brains and soul of it, and disseminated via the Internet.

    It cannot be more emphasised that his incarceration under ISA is a direct and flagrant breach of the MSC Bill of Guarantee of Internet Freedom promised by the Malaysian government to the International Community, in derogation of the Malaysian government’s credibility here and abroad, indirectly prejudicial to the economic well being of the country!

  39. syed albar must be the most effective home minister – just after months ascends the seat, he made a whopping 3 arrests (it could be 5+3 or more, if only he was promoted earlier, not even tdm can do that). his record is impressive, his stint as foreign minister saw him equally verbal spar with his counterpart sgpura foreign minister s jayakumar. if only he was made to stay a little bit longer, who knows icj would award pulau batu puteh to malaysia under his leadership. not only that, he manage to silenced bbc in hardtalk with his impressive “rebuttal” skills.

    probably his “leadership” skill inherited from his father who once sparred with lky, and could avert sgpura separation if tunku and tdi listened to him to launch isa (just like his son did recently). darn, his late father must be real proud!

  40. YB, some kind soul forwarded this to my email. I thought this highly relevant to Pakatan Rakyat’s struggle. Can you blog about PR’s position on thsi. Some reassurance, any reassurance will do.

    Sold out at the altar of ‘Malay unity’

    JULY 25 — I was not planning to write about Malay unity this week, but after a little talk I just had with my father, I’ve decided it’s imperative to underscore yet again the very real effect so-called “Malay unity” has on Malaysian society.
    Malay unity as it is presently understood is fundamentally undemocratic, and fundamentally a threat to Malaysian unity. The notion that it is not just okay but morally right to prefer one Malaysian over another because of his or her racial identity undermines everything that the concept of a Malaysian stands for; it justifies racism, communalism and separatism.
    In the first place, I cannot see why anyone would believe that the Malay community or Malays as individuals stand to gain from uniting behind one political party or one ideology. Malays are not a single-minded, homogeneous lot, any more than the Chinese or Indians are. To ask a Malay to subjugate his own individual beliefs to the tyranny of the Malay majority is ridiculous, and completely undermines the democratic right of individual Malaysians, Malay or not, to freedom of thought and expression.

    If a few Malay strongmen believe they can really subjugate their fellow Malays and fellow Malaysians to the yoke of one single ideology, one single belief system, they will have to face the consequences sooner or later. We know what single-party and single-ideology countries turn out like; even the few successes like China are forced to tolerate differing viewpoints, if not differing political parties.

    You cannot force a man to believe something he does not have his heart in; there is no reason to think a Malay will stop thinking and stop believing in something simply for the sake of “Malay unity”.

    But enough of this focus on the Malays; this is just one side of the delicate equation as far as national unity and social cohesion are concerned.

    I want to relate something personal, something that affects untold numbers of Malaysian families, including my own. Many Malays often wonder why non-Malays are so reluctant to offer this country their loyalty; hardly any are ever actually serious in their wonderment.

    My mother is not a Malaysian. She is a Filipino, although with a partial Chinese heritage. My parents met while they were pursuing their post-graduate studies in Thailand . They tied the knot two decades ago; they have brought into the world and raised four children, all of them Malaysian citizens. Over a decade ago, my parents made the conscious decision to bring their three children back to Malaysia , and have their fourth born there, because they wanted us to know our roots. My mother has lived in this country for 12 years, and spent close to 19 years of her life raising Malaysian citizens; she has learnt the national language, made Malaysian friends, and settled herself here. If this is not the loyalty asked of Malaysian citizens, I don’t know what loyalty you expect from us.
    For the past 12 years, my family has made an annual pilgrimage to the Immigration Department, because my mother is not entitled to reside in Malaysia . Every year, my parents swear before a Commissioner of Oaths that they are still legally married, and on this basis, they renew my mother’s “social visit pass” at the Immigration Department. A social visit pass, for the mother of four Malaysian citizens, the daughter-in-law of another two Malaysians, the wife of yet another Malaysian, and friend of many more!
    A long, long time ago — so long I cannot remember, but about a decade or so — my mother applied to the Immigration Department for a permanent resident visa. My parents personally put all the necessary paperwork together, and my mother invested a lot of her time — time which could have been spent looking after her four young Malaysian children, or contributing to the Malaysian economy — in learning the Malay language. To this date, the Immigration Department has never even acknowledged receipt of her application.
    My parents initially followed up on the application, but were told by the officers to await an official letter from the Department. They waited. And waited. Ten years on, they are still waiting.
    Last year, my mother applied for a Canadian tourist visa. The process went without a hitch, until we came to picking up her passport. A Canadian embassy officer appeared and enquired about her “social visit pass”. My mother confirmed that yes, in spite of everything, this wife and mother of Malaysians has yet to be allowed to stay in Malaysia . The officer shrugged his shoulders, as if he were used to seeing this sort of thing, and replied, “Okay, just checking!”
    On the drive home, my father reflected on the ludicrousness of it all. If he were to die, if they were to be divorced, my mother would have no right to stay in Malaysia , no right to be the mother of Malaysians. A decade on, my family was still waiting.
    Fed up with it all, my father decided that if his wife could not have a home here, he would make sure she and our family could have a home elsewhere. Two years ago, he applied for permanent residency in New Zealand .
    Today, before any of us have even set foot in New Zealand , the Kiwi government has welcomed us and given us the right to stay and reside in New Zealand for as long as we like, without any preconditions. We have no prior ties to New Zealand , and they welcome us with open arms; my mother has a rich 20-year history with Malaysia , and to this day, her request to stay here has yet to even be acknowledged.

