March 8: The Day Malaysia Woke Up

Got this email from Malaysia’s hard-hitting journalist and playwright Kee Thuan Chye:

“I hope you can mention in your blog that my book, “March 8: The Day Malaysia Woke Up”, is now in bookstores.

“I think it will be in the interest of multi-racialism, justice, fairness and a better Malaysia.”

These quotes from the book’s promotion will catch everyone’s attention:”


“If the system is flawed, I believe it should be reformed, not blindly tolerated or accepted with a helpless shrug or defended with excuses—by the powers that be, the media, the man in the street.”

– Kee Thuan Chye

Do you think Penang people are stupid enough to support (Guan Eng)? We Penangites are not stupid.

– Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi, said before March 8

An army can come but I know how to fight it out….The people in Sungai Siput are with me. They are my strength. I have strived for them and served them.

– MIC President S. Samy Vellu, said before March 8

The Barisan is peaking now. We let [DAP] shoot and finish their bullets. Now we’re the ones with the bullets and we’re chipping away at their arguments.

– Former Gerakan President Dr Lim Keng Yaik, March 7, The Star

Get a copy. More from the promotion material:


The day of the underdogs, the real Merdeka, a political tsunami, the perfect storm — by any name, March 8, 2008, will go down in history as a turning point in Malaysian politics. With their votes, Malaysians dealt a blow to the Barisan Nasional government that had held almost absolute power for 50 years. Denying it the all-important two-thirds majority in Parliament and the control of five states has certainly made the political scenario more vibrant.

Although surprised that there was such power in the vote they cast, Malaysians woke up to the true meaning and practice of democracy. They now face the present reasonably free from fear, free from the spectre of May 13.

This book is about that historic day and the change that came with it — an expression of hope for a brighter future, with many Malaysian voices speaking their thoughts frankly. There are also eyewitness accounts, interviews with key people, and articles never published before, written by fledgling and established writers.

Includes exclusive hard-hitting interviews with:

· Raja Petra Kamarudin,

· Zaid Ibrahim,

· Lim Guan Eng,

· Dr Lim Teck Ghee and

· Dr S. Subramaniam.


– “How Big Are Your Balls?”, an interview with Raja Petra Kamarudin

– “The Racial Bias of Utusan Malaysia”, a report by Yip Wai Fong, Centre of Independent Journalism

– “One Hundred-Odd Days After March 8”, a comprehensive record of events

– “Enough of the NEP”, an interview with Dr Lim Teck Ghee

– “Just Call Me Guan Eng”, an interview with Lim Guan Eng


52 Replies to “March 8: The Day Malaysia Woke Up”

  1. Dear Fellow Malaysians,

    The unlawful arrest of MP YB Teresa Kok and famous blogger, Raja Petra indeed a great shame to all Malaysians regardless of race, creed and religion caused by an arrogance PM. As such, the Malaysian government has been subject to the following violation of human rights under the Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of United Nation and also failed to live up to its obligations as a member of the United Nations.

    The Malaysian government is guilty of violating Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states: “No one shall be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”

    The Malaysian government is guilty of violating Article 6 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states: “Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.”

    The Malaysian government is guilty of violating Article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states: “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.”

    The Malaysian government is guilty of violating Article 10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states: “Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.”

    The Malaysian government is guilty of violating Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states: “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.”

    It is time for all Malaysians to call the government to do something to defend human rights and release all detainees without any conditions.

    Let us demand for fair justice and human rights to be a TRUE MALAYSIAN today. The Nation Human Rights are deteriorating sooner or later by dirty politicians in Malaysia. Please HELP to release Teresa Kok and Raja Petra are true national Heros.

    Hidup Human Rights for Malaysia.

  2. Abdullah is now overstaying by three days. All of us were a bit depressed after not hearing from Anwar for one day, until he appeared on the screen and spoke yesterday. Now we are more certain that he is ready to take over. In fact, in Pakatan Rakyat, there is not just anwar one person, but also capable people like Uncle Lim is around. We are more confident of Pakatan than BN.

