Lim Kit Siang

Teresa now being released

At 12.56 pm, at lunch in Ipoh, my mobile phone rang. I saw the caller was “Teresa” and wondered who was using her phone.

But it was her on the line and wondered how she wangled the use of her phone while in detention.

But no, she did no such improper thing. She told me that she was being released.

Bravo. The irresistible pressures against her unjust and undemocratic detention had succeeded.

While in celebratory and jubilant mood, we must also be mindful that the recent spate of ISA arrests demonstrate that this iniquitous law must go.

Sin Chew reporter Tan Hoon Cheng’s 18-hour ISA detention and Teresa’s 6-day detention are testimony.

Now, only RPK is still in detention from the recent spate of ISA arrests. He should be released immediately too.

The Hindraf Five and all other ISA detainees should also be given back their personal liberties and released from Kamunting Detention Centre.

Leaving Ipoh now for Teresa’s media conference at DAP PJ Hqrs at 3.30 pm.