    This story is alas far too common; years ago, my father was warned by an acquaintance that his wife had waited in vain for 10 years for her permanent residency to come through. Earlier yesterday, he decided to check with the Immigration Department, just to see if they had ever done anything about my mother’s application.
    He got the same brush-off of a reply: “Tunggu suratlah!” As he left the office, he overheard a Mat Salleh woman berating a young officer, in fluent Malay: “My husband is dead already, what should I do now? I have been living in this country longer than you have been alive!” Not far off, an Indonesian construction worker was conspicuously brandishing his approved application for a work permit, entitling him to reside here.
    This sort of thing is no bureaucratic accident; this is intentional racism. This is the product of “Malay unity”. What good is this talk of how Pak Lah is selling us out to the Singaporeans by giving them cheap sand, when right under our noses, the government is selling our citizenship birthrights out to any old Indonesian, while denying Malaysians the right to live in peace with their spouses, their families? When you endorse this idea that the end of Malay unity justifies the means, this is the result.
    I don’t begrudge legal Indonesian immigrants their right to live and work here; they are doing a job nobody else wants to, and they are often unfairly scapegoated by a Malaysian society not willing to examine its own fractures and divisions. But I have lived for years with the shame of being a citizen whose own country will not even let his mother stay, in spite of everything she has done for her Malaysian family.
    It’s easy to mock people like us for saying things like “I will never die for this country”; it’s hard to accept that this country has never given people like us a reason to die for it. When my family migrates to New Zealand , they will not be looking back wistfully; they will be looking forward to a future where my mother is not forever in legal jeopardy, forever at risk of separation from us. The last thing on their minds will be a country obsessed with small-minded “Malay unity”, obsessed with worshipping its keris-waving heroes while ignoring the countless non-Malays who gave their lives in apparent vain for a country which will not recognise the ideal behind their sacrifice.
    John Lee is a second-year student of economics in the United States . He has been thinking aloud since 2005

  41. Absolutely double standards – UMNO party warning for Ahmad Ismail but TWO years in Kamunting for RPK! Time to set up two separate court systems for civil purposes, one for UMNOPUTRAS and the other for commoners! So this is what they proclaim in the RUKUNEGARA – masyarakat yang ADIL???????

  42. Malaysia will abolish ISA only when it’s citizens can guarantee that they will not indulge in subversive activities that threaten national security and social/economic stability.

    ktteokt, UMNO made a huge blunder with Ahmad and this shows the weakness, incompetence and indecisiveness of not only AAB, but the failure of all the UMNOputeras. They understand now that is major changes are not implemented soon, UMNO as a major force in BN will wither away into nothingness.

  43. We should follow the Thais. We should have mass demonstrations in every capital of Malaysia on the same day. Send Bodowi and Najib to Zimbadwi. Maybe, Bodowi can run his Nasi Kanda bisiness in Perth. bUt I don’t think we want him either. This ISA is f….. stupid. We cannot let BN get away with this type of dictatorship…

  44. Jeffrey Says:

    >> Knowing RPK, it not detention in Kamunting that breaks his spirit – it is the deprivation of the computer, the note book and access to the Internet.

    I think this is a good thing, without a PC at least he will not be able to indulge in irresponsible anti-race relations excercises and willful slander of religion. I hope he comes out as a rehabilitated person, otherwise it will be back in the slammer for him I’m afraid. So you sew, so shall you reap et al.

  45. “rpk is pathetic betting on anwar, now he must be wailing beating his chest in his cell after he learned 16 sept comes and goes …….

    how can be be so dump waging his freedom on anwar” by melurian

    Melurian, how cruel can you get by saying this kind of things to RPK? Sometimes I find that people like you just does not understand the meaning of convictions and sacrifices. RPK did write before hand that there is a possibility that he would be detained in this manner yet he is still betting on Anwar, did you stop ask yourself why he would do that instead of just immediately saying that it is stupid of him?

    If it is one thing is stupid, I would dare say is the RAKYAT BODOH MALAYSIA that is stupid. With people begging you guys to sign the petition and yet you guys only manage to produce as pathetic as about 20k of signatures. When you have great leaders defending your rights and got sent to ISA, what did you people do???

    RPK is one of those real guys who fight the good fight for the good of us. Now that he has been sent to Kamunting, UMNO will have the chance to gather their strength again, unless they are stopped, they will continue with what they are doing after Badawi is replaced.

    It is now already Sept 23 2008, may I ask, does Pakatan Rakyat has a plan B? You can see from Pak Lah’s action that he has no intention or whatsoever to even budge. He just wants to hang on to power until someone really gives him a punch on the face and kick him out. So is there a plan B?

  46. YB LKS ,
    Some “smart” guy from UMNO said ” 9 Okt ibarat dengar guruh dilangit , air tempayan dicurahkan”. Well sir, these guy don’t seems to understand that what is coming is a tsunami. The direction to look for is the sea not the sky. With the uncertainty looming in USA, we cannot continue to have a picnic by the beach.Now the problems in real life is that some guys do not know where and when to look for vital signs to protect their nation but still demand to be treated like global leaders. Anyway how can they when the moment someone like RPK think out of the , some mentally incapable politicians ISA him

  47. dragon88 Says:

    >> We should follow the Thais. We should have mass demonstrations in every capital of Malaysia on the same day.

    For you to incite such a ridiculous idea for Malaysia would actually warrant your arrest under ISA. However, Malaysians are not accustomed to street demonstrations and would prefer order and stability over violent chaos. What you propose it detrimental to the very economy you are already riling about; what irony!