    BN has no capable leader now. IQ of Abdullah is very low, like what Mahathir mentioned, the guy cannot handle economy. We are not sure what he can do, perhaps Minister of ISA and Sodomy. You think Najix is better than Abdullah? No. Najix is more like a kid, who got fooled around by Abdullah with a few candies. He can be cheated very easily, even by the least smart person such as Abdullah. How can we trust him, other than he is a good Minister of Sodomy, taking care of sodomy cases for the public.

    Pakatan Rakyat should act soonest, else another ISA may fall on Anwar. Although the father of ISA, Mahathir suggested that he could not see why ISA should be used against the public this time. They are self-guarding themselves now. I think 2010 is given so that there will be enough time for his son-in-law to climb up and eventually take over. In boleh politics, it is more important to make polictics=power=money the family business.

    We want to see the next immediate action from Anwar and Uncle Lim today! not tomorrow and not the day after tomorrow!! Enough is enough.

  3. it is also the day we find it more difficult to ‘cari makan’. It is also the day BIGger politicians played up bigger issues….it is also the day rakyat malaysia forgot that the world is in a finanical epidemic. Wake up and welcome to the real world.

  4. It is not about Anwar anymore. He is the catalyst. The people realised what one vote from each person can do. The ideals of a true democracy is now achievable though obstacles are likely to be put in place by the would be sore losers.

    Thanks to the internet, the main stream media lost their monopoly and readers or audience take the news with a pinch of salt, not seriously like before – thanks to the flip flops by the day or even minutes! Statutory Declarations are like IOUs – freely given.

    Things might have to get worse (like the economy due to uncertainty, but recently more due to US financial disasters) before they get better. But nothing can be worse than the present unreasonable government.

  5. So he insisted on revelation of the name list.

    But it is not any name list. It is a list which will see a change of government. A list which will put the country back onto the correct path, economically and socially. A list which would finally allow us to embrace each other as malaysians. A list by which we would be able to know once and for all what actually had gone wrong with the country and how, during the last half centuary.

    Its no ordinary list for god’s sake! Can anwar simply wave such a list about in the air? In public? Before the press? No. No. No. He cant. And he wont!

    It is only proper for anwar to reveal the list in parliament. Where else can be a more suitable place other than in parliament? Afterall it is a list of lawmakers’ names – a list of parliamentarians forming a majority in number who according to the dictation of our laws would govern the country.

    And badawi’s response now? The revelation can wait. Anwar can wait. The nation can wait.

    His earlier persistent insistence on revelation and his current disinterest in the list is disturbing to say the least.

    It is my hope that he comes to his senses soon and quickly. The waiting cannot be indefinite nor go one ad infinitum.

  6. What is new? We have obviously passed the stage of identifying problems and criticising them. The need for change is obvious, only many realised it in March 8, 2008. It should have been even before Mahathir came into power. At least the problems may not be as acute and irreversible.

    Now we ought to hear some bright ideas on how to bring about change most effectively and quickly and what new programmes and ideas PR will put in place once they come into power.

  7. Dear YB LKS,

    Whilst the Powers-that-be are playing for time, frustrating & delaying DSAI’s & PR’s request for the meeting with PM, etc. – we are now 3 days off target 916.

    DSAI & PR have to outsmart the Powers-that-be & not be caught in the “Trap” with the threat thrown at DSAI.

    Alot of Anak Bangsa Malaysia share your sentiments & are impatiently awaiting that elusive “Skychange”.

    With the present Political deadlock turning dangerous & ugly, let us all stay cool & focus on the “Objective”…..”to reduce BN’s majority”.

    Already the BN’s self-destruct mechanism is in action, more defections will be coming & there are other options available to circumvent the “Impasse” to give the Powers-that-be a dose of their own medicine – yes, Multi-Derectional divertions from several fronts “Simultaneously”.

