“916” symbolised the yearnings of Sabahans for a new Malaysia where they enjoy full citizenship status and benefits as Malaysians

“916” this year has added significance, as it marks not only Malaysia Day but also the yearnings of Sabahans for a new Malaysia where they enjoy full citizenship status and benefits as Malaysians.

In the past 45 years, Sabahans have been denied their full citizenship rights – which is symbolised most vividly by the government failure to declare Malaysia Day on September 16 as a national public holiday.

After 45 years, Sabah’s problems are more than a basketful.

Sabah is a rich state with vast natural resources but the people of Sabah have been denied an equitable share of the wealth of the state.

Not only hard-core poverty, but poverty, should have been eradicated in Sabah by now. Instead, poverty in Sabah is the worst in the country.

Last year, I raised in Parliament the tragedy of the suicide of a 11-year-old Dusun boy from Kinarut, Donny John Dion, because of acute and desperate poverty of his family by hanging himself at home at Kampung Suangon in the Papar parliamentary constituency.

It is a state and national disgrace that in the 21st century, 11-year-old Donny could be driven to suicide because of the poverty and deprivation suffered by his family 45 years after the birth of Malaysia.

The Sabah Chief Minister should have resigned in shame and disgrace at a scandal like Donny’s suicide but there had neither been moral stirrings nor sense of responsibility by any of the Barisan Nasional leaders whether at state or national level for Donny’s tragedy.

Secondly, there is the problem of an equitable share of Sabahans in the “black gold” in the state.

A Pakatan Rakyat federal government will ensure that Sabah will get 20% of the oil royalty from Petronas and not just 5%, so that greater resources can be devoted for the development and empowerment of ordinary Sabahans.

Thirdly, the long-standing rampant corruption in Sabah. The state tops the list of states in the country in terms of corruption.

Fourthly, another long-standing problem of illegals with Sabahans reduced to strangers in their own land – completely overwhelmed by a larger population of foreigners in the state. Sabahans have a right to demand the return to the old days when they can feel safe not only in the streets and public places, but even in their homes when they could leave their houses open without fear of becoming victims of rampant crime.

Fifthly, the marginalisation of the Sabahans, particularly the Kadazan-Dusun-Murut community, depriving them of the full fruits and benefits of Malaysian citizenship.

In the flurry of “goodies” after the March 8 “political tsunami” to ensure the allegiance of BN MPs in Sabah in view of their sudden “kingmaker” role in ensuring the survival of Umno hegemony and Barisan Nasional government in Putrajaya, among the measures announced by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi were the appointment of a Sabahan to be Vice Chancellor of Universiti Sabah Malaysia and to head the federal development department.

However, what Sabahans want are not just two “one-off” appointments made more for their immediate political effect but a systemic change of mindset where Sabahans are given fair treatment in civil service and political appointments, both in the state and at the federal level, not because of any tokenism or “one-off” show effect but because of their entitlement as full Malaysian citizens.

At the Sabah state level, the Kadazan-Dusun-Muruts (KDM) have been marginalised to become the new underclass in Sabah and Malaysia – a point I had stressed in the last Parliament.

All civil service and political offices, including that of Chief Minister, should be open to all Sabahans regardless of ethnicity or religion, based on meritocracy, competence or public support.

When for instance was the last time that a Kadazan or Dusun was appointed the Yang di Pertua Negeri in Sabah?

Similarly, at the federal level, a Sabahan should have an equal right to be promoted to the highest reaches of the civil service, whether Secretary-General of Ministries, departmental directors or even Chief Secretary of Government!

There are three Federal Ministers from Sabah. Sabahans are most unhappy with their appointments, as one is in charge of museum, another in charge of the planetarium, while another is in charge of “everything and nothing”!

Why can’t a Federal Minister from Sabah be entrusted with heavy-weight portfolios like Education, Defence or even Finance?

These are pointers to a new Malaysia that Sabahans and Malaysians want from the political changes to emanate from “916”.

[Speech (2) at the Sabah DAP forum “Malaysia – Towards A New Era” at Kian Kok Middle School Hall, Kota Kinabalu on Tuesday, 16th September 2008]

61 Replies to ““916” symbolised the yearnings of Sabahans for a new Malaysia where they enjoy full citizenship status and benefits as Malaysians”

  1. The flurry of “goodies” after the March 8 “political tsunami” to ensure the allegiance of BN MPs is only a show. To improve living conditions of Sabahans and their equitable share of civil and federal appointments, it necessitates change of attitude of the Federal government.

  2. I think pakatan rakyat should move quickly to get rid of this government. There is no need to be nice to them. Challenge MCA, Gerakan, MIC, SUPP,… to quit the ministerial posts as a protest to the use of ISA. I afraid these Chinese ministers are just trying to cheat the people by pretending to be tough. They have no real intention of challenging UMNO. They want to die and buried for UMNO.

    I think Anwar asking to meet abdullah is kind of overly polite. No one expects abdullah will meet anwar. Whatever the next step to take, do it quickly.

  3. Uncle Lim, I think that the ouster of Anwar from the BN government by his former mentor, TDM, is a blessing in disguise.
    He manages to penetrate the stupor of the Malaysian electorate, especially the Malays, to bring about a change in their psyche.
    Thus, resulting in a new mindset.
    All the talk of being a world class country by 2020 is just a sham.
    As long as we are under the BN, we will not be even third class, let alone world class!
    Anyway why 2020 when Singapore is already a world class country way, way before 2020? Even with its almost total lack of natural resources except brain power and the will to succeed!
    Time for the BN to disintegrate so that we can progress without this millstone around the neck of our country.

  4. Here’s a report in the Singapore Straits Times on the adventures of our Malaysian junketers in Taiwan:


    M’sian MPs play hide-and-seek
    September 16, 2008 Tuesday, 06:52 PM
    Ong Hwee Hwee trails M’sian lawmakers as they create waves in Taiwan.
    In Taipei

    SHE was sent away from home by anxious parents eager to fend off her suitor in hot pursuit.