  48. Umno was constructed on four well known pillars of strength: (1) ketuanan melayu; (2) msm control; (3) may 13; and (4) ISA.

    The ketuanan melayu issue is now an obviously dead issue and umno would be well advised not to press it. Three reasons: First, we are all pendatangs; secondly, the malay race is not a uniform race like the chinese and hence their majority status is questionable; and thirdly, non-malays have contributed greatly to this land and its people even before independence.

    The msm control has been countered by the alternative media to the extent that news from the alternative media are now given more credit. Hence, umno finds it very hard to influence voters during election and its propaganda is no longer effective like before.

    May 13 is now well known to be a result of political instigation by umno. This used to be powerful weapon of fear at umno’s disposal. But these days umno makes reference to racial disputes and sensitivities without drawing any attachment to the may 13 incident. They cant and they know it.

    ISA is all umno has. And it has lost a lot of its original strength. The nationwide disapproval of the law and its wanton application by umno has turned it from what was once a powerful weapon to strike fear into now, a weapon of self-destruction. People not only no longer fear the ISA detention as much as before, the almost unanimous cry against the law by the people up and down the country quite effectively worked against the application of the law by umno. With every ISA detention made, umno’s credibility and standing as a political party would be knocked down by a further notch – something umno can ill afford at this point of its survival.

    But without ISA, umno would collapse sooner rather than later. However, buying time is now the main consideration for umno; and hence keeping ISA would at least serve umno that purpose.

  49. “Well sir, these guy don’t seems to understand that what is coming is a tsunami.”

    yeah, operasi tsunami aka lallang ii, semua oppos kasi sumbat ke isa, terutamanya yang paling cakap “menukar kerajaan”…….

    how do you know only mental incapable politician would invoke isa ? look at how razak, tdm with his isa during their reign, so effective and lim chong eu and razaleigh sudah dijinakkan….. if rpk caught before all his “no holds barred” getting uncontrollable, probably png, selangor and perak still under bn…..

  50. Forum on abolishing ISA is to continue to keep the steam going for Anti-ISA movement. However, the real solution would lies in the administration of a Pakatan Rakyat government.

    There seems to be a “lull before the Mother of all political tsunamis (in Malaysia)”.

    Will it happen in days to come or weeks to come? No one really knows. Not even DSAI knows himself. However, there is a need for Rakyat to know the “progress” without comprising the comprehensive execution plan really soon. The “political state of limbo” has not been the most helpful for Malaysian economy now.

    Nevertheless, let us all continue to hope and pray. My spirit is still high for a PR Government and hopefully it will happen soon (this week?).

  51. Come to your senses, umno-nites will never abolish the ISA because it is a weapon used by them to keep themselves in power. This is like asking the Americans to abolish the use of their advanced air power in Iraq and Afghanistan, and fight the jihadists without any air support, that is, asking the Americans to commit suicide.

  52. It seems that ISA is a tool that is being abused by the government to bring fear to the general Malaysian public to stop them from voicing out the current government’s incompetencies in running the country.

    Based on the reasons given by the Home Minister for signing the ISA order to detain YB Raja Petra, then GOD help all Malaysians. They had better start building a bigger detention centre in Kamunting…

  53. If we cannot get the umno government to abolish ISA then we must neutralise its effects sufficiently so that umno would be less inclined to abuse it save in the safest of circumstances (assuming that syed hamid is not the decision maker under the Act).

    The public’s perception of the Act now is very very negetive. This issue can be played up to pakatan’s fullest advantage. In the past, when they were strong, umno could afford to ignore public sentiments and bulldoze their way through.

    Now, negative public sentiments can be translated into lost of voters’ support. This equation must be drawn up and made known to umno. ISA = lost of voters’ support. If this can be achieved, then effectively umno would be naked! May 13 was their creation. So cannot use it to freighten people anymore. Ketuanan melayu is an issue that will backfire if pressed. Better not mention it. And MSM? But the people have alternative media. So, what else do they have?

    Umno is now labouring under another problem of their own creation. Disregard for meritocracy. Instead of choosing leaders with merits to lead the party, umno picked their leaders on the basis of connection and relations. (They have a tendency of dropping their gems. For example Zaid.) And the end result is they have a party which is led by a bunch of “syed botaks”!

  54. Hero ( Song in honour of RPK )

    There’s a hero
    If you look inside your heart
    You don’t have to be afraid
    Of what you are
    There’s an answer
    If you reach into your sould
    And the sorrow that you know
    Will melt away

    And then a hero comes along
    With the strength to carry on
    And you cast your fears aside
    And you know you can survive
    So when you feel like hope is gone
    Look inside you and be strong
    And you’ll finally see the truth
    That a hero lies in you

  55. RPK was interviewed by an Australian interview which was on Australian TV during the PP campaign period, and he was definitely aware of what was in store for him.He knew that they would slap the ISA on him before 16th Sept but also confident that Anwar would succeed in his quest to wrest power from BN (ie on the 16th SEpt), otherwise Anwar would join him as fellow cell-mate.However if his prediction were to come out right he would be in jail for 2 weeks!
    The prediction of RPK has appeared to fall short.However from the scenario that is unfolding, with Abdullah Badawi standing his ground, it could emerge RPK’s reading of the political situation could be right after all though he has to stay put for a little longer than 2 weeks.