    Let us consider the 3rd Front….

    You had successfully initiated The “Free MP Teresa Parliamentary Caucus” in Parliament with the support MPs of the three Pakatan Rakyat parties and the just-resigned Minister for Prime Minister’s Department, Senator Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, etc

    Subsequently SAPP announced their intention to breakaway from BN, to be an Independent Party.

    Next to convince SAPP to initiate the move to form the 3rd Front with any BN defectors to be “Independent” & then to be absorbed into their 3rd Front.

    They can now have a common platform – ex BN component party individuals & party enblock wanting to be “Neutral”.

    Should the Powers-that-be decide to force Mahyuddin out, then he can also take out his team to be “Independent” & be absorbed into the 3rd Front.

    Should MCA, MIC, Gerakan, etc wish to breakaway enblock to be Independent – this “Neutral” 3rd Front will be a better option for them as they can then be absorbed likewise.

    Let the neutral 3rd Front be the “King maker” with the reduced BN majority.

    Devine Intervention will ensure the “Headache” will be on the Powers-that-be with the neutral 3rd Front in the “equation”.

    With this, the “Morality” issue can be resolved and any coalition thereafter with PR can be considered to overcome the “Deadlock”.

    This will give DSAI & PR more time & options to circumvent the “Impasse” and for the 3rd Front to concentrate their focus to reduce BN’s majority – offering a better option for those with no future in BN.

    By then DSAI will not be a “threat”, rather BN’s new “Headache” will be the 3rd front !

    The “Titanic” will be “Crippled” in no time & “Skychange” can be achieved in due course.Insha’Allah.

  8. Abdullah continues with his life support system although he is in coma and is brain death.

    I don’t know if the cross-over from UMNO would take advantage of Anwar in order to get rid of Abdullah. I think even Mahathir would support Anwar in getting rid of Abdullah(??) I afraid after that, new game may start. So this is something Agong should confirm with the cross-over MPs – stay firm with Anwar and no more chaos, please.

  9. Is PR buying time too? – how can we expect someone alrdy in power for so long entertaining an “enemy” and waiting for others to pull him down? Plan B should alrdy be in place when plan A fails, why only meeting after being rejected by design?

  10. The power to change lies in the Malaysian people…NOT DSAI. Even if they put DSAI under ISA, the winds of change will continue. DSAI is a manifestation of the people’s power. Just like RPK, MT2day will continue to live on and even thrive long after RPK is gone.

    Villains come and go but heroes live in our hearts forever.

  11. I cannot imagine how MCA and Gerakan can be so oblivious about what’s going on in this country. If you just screen through all daily media headlines, It look something like this:

    “PM will not convene emergency Parliament session”
    “Anwar wants to go to Parliament before court case”
    ‘Don’t speculate on Anwar and ISA’
    “Trio to resign from SAPP”
    “Free Teresa caucus in Perak”
    “Blogger Sheih Kickdefella under 24-hour remand”

    MCA – “Ka Chuan backs Tee Keat”

    MCA – “New Perak Youth chief to go for No. 2 post”

    “Dr M: No justification for arrest of bloggers, Teresa”
    “Samy: Arrest anyone who raises racial issues”
    “Anwar’s letter didn’t mention transfer of power’
    “ACA starts probe on crossover claims”

    MCA – “Soi Lek going for deputy president’s post”

    “Zaid’s resignation accepted”
    “PAS: Anwar will be able to take over the Government”

    Did you notice something? MCA’s activities have no connection at all with the rest of the headlines. It stand out as a sore thumb.

    Yes, when the rakyat and the world is doing something for this New Goment, MCA is only interested in their own world. I’am the more convince now that MCA is the most “Useless” party for they only care about themselves. Forget about Gerakan.

