MP for Batu Gajah, Fong Po Kuan, co-ordinating secretary convening the inaugural meeting of the “Free MP Teresa Kok” parliamentary caucus in Parliament tomorrow (Wednesday 17.9.08) at 3 p.m. has informed me that Datuk Zaid Ibrahim will attend.
I phoned up Zaid from Kota Kinabalu where I am attending a Sabah DAP forum “Malaysia – Towards a New Era” and the first Minister in the nation’s history to have resigned from the Cabinet on a point of principle confirmed his concern for the incarceration of MP Teresa Kok under the Internal Security Act (ISA) and that he would attend the meeting of the proposed “Free MP Teresa Kok” parliamentary caucus.
I hope to see Barisan Nasional Ministers and MPs, as well as the Speaker and Deputy Speakers, attending the meeting to demonstrate the maturity of the Malaysian Parliament where Parliamentarians can distinguish between parliamentary and party considerations and unite on a single footing to advance the cause of a first-world Malaysian Parliament.
At the very successful DAP Sabah forum, which was attended by some 1,000 very enthusiastic Sabahans yearning for “916 sky-change”, I called on the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to give a categorical public assurance that he would gracefully, peacefully and democratically accept and effect a transition of federal power if Pakatan Rakyat has the support of the majority of the 222 MPs in Parliament – to tell the nation and the world that Malaysian democracy has reached a new maturity at par with first-world Parliaments where changes of government are accepted in a matter-of-fact manner based on who has got the parliamentary majority and not be the cause of panicky reactions warning or inciting chaos and unrest.
Well done Zaid. Your courage is very much admired.
I suspect Zaid Ibrahim will join PR when the time is ripe.
Wow. This is news indeed!
DSAI ’08!
Good people are always good, even in difficult times.
You are great YB Zaid.
Cheers to like minded citizens like you.
Sorry to digress.
DSAI don’t waste time to meet Abdullah since he has decided not to see you. Go straight to the king to sort things out (even if you see Abdullah, you will still have to see the king). The longer you wait the more obstacles UMNO will throw on your path (e.g. sodomy case transferred to High court). Don’t ever release the names of MPs who have agreed to crossover before you get things sorted out with the king because flip-flop Abdullah cannot be trusted!
It is refreshing to known that Zaid has stick to his principle by resigning over his opposition to ISA. We wish the pressure will keep mounting and result in the real reform in this law and subsequently abolishing of ISA.
In his latest statement in the Star, Zaid mentioned that he ” had failed ”
GOD knows you have not ‘failed’ the Rakyat! In the new Malaysia, you will not fail the Rakyat!
Kudos to your stand!
Get Zaid to join DAP or PKR immediately, this will help to gain the support of Malays and the natives of East Malysia which will help a lot in making the dream of 916 to come true.
916 is a big joke. Where is our new PM? He is not in Putrajaya yet? What’s the holding up? Traffic jam or stomachache? We have already said Anwar was trying to create uncertainty in the country. See what happened today? We are still in power and Anwar is still trying his luck. Instead, he is now trying to change people’s focus to the ISA issue. Is that all?
He is one of those 6 people who protested and rightully made good of what he spoke about. What about the rest who spoke out? When are you going to act on your words?
To MCA Youth , where is your party being navigated to? Act and do not react.
The most important thing is we have people such as Anwar who is trying to bring something much better to us, the citizen of Malaysia. We believe that most of the citizens of Malaysia are now on his side, so, if he fails to accompilsh it today, he will certainly do it some day later………pray for him.
Kasim Amat Says:
Today at 19: 48.46 (7 minutes ago)
916 is a big joke. Where is our new PM? He is not in Putrajaya yet? What’s the holding up? Traffic jam or stomachache? We have already said Anwar was trying to create uncertainty in the country. See what happened today? We are still in power and Anwar is still trying his luck. Instead, he is now trying to change people’s focus to the ISA issue. Is that all?
The current situation in our country could be described as a circus and we have a clown in the form of Kasim Amat to make us laugh.
I have to admit I was cynical of Zaid’s resignation when it was announced.
But I have to salute him now, for standing firm to his principle.
And now to confirm his attendance at the parliamentary caucus will, I hope, galvanise those MCA and Gerakan MP’s to show they are made of sterner stuff than just being the wagging dogs of their UMNO masters.
How nice If those guys from MCA, GERAKAN and SUPP are also as brave as Zaid!
Zaid, the best!!!!
Look for yourself, our dear MPs from MCA, Gerakan, MIC, do you people feel ashame??? No face to see your ancestors after you die? No backbone? No moral, no religion, no trustworthy, no didi, no balls? No brain, no eyes, no ears, no mouth? No ‘bone breath’? Shame… shame… shame… again, shame…
If you are not as what I mention, please follow Zaid. May Zaid teach you the right path. But sadly, I don’t think any one of them have balls…
Come on, our descendents of the dragon from GERAKAN, MCA and SUPP, so that you have courage, get to the right track now.
This is the holy month of Ramadhan. DSAI is openly asking for a peaceful meeting to which he can present the list to Paklahhh… and this is proper protocol!
If it is not delay tactics on Paklahhh……part, why wouldn’t he grant this instead of calling DSAI names and challenging DSAI to immediately go public with the list…
Here’s hoping DYMM Agung, will call both of them to the Istana to review the list himself. He can immediately decide who is in fact has the majority and declare the ruling party! Then, there will be no more ‘wayang kulit’ to keep the Rakyat in suspense, and no excuse for more ISA arrest or declaration of a state of emergency!
Zaid, another Mr right who is fit to become the next Malaysia Prime Minister besides Anwar Ibrahim.
error: show that you have courage…….
I say wheres is that Clown Kasim Amat?
Looking forward for your next performance.
Look, try harder this time, alright?
We’ll enjoy your clowing comments.
Don’t be surprised you will have competitors here also.
Better work harder. Don’t think you are the only clown here.
From what I read about the statement of Zaid Ibrahim, he seems to be very close to the ideology of Pakatan Rakyat. I think he will eventually join Pakatan Rakyat. He was the only reasonable person in BN cabinet
bolihland has had many a first since 70s but all for the wrong reason,
and all these first are doings by Bee end’s nkp and their cronies.
But there are also many from brave and righteous individuals and child of an oppressed nation
we have people like zaid ibrahim once in a while but many who are kidnapped by the enforcers as claimed by the botak and some lead elsewhere to prevent close proximity with head hunters.
Historically gallant people always rise and stand out from the crowd through their fair deeds and just reasoning in dire times such as our nation …which sadly has been under house arrest since 70s . Coincidentally all such people in bolihland belong to the other side of the divide of our governmental system.
Strangely there none such people’s heros from the bee end side..not even close that worth a mention at all.
Except for extravanganza and glamorous and pretentoius deeds and make beliefs such as the recent penumpang space ,,er some called them astronuts and these two had made themselves the clown of the nation.
Of course only master clown can give award clown titles and only in burtajaya.
I won’t be surprised if the Ministers are busy removing or shredding files and documents now.
Zaid has lead the way and stood by his principle. Now leaders of MCA and GERAKAN, show us, you are not a barking dog without marbles.
It would be good for him to join PR but let us not jum the gun.
Even if he does not join PR he will still be the first minister to have resigned for a noble cause.
Just received SMS in Chinese which reads “Sky already changed! To see the King at 8.00pm , Good news at 10.00pm!” Looking forward for PR to take over from BN soon!
assamlaksa Says:
Today at 20: 25.10 (6 minutes ago)
I won’t be surprised if the Ministers are busy removing or shredding files and documents now
I have a strong feeling that you are right, they may be following the foot steps of the little devil (Toyol).
Lets hope you’re right pulau_sibu Says,
Zaid did mentioned ‘Open mind?’ but also added
he did not know PKR’s well enough to make a decision and received no offer yet. I believed PKR leaders ought to share with him the Vision of PKR, perhaps this would help him decide.
I thought the whole affair has been conducted well by DSAI.
I too, cannot wait however, – I do buy the reasons he talked about:
1) Unlike BN who behave like aim@#$s, DSAI is demonstrating the true gentleman’s ethics of ‘Informing” the inevitable to come.
2) Security is paramount!, DSAI says, agree? Absolutely!!! we do not want a sudden arrest of the entire PKR, do we?
3) To give Bodowi just one more chance, join PKR? but allow him to finished his unfinished projects that are democratic, fat hopes? Don’t know.
4) You can add on.
Having said that, its certainly putting all of us in a precarious position – In that, when should we go all out to shout….YES!YES!YES!! Merdeka 916!!!! 916 will be remembered as a symbolic date only. May take days or weeks. Thats fine by me. Or even next GE, I’m still ok.
Above all, Keep the faith. Is this close!! Can’t let devil’s make us think otherwise. Steady, slowly but surely, Merdeka!!! 916!!!
General Notice
Admissions are strictly subjected to the scrutiny and approval of the people.
Individuals are given a one chance opportunity to appy for admission and without any conditions.
The validity period of any application and offer shall be made transparent for all to see and critic.
kudos to Zaid. Even if 916 did not occur as expected to be. Reality is BeEnd will eventually lose the next GE. If it happens, everyone would like it to be as peaceful as possible.
He knows that he is fighting a cronically ill AIDS government. Better jump off the sinking Titanic. Also, the infighting within Ameno is reaching it’s climax like never before with so many usurpers and suitors popping up.
Anti-Monarchy Says:
Today at 19: 58.37 (17 minutes ago)
The current situation in our country could be described as a circus and we have a clown in the form of Kasim Amat to make us laugh.
HAhahahahah roflmao… “Kesian Amat”. Your intelligent failed miserably to elaborate current situation itself.
You’re truely a visible evidence from the marginalized govern medium. Suggest u really should get out of the well and look around.
Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, you’re truely a man of wisdom. The BN crooks had been hanging on the edge of a cliff are well known as those mens with sinful bloodstain on their hands. Its tolate for them, they must hang in with the cronies as authority to defend themselves.
chaiong Says:
Today at 20: 33.47 (11 minutes ago)
Just received SMS in Chinese which reads “Sky already changed! To see the King at 8.00pm , Good news at 10.00pm!” Looking forward for PR to take over from BN soon!
True or not? Reliable source?
anyone can confirmed?