  56. ///Disregard for meritocracy. Instead of choosing leaders with merits to lead the party, umno picked their leaders on the basis of connection and relations///–taiking

    At least we cannot complain that UMNO is not consistent. They organise the party the way they govern the country. Except the country belongs to all Malaysians, so we think, but the party, the Malays, so they hope.

  57. zak_hammaad Says:

    I think this is a good thing, without a PC at least he will not be able to indulge in irresponsible anti-race relations excercises and willful slander of religion. I hope he comes out as a rehabilitated person, otherwise it will be back in the slammer for him I’m afraid. So you sew, so shall you reap et al.

    zak, I understand your jubilation at this time. Its ok for now.
    May I also remind you that You are a pathetic individual as well as being a “Badly brought Up” individual. Shame is never in your volcabulary because your total make-up as being a sadist. Bet you would not know what sadist means. Knowing well that this blog is about New Nation and PKR’s hope, haven’t any of your elder ever thought you the manner of being polite and respectful in other people’s house? I view that you are truly a very sick individual and nothing please you more than enjoying others misfortune. This is why you set apart from everyone else here in this blog. May God have mercy on you. We cannot help you here zak- whatever you are trying to achiebved here.

  58. Remember the Home Minister Syed Hamid Jaafar said that ISA was utilized to protect the reporter Tan Hoon Cheng. The Minister got the name wrong. It was RPK that Syed Hamid Jaafar was trying to protect. RPK knew a lot. Either they want to make sure that RPK’s information could be made available to court, or they want the court not to see RPK.

    The question then is RPK’s change of address an assurance that he would not go to the court, or he would. That tells us who is winning.

  59. just a moment Says:

    >> May I also remind you that You are a pathetic individual as well as being a “Badly brought Up” individual.

    Feeling are mutual jam, the only difference is I do not ‘casually’ attack people I disagree with, at least without justifying myself. It must your intolerance doing the speaking for you.

    >> Shame is never in your volcabulary because your total make-up as being a sadist.

    Sadism refers to sexual or non-sexual gratification in the infliction of pain or humiliation upon or by another person. PRK displays this very well by way of instigating anti-Muslim sentiments. His words in his blog speak louder than your mere words.

    He will be held without trial under Section 8 of the ISA and I hope October’s review adds another year to his light sentence.

    “New Nation and PKR’s hope”? Is this another one of your oppositions hollow and meaningless slogans? You can NOT build a new nation without knowing what this means in the context of Malaysia’s social demography. You are quite simply as thick as two planks of wood.

    Good day.

  60. ‘Malaysia will abolish ISA only when its citizens can guarantee that they will not indulge in subversive activities that threaten security and social/economic stability.’.zak-hamaad.

    Certainly the starting of your statement should be UMNO will abolish ISA….and even that is wrong cos UMNO will not abolish ISA.ISA was first legislated in Britain during World War 2 with the express purpose of preventing sabotage of the state from within and without, and was subsequently brought to Malaysia for the purpose of combating communist insurgents.Malaya has inherited this law after independence,and has come to realise that this law very suitable for them to advance their own interest so much so they continue to use it even after communist insurgents have long gone.They have morphed ISA into an instrument to serve their self interest in maintaining power with your hero mamak adding more dragonian laws to make doubly sure that nobody dares to even think of upsetting the apple cart.Citizens having contrarian positions would be view as subversives to be put away by slapping the ISA. How convenient!
    Your having contrarian ideas can be viewed as a security threat and also upsetting social and economic stability.Of course they would not think that their policies could be the actual cause.

  61. Mr.Lim, I admire your courage at this difficult time.It can be seen that our PM is desperate to survive.I am sure it won’t be long till our PM gets the message.I am suprised that the DPM is given the finance post at this delicate time.I wonder who Badawi did not do something concrete with the finance before giving it to Naijib with full of problems which should be handled by Badawi.It shows that both are actually lost in transition and is a serious effect. I pray that this country would be stable with a better efficient PM and DPM in the end.

  62. zak posted:

    “Malaysia will abolish ISA only when it’s citizens can guarantee that they will not indulge in subversive activities that threaten national security and social/economic stability.”

    Who the hell are you? A self-proclaimed foreigner who believes he decides when the ISA is abolished.

  63. Catching citizens in the street just for the purpose of investigations without any proof of wrong doing is a ridiculous law.

    This is one reason why citizens and tourist don’t feel safe with police around them.

    Nobody is above the law and god, the person who invented this law is none other then a dictator.

  64. just a moment Says:

    May God have mercy on you. We cannot help you here zak- whatever you are trying to achiebved here.

    These ppl seems faithful to their believing BUT they distorted the holy preaching. I repead, “they seems” believe in, however their behavior seems to be other wise.

    Let them be, i believe what goes around comes around. Regardless of race and religion, these creatures are creation of god’s too so be it.

    Ignore it, no matter how strong this evil forces would be, embrace as everything bads comes to an end. Our fight for justice will soon prevail.

  65. I have lost respect for the government institutions in Malaysia. They are all rubbish. You will not find any professionalism in them. They will do things in accordance with their whims and fancies.

    The police does not do their jobs.

    The judiciary cannot be just.

    The executives are highly corrupted.

    There is no proper system to handle anything.

    There are policies that can be defied by the little Napoleans.

    Your compliants will fall into deft ears.

    Malaysia is in a state of chaos!

    This is a quote that I like to use: When the country is governed by fools, there will be chaos.

    The only way to stop this chaos is to stop voting for BN! Otherwise there is no hope.

    If we don’t end up like Zimbabwe, we will likely turns into Somalia resorting to hijacking liners. Or we may become Indonesia where the people will come to Malaysia to steal motorbikes and ship them back.