    They only care about their own selfish needs. Do you term MCA being oblivious? Or simply ‘traitors’ to the chinese and the rakyat?
    I have complete ‘Zero’ respect for any MCA leaders unless they make a stand NOW and Walk the talk. Disgusting and Self-centered leaders.

  12. Greetings!

    We all here as an ordinary people breathe for D-Day and well awaked of change. However, he the Prime Minister seems that only aware change to get support/hearth from his colonist or supporter.

    Change is a must, lets the flames continues for the Truth.

  13. i see the wooing and offering of cabinet posts to those ‘crossovers’ as potential threats to the PR. There would be massive discontentment among the die hards leaders from DAP, PAS and PKR. Eventually there will be internal squabbles and eveyone will be trying to ‘ampu’ DSAI as he has the absolute power (another dictator) to give perks and goodies. So we think that this change is for the good? The picture paints a thousand words my friends!

  14. Do you think Penang people are stupid enough to support (Guan Eng)? We Penangites are not stupid.- Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi, said before March 8 , 2008.

    Looks who is talking and eat his own words ? Who is stupid today ?

    The Penangites have delivered their “JUDGEMENT DAY” to remove UMNO-Gerakan lead state government to be replace by CAT governemtn under DAP-PKR-PAS government.

    Similar Selangorians, Perakians, Kedahans and Kelantanese have also delivered their strong messages to UMNO-BN lead governments that the Rakyat wanted a total change from corrupt crony administration system to a CAT adminstration system.

    March 8 is a total WAKE UP call for all Malaysians to send a political tsunami message to UMNO-BN leaders that they are counting the time to be end soon. Permatang Pauh voters signal of change is yet to wake up the sleepy PM for his slumberland. Let not waste useful time to participate in their dirty political conflict, Malaysians must stayed united and committed to change for a better governance under CAT system.

    Last but not least, are Malaysians too kiasi and kiasu to take the challenge of change. If Malaysians fail to change, the nation progress will deteriorate and stagnant for next decades should BN rules the nation under corrupt, crony, neoptism, racist and law of lips services with divide and rule policies.


  15. Is the parliament the only place to make decision? or they can do it without bn mps around if there is a majority.

    if the majority of pakatan rakyat mps will show up in front of istana, i think everything would be decided. are the 51 mps all back from taiwan and ready for showing up?

  16. can other non bumi components ‘SMELL’ bo’s words ‘sapp is a NUISANCE!!??’ for me, bo means all components MUST KEEP QUIET AND EAT WHEN IS BEING GIVEN at his pleasure!!

    how can we have a leader to come out wit these words!! does that mean sapp never ever contribute to bn win especially in sabah. if not for sapp stunt to pull out from the now coward and blind cow PBS, UMNO BN would have NEVER CONTROLLED sabah until today!!!

    a responsible leader should have sit down and has a deep heart to heart talk with sapp or any other bn components regarding their discontentment and to finding a solution for ‘win-win situation’ to all!! this is unfortunately not the case of bo because he doesn’t give chance to anyone about his decisions. i think his motto is ‘DON’T DO WHAT I SAY BUT DO WHAT I SAY’ .

    there’s no appreciation on the part of bn leaders for sapp. i and the majority of the rakyat , support fully sapp dis-owning bn and zaid ibrahim quitting but in non-support of using ISA for arrests on innocent people who are deemed as a THREAT TO BN ONLY!! the police, army and maybe the navy is always made the scapegoat under bn regime for ISA pleasure because bn especially the defence and home ministry and maybe the cultur arts ministry will come out to say they are not involved or none of the business!!

    i’m always disgust whenever a person is arrested under ISA, the present government will ALWAYS SAY ITS FOR RAKYAT SAKE TO ENSURE PEACE !!! i just hope bn can make peace with own-self FIRST before knowing what PEACE MEANS.

    as for the non-component parties or members, i once again hope you can now see and fare your present position in bn. when you voice for the rakyat , its not heard but never mind . but once you voice more, you are termed as ‘NUISANCE!!’ . is that what you expect us ( the rakyat who put you there) to accept such remarks from your leader ?? YOU WILL BE WRONG that we accept it !!!

    think not once but many times about trying to ‘smell’ bo comments. don’t sleep on your work!!! why can’t you admit you can’t handle the situation and leave the house instead or let others to lead!! i feel shameful and disgustful for you to keep quiet and STILL SATYING ON with a government who is ‘raping our savings away everyday’ and having to face the high cost of transportation and food everday too!!!