Is there chinese chaiong surname? Emmm
uncle kit, is parti keadilan to Pakatan rakyat what Umno is to BN? How equal is DAP and PAS in terms of power sharing? The rakyat needs to know if you guys could continue to dance once the party is over.
At least Zaid is a good guy. But what can the caucus do? Will UMNO care? Teresa will still be in jail. Dunno what we can do other than civil unrest which will bring more chaos.
My hope is on DSAI and the King but even Raja N has said he is fed up on the present situation. I will still be steadfast and supportive.
‘chai’ is my first name, ‘ong’ is my last name. chaiong is my user name!
Fellows, read TDM latest in Malaysia insider
Dr M steps up calls for Abdullah to be ousted
All of a sudden, he sounds exactly like a “Opposition” mentality.
Practically stole some of our blogs comments here!! Man, you won’t belief!! Thats how desperate a man can become, In the last dying min, the truth suddenly appears.
Amazing!!, one final stroke of the cave clubs, Kapuk! Finishto! The dark empire is crumbling…… Feel the earthquake’s coming. Sky’s changing too.
I read with great pain & anger the news from the Malaysian Insider ‘Kidnappers murder schoolgirl, torch body and demand ransom from family’. Why do we hear such crimes happening so often in Malaysia? BN always boast of having a fine police force in Malaysia. What a big joke! While police cannot totally prevent crime, the main reason I am so angry is that our police are NOT doing what they should be doing. Instead of crime prevention, they waste our Rakyat’s money serving their political masters.
Do they really deserve Bonus when they are not doing what they should do? They only know ISA, ISA & more ISA….
I really dont know. According to AAB, the letter from PR yesterday did not mention about the take over issue. How come DSAI said that waiting for AAB to a meeting for peaceful transition? Who is right? I really pening…pening…and pening…lah
chaiong Says:
Today at 20: 57.03 (7 minutes ago)
‘chai’ is my first name, ‘ong’ is my last name. chaiong is my user name!
Would like to share where did u get the news from? so we can look for it too?
Zaid, you really light up my day.
Good work, you really have principle. I salute your courage.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Do u believe the KING will allow DSAI to meet up with him at night?
chaiong, pls keep us updated. TQ.
js Says:
Today at 21: 04.41 (2 minutes ago)
I really dont know. According to AAB, the letter from PR yesterday did not mention about the take over issue. How come DSAI said that waiting for AAB to a meeting for peaceful transition? Who is right? I really pening…pening…and pening…lah
I know exactly how you feel, I also felt the same at first but I was thinking, can you imagine what wld happen if Anwar just show us the full cross-over names? Who will run wild? What will the rest of BN do? How wld the police react to it? It will be pandemonium!!! ALL HELL BREAKLOOSE!!!! its that important.
Just have to wait out I guess. Be patient for 51 Yrs, whats wrong with another few days?
Half true, it may be tonight, but between 24-48 hours claimed by Tian Chua.
English Ver (need password):
Malay Ver:
just my summary of tots on 916….
i know 916 is not meant to be THE whole deal… & DSAI has made sense in wanting a peaceful transition….
but I cannot help but feel disappontment in the lack of progress…. for i doubt AABzzz & BN will give way at all…
I wish they will JUST DO IT!!! & free the suffering RPK, Teresa, Hindraf 5 & the rest…
delCapo still burn candles 2nite…….
Another hero is born in Malaysia!
Especially those cronies who had been authority for decades! How on earth they gonna get away with the concrete evidence around their neck! ALL OF THEM, Govern link Everythings are bunch of Crooks, they not gonna give in without a fight!~
Zaid Ibrahim is not fit to be a Minister as he failed to defend government’s action and I would say he did not understand his own responsibilities at all. He is a Minister of Law but does not understand the Law. UMNO does not need him if he is so afraid of using ISA. One must understand that ISA is by no mean a crime by itself and the key is how you use it. The government has used it at the appropriate time to remove threats and prevent further social disability. All races must respect each other and should be sensible in making comment about each other’s culture, and not forgetting the special rights accorded to the Malays under the Constitutions. If these rights are being threatened, then the person responsible must be taken to task. We should not let event like 13 May happen again. Zaid, I wish you all the best.
Kasim suggest u migrat to North Korea, they pretty much adores ISA like u do.
PM AAB is under a state of siege with his adversaries questioning his transition plan It was reported that he spent 4 hours on Friday with his deputy, and that must be about party matters.
PM AAB has been placed in a position where he could only await outcome of events. He would not have approved of the ISA arrests had he been consulted. His Home Minister Syed Hamid has publicly stated three different versions on who ordered the arrests. AAB is too afraid to take a stand on the ISA arrests now. If he ordered the release, his adversaries in the party would claim that AAB gave in the pressure from the opposition. That explains the reason why he would rather accept Zaid’s resignation than going against people who were waiting for him to act.
Najib has now revised his stand on the UMNO presidency transition plan. He used to agree jointly with AAB that the change over should be in 2010. After meeting AAB last Friday he said he would accept the decision of the grassroots. So, instead of guiding the grassroots to agree to the 2010 dateline, he now signals that the grassroots are free to bring forward the date.
It is a forgone conclusion that AAB loses the Presidency of UMNO comes December 2008. It is most unlikely that he would retain his position of PM by then. If he agrees to meeting with Anwar, and to work out a smooth transfer of power, then he would no longer be PM, but will be leader of the opposition come next meeting of the parliament. He could of course ignore the request of Anwar, and await the outcome of Anwar meeting the King. PM AAB would still have the option of dissolving the parliament with the King’s approval when he no longer enjoys the majority support in the House.
It is most unlikely that AAB would retain the authority to organize the new election like he did in March 2008. TDM has applied to return, and he will be a member of UMNO by Thursday. TDM would become the Chairman of a newly mint presidential council Abdullah might still be the care taker PM, but under the guidance of TDM, the President, who might not include him in the Council. Barisan Pakatan will be defeated in the coming election not because the people will not vote for them, but the voters turn out show 120%. Mukriz will be the next PM, with free guidance from TDM. UMNO is saved and safe again. But AAB will not be a PM long before December 2008.
AAB can choose to meet Anwar, and arrange for a smooth and peaceful transfer of power. He can also choose to be unceremoniously kicked out of his position.
“Zaid Ibrahim is not fit to be a Minister as he failed to defend..” – Kasim Amat
Zaid Ibrahim is not stupid.
Kasim Amat, your tone sounds exactly like Mr Kari…..
I came across the following quote recently which comes from the book “I Ching” or “Book of Change”:
“The Cleansing Rain Will Come In Torrents When Enough Clouds Have Accumulated”
The smell of rain is in the air. After a good cleansing from the rain we will have bright sunshine.
2nd sms to share: “Anwar has obtained simple majority of 116 to form federal govt. Written declaration ofcross over fm 33MPs(min 30 required). Submission given to King pending announcement.” Rumours can be True!
if the sky had changed, what would have happened to Elba? May be Elba needs the police protection for good ! To be fair, the same protection shud be given to the racist.
Dear Kasim,
You are surely a product of the ‘divide & rule’ of the Ketuanan Melayu (but the biggest beneficiary are the UMNO elites). So sad you are still having this kind of mentality. Remember they practice IRS; they Infringe on others religion, rights, when people Resist, someone in their group will become the mediator to resolve the problem, then they Self-praise themselves being the patriotic group who puts national interest above their own. Go to hell with these people.
Salute to Zaid, he has the gut, he is the real Malaysia!
What do you see in common from the Indian ‘Hindraf’ brethrens, the Chinese news reporter Tan & YB Teresa Kok and the Malay YB Raja Petra & Zaid Ibrahim?
They are all MALAYSIANS showing tremendous courage in face of an oppressive regime and setting as a clear example how Malaysia can progress as one, united as Malaysians from multi racial origins.
There is hope yet for Malaysia. God bless Malaysia!
chaiong, pls ask your friend if u don’t mind, when would be the announcement – 10pm tonight?
When Datuk Zaid met the media and expressed how he tried to talk to the politicians about the law and how they could not be bothered, I wonder if our Barisan Nasional government really cares at all. They send soldiers overseas to do peace keeping missions. They send help missions to devastated areas around the world. But back home, they do not care about if they mistreat their own kind using the ISA. Indeed, what’s the point of keeping someone who knows how to use the law in a correct way and yet refuse to listen to him ? Just for show as usual ? Just to show to the foreign dignitaries that Malaysia knows about the laws ( but refuse to use them correctly ) ? There are highly educated politicians in the Barisan Nasional and yet they shut their ears and minds up. Why should they be so educated in the first place ? Just be the stone age people and may be we can still understand their uncivilized ways. Voters of Malaysia. Is this what you all want to see in your government ? Oh yes. We are still in the month of Ramadan.
Good to read that Zaid Ibrahim will be attend the caucus. Let’s see if the other BN component party members have the scrota gumption to attend as well. Action speaks louder than words … right?
I am totally shocked to learn through someone who wrote in his blog that there are quite a numlber of CHRISTIAN MPs in Barisan National. I strongly charge them to read Psalm 1: 1-3 to night and I urge everyone of them to be present in the parliament tomorrow to do what is right in the eyes of our God.
Psalm 1 :1-3
1 Blessed is the man
Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,
Nor stands in the path of sinners,
Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
3 He shall be like a tree
Planted by the rivers of water,
That brings forth its fruit in its season,
Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper.
Besides PR MP,Senator Zaid is the only person in parliament with guts to stand up to the lawless Barisan MP.Good on you Senator Zaid.
I also respect you.
I salute you for your courage and principles, Zaid. I hope Anwar offers you back the post of Law Minister in the PR govt.
Guys, if sky truly change, then clown kasim Amat also change, that is to lock him up under ISA first. Then he’ll tell the world how wonderful it is. Ha ha ha , Sorry Kasim, stolen thunder form you.
Next, chaiong Says:
Today at 21: 43.47 (5 minutes ago)
Rumours can be true? anyway, keep it up chaiong.
What is the law of the LORD?
To love God and to love man!