  66. When the power is in the hand of one or few, it is definitely going to be abused.

    That was why Dr Sun Yet Sen overthrew the Ching dynasty of

    How can the fate of the whole nation falls into the hands of only few?

    Even history tells us that evil can never overcome good. Good will prevail. Histoty has taught us that all the tyranic emperors would face the same fate, that is, collapse.

  67. zak said:

    “Malaysia will abolish ISA only when it’s citizens can guarantee that they will not indulge in subversive activities that threaten national security and social/economic stability.”

    How does he know that when we the citizens of malaysia give the requisite quarantee, the ISA would be abolished?

    And Umno to forego the discretionary power it weilds in exchange for a guarantee by us, the people of malaysia?

    How simplistic!! He obviously doesnt know umno well enough.

    Well anyway, here it is – the guarantee:

    “I TAIKING HEREBY GUARANTEE THAT the citizens of malaysia will not indulge in subversive activities that threaten national security and social/economic stability.”

    Zak, pls help us to get the Act abolished. Make it asap. Thank you so much.

  68. ichk, no Malaysian would disagree with that statement. I have a duty as a PR of Malaysia (just like you do) to make sure that Malaysia’s stability and security is never compromised!

    “Raja Petra Kamarudin sent to Kamunting to begin two-year detention under ISA” reads a headline in NST. It is crazy for the government to be giving out such information to the public; we should follow S’pore’s example where they take someone under ISA and do not broadcast that they have done so until after the individual has been released!

    Come on Malaysia, stop this loud-speaker mentality and keep the anti-ISA non-pragmatists guessing while RPK rots.

  69. taiking, ISA by it’s very morphed nature exists to deal with national security issues primarily. My question was actually rhetorical to show the impossibility of having such a guarantee.

    lhslhv Says:

    >> When the power is in the hand of one or few, it is definitely going to be abused.

    Perhaps, but how many countries are there who would give anything to have a set-up like PAP? Abuse of power? maybe, but efficient as second-to-none.

  70. Everytime I heard of people saying that their religion is the greatest on earth, I have this to say.

    If other “great” religions are so great, the Chinese who has 5,000 years of written history (no other race in the world can challenge this) must be a very stupid race on earth in not believing in other “GREAT” religions.

    With great wisdom, until today, they are still practicing their old religions of Taoism and Buddhist.

  71. End Racial Discrimination. Says:

    >> Catching citizens in the street just for the purpose of investigations without any proof of wrong doing is a ridiculous law.

    I think you will find that there has to be a strong suspicion or at least an amount of evidence (circumstantial or otherwise) to warrant an arrest under ISA. The act allows the authorities to substantiate and corroborate the information and get to the bottom of the reality. It would be foolish to let the suspect off simply because there is no proof. The risks involved are too high and are measured according to the threat posed. Kok was released within a week after investigations and corroborating the allegations, which on the face of it had substance. I doubt a commoner would have been interned under ISA as they would not have the same level of influence as an MP.

    To allow a potentially major problem to fester by non-internment is not an option, especially in a diverse country as Malaysia.

  72. It looks like the police is in cahoots with Syed Hamid Albar who cepat-cepat signed the order to detain RPK under section 8 (1) at the Kamunting detention camp for two years and to deny the habeas corpus application seeking RPK’s release from ISA detention on the grounds that the detention was unlawful and contravened the Federal Constitution.

    Who said ministers are not cekap? If they want to, they are super cekap!

  73. “the Chinese who has 5,000 years of written history (no other race in the world can challenge this) must be a very stupid race on earth in not believing in other “GREAT” religions.”

    do you know chinese actually most religion fanatic ? do you know that dynasty han collapsed triggered by religion extremist ? do you know that their emperor is based on notion of “heaven mandate”? and do you know they almost create new branch of Abrahamic religion, claiming the new ruler was brother of jesus, and the war ended with the cost of 20mil lives, surpassing WWI ? if not without british, the world most christians (or new christian) are from china already!

  74. ///13. Unfortunately Najib will not get his wish. There has never been a President of UMNO who is as much disliked and even hated by the people as Abdullah. Malays, Chinese and Indians, whether members of the Government component parties or mere supporters or ordinary people all want Abdullah to go, the sooner the better. /// __TDM CheDet.com 23 Sept 2008: Supreme Council

    The claim that AAB is wanted out by all the peole can only be known if there is a referendum on him. TDM was not in the council meeting, and he revealed a lot more about the secret reported in the press. Where did he acquire the leaks?

  75. zak_hammaad posted:

    “Kok was released within a week after investigations and corroborating the allegations, which on the face of it had substance. I doubt a commoner would have been interned under ISA as they would not have the same level of influence as an MP.”

    Lame-ass attempt at trying to justify the ISA.

    In short, zak the mamakthir worshipper believes in being pronounced guilty until proven innocent.

  76. IMO, The worse of all, this Taliban wannabe are using the name of Archaic/Religion to manipulate the desperately engraved muslims for their own gain, visible proved are those graving Suicide Mission arrange by Talibanese today.

    In Malaysia, (Pakistan?) mixed mamak AHMAD ISMAIL tries manipulate self-proclaim “Ketuanan” as he tries to bind the local Malay muslim agains chinese for his own gain. The local Malay and Chinese in which our forefather had fought and build this country with blood and sweat hundreds of years ago, we had the “Baba-Nyonya” today as proved.