  17. If Anwar already has the numbers, why doesn’t he go straight to the King? What is he waiting for? badawi already said he isn’t going to convene an emergency parliament session in accordance with anwar’s demand, so the next session will only be on 13 oct. is anwar buying time because he doesn’t have the numbers? I’m getting worried that he is blowing wind up our asses. he has always been very aggressive, why the hesitation this time round? has something gone wrong in his plan? it seems that the only thing that will encourage defectors is if badawi stays on. but if badawi announces a much earlier resignation, will anwar’s plan still stand? how solid are the pledges by the alleged defectors? will it get stronger or weaker as time passes? what assurances can PR give to the rakyat that the govt will change, and soon? why hasn’t PR acted? what are they waiting for?

  18. just a moment,

    As a matter of truth, you are quite right.

    It does show that mca, gerakan, mic and the other appendages have disconnected themselves.

    Is that a result of choice or circumstances?

    If it is a matter of choice, I certainly hope that they are able to see that breaking away from umno as a good alternative and a realistic choice.

  19. The Agong cannot act until there the vote of no confidence in BN is carried by a majority in Parliament. He can’t simply approve a list of “defectors” handed over to him by Anwar without proper verification.

    Even if Badawi wants to convene an emergency Parliamentary session, the UMNO supreme council may not let him. The stakes are simply too high at this point – a carried vote of no confidence will force UMNO to immediately hand over the keys to the treasury, and those in UMNO who have been pilfering from the nation’s funds cannot allow it to happen. Even if a vote of no confidence now has only a 10 pct chance of success, UMNO can’t even take this risk.

    They need to buy time. They need time to assess, identify the “traitors” and act accordingly. They won’t even rule out emergency provisions if everything else fails.

    The stakes are unbelievably high.

  20. Going to the king will be the last resort. In any situation, we don’t want our superior to feel that we are incapable of handling difficult cases, so we wait and see, wait and see, do all sorts of things until cannot stand anymore.

  21. Say even if Anwar were to succeed in taking over, his task ahead are even more forbidding.Because we have consistently return BN to lord over the country for the last 51 years the grip UMNO has over the institutions of the nation,the civil service,the judiciary,the police and the army,has become so strong that these institutions have become appendages of UMNO.Taking over the government would certainly seem to be the easiest part,running it is the acid test.To revert these institutionsback to what it should be ie to serving the people and not UMNO or any political party, can be likened to climbing a mountain range with 2 Everest peaks,an almost impossible task.

  22. Wake -up time, O Malaysia:

    “He(Koh Tsu Koon) said the party welcomed new de facto Law Minister Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz’s assurance that he would proceed with judicial reforms.

    HELLO, ISN’T nAZRI AN OLD BROOM. hE’S BEEN THERE AND he didn’t do that before. No way he is ever going to do it. An independent judicary will spell the end for many UMNOputras and cronies who have been ripping off Malaysioa’s coffers.

  23. I am AGAIN hearing from Anwar that the public will know crossover list today; he sounds like a sore broken record. The increase in the opposition members of parliament is said to be due to their representing the alternative to the race-based politics of the BN. How they can ignore the entirely Malay PAS and the overwhelmingly Chinese DAP I do not know. These are race based parties.

    If indeed the people as a whole reject race-based parties as represented by the component parties of the BN, then they would reject PAS and DAP. The Malays constitute approx 15-20% of Pakatan’s support base wth the remainder made up of non-Malays, this shows that Anwar is being used as a pawn by anti-Malay forces to gain greater political influence despite the agreed social contract at the time of independence.