– a Malaysian missionary embeded in France
A man of principle and high honour! Anyone qualify with these qualities from MCA, Gerakan or MIC?
nah… dah start again dah…Bolehland’s ‘wayang kulit’ show
A Deputy Minister in the PeeMm’s Department just came saying he was offered money and a post as inducements to join the Pakatan!!!!!!! ( see Star )
No wonderlah….Paklaaaaa don’t want to grant DSAI the meeting
the show goes on!!!!!!
switch on to TV1, see what are the Guys from UMNOputras say about Anwar, they are laughing at him because 916 fails, they said anwar is a liar, and a betrayer to ketuanan Melayu………
gofortruth Says: Good on you, Never thought of it. Truly, these ISA detainees are all different races and religion but they all share the same thing – Justice, and peace. True Malaysian indeed!!!
God never do things by accident. One day, we shall look back with pride, Proud Idiots will be make humble by the meek.
Zaid Ibrahim is a true patriot! What we cannot be sure of is the object of his patriotism.
Kasim@the coconut head,
In a way I feel sad for you – the crumbling remnant of an old order similar to the Soviet Union. You can say whatever you want; a new Malaysia will march on.
In fact we Malaysians should learn to be smarter. We should have let Ahmad Ismail to say whatever he wants. By reacting, we are providing the crumbling regime the excuse to retain people and create tension. If we just act cool, soon people like him will find himself talking to trees and bees. Same like you Kasim@moronic racist head, soon you will be write and reading your own posting.
sorry detain people
Not to worry, they ought to laugh coz they may never do it again tomorrow. Soon they will be laughing at their own faith. God would not be mock. Just watch.
MCA OKT hasn’t got his prayer on isa answered yet but it’s alrdy commenting on DSAI’s 916. Gerakan is happy with the 3 yr suspension, too comfortable to hide under a big tree.
john ak singgai Says:
Today at 22: 02.04 (4 minutes ago)
switch on to TV1, see what are the Guys from UMNOputras say about Anwar, they are laughing at him because 916 fails, they said anwar is a liar, and a betrayer to ketuanan
Referring to this
Not to worry, they ought to laugh coz they may never do it again tomorrow. Soon they will be laughing at their own faith. God would not be mock. Just watch.
from the star
The MCA has called for Seputeh MP Teresa Kok and Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Kamaruddin to be released from their arrests under the Internal Security Act (ISA).
LKS said – I hope to see Barisan Nasional Ministers and MPs,…
would attend the meeting of the proposed “Free MP Teresa Kok” parliamentary caucus.
I hope they(MCA MPs, etc) also back up it up with action.
Let hope that all right thinking MPs regardless of political affliation will attend.
I urge you, elected MPs,
Time to put away diffences for a common good,
FREE Teresa Kok… Abolish ISA…
For PEACE, for us Malaysia people…
nyghtsky Says:
Today at 22: 01.52 (2 minutes ago)
nah… dah start again dah…Bolehland’s ‘wayang kulit’ show
A Deputy Minister in the PeeMm’s Department just came saying he was offered money and a post as inducements to join the Pakatan!!!!!!! ( see Star )
Maybe he is being offered $$$ to say this… The politics world is a “many faced” world… anything can happen
“If he has the names, he should show the entire country. Everyone wants to know,” Abdullah said in Kepala Batas, Penang today.
The prime minister added that he would not meet Anwar.
Abdullah said he would only meet Anwar if the opposition leader revealed the names of those he claims are supporting him.” — malaysianinsider report.
Phak Lah’s childish attitude shown in his words means that he deserves no pity when he is kicked out. He shows none of the graciousness that Anwar has showed him.
Since that is Phak Lah’s respond, Anwar can go ahead and show the names, not to Phak Lah, but directly to His Majesty The King. No point showing them to Phak Lah and give him the chance to arrest more people or send them for another agricultural study trip.
why not Anwar or YB LKS try to persuade Abdullah, Khairi and their gangs to jump over to PR, appoint Abdullah as Senior Minister or Cabinet Advisor , then PR will be stronger and the racist group will definitely keep their mouths shut as well. I think Abdullah is very much better than some of the idiots in that RACIST GANG.
Zaid Ibrahim is a true patriot! What we cannot be sure of is the object of his patriotism. undergrad2
Since you never ask questions or give comments that you do not know the answers, may I know the object of his patriotism?
Is Zaid the only dissident in BN/Umno? I hope not. Fence sitters make up your minds and be part of making Malaysia a better place for yourselves and children. Place your country destiny above your immediate own interests and show the rakyat your voices of protest and dissent tomorrow.
Why is the PM so afraid to meet Anwar if he is so sure that the latter doesnt have the numbers to form the next fed govt. If PM is so convinced that Anwar is bluffing this is the best opportunity for him to expose Anwar false bravado and rubbish his claims. Or as usual PM is talking in his sleep.
alphoti Says
I am so angry is that our police are NOT doing what they should be doing. Instead of crime prevention, they waste our Rakyat’s money serving their political masters.
The police force at one time was so trustworthy and respected until the rise of the great evil mamak Mahathir. He singlehandly turned the police force into a goon squad and politicise them.
I can remember during the 60s the police force would regularly roamed in neighbourhoods in their Alfa-Romeos to check on crimes.
Nowadays you don’t find them around except escorting politicians and VIPs around, attending BN-sponsored functions and patrolling high-class enclaves. They have turned themselves into a social escort agency and a mafia-informer establishment where crooks are warned beforehand whenever there are any raids being planned. As for the rakyat where got time?
The rot started during Mahathir’s time whereby he overlooked police indiscretions in exchange for their service and loyalty.
Call a spade a spade. Anwar is nothing but a liar. I mentioned countless times that 16 September is a big joke and it could never happen. However, all supporters of PR believed this false hope and carry it with their livings everyday. I can understand how bad the feeling is when some one gave you a fantastic hope and it just diminishes. This is the reality of life. UMNO will never fall so as BN. Anwar had failed all of you terribly and most importantly he had lost the trust and confidence of the people. Therefore, call a spade a spade is what I can summarise from today.
Mr Khairy is laughing aloud because someone has lost the bet miserably. What is Anwar going to do? Is he going to resign as agreed? I don’t think so.
Pls be mindful that all local TV station and media belongs to BN. DSAI has also mentioned that. Don’t trust them at all.
Anyway, oredi past 10pm, I guess that sms earlier may well be the work of those croonies who is laughing about. Nice try. Perhaps should try harder like Kasim Amat.
I salute and respect you – Zaid Ibrahim.
They are many good ministers and good MPs in BN, Zaid is of course one of them, besides we also have Abdullah, Ong Tee Kiat and many more, come on , do not wait anymore, get them to jump to PR!
I do not rule out th possibility that Zaid would be detained under ISA if he continues to give negative comments on the party and ISA.
To Kasim Amat,
How many BN lead goverment project complete on time? If there is some delay in days or weeks, so what??
Zaid will face appropriate action if he continues to criticise the government and the party. I also wish to urge all to stop posting any further comments regarding ISA in this blog for the sake of social stability.
Yes, sure, all should stop talking about ISA the moment kasim@coconut head is detained under the act.
There is no reason for Badawi to refuse to see Anwar to call his bluff if he believes Anwar doesn’t have the numbers.
On the other hand, knowing how this country works, Anwar has solid reasons to keep the list secret until the transfer of power is imminent.
So whose’s lying? Who should you believe?
KennyGan Says:
Today at 21: 55.24 (24 minutes ago)
I salute you for your courage and principles, Zaid. I hope Anwar offers you back the post of Law Minister in the PR govt.
Zaid has kept his SENATORSHIP which will come in handy when DSAI appoints him as Law Minister to finish his work! This will also make it difficult for AAB to appoint another outsider to the post unless one of his senators resign to make way.
Clearly Anwar’s game is up… or was it 16th Sep 2009? lol.
He wanted to play brinksmanship and he lost. Clearly his pressure on BN was not enough to force them to jump ship.
“Zaid will face appropriate action if he continues to criticise the government and the party. I also wish to urge all to stop posting any further comments regarding ISA in this blog for the sake of social stability.” -Kasim Amat
If the social stability you’re talking about is the Zimbabwe type, I’ll rather have social instability now and a better future tomorrow.
Najib just announce his website called 1Malaysia. Scared to go…
must fill in personal details punya……. if want to leave comment!
do you all notice the MSM is trying their best to make everyone believe 916 is a failure. If is going to fail time will tell. All these effort kind of make me think 916 is kind of real…:)
Although I do not normally reply to the questions asked, i am making it an exception today because I would like to stay a bit longer on this blog today (although my task has been completed) to see what are the reaction of the supporters in PR following the big failure of the so called “D-day”.
ipohMali, I do not understand what you are trying to ask? Are you saying that there are not bound to be delays? Do you think it is possible? All contracts are bound to be delays and it is how you shorten the delays within reasonable expectation.
kasim, to begin with – DSAI & PKR will never fail and the only failure is ppl like you who have given up human morales of love, peace, & justice. You have failed! misearably and now you’re a sadist!
Kasim, without you here…. boring also…
but you’d probably be a hero at Najib’s new website called 1Malaysia….
At least we have Zain who dare to speak up as he felt that ISA is not the right thing to do, as we have laws to tackle all the issues…and not ISA which is cruel and violated human rights…..
Whether today Pakatan will form new government is not the real question, the thing is that we will continue to support Pakatan Rakyat as we feel that they strive for the rakyat for the people, for the good of this nation and as a Pakatan Supporter, we still have faith with Pakatan….
Therefore, those who are not in Pakatan, you will never know this faith as the Pakatan Ideology believe, we are under 1 nation and this nation is called Malaysia which formed on 16-Sept-1963 and who the nationality are from Malaysian who want this nation to become a developed country in term of economy, social and culture….and this nation called Malaysia that practice a true democracy…. and with this we need Pakatan Rakyat who will strive for these achievement as we believe Pakatan Rakyat Ideology is for 1 nation and 1 Malaysian…..
Hidup Pakatan Rakyat, PKR, DAP, PAS….
Bravo………….. we will stay with Pakatan until the day come where we have a new era, new hope, new change, new inspiration, new mindset …………………… Hidup Malaysia as today is your birthday….
Kasim, it is better to go on living with the thought of one fantastic hope, than have half a century of UMNO’s false hopes.