    Undeterred, the suitor gave chase to an island 3,000 km away – only to be separated again after a fleeting rendezvous.

    But this ain’t a love story.

    It was the gripping plot of Malaysia’s recent political drama which has kept audience at home and abroad riveted.

    “She” refers to 49 lawmakers from the ruling Barison Nasional coalition.

    The “suitor”, in this case, was Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), the party of opposition chief Anwar Ibrahim.

    The “parents”? Well, you should have guessed by now.

    And aptly, the saga unfolded in Taiwan – the island of political drama.

    Anwar triggered the political cat-and-mouse game when he vowed to topple the government on Sept 16. To do so, he has to convince 30 government MPs to defect to his camp.

    In a move seen by some as a panic reaction, the government packed off 49 lawmakers to Taiwan on a hastily-arranged “agriculture” tour.

    The MPs had vehemently denied claims that their study trip was a ploy to thwart Anwar’s plans of forming a new government by his self-imposed deadline.

    Afterall, there was a lot Malaysia could learn from Taiwan which is known for its agriculture technology.

    “Taiwan’s population is about 23 million. Malaysia has about 26 million people. Why is it that Taiwan has no need to import rice and can even export rice?” lawaker Tiong King Sing told this reporter.

    Fair enough.

    And they did spend time visiting a leisure farm, a fish farm, and a top-notch agricultural school – with lots of photos to prove.

    “But isn’t the timing too much of a coincidence?” I asked, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

    It just so happened that it was the “best time” to travel for most of the MPs, I was told.

    Coincidence do happen, I mumbled to myself.

    But before the lawmakers could complete their tour of fruit orchards and fish farms, six gatecrashing PKR officials came knocking on their doors – literally – by checking into the same five-star hotel they were staying.

    All of a sudden, the glitzy Sheraton Hotel in downtown Taipei became the scene for the political hide-and-seek. Reporters in Taiwan – where foreign news seldom hog headlines – were trying to make sense of the difference between Datuks and Tan Sris. All photographers were all set to capture the perfect Kodak moment of the PKR politicians walking slow-motion towards the MPs.

    The much-anticipated encounter did not happen – at least not on photo.

    Barely an hour before the PKR suitors set foot in the hotel last Friday(sept12), the MPs – who were seen mingling and chatting among themselves at the posh lobby just a day earlier – marched straight up to their rooms after dinner.

    Rushing to pack for home, I was told.

    And what a rush it was.

    At 3.30am on a typhoon night, the MPs quietly checked out, hopped onto 20 taxis and flew out of Taipei reportedly several hours earlier than scheduled.

    Till this day, nobody knew what happened under Sheraton’s roof that stormy night. But this reporter was assured nothing took place along the quiet corridor.

    “There was no meeting along the corridor,” said PKR strategy director Saifuddin Nasution, one of the six-member team sent to woo the MPs.

    But it remained a mystery who they contacted, when they met, and how they communicated.

    “Did you call them? By Skype perhaps?” asked a persistent Malaysian reporter. Nice try.

    “How about morse code?” I resisted the urge to ask.

    While the saga has gripped many around the world, the Taiwanese – who are used to over-the-top brand of politics – remained unfazed.

    “Malaysian MPs take a leaf from Taiwan’s pork-barrel politics”, read a headline in the mass-circulation United Daily News.

    While critics said the episode has cast Malaysia in a bad light, some quipped that it has boosted the country’s profile among Taiwanese.

    Said one Taiwanese: “In the past, my knowledge of Malaysia was confined to the Petronas Twin Towers. Now, their MPs have really made an impression.”

  5. Yes, East Malaysians have been had (or sodomised – the current politically correct and hot word) by the West Malaysian-controlled Fed Government since 1963. They should have followed Singapore out of Malaysia in 1965 and formed a new nation with Singapore. By now, they would be in the first world rather than sinking and sinking further into the third or fourth world. Pity!

    Still not too late to change. But 91608 is now history and nothing significant happened politically. Lots of people felt cheated, especially RPK who looks like to be locked up without trial for a long, long time.

    Is DAP hand in glove with PKR to hoodwink the rakyat? Is PR, already like the BN, not walking the talk?! Talk is cheap. The rakyat want positive action – CHANGE for the better, Malaysian Malaysia!

  6. 1. “Hard-core poverty”, Inequtiable Share of “Oil Royalty”, “Rampant Corruption” and Crime, Intractable Problem of Illegals, marginalisation of the Sabahans, particularly the Kadazan-Dusun-Murut community – all these mentioned by YB Kit are true.

    2. Equally true is the fact that peoples of Sabah and Sarawak deserve better. They did not join Malaysia in 1963 in bargain for independence from British Colonial rule to exchange for 45 years of Neo-Colonial Rule by the BN Government.

    3. And who, may I ask, keep Sabahans and Sarawakians continually in shackles? It is their politicians. They are the opportunists. Had it not been for their unstinting support of BN for the benefits of positions and crumbs from gravy train, the BN would have on 8th March 208 been swept away by the force of the political tsunamy generated from this side of the Peninsular.

    4. Yet the supreme irony is this : It is the plan of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim/Pakatan Rakyat to displace the government of Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi precisely by poaching cross overs and defections from these opportunistic BN MPs! You mean they change overnight from opportunistic to being principled?

    5. Lets not be naive – notwithstanding what YB Kit said that it is DAP’s position that PR does not invite cross overs based on inducements of money, positions and self gratification. Kalimullah Hasan on page 6 of todays NST posed this : “Wasn’t it Kit Siang who attacked Anwar (when he was in UMNO) in 1994 when the then deputy PM (Anwar) led the crossovers of state assemblymen like Datuk Yong Teck Lee and Dr Jeffrey Kitingan to cause the fall of democratically elected Parti Bersatu Sabah Government led by Datuk Seri Joseph Pairin Kitingan?”

    6. Today Jeffrey Kitingan is already in PKR, and Teck Lee clamours for Motion of No Confidence against Badawi. Hopefully they are all with Anwar’s Cause at least due to personal loyalties, but what about the other MPs to make up the majority of 31 required defections?