    Aren’t muslim are preached to submitted themselve to God(Allah) himself merely? Why should we let these culprits running free as authority trying manipulate RULES as they’re god like apothesis who can apply slavery on to minority instead?!

    Seriously, aren’t these people violating Islam holy preaching as a muslim?… Are they “Extremist or Terrorist” or even might be threat to our country? Issit HALAL applying double standards RULES as muslim agains minority… ISA NO?

  77. Sorry out of topic:

    Singapore burns first batch of contaminated Chinese milk products
    By May Wong, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 23 September 2008 1508 hrs

    Malayisa : Health Ministry’s list of safe milk products. The Star
    Tuesday September 23, 2008 MYT 8:01:38 PM

    Hallo, Malaysia Government, people (Singapore Government) has already identified the contaminated products, are you still analysing it? or taking short cut by asking us to think for ourself by providing a list or asking the producers to swallow their own bullets later.

  78. Malaysia, The Star Tuesday September 23, 2008 MYT 8:34:29 PM
    Milk scare: Checks on retail outlets begins

    Singapore burns first batch of contaminated Chinese milk products
    By May Wong, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 23 September 2008 1508 hrs

    Look at the timing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  79. Han dynasty was founded by Liu Pang in the year 202 B.C. after the collapse of Shi Huang Ti the founder of Chin Dynasty which made the Great Wall of China famous.

    The famous Silk Road was born during this period.

    After Han Dynasty, the great Tang Dynasty ensued in 627A.D. This is where the epic of the Monkey God started. Buddhism started to flourish. Printing technology and gunpowder were invented. Surprisingly the Chinese never used gunpowder to kill people.

    Sung Dynasty started in 960 a.D. and ended in 1279 when Kublai Khan conquered China started the Mongol Dynasty.

    After the collapse of Mongol Dynasty in 1368, Ming Dynasty was founded. The official religion was Confucianism. The famous Forbidden City in Beijing was built. Admiral Cheng Ho started his sea expedition where the European learnt about the world map for their future navigation.

    The Manchu invasion started the Manchu Dynasty (or Ching Dynasty) which ended the Ming Dynasty in 1644.

    The European influence started during the first expedition by Portuguese in 1515.

    The Chinese Revolution started by Dr Sun Yet Sen ended the Manchu Dynasty in 1911.

    Where did Melurian learnt about the Christian episode during the Han dynasty?

  80. ‘The act allows the authorities to substantiate and corroborate the information and get to the bottom of the reality.It would be foolish to let the suspect off simply because there is no proof.’. zak-hamaad.

    This treatment would certainly make perfect sense when government is dealing with enemies of the state in time of war as was the intention of Britain when it first legislated this law during World War 2.But when one is dealing with political opponents who have contrarian views of how the nation should be run,or critics who criticise the way you run things and worse still journalists who report the racial slur your members utter,your statement made above is utter nonsense and shouldn’t be tolerated.By any stretch of imagination how could one even think of categorising Teresa Kok or Tan Hoon Cheng or RPK as enemies of the state or terrorists who deserve to be locked away without trial.For God’s sake this people love their country and are concerned enough to want to serve their country.If for reason you feel that they have committed any wrongs there is enough laws in this country to deal with them.Certainly not the ISA!
    Your type of reasoning smack very much like your mentor the mamak who has destroted this country and if you at all think that ISA is a suitable law then it ought to be slapped on him!

  81. Maintaining the ISA is a big slap on BN’s face! ISA was formulated to deal with the communists in Malaysia and since the government has announced that the CPM has already put down weapons and returned to society, maintaining the ISA is simply an admission by the government that the communists in Malaysia has not been fully eradicated!

  82. That is our problem; we are too gullible to believe the promises made by politicians. I got the feeling the PR politicians are slowly trying to behave like celebrities. They like to appear in media giving meaningless statements that cannot be verified. May I know what cock is Tian Chua talking today? It is precisely statement like his that erode the credibility of PR. Hello, please do some solid work lah. Don’t indulge in endless polemic and rhetoric. Oh, I know, it is easier to go on criticising ISA, corruption, and mismanagement. But have the five PR state governments and their respective local authorities made any headway in changing the life of the people yet? Yes, we have two parties now in Malaysia, but they are equally hopeless and useless.

  83. Correction:’Your type of reasoning…………………….who has destroyed this country………………………………………………………………………………….’.

    And if I may add further.The only rationale for slapping ISA on them is to perpetuate UMNO’s hold on power making this law which was originally intended by its legislators to protect the nation from enemies of state as well as terrorists
    expressly intending to destroy the state into one expressly morphed to perpetuate their hold on power.

  84. Guys,

    Keep your eyes on the ball. Dont let people like Zak to distract you in senseless arguements. He is an UMNO cyber trooper why waste your breathe arguing with someone who is paid by Mat Taib to distract you guys.

    I know it is frustrating that Pete has been arrested, but remember what he said. Reread his article and think. Keep the flames alive. That means, Rakyat Malaysia, stand up and being heard. Make more candle light vigil. Pressure the goverment, keep doing it relentlessly. If the goverment refuse to listen, we make our voice louder and louder, to generate the 3RD TSUNAMI AND FLUSH THEM DOWN.

  85. melurian Says:
    Today at 11: 34.02 (10 hours ago)

    rpk is pathetic betting on anwar, now he must be wailing beating his chest in his cell after he learned 16 sept comes and goes …….

    how can be be so dump waging his freedom on anwar.

    Errrrrrrr ms. melurian,

    Might one be so bold to ask if you had intentionally spelled dumb as dump with deeper innuendo or intonations in your message?