Kesian Amat… ops.. Kasim Amat… is another BN tool deployed to tell the public 916 has failed… i suggest we stop entertaining this thing.. unless u think it is entertaining you… :D :D
Kasim@the coconut head,
In a way I feel sad for you – the crumbling remnant of an old order similar to the Soviet Union. You can say whatever you want; a new Malaysia will march on.
In fact we Malaysians should learn to be smarter. We should have let Ahmad Ismail to say whatever he wants. By reacting, we are providing the crumbling regime the excuse to retain people and create tension. If we just act cool, soon people like him will find himself talking to trees and bees. Same like you Kasim@moronic racist head, soon you will be writing and reading your own posting.
To all ‘right thinking leaders’ in bn,
I do hope that you are reading this because I believe at this point of time a lot of things would be crossing your mind as to whether to quit bn or not; whether you are doing justice to the people whom have entrusted their hopes & aspirations upon & whether the time is now!
It has been more than 50 years of being together in bn; a lot of trials & tribulations; good times bad times have already passed & we are where we are today because of all that has happened in this ” relationship”.
Whether it has been a good 50 years or a not so good ones, the fact is that the past is the past, nothing can ever change it BUT what is far more important is the NOW and the FUTURE!!!
Can we collectively do something about it & effect a major change in our political scenario; afterall look & listen & more importantly feel the pulse of the people who want a change for a better tomorrow for themselves as well as their chidren!!!
This is history in the making………
Do you feel the compulsion to play a meaningful role for the future of the country & to those whom believe in you to chart their course!!
Yes, indeed it is a very tough decision because a lot is at stake; your career, your very own future, whatever that you might lose & all those that you have been enjoying may just dwindle away……
But, many if not all, I believe are well-prepared for any eventually as you indeed have been enjoying the “goodness” all this while & now is just to “sacrifice” a little bit of it!
Literally, there is a Chinese saying, ” Short term pain Long term gain”- You may ”suffer” a bit now, but the gain is not just for yourself but that of your children & those whom believed in you will be so enormous that after all this is over, you will sit back & tell your grand-children of the role that you have played to bring about a CHANGE that is so YEARNED for right now from the rakyat!!
Please do ponder this over & over again, if you feel that you have not been playing your role as have been entrusted upon, let me say that the TIME IS RIGHT NOW to vindicate the past & stand up for the HOPE of a better tomorrow!
The rakyat needs you most RIGHT NOW, will you still show them that you care & give them back the trust that they have upon you since…………..?!
i feel that our PM is just not gentlemen enough, DSAI as the opposition leader, even if he doesn’t mention the take over, Bodowi should at least man enough to meet DSAI to talk about our country’s future.
Haha Kasim Amat… we do not care who are you, where you from, what language you spoken……….. as today is not a failure as claimed by all MSM….
as this is just a beginning as only loser will think that today is a failure….
For all Pakatan Rakyat supporters who are writing here, we have 1 common goal, we have 1 hope, we have 1 ideology, we have 1 country and we are all Malaysian who would like to see the country matching towards democracy …………
As mentioned this is a beginning, after Pakatan Rakyat fighting many years and 1st Tsunami on 308 and 2nd Tsunami in PP 826 and 916 is the Tremor day which….. every second, every minute, every day and every month, Pakatan Rakyat as said by DSAI “lawan tetap lawan”, “lawan pagi”, “lawan petang”, “lawan malam”, ….and Pakatan Rakyat will continue to “lawan” and…we will “lawan” in next GE13 and …this is spirit that will bring all the Pakatan Rakyat together…as we believe 1 nation for 1 Malaysian …..
you prove me wrong
Datuk Zaid Ibrahim is a real Malayasian Warrior who really believe in JUSTICE and wats the best for the nation.
I salute you Datuk
What an eyesore reading chedet …..
Seems like Tun M also in desperado too ….
Let’s not waste our time with Kasim Amat. His sole purpose here is to be a provocation. I like to share some advice from my Caucasian friend. Reacting to people like Kasim is like wrestling with a pig in the mud. After a while, you realize the pig loves it!!
Separately, what we need are more right-thinking politicians with integrity, principle-based, and courageous to take a stand come what may.
The problem with PM and UMNO goons is that they think that Malaysia belongs to them and them only. All the people and the country resources belongs to them. That include all the money Rakyat pay through various taxes. Its about time they should wake up along with the PM.
Just to side track. the oil price is currently at USD 92.36 per barrel, this is the same level as between Oct 07 and Feb 08. Will our petrol goes back to below RM2.00 per liter?
It is time to abandon the wrecked ship of BN and board the rescue ship of PR now!
Threats and ridicule upon the oppressed people are hall mark hobbies of bee n and their cronies
how can these people be so blind and unstable in thought and reasoning when thousands condemn the wrongful arrests. What has motivated the creation and existence of such irrational thinking idiots,
How can so many be wrong ,… these people must be either real blind and deaf or just pure stupid.
Perhaps in these sunsetting days of the Bee end and with the help of high technology, a cure for stupidity be the motivation for all the profeso sorry that bee end has cultivated all these years.
It is the call of duty for these self acclaimed specialeast.
World War III = Limkamput vs Kasim@the coconut head…
“Since you never ask questions or give comments that you do not know the answers, may I know the object of his patriotism?” limkamput
A good lawyer will not ask questions of his or the other side’s witnesses without knowing what the answer would or might be for fear they would lead him to places he doesn’t want to be.
Was that a question?
Ku Li will attend if you call to invite him.
lopez….they are not blind neither they are deaf………. they are evil who has a black heart and only thinking of dark side, …………….
Ha ha ha ha Thanks Justitia Says:
Well said – It will be in my Classic for sure
Today at 22: 51.12 (3 minutes ago)
Let’s not waste our time with Kasim Amat. His sole purpose here is to be a provocation. I like to share some advice from my Caucasian friend. Reacting to people like Kasim is like wrestling with a pig in the mud. After a while, you realize the pig loves it!!
Kasim Amat
whether u like it or not ….
things are changing
if u can’t accept the changes
then there’ll be no space for you in future
why not giving PR a chance to prove themselves as BN has failed miserably
Why are you so afraid of changes ???
Bodowi said that ISA is Ok but .. must ve applied fairly.
Reading between the lines, is he implying that he agrees with Zaid and wrong ed Fatty Syed?
If he thinks so, I’b damn, he is no more in control, Najib and his gangs is.
All this is done to hasten Bodowi resignation right under his nose. I hope he wakes up now, otherwise he will never know what hits him.
I smell rat, it smells like TDM has his hand in the pie.
Don’t expect too much of MSM although they too have changed somewhat.
News items are selected to give whatever spin they hope to convey to the masses.
I agree with the writer who said that Malaysians now want change and even if Anwar fails this time round, the mould has been broken or rather some will say the chains of oppression and racism have snapped and most people now realise that we have been cheated for too long.
# UzMiNoOnist Says:
Today at 22: 53.55 (8 minutes ago)
Just to side track. the oil price is currently at USD 92.36 per barrel, this is the same level as between Oct 07 and Feb 08. Will our petrol goes back to below RM2.00 per liter?
Whatever it is, the price of rice, goods will not drop like that…
and i still paying my roti canai telur 1.50 ….so it is going to reduce to 1.20 after petrol price drops…..
Nobody asked Anwar to set any deadline for him to take over the government but he was just too arrogant and could wait to do it. What a shame now. I would urge all of you not to waste too much time posting in this blog. If you consider yourself a good citizen, then don’t ask what the country has done for you but ask yourself what have you done for the country. Those who kept insulting me any my comments in this blog will face serious consequences eventually. Before I leave, PLEASE DO NOT ASSUME YOU ARE THE GOVERNMENT NOW AND THEREFORE CAN TELL US WHAT TO DO!
We should retain the ISA and abolish legislation like the Printing Presses & Publications Act. The ISA should be amended to allow for safeguards like judicial review and more.
The world is still fighting Islamic religious extremism. We want also to be able to put the looney fringe of our society in detention to await trial.
The new ISA must be renewed every two years by Parliament or repealed if not renewed.
I salute Datuk Zaid Ibrahim for his stand on opposing the ISA law. Malaysia BN politician always compare this law to USA. US only used it for terrrorist which I support fully using this kind of law but not on civilian. Lets free TERESA KOK!!!!!!! Don’t dream that GERAKAN or MCA god will be there supporting as they are all useless person who only acting only by barking on issue recently.
Datuk ZI got my vote for now…only time will tell.
“If you consider yourself a good citizen, then don’t ask what the country has done for you but ask yourself what have you done for the country.” Kasian Amat
Do as I tell you to do, and not as I do??
Kasim@the coconut head….. Faster go back to your planet…. Nobody wants to listen to Alien’s language …..
Limkamput is coming!!! Hahahahaha….. Remember to go back to your planet before 12am…..
“Democracy is a form of government that substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few.”
-George Bernard Shaw
“Each of us is one malaysian
Together we are one malaysia”
Hahahahaha what a joke from a politician
I thought he loves Monggolia more …..
Najib’s 1Malaysia website
mic/mca/gerakan etc, this is the best chance for you to show that you heard what the rakyat want. DO show us your support to free the innocent ISA detainee, you should view them as innocent people and not from DAP/RPK etc.
Have balls, stand up and be counted.
This is the first step toward democracy.
A small step for Zaid out of cabinet, a giant leap for the people of Malaysia.
This is a first step for change we can believe in.
Kasim Amat Says:”If you consider yourself a good citizen, then don’t ask what the country has done for you but ask yourself what have you done for the country. Those who kept insulting me any my comments in this blog will face serious consequences eventually.”
We pay 90% of taxes to feed the non tax payers, got all the bullshits as 2nd class citizens for 50 yrs, intimidated for speaking up or ISAed for mentioning ‘sensitive’ but sensible & truthful comments that ‘hurt’ but educate. The list goes on… but to cut it short here.
So what the country has done for us that U dare to ask us what we have done (more) for the country?
And don’t threaten us, here we are manly enough to shoot comments and be commented, unless we’re no manly at all!
undergrad2: How could you justify the use of isa for the petty use of detaining the so called Islamic religious extremist? IMHO these are just people flexing terror under the disguise of islam,as islam doesnt advocate extremism. Everyone has the right for a free and fair trial regardless if they are terrorist or not.