    7. If many of these Sabah and Sarawak “kataks” were opportunistic, then their credibility and commitment to stay the course become suspect : even if they have signed and deliveredto Anwar express statutory declarations and irrevocable undertakings to defect, there is no assuarance that they will subsequently not change course due to either inducement or pressure from BN, and like private investigator Bala, make subsequent declarations and undertakings reneging and contradicting their firsts, throwing the entire “916” project into uncertainty and limbo!

    8. This is where the irony and internal contradiction lie: “916” that represents the yearnings of Sabahans/Sarawakians for a new Malaysia is built primarily on a shaky foundation of crossovers and defections by the very BN politicians in Sabah and Sarawak who have for 45 years denied Sabahan and Sarawakian their rights to participate fully citizenship status and benefits as Malaysians.

    9. The Country is today facing uncertainty and unprecedented capital flight – not just because the BN coalition is now unstable but also because Anwar’s 916 Project is equally inherently unstable being constructed upon the support of such politicians of proven record of personal gain over a constitutents’ and national interest.

    I am of course generalising as I must inevitably do in discourse of such nature. Even if what I said is inapplicable to every single East Malaysian politician – for in Life every situation admits exception – the general drift is likely true, which means that we are now moving into an extremely uncertain phase, where nothing is deifinitely clear, and anything can happen in this tussle for power intra betwen UMNO/BN parties and inter between BN and PR.

  7. i just wanna ask you Mr Lim, y were you not there yesterday during the pakatan rakyat celebration – in the conference at 2pm? Is everything fine? did’nt get to see you and your guys…I hope anwar is telling the truth.. about more than 31mps joining him…. and y on the 15th night there was only one big banner on FREE RAJA PETRA – and no banner on Teresa kok? If you can explain .. it will be good…to take away some doubts.

  8. //when lah DSAI is going to kick bodollah and his retard friend’s @$$ from putrajaya ?!!//-tesl_lecturer

    As far as I know the same “bodollah” has thrown the challenge, waiving protocol, that if Anwar could prove the “numbers”, he is expected to storm into Putra Jaya with hundreds behind him seeking the PM’s departure (Se NST 17th Sept) page 2. So why is Anwar desisting from this open challenge and invitation?

  9. sorry side track a little , now everyone is talking about free
    “YB Teresa” & “Raja Petra” , then how about the HINDRAF leh …..so fast forgotten them already aren’t they still in detention under “ISA” ?????

  10. We don’t need to fight for the release of ISA detainees, please just take over the goverment swiftly then release them and abolish the ISA, sediction act, AUKU, and etc.
    Yesterday night there was an attack on Anwar in RTM, the host of the show is obviously biased and the guests (MPs) are all from UMNO, and one from “independent”, and the SMS comments are also mostly attacking PR and Anwar, this made me worry.
    And kiren, I heard that uncle kit was in Sabah, and there WAS a banner on Teresa Kok, although it is smaller, but it’s not important afterall

  11. This is the Mo of BN. Use the poor cukup-cukup then leave them out of the economic pie. No wonder poverty will NEVER be eradicated in M’sia…so long as BN is still in power. Can you imagine the poor having access to urban necessities like the internet and mingling with learned people in urban areas! This is not what BN want. In fact BN prefers more poor people so they can mislead them and use them for their own benefits.

  12. thanks voice for clarification- but i was wondering y there is no noise in this blog about anwar’s victory? y no talks about 31mps-? anyway– juz to let you guys know..there are many people are angry over DSAI- even his own fans- can you imagine some of em even put up a bid for 16th sept.. some loss money- and some loss trust… its very sad.

  13. Najib Razak became the latest leader to try and reach to an increasingly Internet-savvy electorate by setting up his own website called 1Malaysia.

    “I do not believe in the politics of “deceive, divide and rule”.

  14. the federal government still insist malaysia celebrated 51 yrs independance though based on historical facts, it is malaya 51 yrs and MALAYSIA INDEPENDANCE is ACTUALLY 45YRS!!

    malaya was born within west ONLY while MALAYSIA was UNITED & BORN with sabah, sarawak,singapore and west malaya. just as simple as that!! just tell me when was the FIRST MALAYSIAN FLAG hoisted is enough evident to raise my case!!

    the federal government was so determined to say 51 yrs is enough shows ignorance and the non-admission of history facts!! not only them but there are numb-skulls (only knowing angkat kaki, kiss bn assess) especially those bn mps and even the cm who kept quiet fighting the truth of Malaysia Independance!! does that means sabah has to follow what bn says ??

    i think 31/08 should be called ‘malaya independance day/malaya merdeka’ celebrated by west only as a holiday while 16/09 be called ‘malaysia independance day/malaysia merdeka’ to be celebrated by all the 13 states!!! just as simple as that to make history clear not only for us but especially for the next generation to acknowledge.

    for those who still insist its malaysia 51yrs independence, GO BACK TO SCHOOL TO LEARN HISTORY because u had either not being paying very attentive in class at that time or you did not have history classes in your school.

  15. Part of Tunku Abdul Rahman’s Speech on Malaysia Day, September 16, 1963:

    “So I pray that God may bless the nation of Malaysia with eternal peace and happiness for our people.

    The Federation of Malaya now passes into history. Let us always remember that the Malayan Nation was formed after many difficulties during a long period of national Emergency, yet its multi-racial society emerged, endured and survived as a successful
    and progressive nation, a true democracy and an example to the world of harmony and tolerance.

    As it was with Malaya, so it can be with Malaysia. With trust in Almighty God, unity of purpose and faith in ourselves, we can make Malaysia a land of prosperity and peace.”

    45 years later, we look back with sadness and wonder WHAT went wrong? WHY is Malaysia not a land of prosperity and peace for all Malaysians?

  16. I had earlier expressed reservations about Sarawak’s MPs doing the frog dance. Recently Taib did a reshuffle and promised another reshuffle in January. Taib may have to concede a few of luxurious portfolios in order to maintain his grip to power – even if mean conceding more to the rural MPs. But that had been enough to silent the dissatisfactions within. Remember saving Private Ri****?