    Well as for your 2 bits, that there are Malaysians and there are Malaysians but there will only be 1 true undisputed Champion for a better Malaysia. The path chosen by such a resolute is a concept beyond many, especially those who foul the air they breath with sinister utterance. The just and true conviction of such nobleness is scarcely in the possession for many, know what i mean?

  86. There are still people who think that PR is no difference from UMNO.

    For Selangor under PR, we are given the first 20 cubic meters of treated water free. I have never enjoyed this privilege under UMNO. What I know is everything is chargeable by their cronies.

    The first is the highway toll.

    The second is the sewage treatment fees.

    I am not surprised if oxygen we breath in Malaysia is chargeable, UMNO cronies will propose to the government that we should pay for it.

  87. Race Relation Act will not work unless ISA is repealed. Follow by disband of UMNO idealogy, amendment of constitution to adopt Bangsa Malaysia and removal of official racial rights and religion.

    Should a particular race claims its right and religion, it will infringe on others’ right and freedom of worship. Politicians exploring race and religon for political mileage should not let off unpunished. Government should instead focus on building of united and progressive Malaysia by raising standard of living particularly focusing on eliminate of poverty and the increase of global competitiveness.

  88. “Where did Melurian learnt about the Christian episode during the Han dynasty?”

    go read about forgotten history on “taiping (not the perak one) revolution”. learn how the leader who failed gov examination claimed received from msg from his brother jesus to eradicate all manchu and set up christian country! and learn how they enforced strict code of conduct from different gender!

  89. “That was why Dr Sun Yet Sen overthrew the Ching dynasty of

    sun yat sen din overthrow machurian lar (he did attempt but all failed then when exile in hawaii and pinang), he just came in elected as president (many ppl saw him fit) after uprising that bring the 300yrs old dynasty collapse. just like manchu din overthrow ming, is cina themselves overthrew ming and fight for the loot before routed by foreigner manchu……

  90. lchk Says:

    >> Lame-ass attempt at trying to justify the ISA.

    I am not here to ‘justify’ ISA (especially to you!), it’s existence and use over the decades is a testimony to it’s justification. Those who want to abolish it and itself is proof enough for it’s need. Only fools would want an extreme last resort tool like ISA replaced with time-consuming and bureaucratic court cases and trials, when the threat may have already engulfed the nation!

    When it comes to security, no nation gives an inch and I challenge you to provide an example. Debating the pros and cons of ISA is not a bad thing, Washington continues to debate Guantanamo detainees, most of whom do not even know the crimes they have supposedly committed and can not have a court trial due to their ‘status’ as defined by Washington. ISA is a walk in the park compared with grossly prejudicial and blatant abuse of power of security acts by other nations.

  91. The imbecile egghead just want to put RPK away so that all the shit that’s hitting the umno fan will blow away without proof such as the Mongolian case – who else dares to say anything apart from rpk….PKR should and must do all it can to free the innocents

  92. If the enlightened Malaysian is so gullible on only 20 cubic meters of treated water, then we are no difference from the UMNO supporters.

    This is the journey of a 1000 miles. The little step is the decisive factor.

    PR is still a better bet then the know evil

  93. Those support ISA will paint it beautifully, but what on earth we need ISA when there is judiciary system around. How you feel when you are “punish” without knowing your fault and you are detained merely based on certain human’s judge. Every human has his own interpretion and he must be correct? Let’s the judiciary and judges done their job professionally and do not interfere them. Obviously, ISA is for political own interest.

  94. I attended the fully packed forum at Chinese Assembly Hall the whole evening. I think at least 3 thousands people attended the forum.
    All speakers were brilliant.

    Just a small note, the charming Nurul Izzah brought along a laptop with her. She placed the laptop on the table. That laptop was bulky and looked slightly outdated. I am impressed. I am impressed not only at her wonderful oratorical skills, I too glad that she is living a thrifty life.

    Nurul is sure a potential future Prime Minister of Malaysia!

  95. ISA is just one of the tools to serve Malaysia. By itself it is not cruel or good. If it is used effectively it can serve its purpose. Of course I do not support this wide-sweeping draconian law. Other laws should be used in its place.

    However the people who has the authority to use it determines whether it is cruel or good. When it falls into the hand of the cruel it becomes cruel. If if falls intot he hands of the good it becomes good.

    It is just like fire, it can be a useful force or a destructive force depending on how it manifests itself.

    Unfortunately Malaysia is a country where the “rakyat” serves the government and not vice versa. Furthermore Malaysia has too many of these people with self-vested interest. Abuse will be inevitable.

    As an individual we cannot fight ISA, but we can make a diifference by putting a government that looks after the interest of the poeple. A government that serves the “rakyat” will never use ISA on its people!

    Vote for PR in the 13GE if UMNO is still around.

  96. you know what?…
    In Malacca you get charge roadside parking 7days a week included public holidays, even agong birhtday(if theres any).

    Many tourist who visited Malacca was summoned for parking roadside without knowing parking coupon needed to present cuz they demolished the parking meter long ago.

  97. You are not allowed to criticize the government and the political leaders in power. If your voice is loud enough and it does not sound pleasant to the authority, you are considered a threat to public order and national security with your insanity.

    You will be deemed insane and sent to the mental hospital. After being interrogated several rounds, you will be detained in the hospital for up to two years, where detention order is renewable upon expiry. Once in every three or six months, sanity check will be conducted. If your behaviour have not changed, the authority will intensify attempts to break you until you start saying how good the government is. Nobody is able to rescue you from the powerful regime. The words from the institution are final, for detaining insane people like you.