Kassim Amat: What motivates you? You say your job here is done so i assume,your rhetoric is motivated by money,boy that takes essence,originality and credibility away doesnt it?
Don’t give that Kasim Amat the pleasure of a reply. Another caveman or as the hokkiens say a BTC, Bo Tak Che, an uneducated person. Education is more than just the ability to write and talk cock. There is just no depth in him at all. Therefore he is not worth our time. Best thing to do with a thing like that is just to ignore it.
Yes, ISA is supposed to be used against terrorist. In Malaysia, there is hardly any terrorist so you can’t compare it with the US. In Malaysia where Malay and Muslim are the majority, any action or comments infringing the rights of Muslim and the Malays should be considered as serious as committing an terrorist act. Therefore, ISA needs to be used but it has to be used carefully of course. In the recent incidents, I do not find the ISA to have been abused.
Finally, our MPs have made the right choice to stick to the BN’s family. Congratulation to BN and together, let’s build a better Malaysia for all.
Hi Kasim, I think your comment on the terrorist is interesting. How do you define terrorist? Which school taught you about this weird definition? Are you a politician?
“Kasim Amat Says:
Today at 22: 18.34 (1 hour ago)
Call a spade a spade. Anwar is nothing but a liar. I mentioned countless times that 16 September is a big joke and it could never happen. However, all supporters of PR believed this false hope and carry it with their livings everyday. I can understand how bad the feeling is when some one gave you a fantastic hope and it just diminishes.”
Kasim, let me simplify things for you. The majority of Malaysians are suffering and are so sick of past and present abuses that they are willing to believe any promises for change. So long as there is hope Malaysians will continue what you may term as “dreaming”. If you don’t dream your dreams won’t come true.
Not many here actually believed he has the numbers but we HOPE he has. Not many here can say for sure there will be any changes immediately but we HOPE there will be. Even less of us here believe our Yang Dipertuan Agong will dissolve parliament tomorrow in anticipation of fresh elections but we HOPE His Majesty will.
To most Malaysians, Anwar represents this hope that there can be CHANGE. He dares us to dream that we can be one united people because if you dream hard enough your dreams can come true. It’s a long struggle and Anwar may not be with us all the way. But he dares us to take the first step and he is prepared to lead the way.
This, Sdr Kasim, nobody can take away from Anwar. I wish him and my country all the best.
Kassim Amat
There are 4 types of human in this world.
First is one who walks from darkness to brightness.
The second is one who walks from darkness to darkness.
The third is one who walks from brightness to darkness.
The last is one who walks from brightness to brightness.
Which category do we belong?
tunglang, IMHO you should tone down a bit. This kind of comments are not helpful and causes tension. We have one Kasim and that’s bad enough.
Those who kept insulting me any my comments in this blog will face serious consequences eventually. Before I leave, PLEASE DO NOT ASSUME YOU ARE THE GOVERNMENT NOW AND THEREFORE CAN TELL US WHAT TO DO! coconut head
Owah bukan main, this coconut is getting out of hand. Face serious consequences? You mean spanking you is not enough? What do you need? Lock you up and throw away the key? ISA is most appropriate.
Ya, we are not the government yet. But are you in government now?
Either we are malays,chinese,indians,kadazans or orang asli we are all the same,no one is superior to the other. So try not to portray one race as being the dominant class and those who talk about them are labelled as traitors or should be sentenced to ISA. ISA expired a long time ago it shouldn’t continue,anyways good luck to PR for the coming days :)
Kassim Amat
How do you define democracy? Looking at your answer you have no idea at all otherwise you wouldn’t have talked nonsense.
Your mentality is like the Taliban regime: We are right, you are wrong. You cannot question us. We are holier than you.
This is mentality of “darkness”.
Hi Kasim. I salute you for being naive and stupid. Come to DAP site and try to create trouble with your half past six logic. I think I will send my Primary school son to debate with you. Say when you spar with him can you kindly explain to him why he is not equal to his classmates who are Malays and born in Malaysia in the same year. Can you also explain to him your defination of using ISA fairly. I suppose it will sound something like it is fair if ISA is applied to a reporter of a crime rather the its perpetrator. It is fair if ISA is applied to anyone who you do not like because you know better. On second thought I think I would spare my son the agony of having to communicate with imbecile like yourself. Please go and look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself – this is what a racist look like lol.
Dear PR leaders,
Anyone who is close to AAb or his officers,
Please try to persuade AAB to join PR.I personaly think AAB is a caring person. But (I think) he is under
tremendous pressure. He is fooled by too many of his people.
He is flattered by smarter Bn people.
May be he is being used just as a stamp pad by these smarter BN men.Please have some pity in him over the next 24 hours.
At least give a try.
Just go any two PR leader and meet AAB. 6 to 8 eyes would be good.Remember, we try. It is God who determines.
God controls the mind of ALL people on earth.
God is ABLE to change AAB’s mind.
But, we must try with sincerity.
If failed, first time, give a second try (with different or same PR leaders.)Sincerity + prayers + effort/ hardwork = SUCCESS in persuading AAB/ KHAIRY.
Remember, Zaid said,AAB tried within his constraints to listen and act
on Zaid’s ideas/ reccomendations on judicial reform.
I also think, AAB is a blessing in disguise.
If TDM was still around, by now, all PR MPs would be ISAed.Please try your best to persuade AAB to join PR.
Appoint him as the MENTOR/advisor MINISTER something like in Singapore,
Lee Kuan Yeo.
or Give AAB whatever post he wants in PR except PM and DPM.* Also try to persuade AAB through a PR minded professor,
psychologist, a successful salesperson/ entrepreneur
(like Tony Fernandes), imam, mufti, MP.
TDM is a million times more brutal than AAB.
TDM still has many of his people in AAB’s cabinet. I have instinct, through these peoples,
TDM is trying hard ti ‘kill’ both AAB and DSAI at one go.
Also, many still blindly believes in the ‘charismatic’/ satanic powers of TDM.
new govt must quickly retrieve RPK and Teresa.
who knows, they might become punching bag for frustrated thugs.
if you expect thugs to be rational, think again.
We should not offend Kasim Amat further. He is probably a spy who reports to his boss what is going on in this blog everyday. But in the face of democracy, we should fear no one. Well Kasim, go tell your boss to ban this blog now if you dare!
MCa is asking for the ISA detainess to be freed or tried under existing laws
Wonder if anyone hears them?
They have million members-will they sign the below?
mr kasim,
yeap i hate your post. so what are you going to do now? lock me up? can you reach me in europe? you cant??? what type of power do you have if it doesnt reach here? just merely within your territory? what a shame…
dont try to scare me with this nonsense, yes i am challenging you, cow-ard!
Kasim Amat Says:
Yesterday at 23: 43.10
Yes, ISA is supposed to be used against terrorist. In Malaysia, there is hardly any terrorist so you can’t compare it with the US. In Malaysia where Malay and Muslim are the majority, any action or comments infringing the rights of Muslim and the Malays should be considered as serious as committing an terrorist act. Therefore, ISA needs to be used but it has to be used carefully of course. In the recent incidents, I do not find the ISA to have been abused.
Finally, our MPs have made the right choice to stick to the BN’s family. Congratulation to BN and together, let’s build a better Malaysia for all.
Amat Kesian…you are so pathetic. Bird’s have better brains. So b’cos …..Malay and Muslim are the majority, any action or comments infringing the rights of Muslim and the Malays should be considered as serious as committing an terrorist act. No wonder… no ISA on the racist Ahmad and Toyo etc..etc… What sense is this? You don’t even understand the used of the ISA. Grow up. I feel sorry for you or should I?
john ak singgai Says:
Yesterday at 20: 07.45
Come on, our descendents of the dragon from GERAKAN, MCA and SUPP, so that you have courage, get to the right track now.
*** ***
Are we talking about descendants of the dragon? Some are descendants of the worm. The worm turned … and became a dragon. In their case, the dragon turned … and became a worm.
Zaid Ibrahim’s action was indeed respectable and admired. Malaysia needs more modern and forward thinking leaders like him to bring Malaysia to the next level of success.
UMNO’s policies are irrelevant and backward for today’s sophisticated world.
Please Lah, don’t get Uncle Kit into ISA for what you are doing here.
Malaysia already so difficult without people like Kasim.
Park Lah
ablastine Says:
Today at 00: 19.21 (34 minutes ago)
Hi Kasim. I salute you for being naive and stupid. Come to DAP site and try to create trouble with your half past six logic. I think I will send my Primary school son to debate with you. Say when you spar with him can you kindly explain to him why he is not equal to his classmates who are Malays and born in Malaysia in the same year. Can you also explain to him your defination of using ISA fairly. I suppose it will sound something like it is fair if ISA is applied to a reporter of a crime rather the its perpetrator. It is fair if ISA is applied to anyone who you do not like because you know better. On second thought I think I would spare my son the agony of having to communicate with imbecile like yourself. Please go and look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself – this is what a racist
look like lol.
Please don’t allow your son’s intelligence to be insulted:)
On the darkest month in the history of Malaysia a real true life hero, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim… We Salute U!!!!
Our country need more heros like him and i am so grateful for his service and action.
The current Malaysia politics is a joke!! We are not idiots or a 2 year old who can be fooled easily. Everyone is watching at you (BN) ….from all around the world!
Although 916 is not going to happen but it doesn’t matter. I used to be a BN supporter but not anymore. We all now know very well from the recent incident that MCA is just a bunch of useless puppets! Hopeless.
With loves from London.
The oil price is currently at USD 92.36 per barrel. Don’t worry. the moment DSAI took over PM, the fuel price will for sure go down below RM2.00 per litre. It wouldnt be long. At least it will be Hari Raya present for us to balik Kampong. Next will be Toll price review.
Apai balik kampong by cheap flight to Sarawak before Gawai and proceed by boat to Ulu Baram. Hope next year Gawai we have cheap fuel price again.
Apai says KUNDO to Zaid. Agi Idup Agi Ngelaban.
UMNO youth chief said that it wants those responsible for the hype of the Sept 16 government takeover to be held responsible for wasting the people’s time, it it it does not materialise. He said “In a few hours, you will still find yourself talking to me as the education minister and you would realise how many manhours and months have been wasted on talking about the Sept 16 purported change of government.”