    Without Malay unity there can never be a national unity because they comprise of the majority race/religion. Pakatan does not speak for the whole rakyat but only a section with vested interests.

  24. Chinese have a saying, “wealth will not survive 3 generations”. After the guy rampas kuasa from bapa kemerdekaan, bodowi is actually the fourth generation. We can considered that as very successful already!!!

  25. Ah, we now hear from the great Zak Hamaad, the foreigner and Mamakthir fan. Yes, Zak, when we get control of the federal government, we promise not to rescind your residency status. We need people like you to eat humble pie, and we pray that you don’t follow Mamakthir out of Bolehland.

  26. Zak Hamaad said:

    “Pakatan does not speak for the whole rakyat but only a section with vested interests.”

    I think that remains to be seen especially the last bit on vested interests.

    But on the other hand, umno as a matter of fact, no longer speak for the whole rakyat and it represents only a minute section with a super appetite for personal wealth accumulation and who does so at the expense of the people and the country.

    Tell us whether the minister in the country where you come from could remain in office for having wrongfully arrested and detained some law-abiding citizens?

  27. Zak_hammaad,

    Please do not sow hatred and suspicion in the blog. You seem to be shooting randomly here and there and hope to score some winning points.

    You seem to write sensibly some time, but at other times you seem to negate and contradict yourself.

    Your views about religion ( I am sorry to observe ) are obsolete and need some form of “renewal” process. The world at large has move so far ahead. Those stubbornly and parochially limiting their world view and knowledge to what they were taught by similarly self-limiting narrow-minded so-called preachers, are missing something.

    Not that I am claiming to know all, not in any way. But then the world is such a wider and much more beautiful place that you guys could fathom. I feel sorry for you guys.

    Religion is suppose to be liberating the human mind and widen mankind’s experience. God manifests Himself in more ways than one. There are so many indicators and indications of His magnanimity and greatness. Religions are also marked by time lines. Islam is one of the great religions. There are also others, of course, which are equally beautiful and great. The failure or refusal to acknowledge and admit them into our consciousness will limit ones ability to understand and empathise with others around us.

    The holier than thou and “supremacy” stance of one’s ethnicity and religion is a stand reflecting ancient times when knowledge and learning were not available. We are living in the enlightened age. So, let us do some catching up so that we are one with the others. Being defensive and offensive of one’s position are not necessary any more. Open discussion and respecting one another should be the order of the day.

    No offence or insult intended in my comments. I respect your practice of Islam and good luck to you in this holy month of Ramadan. God bless.

  28. taiking Says:

    >> But on the other hand, umno as a matter of fact, no longer speak for the whole rakyat…

    I don’t argue with this, but disproving Pakatan’s lies does not prove BN’s competence.

    >> Tell us whether the minister in the country where you come from could remain in office for having wrongfully arrested and detained some law-abiding citizens?

    That depends on the kind of laws that we legislate. If an act allows for detention without trial on suspicion of being a threat to society and/or security, than sure they would remain in office. But such laws are not drafted by my country; Malaysia on the other hand does, therefore there is a legal provision for it. America also does (re: guantanamo), where many innocent civilians have been held for years and then later released without charge or fanfare or compensation etc.

    * One4All4One Says:

    >> Please do not sow hatred and suspicion in the blog.

    Calling spade a spade is not “sowing hatred”; and a suspicion is suspicion when the facts on the ground point to the other direction. You don’t seem to want to accept the reality that Pakatan is a raced based coalition party where the minorities (i.e. Chinese and Indians) have a greater representation than the Malays. This clear undeniable fact means that Pakatan is not representative of the majority race and therefore inherently poised to fail if Anwar ever manages to convince the parliament of his bluff.

