With seismic events afoot, who do you believe?

(1) KUALA LUMPUR: An English daily’s report that certain Umno Supreme Council members had asked Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to speed up the transition plan at their meeting on Thursday was inaccurate, Umno Youth chief Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said yesterday.

(2) In Shah Alam, Umno information chief Tan Sri Muhammad Mu-hammed Taib said members who supported the call for Abdullah to speed up the transition of power to his deputy were not supporting the Pakatan Rakyat’s moves to wrest control of the Federal Government.

One of the two Umno leaders-cum-Ministers is telling a lie. Which one?

The marvel is that these gems of contradictions appear in the same report in Star today, “Hishammuddin: English daily’s report inaccurate”.

Hishammuddin was referring to Star’s front-page report yesterday “Pak Lah under pressure to exit” by Joceline Tan, viz: Continue reading “With seismic events afoot, who do you believe?”

“No repeal or review of ISA” – will all MCA, Gerakan, Umno and BN Ministers/leaders “blindly accept” Hamid’s decision?

Home Minister, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar has shown utter disrespect and contempt for Barisan Nasional Ministers and leaders who had been calling for repeal or review of the draconian and nefarious detention-without-trial law, the Internal Security Act (ISA), when he summarily and categorically declared in Johor Baru yesterday that the ISA will not be reviewed or repealed.

Only yesterday, MCA President Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting announced that the MCA had enough of Umno political hegemony and “will not blindly accept every decision made by BN without being consulted”.

He said:

“It is only proper to have a discussion with the parties in the coalition before a decision or policy is made. That is what you call sharing of power and it is in line with the BN spirit…

“However, at times we were not kept in the loop when certain decisions were made. If a decision was made without the knowledge of the MCA, then it is not fair to use BN’s motto of ‘Friendship and Unity’ (Kesetiakawanan).”

Hamid’s contemptuous dismissal of calls for repeal or review of the ISA is an open slap in the face for Barisan Nasional Ministers and leaders who had been making such proposals, including the MCA Central Committee which had expressed disagreement with the recent spate of ISA arrests and demanded the release of Raja Petra Kamaruddin. Continue reading ““No repeal or review of ISA” – will all MCA, Gerakan, Umno and BN Ministers/leaders “blindly accept” Hamid’s decision?”

“Abolish ISA” forum in KL Tuesday

Forum : Abolish ISA

Venue: KL & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall
Date: 23 Sep 2008 Tue
Time: 8:00 pm
Admission is Free; Bring Friends

The panel of Distinguished Speakers include:

l Teresa Kok, Selangor State Exco
l Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan, Bar Council President
l Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh, Chairman of Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI)
l Lim Guan Eng, Penang Chief Minister
l Khalid Samad, MP Shah Alam
l Nurul Izzah binti Anwar, MP Lembah Pantai
l A. Sivanesan, ADUN Sungkai, Perak

* Moderator: Tunku Abdul Aziz Ibrahim

Contact:Teo Nie Ching
Assistant National Publicity Secretary
Email: teonieching@gmail.com