What does he mean by the above statement? He means to say that people have all not been going to work, eating sleeping and fasting. Has everything come to a standstill for months just because of DSAI’s takeover. I thought for BN it was a joke so why now a serious comment. People are as jovial as ever and carrying on their lives, it is the BN people who are shitting in their pants and sweating away and most probably they are shredding all the documents and telling the press and tv that it is a big joke.
Another hero has appeared for us. Datuk Zaid Ibrahim seems to be a man of principle and honour. We hope to see more people like him from MIC but unfortunately none.
Kasim Amat Says:
Yesterday at 23: 06.16
“Nobody asked Anwar to set any deadline for him to take over the government but he was just too arrogant and could wait to do it. What a shame now.”
@ Kesian Amat, You’re truely a Sore loser, hahaa! Your born to be loser u know?…
As for you loser, I really loves responding by kicking ur retarded Ass… amat “Kesian”… lol!….
Most important is Teresa Kok must recovers from her strong and healthy.
I suspect they purposely give her bad food!!
But it’s OK.
Treat it…as in times of war…eat whatever given..with a positive and strong mind.
It will not kill her.
She should feel so proud and happy…her party leaders and others from different parties…. all sincerely concern and doing everything …to get her released.
I have a strange feeling….she and RPK will be released soon.
Layman …like me…can only offer prayers.. for both of them.
What can we do…but pray.
The recent use of the ISA has plunged Malaysia into the Dark Ages once again.
Kasim Amat, you must be a very successful hybrid between an idiot and a moron. They call the product cretins.
When you talk, please talk. Don;t fart. It stinks!
A..kawan kawan sekalian. …ignore that Kasim. Don’t get Uncle Lim into trouble. That Kasim is just another big beneficiary when BN is in power. Kalau BN tiada, rugilah dia tu. That’s why he is so curious or nervous of the process of changing power. Dia tunggu, tunggu and tunggu…lega rasanya as nothing happen in 916. Before he agrees to ISA I wonder he has the brain to think or put himself in others’ shoes before his mouth opens. I wish I could reply to all his claim but tak mahu lah. Nanti blog owner ni kenak trouble. Mampus and kecuh lah Malaysia if all Malaysian macam Kasim ni.
Best wishes to Malaysia – Alhamdulillah
All political leaders should review the need to abolish the original ISA, meant to curb activities threatening national security, which had been drafted during the old communists days.
There have been signs this act being abused by the ruling coalition and enforcement agency to suppress the opposition voice in the name of national security threat, while upholding the government in power. Human rights are violated, with MP being first detained and isolated from outside world, without examining the truthful facts.
The whole process is not transparent:
1. Who ordered the ISA arrests? Police head, home minister, politician? Bad influence involved?
2. Why the home minister said he left it to the police to take action, without substantiating the charges first? And the charges are released days later, not immediately?
3. Why robbing the detainees the freedom first, before ascertaining the evidence and facts? Do we act beased on one-sided accusations? We are not witchhunting and blaming the scapegoats, are we?
4. Is the detainee receiving sufficient medical attention when needed? Is the personal hygiene being addressed? Is the detention cell free from disturbing insects and mosquitoes? There is no visibility from the outside world.
5. Are the detainees criminals? The MP and journalists may be the good citizens who are able to contribute to the well-being of the nation.
Something is not right here. No wonder the de facto law minister has already resigned.
If DSAI fear for commitment no one would support him, even he misses the deadline to fight agains the BN crooks for 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times, we still supports him as long as he kept fighting, thats the virtue being CHAMPIONS!
Guys, on the brighter side Kasim Amat does add colour to Uncle Kit’s blog.
It’s great and amusing to see how swiftly & brilliantly we Pakatan supporters attack this poor fella.
He is of “value” to us, keeps us awake with his silly antics therefore it is beneficial to keep him here to entertain us.
Yes, ‘IloveDAPforever’ I agree with you. It is very amusing to look at some of Kasim’s silly comments. Definitely very entertaining. Prove that we are a lot more mature and educated than him/her. Ha…
The journey of a 1,000 miles begin with ONE STEP.
I hope more MPs would take as opportunity to call for repeal of ISA. Datuk Zaid has made a great impression of himself by sticking to his principle.
Don’t let that Kasim Amat thing dragged you into arguing about politically sensitive issues. He is leading you on to things that may cause hurt to this Uncle Lim’s blog and to yourself. Ignore that thing and I repeat below my message posted yesterday.
“Don’t give that Kasim Amat the pleasure of a reply. Another caveman or as the hokkiens say a BTC, Bo Tak Che, an uneducated person. Education is more than just the ability to write and talk cock. There is just no depth in him at all. Therefore he is not worth our time. Best thing to do with a thing like that is just to ignore it.”
His greatest pleasure is to drag you into the mud. Just ignore him. That thing or whatever which is beyond redemption which is just not worth our time and effort.
Can someone confirm to me whether YB Teresa Kok is:
a hard-core remnant of the 3rd batalion of Chin Peng’s Sadao-based bintang tiga?;
an underlink to the Taliban/Mujahideen freedom fighters’ caucus in Afghanistan?;
a staunch supporter of Hizbollah in Beirut?;
a special agent/mercenary who knows how to ignite C4 explosives at the back of her palms?;
an dangerous black market arms dealer from the Kazakhstan mountains?;
an underworld staunch disciple of Ayah Pin’s sky kingdom? Anyone, please.
OK HB Lim – you are right, why give that retard the pleasure..
Stay united,mates. God bless Malaysia and may Teresa & RPK be well and strong.
Following the arrest of Sin Chew reporter Tan Hoon Cheng, I received the following reports:
1. My neighbour who suspects that her husband is having an affair has reported and requested the police to place him under ISA for his own personal safety.
2. My father whose cat frequently fights with strays has appealed to the authority to place her under ISA for her own safety.
4. My 84 year old grandma who slipped and fell has requested the Home Minister to place her under ISA as she now fears to walk.
5. My colleague who had a nightmare (dreamt about a duck with fangs chasing him around his house) is convinced that only ISA could protect him from harms way.
6. Knickerbox, the famous lingerie shop has requested some of their lastest designs to be ‘detained’ under ISA. According to the spokesman there could not be a better place to store them for their own personal safety.
7. My sister who considers her 10 year old Kancil as a collector’s item (garbage collector I presume) has requested the police to detain it under ISA.
8. I have personally requested the poloce to detain me under ISA as I could make enormous savings in insurance and utility bills.
kayangsari Says:
Today at 03: 28.35 (1 hour ago)
Can someone confirm to me whether YB Teresa Kok is:
a hard-core remnant of the 3rd batalion of Chin Peng’s Sadao-based bintang tiga?;
an underlink to the Taliban/Mujahideen freedom fighters’ caucus in Afghanistan?;
a staunch supporter of Hizbollah in Beirut?;
a special agent/mercenary who knows how to ignite C4 explosives at the back of her palms?;
an dangerous black market arms dealer from the Kazakhstan mountains?;
an underworld staunch disciple of Ayah Pin’s sky kingdom? Anyone, please.
She is not anyone of the above, that’s why she was arrested!
If only the majority of the cabinet are like Datuk Zaid Ibrahim we will have a better Malaysia. Look at the Khir guy still running around when he basically played the race and religion card. Where is he at home and with his family. MP Kok is in jail because but the people like Khir and Utusan Malaysia.
Make sure the judgement is 30 billion and donate 29 billion to hire better teachers not cronise of UMNO to teach our kids.
Waaaahaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy to go Mr Zaid Ibrahim!!
And Happy Malaysia Day to you!
It is OK to try your best to do something good, but fail.
That is not failure.
Failure is when you rationalise and do not try to do anything at all!
Well talk about credibility.
PM said he is not going to dissolve parliament, and then dissolved it the next day.
PM said after elections no petrol price increase until September, and then increased it by a staggering sum in July.
PM said monthly petrol price adjustment, and then dropped it by 15 sen before one month was up.
PM said Dont work for me, but work with me, but then he only sleeps.
PM said going to catch the corrupt ones, but all the big fish still swimming free.
Want to talk some more about credibility?
He dropped it by 15 sen before the Permatang Pauh elections, but said its not because of Anwar.
He said Anwar does not have the numbers, yet 16th Sept is a major target date for UMNO/PM…..why ah?
HE has not been governiing and leading the country, but been busy politicking. And rakyat are sick of it. But umno is not even aware of it…….sigh!
By Farish A Noor
Cocooned from the realities of a society that has experienced large-scale and even traumatic changes, the Badawi government proved itself to be totally dislocated and clueless over what was happening.
In time, historians like myself will have to take up our pens and write the political obituary of Prime Minister Badawi. The portrait will not be a pretty one: While this ‘man of the people’ was surrounded by a closed circle of relatives and family friends who were his confidants, Badawi seemed totally oblivious to the fate of millions of ordinary Malaysians who had to endure five years of his lacklustre non-leadership.
PM of all Malaysians, but dont care what happened to the Hindus.
He Said finally he hears their plight, but until now nothing done.
Rakyat voted one of the Hindraf 5 to Parliament, but PM does not hear the voice of the rakyat! Which is the highest court in Malaysia? Its not our federal or appeals court. Its the want of the rakyat.
Our so called leaders had failed the ordinary people.
We have racists, bigots and bullies in position of trust, power and influence who could not trace back 3 generations, calling citizens of Malaysia who have contributed for more than 6 – 8 generations ” pendatang ” and ” penumpang “.
Malaysia Insider “Pak Lah challenges DSAI to name names”?
While the whole world knows he’s under pressure both from within and beyond, he’s answer is “Why should I be under pressure?”
It prove 2 things.
1. “Tomorrow begins tonite” and everyday is night to him. Still sleeping ZZZzzzzzzzz.
2. He’s looks, sounds like cool.. but is not cool. It’s cold, like a dead corpse who’s senses are detached from body. Thats why he still says the I#A is good!!
Poor Pak Lah, somehow – I like him if not for his croonies, because he’s just not the SAME as the rest in politics? He’s like a square pack fitting into a round hole?
Today is another Fresh day to all Malaysian cos the D-Day we all know may materialize sooner or later.
I do pray and hope Teresa Kok and Raja Petra will be set FREE. The voice of ‘Rakyat’ wanted you to do that, YES.