    My emails have often been clogged with news from the 2 eastern states. Would this party do the frog dance? Would this MP do it? Right now inducement for a frog in Sarawak comes from Dominique – PKR man in Kuching and probably he is the in-between before reaching Dato’ Anwar. Dominique could be right in the general popn’s dissatisfaction from Kuching, but it is not necessarily be in the best interest of the MPs.

    Kuching people feel they are being colonised. They feel being treated as second class Malaysians. (Flag raising ceremony was carried out on 16th Sept in Kuching central padang). They feel the federal had left them far too long – why no roads, electricity, water, petrol and diesel subsidies? Unfortunately such questions were suppressed before the 8th March tsunami – because no people believe the BN (aka UMNO) could ever be dislodged from power. Yet sad, sad, sad, the people are not the MPs.

    The significance of 16th Sept will go on, YB Lim and I am one who is hopeful. If PR continues to be a good opposition as it is now, it is just a matter of time before a change in gov’t occurs. Focus now on providing services to the rural community. Take your chances well. The year of 2012 is no far away.

  17. 3 Cheers. For the first time we feel all malaysians ‘berdiri sama tinggi, duduk sama rendah’ with our brothers, sisters and friends from Sabah and Sarawak. Thanks Pakatan. Welcome Sabah and Sarawak formally, emotionally and spiritually from our bottom of our hearts.

    It is time they stop listening to frogs like Pairin and ‘firaun’ like Taib who has been ruling the state as if it belonged to his father. These and the like had ’sold’ your rights and privileges to the BN Govt who onlu used you to amass power and wealth at your cost.

    Sabah and Sarawak should reject the present overtures of projects as BN is fighting for survival. Tell the BN Govt. you cannot be bought so cheap. And this happens because of Pakatan pressure and hardwork and sacrifices. Bring the present Govt. down and you not only do yourself a favour, but also to all malaysians who yesterday finally ‘embraced’ you vide 916 as equal malaysians.

    Tell the BN Govt. you cannot be fooled anymore.

  18. Let me say Jeffrey, the very essence of Anwar is repulsive to many MPs in Sarawak. He stands for changes; clean and transparent government. What can they get from Anwar? If PR takes over the state Admin, what can they get from DAP (Wong Ho Leng) and PKR (Dominique Ng)? Latest audit report sadly confirmed Sarawak has the highest corruption cases. Credibility aside, just who wants to do a frog dance in such scenario?

  19. Something is not right here.

    Sabah and Sarawak were given the opportunity to take centre stage and be a hero for the first thing in their history. But they have not made their moves, thus far.

    They were offered:
    – hero status,
    – 25% oil royalty,
    – rid of illegal immigrants,
    – national day be Sept 16 instead of August 31,
    – priority in growth and development,
    – a real chance for the various ethnic groups to come out from the shadows and be side-by-side with the other race groups,
    – etc.

    It is not now that results can be seen and felt from the effect of the above immediately. If they are really serious about the future of their ethnics and their beloved state, they have to seize the opportunity and do something right for once in their life.

    But they have not made their move. So what is wrong here?

    Are they:
    – so satisfied with what they have up till today?
    – afraid that their ‘rice bowl’ of today would be altered?
    – only interested in today and not about tomorrow?
    – only interested in themselves and not their people?
    – or what?

  20. [kiren Says:
    Today at 09: 36.48 (2 hours ago)
    i just wanna ask you Mr Lim, y were you not there yesterday during the pakatan rakyat celebration]

    unc lim was in KK to attend a Sabah DAP forum “Malaysia – Towards a New Era” = http://blog.limkitsiang.com/2008/09/16/zaid-ibrahim-to-attend-free-mp-teresa-kok-parliamentary-caucus-inaugural-meeting-tomorrow/

    he’ll be back for this afternoon’s “Free MP Teresa Kok” parliamentary caucus in Parliament.

  21. “It is a state and national disgrace that in the 21st century, 11-year-old Donny could be driven to suicide because of the poverty and deprivation suffered by his family 45 years after the birth of Malaysia.”

    “A Pakatan Rakyat federal government will ensure that Sabah will get 20% of the oil royalty from Petronas and not just 5%, so that greater resources can be devoted for the development and empowerment of ordinary Sabahans.”

    I still remember the news i read from the paper, i was completely flabbergasted. How could an 11yrs old child drawn such a courage to do this to himself.

    That was the result by extortionist corruption as authority had completely mobilized the right of Kadazan-Dusun-Murut (KDM) people in Sabah.

    I’m very proud of our keen and sincere PK leaders who always righteous and keen to help our nation.

    With the 20% shares of the oil royalty from Petronas and not just 5%, the state govern could fully utilised their land empowering their recently hasty learned skills in Taiwan “agriculture” tour.

    Hopefully this days will come, as our PK leaders fighting for our rights, on the other side of our country are suffering by this opportunist lies and denial crooks who had been robbing the nation for centuries.

  22. Challenge to DSAI by:-

    Muhyiddin: Meet Agong if has numbers. Do not have to meet AAB
    Syed Hamid: No ISA used for defectors

    DSAI, please go ahead to meet up with Agong and take over the government if you have numbers. We want to see the sky change!

  23. I was envy over my Sabahan friends that received “dividends” from Yayasan Sabah annually back in 1985 while visiting them in KK.Even though I am born in W. Malaysia but they were in E.M’sia, they are the Bumiputras and all entitled to share the state’s wealth. Donny wouldn’t have committed suicide the if state still pratice the same distribution of wealth.The BN had indeed kill him indirectly .

  24. Mr Lim,

    I’m not trying to be negative about the “take-over” by PR subsequetly, ruling our beloved country. But, as a malaysian, I would like to know the terms and agreement among the 3 component parties in PR.

    Histrorically, even until today, PAS and DAP have different goal and different objectives. Even in Pemuda PAS website, there are comments by PAS members that they prefer to work with UMNO compare to DAP.

    Please clarify, and please provide us more information on the terms and agreement among PR component parties, for better understanding.