    This shows how powerful the ISA is, the power to detain without trial. Ironically, the authority has been using the 1969 race riots incident to substantiate the need for ISA, to curb e.g. racial tensions but maintain peace and harmony in the country. Before the incident, the people did not see clearly the danger of the mounting racial sentiments, coming into their way. The damage done was substantially felt by the people for decades. Today the situation has CHANGED, the people are more aware of the damage done to economy and society should the nation falls into instability. Everyone loses.

    In RPK case, there is no evidence of uneasiness in society. There has been no massive rally to protest what RPK had posted in his blog. The words coming from government are, he is a threat.

    The recent three arrests have raised questions. There are two main categories in the recent controversy, each has the supporters among the people.

    Category A (opposition voice, reporter)
    Teresa Kok
    Sin Chew reporter

    Category B (pro government)
    Ahmad Ismail
    Zaini Hassan
    Mohammad Khir Toyo

    Show Cause issued
    Sin Chew daily
    Suara Keadilan
    The Sun

    No Show Cause
    Utusan Malaysia

    Category A consists of ISA current detainee and ex-detainees that had been released. Surely there will be questions among the people, the basis in using the act to shortlist the candidates. The consequence of ISA detention has created even larger division among the people.

    How do we ensure its execution is bias free? When applying this act, the voice from authority is final. You don’t even have the chance to clear your name, deemed a threat to national security.

  98. “May I know what cock is Tian Chua talking today? It is precisely statement like his that erode the credibility of PR” – limkamput

    hehehe! I thought no one noticed except me. Yeah, kept repeating they have the ‘numbers’ – don’t we all know that already? He should realise he’s not a celebrity; just shut up and disappear if he has nothing new and positive to say.

  99. Malaysia don’t understand that the current UMNO-BN is still trying to provoke the people so as to declare emergency Rule. Why did you think Pak Lah took the Defence Portfolio. Its to checkmate and be in the loop of any move by anybody.

    Remember UMNO-BN wants to stay in power whatever it takes and Barisan Rakyat wants a smooth transition…….(dream on Barisan Rakyat). You need skills, tricks and lies to get rid of UMNO-BN

    Rakyat can show support rather than to attend these talk Fest by buying some YELLOW or BLACK Cloth, cut in Strips and tie a pebble with rubberband and LAUNCH it ALL ove KAMUNTING PERAK…..Do it ALL Over Malaysia…..send a Clear Message to UMNO BN the more that is LAUNCHED the more UMNO-BN knows how many supporters AGAINST ISA and detainees there are.

    This is BETTER than Petition, protest, demo, talk fest……all tactics of Mat Kilau Passive Pressure. Do it and DO IT SOON!!

  100. The are several negative aspects about the ISA.

    (1) Scope:

    It is too broad and hence can easily be abused. It should be confined to its original purpose which is specific i.e. anti-communist. But now that communist is no longer a threat, the relevant provisions of the Act can be amended (or more like updated) to deal with terrorists threats.

    (2) Review:

    The minister’s decision to order a detention under the Act cannot be questioned. The Act said so. This feature together with the width of its scope make the Act an attractive one for abuse. The minister’s decision must be opened to review by the court. Nobody can act outside the law for such acts would be unlawful. Neither could a minister. Judges are the final arbiter on legality of acts done by everyone and this should properly include acts by ministers. Having the courts to oversee the use of the power under the Act has the other advantage of ensuring consistency and this would lend credibility to the use of the Act.

    (3) Without charge:

    A person can be detained for 2 yrs without charge (which may be extended ad infinitum). Now this is draconian. A person is detained for only one reason. Because he has committed some wrong. No laws would punish an innocent person. Only mistaken application of the laws in some unfortunate and inadvertant situations would. So if a person has committed an offence, charge him in court, present the evidence of wrongdoing so that the court could convict him and sentence him to imprisonment where appropriate.

    Zak, do the government of your country arrest their political opponents and detain them without charge for 2 yrs? Do they have such power? Its a useful thing to have. I suggest you should start a pressure group in your country to moot a similar Act.

  101. “I too glad that she is living a thrifty life.

    Nurul is sure a potential future Prime Minister of Malaysia!”

    what kind of statement is this ? so, someone with thrifty life sure to fit becoming PM ?!


    “Today the situation has CHANGED, the people are more aware of the damage done to economy and society should the nation falls into instability. Everyone loses.”

    nazri was right – that’s why many ppl vote for bn for isa, for stability……

  102. “I am not surprised if oxygen we breath in Malaysia is chargeable, UMNO cronies will propose to the government that we should pay for it.”

    No, no, no, you got it wrong there. Soon fresh air and oxygen will be deemed rare commodities. And Umnoputras like Ahmad Ismail will demand that he and his likes will be given the first priority to breathe in fresh air and oxygen. Pendatang and descendants of pendatang will have to wait for their turn to breathe in fresh air and oxygen. Remember THE contract?

    Any noise from pendatang and descendants of pendatang will obviously lead to ISA – locked up for the sake of their personal safety ala Syed Hamid Jaafar’s grand theory of ISA.

  103. Did Raja Petra really write the articles on Malaysia Today? I found this rather shocking: –

    To all Malaysians:

    Raja Petra DID NOT write the articles in Malaysia Today. I hereby statutorily declare that I am the author of “MalaysiaToday” in all your websites” All the articles were written by me aka DatukGoh.com.

    Sorry to break your bubbles!!!

    All roads lead to BodohLand.com

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