Reading what Datuk Zaid say in Sun newspaper today that he will not disappear from here on is encouraging, and instead will continue to fight for justice for ALL MALAYSIAN. This piece of news is very encouraging and we MALAYSIAN really need this towering FELLOW MALAYSIAN to make MALAYSIA for ALL MALAYSIAN. We hope Datuk Zaid will continue to serve the people based on his political principle. We thank God that we still have people like Datuk Zaid and so many other like him who seriously want to change Malaysia for a better country.
Badawi though not a capable leader and is not a ruthless leader. He just lost control of the governments. Just too many Ahmad Ismail/Mathathir like racist leaders in UMNO and he can’t go against them, (religion and race who can fight that?) his hands are tied as the saying goes, else he will be oust sooner. Same like Zaid Ibrahim, he says that he fails. But it was the rotten systems in UMNO not him. That is why he is out.
And come to think of it, God put Badawi there for a purpose. Without him Pakatan would not have achieve this much. Just think about it. Once an Orang Asli church (wooden one) was demolished by the authority because of “permit” issue etc….. When this was brought up to him by Wong Kin Kong of NECF, Abdullah was so angry that he immediately picks up the phone and called the officials to reprimand them. “Why did you tear down the church? Who authorized it? I want the church to be rebuilt at our expenses.. And where once stood a wooden church now stand a brick church. Okay a side track, but just a though that God’s work in a mysterious way. There is still a sense of uprightness in him. His big liability is his stupid son in law.
And yes, we need to pray for Teresa Kok and RPK to be released soon and charge in an open court. In the court of law everything will be reveals.
Anti-Monarchy, don’t you know what they say about “leaving the poison for others”? They do not even believe in what they are doing. They only do unto others what they do not do to their own children – feeding them with poison!
Besides, the grass is always greener on the other side and their children are sent overseas on taxpayers’ “scholarship” money! Indirectly, they are admitting their incapabilities and calling the rakyat SUCKERS – get local education at the lowest quality while my children, the elites, go overseas at your expense for world-class education!
What a disgrace as the MINISTER OF EDUCATION! Perhaps he should start educating himself first – remember KEPIMPINAN MELALUI TELADAN?
“ZAID IBRAHIM” , I salute you SIR! Never in my wildest dreams had I thought I would be SALUTING a BN Minister now an ex-Minister. You are a man of principle which I can say 99.99% lacks in most of the BN MP’s, if not all!!!!. Despite the riches, fame and power you could get by being a BN Minister which is the main cause for the deterioration of all BN MPs, you have shown all Malaysians that there is still justices!!
You have reached the ranks of DSAI by resigning from the draconian style of government lead by BN!!! I pray to GOD there would be more people like you leaving BN !!! Wake up BN MPs !!! Life is short! it is not what you have earned that will take you to God but what good you have done for the people that will see you through!!!!
The issue of Teresa Kok’s arrest is NOT about security or religion even politics. Its about DECENCY – plain simple human right and wrong. Someone lied, someone got the facts wrong and someone acted wrongly out of weakness. The excuses are not flimsy, its a lie and everyone knows that even the cowards who have perpetrated it. They just won’t admit it.
The fact is Teresa Kok did not do the the things they said they did. The fact is quite a few people lied about it. The fact of the matter is the excuses given by the different parties from the PM to the home minister to the police does not even sound like they are convince of the reason for it sounding apologetic with errors. Even the second reason supposedly about Jawi writing on street signs they got it wrong. She did not oppose the Jawi writing on street signs, she just said that Jawi is not part of our Malaysian language and furthermore Chinese and Tamil should be put first if Jawi is.
This is about being on a slippery slopes of lies because those responsible are too weak to stand up for the truth and decency. Not race, religion, security or even politics.
Well Zaid Ibrahim you are a very brave man.
We need more true malays like you.
Being a Lawyer himself, he knows the laws best. He made the right decision but our sleepy head is still sleeping!
I just want to say one more thing.
Zaid Ibrahim is wrong. He is a hero – A hero to Malays and to all races. You more than prove your point that you can champion your race with what you do and not only not a bigot but just to all races too.
Enuff of self-elation and glorification!
As long as the BN remain in control of the Fed Government, nothing significant has changed politically.
Everything else remains talk, talk, talk. And talk is cheap.
Teresa is quite wrong about Jawi. She may have misunderstood the position of Jawi and confused it with Arabic which is used in the Quran. Jawi IS a Malaysian Language and is 100% original Bahasa Melayu.
Had it not been due to the British invasion of Malaya, Bahasa Melayu today would still be written in Jawi. It was romanized for the convenience of the British!
Teresa should have put her argument on Jawi by saying that it is redundant as what is written in Jawi is exactly the same as what is written in romanized Malay! Anyone who is able to read Jawi would know that what is written in Jawi on road signs is exactly the same as what is written in “Rumi” on the same signs!
Correct me if I am wrong on Jawi, Jawi is a form of alphabet use to write BM before using Roman alphabet, it come from Jawa, where Jawanese borrow it from the Arab earlier to write Jawanese languages (more than 1 type). So it actually originate from the Arab.
What we are having here, is not Arabic, but just using the Jawi (or Arabic) script to write BM.
BM was romanized for a few reasons, for convenience of British (also the western ppl, like Dutch), for more accuracy on vowel sound for BM (Arab scrpit have only 3 basic vowels–not enough for BM), also easier for local Malay to learn English.
Can others give more reasons?
Irrespective of race and religion, Datuk Zaid is a fine example of Towering Malaysians. Malaysians who dare to stand above the cronies for the sake of the nation and future generation.
Not like those blind followers yes-men self-proclaimed defender of own race who rob, snatch, squander and rape the nation into oblivion.
I must praise YB Kit for inaugurating this Parliamentary Caucus.
For all we know not many MPs are aware of the meaning of “caucus” much less its uses and function as a mechanism to give more vivid expression to the concept of Parliamentary supremacy and separation of powers.
Well, such a caucus drawing on non partisan participation of MPs welded together via a common important agenda of national interest and implications like the use of ISA should specially send an invitation via phone, fax, email, desptach to Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar.
Great, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim attends but that is preaching the evils if ISA to the converted who has already resigned as minister over its abuse.
The Caucus should struggle for Hamid’s soul – or at least his understanding that :
1. The ISA is best sent to dustbin of legislative history;
2. And if allowed to remain, should be invoked in limited against against only terrorists and subversives bent on creating chaos, violence and public disorder;
3. That before ISA invoked, police ought to have made investigations and the determination that chaos, violence and public disorder are reasonably likely occur if preventive detention of those brewing it is not otherwise ordered;
4. that investigations referred to in 3. ought to have been launched prior to ISA invocation – and not the other way around, after ISA is invoked curbing a citizen’s liberty to facilitate investigations of 60 days whether or not there will be a reasonable cause to suspect and fear public disorder and the one detained is reponsible for that – and to release the detainee if investigations show no culpability as in reporter Tan’s case.
Investigations should be conducted before ISA in justification of its invocation – rather than ISA being used to facilitate investigation, which is putting the cart before the horse.
Hamid as lawyer should understand. He should be invited so that Lawyer Zaid could discuss and refresh his understanding of how the legal process should proceed.Otherwise Hamid still thinks ISA is for the detainee’s protection against harm from those bent on creating public disorder, the real target of ISA.
A similar situation for Turkish language, they were using Arab script, then change to Roman script, (maybe for similar reasons)
To those blind followers yes-men self-proclaimed defender of own race who rob, snatch, squander and rape the nation into oblivion,
please STOP using Race and Religion as an excuse for your own propagandas.
The rakyat have enough nonsense from you bunch of robbers and theifs. We want to see this nation progress into first class nation where all can sit at the same level as we develop this country to compete against the world. This nation has no place for robbers and thiefs like you B-End.
ex-selangor chief minister’s english are poor, cannot read english properly
Dear Voters,
Open your eyes and see how many MCA/Gerakan fellows will walk the talk this time round.
A test for all of them in order for you to decide where to throw your votes in the coming days.
A test that will help you determine Good Trees and Bad Trees. Time to chop off Bad Trees and start planting Good Trees for this nation.
Open Letter to the Minister for Internal Security and Home Affairs – YB Datuk Syed Hamid Albar
September 15, 2008
YB Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar
Kementerian Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri, Malaysia
Blok D2, Parcel D
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan
62546 Putrajaya
YB Datuk Seri,
Administrative detentions without trial of:
Raja Petra Kamaruddin – blogger
Tan Hoon Cheng – journalist
Teresa Kok – Member of Parliament and State Legislative Councilor
The arrests and detentions without trial and the circumstances leading to the same of the abovenamed three under the Internal Security Act 1960 (ISA) on Sept. 12, 2008 are a source of grave concern for the rule of law and democratic values in Malaysia. All three are reported to have been detained under Section 73 (1) of the Act for purposes for police inquiry on grounds that there were reasonable cause to believe that they were acting in a manner prejudicial to the security of Malaysia. Under the same Act they can be detained for 60 days thereafter you as Minister could sign a detention order for further detention up to 2 years which could further be renewed. All such detentions are without trial and without any form of judicial supervision.
A further cause for concern is over the show cause letters sent to three newspapers by your Ministry to explain within one week for manipulation of sensitive issues, reporting a racially sensitive statement made by a politician belonging to the dominant political party currently in control of the government and for reporting that the present Inspector General of Police had been “paralysed” after undergoing a bypass surgery. Those notices were served on the newspapers under the Printing Presses and Publication Act 1984, a legislation for annual licensing of newspapers by the Executive.
Obviously if their explanations are not found satisfactory by you the annual licenses issued for these newspapers would be revoked. The decision to revoke is final and under the Act cannot be questioned “by any court or any ground whatsoever”. Service of such notices leaves a chilling effect on freedom of the press.
With regard to the arrests and detentions in the case of Raja Petra Kamaruddin, there are two charges for sedition and criminal defamation pending against him for the very news items posted in his blog. Without awaiting the trials on these charges detaining him administratively would be seen as interfering into the due process of the court and prejudging the criminal charges and could amount to contempt of court. Such detention could also be seen as preventing him from adequately preparing his defences to the two criminal charges.