    P/S: If you think it’s not suitable to publish this comment, please don’t. However, I really appreciate if you can answer my doubt, maybe through my email khisyamh@gmail.com


  25. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi and his deputy Datuk Seri Najib Razak are holding a joint press conference at 1pm at Putrajaya to reaffirm their commitment to the transition plan. Najib is likely to be given a new cabinet position.

  26. taking over the federal government is not as simple as buying over a second hand car ( puspakom unreliable check ).

    while i feel that barisan nasional have been a disappointment over being fair and transparent , this cross over of 31 mps are NOT GOOD for the country.

    even with the 31 mps that dsai so claimed to have, 8 states will still be ruled by the bn parties ( if it ever happened ). there will still be political instability in malaysia.

    i urge that pr rules the five states well, and the raayat will decide the federal government in the next general election. a snap election is possible with umno (infighting ) and the other component parties indecisiveness.

    too much doses of politics is bad for the nation. immediate attention should be given to protect the innocent people from being murdered and burnt like the case of the 16 years old girl from kulai johore. petrol price must be reduced immediately since the price of crude is down to below us 98.00. health care must be provided for the oku and aged. and most importantly, the medium of teaching science and mathematics in english to continue to put our young malaysians to prepare for their future.

    916 came and gone. disappointed – no. happy – no. it is just a date for politics and changes needed no dates. will we achieved developed status in 2020 ?, it does not matter, provided the raayat are living in peace and harmony and there are food for anyone of us. big investment bankers have gone bust and file for chapter 11 in the usa, so what is a developed country ? no big deal.

    i plead that we proceed to abolish isa, we proceed to assist the poor, the oku , and free tertiary education for all malaysians. the corrupt will remain corrupt, the bigot will remain bigot. but if there are no givers , there will be no takers. and if we shame the bigot, they will be left by themselves with a mirror in hand.

    so yb, what is the use of the federal government if this will cause the strain on malaysians and the stress of their daily life. ? what is there to rule , if there are so much sufferings now ? nature does takes it own course and for every action there is an equal opposite reaction ( physics). will there be peace in malaysia if rule is by crossover – ABSOLUTE NO.

    free hindraf 5, free raja petra, free theresa kok, free all isa detainees. and wait for the next election. malaysians have achieved march 08, where race was never a concern. where the chinese are not afraid to vote pas,and malay dap. six months gone, yet we , are are till in propaganda mode. it is never a shame to extend an olive branch to the other party for the good of the nation. and if the other refuses to accept the peace , than there is of course the raayat.

    amat kasim and zak_hammad are irrelevant than.

    thank you.

  27. UMNO took way too much all Malaysian to keep their power and spoon-fed all their BN component allies with highest level of corruption culture. For 51 years, most of us are blindly led by them in believing a better future for all Malaysian.
    They are the one that continue to divide us in racism matters and rule us by color.
    They are the one that wasted generations of Malaysian talents as they are afraid of these existence will affected their evil objective.
    They are using racism to make the Malay issue as their secret weapon and conned Malays into believing in their struggle to keep other races from taking over this country.
    There are plenty of evil thoughts that they have planted into the Malays mind of other races in Malaysia and all these are done , simply because they want to reap off the country nature resources wealth into their own pockets.
    We, rakyat of Malaysia are no longer fools or tools to UMNO. We want our freedom and independence of this country to be a reality. We want a true Malaysian Malaysia. We will continue with what we are now clear off with our firm stand to demand our birthrights from this land of true Malaysian.

  28. Every UMNO politician is saying Anwar is bluffing…..lying.
    Very easy to understand.
    Lets see….:-
    1.Did Dollah lied to be “People’s PM”?….YES.
    1B..Did Dollah try to fool us?.yes….many times1c. Can you trust Dollah?…No.
    2.Do you trust a Najib….who played out Tunku Razaleigh..played out Mahathir…with his weird red lips?…NO NO NO.
    3.Do you trust all those corrupted UMNO roques…Mat bin Mat…Myhyuddin Yasin…Hussein….Khairy…Albar….Toko..such a long list??…NO NO NO
    Now lets see Pakatan Rakyat politicians…:-
    A. Do you trust…Lim Kit Siang….100% YES.
    A2..Do you trust Karpal Singh? 101% yes.
    B. Do you trust …Nik Aziz?…90% Yes.
    C. Do you trust Hadi Awang?….50% Yes
    D. Do you trust Husam?….95% YES.
    E. Do you trust Tian Chua?….100% Yes
    F. Do you trust Anwar’s wife? 100% YES
    There you see…..UMNO guys…like Anwar said…are in the state of denials….no brains.cannot think….just keep dreaming.they own the country and the people..do as they like….shown so clearly for 22 years by the biggest UMNO devil…..Mahathir.

  29. deeply sad that a 16 years old school girl was kidnapped ,murdered and burnt for a ransom of 38k. and the alleged murderers are of age 16 to 22. dont we all feel sad, that someone of age 16 can partake in such murder ?

    my condolence to the family and may her soul rest in peace. she should not have died in this manner. something is wrong with our social system. at 16, they should be at school . we are still trying to look for nurin, are we?

  30. Mr Laliloo, please read my comment again.

    Parliamentary process is NOT that easy to define, my friend. In the early years, BN brought hope. Then it was the testing of patience. YB Lim could outline to you the role of parties like SUPP and SNAP when it comes to the rights of the people. They have been there when the people needed them – until in the 90’s, parties started to be led by people whose interest was something else. You see parallel scenes in W Malaysia.

    There had been some parties emerging, like Star (state reform) led by Dr Patau. But all these were futile efforts. The long struggles took tolls on lives and resources of politicians. DAP itself was a victim; once active in many rural parts of Sarawak, it is now confined to the towns. Despite all the ideologies and ideal comments, politics is still bread & butter issues.

    One of the greatest failures of the state government is the role of Salcra in land development. There are 170 cases outstanding in the courts over land issues. The people affected are the local people. Defending their lands with parangs and guns is no longer metaphorical. Why should the people love their government?