    >> You seem to write sensibly some time, but at other times you seem to negate and contradict yourself.

    Not really, it may be that you read what you want to read; selective acceptance and rejection perhaps :^)

    >> Your views about religion ( I am sorry to observe ) are obsolete and need some form of “renewal” process.

    Your intolerance of other people’s religion and viewpoints smacks in the face of so-called Pakatan’s embrace of all people. Islam is not going to change simply to accommodate your ignorance of it. It is far bigger than what you make it out to be. You are an example of the “equality mirage” that Pakatan is attempting to show.

    >> The world at large has move so far ahead. Those stubbornly and parochially limiting their world view and knowledge to what they were taught by similarly self-limiting narrow-minded so-called preachers, are missing something.

    This assumption belongs in the annals of orientalist distortions. The fact is that no amount of theological or ideological or even inter-faith dialogue is good enough for you. I can see your hatred for Islam in your words; instead of fighting it and trying to call for it’s reinterpretations (which will never happen), maybe you should consider tolerating and accepting it, as it represents over 1/5th of world humanity.

    Pakatan in short is trying to re-invent the wheel by trying to present the rakyat with an alternative. Their alternative is the other extreme of BN, something that no Muslim can accept, neither within the sphere of secularism nor

    >> Not that I am claiming to know all, not in any way. But then the world is such a wider and much more beautiful place that you guys could fathom. I feel sorry for you guys.

    The irony of these comment is perhaps reflected in how little travelled you are. Indeed the world is big and varied, how is it that you can not see the beauty in diversity, esp. coming from M’sia? Your balance is tilted grossly to one side and you may want to adjust it :^) Muslims not only know beauty, they are responsible for a lot of it in.

    >> Religion is suppose to be liberating the human mind and widen mankind’s experience.

    Not really, there is not a single religion that would accept another religion being superior to their own. Indeed we have to live together and thus need to get along, but I blame the extremist within you that seems to want to dictate what one should and should not accept. E.G a recent survey conducted in S’pore showed that the vast majority of Christians do not like inter-faith dialogue as they see it as compromising their beliefs and trying to tone down the evangelical side.

    >> God manifests Himself in more ways than one.

    Muslims disagree because our concept of God is unique; we base our beliefs on text and not philosophy.

    >> There are so many indicators and indications of His magnanimity and greatness.

    His greatness is not quite measured by the human mind but rather by His divine revelations. Islam is unlike any other faith who seem to make up their religion as they go along. We have what is called scriptural legislature whose fundamentals do not change with time and space. We also have the original sources we can turn to in events of confusion and misrepresentation and misinterpretations. Secondary and tertiary issues are dynamic enough to withstand and address emerging matters in the world, this is what we call fiqh (jurisprudence).

    >> The failure or refusal to acknowledge and admit them into our consciousness will limit ones ability to understand and empathise with others around us.

    I don’t know of a single Muslim who does NOT acknowledge other religions, isms and scisms. Rather I find the onus upon the Islamophobes to learn, understand and appreciate what makes a Muslim ‘tick’ in light of Islamic teachings (because we clearly have extremists amongst us as well) and empathise with him or her; especially in the global anti-Muslim climate. Also, please note that demography in Malaysia is in favour of Muslims and it is inconsistant with historical records to say that Muslims have not lived, worked and built a nation alongside non-Muslims.

    >> The holier than thou and “supremacy” stance of one’s ethnicity and religion is a stand reflecting ancient times when knowledge and learning were not available.

    Superiority of ethnicity is a non-starter in Islam. In his final sermon on mount Arafat, our Prophet categorically declared: “All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action.”

    As for debating the supremacy of a religion, this is not quite the blog to discuss this.

    >> No offence or insult intended in my comments. I respect your practice of Islam and good luck to you in this holy month of Ramadan. God bless.