In the case of journalist, Tan Hoon Cheng, though it is a relieve that she has since been released after 18 hours of detention yet to subject her to such arrest and detention under the ISA for having recorded and reported accurately in the newspaper what is now alleged to be sensitive is beyond belief. What is of serious concern was the person who uttered the alleged sensitive remark, Datuk Ahmad Ismail, is currently under investigation for sedition. To date, it is reported that the police had not completed their investigations. Yet how in the interim the journalist who reported could be a threat to the security of the State is most puzzling. How did the police come to believe that she could be a threat to State security when the investigations were incomplete? Your clarification at your press conference on Sept. 13 that she was detained partly because of “alleged threats on her personal safety” is untenable. A country where the government has been resisting legislation to provide whistle blowers protection could resort to arbitrary detention under such a draconian legislation to provide such protection is shocking indeed.
Why the journalist who merely recorded and reported the statement was subjected to such detention when the person who uttered the statement is still not charged under the Sedition Act is yet to be explained. Your contention is that Datuk Ahmad has been suspended for three years from his political party meant that action has been taken against him. This is most unsatisfactory. The suspension from his political party was an internal party procedure. No action as yet has been taken against Datuk Ahmad by the State for an offence against the State. In any event the fact that UMNO (the political party) suspended him must necessarily mean that what she reported was true and correct.
In the case of Member of Parliament, Teresa Kok’s detention, you were reported to have said in the press conference that “She started a very sensitive issue with the question of the ‘azan’ and it should be stopped”. She vehemently denied these allegations from the beginning and from media reports of various persons including the mosques concerned there appears abundance of evidence to support her denial. Yet todate no action seems to have been taken against the former Chief Minister of the State of Selangor, Khir Toyo, who lost his seat and his government in the March 8, general elections. It was he who made the allegations against her which were reported in a vernacular newspaper. Should he not be investigated for the offence of false news under Section 8(A) of the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984 if not detained under the ISA?
The newspaper which originally published the news too may have committed the same offence. It is learnt that a police report has been lodged against Khir Toyo. What is the state of the investigations? Why detain Teresa Kok in the interim?
These latest developments are reminiscent of what happened in Malaysia in 1987 when 106 were detained under this draconian legislation and four newspapers banned. Those detentions led in the following year to the government’s assault on the independent judiciary. It is also reminiscent of how internal dissensions within the dominant political party in power spilled over to violations of human rights and fundamental liberties and rule of law in the nation with the guardian of these values namely the judiciary severely damaged and still not recovered.
There is something most unsettling over the conduct of the police on the investigations of the police reports lodged and the selectivism applied in the actions taken thus far.
As I mentioned in my earlier letter addressed to you on March 24, 2008 regarding the continued detention of the five Hindraf leaders under the ISA detention without trial offend the first principle of the rule of law.
I urge you to without delay take appropriate action to release Raja Petra and Teresa Kok from detention. I also urge you to withdraw the three show cause notices served on the newspapers
I am copying this letter to the Chairperson of the UN Human Rights Council, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Secretary General of the Commonwealth in which bodies Malaysia is much involved. It is to bring to their attention the fragility of the rule of law in Malaysia and how it is deteriorating. With these developments Malaysia’s role in these bodies is tenuous. I hope Malaysia is called upon to account for the violation of the rule of law, human rights and democratic values before these bodies. The Malaysian government must be ashamed of itself. The developments must be a source of embarrassment to YB Dato Seri Mohd Shafie Aqbal who only in August was elected Chair of the EXCO of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.
Yours sincerely,
Dato’ Param Cumaraswamy
(former UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges & Lawyers)
Zaid Ibrahim is truly a man of principles. He also has charity in his heart, having been named one of Forbes Asia Heroes of Philanthropy for his Kelantan Foundation for the Disabled. To get a better understanding of his stance and a glimpse into the integrity of his character, I recommend reading Zaid Ibrahim’s book “In Good Faith: Articles, essays and interviews”, published last year if I’m no mistaken.
It is written in layman’s language by a true patriot, about more transparency and freedom of expression before Malaysians can truly think independently.
I love the idea of inviting Syed Albar to the caucus. In fact all those in favor the arrest of Teresa Kok should be challenged to show up to defend themselves…
Kasim Amat Says:
Yesterday at 23: 43.10
… In Malaysia where Malay and Muslim are the majority, any action or comments infringing the rights of Muslim and the Malays should be considered as serious as committing an terrorist act. ….
REPLY: carries multiple definitions of terrorism, such as:
1. “the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce …”
2. “the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism …”
3. “a terroristic method of governing …”
To me, I find that:
1. Teresa Kok is not violent.
2. Teresa Kok did not use threats to intimidate or coerce.
3. Teresa Kok did not create a state of fear and submission.
4. Teresa Kok did not govern using terrorism.
By all common sense and decency, no one in their right mind finds Teresa Kok a terrorist threat.
So, please explain clearly and precisely how Teresa Kok’s action and statement equals terrorism?
As for your own twisted definition of terrorism, sorry, but it’s not in the Dictionary!
Don’t try to label Black as White when everyone here knows Black isn’t White!
Kasim Amat Says:
Yesterday at 21: 33.49
Zaid Ibrahim is not fit to be a Minister as he failed to defend government’s action and I would say he did not understand his own responsibilities at all. He is a Minister of Law but does not understand the Law. UMNO does not need him if he is so afraid of using ISA. One must understand that ISA is by no mean a crime by itself and the key is how you use it. The government has used it at the appropriate time to remove threats and prevent further social disability. All races must respect each other and should be sensible in making comment about each other’s culture, and not forgetting the special rights accorded to the Malays under the Constitutions. If these rights are being threatened, then the person responsible must be taken to task. We should not let event like 13 May happen again. Zaid, I wish you all the best.
REPLY: Zaid Ibrahim is THE BEST Minister as he RIGHTLY CRITICIZED government’s action and I would say he FULLY understand his own responsibilities. He is a Minister of Law AND does understand the Law. MALAYSIANS need him SINCE he KNOWS THE PITFALLS OF ISA. One must understand that ISA is by no mean a crime by itself and the key is how you use it. The government has used it at the appropriate time to remove threats and prevent further social disability. All races must respect each other and should be sensible in making comment about each other’s culture, and not forgetting the special POSITION accorded to the Malays under the Constitutions. If CONSTITUTION IS being threatened, then the person responsible must be taken to task. We should not let event like 13 May happen again. Zaid, I wish you all the best.
Kasim Amat Says:
Yesterday at 22: 18.34
Call a spade a spade. Anwar is nothing but a liar. I mentioned countless times that 16 September is a big joke and it could never happen. However, all supporters of PR believed this false hope and carry it with their livings everyday. I can understand how bad the feeling is when some one gave you a fantastic hope and it just diminishes. This is the reality of life. UMNO will never fall so as BN. Anwar had failed all of you terribly and most importantly he had lost the trust and confidence of the people. Therefore, call a spade a spade is what I can summarise from today.
Mr Khairy is laughing aloud because someone has lost the bet miserably. What is Anwar going to do? Is he going to resign as agreed? I don’t think so.
REPLY: Call a spade a spade. Anwar is ATTEMPTING TO DO WHAT NO ONE ELSE HAS SUCCESSFULLY DONE IN THE PAST 51 YEARS SINCE MERDEKA! I mentioned countless times that 16 September is a TARGET and AT THIS POINT IN TIME, WE STILL DON’T KNOW WHETHER it could OR COULD NOT happen. However, all supporters of PR believed this TRUE AND GENUINE hope and carry it with their livings everyday. I can understand how ENVIGORATING the feeling is when some one gave you a fantastic hope and it IS HAPPENING. This is the reality of life. UMNO will fall so as BN. Anwar GIVES WONDERFUL HOPE TO all MALAYSIANS and most importantly he HAS the trust and confidence of the people. Therefore, call a spade a spade is what I can summarise from today.
Mr Khairy is TREMBLING IN FEAR because someone IS GOING TO LOSE the bet miserably. What is KHAIRY going to do? Is he going to RUN AWAY? I think so.
I really enjoy reading Kasim Amat’s postings.
On the contrary, we should reply to his illogical statements.
His allegations are just that – empty allegations.
His quick judgements are just that – quick unsubstantiated judgements.
His calling Black as White are just that – empty labels meant solely to mislead.
So, what is there to be afraid of when we speaks the truth?
For the truth shall sets us free!
Happy Merdeka!
we salute you Datuk Zaid…man with principal and integrity…brave man..well done…
ktteokt Says:
Today at 08: 29.13 (5 hours ago)
Anti-Monarchy, don’t you know what they say about “leaving the poison for others”? They do not even believe in what they are doing. They only do unto others what they do not do to their own children – feeding them with poison!
Besides, the grass is always greener on the other side and their children are sent overseas on taxpayers’ “scholarship” money! Indirectly, they are admitting their incapabilities and calling the rakyat SUCKERS – get local education at the lowest quality while my children, the elites, go overseas at your expense for world-class education!
What a disgrace as the MINISTER OF EDUCATION! Perhaps he should start educating himself first – remember KEPIMPINAN MELALUI TELADAN
You are right!
Well Done Senator Zaid Ibrahim. U have done something which benefit our country and all malaysian citizens. And U r performing much better than all other BN chinese component parties leaders and UMNO leaders. Some of them are acted like extremist and some of others are responded cowardly and placed self interest in front of everthing.
To Kasim Amat…..
For me u are a stupid terrorist. So u should be arrested under ISA for whole life without referring your case to court. Nobody will be allowed to visit u in lock up except monkeys.
Just look at the different between Zaid and Ahmad. One said and done something and respected by all Malaysians while the other gone hiding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SAPP has the backbone to pull out of BN. As for MCA/MIC/Gerakan they are selfish and spineless lot. They only care for themselves. Just look at the “Free MP Teresa Parliamentary Caucus” campaign.
None of these spineless guys attended and support their release from ISA.
That goes to show the type of bums representing our rakyat.
I hope the East Malaysian people realise that SAPP action is for their own good.
I wish SAPP and their leaders the best for the future.
I have to repeat again that I have full respect for Zaid and appreciate what he has tried to do for the country.
Now on his own, I know he will try and do something good for the country especially on racial and religious issues which are tearing the country apart now. I can be sure the rakyat will support him all the way irrespective.