    From being patience, the people became “helpless”. Who is there to help them? Every MP seemed to forget their roles; with or without MPs, what’s the difference? Don’t tell me the local organise themselves and remove their MPs – you have no idea on the logistic difficulties present in Sarawak. You could be rowing your boats one whole day just to see one longhouse of 20 or 30 voters. Compare that to administration MPs/ADUNs who can hop in and out of the helicopters.

    To dislodge MPs, you have to provide alternative. What is the alternative when PKR and DAP didn’t even reach the fringe of the towns? I wrote here that DAP is quite acceptable to local voters there, but PKR is not much different from UMNO; and anything UMNO is completely unpalatable. State DAP has recognised this.

    Finally to criticise MPs, yes go ahead, I agree with you. We are all KL office critics, but to criticise the locals, you need to spend at least 3 months staying in a longhouse in rural Sarawak before qualifying.

  31. Dear Mr Lim,

    More often than not, many issues are not seen in the public eye. Most are even swept in he carpet to avoid any unnecessary implication that may arise to the person responsible. National media such as TV, astro, radio, newspaper may not cover such issues due to restrains best known to them.

    A prominent leader for DAP, will you give us the assurance that the media will be enhance dramatically? Please also note that these media can also be your enemy once it’s given the freedom to do so?

    We have to be constructive in this manner and not being emotional

    From all the Children of the Lesser God….

  32. Court orders Pahang to pay RM60m to logging firm

    PUTRAJAYA: The Pahang government was ordered to pay a logging firm RM60mil for breach of contract after failing in its final bid at the Federal Court for leave to appeal on Wednesday.

    Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Tan Sri Richard Malanjum who sat with Federal Court judges Datuk Nik Hashim Nik Ab Rahman and Datuk Abdul Aziz Mohamed unanimously dismissed the leave application made by the Pahang government and the Pahang Forestry Director.

    Justice Malanjum in his judgment said the question of law submitted by the Pahang government, represented by its legal adviser Datuk Mat Zara’ai Alias was not a noble question and had been raised at the Court of Appeal.

    The applicants had sought leave to appeal the Aug 3 decision of the Court of Appeal which rejected their appeal for extension of time to file the notice of appeal.

    They wanted permission to appeal the Kuantan High Court decision on May 25 which ordered them to pay RM37,127,471.60, with interest dating from April 5, 2000, to Seruan Gemilang Makmur Sdn Bhd for breach of a logging contract.

    The High Court made the order after ruling that the state forestry director was negligent in refusing to use the latest plan submitted by the company which was approved by the state executive council on April 5, 2000, and instead ordering that the original plan which was approved on Jan 7 1997 be used.

    On Dec 9, 2002, Seruan Gemilang filed a suit against the Pahang government and the state forestry director seeking RM31mil in damages for breaching a logging concession contract relating to the extraction of timber logs from a 10,000-acre plot of land belonging to Umno in Mukim Bebar, Pekan district.

    In its statement of claim, the company said that on July 31, 2000, the two defendants gave it approval to extract timber from an 8,000 acre area in the mukim.

    On May 13, 2002, the state forestry gave it permission to log another 2,000 acres, meaning that it was given approval to log an area of 10,000 acres, it said.

    However, it said, the state forestry director only allowed it to log an area of 7,000 acres and the remaining area was given to several third parties to log, it added.

    In their statement of defence, the defendants said that Seruan Gemilang was only given a licence to log 7,000 acres because they found that the company was not interested in logging the remaining 3,000 acres. – Bernama

    What about those land in Sabah that suddenly become UMNO ?
    ACA , please investigate ..








  34. I reckon the opposition will thank you for waking up and

    But most of all the oppressed people whom you have had before helped to marginalize and angered by your support would not be forgotten. It is better the SUPP be dissolved and members dispersed and only to form and start anew party With new focus, new direction, new leadership, and awaken values.

    Dont rest now, it is time for you to show how serious , how committed, and how dedicated are you for a new malaysia.
    All bolihland have seen how you negotiate and arm twisted the bodohwi to submission to your demands for sabahans. Will you still arm twists again for sabahans only.

    So how desperate are you for sabahans and for new malaysia, and sabahans how serious are you for new malaysia, do we still need a passport for entry?

  35. The pressing questions and comment at the Forum on 16/9/08 for a new era…

    Paper for a new era in Malaysia especially Sabah with deep rooted critical issues by Joshua Kong

    This Malaysia House was built with much sacrifice and some blood and lots of sweat money for 45 years and now we need to rebuild/refurbish this rotten Malaysia house with a new one. We have spent a lot of money amounting to trillions of Ringgit for 45 years and some say it is 51 years when it had lots of resources but now we need to rebuild/refurbish this Malaysia House or allow it to rot and build a totally new one for the next decades. But do we have the money and resources to do that?

    So we have decided to move towards a new era in Malaysia but how do we do that unless we resolve quite a lot of pressing fundamental national issues when Sabah itself has it own set of critical issues. Many people may want to go forward at accelerated pace but many also pulling it backwards.

    So we need to move forwards but first we need to do away with known issues also taboo subjects. We are in dilemma of darkness.

    Honestly we cannot avoid those topics (race, religion, & culture) and such topics or deep rooted issues are the stumbling block to real progress. So we need to overcome them openly with an open mind.

    Tunku Aziz, an ex teacher of Sabah College where I studied 1965-68, for new era we need to overcome these items of corruption and abuses –
    1. As you have spoken recently about the corruption destroying any nation, such corruption are complex and likely not easily detectible and you tell me how do we eradicate corruption for new era in Malaysia especially in Sabah?

    2. Do you know that our currency notes in various denominations in your pockets are of varied quality which may look similar but on closer examination, you can see various discrepancies in their printing? We may be talking in term of trillions of Ringgit over a few decades. With one master design and precision printing or minting, how can we observe such varied positions on such notes. So how do we know we are using really legal notes or legalised official fakes ones? You can check that out in your pockets. I have lodged Police Report in 2004.