    Talk about contradictions hey :^)

    Thank you…

  29. Malaysians of all ethnic background are fed up with the fed playing the fed race card.
    BeEnd is complacent and blind. Rakyat is so unhappy and it’s do or die for all Malaysians. That was the sentiment at 308.

    Corruption and so many issues remained unresolved and still ongoing. What choice do Malaysian had then ? I heard from everyone ” mati mati lah ” … Malays , Indians, Chinese and others all alike !

    Pak Lah and UMNO should really sit down and think of Rakyat’s suffering from Rakyat’s viewe. Not from a Minister,BeEnd or PM’s view.
    That’s where they really failed and had not learned from it.

    Look’s like it’s the end of the long long road.

  30. UMNO through out 51 years at the helm has ruined many non-bumi families in terms of education, social justice, economic opportunities and human potential.

    However they have unwittingly ruined Malaysia. This is the greatest sin of all ever commited by UMNO.

    Malaysia is in a very pitiful plight now indeed. Unfortunately there is no road of return for Malaysia unless there is something drastic happens!

    Sayonara to Malaysia for now!

  31. In our lives till now, …else you would be reading this…hahaha

    There is also advantage to be slow economically, becasue we can learn from mistakes made by others…hahaha

    like the invention of the wheel and its propogations to serve mankind…started as a wheel barrow…became a cart….became motorised…///potong harga jump in ///became computerised…..looks like its begining to be wheel less…go take a ride in Shanghai.

    But some people cannot even learn from mistakes made by others…how then…what does it mean ….stupid or what.

    rhetoric are very interesting too…..just like
    I came I saw I conquer…juilius Ceasar

    If I move forward follow me, If i turn back shot me …bang bang…Musolinni

    These quotes reminds me that Bee end follies are still in their sand pit.

  32. StevePCH Says:

    >> Malaysians of all ethnic background are fed up with the fed playing the fed race card.

    I think it is more accurate to say that “Malaysians of mostly Chinese and Indian ethnic background are fed up with the gov playing the race card. The remarkable increase in the opposition Members of Parliament is said to be due to their representing the alternative to the race-based politics of the BN. How they can ignore the entirely Malay PAS and the overwhelmingly Chinese DAP I do not know. These are race based parties.

    If indeed the people as a whole reject race-based parties as represented by the component parties of the BN, then they would reject PAS and DAP. Also note that the Malays constitute approx 15-20% of Pakatan’s support base wth the remainder made up of non-Malays, this shows that Anwar is being used as a pawn by anti-Malay forces to gain greater political influence despite the agreed social contract at the time of independence.

    Without Malay unity there can never be a national unity because they comprise the majority race/religion. Pakatan does not speak for the whole rakyat but only a section with vested interests. If you think Anwar will be allowed to march into parliament and be allowed to form an economy-wrenching and Malay minority government, you are very much mistaken. Having the numbers does not address the fact that political power must remain in the hands of the Malay Muslims to assure social stability and national peace. Pakatan does not guarantee this.

  33. Dear Zak,

    Numbers would appear quite misleading sometimes, especially when one’s opinion and interpretation are coloured, biased and made prejudicial by pre-conditioned, conditioned, and one’s sum-total knowledge and experience.

    Numbers are also misleading when one either refuses to accept or denies the existence of a reality other than those which one is inclined to admit, consciously and sub-consciously.


    Our mind plays us out sometimes. When antagonised or displaced or advantaged, we react irrationally or defensively in order to ward off what may be presumed to be inadmissible or obnoxious, when in reality the issue being considered is correct and admissible.

    We are living in a confusing world, punctuated by intrigue, mind games, polemics, greed, prejudice, bigotry, conspiracy, power hunger, economics, politics, plots and whatnots.

    We are sometimes fooled by powers that be, on either side of the divide. The truth would not always be known immediately. Only time will reveal all.

    So, let’s keep our sanity intact while we are being fed with whatever that’s happening around us, without being cynical.

    Let’s pray and hope that truth and good sense will prevail.

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