    3. How do we eradicate poverty in the nation especially in Sabah when it is a trap to keep most people poor so that at every general elections, such voters would be bribed easily for RM50-300 each. It is a vicious cycle as who would have such money to bribe the voters? Such people with ill gotten gains would likely get back the ‘handouts’ after winning the election. So how to break this cycle of corruption arising from abuses of power?

    4. Another discreet abuses of power and corruption is about the Saham Amanah Sabah (SAS) after losing almost RM400m with impunity was recently revived by 800m new units paid by the State Government for RM200m at 25 cents per unit when the market price was 17 cents. Without full details of the deals coinciding with Permatang Pauh by elections, and commercially it is not understood of the generosity of RM64 million above the market price. It was 15th August and now 16th September – more than 21 days, there is no listed price yet. I want a white paper and a proper inquiry into the deal as it is diverting public fund to benefit 45,000 and likely irregularity in the process.

    5. When we have a system of national Governance of several bodies in a Parliamentary Monarchy in sort of democracy including the Rulers’ Conference, the YDP Agong, the Legislative, the Executive, the Judiciary, and the Press plus the regulatory and enforcement agencies like the Police and the Anti Corruption Agency, why should we have to endure such known degradation of such dimensions likely perpetuated by the same groups? Would we ever have a Mr Lee Kuan Yew in Malaysia? So in Malaysia we have a terrible problem when the heads are rotten. Maybe in Malaysia we have an unwritten competition of some people to be richest by ill gotten gains?

    6. We all know what corruption can do to the nation in violation of our civil and political rights. Whether we like it or not, the word corruption may not be in the Federal Constitution proper, it is not in the Universal Human Rights, but it is in the Islamic Human Rights in Article 17 in the words of “away from vice and moral corruption”. How do we relate to this paralysis of corruption in all aspects – civil, social, politics and others in a Muslim majority nation when there is a total lack of political will as the role of Anti Corruption Agency is questionable?

    7. Food and Fuel Prices Upheaval is the worst in the recent times especially after 5th June, 2008. While the blame is on the global fuel and food dimensions, there are more reasons for the need of such sudden reduction of fuel subsidies. Amongst the reasons are the level of corruption at the high levels is not decreasing and the nation is forced to have the sudden reduction in fuel subsidy resulting in terrible hardship for most people in vicious circle of meeting costs of living on fixed incomes. Would the nation crumble sooner under the scourge of official corruption and mismanagement?

    8. The latest provision of RM100 per child under 18 years up to 5 in a family should be provided for a non polygamous family as polygamous families can afford the extra wives..

    9. 2009 Budget is an indicator of the nation in turmoil when the highest deficit budget of RM208 billion is quite meaningless with an operating expenditure of RM154 billion and development expenditure of RM54 billion. Without full details on the operating expenditure, an allocation of RM86.3 billion was made for fixed charges and grants. Fixed charges and grants would likely indicate payments for past financial committments – a pay up time for previous mismanagement? We also have two other major parallel fundings namely the 9th Malaysia Plan and the 5 Economic Development Corridors. How would the Government present its performance on each category regularly given the limitation of funds? Would the Government have the needed funds when there was an external debt of RM267 billions?

    10. In Sabah since 1963, we had changes of State Governments every 9 years since the first State General Elections in 1967 until 1994 subject to a power grab. Earlier in 1985, there was an aborted power grab. Most state General Elections had been rigged and the Federal Government one way or another has a hand in that. Then since 1994, the 7 Chief Ministers were rotated for better or worst. At the national level, the voters do not decide the Prime Ministers as the Presidents of UMNO have been at the helm of the Federal Government for 51/45 years not rotated amongst the BN component parties. As constitutional abuses have a correlation with the abuses of power and corruption, such entrenchment of top leaders is an issue to be addressed for a new era.

    11. In Sabah, BN is led by Sabah UMNO since the power grab of 1994 and it is quite hard to dislodge that power hold for a complicity of factors – fear, dubious citizens and faulty electoral rolls plus money politics. I believe many people want to see a new era but how would this new era be better given the state of political play in Sabah vis-a-vis Federal Government? While other Peninsula States prefer their own people to dominate the local politics, Sabah’s fate is dependent on the promises of Federal based parties at elections. When the choice of state and federal based parties is not so defined for the voters – money politics had been the decider. Some have championed for autonomy but such development can only come with a determined state party or group of state parties. When we have federal based parties dominant in Sabah, the diluted attention is inevitable with more fixed overheads and spending time in the Federal capital. So how do we go for new era even after 916?

    12. Sabah has a problem when 916 occurs at the Federal Government. Would there be a change at the Sabah’s State Government? In Sabah we had been led by rolled over people of the previous state government to the next since 1976 until 1994 and slight variations after that but still the same groups of people in office. Would it be just changing shirts with different logos and no new era? We need to know how would the scenario be when 916 becomes a reality so that we are prepared for it. I have two Writs of Summons on GE 2004 and GE 2008 at the Kota Kinabalu High Courts with the mention of the second one on 7th October, 2008.

    13. Mathathir and the social contract.
    Would Tun Dr Mahathir prepare the the socalled social contract in a statutory declaration?
    Mahathir has yet to respond to our allegation of Project Mathathir on project IC.
    Irrespective Mahathir wants to back track on the award of citizenships to non Malays or non Muslims in Peninsula Malaya, Sabah would have to address the project IC of 1-2 millions out of 4-5 millions dubious citizens in Malaysia and Sabah also need to re-consider the item in the twenty point of no secession.

    14. I have a Mission in politics – after a wilderness of 40 years and the strength derived from that survival and now into the promised land for a new era. I had been a whistle blower since the dark era of USNO, and now someone has come up with the new dawn. This new dawn or new era would be meaningless if nothing shift substantially.

    15. Some people talks of autonomy for Sabah, and some people talks of secession, and some people talk of the review of Malaysia Agreement, I would like to emphasize on indemnity for the 45 years of failings, failures, faltering and neglect in Sabah. Without the sizeable funds to be handled by a new system, Sabah would degrade further especially the fossil fuel runs out soon. Sabah is already at the worst of every indicator even with the prevailing natural resources especially we have signed away the crude oil forever for 5% only of Production Sharing Contracts’ pre-agreed price.

    16. We would appeal to the Government with the effort of the opposition to resolve the major pressing issues with appropriate indemnity for all the shortcomings to enable Sabah to be developed in line with the national status. NGOs are expected to compliment the Governments in development efforts but when the Governments failed, the NGOs should be allowed to takeover whatever faltered, failed or abandoned projects to be funded accordingly. The Government should allow a special body to be known as MyPAW or Malaysia Private Accounts Watch in the vein of the Public Accounts Committee of the Parliament to provide the additional check and balance of public funds. Government and its agencies should also be penalised for failures and neglects in the context of consumerism

    17. I have also lodged 26 Police Reports (2004-2008) worth RM11.441 trillions. As Government does give reward for information of crimes, any such rewards as in indemnities would be handled by a trust funds managed by me and others for the development of new era Sabah. Sabah should set the new direction for the nation.

    Joshua Y. C. Kong

  36. Democratic Action Party, 16th September 2008

    DAP Headquarters

    No 24, Jalan 20/9, Paramount Garden,
    46300, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Attention: YB Lim Kit Siang

    Dear YB.,

    Greeting from Sabah

    Submission of Issues from Sabah for immediate attention

    It is with great pleasure and passion that we have to submit a memorandum on this very important piece of views on consumerism in Sabah vis-a-vis Malaysia.

    2. We have come to the stage when it is a paradigm shift of fundamental understandings in the approaches after 51/45 years to reverse whatever failures, failings, and neglect in the development of the nation where there is a majority over a range of minorities of diverse interests despite some quarters have declared success in nation building without taking an objective assessment. We are here not with any personal agenda but public interests of all consumers when the affairs of the nation is taken in totality. We are a small young nation of 27 millions and yet the amount of turmoil we have gone through is indescribable and the amount of profligacy is too much to make any sense now and into the future. When we have a system of national Governance of several bodies in a Parliamentary Monarchy in sort of democracy including the Rulers’ Conference, the YDP Agong, the Legislative, the Executive, the Judiciary, and the Press plus the regulatory and enforcement agencies like the Police and the Anti Corruption Agency, why should we have to endure such known degradation of such dimensions likely perpetuated by the same groups?

    3. With this humble submission we are very concerned about the status of Sabah in many areas but we prefer to dwell on a few pressing issues concerning our basic rights and our financial cum wealth standing of a state once the richest one in Malaysia. Other known issues are official corruption, land abuses, discrimination, slavery, apartheid and power abuses.


    4.1. Malaysia Agreement & its breaches

    CASH has done a great deal championing our basic rights as consumers and equal citizens of Malaysia mindful of the terms and conditions of Malaysia Agreement which appears to have been breached since the beginning. There have been arguments on both sides but it may be timely that we raise this long outstanding issue with the parties concerned in the internal and international forums including the International Court of Justice as Sabah was an independent nation for 16 days in 1963. We have written to the Queen of the British Commonwealth for a review of the Malaysia Agreement and its breaches and urge patriotic citizens to do likewise

    4.2 Project IC

    After a prolonged process of campaigning for a Royal Commission of Inquiry on Project IC or Project Mahathir since 2006 including a signatures campaign of more than 100,000 and submission to the YDP Agong, we have yet to see any clear indication of resolving this critical issue of decades while the Government is only concerned about the undocumented illegal people. The violations of basic rights have caused tremendous losses to Sabah and Sabah people to be indemnified when the electoral rolls are corrupted with dubious citizens and phantoms.


    5.1 Food and Fuel Prices Upheaval (FFPU).

    CASH had submitted 4 memorandums of FFPU to the Government since early 2007 and little attention was given for the consumers in Sabah. This scenario had become worst since 5th June 2008. The recent adjustments including the slight downward prices on 23rd August, 2008 and other subsidies including those in 2009 Budget proposals would have little impact to reverse the FFPU prior to 2006. Sabah with little domestic economy and isolated from the Peninsula Malaysia would definitely need a greater mobilisation of concerted enhanced efforts to bring the relief to the already deprived and neglected people in the urban and rural areas. Prices of goods and services in Sabah are generally higher than elsewhere in the nation when the income levels in Sabah are not better than elsewhere nationally. We need in the nation of a single price structure in most essential and relevant goods.

    5.2 Petroleum Development Act 1974 and its breaches

    It is a grave concern that fossil oil in Sabah may soon be depleted and that we may be a net importer of fuel in next few years. It is ironic that the people dwelling on the land with rich resources are deprived of such natural endowment for a proper development while we still have that. It is beyond us to imagine what would happen when such resources are gone for good and that the poor people in big majority would have the greater burden of imported energy costs. It is now a wake up call with FFPU for the leaders and the people to demand proper attention to resolve those abuses of the Petroleum Development Act 1974 always shrouded in mystery away from the Parliament. A Royal Commission of Inquiry is deemed necessary and Sabah to be indemnified accordingly.

    6. We would appeal to the Government with the effort of the opposition to resolve the major pressing issues with appropriate indemnity for all the shortcomings to enable Sabah to be developed in line with the national status. NGOs are expected to compliment the Governments in development efforts but when the Governments failed, the NGOs should be allowed to takeover whatever faltered, failed or abandoned projects to be funded accordingly. The Government should allow a special body to be known as MyPAW or Malaysia Private Accounts Watch in the vein of the Public Accounts Committee of the Parliament to provide the additional check and balance of public funds. Government and its agencies should also be penalised for failures and neglects in the context of consumerism

    We trust you would give your prompt and appropriate attention as national leaders to keep the nation intact especially we commemorate Malaysia Day only on Borneo Island.

    Yours faithfully,

    (Datuk Patrick Sindu JP) (Joshua Y. C. Kong) (Hashima bte Hasbullah)

    President Deputy President Secretary General

    NB: Also attached a schedule of 26 Police Reports worth RM11.441 trillions.

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